November 2017, E. Eisbrenner ( or This directory contains all data which was incorporated in the master's thesis "On the Influence of Variable Bottom Topography on the Large Scale Ocean Circulation" by Ezra Eisbrenner. The thesis text can be found at -- This directory is ordered as follows (a list with simple experiment descriptions is added at the end of the readme): Base level - 'Eisbrenner (MSc Thesis 2017)': - Directories are named after the experiments as referenced in the thesis text, e.g. E1_1, the first experiment. - Or if found only in the thesis' appendix with the prefix 'app_', e.g. app_h73. In each directory, e.g. E1_1, are NetCDF files with the standard NEMO version 3.4 (Madec, 2008) model output, for the various grids (T, U, V, W) and for each iteration of the experiment. Each file follows the naming convention of '', e.g. E1_1/ is the second T-grid file of E1-1 starting at the 3369600‘th time step and ending at the 6739200‘th time step of the whole experiment. Each file contains 65 years of model data with a writing frequency of four (4) month. -- More information is available at (not public, i.e. only GEOMAR-intern): The git-repository contains all information needed to reproduce the thesis results and experiments as well as additional experiments. The information includes namelists, boundary condition and forcing fields as well as compiler information and more. -- References: Holland, W. R. (1973). Baroclinic and topographic influences on the transport in western boundary currents. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 4(1), 187-210. Madec, G. (2008). NEMO ocean engine. Note du Pôle de modélisation, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), (27), 1288-1619. -- Experiment-List (for details see the thesis text): E1_1, E2_1: Single and double hemisphere experiment with a flat bottom. E1_2, E2_2: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western boundary continental margin. E1_3, E2_3: Single and double hemisphere experiment with mid-oceanic ridge. E1_4, E2_4: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western boundary continental margin and mid-oceanic ridge. E1_5, E2_5: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western and eastern boundary continental margin. E1_6, E2_6: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western, eastern and northern boundary continental margin, in the case of the double hemisphere experiment also a southern boundary continental margin. E1_7, E2_7: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western, eastern, northern boundary continental margin and mid-oceanic ridge, in the case of the double hemisphere experiment also a southern boundary continental margin. E1_8, E2_8: Single and double hemisphere experiment with western, eastern, northern boundary continental margin, mid-oceanic ridge, and Labrador see (land area reaching into the ocean between the subtropical gyre and the subpolar gyre), in the case of the double hemisphere experiment also a southern boundary continental margin. E1_3h: As E1_3 but with homogeneous temperature and salinity, both as initial condition and restoring/forcing. E2_5h: As E2_5 but with homogeneous temperature and salinity, both as initial condition and restoring/forcing. AC_1: Double hemisphere experiment with continental margins along all boundaries, mid-oceanic ridge, labrador see (as described prior, for E1_8, E2_8) and a cyclic boundary condition in the southern hemisphere representing the circumpolar current. AC_2: Double hemisphere experiment with continental margins along all boundaries, mid-oceanic ridge, labrador see (as described prior, for E1_8, E2_8), a cyclic boundary condition in the southern hemisphere representing the circumpolar current and a Nordic Seas basin to the north of the model domain with two openings. app_een: Single hemisphere and 3-degree horizontal resolution experiment with a flat bottom and the energy-enstrophy-conserving advection scheme as available in NEMO version 3.4 (Madec, 2008). app_ene: As app_een but with energy-conserving advection scheme as available in NEMO version 3.4 (Madec, 2008). app_h73: Reconstruction of the variable bottom topography as shown in Holland (1973), see experiment E3 in Holland (1973). app_h73h: As app_h73 but with homogeneous temperature and salinity, both as initial condition and restoring/forcing, see experiment E2 in Holland (1973).