! source file: /Users/oschlies/UVIC/master/testcase/updates/diag.h !====================== include file "diag.h" ========================== ! variables used for computing diagnostics: ! tcella = "t" cell surface area cm**2 (entire ocean) ! ucella = "u" cell surface area cm**2 (entire ocean) ! tcellv = "t" cell volume cm**3 (entire ocean) ! ucellv = "u" cell volume cm**3 (entire ocean) common /cdiag/ tcellv, ucellv, tcella(km), ucella(km) ! ektot = "total" kinetic energy per unit volume at "tau". units ! ergs/cm**3 = dyn/cm**2 = g/cm/sec**2 = 10**-7 J/cm**3. ! ektot is the "total" ke in the sense that it considers ! both the internal and external modes summed over the ! entire ocean volume. The contributions of ! vertical motions are neglected on the basis of scaling ! arguments (i.e., w**2 << (u**2 + v**2). ! dtabs = absolute value of rate of change of tracer per unit ! volume centered at "tau" ! tbar = first moment of tracer at "tau" ! travar = variance = second moment of tracer about mean at "tau" ! isot1 = starting i index of section 1 for max/min overturning ! ieot1 = ending i index of section 1 for max/min overturning ! isot2 = starting i index of section 2 for max/min overturning ! ieot2 = ending i index of section 2 for max/min overturning ! jsot = starting j index for max/min overturning ! jeot = ending j index for max/min overturning ! ksot = starting k index for max/min overturning ! keot = ending k index for max/min overturning ! mrot = regional mask region for max/min overturning ! v_otsf = velocity field for calculating max/min overturning ! t_slh = tracer fields for calculating seal level height common /cdiag/ ektot(0:km,jmt), dtabs(0:km,nt,jmt) common /cdiag/ travar(0:km,nt,jmt), tbar(0:km,nt,jmt) common /cdiagi/ isot1, ieot1, isot2, ieot2, jsot, jeot common /cdiagi/ ksot, keot, mrot common /cdiagi/ nv_otsf common /cdiag/ v_otsf(jmt,km) common /cdiagi/ nt_slh common /cdiag/ t_slh(2:imtm1,2:jmtm1,km,2) ! ntatio = number of time averaged time step integrals ! tai_ek = average integrated kinetic energy ! tai_t = average integrated temperature ! tai_s = average integrated salinity ! tai_tvar = average integrated second moment of temperature ! tai_svar = average integrated second moment of salinity ! tai_dt = average integrated rate of change of temperature ! tai_ds = average integrated rate of change of salinity ! tai_scan = average scans for ocean solver ! tai_otmax = average maximum overturning ! tai_otmin = average minimum overturning ! tai_slh = average integrated sea level height ! tai_hflx = average heat flux ! tai_sflx = average salt flux ! tai_dic = average carbon ! tai_dicflx = average carbon flux ! tai_alk = average alkalinity ! tai_o2 = average oxygen ! tai_o2flx = average oxygen flux ! tai_n2o = average N2O ! tai_n2oflx = average N2O flux ! tai_abioto2 = average abiotO2 ! tai_abioto2flx = average abiotO2 flux ! tai_prefo2 = average prefO2 ! tai_prefpo4 = average prefPO4 ! tai_prefno3 = average prefNO3 ! tai_po4 = average phosphate ! tai_p = average phytoplankton ! tai_z = average zooplankton ! tai_d = average detritus ! tai_no3 = average nitrate ! tai_di = average diazotrophs ! tai_c14 = average carbon 14 ! tai_dc14 = average delta carbon 14 ! tai_c14flx = average carbon 14 flux ! tai_cfc11 = average CFC11 ! tai_cfc11flx = average CFC11 flux ! tai_cfc12 = average CFC12 ! tai_cfc12flx = average CFC12 flux common /cdiagi/ ntatio common /cdiag/ tai_ek, tai_t, tai_s, tai_tvar, tai_svar, tai_dt common /cdiag/ tai_ds, tai_scan, tai_otmax, tai_otmin, tai_slh common /cdiag/ tai_hflx, tai_sflx, tai_dic, tai_dicflx, tai_alk common /cdiag/ tai_o2, tai_o2flx &, tai_n2o, tai_n2oflx &, tai_abioto2, tai_abioto2flx &, tai_prefo2 &, tai_prefpo4 &, tai_prefno3 &, tai_po4, tai_p, tai_z, tai_d common /cdiag/ tai_no3, tai_di, tai_c14, tai_dc14, tai_c14flx common /cdiag/ tai_cfc11, tai_cfc11flx, tai_cfc12, tai_cfc12flx ! engint = volume averaged internal mode energy integral ! components ! engext = volume averaged external mode energy integral ! components ! buoy = volume averaged buoyancy ! tcerr = maximum "t" cell continuity error ! ucerr = maximum "u" cell continuity error ! itcerr = "i" index corresponding to "tcerr" ! jtcerr = "jrow" index corresponding to "tcerr" ! ktcerr = "k" index corresponding to "tcerr" ! iucerr = "i" index corresponding to "ucerr" ! jucerr = "jrow" index corresponding to "ucerr" ! kucerr = "k" index corresponding to "ucerr" ! wtbot = maximum "adv_vbt" error at ocean bottom ! iwtbot = "i" index corresponding to "wtbot" ! jwtbot = "jrow" index corresponding to "wtbot" ! kwtbot = "k" index corresponding to "wtbot" ! wubot = maximum "adv_vbu" at ocean bottom ! iwubot = "i" index corresponding to "wubot" ! jwubot = "jrow" index corresponding to "wubot" ! kwubot = "k" index corresponding to "wubot" ! wtlev = zonally integrated adv_vbt for each level ! wulev = zonally integrated adv_vbu for each level common /cdiag/ buoy(0:km,jmt), engint(0:km,8,jmt), engext(8,jmt) common /cdiag/ tcerr(jmt), ucerr(jmt) common /cdiagi/ itcerr(jmt), jtcerr(jmt), ktcerr(jmt) common /cdiagi/ iucerr(jmt), jucerr(jmt), kucerr(jmt) common /cdiag/ wtbot(jmt), wubot(jmt) common /cdiagi/ iwtbot(jmt), jwtbot(jmt), kwtbot(jmt) common /cdiagi/ iwubot(jmt), jwubot(jmt), kwubot(jmt) common /cdiag/ wtlev(km,0:jmt), wulev(km,0:jmt) include "termbal.h" ! ttn = northward transport of tracer components ! ttn2 = northward transport of tracers for ocean basins ! (.,.,.,0) Global ! (.,.,.,1:nhreg) Ocean basins ! also, ! (6,.,.,.) total transport due to advection ! (7,.,.,.) total transport due to diffusion ! (8,.,.,.) total transport common /gyres/ ttn(8,jmt,ntmin2) common /gyres/ ttn2(6:8,jmt,nt,0:nhreg) ! vmsf = vertical_meridional stream function common /cdiag/ vmsf(jmt,km)