set mode meta go portrait1x2 set viewport top2 !go transparency2 go transparency !go margins 2.8 0.8 2.2 2.7 def vi/xli=0.154,0.846/yli=0.48,0.92 full1 set viewport full1 use "./data/motsf_max.cdf" plot/set/nolabel/line=13/xlimit=1800:8000 MOTSF_MAX[d=1,l=@sbx:11]/1.e6 ppl axset,1,1,1,0 ppl ylab MOC (Sv) ppl xlab TIME (year) ppl plot plot/ov/nolabel/line=1/dashed MOTSF_MAX[d=1]*0.+MOTSF_MAX[d=1,l=1]/1.e6 let fac = 7*12*86400*365*1E-9*1E-6 ! converts [mol N/s] to [Gt C/yr] plot/ov/vs/line=1/dash/nolabel {2160,2180},{0,25} plot/ov/vs/line=1/dash/nolabel {3080,3080},{0,25} plot/ov/vs/line=2/dash/nolabel {3620,3620},{0,25} can data/all use "./data/agebar.cdf" def vi/xli=0.154,0.846/yli=0.48,0.92 full2 set viewport full2 ppl axset,0,0,0,1 !draw only the right-side axis ppl axlabp,,1 !labels on the right plot/set/nolabel/col=14/hlimit=1800:8000/vlimit=500:900 agebar[l=@sbx:11] ppl ylab @P8Ideal Age (years) ppl plot plot/ov/nolabel/line=2/dashed agebar*0.+agebar[l=1] quit