/Volumes/work_wk1/wkoeve/UVic_ESCM/2.9_Fab_PrII/DataRepository Wed 20 Feb 2019 08:04:19 CET Data repository for the paper: Meeting climate targets by direct CO2 injections: What price would the ocean have to pay? Fabian Reith, Wolfgang Koeve, David P. Keller, Julia Getzlaff, and Andreas Oschlies Submitted to Earth System Dynamics. This repository includes the following files and folders: 1) Model output from simulations carried out, see paper text for details. File names follow names of model experiments as given in Tab. 1 of the submitted manuscript. rcp45ctrl.nc a1.nc a1_comitw.nc a2.nc a3.nc rcp45ctrl_sed.nc a1_sed.nc a1_comitw_sed.nc a2_sed.nc a3_sed.nc Files contain the following ocean variables; annual means (i,j,k,l): o_dic (mol/m3): total dissolved inorganic carbon o_alk (mol/m3): total alkalinity f_dic (mol/m2/s): air sea gas exchange of DIC (positive downward) o_temp (degC): potential temperature O_sal (): salinity pH (total scale): neg. log of H+ ion concentration OmegaAR (): Omega with respect to Aragonite mineral 2) In addition we provide the model output (annual means, i,j,k,l) of injected carbon (dye tracers, see manuscript for details) from all experiments (except for the ctrl experiments, which do not have injectsions. File naming again follows the convention of Tab. 1 (Manuscript), with an additional '_dye', e.g. a1_dye.nc. Files contain output from one dye tracer for each of the 7 injection sites (see Manuscript) and are named dye1 to dye7. See also netcdf longnames for injection sites. Units are mol/m3. 3) In addition we provide globally integrated and averaged model output (annual means, l). File names follow the naming convention of Tab. 1 of the manuscript, with an additional '_tsi', e.g. a1_tsi.nc. Files contain the following variables (when applicable): a_sat (degC): global average surface air temp a_co2 (ppm): global average CO2 concentration f_co2emit (Pg /yr): global total CO2 emissions f_asf_ave (mol/m2/s): average lost C flux from inject (to the atm) f_asf_int (Pg C /yr): integrated lost C from inject (to the atm) f_co2inject (Pg C/yr): CO2 injection to deep ocean 4) We provide all data essential to our study. Additional output stored at model run time (e.g. nutrient data or biological data) can be made available on reasonable request to wkoeve@geomar.de.