Here we provide material related to the publication "Could artificial ocean alkalization protect tropical coral ecosystem from ocean acidification" by E. Y. Feng, D. P. Keller, W. Koeve and A. Oschlies, published in Environmental Research letters. Please cite the paper given above if you are going to conduct any model experiments or data analysis based on the material (data or code) presented here for your own publications. The folder ‘model runs’ provides the original model output and the model code used. Folders ‘figure source’ contains the figure source files for visualization of the results. See the respective ‘Read me’ files for details. Contact: _________________________________________________________________ This folder "model runs" include model code, input data and output data in netcdf format. Following the instructions readers are able to generate the data that is used in our paper, in his/her local machine: 1) create a folder to run the model, for example, named with "case" 2) copy the content from folder "shared_files" into "case" 3) depending on which model run you want to repeat, you have to choose an experimental run folder to copy things from. For example, "case_sc_1" includes the essential files to generate model run with AOA being implemented in South China Sea for intensity "1". If you want to generate the output for this run, you will have to copy "results" to "case" and "02" to "case/updates" 4) In "results" folder, our model output is located in netcdf format. You have to go to "" file in this folder, and change the forth line started with: "version_directory …." into the directory where your "case" folder is located: ".../case" 5) compile the executive file. If you are using mac or linux, just command "../mk e" in terminal within "results" folder 6) Execute "./Yuming > runlog &" to run the model within "results" folder Our UVic model version is based on the Kiel version as published by Keller, D., Oschlies, A. und Eby, M. (2012) A new marine ecosystem model for the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model. Geoscientific Model Development, 5 . pp. 1195-1220. DOI 10.5194/gmd-5-1195-2012. __________________________________________________________________ For our Ocean Alkalinization (AOA) experiments we modified "gosbc.F" from the folder "updates/02/souce/commmon/". Please refer to each ensemble folder (Ensemble A, B C and D) to check the details Ensemble A folder contains the model codes and global output for model ensemble A, described in Feng et al 2016 paper as the control run. In this ensemble, AOA addition is set off. Such option is set in "", line "o_aoa" Ensemble B folder contains the model codes and global output for model ensemble B, described in Feng et al 2016 paper. In this ensemble, Ca(OH)2 is added at an annually constant rate. See example set in "gb/case_Aus_1/ 02/source/common/gosbc.F" Ensemble C folder contains the model codes and global output for model ensemble C, described in Feng et al 2016 paper. Ca(OH)2 is added at a linearly increased rate over time. See example set in "gb/case_gb_op27/ 02/source/common/gosbc.F". pCo2=500 ppm threshold is applied in referential model runs (folder name with suffix "op") Ensemble D is the same to C but with an AOA termination before 2099.