This directory refers to the publication "Simulating natural carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean: on uncertainties associated with eddy parameterizations and iron deposition" by Heiner Dietze, Julia Getzlaff and U. Loeptien, 2017. The respective manuscript draft (doi:10.5194/bg-2016-460, 2016) is accessible via A copy, named dietze_et_al_2017_discussion.pdf is available in this directory. The directories contain the following: ana -- scripts analysing modeloutput and observational data forcing -- programms and programm output to force the respective sensitivity model simulations mod -- code, compile scripts, initial & boundary conditions, and modeloutput ( c.f. (1) mod/exp/eandg/out (2) mod/exp/con/out (3) mod/exp/fmcd/out (4) mod/exp/iron/out ) obs -- observations used to assess the model pfd -- publication-ready figures ps -- figures as printed with matlab and ferret run -- scripts used to run the model integrations tmp -- postprocessed data (output of programms in ana, stored in order to reduce the computational effort of making plots)