!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module atmosphere_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! interface for b-grid dynamical core and physics ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------- m o d u l e i n f o r m a t i o n ------------------ use bgrid_core_driver_mod, only: bgrid_dynam_type, & bgrid_core_driver_init, & bgrid_core_driver, & bgrid_core_time_diff, & bgrid_core_driver_end, & get_bottom_data, & put_bottom_data use bgrid_prog_var_mod, only: prog_var_type, var_init use bgrid_horiz_mod, only: get_horiz_grid_size, & get_horiz_grid_bound, TGRID use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time, operator(+) use fms_mod, only: file_exist, open_namelist_file, & error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, & check_nml_error, stdlog, & write_version_number, & mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, & close_file, set_domain, & mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, & mpp_clock_end, MPP_CLOCK_SYNC, & CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT, NOTE use bgrid_vert_mod, only: compute_height_bottom use bgrid_change_grid_mod, only: change_grid, WIND_GRID, TEMP_GRID use bgrid_physics_mod, only: bgrid_physics_down, bgrid_physics_up, & bgrid_physics_init, bgrid_physics_end, & surf_diff_type use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_index, NO_TRACER use xgrid_mod, only: grid_box_type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private public atmosphere_down, atmosphere_up, & atmosphere_init, atmosphere_end, & atmosphere_resolution, atmosphere_boundary, & atmosphere_cell_area, atmosphere_restart, & get_atmosphere_axes, atmosphere_domain public get_bottom_mass, get_bottom_wind public surf_diff_type, get_stock_pe !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: atmosphere.F90,v 17.0 2009/07/21 02:51:14 fms Exp $' character(len=128) :: tag = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- namelist (saved in file input.nml) ---- ! ! physics_window The number of "i" by "j" rows processed each time ! the modular physics is called. To process the entire ! domain use physics_window = (/0,0/). ! [integer, default: physics_window = 0,1] integer, dimension(2) :: physics_window = (/0,1/) namelist /atmosphere_nml/ physics_window !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- private data ---- type (bgrid_dynam_type), save :: Dynam type (prog_var_type), save :: Var, Var_dt type (time_type) :: Time_step_atmos real :: dt_atmos real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: omega =>NULL() integer, dimension(4) :: atmos_axes integer :: id_dynam, id_phys_down, id_phys_up logical :: stock_warning_issued = .FALSE. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !####################################################################### subroutine atmosphere_down (Time, frac_land, & t_surf, albedo, albedo_vis_dir, & albedo_nir_dir, albedo_vis_dif, & albedo_nir_dif, rough_mom, & u_star, b_star, q_star, & dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, & gust, coszen, flux_sw, flux_sw_dir, & flux_sw_dif, & flux_sw_down_vis_dir, flux_sw_down_vis_dif, & flux_sw_down_total_dir, flux_sw_down_total_dif, & flux_sw_vis, & flux_sw_vis_dir, & flux_sw_vis_dif, flux_lw, & Surf_diff ) ! ! Time = time at the current time level ! type(time_type),intent(in) :: Time real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: frac_land, & t_surf, albedo, rough_mom, & albedo_vis_dir, albedo_nir_dir, & albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif, & u_star, b_star, q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: tau_x, tau_y real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: gust, coszen, flux_sw, & flux_sw_dir, & flux_sw_dif, & flux_sw_down_vis_dir, & flux_sw_down_vis_dif, & flux_sw_down_total_dir, & flux_sw_down_total_dif, & flux_sw_vis, & flux_sw_vis_dir, & flux_sw_vis_dif, flux_lw type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff type(time_type) :: Time_prev, Time_next !----------------------------------------------------------------------- Time_prev = Time ! two time-level scheme Time_next = Time + Time_step_atmos !---- dynamics ----- call mpp_clock_begin (id_dynam) call bgrid_core_driver ( Time_next, Var, Var_dt, Dynam, omega ) call mpp_clock_end (id_dynam) !---- call physics ----- call mpp_clock_begin (id_phys_down) call bgrid_physics_down (physics_window, dt_atmos, & Time_prev, Time, Time_next, & Dynam%Hgrid, Dynam%Vgrid, Dynam, & Var, Var_dt, frac_land, & albedo, albedo_vis_dir, albedo_nir_dir, & albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif, & rough_mom, t_surf, & u_star, b_star, q_star, & dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, & flux_sw, & flux_sw_dir, & flux_sw_dif, & flux_sw_down_vis_dir, & flux_sw_down_vis_dif, & flux_sw_down_total_dir, & flux_sw_down_total_dif, & flux_sw_vis, & flux_sw_vis_dir, & flux_sw_vis_dif, & flux_lw, coszen, gust, & Surf_diff ) call mpp_clock_end (id_phys_down) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine atmosphere_down !####################################################################### subroutine atmosphere_up (Time, frac_land, Surf_diff, lprec, fprec, gust, & u_star, b_star, q_star ) type(time_type),intent(in) :: Time real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: frac_land type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: lprec, fprec real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: gust real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: u_star, b_star, q_star type(time_type) :: Time_prev, Time_next !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ call physics up ------ Time_prev = Time ! two time-level scheme Time_next = Time + Time_step_atmos call mpp_clock_begin (id_phys_up) call bgrid_physics_up (physics_window, dt_atmos, & Time_prev, Time, Time_next, & Dynam%Hgrid, Dynam%Vgrid, Dynam, & Var, Var_dt, omega, & frac_land, Surf_diff, & lprec, fprec, gust, & u_star, b_star, q_star ) call mpp_clock_end (id_phys_up) !------ time differencing and diagnostics ------- call bgrid_core_time_diff ( omega, Time_next, Dynam, Var, Var_dt ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine atmosphere_up !####################################################################### subroutine atmosphere_init (Time_init, Time, Time_step, Surf_diff, Grid_box) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init, Time, Time_step type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box integer :: unit, sec, ierr, io !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- read namelist ----- if (file_exist('input.nml')) then unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=atmosphere_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'atmosphere_nml') enddo 10 call close_file (unit) endif !----- write version and namelist to log file ----- call write_version_number ( version, tag ) if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (stdlog(), nml=atmosphere_nml) !---- compute physics/atmos time step in seconds ---- Time_step_atmos = Time_step call get_time (Time_step_atmos, sec) dt_atmos = real(sec) !----- initialize dynamical core ----- call bgrid_core_driver_init ( Time_init, Time, Time_step, & Var, Var_dt, Dynam, atmos_axes ) !----- initialize storage needed for vert motion ---- omega => var_init (Dynam%Hgrid, Dynam%Vgrid%nlev) !----- initialize physics interface ----- !----- initialize domains for reading global physics data ----- call set_domain ( Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%Domain_nohalo ) call bgrid_physics_init (atmos_axes, Time, Dynam%Hgrid, Dynam%Vgrid, Dynam, & Var, Surf_diff) ! ----- use entire grid as window ? ----- if (physics_window(1) <= 0) physics_window(1) = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie-Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is+1 if (physics_window(2) <= 0) physics_window(2) = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je-Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js+1 ! --- initialize clocks for dynamics, physics_down and physics_up id_dynam = mpp_clock_id ('BGRID: dynamical core', & flags=MPP_CLOCK_SYNC, grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT ) id_phys_down = mpp_clock_id ('Physics_down', & flags=MPP_CLOCK_SYNC, grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT ) id_phys_up = mpp_clock_id ('Physics_up', & flags=MPP_CLOCK_SYNC, grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine atmosphere_init !####################################################################### subroutine atmosphere_end (Time, Grid_box) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box integer :: unit call bgrid_core_driver_end ( Var, Dynam ) !----- initialize domains for writing global physics data ----- call set_domain ( Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%Domain_nohalo ) call bgrid_physics_end (Time) end subroutine atmosphere_end !####################################################################### ! ! ! dummy routine. ! subroutine atmosphere_restart(timestamp) character(len=*), intent(in) :: timestamp call error_mesg ('atmosphere_restart in atmosphere_mod', & 'intermediate restart capability is not implemented for this model', FATAL) end subroutine atmosphere_restart ! !####################################################################### ! returns the number of longitude and latitude grid points ! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid subroutine atmosphere_resolution (nlon, nlat, global) integer, intent(out) :: nlon, nlat logical, intent(in), optional :: global !---- return the size of the grid used for physics computations ---- call get_horiz_grid_size (Dynam % Hgrid, TGRID, nlon, nlat, global) end subroutine atmosphere_resolution !####################################################################### subroutine atmosphere_cell_area(area_out) real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: area_out integer :: j do j=Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je area_out(:,j-Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js+1) = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%area(j) enddo end subroutine atmosphere_cell_area !####################################################################### ! returns the longitude and latitude grid box edges ! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid subroutine atmosphere_boundary (blon, blat, global) real, intent(out) :: blon(:,:), blat(:,:) logical, intent(in), optional :: global real, dimension(size(blon,1)) :: rlonb real, dimension(size(blat,2)) :: rlatb integer :: i, j !----- return the longitudinal and latitudinal grid box edges ---------- call get_horiz_grid_bound (Dynam % Hgrid, TGRID, rlonb, rlatb, global) do i=1,size(blon,1) blon(i,:) = rlonb(i) end do do j=1,size(blat,2) blat(:,j) = rlatb(j) end do end subroutine atmosphere_boundary !####################################################################### ! returns the domain2d variable associated with the coupling grid ! note: coupling is done using the mass/temperature grid with no halos subroutine atmosphere_domain (Domain) type(domain2d), intent(inout) :: Domain Domain = Dynam % Hgrid % Tmp % Domain_nohalo end subroutine atmosphere_domain !####################################################################### ! returns the axis indices associated with the coupling grid subroutine get_atmosphere_axes ( axes ) integer, intent(out) :: axes (:) !----- returns the axis indices for the atmospheric (mass) grid ----- if ( size(axes(:)) < 0 .or. size(axes(:)) > 4 ) call error_mesg ( & 'get_atmosphere_axes in atmosphere_mod', & 'size of argument is incorrect', FATAL ) axes (1:size(axes(:))) = atmos_axes (1:size(axes(:))) end subroutine get_atmosphere_axes !####################################################################### ! returns temp, tracers, pres, height at the lowest model level ! and surface pressure and sea level pressure subroutine get_bottom_mass (t_bot, tr_bot, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf, slp) real, intent(out), & dimension(Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je) & :: t_bot, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf, slp real, intent(out), & dimension(Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je,Var%ntrace) :: tr_bot real, dimension(Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je) :: q_bot integer :: i, j, kb, sphum, n integer :: is,ie,js,je is = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is; ie = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie js = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js; je = Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je sphum = get_tracer_index ( MODEL_ATMOS, 'sphum' ) do j = js, je do i = is, ie kb = Dynam%Masks%Tmp%kbot(i,j) t_bot(i,j) = Var % t(i,j,kb) enddo enddo if(sphum == NO_TRACER) then q_bot = 0.0 else do j = js, je do i = is, ie kb = Dynam%Masks%Tmp%kbot(i,j) q_bot(i,j) = Var % r(i,j,kb,sphum) enddo enddo endif do n=1,size(tr_bot,3) do j = js, je do i = is, ie kb = Dynam%Masks%Tmp%kbot(i,j) tr_bot(i,j,n) = Var % r(i,j,kb,n) enddo enddo enddo p_surf = Var % ps (is:ie,js:je) slp = Var % ps (is:ie,js:je) call compute_height_bottom ( Dynam%Vgrid, Var%pssl(is:ie,js:je), & t_bot, q_bot, z_bot, p_bot, & Dynam%Masks%Tmp%kbot(is:ie,js:je) ) end subroutine get_bottom_mass !####################################################################### ! returns u and v on the mass grid at the lowest model level subroutine get_bottom_wind (u_bot, v_bot) real, intent(out), & dimension(Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je) & :: u_bot, v_bot real, dimension(Dynam%Hgrid%ilb:Dynam%Hgrid%iub,Dynam%Hgrid%jlb:Dynam%Hgrid%jub) :: u,v,uh,vh !---- compute lowest level winds on mass grid ----- call get_bottom_data ( Var % u, Var % v, & u, v, Dynam%Masks%Vel%kbot ) call change_grid ( Dynam%Hgrid, WIND_GRID, TEMP_GRID, u, v, uh, vh ) u_bot = uh (Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je) v_bot = vh (Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%is:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%ie,Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%js:Dynam%Hgrid%Tmp%je) end subroutine get_bottom_wind !####################################################################### subroutine get_stock_pe(index, value) ! This is a dummy routine. ! It is neccessary to satisfy revision of atmos_coupled/atmos_model.f90 ! Since that revision of atmos_coupled/atmos_model.f90 does nothing with the result, ! this routine can be a dummy. ! If and when the result is needed, it should be the total water content of the ! global atmosphere (Kg), including vapor, liquid and ice. integer, intent(in) :: index real, intent(out) :: value value = 0.0 if(.not.stock_warning_issued) then call error_mesg('get_stock_pe','Stocks not yet implemented. Returning zero.',NOTE) stock_warning_issued = .true. endif end subroutine get_stock_pe !####################################################################### end module atmosphere_mod