module atmosphere_mod

     Contact:   B. Wyman
     Change history: WebCVS Log for coupled/atmosphere.f90


     Atmospheric driver for the B-grid dynamics and modular column physics.
     This module provides an interface to the B-grid dynamical core
     and a B-grid interface to the modular column physics. 
     A similar interface for the spectral dynamical core exists
     that may be easily switched with this interface.




  use atmosphere_mod [,only: atmosphere_init,       atmosphere_end,
                             atmosphere_down,       atmosphere_up,
                             atmosphere_resolution, atmosphere_boundary,
                             get_bottom_mass,       get_bottom_wind,
                             get_atmosphere_axes,   atmosphere_domain,
                             surf_diff_type       ]


     Optional namelist interface &atmosphere_nml may be
     read from file input.nml.



     Data structure containing surface terms computed by the
     vertical diffusion scheme.  The surface terms are needed
     for energy conservation when coupling component models.
     See the documentation of the vert_diff module for details
     on the contents of this variable.


call atmosphere_init ( Time_init, Time, Time_step, Surf_diff )

   Initialization routine for atmosphere_mod.
   This routine must be called before calling subroutine atmosphere.

   Time_init   The base (or initial) time of the experiment.

   Time        The current time.  [time_type]

   Time_step   The atmospheric model/physics time step.  [time_type]

   Surf_diff   The surface terms for vertical diffusion that are exchanged
               with other component models. On input fields have not been
               allocated, on output all arrays are allocated.

call atmosphere_end ( Time ) DESCRIPTION Termination routine for atmosphere_mod. INPUT Time The current time. [time_type]
call atmosphere_down ( Time, frac_land, t_surf, albedo, rough_mom, u_star, b_star, q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, gust, coszen, flux_sw, flux_sw_dir, flux_sw_dif, flux_sw_down_vis_dir, flux_sw_down_total_dir, flux_sw_down_vis_dif, flux_sw_down_total_dif, flux_sw_vis, flux_sw_vis_dir, flux_sw_vis_dif, flux_lw, Surf_diff ) DESCRIPTION This routine calls the bgrid dynamical core and the "downward pass" of the atmospheric physics. It should only be called once per time step and before calling atmosphere_up. INPUT Time The current time. [type(time_type)] frac_land The fraction (0. to 1.) of the Earth's surface beneath a grid box that is covered by land. The remaining fraction is assumed to be covered by open ocean or sea ice. [real, dimension(:,:)] t_surf The mean surface (skin) temperature (in deg k). [real, dimension(:,:)] albedo The mean surface albedo. [real, dimension(:,:)] rough_mom surface roughness for momentum (m) [real, dimension(:,:)] u_star friction velocity [real, dimension(:,:)] b_star buoyancy scale [real, dimension(:,:)] q_star moisture scale [real, dimension(:,:)] dtau_du derivative of surface stress w.r.t. the lowest level zonal wind speed [real, dimension(:,:)] dtau_dv derivative of surface stress w.r.t. the lowest level meridional wind speed [real, dimension(:,:)] INPUT/OUTPUT tau_x zonal wind stress [real, dimension(:,:)] tau_y meridional wind stress [real, dimension(:,:)] Surf_diff surface diffusion terms computed by the vertical diffusion scheme [type(surf_diff_type)] OUTPUT gust wind gustiness [real, dimension(:,:)] coszen cosine of the zenith angle [real, dimension(:,:)] flux_sw net shortwave surface flux (down minus up) (in watts/m**2) [real, dimension(:,:)] flux_lw downward longwave surface flux (in watts/m**2) [real, dimension(:,:)] NOTE All two-dimenional fields must have the same size. They are typically dimensioned for the compute domain (i.e., no halos).
call atmosphere_up ( Time, frac_land, Surf_diff, lprec, fprec ) DESCRIPTION This routine calls the "upward pass" of the atmospheric physics, B-grid diagnostics, and time differencing. The prognostic variables are advanced to the next time step. It should only be called once per time step and after calling atmosphere_down. INPUT Time The current time. [type(time_type)] frac_land The fraction (0. to 1.) of the Earth's surface beneath a grid box that is covered by land. The remaining fraction is assumed to be covered by open ocean or sea ice. [real, dimension(:,:)] INPUT/OUTPUT Surf_diff surface diffusion terms computed by the vertical diffusion scheme [type(surf_diff_type)] OUTPUT lprec liquid precipitation rate (rain) in kg/m2/s [real, dimension(:,:)] fprec frozen precipitation rate (snow) in kg/m2/s [real, dimension(:,:)] NOTE All two-dimenional fields must have the same size. They are typically dimensioned for the compute domain (i.e., no halos).
call get_bottom_mass ( t_bot, q_bot, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf ) DESCRIPTION Returns quantities at the lowest model level and the surface. The fields are dimensioned for the mass grid's compute domain. OUTPUT t_bot temperature at lowest model level (deg k) [real, dimension(:,:)] q_bot specific humidity at lowest model level (kg/kg) [real, dimension(:,:)] p_bot pressure at lowest model level (pa) [real, dimension(:,:)] z_bot height above the surface for the lowest model level (m) [real, dimension(:,:)] p_surf surface pressure (pa) [real, dimension(:,:)]
call get_bottom_wind ( u_bot, v_bot ) DESCRIPTION Returns quantities at the lowest model level. The fields are dimensioned for the velocity grid's compute domain. OUTPUT u_bot zonal wind component at lowest model level (m/s) [real, dimension(:,:)] v_bot meridional wind component at lowest model level (m/s) [real, dimension(:,:)]
call get_atmosphere_axes ( axes ) OUTPUT axes The axis identifiers for the atmospheric grids. The size of axes must be least 1 but not greater than 4. The axes are returned in the order (/ x, y, p_full, p_half /). [integer, dimension(:)]
call atmosphere_resolution ( nlon, nlat [, global] ) DESCRIPTION Returns the resolution of compute domain for either the current processor or the global domain. OUTPUT nlon The number of longitude points in the compute domain. [integer] nlat The number of latitude points in the compute domain. [integer] OPTIONAL INPUT global Flag that specifies whether the returned compute domain size is for the global grid (TRUE) or for the current processor (FALSE). [logical, default: FALSE]
call atmosphere_boundary ( blon, blat [, global] ) DESCRIPTION Returns the grid box edges of compute domain for either the current processor or the global domain. OUTPUT blon The west-to-east longitude edges of grid boxes (in radians). [real, dimension(nlon+1)] blat The south-to-north latitude edges of grid boxes (in radians). [real, dimension(nlat+1)] OPTIONAL INPUT global Flag that specifies whether the returned grid box edges are for the global grid (TRUE) or for the current processor (FALSE). [logical, default: FALSE] NOTE The size of the output arguments, blon and blat, must be +1 more than the output arguments for call atmosphere_resolution, nlon+1 and nlat+1, respectively.
call atmosphere_domain ( Domain ) OUTPUT Domain The domain2d variable describing the grid used for coupling. For the B-grid, this corresponds to the temperature grid without halos. [type(domain2d)]



 physics_window  The number of "i" and "j" rows processed each time the
                 modular physics is called. To process the entire domain
                 use physics_window = 0,0.
                    [integer, default: physics_window = 0,1]


FATAL errors from get_atmosphere_axes in atmosphere_mod

    size of argument is incorrect
        The size of the argument to get_atmosphere_axes must be
        between 1 and 4.