call bgrid_physics_init (Time_init, Time, Hgrid, Vgrid, Dynam, Var)
Time_init base (or initial) time for the experiment [time_type]
Time current time [time_type]
Vgrid vertical grid constants [vert_grid_type]
Dynam current state of the dynamical core [bgrid_dynam_type]
Hgrid horizontal grid constants [horiz_grid_type]
Var prognostic variables [prog_var_type]
Surf_diff Data structure for surface terms computed by the
vertical diffusion scheme. [surf_diff_type]
call bgrid_physics_end (Time)
Time current time [time_type]
call bgrid_physics_down (window, dt_phys, Time_prev, Time, Time_next,
Hgrid, Vgrid, Dynam, Var, Var_dt,
frac_land, albedo, rough_vel, t_surf,
u_star, b_star, q_star,
dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y,
flux_sw, flux_sw_dir, flux_sw_dif,
flux_sw_down_vis_dir, flux_sw_down_vis_dif,
flux_sw_down_total_dir, flux_sw_down_total_dif,
flux_sw_vis, flux_sw_vis_dir, flux_sw_vis_dif,
flux_lw, coszen, gust, Surf_diff )
window number of i-rows [window(1)] and the number of
j-rows [window(2)] to process on each call
to physics_driver_down, must be > 0
[integer, dimension(2)]
dt_phys time step (should be 2x for leapfrog) [real]
Time_prev time at the previous time level, tau-1
for two time level scheme Time_prev=Time [time_type]
Time time at the current time level, tau [time_type]
Time_next time at the next time level, tau+1 [time_type]
Vgrid vertical grid constants [vert_grid_type]
Dynam current state of the dynamical core [bgrid_dynam_type]
frac_land fraction (0. to 1.) of underlying surface which covered
by land [real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
albedo surface albedo
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
rough_vel surface roughness for momentum (m)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
t_surf surface (skin) temperature (in deg k)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
u_star friction velocity
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
b_star buoyancy scale
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
q_star moisture scale
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
dtau_du derivative of surface stress w.r.t. the lowest level zonal wind speed
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
dtau_dv derivative of surface stress w.r.t. the lowest level meridional wind speed
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
Hgrid horizontal grid constants [horiz_grid_type]
Var prognostic variables
(Note: only diagnostic tracers are modified on output)
Var_dt prognostic variable tendencies [prog_var_type]
tau_x zonal wind stress (Pa/s)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
tau_y meridional wind stress (Pa/s)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
Surf_diff surface diffusion terms computed by the vertical diffusion scheme
flux_sw net shortwave surface flux (down minus up) (in watts/m**2)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
flux_lw downward longwave surface flux (in watts/m**2)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
coszen cosine of the zenith angle
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
gust wind gustiness [real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
Variables passed directly through this interface (not in a
data structure) are on the compute domain and do not have halos.
These variables have dimensions consistent with the compute
domain: dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:).
call bgrid_physics_up (window, dt_phys, Time_prev, Time, Time_next,
Hgrid, Vgrid, Dynam, Var, Var_dt, omega,
frac_land, Surf_diff, lprec, fprec, gust )
window number of i-rows [window(1)] and the number of
j-rows [window(2)] to process on each call
to physics_driver_down, must be > 0
[integer, dimension(2)]
dt_phys time step (should be 2x for leapfrog) [real]
Time_prev time at the previous time level, tau-1
for two time level scheme Time_prev=Time [time_type]
Time time at the current time level, tau [time_type]
Time_next time at the next time level, tau+1 [time_type]
Vgrid vertical grid constants [vert_grid_type]
Dynam current state of the dynamical core [bgrid_dynam_type]
Var prognostic variables [prog_var_type]
omega omega diagnostic (Pa/s)
[real, dimension(Hgrid%ilb:,Hgrid%jlb:,nlev) + halos ]
frac_land fraction (0. to 1.) of underlying surface which covered
by land [real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
Hgrid horizontal grid constants [horiz_grid_type]
Var_dt prognostic variable tendencies [prog_var_type]
Surf_diff surface diffusion terms
computed by the vertical diffusion scheme and since
modified by the flux_exchange module
gust wind gustiness
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
lprec liquid precipitation rate (rain) in kg/m2/s
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
fprec frozen precipitation rate (snow) in kg/m2/s
[real, dimension(Hgrid%Tmp%is:,Hgrid%Tmp%js:)]
1) The omega diagnostic array has halo row/columns.
2) Total precipitation rate is lprec + fprec.