TYPE bgrid_type
is, ie starting, ending x-axis index in the compute domain [integer,scalar]
js, je starting, ending y-axis index in the compute domain [integer,scalar]
isd, ied starting, ending x-axis index in the data domain [integer,scalar]
jsd, jed starting, ending y-axis index in the data domain [integer,scalar]
isg, ieg starting, ending x-axis index in the global domain [integer,scalar]
jsg, jeg starting, ending y-axis index in the global domain [integer,scalar]
dx local grid spacing for x-axis (in meters) [real,dimension(ilb:iub,jlb:jub)]
rdx reciprocal of dx (1/m) [real,dimension(jlb:jub)]
dy local grid spacing for y-axis (in meters) [real,scalar]
rdy reciprocal of dy (1/m) [real,scalar]
area area of a local grid box (in m2) [real,dimension(jlb:jub)]
rarea reciprocal of area (1/m2) [real,dimension(jlb:jub)]
areasum bit-reproducible global sum of area (in m2) [real,scalar]
tlm longitude at the center of a local grid box (in radians)
tph latitude at the center of a local grid box (in radians)
aph, alm actual latitude, longitude at the center of a local grid box (in radians)
blatg latitude boundaries of grid boxes along the global y-axis (in radians)
blong longitude boundaries grid boxes along the global x-axis (in radians)
Domain domain2D derived-type variable with halosize halo size = 1
Domain_nohalo domain2D derived-type variable with halo size = 0, used for outputting diagnostic fields
TYPE horiz_grid_type
Tmp grid constants for the temperature/tracer/mass grid [type(bgrid_type)]
Vel grid constants for the u/v wind component grid [type(bgrid_type)]
Interp interpolation weights used by module bgrid_change_grid [type(bgrid_interp_type)]
sinphv sine of Vel%aph [real,dimension(ilb:iub,jlb:jub)]
tanphv tangent of Vel%aph [real,dimension(ilb:iub,jlb:jub)]
nlon number of longitude (x-axis) grid points in the global grid (no halo points)
nlat number of latitude (y-axis) grid points in the global grid (no halo points)
isize, jsize size of arrays on the local processor's grid (including halo points)
Note: isize=iub-ilb+1, jsize=jub-jlb+1
ilb, iub lower, upper bounds of local x-axis indexing [integer,scalar]
jlb, jub lower, upper bounds of local y-axis indexing [integer,scalar]
ihalo, jhalo number of halo points along the east and west boundaries (ihalo) or
south and north boundaries (jhalo) [integer,scalar]
dlm grid spacing for x-axis (in radians) [real,scalar]
dph grid spacing for y-axis (in radians) [real,scalar]
dlmd grid spacing for x-axis (in degrees of longitude) [real,scalar]
dphd grid spacing for y-axis (in degrees of latitude) [real,scalar]
sb southern boundary of temperature grid (in radians) [real,scalar]
nb northern boundary of temperature grid (in radians) [real,scalar]
wb western boundary of temperature grid (in radians) [real,scalar]
eb eastern boundary of temperature grid (in radians) [real,scalar]
decompx indicates if the x-axis has been decomposed across processors [logical,scalar]
decompy indicates if the y-axis has been decomposed across processors [logical,scalar]
channel indicates if the channel model feature has been implemented (internal option)
double_periodic indicates if the double periodic (f-plane) channel feature has been select (internal option)
The local indexing variables: is, ie, js, je, isd, ied, jsd, jed, ilb, iub, jlb, jub,
are consistent with the global index values (isg, ieg, jsg, jeg).
All local arrays (on either the temperature or velocity grid) have the same
horizontal size [dimension(ilb:iub,jlb:jub)]. Due to the grid staggering,
the northernmost velocity domains do not use the last j-row (jub).
The domain boundaries: sb, nb, wb, eb, are only used when channel = true.
Otherwise the global domain boundaries: sb=-pi/2, nb=pi/2, wb=0, eb=2pi are used.
call horiz_grid_init ( Hgrid, nlon, nlat [, decomp] )
nlon, nlat The number of global longitude, latitude grid points (respectively)
for the mass/temperature grid.
Hgrid Data structure that contains all necessary horizontal grid information
and domain decomposition variables needed by the model.
decomp The domain decomposition for the x and y axis, where
decomp(1) = x-axis decomposition, decomp(2) = y-axis
decomposition. If decomp(1)*decomp(2) does not equal
the number of processors the model will fail.
If either or both decomp(1), decomp(2) is zero,
the rules below apply.
[integer,dimension(2), default: decomp=0,0]
1) If decomp(1)=0 and decomp(2)>0, then decomp(1)=decomp(2)/(# PEs), or vice versa.
The final decomposition must always satisfy: decomp(1)*decomp(2)=number of processors.
2) If decomp(1)=decomp(2)=0, then MPP_DEFINE_LAYOUT will be called.
It is likely that two-dimensional decomposition will be implemented.
The B-grid can be visualized as two overlapping grids, one that
contains momentum (u and v) and the other mass fields (surface
pressure, temperature, and tracers). These separate grids are
rectangular in shape, defined by longitudes along the x-axis and
latitude along the y-axis. The grids are diagonally shifted from
each other, such that, the center of a momentum grid box is located
at the corners where four mass grid boxes intersect.
Horizontal indexing increases from west to east, and from south to north.
Indexing is set up so that a velocity point with the same i,j is
located to the north and east of the mass (temperature) point.
T(i-1,j+1) T(i,j+1) T(i+1,j+1)
v(i-1,j ) v(i,j )
T(i-1,j ) T(i,j ) T(i+1,j )
v(i-1,j-1) v(i,j-1)
T(i-1,j-1) T(i,j-1) T(i+1,j-1)
For computational purposes, extra rows and columns of grid boxes
are carried on the perimeter of the horizontal grid. These extra
points are called halo points. The number of halo points along
the west/east boundaries and south/north boundaries are specified
as separate arguments when initializing the horizontal grid. The
default is for one halo row along all boundaries. Because of the
grid staggering, the global momentum grid does not use it's
northernmost row.
The interior grid (excluding halo points) is called the compute domain.
The global size of the longitude axis (first dimension) can have an
even or odd number of points. The latitude axis (2nd dimension) should
always be an even number of points. When there is an even number of
global latitude points, mass points will straddle the equator,
while velocity points lie along the equator.
tph0d,tlm0d Latitude/longitude for shifting the position of the poles.
Set both to zero for no transformation (the default).
This option has not been recently used and is currently
not supported.
[real, default: tph0d=0., tlm0d=0.]
wbd western edge in degrees of the first longitude (i=1) of temperature grid boxes
[real, default: wbd = 0.0]
ebd eastern edge in degrees of the last longitude (i=nlon) of temperature grid boxes
[real, default: ebd = 360.0]
sbd southern edge in degrees of the first latitude row (j=1) of temperature grid boxes
[real, default: sbd = -90.0]
nbd northern edge in degrees of the last latitude row (j=nlat) of temperature grid boxes
[real, default: nbd = 90.0]
do_channel if TRUE, then use sbd,nbd as southern and northern boundaries of a channel,
and wbd,ebd as the periodic western and eastern boundaries.
[logical, default: do_channel=FALSE]
do_fplane_approx f-plane channel without spherical geometry used in conjunction
with option do_channel = .TRUE.
[logical, default: do_fplane_approx=FALSE]
fphd coriolis latitude in degrees used for f-plane channel
[real, default: fphd=45.]
do_double_periodic domain is cyclic in X and Y, this option must be used with
do_fplane_approx = .TRUE. Tmp and Vel grids will have the same
size global compute domain.
[logical, default: do_double_periodic=FALSE]