Contact: B. Wyman Reviewers: Change history: WebCVS Log for bgrid_masks.f90
Provides a data structure for three-dimensional masks used to define the step-mountain/eta coordinate topography.
bgrid_horiz_mod bgrid_vert_mod bgrid_halo_mod fms_mod mpp_mod
use bgrid_masks_mod [, only: grid_mask_type, mask_type, grid_masks_init ] grid_mask_type, mask_type Data structures that contain the 3d step-mountain topography masks and 2d indexing for the lowest model level. grid_masks_init Initializes data with the grid_mask_type.
type grid_mask_type type(mask_type) :: Tmp, Vel logical :: sigma Tmp = grid masking values for the temperature/mass grid Vel = grid masking values for the velocity/momentum grid sigma = logical flag that specific whether vertical coordinate is the step-mountain (eta) or sigma coordinate type mask_type real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: mask integer, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: kbot integer :: kbotmin mask = step-mountain topography mask (0.0 or 1.0) mask = 0. for grid boxes that form the step-mountain mask = 1. for grid boxes above ground kbot = index of the model level closest to the bottom boundary (i.e., the planet's surface) kbotmin = smallest value of kbot across all processors NOTE: For the sigma coordinate, mask = 1.0 everywhere, and kbot = number of vertical model levels.
call grid_masks_init ( Hgrid, Vgrid, res, Masks ) INPUT Vgrid Data structure that contains vertical grid constants. Returned by a previous call to vert_grid_init. [type(vert_grid_type)] res Reciprocal of eta at the surface (i.e., the model interface that coincides with the step-mountain height). Note: for sigma coordinate model res=1. everywhere. [real, dimension(:,:)] INPUT/OUTPUT Hgrid Data structure that contains horizontal grid constants. Returned by a previous call to horiz_grid_init. [type(horiz_grid_type)] Masks Data structure containing grid masking arrays. [type(grid_mask_type)]
There are no error messages printed by this module.
The interface grid_masks_init prints a message to STDOUT that describes the type of vertical coordinate that was initialized. If the eta coordinate is detected, a note of caution is printed. The eta coordinate is currently not supported. These messages are probably more appropiately printed from module bgrid_vert_mod (maybe in a future version).