!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module atmos_model_mod ! Bruce Wyman ! ! ! Zhi Liang ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Driver for the atmospheric model, contains routines to advance the ! atmospheric model state by one time step. ! ! ! This version of atmos_model_mod has been designed around the implicit ! version diffusion scheme of the GCM. It requires two routines to advance ! the atmospheric model one time step into the future. These two routines ! correspond to the down and up sweeps of the standard tridiagonal solver. ! Most atmospheric processes (dynamics,radiation,etc.) are performed ! in the down routine. The up routine finishes the vertical diffusion ! and computes moisture related terms (convection,large-scale condensation, ! and precipitation). ! The boundary variables needed by other component models for coupling ! are contained in a derived data type. A variable of this derived type ! is returned when initializing the atmospheric model. It is used by other ! routines in this module and by coupling routines. The contents of ! this derived type should only be modified by the atmospheric model. ! use mpp_mod, only: mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_end, CLOCK_COMPONENT, mpp_error, mpp_chksum use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d use fms_mod, only: file_exist, error_mesg, field_size, FATAL, NOTE use fms_mod, only: close_file, write_version_number, stdlog, stdout use fms_mod, only: read_data, write_data, clock_flag_default use fms_mod, only: open_restart_file, open_namelist_file, check_nml_error use fms_io_mod, only: get_restart_io_mode use fms_io_mod, only: restart_file_type, register_restart_field use fms_io_mod, only: save_restart, restore_state, get_mosaic_tile_file use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, operator(+), get_time use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_number_tracers, get_tracer_index, NO_TRACER use diag_integral_mod, only: diag_integral_init, diag_integral_end use diag_integral_mod, only: diag_integral_output use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_cell_area use xgrid_mod, only: grid_box_type use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_up, atmosphere_down, atmosphere_init use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_end, get_bottom_mass, get_bottom_wind use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_resolution, atmosphere_domain use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_boundary, get_atmosphere_axes use atmosphere_mod, only: get_stock_pe use atmosphere_mod, only: surf_diff_type use atmosphere_mod, only: atmosphere_restart use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_2d_bc_type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private public update_atmos_model_down, update_atmos_model_up public atmos_model_init, atmos_model_end, atmos_data_type public land_ice_atmos_boundary_type, land_atmos_boundary_type public atm_stock_pe public ice_atmos_boundary_type public atmos_model_restart, check_atmos_data_type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type atmos_data_type type (domain2d) :: domain ! domain decomposition integer :: axes(4) ! axis indices (returned by diag_manager) for the atmospheric grid ! (they correspond to the x, y, pfull, phalf axes) real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lon_bnd => NULL() ! local longitude axis grid box corners in radians. real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lat_bnd => NULL() ! local latitude axis grid box corners in radians. real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: t_bot => NULL() ! temperature at lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: tr_bot => NULL() ! tracers at lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: z_bot => NULL() ! height above the surface for the lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: p_bot => NULL() ! pressure at lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: u_bot => NULL() ! zonal wind component at lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: v_bot => NULL() ! meridional wind component at lowest model level real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: p_surf => NULL() ! surface pressure real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: slp => NULL() ! sea level pressure real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: gust => NULL() ! gustiness factor real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: coszen => NULL() ! cosine of the zenith angle real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw => NULL() ! net shortwave flux (W/m2) at the surface real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_dir =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_dif =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_down_vis_dir =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_down_vis_dif =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_down_total_dir =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_down_total_dif =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_vis =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_vis_dir =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_sw_vis_dif =>NULL() real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: flux_lw => NULL() ! net longwave flux (W/m2) at the surface real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: lprec => NULL() ! mass of liquid precipitation since last time step (Kg/m2) real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: fprec => NULL() ! ass of frozen precipitation since last time step (Kg/m2) logical, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: maskmap =>NULL()! A pointer to an array indicating which ! logical processors are actually used for ! the ocean code. The other logical ! processors would be all land points and ! are not assigned to actual processors. ! This need not be assigned if all logical ! processors are used. This variable is dummy and need ! not to be set, but it is needed to pass compilation. type (surf_diff_type) :: Surf_diff ! store data needed by the multi-step version of the diffusion algorithm type (time_type) :: Time ! current time type (time_type) :: Time_step ! atmospheric time step. type (time_type) :: Time_init ! reference time. integer, pointer :: pelist(:) =>NULL() ! pelist where atmosphere is running. logical :: pe ! current pe. type(coupler_2d_bc_type) :: fields ! array of fields used for additional tracers type(grid_box_type) :: grid ! hold grid information needed for 2nd order conservative flux exchange ! to calculate gradient on cubic sphere grid. end type atmos_data_type ! ! type land_ice_atmos_boundary_type ! variables of this type are declared by coupler_main, allocated by flux_exchange_init. !quantities going from land+ice to atmos real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: t =>NULL() ! surface temperature for radiation calculations real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo =>NULL() ! surface albedo for radiation calculations real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo_vis_dir =>NULL() real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo_nir_dir =>NULL() real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo_vis_dif =>NULL() real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: albedo_nir_dif =>NULL() real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: land_frac =>NULL() ! fraction amount of land in a grid box real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dt_t =>NULL() ! temperature tendency at the lowest level real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: dt_tr =>NULL() ! tracer tendency at the lowest level real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: u_flux =>NULL() ! zonal wind stress real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: v_flux =>NULL() ! meridional wind stress real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dtaudu =>NULL() ! derivative of zonal wind stress w.r.t. the lowest zonal level wind speed real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: dtaudv =>NULL() ! derivative of meridional wind stress w.r.t. the lowest meridional level wind speed real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: u_star =>NULL() ! friction velocity real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: b_star =>NULL() ! bouyancy scale real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: q_star =>NULL() ! moisture scale real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: rough_mom =>NULL() ! surface roughness (used for momentum) real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: data =>NULL() !collective field for "named" fields above integer :: xtype !REGRID, REDIST or DIRECT end type land_ice_atmos_boundary_type ! ! type :: land_atmos_boundary_type real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: data =>NULL() ! quantities going from land alone to atmos (none at present) end type land_atmos_boundary_type ! ! !quantities going from ice alone to atmos (none at present) type :: ice_atmos_boundary_type real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: data =>NULL() ! quantities going from ice alone to atmos (none at present) end type ice_atmos_boundary_type ! !Balaji integer :: atmClock !for restart integer :: ipts, jpts, dto type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Atm_restart => NULL() type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Til_restart => NULL() logical :: in_different_file = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: atmos_model.F90,v 2009/09/17 16:42:43 z1l Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' integer :: ivapor = NO_TRACER ! index of water vapor tracer !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=80) :: restart_format = 'atmos_coupled_mod restart format 01' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical :: do_netcdf_restart = .true. logical :: restart_tbot_qbot = .false. namelist /atmos_model_nml/ do_netcdf_restart, restart_tbot_qbot contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! compute the atmospheric tendencies for dynamics, radiation, ! vertical diffusion of momentum, tracers, and heat/moisture. ! ! ! ! Called every time step as the atmospheric driver to compute the ! atmospheric tendencies for dynamics, radiation, vertical diffusion of ! momentum, tracers, and heat/moisture. For heat/moisture only the ! downward sweep of the tridiagonal elimination is performed, hence ! the name "_down". ! ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains quantities going from land+ice to atmos. ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module. ! These fields describe the atmospheric grid and are needed to ! compute/exchange fluxes with other component models. All fields in this ! variable type are allocated for the global grid (without halo regions). ! subroutine update_atmos_model_down( Surface_boundary, Atmos ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Surface_boundary type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpp_clock_begin(atmClock) call atmosphere_down (Atmos%Time, Surface_boundary%land_frac, & Surface_boundary%t, Surface_boundary%albedo, & Surface_boundary%albedo_vis_dir, & Surface_boundary%albedo_nir_dir, & Surface_boundary%albedo_vis_dif, & Surface_boundary%albedo_nir_dif, & Surface_boundary%rough_mom, & Surface_boundary%u_star, & Surface_boundary%b_star, & Surface_boundary%q_star, & Surface_boundary%dtaudu, & Surface_boundary%dtaudv, & Surface_boundary%u_flux, & Surface_boundary%v_flux, & Atmos%gust, & Atmos%coszen, & Atmos%flux_sw, & Atmos%flux_sw_dir, & Atmos%flux_sw_dif, & Atmos%flux_sw_down_vis_dir, & Atmos%flux_sw_down_vis_dif, & Atmos%flux_sw_down_total_dir, & Atmos%flux_sw_down_total_dif, & Atmos%flux_sw_vis, & Atmos%flux_sw_vis_dir, & Atmos%flux_sw_vis_dif, & Atmos%flux_lw, & Atmos%Surf_diff ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpp_clock_end(atmClock) end subroutine update_atmos_model_down ! !####################################################################### ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! upward vertical diffusion of heat/moisture and moisture processes ! ! ! Called every time step as the atmospheric driver to finish the upward ! sweep of the tridiagonal elimination for heat/moisture and compute the ! convective and large-scale tendencies. The atmospheric variables are ! advanced one time step and tendencies set back to zero. ! ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains quantities going from land+ice to atmos. ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module. ! These fields describe the atmospheric grid and are needed to ! compute/exchange fluxes with other component models. All fields in this ! variable type are allocated for the global grid (without halo regions). ! subroutine update_atmos_model_up( Surface_boundary, Atmos ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(in) :: Surface_boundary type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpp_clock_begin(atmClock) Atmos%Surf_diff%delta_t = Surface_boundary%dt_t Atmos%Surf_diff%delta_tr = Surface_boundary%dt_tr call atmosphere_up (Atmos%Time, Surface_boundary%land_frac, Atmos%Surf_diff, & Atmos%lprec, Atmos%fprec, Atmos%gust, & Surface_boundary%u_star, Surface_boundary%b_star, Surface_boundary%q_star) ! --- advance time --- Atmos % Time = Atmos % Time + Atmos % Time_step call get_bottom_mass (Atmos % t_bot, Atmos % tr_bot, & Atmos % p_bot, Atmos % z_bot, & Atmos % p_surf, Atmos % slp ) call get_bottom_wind (Atmos % u_bot, Atmos % v_bot) !------ global integrals ------ call diag_integral_output (Atmos % Time) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call mpp_clock_end(atmClock) end subroutine update_atmos_model_up ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Routine to initialize the atmospheric model ! ! ! This routine allocates storage and returns a variable of type ! atmos_boundary_data_type, and also reads a namelist input and restart file. ! ! ! ! The base (or initial) time of the experiment. ! ! ! The current time. ! ! ! The atmospheric model/physics time step. ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module. ! subroutine atmos_model_init (Atmos, Time_init, Time, Time_step) type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init, Time, Time_step integer :: unit, ntrace, ntprog, ntdiag, ntfamily, i, j integer :: mlon, mlat, nlon, nlat, sec, day, dt character(len=80) :: control real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: area integer :: ierr, io, logunit character(len=64) :: filename, filename2 integer :: id_restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- set the atmospheric model time ------ Atmos % Time_init = Time_init Atmos % Time = Time Atmos % Time_step = Time_step logunit = stdlog() if ( file_exist('input.nml')) then unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1 do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=atmos_model_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'atmos_model_nml') enddo 10 call close_file (unit) endif call get_restart_io_mode(do_netcdf_restart) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! how many tracers have been registered? ! (will print number below) call get_number_tracers ( MODEL_ATMOS, ntrace, ntprog, ntdiag, ntfamily ) if ( ntfamily > 0 ) call error_mesg ('atmos_model', 'ntfamily > 0', FATAL) ivapor = get_tracer_index( MODEL_ATMOS, 'sphum' ) if (ivapor==NO_TRACER) & ivapor = get_tracer_index( MODEL_ATMOS, 'mix_rat' ) if (ivapor==NO_TRACER) & call error_mesg('atmos_model_init', 'Cannot find water vapor in ATM tracer table', FATAL) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ----- initialize atmospheric model ----- call atmosphere_init (Atmos%Time_init, Atmos%Time, Atmos%Time_step,& Atmos%Surf_diff, Atmos%grid ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- allocate space ---- call atmosphere_resolution (mlon, mlat, global=.true.) call atmosphere_resolution (nlon, nlat, global=.false.) call atmosphere_domain (Atmos%domain) allocate ( Atmos % lon_bnd (nlon+1,nlat+1), & Atmos % lat_bnd (nlon+1,nlat+1), & Atmos % t_bot (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % tr_bot (nlon,nlat, ntprog), & Atmos % z_bot (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % p_bot (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % u_bot (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % v_bot (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % p_surf (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % slp (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % gust (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_dir (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_dif (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dir (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dif (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dir (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dif (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_vis (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dir (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dif(nlon,nlat), & Atmos % flux_lw (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % coszen (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % lprec (nlon,nlat), & Atmos % fprec (nlon,nlat) ) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon Atmos % flux_sw(i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_lw(i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_dir (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_dif (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dir (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dif (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dir (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dif (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_vis (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dir (i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dif(i,j) = 0.0 Atmos % coszen(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ get initial state for dynamics ------- call get_atmosphere_axes ( Atmos % axes ) call atmosphere_boundary ( Atmos % lon_bnd, Atmos % lat_bnd, & global=.false. ) call get_bottom_mass (Atmos % t_bot, Atmos % tr_bot, & Atmos % p_bot, Atmos % z_bot, & Atmos % p_surf, Atmos % slp ) call get_bottom_wind (Atmos % u_bot, Atmos % v_bot) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- print version number to logfile ---- call write_version_number ( version, tagname ) ! write the namelist to a log file if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then unit = stdlog( ) write (unit, nml=atmos_model_nml) call close_file (unit) ! number of tracers write (unit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of tracers =', ntrace write (unit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of prognostic tracers =', ntprog write (unit, '(a,i3)') 'Number of diagnostic tracers =', ntdiag endif !------ read initial state for several atmospheric fields ------ filename = 'atmos_coupled.res.nc' call get_mosaic_tile_file(filename, filename2, .false., Atmos%domain ) allocate(Atm_restart) if(trim(filename2) == trim(filename)) then Til_restart => Atm_restart in_different_file = .false. else in_different_file = .true. allocate(Til_restart) endif id_restart = register_restart_field(Atm_restart, filename, 'glon_bnd', ipts) id_restart = register_restart_field(Atm_restart, filename, 'glat_bnd', jpts) id_restart = register_restart_field(Atm_restart, filename, 'dt', dto) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, filename, 'lprec', Atmos % lprec, domain=Atmos%domain) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, filename, 'fprec', Atmos % fprec, domain=Atmos%domain) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, filename, 'gust', Atmos % gust, domain=Atmos%domain) if (restart_tbot_qbot) then id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, filename, 't_bot', Atmos%t_bot, domain=Atmos%domain) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, filename, 'q_bot', Atmos%tr_bot(:,:,ivapor), domain=Atmos%domain) end if call get_time (Atmos % Time_step, sec, day) dt = sec + 86400*day ! integer seconds filename = 'INPUT/atmos_coupled.res.nc' if ( file_exist(filename) ) then if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) call mpp_error ('atmos_model_mod', & 'Reading netCDF formatted restart file: INPUT/atmos_coupled.res.nc', NOTE) call restore_state(Atm_restart) if(in_different_file)call restore_state(Til_restart) if (ipts /= mlon .or. jpts /= mlat) call error_mesg & ('coupled_atmos_init', 'incorrect resolution on restart file', FATAL) !---- if the time step has changed then convert ---- ! tendency to conserve mass of water if (dto /= dt) then Atmos % lprec = Atmos % lprec * real(dto)/real(dt) Atmos % fprec = Atmos % fprec * real(dto)/real(dt) if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (logunit,50) endif else if (file_exist('INPUT/atmos_coupled.res')) then if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) call mpp_error ('atmos_model_mod', & 'Reading native formatted restart file: INPUT/atmos_coupled.res', NOTE) unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/atmos_coupled.res', 'read') !--- check version number (format) of restart file --- read (unit) control if (trim(control) /= trim(restart_format)) call error_mesg & ('coupled_atmos_init', 'invalid restart format', FATAL) !--- check resolution and time step --- read (unit) ipts,jpts,dto if (ipts /= mlon .or. jpts /= mlat) call error_mesg & ('coupled_atmos_init', 'incorrect resolution on restart file', FATAL) !--- read data --- call read_data ( unit, Atmos % lprec ) call read_data ( unit, Atmos % fprec ) call read_data ( unit, Atmos % gust ) if (restart_tbot_qbot) then call read_data ( unit, Atmos % t_bot ) call read_data ( unit, Atmos % tr_bot(:,:,ivapor) ) endif call close_file (unit) !---- if the time step has changed then convert ---- ! tendency to conserve mass of water if (dto /= dt) then Atmos % lprec = Atmos % lprec * real(dto)/real(dt) Atmos % fprec = Atmos % fprec * real(dto)/real(dt) if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (logunit,50) 50 format (/,'The model time step changed .... & &modifying precipitation tendencies') endif else Atmos % lprec = 0.0 Atmos % fprec = 0.0 Atmos % gust = 1.0 endif ! to be written to restart file ipts = mlon jpts = mlat dto = dt !------ initialize global integral package ------ !**** TEMPORARY FIX FOR GRID CELL CORNER PROBLEM **** allocate (area (nlon, nlat)) ! call atmosphere_cell_area to obtain array of grid cell areas needed ! by diag_integral_init call atmosphere_cell_area (area) call diag_integral_init (Atmos % Time_init, Atmos % Time, & Atmos % lon_bnd(:,:), & Atmos % lat_bnd(:,:), area) deallocate (area) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- atmClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Atmosphere', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT ) end subroutine atmos_model_init ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! termination routine for atmospheric model ! ! ! Call once to terminate this module and any other modules used. ! This routine writes a restart file and deallocates storage ! used by the derived-type variable atmos_boundary_data_type. ! ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module. ! subroutine atmos_model_end (Atmos) type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- termination routine for atmospheric model ---- call atmosphere_end (Atmos % Time, Atmos%grid) !------ global integrals ------ call diag_integral_end (Atmos % Time) !------ write several atmospheric fields ------ ! also resolution and time step call atmos_model_local_restart(Atmos) !-------- deallocate space -------- deallocate ( Atmos % lon_bnd , & Atmos % lat_bnd , & Atmos % t_bot , & Atmos % tr_bot , & Atmos % z_bot , & Atmos % p_bot , & Atmos % u_bot , & Atmos % v_bot , & Atmos % p_surf , & Atmos % slp , & Atmos % gust , & Atmos % flux_sw , & Atmos % flux_sw_dir , & Atmos % flux_sw_dif , & Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dir , & Atmos % flux_sw_down_vis_dif , & Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dir , & Atmos % flux_sw_down_total_dif , & Atmos % flux_sw_vis , & Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dir , & Atmos % flux_sw_vis_dif , & Atmos % flux_lw , & Atmos % coszen , & Atmos % lprec , & Atmos % fprec ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine atmos_model_end ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file ! subroutine atmos_model_restart(Atmos, timestamp) type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos character(len=*), intent(in) :: timestamp call atmosphere_restart(timestamp) call atmos_model_local_restart(Atmos, timestamp) end subroutine atmos_model_restart ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file ! subroutine atmos_model_local_restart(Atmos, timestamp) type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atmos character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp integer :: unit if( do_netcdf_restart) then if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then call mpp_error ('atmos_model_mod', 'Writing netCDF formatted restart file.', NOTE) endif call save_restart(Atm_restart, timestamp) if(in_different_file) call save_restart(Til_restart, timestamp) else if(present(timestamp)) call mpp_error ('atmos_model_mod', & 'intermediate restart capability is not implemented for non-netcdf file', FATAL) unit = open_restart_file ('RESTART/atmos_coupled.res', 'write') if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then write (unit) restart_format write (unit) ipts, jpts, dto endif call write_data ( unit, Atmos % lprec ) call write_data ( unit, Atmos % fprec ) call write_data ( unit, Atmos % gust ) if(restart_tbot_qbot) then call write_data ( unit, Atmos % t_bot ) call write_data ( unit, Atmos % tr_bot(:,:,ivapor) ) endif call close_file (unit) endif end subroutine atmos_model_local_restart ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! returns the total stock in atmospheric model ! ! ! Called to compute and return the total stock (e.g., water, heat, etc.) ! in the atmospheric on the current PE. ! ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields needed by the flux exchange module. ! ! ! ! Index of stock to be computed. ! ! ! ! Value of stock on the current processor. ! subroutine atm_stock_pe (Atm, index, value) type (atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm integer, intent(in) :: index real, intent(out) :: value value = 0.0 if(Atm%pe) call get_stock_pe (index, value) end subroutine atm_stock_pe ! !####################################################################### !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Print checksums of the various fields in the atmos_data_type. ! ! ! Routine to print checksums of the various fields in the atmos_data_type. ! ! ! ! Derived-type variable that contains fields in the atmos_data_type. ! ! ! ! Label to differentiate where this routine in being called from. ! ! ! ! An integer to indicate which timestep this routine is being called for. ! ! subroutine check_atmos_data_type(atm, id, timestep) type(atmos_data_type), intent(in) :: atm character(len=*), intent(in) :: id integer , intent(in) :: timestep integer :: outunit 100 FORMAT("CHECKSUM::",A32," = ",Z20) 101 FORMAT("CHECKSUM::",A16,a,'%',a," = ",Z20) outunit = stdout() write(outunit,*) 'BEGIN CHECKSUM(Atmos_data_type):: ', id, timestep write(outunit,100) ' atm%lon_bnd ', mpp_chksum(atm%lon_bnd ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%lat_bnd ', mpp_chksum(atm%lat_bnd ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%t_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%t_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%tr_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%tr_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%z_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%z_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%p_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%p_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%u_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%u_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%v_bot ', mpp_chksum(atm%v_bot ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%p_surf ', mpp_chksum(atm%p_surf ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%slp ', mpp_chksum(atm%slp ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%gust ', mpp_chksum(atm%gust ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%coszen ', mpp_chksum(atm%coszen ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_dir ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_dir ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_dif ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_dif ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dir ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dir ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dif ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dif ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_down_total_dir ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_down_total_dir) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_down_total_dif ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_down_total_dif) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_vis ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_vis ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_vis_dir ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_vis_dir ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_sw_vis_dif ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_sw_vis_dif ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%flux_lw ', mpp_chksum(atm%flux_lw ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%lprec ', mpp_chksum(atm%lprec ) write(outunit,100) ' atm%fprec ', mpp_chksum(atm%fprec ) end subroutine check_atmos_data_type ! end module atmos_model_mod