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module atmosphere_mod
! B.L. Samuels
! Zhi Liang
! interface for spherical grid dynamical core and physics
! for the energy balance model (EBM)
! The Energy Balance Model is a simple spectral atmospheric model
! using diffusion and radiative balance. The EBM solves two
! prognostic equations for atmospheric temperature and specific
! humidity
! The Energy Balance Model was originally developed at GFDL
! by I. Held and extensively modified by J. Russell to be
! MOM4 compatible. Zhi Liang made the appropriate modifications
! for the code to be fms_io compatible and meet RTS standards.
! No current reference of this code exists.
! Zhang,Rong and Geoffrey Vallis, " The Role of the Deep Western Boundary Current in the
! Separation of the Gulf Stream", Journal of Physical Oceanography,submitted 2004
! see Appendix A
! Note by J. Russell: the number of processors you use must be less than the number of
! atmospheric latitude boxes and must divide into that number equally
! interface for spherical grid dynamical core and physics
! for the energy balance model (EBM)
!---------------- m o d u l e i n f o r m a t i o n ------------------
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_pe, stdout, stdlog, mpp_error
use fms_mod, only: file_exist, close_file, read_data, write_data
use fms_mod, only: error_mesg, FATAL, check_nml_error, open_namelist_file
use fms_mod, only: write_version_number
use constants_mod, only: radius, rdgas, rvgas, cp_air, hlv, hlf, tfreeze, stefan, PI
use transforms_mod, only: transforms_init, grid_domain, spectral_domain
use transforms_mod, only: trans_grid_to_spherical, trans_spherical_to_grid
use transforms_mod, only: get_deg_lat, get_eigen_laplacian, compute_gradient_cos
use transforms_mod, only: compute_div, get_grid_boundaries, divide_by_cos2
use transforms_mod, only: triangular_truncation, get_grid_domain, get_spec_domain
use transforms_mod, only: get_wts_lat
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time, get_date, operator(+)
use ebm_diagnostics_mod, only: ebm_diagnostics_init, ebm_diagnostics_up, ebm_diagnostics_down
use astronomy_mod, only: astronomy_init, daily_mean_solar, annual_mean_solar
use sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: escomp, descomp
use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2D
use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_number_tracers
use xgrid_mod, only: grid_box_type
implicit none
! version information
character(len=128), parameter :: version = &
'$Id: atmosphere.F90,v 17.0 2009/07/21 02:52:53 fms Exp $'
character(len=128), parameter :: tagname = &
'$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! public interfaces
public :: atmosphere_init, atmosphere_down, atmosphere_up
public :: atmosphere_end, atmosphere_resolution, atmosphere_boundary
public :: get_bottom_mass, get_bottom_wind, get_atmosphere_axes
public :: surf_diff_type, radiation, precipitation
public :: diffusion, atmosphere_domain
public :: get_stock_pe, atmosphere_cell_area
public :: atmosphere_restart
! module variables
type surf_diff_type
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dtmass => NULL() ! dt/mass, where dt = atmospheric time step (sec)
! mass = mass of lowest atmospheric layer (Kg/m2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dflux_t => NULL() ! derivative of the temperature flux at the top of the lowest
! atmospheric layer with respect to the temperature
! of that layer (J/(m2 K))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: dflux_tr => NULL() ! derivative of the flux of specific humidity
! at the top of the lowest atmospheric layer with respect to
! the specific humidity of that layer (--/(m2 K))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: delta_t => NULL() ! the increment in temperature in the lowest atmospheric
! layer (((i+1)-(i-1) if atmos model is leapfrog) (K)
! (defined in gcm_vert_diff_down as the increment computed up
! to this point in model, including effect of vertical
! diffusive flux at top of lowest model level, presumed
! to be modified to include effects of surface fluxes
! outside of this module, then used to start upward
! tridiagonal sweep,
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:):: delta_tr => NULL() ! similarly for the increment in specific humidity
! (non-dimensional = Kg/Kg)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: delta_u => NULL()
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: delta_v => NULL()
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: sst_miz => NULL()
end type surf_diff_type
complex, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ts ! atmospheric temperature deg_k
complex, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: qs ! specific humidity no units
complex, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dt_ts ! rate of change in atmospheric temperature (degK/s)
complex, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dt_qs ! rate of change in specific humidity (1/s)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: tg ! atmospheric temperature ( deg_k )
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: qg ! specific humidity ( no units )
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dt_tg ! rate of change in atmospheric temperature (degK/s)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dt_qg ! rate of change in specific humidity (1/s)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: u_bot ! zonal wind component at lowest model level (m/s)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: v_bot ! meridional wind component at lowest model level (m/s)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: t_bot ! temperature at lowest model level (deg k)
real , allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: q_bot ! specific humidity at lowest model level (kg/kg)
real , allocatable, dimension(:) :: deg_lat, deg_lon, rad_lat, annual_solar, annual_cosz
integer, dimension(4) :: axis_id ! axes identifiers provided by ebm_diagnostics_mod
real :: dt ! time step (secs)
type(time_type) :: Time, Time_next, Time_step
integer :: is,ie,js,je,ms,me,ns,ne
real, parameter :: d622 = rdgas/rvgas
real, parameter :: d378 = 1.-d622
logical :: module_is_initialized =.false.
integer :: q_ind = 1
!---- namelist (saved in file input.nml) ----
! namelist parameters with default values
! Default values are based on ebm run with 1p5 ocean model
! 120 x 65 as run by Joellen Russell
integer :: lon_max = 180
integer :: lat_max = 120
integer :: num_fourier = 42
real :: diff = 1.e04
real :: nu = 4.0e16
real :: solar_constant = 1360.0
real :: atm_abs = 0.15
real :: atm_ref = 0.05
real :: mass = 8.e03
real :: rh = 0.8
real :: t_bot_atm = 30.0
logical :: seasonal_solar = .true.
logical :: diff_is_uniform = .false.
real :: tg_init = 273.0
real :: gustiness = 1.0
logical :: debug_ebm_atm = .false.
! namelist/atmosphere_nml/ lon_max, lat_max, num_fourier, &
! mass, rh, t_bot_atm, &
! solar_constant, atm_abs, atm_ref, seasonal_solar, &
! diff_is_uniform, nu, diff, tg_init, debug_ebm_atm
! This is the longitude of the spectral atmospheric grid
! This is the latitude of the spectral atmospheric grid
! Note that the number of processors you use must be less than the number of
! atmospheric latitude boxes and must divide into that number equally
! num_fourier is used along with lon_max, lat_max in the spectral transforms of grids
! background atmospheric lateral eddy diffusion coefficient for the EBM
! scaling factor for spherical grid analysis used in diffusion subroutine
! standard value for the annual mean solar flux at the top of atmosphere.
! Default value if seasonal_solar=.false.
! atmospheric absorption (fraction)
! atmosphere reflectance (fraction)
! mass = mass of lowest atmospheric layer (Kg/m2)
! relative humidity (fraction)
! temperature at the bottom of the atmosphere
! If .true., seasonal solar value is computed
! constant value for inital atmospheric temperature (degK)
! For debugging purposes.
namelist/atmosphere_nml/ lon_max, lat_max, num_fourier, mass, rh, t_bot_atm, &
solar_constant, atm_abs, atm_ref, seasonal_solar, &
diff_is_uniform, nu, diff, tg_init, debug_ebm_atm, gustiness
! ==================================================================================
! ==================================================================================
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! Read in restart files and initialize arrays
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! Read in restart files and initialize arrays
! call atmosphere_init(Time_init, Time_in, Time_step_in, Surf_diff, Grid_box)
! The base (or initial) time of the experiment.
! The current time.
! The atmospheric model/physics time step.
! The surface terms for vertical diffusion that are exchanged
! with other component models. On input fields have not been
! allocated, on output all arrays are allocated.
! Contains information about the grid cells
subroutine atmosphere_init(Time_init, Time_in, Time_step_in, Surf_diff, Grid_box)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init, Time_in, Time_step_in
type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff
type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box
integer :: ierr, io, unit, seconds, days, m, n
character(len=64) :: filename
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: real_part, imag_part
! managing time
Time = Time_in
Time_step = Time_step_in
call get_time(Time_step, seconds, days)
dt = float(86400*days + seconds)
! read namelist and copy to logfile
unit = open_namelist_file()
read (unit, nml=atmosphere_nml,iostat=io)
write (stdout(),'(/)')
write (stdout(), atmosphere_nml)
write (stdlog(), atmosphere_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'atmosphere_nml')
call close_file(unit)
!--- write out version information
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
! Initialize spherical fourier
call transforms_init(radius, lat_max, lon_max, num_fourier, 1, num_fourier+1)
call get_grid_domain(is,ie,js,je)
call get_spec_domain(ms,me,ns,ne)
! allocate module variables
allocate ( tg (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( qg (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( dt_tg (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( dt_qg (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( u_bot (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( v_bot (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( t_bot (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( q_bot (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate ( ts (ms:me, ns:ne) )
allocate ( qs (ms:me, ns:ne) )
allocate ( dt_ts (ms:me, ns:ne) )
allocate ( dt_qs (ms:me, ns:ne) )
allocate ( deg_lon (is:ie) )
allocate ( deg_lat (js:je) )
allocate ( rad_lat (js:je) )
allocate ( annual_cosz (js:je) )
allocate ( annual_solar (js:je) )
allocate (real_part( ms:me, ns:ne) )
allocate (imag_part( ms:me, ns:ne) )
! hack: in case EBM use more than 1 tracer other than water vapor, revamp this code.
! fil
allocate (Surf_diff%dtmass (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate (Surf_diff%dflux_t (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate (Surf_diff%dflux_tr (is:ie, js:je, q_ind) )
allocate (Surf_diff%delta_t (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate (Surf_diff%delta_tr (is:ie, js:je, q_ind) )
allocate (Surf_diff%delta_u (is:ie, js:je) )
allocate (Surf_diff%delta_v (is:ie, js:je) )
Surf_diff%dtmass = 0.0
Surf_diff%dflux_t = 0.0
Surf_diff%dflux_tr = 0.0
Surf_diff%delta_t = 0.0
Surf_diff%delta_tr = 0.0
Surf_diff%delta_u = 0.0
Surf_diff%delta_v = 0.0
! these elements of Surf_diff are static
Surf_diff%dtmass = dt/mass
Surf_diff%dflux_t = 0.0
Surf_diff%dflux_tr = 0.0
! read restart
filename = 'INPUT/atmosphere.res.nc'
if(file_exist(filename)) then
call read_data(filename, 'ts_real', real_part, spectral_domain)
call read_data(filename, 'ts_imag', imag_part, spectral_domain)
do n = ns, ne
do m = ms, me
ts(m,n) = cmplx(real_part(m,n),imag_part(m,n))
call read_data(filename, 'qs_real', real_part, spectral_domain)
call read_data(filename, 'qs_imag', imag_part, spectral_domain)
do n = ns, ne
do m = ms, me
qs(m,n) = cmplx(real_part(m,n),imag_part(m,n))
call read_data(filename, 'tg', tg, grid_domain)
call read_data(filename, 'qg', qg, grid_domain)
! tg-initial atmospheric temperature default value 273 deg Kelvin
! qg-initial atmospheric specific humidity
tg = tg_init
qg = rh*sat_mixing_ratio(tg)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(tg, ts)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(qg, qs)
v_bot = 0.0
t_bot = tg + t_bot_atm
q_bot = rh*sat_mixing_ratio(t_bot)
! initalize other modules
call ebm_diagnostics_init(Time, lon_max, lat_max, axis_id)
call astronomy_init()
! get latitudes of grid points in degrees and radians
call get_deg_lat(deg_lat)
rad_lat = deg_lat*PI/180.
! if annual mean option is used, compute solar radiation here
! Use version for spectral 2-layer model
if(.not.seasonal_solar) call annual_mean_solar ( rad_lat, annual_cosz, annual_solar )
module_is_initialized = .true.
end subroutine atmosphere_init
! ==================================================================================
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! atmosphere_down
! This routine calls the dynamical core and the
! "downward pass" of the atmospheric physics.
! It should only be called once per time step and before
! calling atmosphere_up.
! call atmosphere_down(Time, frac_land, t_surf, albedo, rough_mom, &
! u_star, b_star, q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, &
! gust, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down, &
! Surf_diff)
! time at the current time level (tau)
! fraction (0. to 1.) of underlying surface which covered by land
! surface (skin) temperature (in deg k)
! surface albedo
! momentum roughness length (units=m)
! friction velocity
! buoyancy scale
! moisture scale
! derivative of zonal wind stress w.r.t. the lowest level wind speed
! derivative of meridional wind stress w.r.t. the lowest level wind speed
! wind gustiness
! cosine of the zenith angle
! net shortwave surface flux (down minus up) (in watts/m**2)
! downward longwave surface flux (in watts/m**2)
! Surface diffusion terms computed by the vertical diffusion scheme
subroutine atmosphere_down(Time, frac_land, t_surf, albedo, albedo_vis_dir, &
albedo_nir_dir, albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif, &
rough_mom, u_star, b_star, q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv, &
tau_x, tau_y, gust, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, &
flux_sw_dir, flux_sw_dif, flux_sw_down_vis_dir, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dif, flux_sw_down_total_dir, &
flux_sw_down_total_dif, flux_sw_vis, &
flux_sw_vis_dir, flux_sw_vis_dif,surf_lw_down, &
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: frac_land, t_surf, albedo, rough_mom
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: albedo_vis_dir, albedo_nir_dir
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: u_star, b_star, q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv
real, intent(inout), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: tau_x, tau_y
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: gust, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: flux_sw_dir, flux_sw_dif, flux_sw_down_vis_dir
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: flux_sw_down_vis_dif, flux_sw_down_total_dir
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: flux_sw_down_total_dif, flux_sw_vis
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: flux_sw_vis_dir, flux_sw_vis_dif
type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff
! initialize tendencies of temperature and mixing ratio to zero
dt_tg = 0.0
dt_qg = 0.0
! add temperature tendency due to radiation, and compute radiative fluxes and
! zenith angle needed by flux module
call radiation (Time, t_surf, albedo, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down)
! | | |
! DIR |flux_sw_vis_dir | | flux_sw_dir
! | | |
! | | |
! DIF |flux_sw_vis_dif | | flux_sw_dif
! | | |
!DIR+DIF|flux_sw_vis | | flux_sw
! | | |(diagnostic only)
! bls-total Short wave is equally divided into VIS and NIR
! flux_sw_dif - total Diffusive Short wave : VIS + NIR
flux_sw_dif = .5*net_surf_sw_down
! flux_sw_dir - total Direct Short wave : VIS + NIR
flux_sw_dir = net_surf_sw_down - flux_sw_dif
! bls- Visible Direct and Diffusive short wave will be assumed to be
! half of the total VIS+DIR components
flux_sw_vis_dir = .5*flux_sw_dir
flux_sw_vis_dif = .5*flux_sw_dif
! Total Visible short wave (DIR + DIFFUSE)
flux_sw_vis = flux_sw_vis_dir + flux_sw_vis_dif
! NIR components are determined in the ice model
! for surface flux computation
gust = gustiness
v_bot = 0.0
t_bot = tg + t_bot_atm
q_bot = rh*sat_mixing_ratio(t_bot)
Surf_diff%delta_t = dt*dt_tg ! needed in this form for surface models
Surf_diff%delta_tr(:,:,q_ind) = dt*dt_qg
end subroutine atmosphere_down
! ==================================================================================
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! atmosphere_up
! This routine calls the "upward pass" of the atmospheric physics,
! spherical diagnostics, and time differencing. The prognostic
! variables are advanced to the next time step. It should only be
! called once per time step and after calling atmosphere_down.
! call atmosphere_up(Time, frac_land, Surf_diff, lprec, fprec, gust)
! time at the current time level (tau)
! fraction (0. to 1.) of underlying surface which covered by land
! liquid precipitation rate (rain) in kg/m2/s
! frozen precipitation rate (snow) in kg/m2/s
! wind gustiness
! urface diffusion terms computed by the vertical diffusion scheme
! NOT USED in this routine. Dummy argument added for compilation success.
! NOT USED in this routine. Dummy argument added for compilation success.
! NOT USED in this routine. Dummy argument added for compilation success.
subroutine atmosphere_up(Time, frac_land, Surf_diff, lprec, fprec, gust, u_star, b_star, q_star )
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: frac_land
type(surf_diff_type), intent(in) :: Surf_diff
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: lprec, fprec, gust
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: u_star, b_star, q_star
complex, dimension(ms:me,ns:ne) :: lap, spec
real, dimension(ms:me,ns:ne) :: eigen
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
dt_tg = Surf_diff%delta_t/dt
dt_qg = Surf_diff%delta_tr(:,:,q_ind)/dt
!initialize arrays to zero
gust = gustiness
call precipitation(lprec, fprec)
call diffusion
Time_next = Time + Time_step
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
call get_date(Time_next, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
if (mpp_pe() == 0 .and. hour+minute == 0 ) then
print *,"atmosphere_up:Current time: year =",year," month = ",month," day = ",day
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,je), qg(ie,je), lprec(ie,je), fprec(ie,je)
call ebm_diagnostics_up(Time_next, tg, qg, lprec, fprec, dt_qg)
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
! print out a few things for degbugging
if (mpp_pe() == 0 .and. hour+minute == 0 ) then
print *,"atmosphere_up aft diag:Current time: year =",year," month = ",month," day = ",day
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,je), qg(ie,je), lprec(ie,je), fprec(ie,je)
1000 format(4(1x,e11.4))
end subroutine atmosphere_up
! ==================================================================================
! radiation
! Radiation module for prognostic equation of atmospheric temperature
! The atmospheric tendency term (dt_tg) includes the balance of shortwave
! and longwave radiation terms at the surface
! call radiation (Time, t_surf, albedo, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down)
! time at the current time level (tau)
! surface (skin) temperature (in deg k)
! surface albedo
! cosine of the zenith angle
! net shortwave surface flux (down minus up) (in watts/m**2)
! downward longwave surface flux (in watts/m**2)
subroutine radiation (Time, t_surf, albedo, coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real, intent(in), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: t_surf, albedo
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: coszen, net_surf_sw_down, surf_lw_down
integer :: j
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: net_top_sw_down, top_lw_up, surf_lw_up
real, dimension(js:je) :: cosz, solar, incident_solar
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
if(seasonal_solar) then
! Use spectral 2-layer model version
call daily_mean_solar (rad_lat, Time, cosz, solar)
cosz = annual_cosz
solar = annual_solar
incident_solar = solar_constant*solar
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
call get_date(Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
do j = js, je
net_top_sw_down (:,j) = incident_solar(j)*(1.0 - atm_ref - (1.0 - atm_ref - atm_abs)*albedo(:,j))
net_surf_sw_down (:,j) = incident_solar(j)*(1.0 - atm_ref- atm_abs)*(1. - albedo(:,j))
top_lw_up (:,j) = stefan*( tg (:,j) **4)
surf_lw_down (:,j) = stefan*((tg (:,j)+20.0)**4)
surf_lw_up (:,j) = stefan*( t_surf (:,j) **4)
dt_tg (:,j) = dt_tg(:,j) + &
( + surf_lw_up (:,j) &
- top_lw_up (:,j) - surf_lw_down (:,j) &
+ net_top_sw_down(:,j) - net_surf_sw_down(:,j) )/(cp_air*mass)
coszen (:,j) = cosz(j)
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
if (mpp_pe() == 0 .and. hour+minute == 0 ) then
print *,"radiation:Current time: year =",year," month = ",month," day = ",day, " j=",j
write (stdout(),1000) incident_solar(j),albedo(ie,j),atm_ref,atm_abs
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,j), qg(ie,j), net_top_sw_down(ie,j), net_surf_sw_down(ie,j)
write (stdout(),1000) top_lw_up(ie,j), surf_lw_down(ie,j), surf_lw_up(ie,j), dt_tg(ie,j)
1000 format(4(1x,e11.4))
call ebm_diagnostics_down(Time, top_lw_up, surf_lw_down, surf_lw_up, net_top_sw_down, net_surf_sw_down)
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
if (mpp_pe() == 0 .and. hour+minute == 0 ) then
print *,"radiation aft diag:Current time: year =",year," month = ",month," day = ",day, " j=",j-1
write (stdout(),1000) incident_solar(j-1),albedo(ie,j-1),atm_ref,atm_abs
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,j-1), qg(ie,j-1), net_top_sw_down(ie,j-1), net_surf_sw_down(ie,j-1)
write (stdout(),1000) top_lw_up(ie,j-1), surf_lw_down(ie,j-1), surf_lw_up(ie,j-1), dt_tg(ie,j-1)
end subroutine radiation
! ==================================================================================
! Precipiatation module for prognostic equation of atmospheric temperature
! and specific humidity
! Precipiatation module for prognostic equation of atmospheric temperature
! and specific humidity
! The atmospheric tendency term (dt_tg) includes the latent heat flux released
! during precipitation (tdel)
! The specific humidity is the balance of evaporation and precipitation (dt_qg)
! call precipitation(lprec, fprec)
! liquid precipitation rate (rain) in kg/m2/s
! frozen precipitation rate (snow) in kg/m2/s
subroutine precipitation(lprec, fprec)
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: lprec, fprec
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: qsat, dqsat, tdel, qdel, &
tg_temp, qg_temp
real :: hlcp, hfcp
integer :: i,j
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
tg_temp = tg + dt_tg*dt + t_bot_atm
qg_temp = qg + dt_qg*dt
qsat = sat_mixing_ratio(tg_temp)
dqsat = deriv_sat_mixing_ratio(tg_temp)
! tfreeze - temperature where fresh water freezes 273.16 degK
! hlv - Latent heat of evaporation J/kg
! hlf - latent heat of fusion J/kg condensate
! cp_air - specific heat of air at J/kg air/K
hlcp = hlv /cp_air
hfcp = (hlv + hlf)/cp_air
! initialize precipiation to zero
lprec = 0.0
fprec = 0.0
where (qg_temp > qsat .and. tg_temp > tfreeze)
qdel = (qsat - qg_temp)/(1.0 + hlcp*dqsat)
tdel = -hlcp*qdel
lprec = -qdel*mass/dt
elsewhere (qg_temp > qsat .and. tg_temp <= tfreeze)
qdel = (qsat - qg_temp)/(1.0 + hfcp*dqsat)
tdel = -hfcp*qdel
fprec = -qdel*mass/dt
qdel = 0.0
tdel = 0.0
dt_tg = dt_tg + tdel/dt
dt_qg = dt_qg + qdel/dt
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
if (mpp_pe() == 0 ) then
print *,"in precip:"
write (stdout(),1000) qg_temp(ie,je), qsat(ie,je), tg_temp(ie,je), dqsat(ie,je)
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,je), qg(ie,je), lprec(ie,je), fprec(ie,je)
write (stdout(),1000) dt_tg(ie,je), dt_qg(ie,je), tdel(ie,je), qdel(ie,je)
1000 format(4(1x,e11.4))
end subroutine precipitation
! ==================================================================================
! Lateral eddy diffusion module for prognostic equation of atmospheric temperature
! and specific humidity
! Lateral eddy diffusion module for prognostic equation of atmospheric temperature
! and specific humidity
! There are two options: uniform or variable diffusion
! call diffusion()
subroutine diffusion
real , dimension (ms:me,ns:ne) :: eigen, denom
complex, dimension (ms:me,ns:ne) :: dxs, dys, div
real , dimension (is:ie,js:je) :: dxg, dyg, d
integer :: m, n
! real :: nu = 4.0e16
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dt_tg, dt_ts)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dt_qg, dt_qs)
call get_eigen_laplacian(eigen)
if(diff_is_uniform) then
dt_ts = dt_ts - diff*eigen*ts
dt_qs = dt_qs - diff*eigen*qs
d = diffusivity()
! temperature
call compute_gradient_cos(ts, dxs, dys)
call trans_spherical_to_grid(dxs,dxg)
call trans_spherical_to_grid(dys,dyg)
dxg = d*dxg
dyg = d*dyg
call divide_by_cos2(dxg)
call divide_by_cos2(dyg)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dxg,dxs)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dyg,dys)
div = compute_div(dxs, dys)
call triangular_truncation(div)
dt_ts = dt_ts + div
! water vapor
call compute_gradient_cos(qs, dxs, dys)
call trans_spherical_to_grid(dxs,dxg)
call trans_spherical_to_grid(dys,dyg)
dxg = d*dxg
dyg = d*dyg
call divide_by_cos2(dxg)
call divide_by_cos2(dyg)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dxg,dxs)
call trans_grid_to_spherical(dyg,dys)
div = compute_div(dxs, dys)
call triangular_truncation(div)
dt_qs = dt_qs + div
dt_ts = dt_ts - nu*eigen*eigen*ts
dt_qs = dt_qs - nu*eigen*eigen*qs
denom = 1./(1.0 + (diff*eigen + nu*eigen*eigen)*dt)
ts = ts + denom*dt*dt_ts
qs = qs + denom*dt*dt_qs
call trans_spherical_to_grid(ts,tg)
call trans_spherical_to_grid(qs,qg)
if(debug_ebm_atm) then
if (mpp_pe() == 0 ) then
print *,"diffusion:"
write (stdout(),1000) tg(ie,je), qg(ie,je), denom(me,ne), eigen(me,ne)
write (stdout(),1000) ts(me,ne), qs(me,ne), dt_qs(me,ne), dt_ts(me,ne)
1000 format(4(1x,e11.4))
end subroutine diffusion
! ==================================================================================
! For the a given scalar diffusion coefficient the routine returns an array
! For the a given scalar diffusion coefficient the routine returns an array
! d = diffusivity()
function diffusivity() result(d)
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: d
d = diff
end function diffusivity
! For the given temperatures routine returns the saturation mixing ratio
! esat - saturation vapor pressure
! q = sat_mixing_ratio(t)
! For the given temperatures routine returns the saturation mixing ratio
! esat - saturation vapor pressure
function sat_mixing_ratio(t) result(q)
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: t, q, esat
call escomp (t, esat)
q = d622*esat/1.e05
end function sat_mixing_ratio
! ==================================================================================
! For the given temperatures, routine returns the derivative of the saturation mixing ratio
! For the given temperatures, routine returns the derivative of the saturation mixing ratio
! q = deriv_sat_mixing_ratio(t)
function deriv_sat_mixing_ratio(t) result(q)
real, dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: t, q, desat
call descomp (t, desat)
q = d622*desat/1.e05
end function deriv_sat_mixing_ratio
! ==================================================================================
! returns temp, sphum, pres, height at the lowest model level
! and surface pressure
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns temp, sphum, pres, height at the lowest model level
! and surface pressure
! call get_bottom_mass (t_bot_out, q_bot_out, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf)
! near surface temperature in degrees Kelvin
! near surface mixing ratio
! pressure at which atmos near usrface values are assumed to be defined
! height at which atmos near usrface values are assumed to be defined
! surface pressure
subroutine get_bottom_mass (t_bot_out, tr_bot_out, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf, slp)
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: t_bot_out, p_bot, z_bot, p_surf, slp
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: tr_bot_out
p_surf = 1000.0e02 ! surface pressure
p_bot = 990.0e02 ! pressure at which atmos near usrface values are assumed to be defined
z_bot = 100.0 ! height at which atmos near surface values are assumed to be defined
t_bot_out = t_bot(is:ie,js:je) ! near surface temperature
tr_bot_out(:,:,1) = q_bot(is:ie,js:je) ! near surface mixing ratio
slp = p_surf
end subroutine get_bottom_mass
! ==================================================================================
! returns u and v on the mass grid at the lowest model level
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns u and v on the mass grid at the lowest model level
! call get_bottom_wind (u_bot_out, v_bot_out)
! near surface zonal wind
! near surface meridional wind
subroutine get_bottom_wind (u_bot_out, v_bot_out)
real, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: u_bot_out, v_bot_out
u_bot_out = u_bot(is:ie,js:je) ! near surface zonal wind
v_bot_out = v_bot(is:ie,js:je) ! near surface meridional wind
end subroutine get_bottom_wind
! ==================================================================================
! returns the number of longitude and latitude grid points
! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns the number of longitude and latitude grid points
! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid
! call atmosphere_resolution(num_lon_out, num_lat_out, global)
! The number of longitude points in the compute domain.
! The number of latitude points in the compute domain.
! Flag that specifies whether the returned compute domain size is
! for the global grid (TRUE) or for the current processor (FALSE).
subroutine atmosphere_resolution(num_lon_out, num_lat_out, global)
integer, intent(out) :: num_lon_out, num_lat_out
logical, intent(in), optional :: global
logical :: global_tmp
if (present(global)) then
global_tmp = global
global_tmp = .false.
if(global_tmp) then
num_lon_out = lon_max
num_lat_out = lat_max
num_lon_out = ie+1-is
num_lat_out = je+1-js
end subroutine atmosphere_resolution
! ==================================================================================
! returns the axis indices associated with the coupling grid
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns the axis indices associated with the coupling grid
! call get_atmosphere_axes(axes_out)
! The axis identifiers for the atmospheric grids.
! The size of axes must be least 1 but not greater than 4.
! The axes are returned in the order (/ x, y, p_full, p_half /)
subroutine get_atmosphere_axes(axes_out)
integer, intent(out), dimension(:) :: axes_out
axes_out = axis_id
end subroutine get_atmosphere_axes
! ==================================================================================
! returns the longitude and latitude grid box edges
! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns the longitude and latitude grid box edges
! for either the local PEs grid (default) or the global grid
! call atmosphere_boundary(lon_boundaries, lat_boundaries, global)
! The west-to-east longitude edges of grid boxes (in radians).
! The south-to-north latitude edges of grid boxes (in radians).
! Flag that specifies whether the returned grid box edges are
! for the global grid (TRUE) or for the current processor (FALSE).
subroutine atmosphere_boundary(lon_boundaries, lat_boundaries, global)
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: lon_boundaries, lat_boundaries
logical, intent(in), optional :: global
real, dimension(size(lon_boundaries,1)) :: tmpx
real, dimension(size(lon_boundaries,2)) :: tmpy
integer :: i
logical :: global_tmp
if(present(global)) then
global_tmp = global
global_tmp = .false.
call get_grid_boundaries(tmpx, tmpy, global_tmp)
do i = 1, size(lon_boundaries,2)
lon_boundaries(:,i) = tmpx(:)
end do
do i = 1, size(lon_boundaries,1)
lat_boundaries(i,:) = tmpy(:)
end do
end subroutine atmosphere_boundary
! ==================================================================================
! returns grid cell areas for the domain
! returns grid cell areas for the domain
subroutine atmosphere_cell_area(area_out)
real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: area_out
integer :: xsize, ysize, j
real, dimension(size(area_out,2)) :: wts_lat
xsize = ie-is+1
ysize = je-js+1
if(any(shape(area_out) /= (/xsize,ysize/))) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'atmosphere_cell_area: argument has wrong shape. Its shape is ', &
shape(area_out),' It should be ',(/xsize,ysize/))
call get_wts_lat(wts_lat)
do j=1,ysize
area_out(:,j) = 2*PI*radius*radius*wts_lat(j)/lon_max
end subroutine atmosphere_cell_area
! ==================================================================================
! returns the domain2d variable associated with the coupling grid
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! returns the domain2d variable associated with the coupling grid
! note: coupling is done using the mass/temperature grid with no halos
! Domain The domain2d variable describing the grid used for coupling.
! For the B-grid, this corresponds to the temperature grid
! without halos.
! call atmosphere_domain(domain)
! The domain2d variable describing the grid used for coupling.
! For the B-grid, this corresponds to the temperature grid
! without halos.
subroutine atmosphere_domain(domain)
type (domain2d), intent(inout) :: domain
domain = grid_domain;
end subroutine atmosphere_domain
! =====================================================================
! write out restart file
! Termination routine for atmosphere_mod.
! public routine required for atmospheric components of coupled models
! write out restart file
! Termination routine for atmosphere_mod.
! call atmosphere_end(Time, Grid_box)
! time at the current time level (tau)
! Contains information about the grid cells
subroutine atmosphere_end(Time, Grid_box)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(grid_box_type), intent(inout) :: Grid_box
integer :: time_level,seconds,days,unit
character(len=64) :: filename
if(.not.module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg('atmosphere_end',' atmosphere_init has not been called.', FATAL)
end if
!--- write out restart file
filename = 'RESTART/atmosphere.res.nc'
call write_data(filename, 'ts_real', real(ts), spectral_domain)
call write_data(filename, 'ts_imag', aimag(ts), spectral_domain)
call write_data(filename, 'qs_real', real(qs), spectral_domain)
call write_data(filename, 'qs_imag', aimag(qs), spectral_domain)
call write_data(filename, 'tg', tg, grid_domain)
call write_data(filename, 'qg', qg, grid_domain)
end subroutine atmosphere_end
! dummy routine.
subroutine atmosphere_restart(timestamp)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: timestamp
call error_mesg ('atmosphere_restart in atmosphere_mod', &
'intermediate restart capability is not implemented for this model', FATAL)
end subroutine atmosphere_restart
! =====================================================================
! Not implemented properly. Puts value=0
! This is a stub routine needed for compilation of mom4_test6.
! It puts value=0 for any index.
! call get_stock_pe(index, value)
subroutine get_stock_pe(index, value)
use stock_constants_mod, only : ISTOCK_WATER, ISTOCK_HEAT
integer, intent(in) :: index
real, intent(out) :: value
select case (index)
! don't know how to compute water stock
value = 0
! don't know how to compute water stock
value = 0
case default
value = 0.0
end select
end subroutine get_stock_pe
! ==================================================================================
! ==================================================================================
end module atmosphere_mod