!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module cg_drag_mod use fms_mod, only: fms_init, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, & file_exist, check_nml_error, & error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, NOTE, & close_file, open_namelist_file, & stdlog, write_version_number, & read_data, write_data, & open_restart_file use fms_io_mod, only: register_restart_field, restart_file_type use fms_io_mod, only: save_restart, restore_state, get_mosaic_tile_file use time_manager_mod, only: time_manager_init, time_type use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, & register_diag_field, send_data use constants_mod, only: constants_init, PI, RDGAS, GRAV, CP_AIR, & SECONDS_PER_DAY #ifdef COL_DIAG use column_diagnostics_mod, only: column_diagnostics_init, & initialize_diagnostic_columns, & column_diagnostics_header, & close_column_diagnostics_units #endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cg_drag_mod computes the convective gravity wave forcing on ! the zonal flow. the parameterization is described in Alexander and ! Dunkerton [JAS, 15 December 1999]. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------- ****** VERSION NUMBER ******* --------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: cg_drag.F90,v 2009/07/30 11:00:07 rsh Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !------- interfaces -------- public cg_drag_init, cg_drag_calc, cg_drag_end, cg_drag_restart, & cg_drag_time_vary, cg_drag_endts private read_restart_file, read_nc_restart_file, & write_restart_file, gwfc !--- for netcdf restart type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Cg_restart => NULL() type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Til_restart => NULL() logical :: in_different_file = .false. integer :: vers, old_time_step !wfc++ Addition for regular use integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: source_level real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: source_amp real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: gwd_u, gwd_v !wfc-- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- namelist ----- integer :: cg_drag_freq=0 ! calculation frequency [ s ] integer :: cg_drag_offset=0 ! offset of calculation from 00Z [ s ] ! only has use if restarts are written ! at 00Z and calculations are not done ! every time step real :: source_level_pressure= 315.e+02 ! highest model level with pressure ! greater than this value (or sigma ! greater than this value normalized ! by 1013.25 hPa) will be the gravity ! wave source level at the equator ! [ Pa ] integer :: nk=1 ! number of wavelengths contained in ! the gravity wave spectrum real :: cmax=99.6 ! maximum phase speed in gravity wave ! spectrum [ m/s ] real :: dc=1.2 ! gravity wave spectral resolution ! [ m/s ] ! previous values: 0.6 real :: Bt_0=.003 ! sum across the wave spectrum of ! the magnitude of momentum flux, ! divided by density [ m^2/s^2 ] real :: Bt_aug=.000 ! magnitude of momentum flux divided by density real :: Bt_nh=.003 ! magnitude of momentum flux divided by density (SH limit ) real :: Bt_sh=.003 ! magnitude of momentum flux divided by density (SH limit ) real :: Bt_eq=.000 ! magnitude of momentum flux divided by density (equator) real :: Bt_eq_width=4.0 ! scaling for width of equtorial momentum flux (equator) real :: phi0n = 30., phi0s = -30., dphin = 5., dphis = -5. logical :: calculate_ked=.false. ! calculate ked diagnostic ? integer :: num_diag_pts_ij=0 ! number of diagnostic columns specif- ! ied by global (i,j) coordinates integer :: num_diag_pts_latlon=0 ! number of diagnostic columns ! specified by lat-lon coordinates integer, parameter :: MAX_PTS= 20 ! maximum number of diagnostic columns integer, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: i_coords_gl=-100 ! global i coordinates for ij ! diagnostic columns integer, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: j_coords_gl=-100 ! global j coordinates for ij ! diagnostic columns real, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: lat_coords_gl=-999. ! latitudes for latlon diagnostic ! columns [degrees, -90. -> 90. ] real, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: lon_coords_gl=-999. ! longitudes for latlon diagnostic ! columns [ degrees, 0. -> 360. ] namelist / cg_drag_nml / & cg_drag_freq, cg_drag_offset, & source_level_pressure, & nk, cmax, dc, Bt_0, Bt_aug, & Bt_sh, Bt_nh, Bt_eq, Bt_eq_width, & calculate_ked, & num_diag_pts_ij, num_diag_pts_latlon, & i_coords_gl, j_coords_gl, & lat_coords_gl, lon_coords_gl, & phi0n,phi0s,dphin,dphis !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------- public data ----- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ private data ------ !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! list of restart versions readable by this module. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, dimension(3) :: restart_versions = (/ 1, 2, 3 /) ! v1 : ! v2 : ! v3 : Now use NetCDF for restart file. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! these arrays must be preserved across timesteps in case the ! parameterization is not called every timestep: ! ! gwd time tendency for u eqn due to gravity wave forcing ! [ m/s^2 ] ! ked effective eddy diffusion coefficient resulting from ! gravity wave forcing [ m^2/s ] ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !wfc++ not needed if calcucate_ked is removed. !!!!rjw real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: gwd, ked !wfc-- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! these are the arrays which define the gravity wave source spectrum: ! ! c0 gravity wave phase speeds [ m/s ] ! kwv horizontal wavenumbers of gravity waves [ /m ] ! k2 squares of wavenumbers [ /(m^2) ] ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(:), allocatable :: c0, kwv, k2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! wave spectrum parameters. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nc ! number of wave speeds in spectrum ! (symmetric around c = 0) integer :: flag = 1 ! flag = 1 for peak flux at c = 0 ! flag = 0 for peak flux at (c-u) = 0 real :: Bw = 0.4 ! amplitude for the wide spectrum [ m^2/s^2 ] ! ~ u'w' real :: Bn = 0.0 ! amplitude for the narrow spectrum [ m^2/s^2 ] ! ~ u'w'; previous values: 5.4 real :: cw = 40.0 ! half-width for the wide c spectrum [ m/s ] ! previous values: 50.0, 25.0 real :: cn = 2.0 ! half-width for the narrow c spectrum [ m/s ] integer :: klevel_of_source ! k index of the gravity wave source level at ! the equator in a standard atmosphere !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variables which control module calculations: ! ! cgdrag_alarm time remaining until next cg_drag calculation [ s ] ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: cgdrag_alarm !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variables used with column diagnostics: ! ! diag_units output unit numbers ! num_diag_pts number of columns where diagnostics are desired ! column_diagnostics_desired ! column diagnostics are desired ? ! do_column_diagnostics ! a diagnostic column is in this jrow ? ! diag_lon longitude of diagnostic columns [ degrees ] ! diag_lat latiude of diagnostic columns [ degrees ] ! diag_i processor-based i index of diagnostic columns ! diag_j processor-based j index of diagnostic columns ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: num_diag_pts = 0 logical :: column_diagnostics_desired=.false. integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: diag_units logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: do_column_diagnostics real, dimension(:), allocatable :: diag_lon, diag_lat integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: diag_j, diag_i !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! variables for netcdf diagnostic fields. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: id_kedx_cgwd, id_kedy_cgwd, id_bf_cgwd, & id_gwfx_cgwd, id_gwfy_cgwd real :: missing_value = -999. character(len=7) :: mod_name = 'cg_drag' logical :: module_is_initialized=.false. !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! PUBLIC SUBROUTINES ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !#################################################################### subroutine cg_drag_init (lonb, latb, pref, Time, axes) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cg_drag_init is the constructor for cg_drag_mod. !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lonb, latb real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: pref integer, dimension(4), intent(in) :: axes type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! intent(in) variables: ! ! lonb 2d array of model longitudes on cell corners [radians] ! latb 2d array of model latitudes at cell corners [radians] ! pref array of reference pressures at full levels (plus ! surface value at nlev+1), based on 1013.25hPa pstar ! [ Pa ] ! Time current time (time_type) ! axes data axes for diagnostics ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: integer :: unit, ierr, io, logunit integer :: n, i, j, k integer :: idf, jdf, kmax real :: pif = 3.14159265358979/180. ! real :: pif = PI/180. ! real, allocatable :: lat(:,:) real :: lat(size(lonb,1) - 1, size(latb,2) - 1) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: ! ! unit unit number for nml file ! ierr error return flag ! io error return code ! n loop index ! k loop index ! idf number of i points on this processor ! jdf number of j points on this processor ! kmax number of k points on this processor ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if routine has already been executed, return. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (module_is_initialized) return !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! verify that all modules used by this module have been initialized. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call fms_init call time_manager_init call diag_manager_init call constants_init #ifdef COL_DIAG call column_diagnostics_init #endif SKIP !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read namelist. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (file_exist('input.nml')) then unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=cg_drag_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'cg_drag_nml') enddo 10 call close_file (unit) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write version number and namelist to logfile. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_version_number (version, tagname) logunit = stdlog() if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (logunit, nml=cg_drag_nml) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the grid dimensions. idf and jdf are the (i,j) dimensions of ! domain on this processor, kmax is the number of model layers. !------------------------------------------------------------------- kmax = size(pref(:)) - 1 jdf = size(latb,2) - 1 idf = size(lonb,1) - 1 allocate( source_level(idf,jdf) ) allocate( source_amp(idf,jdf) ) ! allocate( lat(idf,jdf) ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the k level which will serve as source level for the grav- ! ity waves. it is that model level just below the pressure specif- ! ied as the source location via namelist input. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,kmax if (pref(k) > source_level_pressure) then klevel_of_source = k exit endif end do do j=1,jdf lat(:,j)= 0.5*( latb(:,j+1)+latb(:,j) ) do i=1,idf source_level(i,j) = (kmax + 1) - ((kmax + 1 - & klevel_of_source)*cos(lat(i,j)) + 0.5) source_amp(i,j) = Bt_0 + & Bt_nh*0.5*(1.+tanh((lat(i,j)/pif-phi0n)/dphin)) + & Bt_sh*0.5*(1.+tanh((lat(i,j)/pif-phi0s)/dphis)) end do end do source_level = MIN (source_level, kmax-1) ! deallocate( lat ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine if column diagnostics are desired from this module. if ! so, set a flag to so indicate. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- num_diag_pts = num_diag_pts_ij + num_diag_pts_latlon if (num_diag_pts > 0) then column_diagnostics_desired = .true. endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if column diagnostics are desired, check that array dimensions are ! sufficiently large for the number of requests. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef COL_DIAG if (column_diagnostics_desired) then if (num_diag_pts > MAX_PTS) then call error_mesg ( 'cg_drag_mod', & ' must reset MAX_PTS or reduce number of diagnostic points', & FATAL) endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate arrays needed for column diagnostics. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate (do_column_diagnostics (jdf) ) allocate (diag_units (num_diag_pts) ) allocate (diag_lon (num_diag_pts) ) allocate (diag_lat (num_diag_pts) ) allocate (diag_i (num_diag_pts) ) allocate (diag_j (num_diag_pts) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call initialize_diagnostic_columns to determine the locations ! (i, j, lat and lon) of any diagnostic columns in this processsor's ! space and to open output files for the diagnostics. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call initialize_diagnostic_columns & (mod_name, num_diag_pts_latlon, num_diag_pts_ij, & i_coords_gl, j_coords_gl, lat_coords_gl, & lon_coords_gl, lonb(:,1), latb(1,:), do_column_diagnostics, & diag_lon, diag_lat, diag_i, diag_j, diag_units) endif #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the number of waves in the gravity wave spectrum, and define ! an array of their speeds. They are defined symmetrically around ! c = 0.0 m/s. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- nc = 2.0*cmax/dc + 1 allocate ( c0(nc) ) do n=1,nc c0(n) = (n-1)*dc - cmax end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the wavenumber kwv and its square k2 for the gravity waves ! contained in the spectrum. currently nk = 1, which means that the ! wavelength of all gravity waves considered is 300 km. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( kwv(nk) ) allocate ( k2 (nk) ) do n=1,nk kwv(n) = 2.*PI/((30.*(10.**n))*1.e3) k2(n) = kwv(n)*kwv(n) end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize netcdf diagnostic fields. !------------------------------------------------------------------- id_bf_cgwd = & register_diag_field (mod_name, 'bf_cgwd', axes(1:3), Time, & 'buoyancy frequency from cg_drag', ' /s', & missing_value=missing_value) id_gwfx_cgwd = & register_diag_field (mod_name, 'gwfx_cgwd', axes(1:3), Time, & 'gravity wave forcing on mean flow', & 'm/s^2', missing_value=missing_value) id_gwfy_cgwd = & register_diag_field (mod_name, 'gwfy_cgwd', axes(1:3), Time, & 'gravity wave forcing on mean flow', & 'm/s^2', missing_value=missing_value) id_kedx_cgwd = & register_diag_field (mod_name, 'kedx_cgwd', axes(1:3), Time, & 'effective eddy viscosity from cg_drag', 'm^2/s', & missing_value=missing_value) id_kedy_cgwd = & register_diag_field (mod_name, 'kedy_cgwd', axes(1:3), Time, & 'effective eddy viscosity from cg_drag', 'm^2/s', & missing_value=missing_value) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate and define module variables to hold values across ! timesteps, in the event that cg_drag is not called on every step. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( gwd_u(idf,jdf,kmax) ) allocate ( gwd_v(idf,jdf,kmax) ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if present, read the restart data file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (size(restart_versions(:)) .gt. 2 ) then call cg_drag_register_restart endif if (file_exist('INPUT/cg_drag.res.nc')) then call read_nc_restart_file elseif (file_exist('INPUT/cg_drag.res')) then call read_restart_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if no restart file is present, initialize the gwd field to zero. ! define the time remaining until the next cg_drag calculation from ! the namelist inputs. !------------------------------------------------------------------- else gwd_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 gwd_v(:,:,:) = 0.0 if (cg_drag_offset > 0) then cgdrag_alarm = cg_drag_offset else cgdrag_alarm = cg_drag_freq endif endif vers = restart_versions(size(restart_versions(:))) old_time_step = cgdrag_alarm !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! mark the module as initialized. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- module_is_initialized = .true. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine cg_drag_init !#################################################################### subroutine cg_drag_time_vary (delt) real , intent(in) :: delt !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! decrement the time remaining until the next cg_drag calculation. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cgdrag_alarm = cgdrag_alarm - delt !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine cg_drag_time_vary !#################################################################### subroutine cg_drag_endts !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if this was a calculation step, reset cgdrag_alarm to indicate ! the time remaining before the next calculation of gravity wave ! forcing. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cgdrag_alarm <= 0 ) then cgdrag_alarm = cgdrag_alarm + cg_drag_freq endif end subroutine cg_drag_endts !#################################################################### subroutine cg_drag_calc (is, js, lat, pfull, zfull, temp, uuu, vvv, & Time, delt, gwfcng_x, gwfcng_y) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cg_drag_calc defines the arrays needed to calculate the convective ! gravity wave forcing, calls gwfc to calculate the forcing, returns ! the desired output fields, and saves the values for later retrieval ! if they are not calculated on every timestep. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: is, js real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: pfull, zfull, temp, uuu, vvv type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time real , intent(in) :: delt real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: gwfcng_x, gwfcng_y !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! intent(in) variables: ! ! is,js starting subdomain i,j indices of data in ! the physics_window being integrated ! lat array of model latitudes at cell boundaries [radians] ! pfull pressure at model full levels [ Pa ] ! zfull height at model full levels [ m ] ! temp temperature at model levels [ deg K ] ! uuu zonal wind [ m/s ] ! vvv meridional wind [ m/s ] ! Time current time, needed for diagnostics [ time_type ] ! delt physics time step [ s ] ! ! intent(out) variables: ! ! gwfcng_x time tendency for u eqn due to gravity-wave forcing ! [ m/s^2 ] ! gwfcng_y time tendency for v eqn due to gravity-wave forcing ! [ m/s^2 ] ! !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: real, dimension (size(uuu,1), size(uuu,2), size(uuu,3)) :: & dtdz, ked_gwfc_x, ked_gwfc_y real, dimension (size(uuu,1),size(uuu,2), 0:size(uuu,3)) :: & zzchm, zu, zv, zden, zbf, & gwd_xtnd, ked_xtnd, & gwd_ytnd, ked_ytnd integer :: iz0 logical :: used real :: bflim = 2.5E-5 integer :: ie, je integer :: imax, jmax, kmax integer :: i, j, k, nn real :: pif = 3.14159265358979/180. ! real :: pif = PI/180. !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: ! ! dtdz temperature lapse rate [ deg K/m ] ! ked_gwfc effective diffusion coefficient from cg_drag_mod ! [ m^2/s ] ! zzchm heights at model levels [ m ] ! zu zonal velocity [ m/s ] ! zden atmospheric density [ kg/m^3 ] ! zbf buoyancy frequency [ /s ] ! gwd_xtnd zonal wind tendency resulting from cg_drag_mod ! [ m/s^2 ] ! ked_xtnd effective diffusion coefficient from cg_drag_mod ! [ m^2/s ] ! source_level k index of gravity wave source level ((i,j) array) ! iz0 k index of gravity wave source level in a column ! used return code for netcdf diagnostics ! bflim minimum allowable value of squared buoyancy ! frequency [ /s^2 ] ! ie, je ending subdomain indices of data in the current ! physics window being integrated ! imax, jmax, kmax ! physics window dimensions ! i, j, k, nn do loop indices ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define processor extents and loop limits. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- imax = size(uuu,1) jmax = size(uuu,2) kmax = size(uuu,3) ie = is + imax - 1 je = js + jmax - 1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if the convective gravity wave forcing should be calculated on ! this timestep (i.e., the alarm has gone off), proceed with the ! calculation. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cgdrag_alarm <= 0) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate temperature lapse rate. do one-sided differences over ! delta z at upper boundary and centered differences over 2 delta z ! in the interior. dtdz is not needed at the lower boundary, since ! the source level is constrained to be above level kmax. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,jmax do i=1,imax ! The following index-offsets are needed in case a physics_window is being used. iz0 = source_level(i +is-1,j+js-1) dtdz(i,j,1) = (temp (i,j,1) - temp (i,j,2))/ & (zfull(i,j,1) - zfull(i,j,2)) do k=2,iz0 dtdz(i,j,k) = (temp (i,j,k-1) - temp (i,j,k+1))/ & (zfull(i,j,k-1) - zfull(i,j,k+1)) end do !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate air density. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,iz0+1 zden(i,j,k ) = pfull(i,j,k)/(temp(i,j,k)*RDGAS) end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate buoyancy frequency. restrict the squared buoyancy ! frequency to be no smaller than bflim. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,iz0 zbf(i,j,k) = (GRAV/temp(i,j,k))*(dtdz(i,j,k) + GRAV/CP_AIR) if (zbf(i,j,k) < bflim) then zbf(i,j,k) = sqrt(bflim) else zbf(i,j,k) = sqrt(zbf(i,j,k)) endif end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if zbf is to be saved for netcdf output, the remaining vertical ! levels must be initialized. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id_bf_cgwd > 0) then zbf(i,j,iz0+1:) = 0.0 endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define an array of heights at model levels and an array containing ! the zonal wind component. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=1,iz0+1 zzchm(i,j,k) = zfull(i,j,k) end do do k=1,iz0 zu(i,j,k) = uuu(i,j,k) zv(i,j,k) = vvv(i,j,k) end do !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! add an extra level above model top so that the gravity wave forcing ! occurring between the topmost model level and the upper boundary ! may be calculated. define variable values at the new top level as ! follows: z - use delta z of layer just below; u - extend vertical ! gradient occurring just below; density - geometric mean; buoyancy ! frequency - constant across model top. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- zzchm(i,j,0) = zzchm(i,j,1) + zzchm(i,j,1) - zzchm(i,j,2) zu(i,j,0) = 2.*zu(i,j,1) - zu(i,j,2) zv(i,j,0) = 2.*zv(i,j,1) - zv(i,j,2) zden(i,j,0) = zden(i,j,1)*zden(i,j,1)/zden(i,j,2) zbf(i,j,0) = zbf(i,j,1) end do end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pass the vertically-extended input arrays to gwfc. gwfc will cal- ! culate the gravity-wave forcing and, if desired, an effective eddy ! diffusion coefficient at each level above the source level. output ! is returned in the vertically-extended arrays gwfcng and ked_gwfc. ! upon return move the output fields into model-sized arrays. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call gwfc (is, ie, js, je, source_level, source_amp, & zden, zu, zbf,zzchm, gwd_xtnd, ked_xtnd) gwfcng_x (:,:,1:kmax) = gwd_xtnd(:,:,1:kmax ) ked_gwfc_x(:,:,1:kmax) = ked_xtnd(:,:,1:kmax ) call gwfc (is, ie, js, je, source_level, source_amp, & zden, zv, zbf,zzchm, gwd_ytnd, ked_ytnd) gwfcng_y (:,:,1:kmax) = gwd_ytnd(:,:,1:kmax ) ked_gwfc_y(:,:,1:kmax) = ked_ytnd(:,:,1:kmax ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! store the gravity wave forcing into a processor-global array. !------------------------------------------------------------------- gwd_u(is:ie,js:je,:) = gwfcng_x(:,:,:) gwd_v(is:ie,js:je,:) = gwfcng_y(:,:,:) #ifdef COL_DIAG !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if column diagnostics are desired, determine if any columns are on ! this processor. if so, call column_diagnostics_header to write ! out location and timestamp information. then output desired ! quantities to the diag_unit file. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (column_diagnostics_desired) then do j=1,jmax if (do_column_diagnostics(j+js-1)) then do nn=1,num_diag_pts if (js + j - 1 == diag_j(nn)) then call column_diagnostics_header & (mod_name, diag_units(nn), Time, nn, diag_lon, & diag_lat, diag_i, diag_j) iz0 = source_level (diag_i(nn), j) write (diag_units(nn),'(a, i5)') & ' source_level =', iz0 write (diag_units(nn),'(a)') & ' k u z density& & bf gwforcing' do k=0,iz0 write (diag_units(nn), '(i5, 2x, 5e12.5)') & k, & zu (diag_i(nn),j,k), & zzchm (diag_i(nn),j,k), & zden (diag_i(nn),j,k), & zbf (diag_i(nn),j,k), & gwd_xtnd (diag_i(nn),j,k) end do write (diag_units(nn), '(i5, 14x, 2e12.5)') & iz0+1, & zzchm (diag_i(nn),j,iz0+1), & zden (diag_i(nn),j,iz0+1) endif end do ! (nn loop) endif ! (do_column_diagnostics) end do ! (j loop) endif ! (column_diagnostics_desired) #endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if activated, store the effective eddy diffusivity into a ! processor-global array, and if desired as a netcdf diagnostic, ! send the data to diag_manager_mod. !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id_kedx_cgwd > 0) then used = send_data (id_kedx_cgwd, ked_gwfc_x, Time, is, js, 1) endif if (id_kedy_cgwd > 0) then used = send_data (id_kedy_cgwd, ked_gwfc_y, Time, is, js, 1) endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! save any other netcdf file diagnostics that are desired. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (id_bf_cgwd > 0) then used = send_data (id_bf_cgwd, zbf(:,:,1:), Time, is, js ) endif if (id_gwfx_cgwd > 0) then used = send_data (id_gwfx_cgwd, gwfcng_x, Time, is, js, 1) endif if (id_gwfy_cgwd > 0) then used = send_data (id_gwfy_cgwd, gwfcng_y, Time, is, js, 1) endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if this is not a timestep on which gravity wave forcing is to be ! calculated, retrieve the values calculated previously from storage ! and return to the calling subroutine. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- else ! (cgdrag_alarm <= 0) gwfcng_x(:,:,:) = gwd_u(is:ie,js:je,:) gwfcng_y(:,:,:) = gwd_v(is:ie,js:je,:) endif ! (cgdrag_alarm <= 0) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine cg_drag_calc !################################################################### subroutine cg_drag_end !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! cg_drag_end is the destructor for cg_drag_mod. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables !For version 3 and after, use NetCDF restarts. if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', 'write_restart_nc: & &Writing netCDF formatted restart file as & &requested. ', NOTE) call cg_drag_restart #ifdef COL_DIAG if (column_diagnostics_desired) then call close_column_diagnostics_units (diag_units) endif #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! mark the module as uninitialized. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- module_is_initialized = .false. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine cg_drag_end !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! ! PRIVATE SUBROUTINES ! !%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% subroutine write_restart_file integer :: unit ! unit for writing restart file !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open unit for restart file. !------------------------------------------------------------------- unit = open_restart_file ('RESTART/cg_drag.res', 'write') !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! the root pe writes out the restart version, the time remaining ! before the next call to cg_drag_mod and the current cg_drag ! timestep. !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then write (unit) restart_versions(size(restart_versions(:))) write (unit) cgdrag_alarm, cg_drag_freq endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! each processor writes out its gravity wave forcing tendency ! on the zonal flow. !------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_data (unit, gwd_u) !--------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ! close restart file unit. if column diagnostics have been generated, ! close the units to which they were written. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call close_file (unit) end subroutine write_restart_file !##################################################################### subroutine read_restart_file !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read_restart_file reads the cg_drag_mod restart file. !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables integer :: unit character(len=8) :: chvers integer, dimension(5) :: dummy real :: secs_per_day = SECONDS_PER_DAY !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: ! ! unit unit number for nml file ! chvers character representation of restart version ! vers restart version ! dummy array to hold restart version 1 control variables ! old_time_step cg_drag timestep used in previous model run [ s ] ! secs_per_day seconds in a day [ s ] ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file to read restart data. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/cg_drag.res','read') !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read and check restart version number. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- read (unit) vers if (.not. any(vers == restart_versions) ) then write (chvers, '(i4)') vers call error_mesg ('cg_drag_init', & 'restart version '//chvers//' cannot be read & &by this module version', FATAL) endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read control information from restart file. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (vers == 1) then !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if reading restart version 1, use the contents of array dummy to ! define the cg_drag timestep that was used in the run which wrote ! the restart. define the time remaining before the next cg_drag ! calculation to either be the previous timestep or the current ! offset, if that is specified. this assumes that the restart was ! written at 00Z. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- read (unit) dummy old_time_step = secs_per_day*dummy(4) + dummy(3) if (cg_drag_offset == 0) then cgdrag_alarm = old_time_step else cgdrag_alarm = cg_drag_offset endif else !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for restart version 2, read the time remaining until the next ! cg_drag calculation, and the previously used timestep. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- read (unit) cgdrag_alarm, old_time_step endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read restart data (gravity wave forcing tendency terms) and close ! unit. !------------------------------------------------------------------- call read_data (unit, gwd_u) gwd_v(:,:,:) = 0.0 call close_file (unit) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if current cg_drag calling frequency differs from that previously ! used, adjust the time remaining before the next calculation. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cg_drag_freq /= old_time_step) then cgdrag_alarm = cgdrag_alarm - old_time_step + cg_drag_freq if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', & 'cgdrag time step has changed, & &next cgdrag time also changed', NOTE) endif endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if cg_drag_offset is specified and is smaller than the time remain- ! ing until the next calculation, modify the time remaining to be ! that offset time. the assumption is made that the restart was ! written at 00Z. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cg_drag_offset /= 0) then if (cgdrag_alarm > cg_drag_offset) then cgdrag_alarm = cg_drag_offset endif endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine read_restart_file subroutine read_nc_restart_file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine read_restart_nc reads a netcdf restart file to obtain ! the variables needed upon experiment restart. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: character(len=64) :: fname='INPUT/cg_drag.res.nc' character(len=8) :: chvers integer, dimension(5) :: dummy real :: secs_per_day = SECONDS_PER_DAY !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local variables: ! ! fname restart file name ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output a message indicating entrance into this routine. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', 'read_restart_nc:& &Reading netCDF formatted restart file:'//trim(fname), NOTE) endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! read the values of gwd_u and gwd_v !------------------------------------------------------------------- if (size(restart_versions(:)) .le. 2 ) then call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', 'read_restart_nc: restart file format is netcdf, ' // & 'restart_versions is not netcdf file version', FATAL) endif call restore_state(Cg_restart) if(in_different_file) call restore_state(Til_restart) if (.not. any(vers == restart_versions) ) then write (chvers, '(i4)') vers call error_mesg ('cg_drag_init', & 'restart version '//chvers//' cannot be read & &by this module version', FATAL) endif vers = restart_versions(size(restart_versions(:))) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if current cg_drag calling frequency differs from that previously ! used, adjust the time remaining before the next calculation. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cg_drag_freq /= old_time_step) then cgdrag_alarm = cgdrag_alarm - old_time_step + cg_drag_freq if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', & 'cgdrag time step has changed, & &next cgdrag time also changed', NOTE) endif old_time_step = cg_drag_freq endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if cg_drag_offset is specified and is smaller than the time remain- ! ing until the next calculation, modify the time remaining to be ! that offset time. the assumption is made that the restart was ! written at 00Z. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cg_drag_offset /= 0) then if (cgdrag_alarm > cg_drag_offset) then cgdrag_alarm = cg_drag_offset endif endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine read_nc_restart_file !#################################################################### ! register restart field to be read and written through save_restart and restore_state. subroutine cg_drag_register_restart character(len=64) :: fname = 'cg_drag.res.nc' ! name of restart file character(len=64) :: fname2 integer :: id_restart call get_mosaic_tile_file(fname, fname2, .false. ) allocate(Cg_restart) if(trim(fname2) == trim(fname)) then Til_restart => Cg_restart in_different_file = .false. else in_different_file = .true. allocate(Til_restart) endif id_restart = register_restart_field(Cg_restart, fname, 'restart_version', vers) id_restart = register_restart_field(Cg_restart, fname, 'cgdrag_alarm', cgdrag_alarm) id_restart = register_restart_field(Cg_restart, fname, 'cg_drag_freq', old_time_step) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'gwd_u', gwd_u) id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'gwd_v', gwd_v) return end subroutine cg_drag_register_restart !#################################################################### ! ! ! ! write out restart file. ! Arguments: ! timestamp (optional, intent(in)) : A character string that represents the model time, ! used for writing restart. timestamp will append to ! the any restart file name as a prefix. ! ! subroutine cg_drag_restart(timestamp) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp call save_restart(Cg_restart, timestamp) if(in_different_file) call save_restart(Til_restart, timestamp) end subroutine cg_drag_restart ! NAME=cg_drag_restart" !#################################################################### subroutine gwfc (is, ie, js, je, source_level, source_amp, rho, u, & bf, z, gwf, ked) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine gwfc computes the gravity wave-driven-forcing on the ! zonal wind given vertical profiles of wind, density, and buoyancy ! frequency. ! Based on version implemented in SKYHI -- 27 Oct 1998 by M.J. ! Alexander and L. Bruhwiler. !------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: is, ie, js, je integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: source_level real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: source_amp real, dimension(:,:,0:), intent(in) :: rho, u, bf, z real, dimension(:,:,0:), intent(out) :: gwf real, dimension(:,:,0:), intent(out) :: ked !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! intent(in) variables: ! ! is, ie, js, je starting/ending subdomain i,j indices of data ! in the physics_window being integrated ! source_level k index of model level serving as gravity wave ! source ! source_amp amplitude of gravity wave source ! ! rho atmospheric density [ kg/m^3 ] ! u zonal wind component [ m/s ] ! bf buoyancy frequency [ /s ] ! z height of model levels [ m ] ! ! intent(out) variables: ! ! gwf gravity wave forcing in u equation [ m/s^2 ] ! ! intent(out), optional variables: ! ! ked eddy diffusion coefficient from gravity wave ! forcing [ m^2/s ] ! !------------------------------------------------------------------ !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! local variables real, dimension (0:size(u,3)-1 ) :: & wv_frcng, diff_coeff, c0mu, dz, & fac, omc integer, dimension (nc) :: msk real , dimension (nc) :: c0mu0, B0 real :: fm, fe, Hb, alp2, Foc, c, test, rbh,& eps, Bsum integer :: iz0 integer :: i, j, k, ink, n real :: ampl !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! local variables: ! ! wv_frcng gravity wave forcing tendency [ m/s^2 ] ! diff_coeff eddy diffusion coefficient [ m2/s ] ! c0mu difference between phase speed of wave n and u ! [ m/s ] ! dz delta z between model levels [ m ] ! fac factor used in determining if wave is breaking ! [ s/m ] ! omc critical frequency that marks total internal ! reflection [ /s ] ! msk indicator as to whether wave n is still propagating ! upwards (msk=1), or has been removed from the ! spectrum because of breaking or reflection (msk=0) ! c0mu0 difference between phase speed of wave n and u at the ! source level [ m/s ] ! B0 wave momentum flux amplitude for wave n [ (m/s)^2 ] ! fm used to sum up momentum flux from all waves n ! deposited at a level [ (m/s)^2 ] ! fe used to sum up contributions to diffusion coefficient ! from all waves n at a level [ (m/s)^3 ] ! Hb density scale height [ m ] ! alp2 scale height factor: 1/(2*Hb)**2 [ /m^2 ] ! Foc wave breaking threshold [ s/m ] ! c wave phase speed used in defining wave momentum flux ! amplitude [ m/s ] ! test condition defining internal reflection [ /s ] ! rbh atmospheric density at half-level (geometric mean) ! [ kg/m^3 ] ! eps intermittency factor ! Bsum total mag of gravity wave momentum flux at source ! level, divided by the density [ m^2/s^2 ] ! iz0 source level vertical index for the given column ! i,j,k spatial do loop indices ! ink wavenumber loop index ! n phase speed loop index ! ampl phase speed loop index ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize the output arrays. these will hold values at each ! (i,j,k) point, summed over the wavelengths and phase speeds ! defining the gravity wave spectrum. !------------------------------------------------------------------- gwf = 0.0 ked = 0.0 do j=1,size(u,2) do i=1,size(u,1) ! The following index-offsets are needed in case a physics_window is being used. iz0 = source_level(i+is-1,j+js-1) ampl= source_amp(i+is-1,j+js-1) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define wave momentum flux (B0) at source level for each phase ! speed n, and the sum over all phase speeds (Bsum), which is needed ! to calculate the intermittency. !------------------------------------------------------------------- Bsum = 0. do n=1,nc c0mu0(n) = c0(n) - u(i,j,iz0) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! when the wave phase speed is same as wind speed, there is no ! momentum flux. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (c0mu0(n) == 0.0) then B0(n) = 0.0 else !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define wave momentum flux at source level for phase speed n. Add ! the contribution from this phase speed to the previous sum. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- c = c0(n)*flag + c0mu0(n)*(1 - flag) if (c0mu0(n) < 0.0) then B0(n) = -1.0*(Bw*exp(-alog(2.0)*(c/cw)**2) + & Bn*exp(-alog(2.0)*(c/cn)**2)) else B0(n) = (Bw*exp(-alog(2.0)*(c/cw)**2) + & Bn*exp(-alog(2.0)*(c/cn)**2)) endif Bsum = Bsum + abs(B0(n)) endif end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the intermittency factor eps. the factor of 1.5 is currently ! unexplained. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Bsum == 0.0) then call error_mesg ('cg_drag_mod', & ' zero flux input at source level', FATAL) endif eps = (ampl*1.5/nk)/Bsum !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! loop over the nk different wavelengths in the spectrum. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- do ink=1,nk ! wavelength loop !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define variables needed at levels above the source level. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=0,iz0 fac(k) = 0.5*(rho(i,j,k)/rho(i,j,iz0))*kwv(ink)/bf(i,j,k) end do do k=0,iz0 dz(k) = z(i,j,k) - z(i,j,k+1) Hb = -(dz(k))/alog(rho(i,j,k)/rho(i,j,k+1)) alp2 = 0.25/(Hb*Hb) omc(k) = sqrt((bf(i,j,k)*bf(i,j,k)*k2(ink))/ & (k2(ink) + alp2)) end do !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize a flag which will indicate which waves are still ! propagating upwards. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- msk = 1 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integrate upwards from the source level. define variables over ! which to sum the deposited flux and effective eddy diffusivity ! from all waves breaking at a given level. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=iz0, 0, -1 fm = 0. fe = 0. do n=1,nc ! phase speed loop !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! check only those waves which are still propagating, i.e., msk = 1. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (msk(n) == 1) then c0mu(k) = c0(n) - u(i,j,k) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if phase speed matches the wind speed, remove c0(n) from the ! set of propagating waves. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (c0mu(k) == 0.) then msk(n) = 0 else !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define the criterion which determines if wave is reflected at this ! level (test). !--------------------------------------------------------------------- test = abs(c0mu(k))*kwv(ink) - omc(k) if (test >= 0.0) then !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! wave has undergone total internal reflection. remove it from the ! propagating set. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- msk(n) = 0 else !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if wave is not reflected at this level, determine if it is ! breaking at this level (Foc >= 0), or if wave speed relative to ! windspeed has changed sign from its value at the source level ! (c0mu0(n)*c0mu <= 0). if it is above the source level and is ! breaking, then add its momentum flux to the accumulated sum at ! this level, and increase the effective diffusivity accordingly. ! set flag to remove phase speed c0(n) from the set of active waves ! moving upwards to the next level. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- Foc = B0(n)/(c0mu(k) )**3 - fac(k) if ((Foc >= 0.0) .or. & (c0mu0(n)*c0mu(k) <= 0.0)) then msk(n) = 0 if (k < iz0) then fm = fm + B0(n) fe = fe + c0mu(k)*B0(n) endif endif endif ! (test >= 0.0) endif ! (c0mu == 0.0) endif ! (msk == 1) end do ! phase speed loop !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute the gravity wave momentum flux forcing and eddy ! diffusion coefficient obtained across the entire wave spectrum ! at this level. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( k < iz0) then rbh = sqrt(rho(i,j,k)*rho(i,j,k+1)) wv_frcng(k) = ( rho(i,j,iz0)/rbh)*fm*eps/dz(k) wv_frcng(k+1) = 0.5*(wv_frcng(k+1) + wv_frcng(k)) diff_coeff(k) = (rho(i,j,iz0)/rbh)*fe*eps/(dz(k)* & bf(i,j,k)*bf(i,j,k)) diff_coeff(k+1) = 0.5*(diff_coeff(k+1) + & diff_coeff(k)) else wv_frcng(iz0) = 0.0 diff_coeff(iz0) = 0.0 endif end do ! (k loop) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increment the total forcing at each point with that obtained from ! the set of waves with the current wavenumber. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do k=0,iz0 gwf(i,j,k) = gwf(i,j,k) + wv_frcng(k) ked(i,j,k) = ked(i,j,k) + diff_coeff(k) end do end do ! wavelength loop end do ! i loop end do ! j loop !-------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine gwfc !#################################################################### end module cg_drag_mod