Contact: Bruce Wyman Reviewers: Tags/Status
Provides a spatial observed cloud fraction derived from monthly mean ISCCP cloud data.
This module uses monthly mean climatological ISCCP cloud amount for the period (1984-1989 ?).
horiz_interp_mod utilities_mod time_manager_mod time_interp_mod
use cloud_obs_mod [, only: cloud_obs_init, cloud_obs ] cloud_obs_init - Must be called once before cloud_obs is called. Reads the namelist and sets up constants needed for interpolation onto the model grid. cloud_obs - Returns observed cloud amounts for high, middle, and low clouds at the requested time of year. Notes: 1) The optional namelist interface called &cloud_obs_nml is read from file input.nml. 2) The observed cloud amount data set is read from file INPUT/
call cloud_obs_init (lonb,latb) lonb = longitude in radians of the grid box edges [real, dimension(nlon+1)] latb = latitude in radians of the grid box edges [real, dimension(nlat+1)] nlon and nlat are the number of x and y grid points in the entire grid ----------------------------------------------------------------------- call cloud_obs (is, js, time, cldamt) routine that reads monthly records of climatological isccp cloud amount and then linearly interpolates between them input ----- is,js starting i,j global indices (integer) time current time (time_type) output ------ cldamt cloud amount data (for high,middle,low clouds), a sub-window starting at i,j given by istart [real, dimension(nlon,nlat,3)] In call cloud_obs, nlon and nlat are the number of x and y grid points in a sub-window.
&cloud_obs_nml use_climo Flag that determines whether monthly mean data or monthly mean climatological data should be used. Currently this option does nothing, only climatological data can be used. [logical, default: use_climo = .true.] verbose Flag that controls the amount of printed output (verbose = 0 will print nothing). [integer, default: verbose = 0]
The observed monthly mean climatological data is read from file INPUT/ The file format is 32-bit IEEE. The data has a resolution of 2.5 x 2.5 deg (144 x 72). The first grid point is at (-88.75, 1.25). The original ISCCP low cloud amounts were modified using the total cloud amount.
CVS Revision history Changes prior to CVS version control Removed duplicate is,js declaration. Changed close statement to call close_file (for ieee data). MPP version created. Input argument istart changed to is, js. * time interpolation done by time_interp_mod * namelist added
Fatal Error in cloud_obs (or observed_cloud): cloud_obs_init has not been called The modules has not been initialized. You must call cloud_obs_init before calling cloud_obs. dimension 3 of cldamt is < 3 Routine cloud_obs returns high, middle, and low cloud amounts, therefore for output argument cldamt the third dimension must be at least 3. file INPUT/ does not exist The observed data set is not where the module will try to read it. Check the data set section on how to set up the observed data set. eof reading file=INPUT/ The data was read and no match was found for the date you requested. This error should not occur. It it does contact the developer.
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