The cloud radiation module uses the stored values of the prognostic cloud variables, and computes the cloud albedo and absorption for the two shortwave bands (ultra-violet/visible and near-infrared), the longwave cloud emissivity, and the fractional areas covered by clouds.
1. r_uv : cloud reflectance in uv band 2. r_nir: cloud reflectance in nir band 3. ab_uv: cloud absorption in uv band 4. ab_nir:cloud absorption in nir band
call cloud_rad_init (axes, Time, qmin_in, N_land_in, N_ocean_in, & overlap_out)
axes | Axis integers for diagnostics [integer, optional] |
Time | Time type variable for diagnostics [time_type, optional] |
qmin_in | Input value of minimum permissible cloud liquid, ice,
or fraction [real, kg condensate/kg air, optional] |
N_land_in | Input value of number of cloud drop per cubic meter
over land [real, #/(m*m*m), optional] |
N_ocean_in | Input value of number of cloud drop per cubic meter
over ocean [real, #/(m*m*m), optional] |
overlap_out | Integer indicating the overlap assumption being used
(1 = maximum-random, 2 = random) [integer, optional] |
call cloud_rad_end
call lw_emissivity (is, js, lwp, iwp, reff_liq, reff_ice, & nclds, em_lw)
is | Starting subdomain i index of data
in the physics_window being integrated [integer] |
js | Starting subdomain j index of data
in the physics_window being integrated [integer] |
lwp | Liquid water path [ kg / m**2 ] [real] |
iwp | Ice water path [ kg / m**2 ] [real] |
reff_liq | Effective cloud drop radius used with
bulk cloud physics scheme [ microns ] [real] |
reff_ice | Effective ice crystal radius used with
bulk cloud physics scheme [ microns ] [real] |
nclds | Number of random overlapping clouds in column [integer] |
em_lw | longwave cloud emmissivity [ dimensionless ] [real] |
call cloud_summary3 (is, js, land, ql, qi, qa, qn, pfull, phalf, & tkel, nclds, cldamt, lwp, iwp, reff_liq, & reff_ice, ktop, kbot, conc_drop, conc_ice, & size_drop, size_ice)
is,js | Indices for model slab [integer] |
land | Fraction of the grid box covered by land
[ dimensionless ] [real] |
ql | Cloud liquid condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qi | Cloud ice condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qa | Cloud volume fraction [ fraction ] [real] |
qn | Cloud droplet number [ #/kg air ] [real] |
pfull | Pressure at full levels [ Pascals ] [real] |
phalf | Pressure at half levels [ Pascals ]
NOTE: it is assumed that phalf(j+1) > phalf(j) [real] |
tkel | Temperature [ deg. Kelvin ] [real] |
nclds | Number of random-overlap clouds in a column [integer] |
cldamt | Cloud amount of condensed cloud [real] |
lwp | Liquid water path [real] |
iwp | Ice water path [real] |
reff_liq | Effective radius of cloud drops [real] |
reff_ice | Effective radius of ice crystals [real] |
ktop | Integer level for top of cloud, present when
max-random overlap assumption made. [integer, optional] |
kbot | Integer level for bottom of cloud, present when
max-random overlap assumption made. [integer, optional] |
conc_drop | Liquid cloud droplet mass concentration, present
when microphysically-based cloud radiative
properties are desired. [real, optional] |
conc_ice | Ice cloud mass concentration, present when
microphysically-based cloud radiative
properties are desired [real, optional] |
size_drop | Effective diameter of liquid cloud droplets,
present when microphysically-based cloud radiative
properties are desired. [real, optional] |
size_ice | Effective diameter of ice cloud, present when
microphysically-based cloud radiative
properties are desired. [real, optional] |
call max_rnd_overlap (ql, qi, qa, pfull, phalf, tkel, N_drop3D, N_drop2D, & k_ratio, nclds, ktop, kbot, cldamt, lwp, & iwp, reff_liq, reff_ice)
ql | Cloud liquid condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qi | Cloud ice condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qa | Cloud volume fraction [ fraction ] [real] |
pfull | Pressure at full levels [ Pascals ] [real] |
phalf | Pressure at half levels, index 1 at model top
[ Pascals ] [real] |
tkel | Temperature [ deg Kelvin ] [real] |
N_drop[23]D | Number of cloud droplets per cubic meter (2 and 3 dimensional array) [real] |
k_ratio | Ratio of effective radius to mean volume radius [real] |
nclds | Number of (random overlapping) clouds in column [integer] |
ktop | Level of the top of the cloud. [integer] |
kbot | Level of the bottom of the cloud. [integer] |
cldamt | Cloud amount of condensed cloud [ dimensionless ] [real] |
lwp | Cloud liquid water path [ kg condensate / m **2 ] [real] |
iwp | Cloud ice path [ kg condensate / m **2 ] [real] |
reff_liq | Effective radius for liquid clouds [ microns ] [real] |
reff_ice | Effective particle size for ice clouds [ microns ] [real] |
call rnd_overlap (ql, qi, qa, pfull, phalf, tkel, N_drop, & k_ratio, nclds, cldamt, lwp, iwp, reff_liq, & reff_ice, conc_drop_org, conc_ice_org, & size_drop_org, size_ice_org)
ql | Cloud liquid condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qi | Cloud ice condensate [ kg condensate/kg air ] [real] |
qa | Cloud volume fraction [ fraction ] [real] |
pfull | Pressure at full levels [ Pascals ] [real] |
phalf | Pressure at half levels, index 1 at model top
[ Pascals ] [real] |
tkel | Temperature [ deg Kelvin ] [real] |
N_drop | Number of cloud droplets per cubic meter [real] |
k_ratio | Ratio of effective radius to mean volume radius [real] |
nclds | Number of (random overlapping) clouds in column [integer] |
cldamt | Cloud amount of condensed cloud [ dimensionless ] [real] |
lwp | Cloud liquid water path [ kg condensate / m **2 ] [real] |
iwp | Cloud ice path [ kg condensate / m **2 ] [real] |
reff_liq | Effective radius for liquid clouds [ microns ] [real] |
reff_ice | Effective particle size for ice clouds [ microns ] [real] |
conc_drop_org | Liquid cloud droplet mass concentration
[ g / m**3 ] [real, optional] |
conc_ice_org | Ice cloud mass concentration [ g / m**3 ] [real, optional] |
size_drop_org | Effective diameter of liquid cloud droplets
[ microns ] [real, optional] |
size_ice_org | Effective diameter of ice clouds [ microns ] [real, optional] |
call CLOUD_RAD_k_diag (tau, direct, w0,gg,coszen,r_uv,r_nir,ab_uv,ab_nir)
1. r_uv : cloud reflectance in uv band 2. r_nir: cloud reflectance in nir band 3. ab_uv: cloud absorption in uv band 4. ab_nir:cloud absorption in nir bandThese quantities are computed by dividing the shortwave spectrum into 4 bands and then computing the reflectance and absorption for each band individually and then setting the uv reflectance and absorption equal to that of band 1 and the nir reflectance and absorption equal to the spectrum weighted results of bands 2,3,and 4. The limits of bands are described in CLOUD_OPTICAL_PROPERTIES.
tau | Optical depth in 4 bands [ dimensionless ] [real] |
direct | Logical variable for each cloud indicating whether
or not to use the direct beam solution for the
delta-eddington radiation or the diffuse beam
radiation solution. [logical] |
w0 | Single scattering albedo in 4 bands [ dimensionless ] [real] |
gg | Asymmetry parameter in 4 bands [ dimensionless ] [real] |
coszen | Cosine of the zenith angle [ dimensionless ] [real] |
r_uv | Cloud reflectance in uv band [real] |
r_nir | Cloud reflectance in nir band [real] |
ab_nir | Cloud absorption in nir band [real] |
ab_uv | Cloud absorption in uv band [real] |
call cloud_rad_k (tau, w0, gg, coszen, r_uv, r_nir, & ab_nir, ab_uv_out)
tau | Optical depth [ dimensionless ] [real] |
w0 | Single scattering albedo [ dimensionless ] [real] |
gg | Asymmetry parameter for each band
[ dimensionless ] [real] |
coszen | Cosine of zenith angle [ dimensionless ] [real] |
r_uv | Cloud reflectance in uv band [real] |
r_nir | Cloud reflectance in nir band [real] |
ab_nir | Cloud absorption in nir band [real] |
ab_uv_out | Cloud absorption in uv band [real, optional] |
call sw_optical_properties (nclds, lwp, iwp, reff_liq, reff_ice, & coszen, r_uv, r_nir, ab_nir)
nclds | Number of random overlapping clouds in column [integer] |
lwp | Liquid water path [ kg / m**2 ] [real] |
iwp | Ice water path [ kg / m**2 ] [real] |
reff_liq | Effective cloud drop radius used with
bulk cloud physics scheme [ microns ] [real] |
reff_ice | Effective ice crystal radius used with
bulk cloud physics scheme [ microns ] [real] |
coszen | Cosine of zenith angle [ dimensionless ] [real] |
r_uv | Cloud reflectance in uv band [real] |
r_nir | Cloud reflectance in nir band [real] |
ab_nir | Cloud absorption in nir band [real] |
Diagnostic fields for module name identifier:
The optical depth and particle size for every model level will become a diagnostic output field.