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module entrain_mod
! Stephen Klein
! none
! This routine calculates diffusivity coefficients for vertical
! diffusion using a K-profile approach. This scheme is modelled
! after:
! Lock, A.P., A.R. Brown, M.R. Bush, G.M. Martin, and R.N.B. Smith,
! 2000: A new boundary layer mixing scheme. Part I: Scheme
! description and single-column modeling tests. Mon. Wea. Rev.,
! 128, 3187-3199.
! The key part is the parameterization of entrainment at the top
! convective layers. For an entrainment interface from surface
! driven mixing, the entrainment rate, we, is parameterized as:
! we, surf = A / B
! where A = ( beta_surf * (V_surf**3 + V_shear**3) / zsml )
! and B = ( delta_b + ((V_surf**3 + V_shear**3)**(2/3))/zsml )
! In this formula,
! zsml = depth of surface mixed layer
! V_surf = surface driven scaling velocity
! = (u_star*b_star*zsml)**(1/3)
! V_shear = surface driven shear velocity,
! = (Ashear**(1/3))*u_star
! delta_b = buoyancy jump at the entrainment interface(m/s2)
! = grav * delta_slv / slv
! If an entrainment interface is associated only with cloud top
! radiative cooling, the entrainment rate is parameterized as:
! we, rad = ( A / B)
! where A = beta_rad * V_rad**3 / zradml
! and B = delta_b + V_rad**2 / zradml
! where
! zradml = depth of radiatively driven layer
! V_rad = radiatively driven scaling velocity
! = (grav*delta-F*zradml/(rho*cp_air*T)) **(1/3)
! Note that the source of entrainment from cloud top buoyancy
! reversal has been omitted in this implementation.
! If the entrainment interface for surface driven mixing coincides
! with that for cloud top radiatively driven convection then the
! following full entrainment rate:
! we, full = A / B
! where A = V_full**3 / zsml
! and B = delta_b+((V_surf**3+V_shear**3+V_rad**3)**(2/3))/zsml
! and V_full**3 = beta_surf*(V_surf**3+V_shear**3) + beta_rad*V_rad**3
! outside modules used
use constants_mod, only: grav,vonkarm,cp_air,rdgas,rvgas,hlv,hls, &
tfreeze, radian
use fms_mod, only: open_file, file_exist, open_namelist_file, &
error_mesg, FATAL, check_nml_error, &
mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, close_file, &
stdlog, write_version_number
use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, send_data
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_date, month_name
use sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: lookup_es, lookup_des
use monin_obukhov_mod, only: mo_diff
implicit none
! public interfaces
public entrain, entrain_init, entrain_end, entrain_on
! set default values to namelist parameters
real :: akmax = 1.e4 ! maximum value for a diffusion coefficient
! (m2/s)
real :: wentrmax = 0.05 ! maximum entrainment rate (m/s)
real :: parcel_buoy = 1.0 ! scaling factor for surface parcel buoyancy
real :: frac_inner = 0.1 ! surface layer height divided by pbl height
real :: beta_surf = 0.23 ! scaling of surface buoyancy flux for
! convective pbl entrainment
real :: Ashear = 25.0 ! scaling of surface shear contribution to
! entrainment
real :: beta_rad = 0.23 ! entrainment scaling factor for radiative
! cooling (from Lock et al. 2000)
real :: radfmin = 30. ! minimum radiative forcing for entrainment
! to be effective (W/m2)
real :: qdotmin = 10. ! minimum longwave cooling rate (K/day) for
! entrainment to be effective, used only if
! no layers were found using radfmin
real :: radperturb = 0.3 ! parcel perturbation looking for depth of
! radiatively driven layer (K)
real :: critjump = 0.3 ! critical jump for finding stable inter-
! faces to bound convective layers, or to
! identify ambigous layers (K)
integer :: parcel_option = 1! Should the cloud top parcel property
! be limited to the value of the level
! below minus radperturb (option = 1) or
! the value of level below (option = 2)
real :: zcldtopmax = 3.e3 ! maximum altitude for cloud top of
! radiatively driven convection (m)
real :: pr = 0.75 ! prandtl # (k_m/k_t) for radiatively driven
! convection
real :: qamin = 0.3 ! minimum cloud fraction for cloud top
! radiative cooling entrainment and kprofile
! from radiative cooling to occur
logical :: do_jump_exit = .true.
! should an internal stable layer limit
! the depth of the radiatively driven
! convection?
logical :: apply_entrain = .true.
! logical controlling whether results of
! of entrainment module are applied:
! if F, then no diffusion coefficients
! from entrain_mod will be applied to
! the actual diffusion coefficients;
! i.e. the module is purely diagnostic
logical :: convect_shutoff = .false.
! if surface based moist convection is
! occurring in the grid box, set entrainment
! at top of surface mixed layer to zero
! Stuff needed to write out extradiagnostics from a single point
integer, dimension(2) :: ent_pts = 0 ! the global indices for i,j
! at which diagnostics will
! print out
logical :: do_print = .false. ! should selected variables
! be sent to logfile
logical :: column_match = .false. ! should this column be printed
! out?
integer :: dpu = 0 ! unit # for do_print output
integer :: n_print_levels = 14 ! how many of the lowest levels
! should be printed out
integer, parameter :: MAX_PTS = 20
integer, dimension (MAX_PTS) :: i_entprt_gl=0, j_entprt_gl=0
real, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: lat_entprt=999., lon_entprt=999.
integer :: num_pts_ij = 0
integer :: num_pts_latlon = 0
namelist /entrain_nml/ wentrmax, parcel_buoy, frac_inner, beta_surf, &
Ashear, beta_rad, radfmin, qdotmin, radperturb, &
critjump, zcldtopmax, pr, qamin, parcel_option, &
do_jump_exit, convect_shutoff, apply_entrain, &
ent_pts, i_entprt_gl, j_entprt_gl, num_pts_ij, &
num_pts_latlon, lat_entprt, lon_entprt
integer :: num_pts ! total number of columns in which
! diagnostics are desired
! deglon1 and deglat1 are the longitude and latitude of the columns
! at which diagnostics will be calculated (degrees).
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: deglon1, deglat1
! iradprt and jradprt are the processor-based i and j coordinates
! of the desired diagnostics columns.
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: j_entprt, i_entprt
! do_raddg is an array of logicals indicating which latitude rows
! belonging to the processor contain diagnostics columns.
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: do_ent_dg
! diagnostic fields
character(len=10) :: mod_name = 'entrain'
real :: missing_value = 0.
integer :: id_wentr_rad, id_wentr_pbl, id_radf,id_parcelkick,&
id_k_t_entr, id_k_m_entr, id_k_rad, id_zsml, &
id_vsurf, id_vshear, id_vrad, id_zradml, &
id_k_t_troen, id_k_m_troen, id_radfq, id_pblfq, &
id_zradbase, id_zradtop, id_convpbl,id_radpbl, &
id_svpcp, id_zinv, id_fqinv, id_invstr
! set default values to parameters
logical :: entrain_on = .false.
real, parameter :: small = 1.e-4
real, parameter :: d608 = (rvgas-rdgas)/rdgas
! declare version number
character(len=128) :: Version = '$Id: entrain.F90,v 2009/08/31 17:08:40 wfc Exp $'
character(len=128) :: Tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
! Subroutines include:
! entrain main driver program of the module
! entrain_init initialization routine
! entrain_tend adds in the longwave heating rate to the
! global storage variable
! entrain_end ending routine
! pbl_depth routine to calculate the depth of surface driven
! mixed layer
! radml_depth subroutine to calculate the depth of the cloud
! topped radiatively driven mixed layer
! diffusivity_pbl subroutine to calculate diffusivity coefficients
! for surface driven mixed layer
! This subroutine reads the namelist file, sets up individual
! points diagnostics if desired, and initializes netcdf output.
! call entrain_init(lonb, latb, axes,time,idim,jdim,kdim)
! 2D array of model longitudes at cell corners (radians)
! 2D array of model latitudes at cell corners (radians)
! Integer arrary for axes used needed for netcdf diagnostics
! Time type variable used for netcdf diagnostics
! Size of first (longitude) array dimension
! Size of second (latitude) array dimension
! Size of third (vertical, full levels) array dimension
subroutine entrain_init(lonb, latb, axes,time,idim,jdim,kdim)
! variables
! -----
! input
! -----
! idim,jdim,kdim size of the first 3 dimensions
! axes, time variables needed for netcdf diagnostics
! latb, lonb latitudes and longitudes at grid box corners
! --------
! internal
! --------
! unit unit number for namelist and restart file
! io internal variable for reading of namelist file
! full indices for full level axes coordinates
! half indices for half level axes coordinates
integer, intent(in) :: idim,jdim,kdim,axes(4)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lonb, latb
integer :: unit,io,ierr
integer, dimension(3) :: half = (/1,2,4/)
integer :: nn, i, j
real :: dellat, dellon
! namelist functions
If (File_Exist('input.nml')) Then
unit = Open_namelist_File ()
Do While (ierr .ne. 0)
Read (unit, nml=entrain_nml, iostat=io, End=10)
ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'entrain_nml')
10 Call Close_File (unit)
if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
call write_version_number(Version, Tagname)
unit = stdlog()
Write (unit,nml=entrain_nml)
! allocate and initialize a flag array which indicates the latitudes
! containing columns where radiation diagnostics are desired.
allocate (do_ent_dg (size(latb,2)-1) )
do_ent_dg(:) = .false.
! define the total number of points at which diagnostics are desired.
! points may be specified either by lat-lon pairs or by global index
! pairs.
num_pts = num_pts_latlon + num_pts_ij
! continue on only if diagnostics are desired in at least one column.
if (num_pts > 0) then
! if more points are desired than space has been reserved for, print
! a message.
if (num_pts > MAX_PTS) then
call error_mesg ( 'entrain_mod', &
'must reset MAX_PTS or reduce number of diagnostics points', &
! allocate space for arrays which will contain the lat and lon and
! processor-local i and j indices.
allocate ( deglon1 (num_pts))
allocate ( deglat1 (num_pts))
allocate ( j_entprt (num_pts))
allocate ( i_entprt (num_pts))
! if any points for diagnostics are specified by (i,j) global
! indices, determine their lat-lon coordinates. assumption is made
! that the deltas of latitude and longitude are uniform over
! the globe.
do nn=1,num_pts_ij
dellat = latb(1,2) - latb(1,1)
dellon = lonb(2,1) - lonb(1,1)
lat_entprt(nn + num_pts_latlon) = &
(-0.5*acos(-1.0) + (j_entprt_gl(nn) - 0.5)* &
dellat) * radian
lon_entprt(nn + num_pts_latlon) = &
(i_entprt_gl(nn) - 0.5)*dellon*radian
end do
! determine if the lat/lon values are within the global grid,
! latitude between -90 and 90 degrees and longitude between 0 and
! 360 degrees.
do nn=1,num_pts
j_entprt(nn) = 0
i_entprt(nn) = 0
deglat1(nn) = 0.0
deglon1(nn) = 0.0
if (lat_entprt(nn) .ge. -90. .and. &
lat_entprt(nn) .le. 90.) then
call error_mesg ('entrain_mod', &
' invalid latitude for entrain diagnostics ', FATAL)
if (lon_entprt(nn) .ge. 0. .and. &
lon_entprt(nn) .le. 360.) then
call error_mesg ('entrain_mod', &
' invalid longitude for entrain diagnostics ', FATAL)
! determine if the diagnostics column is within the current
! processor's domain. if so, set a logical flag indicating the
! presence of a diagnostic column on the particular row, define the
! i and j processor-coordinates and the latitude and longitude of
! the diagnostics column.
do j=1,size(latb,2) - 1
if (lat_entprt(nn) .ge. latb(1,j)*radian .and. &
lat_entprt(nn) .lt. latb(1,j+1)*radian) then
do i=1,size(lonb,1) - 1
if (lon_entprt(nn) .ge. lonb(i,1)*radian &
lon_entprt(nn) .lt. lonb(i+1,1)*radian) &
do_ent_dg(j) = .true.
j_entprt(nn) = j
i_entprt(nn) = i
deglon1(nn) = 0.5*(lonb(1,i) + lonb(i+1,1))* &
deglat1(nn) = 0.5*(latb(1,j) + latb(j+1,1))* &
end do
end do
end do
! open a unit for the entrain diagnostics output.
dpu = open_file ('entrain.out', action='write', &
threading='multi', form='formatted')
do_print = .true.
if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
call write_version_number(Version, Tagname, dpu)
Write (dpu ,nml=entrain_nml)
endif ! (num_pts > 0)
! initialize entrain_on
entrain_on = .TRUE.
module_is_initialized = .true.
! register diagnostic fields
id_zsml = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'zsml', axes(1:2), &
time, 'depth of surface well-mixed layer', 'meters', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_vsurf = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'vsurf', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'surface buoyancy velocity scale', 'meters per second', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_vshear = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'vshear', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'surface shear driven velocity scale', 'meters per second',&
missing_value=missing_value )
id_parcelkick = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'parcelkick', &
axes(1:2),time, 'surface parcel excess', 'K', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_wentr_pbl = register_diag_field (mod_name,'wentr_pbl', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Entrainment velocity from surface buoyancy flux', &
'meters per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_wentr_rad = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'wentr_rad', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Entrainment velocity from cloud top radiative cooling', &
'meters per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_convpbl = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'convpbl_fq', &
axes(1:2), time, 'Frequency of convective boundary layer', &
id_pblfq = register_diag_field (mod_name,'entr_pbl_fq', &
axes(half), time, &
'Frequency of surface driven entrainment turbulent layer', &
id_radfq = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'entr_rad_fq', &
axes(half), time, &
'Frequency of radiative driven entrainment turbulent layer',&
id_k_t_troen = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'k_t_troen', &
axes(half), time, 'Heat entrainment diffusivity from PBL', &
'meters squared per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_k_m_troen = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'k_m_troen', &
axes(half), time, &
'Momentum entrainment diffusivity from PBL', &
'meters squared per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_svpcp = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'svpcp', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Liquid water virtual potential temperature at cloud top', &
'K',missing_value=missing_value )
id_zradbase = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'zradbase', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'base of radiatively driven well-mixed layer', 'm', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_zradtop = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'zradtop', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'top of radiatively driven well-mixed layer', 'm', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_zradml = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'zradml', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'depth of radiatively driven well-mixed layer', 'm', &
missing_value=missing_value )
id_radpbl = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'radpbl_fq', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Frequency of radiatively driven turbulent layer', &
'none' )
id_vrad = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'vrad', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'radiatively driven layer velocity scale', &
'meters per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_k_rad = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'k_rad', &
axes(half), time, &
'diffusivity from cloud top radiative cooling', &
'meters squared per second', missing_value=missing_value )
id_radf = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'radf', axes(1:2), &
time, 'Longwave jump in cloud top radiation', &
'Watts/m**2', missing_value=missing_value )
id_k_t_entr = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'k_t_entr', &
axes(half), time, &
'Heat diffusivity from entrainment module', &
'meters squared per second')
id_k_m_entr = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'k_m_entr', &
axes(half), time, &
'Momentum diffusivity from entrainment module', &
'meters squared per second' )
id_zinv = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'zinv', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Altitude of strongest inversion at altitudes less '// &
'than 3000 m', 'm', missing_value=missing_value )
id_invstr = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'invstr', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Strength of strongest inversion at altitudes less '// &
'than 3000 m', 'K', missing_value=missing_value )
id_fqinv = register_diag_field (mod_name, 'fqinv', &
axes(1:2), time, &
'Frequency of inversions at altitudes less than 3000 m', &
'fraction', missing_value=missing_value )
! subroutine end
end subroutine entrain_init
! subroutine entrain
! This is the main subroutine which takes in the state of the
! atmosphere and returns vertical diffusion coefficients for
! convective turbulent layers. (Stable turbulent layers are
! handled by stable_bl_turb.f90 in AM2)
! call entrain(is,ie,js,je,time, tdtlw_in, convect,u_star,b_star, &
! t,qv,ql,qi,qa,u,v,zfull,pfull,zhalf,phalf,
! diff_m,diff_t,k_m_entr,k_t_entr,use_entr,zsml,
! vspblcap,kbot)
! Indice of starting point in the longitude direction of the slab being passed to entrain
! Indice of ending point in the longitude direction of the slab being passed to entrain
! Indice of starting point in the latitude direction of the slab being passed to entrain
! Indice of ending point in the latitude direction of the slab being passed to entrain
! Time of the model: used for netcdf diagnostics
! Longwave cooling rate (from the radiation scheme) (K/sec)
! Is surface based convection occurring in this grid box at this time? (from convection scheme (or schemes))
! Friction velocity (m/s)
! Buoyancy scale (m/s2)
! Temperature (3d array) (K)
! Water vapor specific humidity (3d array) (kg/kg)
! Liquid water specific humidity (3d array) (kg/kg)
! Ice water specific humidity (3d array) (kg/kg)
! Cloud fraction (3d array) (fraction)
! Zonal wind velocity (3d array) (m/s)
! Meridional wind velocity (3d array) (m/s)
! Geopotential height of full model levels (3d array) (m)
! Pressure of full model levels (3d array) (Pa)
! Geopotential height of half model levels (3d array) (m)
! Pressure of half model levels (3d array) (Pa)
! Vertical momentum diffusion coefficient (3d array) (m2/s)
! Note that if apply_entrain = .true. then the output will be
! the diffusion coefficient diagnosed by entrain_mod (k_m_entr).
! If apply_entrain = .false. then the output will be identical to
! the input. This permits one to run entrain_mod as a diagnostic
! module without using the diffusion coefficients determined by it.
! Vertical heat and tracer diffusion coefficient (3d array) (m2/s)
! The note for diff_m also applies here.
! Vertical momentum diffusion coefficient diagnosed by entrain_mod (3d array) (m2/s)
! Vertical heat and tracer diffusion coefficient diagnosed by entrain_mod (3d array) (m2/s)
! Was a diffusion coefficient calculated for this level by entrain_mod? (1.0 = yes, 0.0 = no)
! Height of surface based convective mixed layer (m)
! This may be used by other routines, e.g. Steve Garner's gravity wave drag
! Lowest height level for which entrain module calculated at diffusion coefficient (meters)
! (i.e. where use_entr = 1.0)
! This is used by stable_bl_turb.f90 to limit the height of enhanced mixing in stable conditions.
! Optional input integer indicating the lowest true layer of atmosphere (counting down from the top of the atmosphere).
! This is used only for eta coordinate model.
subroutine entrain(is,ie,js,je,time, tdtlw_in, convect,u_star,b_star, &
t,qv,ql,qi,qa,u,v,zfull,pfull,zhalf,phalf, &
diff_m,diff_t,k_m_entr,k_t_entr,use_entr,zsml, &
! variables
! -----
! input
! -----
! is,ie,js,je i,j indices marking the slab of model working on
! time variable needed for netcdf diagnostics
! convect is surface based moist convection occurring in this
! grid box?
! u_star friction velocity (m/s)
! b_star buoyancy scale (m/s**2)
! three dimensional fields on model full levels, reals dimensioned
! (:,:,pressure), third index running from top of atmosphere to
! bottom
! t temperature (K)
! qv water vapor specific humidity (kg vapor/kg air)
! ql liquid water specific humidity (kg cond/kg air)
! qi ice water specific humidity (kg cond/kg air)
! qa cloud fraction
! zfull height of full levels (m)
! pfull pressure (Pa)
! u zonal wind (m/s)
! v meridional wind (m/s)
! the following two fields are on the model half levels, with
! size(zhalf,3) = size(t,3) +1, zhalf(:,:,size(zhalf,3))
! must be height of surface (if you are not using eta-model)
! zhalf height at half levels (m)
! phalf pressure at half levels (Pa)
! ------------
! input/output
! ------------
! the following variables are defined at half levels and are
! dimensions 1:nlev
! diff_t input and output heat diffusivity (m2/sec)
! diff_m input and output momentum diffusivity (m2/sec)
! The diffusivity coefficient output from the routine includes
! the modifications to use the internally calculated diffusivity
! coefficients should apply_entrain = .true. Otherwise, the
! input and output values of the diffusivity coefficients will
! be the same.
! ------
! output
! ------
! The following variables are defined at half levels and are
! dimensions 1:nlev.
! k_t_entr heat diffusivity coefficient (m**2/s)
! k_m_entr momentum diffusivity coefficient (m**2/s)
! use_entr Was a diffusion coefficient calculated for this
! level? (1.0 = yes, 0.0 = no)
! zsml height of surface driven mixed layer (m)
! vspblcap lowest height level for which entrain module calculated
! at diffusion coefficient (meters) (i.e. where
! use_entr = 1.0)
! --------------
! optional input
! --------------
! kbot integer indicating the lowest true layer of atmosphere
! this is used only for eta coordinate model
! --------
! internal
! --------
! General variables
! -----------------
! zsurf height of surface (m)
! zfull_ag height of full model levels above the surface (m)
! slv virtual static energy (J/kg)
! density air density (kg/m3)
! hleff effective latent heat of vaporization/sublimation
! (J/kg)
! mask real array indicating the point is above the surface
! if equal to 1.0 and indicating the point is below
! the surface if equal to 0. (used for eta coordinate
! model)
! zhalf_ag height of half model levels above the surface (m)
! Variables related to surface driven convective layers
! -----------------------------------------------------
! vsurf surface driven buoyancy velocity scale (m/s)
! vshear surface driven shear velocity scale (m/s)
! parcelkick buoyancy kick to surface parcel (K)
! wentr_pbl surface driven entrainment rate (m/s)
! convpbl 1 is surface driven convective layer present
! 0 otherwise
! pblfq 1 if the half level is part of a surface driven
! layer, 0 otherwise
! k_m_troen momentum diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
! k_t_troen heat diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
! Variables related to cloud top driven radiatively driven layers
! ---------------------------------------------------------------
! zradbase height of base of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
! zradtop height of top of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
! zradml depth of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
! vrad radiatively driven velocity scale (m/s)
! radf longwave jump at cloud top (W/m2) -- the radiative
! forcing for cloud top driven mixing.
! wentr_rad cloud top driven entrainment (m/s)
! svpcp cloud top value of liquid water virtual static energy
! divided by cp (K)
! radpbl 1 if cloud top radiatively driven layer is present
! 0 otherwise
! radfq 1 if the half level is part of a radiatively driven
! layer, 0 otherwise
! k_rad radiatively driven diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
! Diagnostic variables
! --------------------
! fqinv 1 if an inversion occurs at altitudes less
! than 3000 m, 0 otherwise
! zinv altitude of inversion base (m)
! invstr strength of inversion in slv/cp (K)
integer, intent(in) :: is,ie,js,je
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: tdtlw_in
logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: convect
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: u_star,b_star
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: t,qv,ql,qi,qa
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: u,v,zfull,pfull
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: zhalf, phalf
real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:) :: diff_m,diff_t
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: k_m_entr,k_t_entr
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: use_entr
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: zsml,vspblcap
integer, intent(in), dimension(:,:), optional :: kbot
integer :: i,j,k,ibot
integer :: nlev,nlat,nlon,ipbl
integer :: kmax,kcldtop
logical :: used
real :: maxradf, tmpradf
real :: maxqdot, tmpqdot
real :: maxinv
real :: wentr_tmp
real :: k_entr_tmp,tmpjump
real :: tmp1, tmp2
real :: vsurf3, vshear3,vrad3
real :: ztmp
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: zsurf,parcelkick
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: zradbase,zradtop
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: vrad,radf,svpcp
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: zradml, vsurf, vshear
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: wentr_rad,wentr_pbl
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: convpbl, radpbl
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2)) :: zinv, fqinv, invstr
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: slv, density
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: mask,hleff
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: zfull_ag
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)+1):: zhalf_ag
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: radfq,pblfq
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)+1):: mask3,rtmp
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: k_m_troen,k_t_troen
real, dimension(size(t,1),size(t,2),size(t,3)) :: k_rad
! temp 1-d arrays
real, dimension(size(t,3)+1) :: zhalf_ag_1
real, dimension(size(t,3)+1) :: k_m_troen_1, k_t_troen_1
integer :: ipt,jpt
integer, dimension(MAX_PTS) :: nsave
integer :: iloc(MAX_PTS), jloc(MAX_PTS), nn, kk, npts, nnsave
integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second
character(len=16) :: mon
! initialize variables
convpbl = 0.0
wentr_pbl = missing_value
vsurf = missing_value
vshear = missing_value
pblfq = 0.0
parcelkick = missing_value
k_t_troen = missing_value
k_m_troen = missing_value
radpbl = 0.0
svpcp = missing_value
zradbase = missing_value
zradtop = missing_value
zradml = missing_value
vrad = missing_value
radf = missing_value
radfq = 0.0
wentr_rad = missing_value
k_rad = missing_value
k_t_entr = 0.0
k_m_entr = 0.0
use_entr = 0.0
vspblcap = 0.0
fqinv = 0.0
zinv = missing_value
invstr = missing_value
zsml = 0.0 ! note that this must be zero as this is
! indicates stable surface layer and this
! value is output for use in gravity
! wave drag scheme
! compute height above surface
nlev = size(t,3)
nlat = size(t,2)
nlon = size(t,1)
mask = 1.0
if (present(kbot)) then
do j=1,nlat
do i=1,nlon
zsurf(i,j) = zhalf(i,j,kbot(i,j)+1)
zsurf(:,:) = zhalf(:,:,nlev+1)
end if
do k = 1, nlev
zfull_ag(:,:,k) = zfull(:,:,k) - zsurf(:,:)
zhalf_ag(:,:,k) = zhalf(:,:,k) - zsurf(:,:)
end do
zhalf_ag(:,:,nlev+1) = zhalf(:,:,nlev+1) - zsurf(:,:)
! set up specific humidities and static energies
! compute airdensity
hleff = (min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(t -tfreeze+20.)))*hlv + &
min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(tfreeze -t )))*hls)
slv = cp_air*t + grav*zfull_ag - hleff*(ql + qi)
slv = slv*(1+d608*(qv+ql+qi))
density = pfull/rdgas/(t *(1.+d608*qv-ql-qi))
! big loop over points
ibot = nlev
do j=1,nlat
npts = 0
if (do_ent_dg(j+js-1) ) then
do nn=1,num_pts
if ( &
js == j_entprt(nn) .and. &
i_entprt(nn) >= is .and. i_entprt(nn) <= ie) then
iloc(npts+1) = i_entprt(nn) - is + 1
jloc(npts+1) = j_entprt(nn) - js + 1
nsave(npts+1) = nn
npts = npts + 1
end do ! (num_points)
ipt = 0
jpt = 0
column_match = .false.
do i=1,nlon
if (npts > 0) then
do nn=1,npts
ipt = iloc(nn)
jpt = jloc(nn)
if (i == ipt ) then
column_match = .true.
nnsave = nsave(nn)
column_match = .false.
end do
nn = nnsave
column_match = .false.
nn = 0
! should diagnostics be printed out for this column
if (column_match) then
call get_date(Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
mon = month_name (month)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') '===================================='//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' ENTERING ENTRAIN '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a, i6,a,i4,i4,i4,i4)') ' time stamp:', &
year, trim(mon), day, &
hour, minute, second
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f8.3,a,f8.3)') ' longitude = ', deglon1(nn),&
' latitude = ', deglat1(nn)
write (dpu,'(a,i6,a,i6)') &
' global i =', i_entprt_gl(nn), &
' global j = ', j_entprt_gl(nn)
write (dpu,'(a,i6,a,i6)') &
' processor i =', i_entprt(nn), &
' processor j = ',j_entprt(nn)
write (dpu,'(a,i6,a,i6)') &
' window i =', ipt, &
' window j = ',jpt
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' k T u v '//&
' qv qt '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' (K) (m/s) (m/s) '//&
'(g/kg) (g/kg)'
write (dpu,'(a)') '------------------------------------'//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
do kk = nlev-n_print_levels,nlev
write(dpu,18) kk,t(i,j,kk),u(i,j,kk),v(i,j,kk), &
1000.*qv(i,j,kk), 1000.*(qv(i,j,kk)+ql(i,j,kk)+ &
end do
18 format(1X,i2,1X,5(f9.4,1X))
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' k qa qc sliv/cp '//&
'density tdtlw'
write (dpu,'(a)') ' (g/kg) (K) '//&
' (kg/m3) (K/day)'
write (dpu,'(a)') '------------------------------------'//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
do kk = nlev-n_print_levels,nlev
write(dpu,19) kk,qa(i,j,kk),1000.* &
(ql(i,j,kk)+qi(i,j,kk)),slv(i,j,kk)/cp_air, &
19 format(1X,i2,1X,5(f9.4,1X))
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' k z_full z_half p_full p'//&
'_half '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' (m) (m) (mb) '//&
write (dpu,'(a)') '------------------------------------'//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
do kk = nlev-n_print_levels,nlev
write(dpu,619) kk,zfull_ag(i,j,kk),zhalf_ag(i,j,kk+1),&
619 format(1X,i2,1X,4(f9.4,1X))
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
end if
if (present(kbot)) ibot = kbot(i,j)
! reset indices
ipbl = -1
kcldtop = -1
! Note this part is done only if b_star > 0., that is,
! upward surface buoyancy flux
if (b_star(i,j) .gt. 0.) then
! Find depth of surface driven mixing by raising a
! parcel from the surface with some excess buoyancy
! to its level of neutral buoyancy. Note the use
! slv as the density variable permits one to goes
! through phase changes to find parcel top
call pbl_depth(slv(i,j,1:ibot)/cp_air, &
zfull_ag(i,j,1:ibot),u_star(i,j),b_star(i,j), &
! Define velocity scales vsurf and vshear
! vsurf = (u_star*b_star*zsml)**(1/3)
! vshear = (Ashear**(1/3))*u_star
vsurf3 = u_star(i,j)*b_star(i,j)*zsml(i,j)
vshear3 = Ashear*u_star(i,j)*u_star(i,j)*u_star(i,j)
if (id_vsurf > 0) vsurf(i,j) = vsurf3 **(1./3.)
if (id_vshear > 0) vshear(i,j) = vshear3**(1./3.)
! Following Lock et al. 2000, limit height of surface
! well mixed layer if interior stable interface is
! found. An interior stable interface is diagnosed if
! the slope between 2 full levels is greater than
! the namelist parameter critjump
if (ipbl .lt. ibot) then
do k = ibot, ipbl+1, -1
tmpjump =(slv(i,j,k-1)-slv(i,j,k))/cp_air
if (tmpjump .gt. critjump) then
ipbl = k
zsml(i,j) = zhalf_ag(i,j,ipbl)
end if
end if
! compute entrainment rate
tmp1 = grav*max(0.1,(slv(i,j,ipbl-1)-slv(i,j,ipbl))/ &
tmp2 = ((vsurf3+vshear3)**(2./3.)) / zsml(i,j)
wentr_tmp= min( wentrmax, max(0., (beta_surf * &
(vsurf3 + vshear3)/zsml(i,j))/ &
(tmp1+tmp2) ) )
k_entr_tmp = wentr_tmp*(zfull_ag(i,j,ipbl-1)- &
k_entr_tmp = min ( k_entr_tmp, akmax )
pblfq(i,j,ipbl:ibot) = 1.
convpbl(i,j) = 1.
use_entr(i,j,ipbl:ibot) = 1.
wentr_pbl(i,j) = wentr_tmp
k_t_troen(i,j,ipbl) = k_entr_tmp
k_m_troen(i,j,ipbl) = k_entr_tmp
k_t_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_t_entr(i,j,ipbl) + k_entr_tmp
k_m_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_m_entr(i,j,ipbl) + k_entr_tmp
! if surface based moist convection is occurring in the
! grid box set the entrainment rate to zero
if (convect(i,j).and.convect_shutoff) then
wentr_pbl(i,j) = 0.
pblfq(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
k_t_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_t_entr (i,j,ipbl) - &
k_m_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_m_entr (i,j,ipbl) - &
k_t_troen(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
k_m_troen(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
end if
! compute diffusion coefficients in the interior of
! the PBL
if (ipbl .lt. ibot) then
! copy array slices into contigous arrays (pletzer)
zhalf_ag_1 ((ipbl+1):ibot) = zhalf_ag (i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot)
k_m_troen_1((ipbl+1):ibot) = k_m_troen(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot)
k_t_troen_1((ipbl+1):ibot) = k_t_troen(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot)
call diffusivity_pbl(zsml(i,j),u_star(i,j), &
b_star(i,j), slv(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot)/cp_air, &
zhalf_ag_1((ipbl+1):ibot), &
k_m_troen_1((ipbl+1):ibot), &
! copy back
k_m_troen(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) = k_m_troen_1((ipbl+1):ibot)
k_t_troen(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) = k_t_troen_1((ipbl+1):ibot)
k_t_entr(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) = &
k_t_entr(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) + &
k_m_entr(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) = &
k_m_entr(i,j,(ipbl+1):ibot) + &
end if
end if
! This part is done only if a level can be found with
! greater than radfmin (typically 30 W/m2) longwave
! divergence and if the level is at a lower altitude
! than zcldtopmax (typically 3000 m).
! Note that if no layer is found with radiative divergence
! greater than radfmin, a check is made on the heating rates
! themselves and compared to qdotmin (10 K/day)
! find level of zcldtopmax
kmax = ibot+1
do k = 1, ibot
if( zhalf_ag(i,j,k) < zcldtopmax) then
kmax = k
end if
end do
! compute radiative driving
! look at heating rate itself if no levels with radiative
! forcing greater than radfmin are found.
kcldtop = ibot+1
maxradf = radfmin
do k = kmax, ibot
tmpradf = -1.*tdtlw_in(i,j,k)*cp_air* &
if (tmpradf .gt. maxradf) then
kcldtop = k
maxradf = tmpradf
end if
! Second try to find a radiatively driven level
! exit if no levels with longwave cooling rate greater than
! qdotmin are found.
if (kcldtop .eq. ibot+1) then
kcldtop = ibot+1
maxradf = radfmin
maxqdot = qdotmin
do k = kmax, ibot
tmpqdot = -1.*86400*tdtlw_in(i,j,k)
tmpradf = -1.*tdtlw_in(i,j,k)*cp_air* &
if (tmpqdot .gt. maxqdot) then
kcldtop = k
maxradf = tmpradf
maxqdot = tmpqdot
end if
if (kcldtop .eq. ibot+1) go to 55
end if
! following Lock for stable layer one level down;
! move cld top there if it exists
!if (kcldtop .lt. ibot) then
! tmpjump =(slv(i,j,kcldtop)-slv(i,j,kcldtop+1))/cp_air
! if (tmpjump .gt. critjump) kcldtop = kcldtop+1
!end if
! if layer is unstable move up a layer
! if that layer is also unstable exit
if (slv(i,j,kcldtop-1) .lt. slv(i,j,kcldtop)) then
kcldtop = kcldtop - 1
if (slv(i,j,kcldtop-1) .lt. slv(i,j,kcldtop)) then
go to 55
end if
end if
! exit if no cloud is present
if ( qa(i,j,kcldtop-1) .lt. qamin .and. &
qa(i,j,kcldtop ) .lt. qamin .and. &
qa(i,j,min(kcldtop+1,ibot)) .lt. qamin ) go to 55
! compute cloud top temperature, svpcp. Ensure that
! that the cloud top parcel temperature, equal to
! svpcp minus radperturb, is no greater than
! the temperature of level kcldtop+1 minus radperturb if
! parcel_option equals 1, and the temperature of level
! kcldtop+1 if parcel_option does not equal 1. This is
! done so that if kcldtop is in an ambiguous layer
! then there will not be a sudden jump in cloud top
! properties
! Also assign radiative forcing at height of radiatively
! driven mixed layer.
if (parcel_option .eq. 1) then
svpcp(i,j) =min((slv(i,j,kcldtop )/cp_air), &
(slv(i,j,min(kcldtop+1,ibot))/cp_air) )
svpcp(i,j) =min((slv(i,j,kcldtop )/cp_air), &
(slv(i,j,min(kcldtop+1,ibot))/cp_air) + radperturb)
end if
radf(i,j) = maxradf
zradtop(i,j) = zhalf_ag(i,j,kcldtop)
! find depth of radiatively driven convection
if (kcldtop .lt. ibot) then
call radml_depth(svpcp(i,j),zradtop(i,j), &
slv(i,j,kcldtop:ibot)/cp_air, &
zfull_ag(i,j,kcldtop:ibot), &
zhalf_ag(i,j,kcldtop:ibot),zradbase(i,j), &
zradbase(i,j) = 0.0
zradml(i,j) = zradtop(i,j)
end if
! compute radiation driven scale
! Vrad**3 = g*zradml*radf/density/slv
vrad3 = grav*zradml(i,j)*maxradf/density(i,j,kcldtop)/ &
vrad(i,j) = vrad3 ** (1./3.)
! compute entrainment rate
tmp1 = grav*max(0.1,((slv(i,j,kcldtop-1)/cp_air)- &
tmp2 = (vrad(i,j)**2.) / zradml(i,j)
wentr_rad(i,j) = min(wentrmax,beta_rad*vrad3/zradml(i,j)/ &
k_entr_tmp = min ( akmax, wentr_rad(i,j)* &
(zfull_ag(i,j,kcldtop-1)-zfull_ag(i,j,kcldtop)) )
radfq(i,j,kcldtop) = 1.
radpbl(i,j) = 1.
use_entr(i,j,kcldtop) = 1.
k_rad(i,j,kcldtop) = k_entr_tmp
k_t_entr (i,j,kcldtop) = k_t_entr(i,j,kcldtop) + k_entr_tmp
k_m_entr (i,j,kcldtop) = k_m_entr(i,j,kcldtop) + k_entr_tmp
! handle case of radiatively driven top being the same top
! as surface driven top
if (ipbl .eq. kcldtop .and. ipbl .gt. 0) then
tmp2 = ((vrad3+vsurf3+vshear3)**(2./3.)) / zradml(i,j)
wentr_rad(i,j) = min( wentrmax, max(0., &
((beta_surf *(vsurf3 + vshear3)+beta_rad*vrad3)/ &
zradml(i,j))/(tmp1+tmp2) ) )
wentr_pbl(i,j) = wentr_rad(i,j)
k_entr_tmp = min ( akmax, wentr_rad(i,j)* &
(zfull_ag(i,j,kcldtop-1)-zfull_ag(i,j,kcldtop)) )
pblfq(i,j,ipbl) = 1.
radfq(i,j,kcldtop) = 1.
radpbl(i,j) = 1.
use_entr(i,j,kcldtop) = 1.
k_rad(i,j,kcldtop) = k_entr_tmp
k_t_troen(i,j,ipbl) = k_entr_tmp
k_m_troen(i,j,ipbl) = k_entr_tmp
k_t_entr (i,j,kcldtop) = k_entr_tmp
k_m_entr (i,j,kcldtop) = k_entr_tmp
end if
! if there are any interior layers to calculate diffusivity
if ( kcldtop .lt. ibot ) then
do k = kcldtop+1,ibot
ztmp = max(0.,(zhalf_ag(i,j,k)-zradbase(i,j))/ &
zradml(i,j) )
if (ztmp.gt.0.) then
radfq(i,j,k) = 1.
use_entr(i,j,k) = 1.
k_entr_tmp = 0.85*vonkarm*vrad(i,j)*ztmp* &
k_entr_tmp = min ( k_entr_tmp, akmax )
k_rad(i,j,k) = k_entr_tmp
k_t_entr (i,j,k) = k_t_entr(i,j,k) &
+ k_entr_tmp
k_m_entr (i,j,k) = k_m_entr(i,j,k) &
+ pr*k_entr_tmp
end if
end if
! handle special case of zradbase < zsml
! in this case there should be no entrainment from the
! surface.
if (zradbase(i,j) .lt. zsml(i,j) .and. convpbl(i,j) .eq. 1. &
.and. ipbl .gt. kcldtop) then
wentr_pbl(i,j) = 0.
pblfq(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
k_t_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_t_entr (i,j,ipbl) - &
k_m_entr (i,j,ipbl) = k_m_entr (i,j,ipbl) - &
k_t_troen(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
k_m_troen(i,j,ipbl) = 0.
end if
55 continue
! Modify diffusivity coefficients if apply_entrain = T
if (apply_entrain) then
do k = 2, ibot
if (use_entr(i,j,k).eq.1.) then
diff_t(i,j,k) = k_t_entr(i,j,k)
diff_m(i,j,k) = k_m_entr(i,j,k)
end if
end if
! compute maximum height to apply very stable mixing
! coefficients (see stable_bl_turb.f90)
vspblcap(i,j) = zhalf_ag(i,j,2)
if ( radpbl(i,j).eq.1.) vspblcap(i,j) = zradbase(i,j)
if (convpbl(i,j).eq.1.) vspblcap(i,j) = 0.
! Diagnostic code for inversions
if (id_fqinv > 0 .or. id_zinv > 0 .or. id_invstr > 0) then
maxinv = 0.0
do k = ibot,2,-1
if ( t(i,j,k) .lt. t(i,j,k-1) .and. &
(t(i,j,k-1)-t(i,j,k)).gt. maxinv .and. &
zhalf_ag(i,j,k) .lt. 3000. ) then
maxinv = t(i,j,k-1)-t(i,j,k)
invstr(i,j) = (slv(i,j,k-1)-slv(i,j,k))/cp_air
fqinv(i,j) = 1.
zinv(i,j) = zhalf_ag(i,j,k)
end if
end if
! Selected points printout
if (column_match) then
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' u_star = ', u_star(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' b_star = ', b_star(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' convpbl = ', convpbl(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,i3)') ' ipbl = ', ipbl
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' parcelkick = ', parcelkick(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' zsml = ', zsml(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' vsurf = ', vsurf(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' vshear = ', vshear(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' wentr_pbl = ', wentr_pbl(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' radpbl = ', radpbl(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,i3)') ' kcldtop = ', kcldtop
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' svpcp = ', svpcp(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' zradtop = ', zradtop(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' zradbase = ', zradbase(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' wentr_rad = ', wentr_rad(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' vrad = ', vrad(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' radf = ', radf(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a,f10.4)') ' vspblcap = ', vspblcap(i,j)
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' k use_entr diff_t diff_m '// &
' k_t_entr k_m_entr'
write (dpu,'(a)') ' (m2/s) (m2/s) '//&
'(m2/s) (m2/s)'
write (dpu,'(a)') '------------------------------------'//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
do kk = nlev-n_print_levels,nlev
write(dpu,947) kk,use_entr(i,j,kk), diff_t(i,j,kk), &
diff_m(i,j,kk), k_t_entr(i,j,kk), k_m_entr(i,j,kk)
end do
947 format(1X,i2,3X,f3.1,4X,4(f9.4,1X))
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
write (dpu,'(a)') ' k pblfq radfq '//&
'k_t_troen k_m_troen k_rad'
write (dpu,'(a)') ' (m2/s)'// &
' (m2/s) (m2/s) '
write (dpu,'(a)') '------------------------------------'//&
write (dpu,'(a)') ' '
do kk = nlev-n_print_levels,nlev
write(dpu,949) kk,pblfq(i,j,kk),radfq(i,j,kk), &
end do
949 format(1X,i2,3X,2(f3.1,4X),3(f9.4,1X))
end if
! Diagnostics
if ( id_convpbl > 0 .or. id_wentr_pbl > 0 .or. &
id_k_m_entr > 0 .or. id_wentr_rad > 0 .or. &
id_zsml > 0 .or. id_k_t_entr > 0 .or. &
id_pblfq > 0 .or. id_radfq > 0 .or. &
id_parcelkick > 0 .or. id_k_t_troen > 0 .or. &
id_k_rad > 0 .or. id_k_m_troen > 0 .or. &
id_radf > 0 .or. id_vrad > 0 .or. &
id_zradbase > 0 .or. id_radpbl > 0 .or. &
id_zradtop > 0 .or. id_zradml > 0 .or. &
id_svpcp > 0 .or. id_vsurf > 0 .or. &
id_vshear > 0 ) then
mask3(:,:,1:(nlev+1)) = 1.
if (present(kbot)) then
where (zhalf_ag < 0.)
mask3(:,:,:) = 0.
end where
! Convective PBL diagnostics
if ( id_convpbl > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_convpbl, convpbl, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_zsml > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_zsml, zsml, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_vsurf > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_vsurf, vsurf, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_vshear > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_vshear, vshear, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_parcelkick > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_parcelkick, parcelkick, time, &
is, js )
end if
if ( id_wentr_pbl > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_wentr_pbl, wentr_pbl, time, &
is, js)
end if
if ( id_pblfq > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = pblfq
used = send_data ( id_pblfq, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
if ( id_k_t_troen > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = k_t_troen
used = send_data ( id_k_t_troen, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
if ( id_k_m_troen > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = k_m_troen
used = send_data ( id_k_m_troen, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
! Cloud top radiative cooling diagnostics
if ( id_radpbl > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_radpbl, radpbl, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_vrad > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_vrad, vrad, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_zradml > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_zradml, zradml, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_svpcp > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_svpcp, svpcp, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_zradtop > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_zradtop, zradtop, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_zradbase > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_zradbase, zradbase, time, is, js)
end if
if ( id_radf > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_radf, radf, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_wentr_rad > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_wentr_rad, wentr_rad, time, is, &
end if
if ( id_radfq > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = radfq
used = send_data ( id_radfq, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
if ( id_k_rad > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = k_rad
used = send_data ( id_k_rad, rtmp, time, is, js, 1, &
rmask=mask3 )
end if
! Total diffusivity coefficients
if ( id_k_t_entr > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = k_t_entr
used = send_data ( id_k_t_entr, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
if ( id_k_m_entr > 0 ) then
rtmp = 0.
rtmp(:,:,1:nlev) = k_m_entr
used = send_data ( id_k_m_entr, rtmp, time, is, js, &
1, rmask=mask3 )
end if
! Inversion diagnostics
if ( id_fqinv > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_fqinv, fqinv, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_zinv > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_zinv, zinv, time, is, js )
end if
if ( id_invstr > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_invstr, invstr, time, is, js )
end if
end if ! do diagnostics if
! subroutine end
end subroutine entrain
! Subroutine to calculate pbl depth
! Calculates the depth of the surface based convective layer
! call pbl_depth(t, z, u_star, b_star, ipbl, h, parcelkick)
! Liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! Geopoential height of levels t is defined on (m)
! Friction velocity (m/s)
! Buoyancy scale (m/s2)
! Integer indicating the half model level which is the PBL top
! PBL height (m)
! Surface parcel excess (K)
subroutine pbl_depth(t, z, u_star, b_star, ipbl, h, parcelkick)
! -----
! -----
! t (= slv/cp) liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! u_star friction velocity (m/s)
! b_star buoyancy scale (m/s**2)
! ------
! ------
! ipbl half level containing pbl height
! h pbl height (m)
! parcelkick surface parcel excess (K)
real, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: t, z
real, intent(in) :: u_star, b_star
integer, intent(out) :: ipbl
real, intent(out) :: h,parcelkick
real :: svp,h1,h2,t1,t2
real :: ws,k_t_ref
integer :: k,nlev
!initialize zsml
h = 0.
!compute # of levels
nlev = size(t,1)
!calculate surface parcel properties
svp = t(nlev)
h1 = z(nlev)
call mo_diff(h1, u_star, b_star, ws, k_t_ref)
ws = max(small,ws/vonkarm/h1)
svp = svp*(1.+(parcel_buoy*u_star*b_star/grav/ws) )
parcelkick = svp*parcel_buoy*u_star*b_star/grav/ws
!search for level where this is exceeded
h = h1
t1 = t(nlev)
do k = nlev-1 , 2, -1
h2 = z(k)
t2 = t(k)
if (t2.gt.svp) then
h = h2 + (h1 - h2)*(t2 - svp)/(t2 - t1 )
ipbl = k+1
end if
h1 = h2
t1 = t2
!one shouldn't end up here but nonetheless for safety this is put here
h = h2
ipbl = k+1
end subroutine pbl_depth
! Subroutine to do profile reconstuction
! Subroutine to do profile reconstruction
! This is not turned on in the default version as I suspect there is a
! bug in this subroutine.
! call prof_recon(rho,t,pf,ph,zt,dt)
! Air density (kg/m3)
! Liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! Full level pressures (Pa)
! Half level pressures (pa)
! Top of radiatively driven layer in distance relative to boundary between cloud top layer and the level below (m)
! Cloud top jump in liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
subroutine prof_recon(rho,t,pf,ph,zt,dt)
! -----
! -----
! rho air density (kg/m3)
! t liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! pf full level pressure (Pa)
! ph half level pressure (Pa)
! ------
! ------
! zt top of radiatively driven layer in distance relative to
! boundary between cloud top layer and the level below (m)
! dt cloud top jump in liquid water virtual static energy divided
! by cp (K)
real, intent(in) :: rho
real, intent(in) , dimension(-2:1) :: t, pf
real, intent(in) , dimension( 0:1) :: ph
real, intent(out) :: zt, dt
real, dimension(-2:1) :: pfp
real, dimension( 0:1) :: php
real :: slope,textrap
real :: a,b,c,det,pinv,ttop
! calculate all pressure relative to ph(0)
! pfp = full level relative pressures
! php = half level relative pressures
! pfp(-2) < pfp(-1) < php(0) < pfp(0) < php(1) < pfp(1)
! Note the following coordinate system
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! * pfp(-2)
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! * pfp(-1)
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - php(0)
! ambiguous layer ---> * pfp(0)
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - php(1)
! * pfp(1)
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
pfp = pf - ph(0)
php = ph - ph(0)
! determine slope
slope = min ( (t(-2)-t(-1))/(pfp(-2)-pfp(-1)) , 0. )
! if this slope is such that the mean temperature of level 0 would
! exceed its actual temperature then assume a minimum protusion of
! mixed layer into ambiguous layer
! otherwise compute height of inversion using normal method
textrap = t(-1)+slope*(pfp(0)-pfp(-1))
if (textrap .lt. t(0)) then
zt = 0.1*php(1)/rho/grav
dt = t(0)-t(1)
a = 0.5*slope
b = t(-1)-t(1)-slope*pfp(-1)
c = - php(1)*(t(0)-t(1))
det = b*b - 4*a*c
if (a.lt.0.) then
pinv = (-b+sqrt(det))/(2*a)
pinv = c/b
end if
zt = (php(1)-pinv)/rho/grav
ttop = t(-1) + slope*(pinv-pfp(-1))
dt = ttop - t(1)
end if
end subroutine prof_recon
! Subroutine to calculate bottom and depth of radiatively driven mixed
! layer
! Subroutine to calculate the depth of the the radiatively driven
! (i.e. stratocumulus) mixed layer
! call radml_depth(svp, zt, t, zf, zh, zb, zml)
! Cloud top value of the liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! Top of radiatively driven layer (m)
! Liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (vertical profile) (K)
! Full level geopotential height relative to ground (vertical profile) (m)
! Half level geopotential height relative to ground (vertical profile) (m)
! Base of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
! Depth of radiatively driven mixed layer (m) (equals zt minus zb)
subroutine radml_depth(svp, zt, t, zf, zh, zb, zml)
! -----
! -----
! svp cloud top liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! zt top of radiatively driven layer (m)
! t liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! zf full level height above ground (m)
! zh half level height above ground (m)
! ------
! ------
! zb base height of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
! zml depth of radiatively driven mixed layer (m)
real, intent(in) :: svp, zt
real, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: t, zf, zh
real, intent(out) :: zb, zml
real :: svpar,h1,h2,t1,t2
integer :: k,nlev
!initialize zml
zml = 0.
!compute # of levels
nlev = size(t,1)
!calculate cloud top parcel properties
svpar = svp - radperturb
h1 = zf(1)
t1 = t(1)
!search for level where this is exceeded
do k = 2,nlev
h2 = zf(k)
t2 = t(k)
if (t2.lt.svpar) then
zb = h2 + (h1 - h2)*(svpar - t2)/(t1 - t2)
zml = zt - zb
end if
if (do_jump_exit .and. (t1-t2) .gt. critjump .and. k .gt. 2) then
zb = zh(k)
zml = zt - zb
end if
h1 = h2
t1 = t2
zb = 0.
zml = zt
end subroutine radml_depth
! Subroutine to return the vertical K-profile of diffusion
! coefficients for the surface driven convective mixed layer
! call diffusivity_pbl(h, u_star, b_star, t, zm, k_m, k_t)
! Depth of surface driven mixed layer (m)
! Friction velocity (m/s)
! Buoyancy scale (m/s2)
! Liquid water virtual static energy divided by cp (K)
! Half level heights relative to the ground (m)
! Momentum diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
! Heat and tracer diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
subroutine diffusivity_pbl(h, u_star, b_star, t, zm, k_m, k_t)
real, intent(in) :: h, u_star, b_star
real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: t,zm
real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: k_m, k_t
real :: k_m_ref, k_t_ref, factor, hinner
integer :: k, kk, nlev
nlev = size(t,1)
k_m = 0.0
k_t = 0.0
hinner = frac_inner*h
kk = nlev+1
do k = 1, nlev
if( zm(k) < hinner) then
kk = k
end if
end do
call mo_diff(hinner, u_star, b_star, k_m_ref, k_t_ref)
if (kk .lt. nlev+1) then
call mo_diff(zm(kk:nlev), u_star, b_star, k_m(kk:nlev), &
end if
if (kk .gt. 1) then
do k = 1,kk-1
factor = (zm(k)/hinner)* (1.0 -(zm(k)-hinner)/(h-hinner))**2
k_m(k) = min( k_m_ref*factor, akmax )
k_t(k) = min( k_t_ref*factor, akmax )
end do
end if
end subroutine diffusivity_pbl
! subroutine entrain_tend
! this subroutine takes the longwave heating rate and assigns it
! to tdtlw
!subroutine entrain_tend(is,ie,js,je,tend)
! variables
! -----
! input
! -----
! is,ie,js,je i,j indices marking the slab of model
! tend longwave heating rate (deg K/sec)
!integer, intent(in) :: is,ie,js,je
!real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: tend
! assign tendency
! if (.not. entrain_on) return
! tdtlw(is:ie,js:je,:)=tend(:,:,:)
! subroutine end
!end subroutine entrain_tend
! subroutine entrain_end
! this subroutine writes out the restart field
! All this module does is to set "module_is_initialized" to false.
! call entrain_end
subroutine entrain_end()
! variables
! --------
! internal
! --------
! unit unit number for namelist and restart file
!integer :: unit
! write out restart file
! unit = Open_File ('RESTART/entrain.res', &
! FORM='native', ACTION='write')
! call write_data (unit, tdtlw)
! Call Close_File (unit)
module_is_initialized = .false.
! subroutine end
end subroutine entrain_end
end module entrain_mod