!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module mg_drag_mod !======================================================================= ! MOUNTAIN GRAVITY WAVE DRAG - PIerrehumbert (1986) ! !======================================================================= !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculates partial tendencies for the zonal and meridional winds ! due to the effect of mountain gravity wave drag !------------------------------------------------------------------- use topography_mod, only: get_topog_stdev use fms_mod, only: mpp_npes, field_size, file_exist, write_version_number, stdlog, & mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, error_mesg, FATAL, NOTE, read_data, write_data, & open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error, open_restart_file, mpp_error use fms_io_mod, only: get_restart_io_mode use fms_io_mod, only: register_restart_field, restart_file_type use fms_io_mod, only: save_restart, restore_state use constants_mod, only: Grav, Kappa, RDgas, cp_air !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- private character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: mg_drag.F90,v 2009/09/24 18:22:50 wfc Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' real, parameter :: p00 = 1.e5 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ghprime - array of sub-grid scale mountain height variance !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Ghprime !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Contants ! grav value of gravity ! rdgas universal gas constant for dry air ! kappa 2/7 (i.e., R/Cp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. !--- for netcdf restart type(restart_file_type), save :: Mg_restart !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- NAMELIST (mg_drag_nml) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! xl_mtn effective mountain length ( set currently to 100km) ! acoef order unity "tunable" parameter ! gmax order unity "tunable" parameter ! (may be enhanced to increase drag) ! rho stand value for density of the air at sea-level (1.13 KG/M**3) ! low_lev_frac - fraction of atmosphere (from bottom up) considered ! to be "low-level-layer for base flux calc. and where no ! wave breaking is allowed. ! flux_cut_level pressure level (Pa) above which flux divergence is set to zero !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real :: & xl_mtn=1.0e5 & ! & ,gmax=1.0, acoef=1.0 ! v197 value of gmax = 2.0 ,gmax=2.0, acoef=1.0, rho=1.13 & ! v197 value for low-level-layer ,low_lev_frac = .23 real :: flux_cut_level= 0.0 logical :: do_netcdf_restart logical :: do_conserve_energy = .false. logical :: do_mcm_mg_drag = .false. character(len=128) :: source_of_sgsmtn = 'input' namelist / mg_drag_nml / xl_mtn, gmax, acoef, rho, low_lev_frac, & do_conserve_energy, do_mcm_mg_drag, & source_of_sgsmtn, flux_cut_level public mg_drag, mg_drag_init, mg_drag_end, mg_drag_restart contains !############################################################################# subroutine mg_drag (is, js, delt, uwnd, vwnd, temp, pfull, phalf, & zfull,zhalf,dtaux,dtauy,dtemp,taubx, tauby, tausf,& kbot) !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent in) integer, intent(in) :: is,js real, intent(in) :: delt real, intent(in), dimension (:,:,:) :: & & uwnd, vwnd, temp, pfull, phalf, zfull, zhalf integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:) :: kbot ! ! INPUT ! ----- ! ! is,js - integers containing the starting ! i,j indices from the full horizontal grid ! delt time step in seconds ! UWND Zonal wind (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! VWND Meridional wind (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! TEMP Temperature at full model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! PFULL Pressure at full model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! PHALF Pressure at half model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM+1) ! ZHALF Height at half model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM+1) ! ZFULL Height at full model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM+1) ! KBOT optional;lowest model level index (integer) ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM) !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent out) real, intent(out), dimension (:,:) :: taubx, tauby real, intent(out), dimension (:,:,:) :: dtaux, dtauy, dtemp, tausf ! OUTPUT ! ------ ! TAUBX, TAUBY base momentum flux componenets - output for diagnostics ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM)-kg/m/s**2 ! = -(RHO*U**3/(N*XL))*G(FR) FOR N**2 > 0 ! = 0 FOR N**2 <=0 ! DTAUX Tendency of the zonal wind component deceleration ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! DTAUY Tendency of the meridional wind component deceleration ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! dtemp Tendency of temperature due to dissipation of ke ! ! TAUSF = "CLIPPED" SAT MOMENTUM FLUX ( AT HALF LEVELS below top) ! !=================================================================== !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LLA IS DEFINED AS THE NUMBER OF LEVELS UP FROM THE LOWEST USED ! TO CALCULATE THE "LOW-LEVEL" AVERAGES. ! THIS ROUTINE COMPUTES THE DECELERATION OF THE ZONAL WIND AND ! MERIDIONAL WIND DUE TO MOUNTAIN GRAVITY WAVE DRAG. THE ! PARAMETERIZATION WAS DEVELOPED BY R. PIERREHUMBERT AND ADAPTED ! TO THE SPECTRAL MODEL BY B. STERN. THE SCHEME IS STRUCTURED TO ! INCLUDE 4 MAIN (GENERALLY VALID) COMPONENTS ! 1) CALCULATION OF A BASE MOMENTUM FLUX(TAUB) WHICH IS ! A FUNCTION OF LOW-LEVEL-> WINDS, BRUNT-VAISALA FREQ, ! AND DENSITY AS WELL AS THE SUB-GRID SCALE MOUNTAIN ! HEIGHT AND EFFECTIVE MOUNTAIN LENGTH. ! 2) CALCULATION OF A SATURATION MOMENTUM FLUX PROFILE ! (TAUS(P) ) - IN GENERAL THIS IS A FUNCTION OF THE ! VERTICAL PROFILES OF WINDS, BRUNT VAISALA FREQ AND ! DENSITY. ! 3) DETERMINE THE ACTUAL MOMENTUM FLUX PROFILE. IT IS ! EQUAL TO THE FLUX ENTERING THE LAYER FROM BELOW ! BUT CANNOT EXCEED THE SATURATION FLUX IN THAT LAYER. ! 4) CALCULATE THE DE-CELERATION DUE TO THE DRAG. ! SATURATION MOMENTUM FLUX PROFILES ! SCHEME 1: LINEAR DROP OFF (IN P OR SIGMA) FROM THE BASE ! FLUX AT THE BOTTOM OF THE MODEL TO ZERO AT SIGTOP ! (^4/86) ! SCHEME 2: FUNCTION OF DENSITY, WINDS AND BRUNT VAISALA FREQ. ! V SCALE OF WAVE(D) - ! A. FROM WKB THEORY ! (^6/87) ! B. FROM EXTENSION TO WKB THEORY ! (^7/87) ! THE DECELERATION IS PROPORTIONAL TO DTAUP/DSIGMA -> MOMENTUM FLUX ! ABSORPTION WILL TAKE PLACE ONLY IN THOSE REGIONS WHERE TAUP VARIES ! IN THE VERTICAL - I.E. WAVE BREAKING LAYERS. !======================================================================= ! (Intent local) real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: xn, yn, psurf,ptop,taub real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)) :: theta real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)+1) :: taus real vsamp integer, dimension (size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: ktop, kbtm integer idim, jdim, kdim, kdimm1, kdimp1, ie, je ! XN,YN = PROJECTIONS OF "LOW LEVEL" WIND ! IN ZONAL & MERIDIONAL DIRECTIONS ! TAUB = BASE MOMENTUM FLUX ! = -(RHO*U**3/(N*XL))*G(FR) FOR N**2 > 0 ! = 0 FOR N**2 <=0 ! TAUS = SATURATION MOMENTUM FLUX ( AT HALF LEVELS) ! = (XN,XY)*(1-(AETA-1)/(SIGTOP-1))*TAUB - SCHEME 1 ! = -DENSITY(L)*UMAG(L)*D(L)*GMAX/XL - SCHEME 2 ! -> -AETA(L)*PS*UMAG(L)*D(L)*GMAX/XL ! THETA POTENTIAL temperature at full model levels ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM x KDIM) ! PSURF Surface pressure ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM) ! PTOP Pressure at top of low-level layer ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM) ! KTOP Top model level index included in low-level layer ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM) ! KBTM Bottom model level index included in low-level layer ! usually the lowest level ! (dimensioned IDIM x JDIM) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type loop indicies integer i, j, k, kd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Local variables needed only for code that ! implements supersource-like gravity wave drag. integer :: klast, kcrit real :: sigtop, small=1.e-10 real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: ulow, vlow, tlow, thlow real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: rlow, zsvar, bvfreq, x real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: depth, ave_p integer, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: ntop real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)) :: th, sh_ang, test real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)) :: sigma, del_sigma !real, dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)+1) :: sigma_half !--------------------------------------------------------------------- idim = size( uwnd, 1 ) jdim = size( uwnd, 2 ) kdim = size( uwnd, 3 ) kdimm1 = kdim - 1 kdimp1 = kdim + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CODE VARIABLES DESCRIPTION ! XN,YN = PROJECTIONS OF "LOW LEVEL" WIND ! IN ZONAL & MERIDIONAL DIRECTIONS ! TAUB = BASE MOMENTUM FLUX ! = -(RHO*U**3/(N*XL))*G(FR) FOR N**2 > 0 ! = 0 FOR N**2 <=0 ! TAUS = SATURATION MOMENTUM FLUX ( AT HALF LEVELS) ! = (XN,XY)*(1-(AETA-1)/(SIGTOP-1))*TAUB - SCHEME 1 ! = -DENSITY(L)*UMAG(L)*D(L)*GMAX/XL - SCHEME 2 ! -> -AETA(L)*PS*UMAG(L)*D(L)*GMAX/XL ! TAUP = MOMENTUM FLUX ( AT HALF LEVELS) ! TAUP(L) = MIN ( TAUP(L-1),TAUS(L)) ! ULOW = "LOW-LEVEL" WIND MAGNITUDE (M/S) (= U ) ! AVERAGE UP TO ^2KM ABOVE SURFACE(LOWEST 1/3 SIGMAS) ! UMAG = V. PROFILE OF WIND MAGNITUDES-AT HALF LEVS (=U(L)) ! DUDZ = VERTICAL DERIVATIVE OF U(L) WITH RESPECT TO Z ! DEFINED AT FULL LEVELS ! DU2DZ2 = 2ND DERIVATIVE OF U(L) WITH RESPECT TO Z ! DEFINED AT HALF LEVELS ! D = CHARACTERISTI! V. LENGTH SCALE OF WAVES (=D(L)) ! FOR WKB D(L) = U(L)/N(L) ! FOR EXTENDED WKB 1/D**2 = N(L)**2/U(L)**2 ! - D2UDZ2(L)/U(L) ! BNV,BNVK = "LOW-LEVEL",V. PROFILE - BRUNT VAISALA FREQ(1 ! (= N,N ! BNV2,BNVK2 = N**2, N(L)**2 ! HPRIME = Sub-grid scale mountain height ! over local domain (IDIM x JDIM) ! XL = EFFECTIVE MOUNTAIN LENGTH = (100KM EVERYWHERE) ! SIGTOP = HIGHEST LEVEL TO WHICH GRAVITY WAVE ! MOMENTUM FLUX WILL BE DISTRIBUTED. ! G = GMAX*FR**2/(FR**2+A**2) ! GMAX = 1.0 ! A = 1.0 !======================================================================= if ( .not.do_mcm_mg_drag ) then !--- export sub grid scale topography ie = is + idim - 1 je = js + jdim - 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! vsamp is a vertical sampling coefficient which serves to amplify ! the windshear wkb extension term in the calculation of d. ! it increases this term to adjust for the deficiency of coarse ! vertical resolution properly resolving the vertical windshear. ! vsamp = (kdim+63)/kdim vsamp = 1.0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate bottom of low-level layer = lowest level unless kbot is present if (present(kbot)) then kbtm(:,:) = kbot(:,:) else kbtm(:,:) = kdim endif ! calculate top of low-level layer, first get surface p from phalf if (present(kbot)) then do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim psurf(i,j) = phalf(i,j,kbtm(i,j)+1) end do end do else psurf(:,:) = phalf(:,:,kdimp1) endif ! print *,'psurf=', psurf ! Based on fraction of model atmosphere to be considered "low-level" ! (input via namelist), find highest model level. ktop(:,:) = kdim ptop(:,:) = (1.-low_lev_frac)*psurf(:,:) do kd=kdim,1,-1 where (pfull(:,:,kd) .ge. ptop(:,:)) ktop(:,:) = kd end where end do ! Make sure that low-level layer is at least 2 layer thick ktop(:,:) = min(ktop(:,:),(kbtm(:,:)-1) ) ! print *,'ptop=', ptop ! print *,'ktop=', ktop ! calculate base flux call mgwd_base_flux (is,js,uwnd,vwnd,temp,pfull,phalf,ktop,kbtm,theta, & & xn,yn,taub) ! split taub in to x and y components taubx(:,:) = taub(:,:)*xn(:,:) tauby(:,:) = taub(:,:)*yn(:,:) ! calculate saturation flux profile call mgwd_satur_flux (uwnd,vwnd,temp,theta,ktop,kbtm, & & xn,yn,taub,pfull, phalf,zfull,zhalf,vsamp,taus) ! calculate mountain gravity wave drag tendency contributions call mgwd_tend (is,js,xn,yn,taub,phalf,taus,dtaux,dtauy, tausf) else if ( do_mcm_mg_drag ) then if(present(kbot)) then call error_mesg ('mg_drag','kbot cannot be present in the calling arguments when using the Manabe Climate Model option',FATAL) endif do k=1,kdim sigma(:,:,k) = pfull(:,:,k)/phalf(:,:,kdimp1) del_sigma(:,:,k) = (phalf(:,:,k+1) - phalf(:,:,k))/phalf(:,:,kdimp1) ! sigma_half(:,:,k) = phalf(:,:,k)/phalf(:,:,kdimp1) enddo ! sigma_half(:,:,kdimp1) = 1.0 ie = is + idim - 1 je = js + jdim - 1 zsvar = (Ghprime(is:ie,js:je))**2 do k = 1,kdim th(:,:,k) = temp(:,:,k) + grav*(zfull(:,:,k)-zhalf(:,:,kdimp1))*kappa/rdgas end do sigtop = 1.0 - low_lev_frac do j = 1,jdim do i = 1,idim do k = kdim,1,-1 if (sigma(i,j,k) .lt. sigtop) then if ( (sigtop - sigma(i,j,k)) .le. (sigma(i,j,k+1)-sigtop) ) then ntop(i,j) = k else ntop(i,j) = k + 1 endif go to 10 endif end do 10 continue enddo enddo ulow = 0.0 vlow = 0.0 tlow = 0.0 thlow = 0.0 depth = 0.0 do j = 1,jdim do i = 1,idim do k = ntop(i,j), kdim ulow(i,j) = ulow(i,j) + del_sigma(i,j,k)* uwnd(i,j,k) vlow(i,j) = vlow(i,j) + del_sigma(i,j,k)* vwnd(i,j,k) tlow(i,j) = tlow(i,j) + del_sigma(i,j,k)* temp(i,j,k) thlow(i,j) = thlow(i,j) + del_sigma(i,j,k)*th(i,j,k) depth(i,j) = depth(i,j) + del_sigma(i,j,k) end do enddo enddo ulow = ulow/depth vlow = vlow/depth tlow = tlow/depth thlow = thlow/depth do j = 1,jdim do i = 1,idim ave_p(i,j) = (phalf(i,j,ntop(i,j)-1) + phalf(i,j,kdim))/2. bvfreq(i,j) = (th(i,j,kdim) - th(i,j,ntop(i,j)))/(pfull(i,j,kdim) - pfull(i,j,ntop(i,j))) bvfreq(i,j) = -grav*grav*ave_p(i,j)*bvfreq(i,j)/(rdgas*tlow(i,j)*thlow(i,j)) ! thlow should be tlow !IH enddo enddo where(bvfreq > 0.0) bvfreq = sqrt(bvfreq) elsewhere bvfreq = 0.0 endwhere ! TK mod: original had rk0*grav*bvfreq*zsvar*ulow .... etc.. x = grav*bvfreq*zsvar/(rdgas*tlow*xl_mtn) rlow = 1.0/sqrt(ulow**2 + vlow**2 + small) do k = 1, kdim sh_ang(:,:,k) = rlow*(ulow*uwnd(:,:,k) + vlow*vwnd(:,:,k))/ & sqrt(uwnd(:,:,k)**2 + vwnd(:,:,k)**2 + small) enddo sh_ang = min(sh_ang, 0.99999) sh_ang = max(sh_ang,-0.99999) sh_ang = acos(sh_ang) test = 1.0 where (sh_ang > 2.*atan(1.0)) test = 0.0 endwhere do j = 1,jdim do i = 1,idim do k=ntop(i,j),kdim test(i,j,k) = 1.0 enddo enddo enddo do j = 1,jdim do i = 1,idim do k = ntop(i,j) - 1, 1, -1 klast = k if (test(i,j,k) /= 1.0 ) go to 20 end do klast = 0 20 continue if ( klast /= 0 ) test(i,j,1:klast) = 0.0 kcrit = klast + 1 x(i,j) = x(i,j)/(1.-sigma(i,j,kcrit)) ! should be x(i,j) = x(i,j)/(1 - sigma_half(klast)/sigma_half(kdim)) end do end do do k = 1,kdim dtaux(:,:,k) = - x*ulow*test(:,:,k) dtauy(:,:,k) = - x*vlow*test(:,:,k) end do taub = 0.0 taubx = 0.0 tauby = 0.0 tausf = 0.0 endif ! calculate temperature tendency due to dissipation of kinetic energy if (do_conserve_energy) then dtemp = -((uwnd+.5*delt*dtaux)*dtaux + (vwnd+.5*delt*dtauy)*dtauy)/cp_air else dtemp = 0.0 endif return end subroutine mg_drag !======================================================================= !############################################################################# subroutine mgwd_base_flux (is,js,uwnd,vwnd,temp,pfull,phalf,ktop,kbtm, & theta,xn,yn,taub) !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculates base momentum flux - taub !------------------------------------------------------------------- !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent in) real, intent(in), dimension (:,:,:) :: uwnd, vwnd, temp, pfull, phalf integer, intent(in), dimension (:,:) :: ktop, kbtm integer, intent(in) :: is, js !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent out) real, intent(out), dimension (:,:) :: xn, yn, taub real , intent(out), dimension (:,:,:) :: theta !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent inout) !======================================================================= ! (Intent local) real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2)) :: sumw, delp, ulow, bnv, & & hprime, fr, g, ubar, vbar, bnv2 real grav2, xli, a, small integer idim, jdim,kdim,ie, je !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type loop indicies integer i, j, k, kb, kt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !=================================================================== !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- DEFINE CURRENT WINDOW & GET GLOBAL VARIABLES !------------------------------------------------------------------- idim = size( uwnd, 1 ) jdim = size( uwnd, 2 ) kdim = size( uwnd, 3 ) ie = is + idim - 1 je = js + jdim - 1 hprime(:,:) = Ghprime(is:ie,js:je) ! define local scalar variables xli=1.0/xl_mtn grav2=grav*grav a = acoef !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <><><><><><><><> base flux code <><><><><><><><> !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize arrays sumw(:,:) = 0.0 ubar(:,:) = 0.0 vbar(:,:) = 0.0 ulow(:,:) = 0.0 taub(:,:) = 0.0 xn (:,:) = 0.0 yn (:,:) = 0.0 ! compute low-level averages ! -------------------------- do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim do k=ktop(i,j),kbtm(i,j) delp(i,j) = phalf(i,j,k+1)-phalf(i,j,k) sumw(i,j) = sumw(i,j) + delp(i,j) ubar(i,j) = ubar(i,j) + uwnd(i,j,k)*delp(i,j) vbar(i,j) = vbar(i,j) + vwnd(i,j,k)*delp(i,j) end do end do end do ! print *, 'low-lev aves computed, ubar, vbar =', ubar, vbar ! calculate projections of low level flow onto wind components (u&v) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ sumw(:,:) = 1./sumw(:,:) ubar(:,:) = ubar(:,:) * sumw(:,:) vbar(:,:) = vbar(:,:) * sumw(:,:) ulow(:,:) =sqrt(ubar(:,:)*ubar(:,:) + vbar(:,:)*vbar(:,:)) xn(:,:) = ubar(:,:)/(ulow(:,:) + 1.0e-20) yn(:,:) = vbar(:,:)/(ulow(:,:) + 1.0e-20) ! calculate squared brunt vaisala freq ! ------------------------------------ theta(:,:,:)=temp(:,:,:)*(pfull(:,:,:)/p00)**(-kappa) ! v197 uses p* as reference vlues for theta, in above 1000 hPa is used ! theta(:,:,:)=temp(:,:,:)*(pfull(:,:,:)/ & ! & phalf(:,:,kdim+1))**(-kappa) do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim kt=ktop(i,j) kb=kbtm(i,j) bnv2(i,j) = grav2*(pfull(i,j,kt)+pfull(i,j,kb)) & * (theta(i,j,kt)-theta(i,j,kb)) & / ( rdgas*(theta(i,j,kt)+theta(i,j,kb)) & * (pfull(i,j,kb)-pfull(i,j,kt)) & *.5*(temp(i,j,kt)+temp(i,j,kb))) end do end do ! calculate bnv,fr,g,taub,xn,yn - if n**2>0 ! ----------------------------------------- small = epsilon(ulow) where (bnv2(:,:) .gt. 0.0) bnv(:,:) = sqrt(bnv2(:,:)) fr (:,:) = bnv(:,:)*hprime(:,:)/(ulow(:,:) + small) g (:,:) = gmax*fr(:,:)*fr(:,:)/(fr(:,:)*fr(:,:)+a*a) taub(:,:) = -rho*xli*ulow(:,:)*ulow(:,:)*ulow(:,:) & & / bnv(:,:)*g(:,:) elsewhere bnv(:,:) = 0.0 fr (:,:) = 0.0 g (:,:) = 0.0 endwhere end subroutine mgwd_base_flux !############################################################################# subroutine mgwd_satur_flux (uwnd,vwnd,temp,theta,ktop,kbtm, & xn,yn,taub,pfull,phalf,zfull,zhalf,vsamp,taus) !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent in) real, intent(in), dimension (:,:,:) :: & & uwnd, vwnd, temp, theta, pfull, phalf,zfull, zhalf real, intent(in), dimension (:,:) :: xn, yn, taub real, intent(in) :: vsamp integer, intent(in), dimension (:,:) :: ktop, kbtm !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent out) real, intent(out), dimension (:,:,:) :: taus !======================================================================= ! (Intent local) real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)) :: & & dudz real , dimension(size(uwnd,1),size(uwnd,2),size(uwnd,3)+1) :: & & umag, bnvk2, d,d2, d2i, d2udz2, extend real grav2, xli, small integer :: idim, jdim, kdim, kdimm1, kdimp1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type loop indicies integer i, j, k, kb, kt, kbp1, ktm1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type flux cutoff integer kcut !======================================================================= idim = size( uwnd, 1 ) jdim = size( uwnd, 2 ) kdim = size( uwnd, 3 ) kdimm1 = kdim - 1 kdimp1 = kdim + 1 ! define local scalar variables xli=1.0/xl_mtn grav2=grav*grav !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <><><><><><><><> saturation flux code <><><><><><><><> !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! scheme 1 - linear profile ! do 35 l=1,lp1 ! do 35 i=1,idim ! taus(i,l) = taub(i) * (1-(eta(l)-1)/(sigtop-1) ) !35 continue !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ********** scheme 2 - wave breaking formulation ********** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate wind magnitude at 1/2 levels ! -------------------------------------------- do k=2,kdim umag(:,:,k) = (0.50*(uwnd(:,:,k-1)+uwnd(:,:,k))*xn(:,:) & + 0.50*(vwnd(:,:,k-1)+vwnd(:,:,k))*yn(:,:)) umag(:,:,k) = abs( umag(:,:,k) ) end do ! set wind magnitude at top of model = to magnitude at top full ! level. umag(:,:,1) = uwnd(:,:,1)*xn(:,:) + vwnd(:,:,1)*yn(:,:) umag(:,:,1) = abs( umag(:,:,1) ) ! set wind magnitude at ground = 0. do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim kbp1=kbtm(i,j)+1 do k=kbp1,kdimp1 umag(i,j,k) = 0.0 end do end do end do ! set minimum wind magnitude small = epsilon (umag) where ( umag .lt. small ) umag = 0.0 ! print *, ' umag for sat flux =', umag !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate vertical derivatives of umag, to be used in ! the extension to the wkb approach for determining d. ! -- derivative of umag with respect to z is computed at ! full levels and stored in dudz. ! dudz(1) is defined using an uncentered difference dudz(:,:,1) = (umag(:,:,1)-umag(:,:,2)) & & /(zfull(:,:,1)-zhalf(:,:,2)) do k=2,kdim dudz(:,:,k) = (umag(:,:,k)-umag(:,:,k+1)) & & /(zhalf(:,:,k)-zhalf(:,:,k+1)) end do ! print *, ' dudz for sat flux =', dudz ! assume vertical derivative of umag at the boundaries=0 and ! compute 2nd derivatives there using uncentered differencing do k=2,kdim d2udz2(:,:,k) = (dudz(:,:,k)-dudz(:,:,k-1)) & & /(zfull(:,:,k)-zfull(:,:,k-1)) end do ! set d2udz2 = 0 at the top of the atmosphere (original code) ! set d2udz2 at the top of atm to level 2 value (new code) !del d2udz2(:,:,1) = 0.0 d2udz2(:,:,1) = d2udz2(:,:,2) do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim kb=kbtm(i,j) kbp1=kb+1 d2udz2(i,j,kbp1) = dudz(i,j,kb)/(zfull(i,j,kb)-zhalf(i,j,kbp1)) end do end do ! print *, ' d2udz2 for sat flux =', d2udz2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute wkb extension term for umag > 0 ! --------------------------------------- where (umag(:,:,:).gt.0.0) extend(:,:,:) = vsamp*d2udz2(:,:,:)/umag(:,:,:) elsewhere extend(:,:,:) = 0.0 endwhere ! print *, ' wkb exten for sat flux =', extend ! calculate brunt vaisala frequency at 1/2 levels ! ----------------------------------------------------- do k=2,kdim bnvk2(:,:,k) = grav2*(pfull(:,:,k-1)+pfull(:,:,k)) & & * (theta(:,:,k-1)-theta(:,:,k)) & & / ( rdgas*(theta(:,:,k-1)+theta(:,:,k)) & & * (pfull(:,:,k)-pfull(:,:,k-1))*.5*(temp(:,:,k-1)+temp(:,:,k)) ) end do ! keep static stability constant in top & bottom layers of model ! for taus calculations. bnvk2(:,:,1) = bnvk2(:,:,2) do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim kb=kbtm(i,j) kbp1=kb+1 bnvk2(i,j,kbp1) = bnvk2(i,j,kb) bnvk2(i,j,kdimp1) = bnvk2(i,j,kdim) end do end do ! print *, ' brunt vaisala for sat flux =', bnvk2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate d2i (=1/d**2) for umag .gt. 0 ! initialize d2i to a large number, which will result in a very ! small vertical wavelength (d) where umag = 0. where (umag(:,:,:).gt.0.0) d2i(:,:,:) = (bnvk2(:,:,:)/(umag(:,:,:)* & & umag(:,:,:)) - extend(:,:,:) ) elsewhere d2i(:,:,:) = 1.0e+30 endwhere ! print *, ' 1/d**2 for sat flux =', d2i ! for 1/d**2 approaching 0 calculate d by dividing by a ! very small but finite number where (d2i(:,:,:) .lt. 1.e-30) d(:,:,:) = 1.e+30 elsewhere d2(:,:,:) = 1./d2i(:,:,:) d (:,:,:) = sqrt(d2(:,:,:)) endwhere ! set d=0 for umag=0. where (umag(:,:,:).eq.0.0) d(:,:,:) = 0.0 endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! print *, 'd for sat flux =', d ! calculation of the saturation flux profile for scheme 2 ! ------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,jdim do i=1,idim kb=kbtm(i,j) kt=ktop(i,j) ktm1=kt-1 do k=2,ktm1 taus(i,j,k) = -phalf(i,j,k)*umag(i,j,k)*umag(i,j,k) & & *d(i,j,k)*xli*gmax & & / (0.50*(temp(i,j,k-1)+temp(i,j,k))*rdgas) end do do k = kt,kdimp1 taus(i,j,k) = taub(i,j) end do end do end do ! keep taus profile constant across top model layer (original code) ! calculate taus profile in top model layer (new code) taus(:,:,1) = taus(:,:,2) !del taus(:,:,1) = -phalf(:,:,1)*umag(:,:,1)*umag(:,:,1) & !del & *d(:,:,1)*xli*gmax / (temp(:,:,1)*rdgas) ! do not allow wave breaking for unstable layers do k = 1,kdimp1 where ( bnvk2(:,:,k) .lt. 0.0) taus(:,:,k) = taub(:,:) endwhere end do ! ------------------------------------------- ! tausat(:,:,1) = 0. ! use all forcing ! Instead, let remaining flux escape above flux_cut_level if( flux_cut_level > 0.0 ) then kcut= 1 do while( phalf(1,1,kcut) < flux_cut_level ) kcut= kcut+1 enddo do k= 1, kcut-1 taus(:,:,k)= taus(:,:,kcut) enddo endif end subroutine mgwd_satur_flux !############################################################################# subroutine mgwd_tend (is,js,xn,yn,taub,phalf,taus,dtaux,dtauy,tausf) !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent in) real, intent(in), dimension (:,:,:) :: phalf, taus real, intent(in), dimension (:,:) :: xn, yn, taub integer, intent(in) :: is, js !=================================================================== ! Arguments (intent out) real, intent(out), dimension (:,:,:) :: dtaux, dtauy, tausf !======================================================================= ! (Intent local) real , dimension(size(phalf,1),size(phalf,2),size(phalf,3)) :: dterm real , dimension(size(phalf,1),size(phalf,2),size(phalf,3)+1) :: taup integer kdim, kdimp1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! type loop indicies integer k, kd !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !======================================================================= kdim = size( dtaux, 3 ) kdimp1 = kdim + 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! <><><><><><><><> MOMENTUM FLUX CODE <><><><><><><><> !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CALCULATE FLUX FROM GROUND UP ! ----------------------------- taup (:,:,kdimp1) = taub(:,:) do kd=2,kdimp1 k = kdimp1-kd+1 tausf(:,:,k)=taup(:,:,k+1) taup(:,:,k) = max (taus(:,:,k),taup(:,:,k+1)) end do ! ALLOW FLUX TO ESCAPE THE TOP - DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE ! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ! <><><><><><><><> DE-CELERATION CODE <><><><><><><><> ! CALCULATE DECELERATION TERMS - DTAUX,DTAUY ! ------------------------------------------ do k=1,kdim dterm(:,:,k) = grav*(taup (:,:,k+1)-taup (:,:,k)) & & /(phalf(:,:,k+1)-phalf(:,:,k)) dtaux(:,:,k) = xn(:,:)*dterm(:,:,k) dtauy(:,:,k) = yn(:,:)*dterm(:,:,k) end do ! print sample output ! print*, ' mgdrag output for i,j=', is,js ! print *,'taub = ', taub(is,js) ! print *,'taus = ', taus(is,js,:) ! print *,'taup = ', taup(is,js,:) ! *********************************************************** end subroutine mgwd_tend !####################################################################### subroutine mg_drag_init( lonb, latb, hprime ) !======================================================================= ! ***** INITIALIZE Mountain Gravity Wave Drag !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! lonb = longitude in radians of the grid box corners ! latb = latitude in radians of the grid box corners !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: lonb, latb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out - optional) ! hprime = array of sub-grid scale mountain heights !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(out), dimension(:,:), optional :: hprime !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ix, iy, unit, io, ierr, logunit logical :: answer integer :: id_restart !===================================================================== if(module_is_initialized) return !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Read namelist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( file_exist( 'input.nml' ) ) then ! ------------------------------------- unit = open_namelist_file() ierr = 1 do while( ierr .ne. 0 ) read ( unit, nml = mg_drag_nml, iostat = io, end = 10 ) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'mg_drag_nml') end do 10 continue call close_file ( unit ) call get_restart_io_mode(do_netcdf_restart) ! ------------------------------------- end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Output version !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_version_number(version, tagname) logunit = stdlog() if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (logunit, nml=mg_drag_nml) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Allocate storage for Ghprime !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ix = size(lonb,1) - 1 iy = size(latb,2) - 1 allocate( Ghprime(ix,iy) ) ; Ghprime = 0.0 !------------------------------------------------------------------- module_is_initialized = .true. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Input hprime !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if(do_netcdf_restart) then id_restart = register_restart_field(Mg_restart, 'mg_drag.res.nc', 'ghprime', Ghprime) end if if ( trim(source_of_sgsmtn) == 'computed' ) then answer = get_topog_stdev ( lonb, latb, Ghprime ) if ( .not.answer ) then call error_mesg('mg_drag_init','source_of_sgsmtn="'//trim(source_of_sgsmtn)//'"'// & ', but topography data file does not exist', FATAL) endif else if ( trim(source_of_sgsmtn) == 'input' .or. trim(source_of_sgsmtn) == 'input/computed' ) then if ( file_exist('INPUT/mg_drag.res.nc') ) then if(.not. do_netcdf_restart) call mpp_error ('mg_drag_mod', & 'netcdf format restart file INPUT/mg_drag.res.nc exist, but do_netcdf_restart is false.', FATAL) if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('mg_drag_mod', & 'Reading NetCDF formatted restart file: INPUT/mg_drag.res.nc', NOTE) call read_data ('INPUT/mg_drag.res.nc', 'ghprime', Ghprime) else if ( file_exist( 'INPUT/mg_drag.res' ) ) then if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('mg_drag_mod', & 'Reading native formatted restart file.', NOTE) unit = open_restart_file('INPUT/mg_drag.res','read') call read_data(unit, Ghprime) call close_file(unit) else if (trim(source_of_sgsmtn) == 'input') then call error_mesg ('mg_drag_init','source_of_sgsmtn="'//trim(source_of_sgsmtn)//'"'// & ', but neither ./INPUT/mg_drag.res.nc or ./INPUT/mg_drag.res exists', FATAL) else answer = get_topog_stdev ( lonb, latb, Ghprime ) if ( .not.answer ) then call error_mesg('mg_drag_init','source_of_sgsmtn="'//trim(source_of_sgsmtn)//'"'// & ', but topography data file does not exist', FATAL) endif endif endif else call error_mesg ('mg_drag_init','"'//trim(source_of_sgsmtn)//'"'// & ' is not a valid value for source_of_sgsmtn', FATAL) endif ! return sub-grid scale topography? if (present(hprime)) hprime = Ghprime !===================================================================== end subroutine mg_drag_init !####################################################################### subroutine mg_drag_end integer :: unit if(.not.module_is_initialized) return if(do_netcdf_restart) then if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('mg_drag_mod', & 'Writing NetCDF formatted restart file: RESTART/mg_drag.res.nc', NOTE) call mg_drag_restart else if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('mg_drag_mod', & 'Writing native formatted restart file.', NOTE) unit = open_restart_file('RESTART/mg_drag.res','write') call write_data(unit, Ghprime) call close_file(unit) endif deallocate(ghprime) module_is_initialized = .false. end subroutine mg_drag_end !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! write out restart file. ! Arguments: ! timestamp (optional, intent(in)) : A character string that represents the model time, ! used for writing restart. timestamp will append to ! the any restart file name as a prefix. ! ! subroutine mg_drag_restart(timestamp) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp if (do_netcdf_restart) then call save_restart(Mg_restart, timestamp) else call error_mesg ('mg_drag_restart', & 'Native intermediate restart files are not supported.', FATAL) endif end subroutine mg_drag_restart ! NAME="mg_drag_restart" !####################################################################### end module mg_drag_mod