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Computes moist convective adjustment and precipitation. Temperature and specific humidity adjustments are computed in model layers where the lapse rate and relative humidity exceed the moist adiabatic lapse rate and a threshold relative humidity.
The features include: 1) multiple pass scheme (e-group version) 2) convective detrainment option (for use with the stratiform cloud scheme) 3) energetically consistent adjustment with precipitation type Reference: Manabe, S., (1969). Mon. Wea. Rev. 97, 739-798.
sat_vapor_pres_mod utilities_mod constants_mod
use moist_conv_mod [, only: moist_conv_init, moist_conv ] moist_conv_init: Initializes the module, namelist, and constants. This routine may be called by the user, but does not have to be (it will be done automatically). moist_conv: Computes the moist convective adjustments for temperature and specific humidity; also optional adjustments for liquid and ice cloud condensates. This routine also returns the mass of rain and snow that reach the ground, this is done in an energetically consistent way.
call moist_conv_init ( ) There are no arguments. -------------------------------------------------------- call moist_conv ( tin, qin, pfull, phalf, coldt, tdel, qdel, rain, snow, [,lbot] [,cf] [,conv] [,qldel,qidel] ) Input tin temperature at full levels (deg k) [real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)] qin specific humidity of water vapor at full levels [real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)] pfull pressure at full levels in pascals [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] phalf pressure at half levels in pascals [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] coldt should MCA produce snow in this column? [logical, dimension(:,:)] Output tdel temperature adjustment (deg k) [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qdel specific humidity adjustment [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] rain liquid precipitation, vertically integrated (kg/m2) [real, dimension(:,:)] snow ice phase precipitation, vertically integrated (kg/m2) [real, dimension(:,:)] Input (Optional) lbot Index of the lowest model level [integer, dimension(:,:)] cf stratiform cloud fraction (used only when operating with stratiform cloud scheme) [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] Output (Optional) conv flag that specifies whether a particular model level was adjusted [logical, dimension(:,:,nlev)] cfdel change in stratiform cloud fraction [real, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qldel change in liquid water condensate due to convective detrainment (kg condensate /kg air) [logical, dimension(:,:,nlev)] qidel change in ice condensate due to convective detrainment (kg condensate /kg air) [logical, dimension(:,:,nlev)] Notes: 1) When operating with the stratiform cloud scheme, optional arguments cf, cfdel, qldel, and qidel should all be present for the convective detrainment option. The code only checks if cf is present.
&moist_conv_nml hc Relative humidity criterion for moist convection only; where 0.0 <= hc <= 1.0 [real, default: hc=1.0] beta fraction of convective condensation that is detrained into a stratiform cloud; where 0.0 <= beta <= 1.0 (only applicable if the stratiform cloud scheme and tracers are turned on, optional argument cf must be present) [real, default: beta=0.0] tolmin minimum tolerance (for unstable lapse rate) [real, default: tolmin=0.02] tolmax maximum tolerance (for unstable lapse rate) [real, default: tolmax=0.10] itsmod maximum number of iterations at the same tolerance [integer, default: itsmod=30]
Revision history Prior changes MPP version created. Minor changes for open_file, error_mesg, and Fortran write statements. Answers should reproduce the previous version. Prior changes * logical input argument added that specifies whether frozen precipitation should be computed for the column (note: the adjustment is now done energetically consistent for the type of precip) * output arguments for column integrated rain and snow replace the argument for total precip * optional arguments added for stratiform cloud fraction (input) and change in stratiform cloud fraction (output), this makes the code consistent with a new version of the stratiform cloud scheme
Warning in moist_conv maximum iterations reached The maximum number of iterations were reached. Increase the maximum number of iterations (itsmod) or the maximum tolerance (tolmax).
Manabe, S., (1969). Mon. Wea. Rev. 97, 739-798.