!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
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!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
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!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
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!! GNU General Public License for more details. !!
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!! !!
module physics_driver_mod
! fil
! Provides high level interfaces for calling the entire
! FMS atmospheric physics package.
! physics_driver_mod accesses the model's physics modules and
! obtains tendencies and boundary fluxes due to the physical
! processes that drive atmospheric time tendencies and supply
! boundary forcing to the surface models.
! This version of physics_driver_mod has been designed around the implicit
! version diffusion scheme of the GCM. It requires two routines to advance
! the model one time step into the future. These two routines
! correspond to the down and up sweeps of the standard tridiagonal solver.
! Radiation, Rayleigh damping, gravity wave drag, vertical diffusion of
! momentum and tracers, and the downward pass of vertical diffusion for
! temperature and specific humidity are performed in the down routine.
! The up routine finishes the vertical diffusion and computes moisture
! related terms (convection,large-scale condensation, and precipitation).
! native format restart file
! netcdf format restart file
! Deal with conservation of total energy?
! shared modules:
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time, operator (-), &
use field_manager_mod, only: field_manager_init, MODEL_ATMOS
use tracer_manager_mod, only: tracer_manager_init, &
get_number_tracers, &
use atmos_tracer_driver_mod, only: atmos_tracer_driver_init, &
atmos_tracer_driver_time_vary, &
atmos_tracer_driver_endts, &
atmos_tracer_driver, &
use fms_mod, only: mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, &
mpp_clock_end, CLOCK_MODULE_DRIVER, &
fms_init, &
open_namelist_file, stdlog, &
write_version_number, field_size, &
file_exist, error_mesg, FATAL, &
WARNING, NOTE, check_nml_error, &
open_restart_file, read_data, &
close_file, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, &
write_data, mpp_error, mpp_chksum
use fms_io_mod, only: get_restart_io_mode, &
register_restart_field, restart_file_type, &
save_restart, get_mosaic_tile_file
use constants_mod, only: RDGAS
use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, send_data
! shared radiation package modules:
use rad_utilities_mod, only: aerosol_type, radiative_gases_type, &
rad_utilities_init, rad_output_type,&
cld_specification_type, &
surface_type, &
atmos_input_type, microphysics_type
! component modules:
use cosp_driver_mod, only: cosp_driver_init, cosp_driver, &
use moist_processes_mod, only: moist_processes, &
moist_processes_init, &
moist_processes_time_vary, &
moist_processes_endts, &
moist_processes_end, &
moist_alloc_init, &
moist_alloc_end, &
doing_strat!, &
! moist_processes_restart
use moistproc_kernels_mod, only: moistproc_init, moistproc_end
use vert_turb_driver_mod, only: vert_turb_driver, &
vert_turb_driver_init, &
vert_turb_driver_end, &
use vert_diff_driver_mod, only: vert_diff_driver_down, &
vert_diff_driver_up, &
vert_diff_driver_init, &
vert_diff_driver_end, &
use radiation_driver_mod, only: radiation_driver_init, &
define_rad_times, define_surface, &
define_atmos_input_fields, &
radiation_driver_time_vary, &
radiation_driver_endts, &
radiation_driver, &
return_cosp_inputs, &
atmos_input_dealloc, &
microphys_dealloc, &
surface_dealloc, &
radiation_driver_end, &
use cloud_spec_mod, only: cloud_spec_init, cloud_spec, &
cloud_spec_dealloc, cloud_spec_end
use aerosol_mod, only: aerosol_init, aerosol_driver, &
aerosol_time_vary, &
aerosol_endts, &
aerosol_dealloc, aerosol_end
use radiative_gases_mod, only: radiative_gases_init, &
radiative_gases_time_vary, &
radiative_gases_endts, &
define_radiative_gases, &
radiative_gases_dealloc, &
radiative_gases_end, &
use damping_driver_mod, only: damping_driver, &
damping_driver_init, &
damping_driver_time_vary, &
damping_driver_endts, &
damping_driver_end, &
use grey_radiation_mod, only: grey_radiation_init, grey_radiation, &
#ifdef SCM
! Option to add SCM radiative tendencies from forcing to lw_tendency
! and radturbten
use scm_forc_mod, only: use_scm_rad, add_scm_tdtlw, add_scm_tdtsw
implicit none
! physics_driver_mod accesses the model's physics modules and
! obtains tendencies and boundary fluxes due to the physical
! processes that drive atmospheric time tendencies and supply
! boundary forcing to the surface models.
!----------- version number for this module -------------------
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: physics_driver.F90,v 2009/11/19 20:00:56 wfc Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
!------- interfaces --------
public physics_driver_init, physics_driver_down, &
physics_driver_down_time_vary, physics_driver_up_time_vary, &
physics_driver_down_endts, physics_driver_up_endts, &
physics_driver_moist_init, physics_driver_moist_end, &
physics_driver_up, physics_driver_end, &
do_moist_in_phys_up, get_diff_t, &
get_radturbten, zero_radturbten, physics_driver_restart
private &
! called from physics_driver_init:
read_restart_file, read_restart_nc, &
! called from physics_driver_down:
check_args, &
! called from check_args:
interface check_dim
module procedure check_dim_2d, check_dim_3d, check_dim_4d
end interface
!------- namelist ------
logical :: do_moist_processes = .true.
! call moist_processes routines
real :: tau_diff = 3600. ! time scale for smoothing diffusion
! coefficients
logical :: do_cosp = .false. ! activate COSP simulator ?
logical :: do_modis_yim = .true. ! activate simple modis simulator ?
logical :: do_radiation = .true.
! calculating radiative fluxes and
! heating rates?
logical :: do_grey_radiation = .false. ! do grey radiation scheme?
real :: R1 = 0.25 ! rif:(09/10/09) In Grey radiation we are computing just the total
real :: R2 = 0.25 ! SW radiation. We need to divide it into 4 components
real :: R3 = 0.25 ! to go through the Coupler and Ice modules.
real :: R4 = 0.25 ! Sum[R(i)*SW] = SW
real :: diff_min = 1.e-3 ! minimum value of a diffusion
! coefficient beneath which the
! coefficient is reset to zero
logical :: diffusion_smooth = .true.
! diffusion coefficients should be
! smoothed in time?
logical :: use_cloud_tracers_in_radiation = .true.
! if true, use lsc cloud tracer fields
! in radiation (these transported on
! current step, will have non-realizable
! total cloud areas at some points); if
! false, then use balanced (realizable)
! fields saved at end of last step
! only an issue when both lsc and conv
! clouds are active (AM3)
logical :: donner_meso_is_largescale = .true.
! donner meso clouds are treated as
! largescale (rather than convective)
! as far as the COSP simulator is
! concerned ?
logical :: allow_cosp_precip_wo_clouds = .true.
! COSP will see {ls, cv} precip in grid-
! boxes w/o {ls, cv} clouds ?
!calculating radiative fluxes and
! heating rates?
!call moist_processes routines
!time scale for smoothing diffusion
! coefficients
!minimum value of a diffusion
! coefficient beneath which the
! coefficient is reset to zero
!diffusion coefficients should be
! smoothed in time?
namelist / physics_driver_nml / do_radiation, &
do_cosp, &
do_modis_yim, &
donner_meso_is_largescale, &
allow_cosp_precip_wo_clouds, &
do_moist_processes, tau_diff, &
diff_min, diffusion_smooth, &
use_cloud_tracers_in_radiation, &
do_grey_radiation, R1, R2, R3, R4
!------- public data ------
! Defined in vert_diff_driver_mod, republished here. See vert_diff_mod for details.
public surf_diff_type ! defined in vert_diff_driver_mod, republished
! here
!------- private data ------
! list of restart versions readable by this module:
! version 1: initial implementation 1/2003, contains diffusion coef-
! ficient contribution from cu_mo_trans_mod. This variable
! is generated in physics_driver_up (moist_processes) and
! used on the next step in vert_diff_down, necessitating
! its storage.
! version 2: adds pbltop as generated in vert_turb_driver_mod. This
! variable is then used on the next timestep by topo_drag
! (called from damping_driver_mod), necessitating its
! storage.
! version 3: adds the diffusion coefficients which are passed to
! vert_diff_driver. These diffusion are saved should
! smoothing of vertical diffusion coefficients be turned
! on.
! version 4: adds a logical variable, convect, which indicates whether
! or not the grid column is convecting. This diagnostic is
! needed by the entrain_module in vert_turb_driver.
! version 5: adds radturbten when strat_cloud_mod is active, adds
! lw_tendency when edt_mod or entrain_mod is active.
! version 6: adds donner cell and meso cloud variables when donner_deep
! is activated.
! version 7: adds shallow convection cloud variables when uw_conv
! is activated.
! version 8: adds lsc cloud props for radiation. only readable when in
! netcdf mode.
integer, dimension(8) :: restart_versions = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 /)
! the following allocatable arrays are either used to hold physics
! data between timesteps when required, or hold physics data between
! physics_down and physics_up.
! diff_cu_mo contains contribution to difusion coefficient
! coming from cu_mo_trans_mod (called from
! moist_processes in physics_driver_up) and then used
! as input on the next time step to vert_diff_down
! called in physics_driver_down.
! diff_t vertical diffusion coefficient for temperature
! which optionally may be time smoothed, meaning
! values must be saved between steps
! diff_m vertical diffusion coefficient for momentum
! which optionally may be time smoothed, meaning
! values must be saved between steps
! radturbten the sum of the radiational and turbulent heating,
! generated in both physics_driver_down (radiation)
! and physics_driver_up (turbulence) and then used
! in moist_processes
! lw_tendency longwave heating rate, generated in radiation and
! needed in vert_turb_driver when either edt_mod
! or entrain_mod is active. must be saved because
! radiation is not calculated on each step.
! pbltop top of boundary layer obtained from vert_turb_driver
! and then used on the next timestep in topo_drag_mod
! called from damping_driver_down
! convect flag indicating whether convection is occurring in
! a grid column. generated in physics_driver_up and
! then used in vert_turb_driver called from
! physics_driver_down on the next step.
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: diff_cu_mo, diff_t, diff_m
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: radturbten, lw_tendency
real, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: pbltop, cush, cbmf
logical, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: convect
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: &
cell_cld_frac, cell_liq_amt, &
cell_liq_size, cell_ice_amt, cell_ice_size, &
cell_droplet_number, &
meso_cld_frac, meso_liq_amt, meso_liq_size, &
meso_ice_amt, meso_ice_size, &
meso_droplet_number, &
lsc_cloud_area, lsc_liquid, &
lsc_ice, lsc_droplet_number, &
shallow_cloud_area, shallow_liquid, &
shallow_ice, shallow_droplet_number, &
temp_last, q_last
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: tau_stoch, lwem_stoch, &
stoch_cloud_type, stoch_conc_drop, &
stoch_conc_ice, stoch_size_drop, &
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: fl_lsrain, fl_lssnow, &
fl_lsgrpl, &
fl_ccrain, fl_ccsnow, &
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: daytime
integer, dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: nsum_out
real , dimension(:,:) , allocatable :: tsurf_save
!--- for netcdf restart
type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Phy_restart => NULL()
type(restart_file_type), pointer, save :: Til_restart => NULL()
logical :: in_different_file = .false.
logical :: do_netcdf_restart = .true.
integer :: vers
integer :: now_doing_strat
integer :: now_doing_entrain
integer :: now_doing_edt
real, allocatable :: r_convect(:,:)
! internal timing clock variables:
integer :: radiation_clock, damping_clock, turb_clock, &
tracer_clock, diff_up_clock, diff_down_clock, &
moist_processes_clock, cosp_clock
! miscellaneous control variables:
logical :: do_check_args = .true. ! argument dimensions should
! be checked ?
logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
! module has been initialized ?
logical :: doing_edt ! edt_mod has been activated ?
logical :: doing_entrain ! entrain_mod has been activated ?
logical :: doing_donner ! donner_deep_mod has been
! activated ?
logical :: doing_uw_conv ! uw_conv shallow cu mod has been
! activated ?
logical :: doing_liq_num = .false. ! Prognostic cloud droplet number has
! been activated?
integer :: nt ! total no. of tracers
integer :: ntp ! total no. of prognostic tracers
integer :: ncol ! number of stochastic columns
type(radiative_gases_type) :: Rad_gases_tv
type(time_type) :: Rad_time
logical :: need_aerosols, need_clouds, need_gases, &
logical :: do_strat
integer :: num_uw_tracers
character(len=4) :: mod_name = 'phys'
character(len=32) :: tracer_units, tracer_name
character(len=128) :: diaglname
real :: missing_value = -999.
logical :: step_to_call_cosp = .false.
logical :: include_donmca_in_cosp
integer :: id_tdt_phys, id_qdt_phys, &
id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn, &
id_tdt_phys_vdif_up, &
id_tdt_phys_turb, &
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn, &
id_tracer_phys_vdif_up, &
id_tracer_phys_turb, &
! physics_driver_init is the constructor for physics_driver_mod.
! physics_driver_init is the constructor for physics_driver_mod.
! call physics_driver_init (Time, lonb, latb, axes, pref, &
! trs, Surf_diff, phalf, mask, kbot )
! current time
! reference prssure profiles
! array of model latitudes at cell corners [radians]
! array of model longitudes at cell corners [radians]
! axis indices, (/x,y,pf,ph/)
! (returned from diag axis manager)
! atmospheric tracer fields
! surface diffusion derived type
! pressure at model interface levels
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! index of lowest model level above ground
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! mask to remove points below ground
subroutine physics_driver_init (Time, lonb, latb, axes, pref, &
trs, Surf_diff, phalf, mask, kbot, &
diffm, difft )
! physics_driver_init is the constructor for physics_driver_mod.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lonb, latb
integer,dimension(4), intent(in) :: axes
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: pref
real,dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: trs
type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: phalf
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in), optional :: mask
integer,dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional :: kbot
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out), optional :: diffm, difft
! intent(in) variables:
! Time current time (time_type)
! lonb longitude of the grid box corners [ radians ]
! latb latitude of the grid box corners [ radians ]
! axes axis indices, (/x,y,pf,ph/)
! (returned from diag axis manager)
! pref two reference profiles of pressure at nlev+1 levels
! pref(nlev+1,1)=101325. and pref(nlev+1,2)=81060.
! phalf pressure at model interface levels
! [ Pa ]
! intent(inout) variables:
! trs atmosperic tracer fields
! Surf_diff surface diffusion derived type variable
! intent(in), optional variables:
! mask present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! mask to remove points below ground
! kbot present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! index of lowest model level above ground
! local variables:
real, dimension (size(lonb,1)-1, size(latb,2)-1) :: sgsmtn
character(len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: aerosol_names => NULL()
character(len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: aerosol_family_names => NULL()
integer :: id, jd, kd, n
integer :: ierr, io, unit, logunit
integer :: ndum
integer :: moist_processes_init_clock, damping_init_clock, &
turb_init_clock, diff_init_clock, &
cloud_spec_init_clock, aerosol_init_clock, &
grey_radiation_init_clock , radiative_gases_init_clock, &
radiation_init_clock, tracer_init_clock, &
! local variables:
! sgsmtn sgs orography obtained from mg_drag_mod;
! appears to not be currently used
! aerosol_names names associated with the activated aerosols
! that will be seen by the radiation package
! aerosol_family_names
! names associated with the activated aerosol
! families that will be seen by the radiation package
! id,jd,kd model dimensions on the processor
! ierr error code
! io io status returned from an io call
! unit unit number used for an i/ operation
! if routine has already been executed, return.
if (module_is_initialized) return
! verify that the modules used by this module that are not called
! later in this subroutine have already been initialized.
call fms_init
call rad_utilities_init
call time_manager_init
call tracer_manager_init
call field_manager_init (ndum)
! read namelist.
if ( file_exist('input.nml')) then
unit = open_namelist_file ()
ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0)
read (unit, nml=physics_driver_nml, iostat=io, end=10)
ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'physics_driver_nml')
10 call close_file (unit)
if(do_radiation .and. do_grey_radiation) &
call error_mesg('physics_driver_init','do_radiation and do_grey_radiation cannot both be .true.',FATAL)
call get_restart_io_mode(do_netcdf_restart)
! write version number and namelist to log file.
call write_version_number (version, tagname)
logunit = stdlog()
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) &
write(logunit, nml=physics_driver_nml)
! define the model dimensions on the local processor.
id = size(lonb,1)-1
jd = size(latb,2)-1
kd = size(trs,3)
call get_number_tracers (MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=nt, &
radiation_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: Radiation', &
cosp_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: COSP', &
damping_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: Damping', &
turb_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: Vert. Turb.', &
tracer_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: Tracer', &
diff_down_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_down: Vert. Diff.', &
diff_up_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_up: Vert. Diff.', &
moist_processes_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_up: Moist Processes', &
moist_processes_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Moist Processes: Initialization', &
damping_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Damping: Initialization', &
turb_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Vert. Turb.: Initialization', &
diff_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Vert. Diff.: Initialization', &
cloud_spec_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Cloud spec: Initialization', &
cosp_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: COSP: Initialization', &
aerosol_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Aerosol: Initialization', &
grey_radiation_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Grey Radiation: Initialization', &
radiative_gases_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Radiative gases: Initialization', &
radiation_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Radiation: Initialization', &
tracer_init_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Physics_driver_init: Tracer: Initialization', &
call mpp_clock_begin ( moist_processes_init_clock )
call moist_processes_init (id, jd, kd, lonb, latb, pref(:,1),&
axes, Time, doing_donner, &
doing_uw_conv, &
num_uw_tracers, do_strat, &
do_cosp_in=do_cosp, &
donner_meso_is_largescale_in= &
donner_meso_is_largescale, &
include_donmca_in_cosp_out = &
if ( (include_donmca_in_cosp) .and. &
(.not. allow_cosp_precip_wo_clouds) ) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_init', &
'if cosp is to see donmca, then must allow cvctv precip in &
&grid boxes w/o cvctv clouds', FATAL)
call mpp_clock_end ( moist_processes_init_clock )
! initialize damping_driver_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( damping_init_clock )
call damping_driver_init (lonb, latb, pref(:,1), axes, Time, &
call mpp_clock_end ( damping_init_clock )
! initialize vert_turb_driver_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( turb_init_clock )
call vert_turb_driver_init (lonb, latb, id, jd, kd, axes, Time, &
doing_edt, doing_entrain)
call mpp_clock_end ( turb_init_clock )
! initialize vert_diff_driver_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( diff_init_clock )
call vert_diff_driver_init (Surf_diff, id, jd, kd, axes, Time )
call mpp_clock_end ( diff_init_clock )
if (do_radiation) then
! initialize cloud_spec_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( cloud_spec_init_clock )
call cloud_spec_init (pref, lonb, latb, axes, Time)
call mpp_clock_end ( cloud_spec_init_clock )
! initialize aerosol_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( aerosol_init_clock )
call aerosol_init (lonb, latb, aerosol_names, aerosol_family_names)
call mpp_clock_end ( aerosol_init_clock )
! initialize radiative_gases_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( radiative_gases_init_clock )
call radiative_gases_init (pref, latb, lonb)
call mpp_clock_end ( radiative_gases_init_clock )
! initialize radiation_driver_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( radiation_init_clock )
call radiation_driver_init (lonb, latb, pref, axes, time, &
aerosol_names, &
aerosol_family_names, do_cosp, ncol)
call mpp_clock_end ( radiation_init_clock )
! deallocate space for local pointers.
deallocate (aerosol_names, aerosol_family_names)
else if (do_moist_processes) then
! initialize aerosol_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( aerosol_init_clock )
call aerosol_init (lonb, latb, aerosol_names, aerosol_family_names)
call mpp_clock_end ( aerosol_init_clock )
endif ! do_radiation
if(do_grey_radiation) then
call mpp_clock_begin ( grey_radiation_init_clock )
call grey_radiation_init(axes, Time)
call mpp_clock_end ( grey_radiation_init_clock )
! initialize atmos_tracer_driver_mod.
call mpp_clock_begin ( tracer_init_clock )
call atmos_tracer_driver_init (lonb, latb, trs, axes, time, &
phalf, mask)
call mpp_clock_end ( tracer_init_clock )
! allocate space for the module variables.
allocate ( diff_t (id, jd, kd) )
allocate ( diff_m (id, jd, kd) )
allocate ( diff_cu_mo (id, jd, kd) )
allocate ( pbltop (id, jd) )
allocate ( cush (id, jd) ); cush=-1. !miz
allocate ( cbmf (id, jd) ); cbmf=0.0 !miz
allocate ( convect (id, jd) )
allocate ( radturbten (id, jd, kd))
allocate ( lw_tendency(id, jd, kd))
allocate ( r_convect (id, jd) )
! these variables needed to preserve rain fluxes, q and T from end
! of one step for use in COSP simulator on next step.
allocate (fl_lsrain (id, jd, kd))
allocate (fl_lssnow (id, jd, kd))
allocate (fl_lsgrpl (id, jd, kd))
allocate (fl_ccrain (id, jd, kd))
allocate (fl_ccsnow (id, jd, kd))
allocate (mr_ozone (id, jd, kd))
allocate (daytime (id, jd ))
allocate ( temp_last (id, jd, kd))
allocate ( q_last (id, jd, kd))
fl_lsrain = 0.
fl_lssnow = 0.
fl_lsgrpl = 0.
fl_ccrain = 0.
fl_ccsnow = 0.
mr_ozone = 0.
daytime = 0.
temp_last = 0.
q_last = 0.
! these variables needed to preserve radiative inputs to COSP from
! physics_driver_down to physics_driver_up.
if (do_cosp .or. do_modis_yim) then
allocate ( tau_stoch (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( lwem_stoch (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( stoch_cloud_type (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( stoch_conc_drop (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( stoch_conc_ice (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( stoch_size_drop (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( stoch_size_ice (id, jd, kd,ncol))
allocate ( tsurf_save (id, jd) )
tau_stoch = 0.
lwem_stoch = 0.
stoch_cloud_type = 0.
stoch_conc_drop = 0.
stoch_conc_ice = 0.
stoch_size_drop = 0.
stoch_size_ice = 0.
tsurf_save = 0.
if (doing_donner) then
allocate (cell_cld_frac (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (cell_liq_amt (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (cell_liq_size (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (cell_ice_amt (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (cell_ice_size (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (cell_droplet_number (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_cld_frac (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_liq_amt (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_liq_size (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_ice_amt (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_ice_size (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (meso_droplet_number (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (nsum_out (id, jd) )
cell_cld_frac = 0.
cell_liq_amt = 0.
cell_liq_size = 0.
cell_ice_amt = 0.
cell_ice_size = 0.
cell_droplet_number = 0.
meso_cld_frac = 0.
meso_liq_amt = 0.
meso_liq_size = 0.
meso_ice_amt = 0.
meso_ice_size = 0.
meso_droplet_number = 0.
nsum_out = 1
allocate (lsc_cloud_area (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (lsc_liquid (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (lsc_ice (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (lsc_droplet_number (id, jd, kd) )
lsc_cloud_area = 0.
lsc_liquid = 0.
lsc_ice = 0.
lsc_droplet_number = 0.
if (doing_uw_conv) then
allocate (shallow_cloud_area (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (shallow_liquid (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (shallow_ice (id, jd, kd) )
allocate (shallow_droplet_number (id, jd, kd) )
shallow_cloud_area = 0.
shallow_liquid = 0.
shallow_ice = 0.
shallow_droplet_number = 0.
! call physics_driver_read_restart to obtain initial values for the module
! variables. Also register restart fields to be ready for intermediate restart if
! do_netcdf_restart is true.
if(do_netcdf_restart) call physics_driver_register_restart
if(file_exist('INPUT/physics_driver.res.nc')) then
call read_restart_nc
call read_restart_file
vers = restart_versions(size(restart_versions(:)))
! if desired, define variables to return diff_m and diff_t.
if (present(difft)) then
difft = diff_t
if (present(diffm)) then
diffm = diff_m
! initialize module diagnostics
id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'tdt_phys_vdif_dn', axes(1:3), Time, &
'temperature tendency from physics driver vdif down', &
'K/s', missing_value=missing_value)
id_tdt_phys_vdif_up = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'tdt_phys_vdif_up', axes(1:3), Time, &
'temperature tendency from physics driver vdif up', &
'K/s', missing_value=missing_value)
id_tdt_phys_turb = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'tdt_phys_turb', axes(1:3), Time, &
'temperature tendency from physics driver vdif turb', &
'K/s', missing_value=missing_value)
id_tdt_phys_moist = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'tdt_phys_moist', axes(1:3), Time, &
'temperature tendency from physics driver moist processes', &
'K/s', missing_value=missing_value)
id_tdt_phys = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'tdt_phys', axes(1:3), Time, &
'temperature tendency from physics ', &
'K/s', missing_value=missing_value)
id_qdt_phys = register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
'qdt_phys', axes(1:3), Time, &
'specific humidity tendency from physics ', &
'kg/kg/s', missing_value=missing_value)
allocate (id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(nt))
allocate (id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(nt))
allocate (id_tracer_phys_turb(nt))
allocate (id_tracer_phys_moist(nt))
do n = 1,nt
call get_tracer_names (MODEL_ATMOS, n, name = tracer_name, &
units = tracer_units)
diaglname = trim(tracer_name)// &
' tendency from physics driver vdif down'
id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(n) = &
register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
TRIM(tracer_name)//'_phys_vdif_dn', &
axes(1:3), Time, trim(diaglname), &
TRIM(tracer_units)//'/s', &
diaglname = trim(tracer_name)// &
' tendency from physics driver vdif up'
id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(n) = &
register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
TRIM(tracer_name)//'_phys_vdif_up', &
axes(1:3), Time, trim(diaglname), &
TRIM(tracer_units)//'/s', &
diaglname = trim(tracer_name)// &
' tendency from physics driver vert turb'
id_tracer_phys_turb(n) = &
register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
TRIM(tracer_name)//'_phys_turb', &
axes(1:3), Time, trim(diaglname), &
TRIM(tracer_units)//'/s', &
diaglname = trim(tracer_name)// &
' tendency from physics driver moist processes'
id_tracer_phys_moist(n) = &
register_diag_field ( mod_name, &
TRIM(tracer_name)//'_phys_moist', &
axes(1:3), Time, trim(diaglname), &
TRIM(tracer_units)//'/s', &
end do
! if COSP is activated, call its initialization routine.
if (do_cosp) then
call mpp_clock_begin ( cosp_init_clock )
call cosp_driver_init (Time, axes, kd, ncol)
call mpp_clock_end ( cosp_init_clock )
! mark the module as initialized.
module_is_initialized = .true.
end subroutine physics_driver_init
! physics_driver_time_vary makes sure that all time-dependent, spacially-
! independent calculations are completed before entering window or thread
! loops. Resultant fields are usually saved as module variables in the
! module where needed.
! physics_driver_time_vary makes sure that all time-dependent, spacially-
! independent calculations are completed before entering window or thread
! loops. Resultant fields are usually saved as module variables in the
! module where needed.
! call physics_driver_down_time_vary (Time, Time_next)
! current time
! time of next time step
subroutine physics_driver_down_time_vary (Time, Time_next, gavg_rrv, dt)
! physics_driver_down_time_vary makes sure that all time-dependent,
! spacially-independent calculations are completed before entering window
! or thread loops. Resultant fields are usually saved as module variables in
! the module where needed.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time, Time_next
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: gavg_rrv
real, intent(in) :: dt
if (do_radiation) then
! call define_rad_times to obtain the time to be used in the rad-
! iation calculation (Rad_time) and to determine which, if any,
! externally-supplied inputs to radiation_driver must be obtained on
! this timestep. logical flags are returned indicating the need or
! lack of need for the aerosol fields, the cloud fields, the rad-
! iative gas fields, and the basic atmospheric variable fields.
call define_rad_times (Time, Time_next, Rad_time, &
need_aerosols, need_clouds, &
need_gases, need_basic)
call aerosol_time_vary (Rad_time)
call radiative_gases_time_vary (Rad_time, gavg_rrv, &
call radiation_driver_time_vary (Rad_time, Rad_gases_tv)
! define step_to_call_cosp to indicate that this is a radiation
! step and therefore one on which COSP should be called in
! physics_driver_up.
if (need_basic) then
step_to_call_cosp = .true.
step_to_call_cosp = .false.
call damping_driver_time_vary (dt)
call atmos_tracer_driver_time_vary (Time)
end subroutine physics_driver_down_time_vary
subroutine physics_driver_down_endts(is,js)
integer, intent(in) :: is,js
call damping_driver_endts
call atmos_tracer_driver_endts
IF (do_radiation) THEN
CALL aerosol_endts
CALL radiation_driver_endts (is, js, Rad_gases_tv)
CALL radiative_gases_endts
! set a flag to indicate that this check was done and need not be
! done again.
do_check_args = .false.
end subroutine physics_driver_down_endts
subroutine physics_driver_up_time_vary (Time, dt)
! physics_driver_up_time_vary makes sure that all time-dependent,
! spacially-independent calculations are completed before entering
! window or thread loops. Resultant fields are usually saved as
! module variables in the module where needed.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real, intent(in) :: dt
call aerosol_time_vary (Time)
call moist_processes_time_vary (dt)
end subroutine physics_driver_up_time_vary
subroutine physics_driver_up_endts (is,js)
integer, intent(in) :: is,js
call moist_processes_endts (is,js)
call aerosol_endts
end subroutine physics_driver_up_endts
subroutine physics_driver_moist_init (ix,jx,kx,lx)
integer, intent(in) :: ix,jx, kx, lx
call moist_alloc_init (ix,jx,kx,lx)
call moistproc_init (ix,jx,kx, num_uw_tracers, do_strat)
end subroutine physics_driver_moist_init
subroutine physics_driver_moist_end
call moist_alloc_end
call moistproc_end (do_strat)
end subroutine physics_driver_moist_end
! physics_driver_down calculates "first pass" physics tendencies,
! associated with radiation, damping and turbulence, and obtains
! the vertical diffusion tendencies to be passed to the surface and
! used in the semi-implicit vertical diffusion calculation.
! physics_driver_down calculates "first pass" physics tendencies,
! associated with radiation, damping and turbulence, and obtains
! the vertical diffusion tendencies to be passed to the surface and
! used in the semi-implicit vertical diffusion calculation.
! call physics_driver_down (is, ie, js, je, &
! Time_prev, Time, Time_next, &
! lat, lon, area, &
! p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, &
! u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
! frac_land, rough_mom, &
! albedo, t_surf_rad, &
! u_star, b_star, q_star, &
! dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, &
! udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
! flux_sw, flux_lw, coszen, gust, &
! Surf_diff, gavg_rrv, &
! mask, kbot
! previous time, for variable um, vm, tm, qm, rm
! current time
! next time, used for diagnostics
! array of model latitudes at model points [radians]
! array of model longitudes at model points [radians]
! grid box area - current not used
! pressure at model interface levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! pressure at full levels
! height at model interface levels
! height at full levels
! zonal wind at current time step
! meridional wind at current time step
! temperature at current time step
! specific humidity at current time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! zonal wind at previous time step
! meridional wind at previous time step
! temperature at previous time step
! specific humidity at previous time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! multiple 3d diagnostic tracer fields
! fraction of land coverage in a model grid point
! boundary layer roughness
! surface albedo
! surface radiative temperature
! boundary layer wind speed (frictional speed)
! ???
! boundary layer specific humidity
! derivative of zonal surface stress w.r.t zonal wind speed
! derivative of meridional surface stress w.r.t meridional wind speed
! boundary layer meridional component of wind shear
! boundary layer zonal component of wind shear
! zonal wind tendency
! meridional wind tendency
! temperature tendency
! moisture tracer tendencies
! multiple tracer tendencies
! Shortwave flux from radiation package
! Longwave flux from radiation package
! cosine of zenith angle
! Surface diffusion
! array containing global average of tracer volume mixing ratio
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! index of lowest model level above ground
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! mask to remove points below ground
! OPTIONAL: present when do_moist_processes=.false.
! cu_mo_trans diffusion coefficients, which are passed through to vert_diff_down.
! Should not be present when do_moist_processes=.true., since these
! values are passed out from moist_processes.
! OPTIONAL: present when do_moist_processes=.false.
! Should not be present when do_moist_processes=.true., since these
! values are passed out from moist_processes.
subroutine physics_driver_down (is, ie, js, je, &
Time_prev, Time, Time_next, &
lat, lon, area, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, &
phalfgrey, &
u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
frac_land, rough_mom, &
albedo, albedo_vis_dir, albedo_nir_dir,&
albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif, &
t_surf_rad, &
u_star, b_star, q_star, &
dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
flux_sw, &
flux_sw_dir, &
flux_sw_dif, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dir, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dif, &
flux_sw_down_total_dir, &
flux_sw_down_total_dif, &
flux_sw_vis, &
flux_sw_vis_dir, &
flux_sw_vis_dif, &
flux_lw, coszen, gust, &
Surf_diff, gavg_rrv, &
mask, kbot, diff_cum_mom, &
moist_convect, diffm, difft )
! physics_driver_down calculates "first pass" physics tendencies,
! associated with radiation, damping and turbulence, and obtains
! the vertical diffusion tendencies to be passed to the surface and
! used in the semi-implicit vertical diffusion calculation.
integer, intent(in) :: is, ie, js, je
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_prev, Time, &
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lat, lon, area
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: p_half, p_full, &
z_half, z_full, &
u , v , t , q , &
um, vm, tm, qm, &
real,dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: r
real,dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: rm
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: frac_land, &
rough_mom, &
albedo, t_surf_rad, &
albedo_vis_dir, albedo_nir_dir, &
albedo_vis_dif, albedo_nir_dif, &
u_star, b_star, &
q_star, dtau_du, dtau_dv
real,dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: tau_x, tau_y
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: udt,vdt,tdt,qdt
real,dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: rdt
real,dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: flux_sw, &
flux_sw_dir, &
flux_sw_dif, flux_lw, &
coszen, gust, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dir, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dif, &
flux_sw_down_total_dir, &
flux_sw_down_total_dif, &
flux_sw_vis, &
flux_sw_vis_dir, &
type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff
real,dimension(:), intent(in) :: gavg_rrv
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) ,optional :: mask
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) ,optional :: kbot
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) ,optional :: diff_cum_mom
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in) ,optional :: moist_convect
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) ,optional :: diffm, difft
! intent(in) variables:
! is,ie,js,je starting/ending subdomain i,j indices of data in
! the physics_window being integrated
! Time_prev previous time, for variables um,vm,tm,qm,rm
! (time_type)
! Time current time, for variables u,v,t,q,r (time_type)
! Time_next next time, used for diagnostics (time_type)
! lat latitude of model points [ radians ]
! lon longitude of model points [ radians ]
! area grid box area - currently not used [ m**2 ]
! p_half pressure at half levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! [ Pa ]
! p_full pressure at full levels [ Pa }
! z_half height at half levels [ m ]
! z_full height at full levels [ m ]
! u zonal wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! v meridional wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! t temperature at current time step [ deg k ]
! q specific humidity at current time step kg / kg ]
! r multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! um,vm zonal and meridional wind at previous time step
! tm,qm temperature and specific humidity at previous
! time step
! rm multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! frac_land
! rough_mom
! albedo
! albedo_vis_dir surface visible direct albedo [ dimensionless ]
! albedo_nir_dir surface nir direct albedo [ dimensionless ]
! albedo_vis_dif surface visible diffuse albedo [ dimensionless ]
! albedo_nir_dif surface nir diffuse albedo [ dimensionless ]
! t_surf_rad
! u_star
! b_star
! q_star
! dtau_du
! dtau_dv
! intent(inout) variables:
! tau_x
! tau_y
! udt zonal wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! vdt meridional wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! tdt temperature tendency [ deg k / sec ]
! qdt specific humidity tendency
! [ kg vapor / kg air / sec ]
! rdt multiple tracer tendencies [ unit / unit / sec ]
! rd multiple 3d diagnostic tracer fields
! [ unit / unit / sec ]
! Surf_diff surface_diffusion_type variable
! intent(out) variables:
! flux_sw
! flux_sw_dir net shortwave surface flux (down-up) [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_dif net shortwave surface flux (down-up) [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_down_vis_dir downward shortwave surface flux in visible spectrum [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_down_vis_dif downward shortwave surface flux in visible spectrum [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_down_total_dir total downward shortwave surface flux [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_down_total_dif total downward shortwave surface flux [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_vis net downward shortwave surface flux in visible spectrum [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_vis_dir net downward shortwave surface flux in visible spectrum [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_sw_vis_dif net downward shortwave surface flux in visible spectrum [ w / m^2 ]
! flux_lw
! coszen
! gust
! intent(in), optional variables:
! mask mask that designates which levels do not have data
! present (i.e., below ground); 0.=no data, 1.=data
! kbot lowest level which has data
! note: both mask and kbot must be present together.
! local variables:
real, dimension(size(u,1),size(u,2),size(u,3)) :: diff_t_vert, &
real, dimension(size(u,1),size(u,2)) :: z_pbl
type(aerosol_type) :: Aerosol
type(cld_specification_type) :: Cld_spec
type(radiative_gases_type) :: Rad_gases
type(atmos_input_type) :: Atmos_input
type(surface_type) :: Surface
type(rad_output_type) :: Radiation
type(microphysics_type) :: Lsc_microphys, &
Shallow_microphys, &
integer :: sec, day, n
real :: dt, alpha, dt2
logical :: used
! local variables:
! diff_t_vert vertical diffusion coefficient for temperature
! calculated on the current step
! diff_m_vert vertical diffusion coefficient for momentum
! calculated on the current step
! z_pbl height of planetary boundary layer
! Aerosol aerosol_type variable describing the aerosol
! fields to be seen by the radiation package
! Cld_spec cld_specification_type variable describing the
! cloud field to be seen by the radiation package
! Rad_gases radiative_gases_type variable describing the
! radiatively-active gas distribution to be seen
! by the radiation package
! Atmos_input atmos_input_type variable describing the atmos-
! pheric state to be seen by the radiation package
! Surface surface_type variable describing the surface
! characteristics to be seen by the radiation
! package
! Radiation rad_output_type variable containing the variables
! output from the radiation package, for passage
! to other modules
! Rad_time time at which the radiation calculation is to
! apply [ time_type ]
! Lsc_microphys microphysics_type variable containing the micro-
! physical characteristics of the large-scale
! clouds to be seen by the radiation package
! Meso_microphys microphysics_type variable containing the micro-
! physical characteristics of the mesoscale
! clouds to be seen by the radiation package
! Cell_microphys microphysics_type variable containing the micro-
! physical characteristics of the cell-scale
! clouds to be seen by the radiation package
! Shallow_microphys
! microphysics_type variable containing the micro-
! physical characteristics of the cell-scale
! clouds to be seen by the radiation package
! sec, day second and day components of the time_type
! variable
! dt model physics time step [ seconds ]
! alpha ratio of physics time step to diffusion-smoothing
! time scale
! need_aerosols need to obtain aerosol data on this time step
! to input to the radiation package ?
! need_clouds need to obtain cloud data on this time step
! to input to the radiation package ?
! need_gases need to obtain radiative gas data on this time
! step to input to the radiation package ?
! need_basic need to obtain atmospheric state variables on
! this time step to input to the radiation package?
! verify that the module is initialized.
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'module has not been initialized', FATAL)
! if COSP is activated, save the surface (skin) temperature for
! its use.
if (do_cosp) then
tsurf_save(is:ie,js:je) = t_surf_rad
! check the size of the input arguments. this is only done on the
! first call to physics_driver_down.
if (do_check_args) call check_args &
(lat, lon, area, p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, &
u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt)
! compute the physics time step (from tau-1 to tau+1).
call get_time (Time_next - Time_prev, sec, day)
dt = real(sec + day*86400)
if (do_radiation) then
! prepare to calculate radiative forcings. obtain the valid time
! at which the radiation calculation is to apply, the needed atmos-
! pheric fields, and any needed inputs from other physics modules.
call mpp_clock_begin ( radiation_clock )
! call define_surface to define a surface_type variable containing
! the surface albedoes and land fractions for each grid box. this
! variable must be provided on all timesteps for use in generating
! netcdf output.
call define_surface (is, ie, js, je, albedo, albedo_vis_dir, &
albedo_nir_dir, albedo_vis_dif, &
albedo_nir_dif, frac_land, Surface)
! if the basic atmospheric input variables to the radiation package
! are needed, pass the model pressure (p_full, p_half), temperature
! (t, t_surf_rad) and specific humidity (q) to subroutine
! define_atmos_input_fields, which will put these fields and some
! additional auxiliary fields into the form desired by the radiation
! package and store them as components of the derived-type variable
! Atmos_input.
if (need_basic) then
call define_atmos_input_fields &
(is, ie, js, je, p_full, p_half, t, q, &
t_surf_rad, r, gavg_rrv, Atmos_input, kbot=kbot)
! if the aerosol fields are needed as input to the radiation_package,
! call aerosol_driver to access the aerosol data and place it into
! an aerosol_type derived-type variable Aerosol.
if (need_aerosols) then
call aerosol_driver (is, js, Rad_time, r, &
Atmos_input%phalf, Atmos_input%pflux, &
! if the cloud fields are needed, call cloud_spec to retrieve bulk
! cloud data and place it into a cld_specification_type derived-type
! variable Cld_spec and retrieve microphysical data which is returned
! in microphysics_type variables Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys and
! Cell_microphys and Shallow_microphys, when applicable.
if (need_clouds) then
if (use_cloud_tracers_in_radiation) then
if (doing_donner .and. doing_uw_conv) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
! lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area, &
! lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid, lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice, &
! lsc_droplet_number_in=lsc_droplet_number,&
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
shallow_cloud_area = shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid = shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice = shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number = shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je) )
else if (doing_donner) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
! lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area, &
! lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid, lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice, &
! lsc_droplet_number_in=lsc_droplet_number,&
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je) )
else if (doing_uw_conv) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
! lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area, &
! lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid, lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice, &
! lsc_droplet_number_in=lsc_droplet_number,&
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
shallow_cloud_area = shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid = shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice = shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number = shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:))
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
! lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area, &
! lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid, lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice, &
! lsc_droplet_number_in=lsc_droplet_number,&
endif ! (doing_donner)
else ! (use_cloud_tracers_in_radiation)
if (doing_donner .and. doing_uw_conv) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
shallow_cloud_area = shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid = shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice = shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number = shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je) )
else if (doing_donner) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je) )
else if (doing_uw_conv) then
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
r=r(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
shallow_cloud_area = shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid = shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice = shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number = shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:))
call cloud_spec (is, ie, js, je, lat, &
z_half, z_full, Rad_time, &
Atmos_input, Surface, Cld_spec, &
Lsc_microphys, Meso_microphys, &
Cell_microphys, Shallow_microphys, &
lsc_area_in = lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid_in=lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice_in=lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
endif ! (doing_donner)
endif ! (use_cloud_tracers_in_radiation)
endif ! (need_clouds)
! if the radiative gases are needed, call define_radiative_gases to
! obtain the values to be used for the radiatively-active gases and
! place them in radiative_gases_type derived-type variable Rad_gases.
if (need_gases) then
! fill the contents of the radiative_gases_type variable which
! will be passed to the radiation package.
Rad_gases%ch4_tf_offset = Rad_gases_tv%ch4_tf_offset
Rad_gases%n2o_tf_offset = Rad_gases_tv%n2o_tf_offset
Rad_gases%co2_tf_offset = Rad_gases_tv%co2_tf_offset
Rad_gases%ch4_for_next_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%ch4_for_next_tf_calc
Rad_gases%n2o_for_next_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%n2o_for_next_tf_calc
Rad_gases%co2_for_next_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%co2_for_next_tf_calc
Rad_gases%rrvch4 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvch4
Rad_gases%rrvn2o = Rad_gases_tv%rrvn2o
Rad_gases%rrvf11 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvf11
Rad_gases%rrvf12 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvf12
Rad_gases%rrvf113 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvf113
Rad_gases%rrvf22 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvf22
Rad_gases%rrvco2 = Rad_gases_tv%rrvco2
Rad_gases%time_varying_co2 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_co2
Rad_gases%time_varying_ch4 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_ch4
Rad_gases%time_varying_n2o = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_n2o
Rad_gases%time_varying_f11 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_f11
Rad_gases%time_varying_f12 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_f12
Rad_gases%time_varying_f113 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_f113
Rad_gases%time_varying_f22 = Rad_gases_tv%time_varying_f22
Rad_gases%Co2_time = Rad_gases_tv%Co2_time
Rad_gases%Ch4_time = Rad_gases_tv%Ch4_time
Rad_gases%N2o_time = Rad_gases_tv%N2o_time
Rad_gases%use_model_supplied_co2 = Rad_gases_tv%use_model_supplied_co2
Rad_gases%co2_for_last_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%co2_for_last_tf_calc
Rad_gases%ch4_for_last_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%ch4_for_last_tf_calc
Rad_gases%n2o_for_last_tf_calc = Rad_gases_tv%n2o_for_last_tf_calc
call define_radiative_gases (is, ie, js, je, Rad_time, lat, &
Atmos_input, r, Time_next, Rad_gases)
! allocate the components of a rad_output_type variable which will
! be used to return the output from radiation_driver_mod that is
! needed by other modules.
allocate (Radiation%tdt_rad (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3),1))
allocate (Radiation%ufsw (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1,1))
allocate (Radiation%dfsw (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1,1))
allocate (Radiation%ufsw_clr (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1,1))
allocate (Radiation%dfsw_clr (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1,1))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_surf (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dir (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dif (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dir (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dif (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dir(size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dif(size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_vis (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dir (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dif (size(q,1), size(q,2),1 ))
allocate (Radiation%flux_lw_surf (size(q,1), size(q,2) ))
allocate (Radiation%coszen_angle (size(q,1), size(q,2) ))
allocate (Radiation%tdtlw (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)))
allocate (Radiation%flxnet (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1))
allocate (Radiation%flxnetcf (size(q,1), size(q,2),size(q,3)+1))
! call radiation_driver to perform the radiation calculation.
call radiation_driver (is, ie, js, je, Time, Time_next, lat, &
lon, Surface, Atmos_input, Aerosol, r, &
Cld_spec, Rad_gases, Lsc_microphys, &
Meso_microphys, Cell_microphys,&
Shallow_microphys, Model_microphys, &
Radiation=Radiation, mask=mask, kbot=kbot)
! if COSP is activated and this is a step upon which the cosp
! simulator is to be called, verify that stochastic clouds are
! also activated. if they are not, then exit, since COSP should only
! be requested when stochastic clouds are active.
if (do_cosp .or. do_modis_yim) then
if (step_to_call_cosp) then
! call return_cosp_inputs to retrieve the radiation inputs needed
! by COSP.
call return_cosp_inputs &
(is, ie, js, je, donner_meso_is_largescale, &
Time_next, Atmos_input, stoch_cloud_type, &
stoch_conc_drop, stoch_conc_ice, stoch_size_drop, &
stoch_size_ice, tau_stoch, lwem_stoch, &
Model_microphys, &
do_cosp, do_modis_yim, Lsc_microphys)
mr_ozone(is:ie,js:je,:) = Rad_gases%qo3(:,:,:)
where (Radiation%flux_sw_surf(:,:,1) > 0.0)
daytime(is:ie,js:je) = 1.0
daytime(is:ie,js:je) = 0.0
! daytime(is:ie,js:je) = 1.0
endif ! (step_to_call_cosp)
endif ! (do_cosp)
! process the variables returned from radiation_driver_mod. the
! radiative heating rate is added to the accumulated physics heating
! rate (tdt). net surface lw and sw fluxes and the cosine of the
! zenith angle are placed in locations where they can be exported
! for use in other component models. the lw heating rate is stored
! in a module variable for potential use in other physics modules.
! the radiative heating rate is also added to a variable which is
! accumulating the radiative and turbulent heating rates, and which
! is needed by strat_cloud_mod.
tdt = tdt + Radiation%tdt_rad(:,:,:,1)
flux_sw = Radiation%flux_sw_surf(:,:,1)
flux_sw_dir = Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dir(:,:,1)
flux_sw_dif = Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dif(:,:,1)
flux_sw_down_vis_dir = Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dir(:,:,1)
flux_sw_down_vis_dif = Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dif(:,:,1)
flux_sw_down_total_dir = Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dir(:,:,1)
flux_sw_down_total_dif = Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dif(:,:,1)
flux_sw_vis = Radiation%flux_sw_vis(:,:,1)
flux_sw_vis_dir = Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dir(:,:,1)
flux_sw_vis_dif = Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dif(:,:,1)
flux_lw = Radiation%flux_lw_surf
coszen = Radiation%coszen_angle
lw_tendency(is:ie,js:je,:) = Radiation%tdtlw(:,:,:)
radturbten (is:ie,js:je,:) = radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) + &
! deallocate the arrays used to return the radiation_driver_mod
! output.
deallocate ( Radiation%tdt_rad )
deallocate ( Radiation%ufsw )
deallocate ( Radiation%dfsw )
deallocate ( Radiation%ufsw_clr )
deallocate ( Radiation%dfsw_clr )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_surf )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dir )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_surf_dif )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dir )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_down_vis_dif )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dir )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_down_total_dif )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_vis )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dir )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_sw_vis_dif )
deallocate ( Radiation%flux_lw_surf )
deallocate ( Radiation%coszen_angle )
deallocate ( Radiation%tdtlw )
deallocate ( Radiation%flxnet )
deallocate ( Radiation%flxnetcf )
! call routines to deallocate the components of the derived type
! arrays input to radiation_driver.
if (need_gases) then
call radiative_gases_dealloc (Rad_gases)
if (need_clouds) then
call cloud_spec_dealloc (Cld_spec, Lsc_microphys, &
Meso_microphys, Cell_microphys, &
if (need_aerosols) then
call aerosol_dealloc (Aerosol)
if (need_basic) then
call atmos_input_dealloc (Atmos_input)
call microphys_dealloc (Model_microphys)
call surface_dealloc (Surface)
call mpp_clock_end ( radiation_clock )
flux_sw = 0.0
flux_sw_dir = 0.0
flux_sw_dif = 0.0
flux_sw_down_vis_dir = 0.0
flux_sw_down_vis_dif = 0.0
flux_sw_down_total_dir = 0.0
flux_sw_down_total_dif = 0.0
flux_sw_vis = 0.0
flux_sw_vis_dir = 0.0
flux_sw_vis_dif = 0.0
flux_lw = 0.0
coszen = 0.0
lw_tendency(is:ie,js:je,:) = 0.0
endif ! do_radiation
if(do_grey_radiation) then !rif:(09/10/09)
call grey_radiation(is, js, Time, Time_next, lat, lon, phalfgrey, albedo, t_surf_rad, t, tdt, flux_sw, flux_lw)
coszen = 1.0
flux_sw_dir = R1*flux_sw
flux_sw_dif = R2*flux_sw
flux_sw_vis_dir = R3*flux_sw
flux_sw_vis_dif = R4*flux_sw
#ifdef SCM
! Option to add SCM radiative tendencies from forcing to lw_tendency
! and radturbten
if (use_scm_rad) then
call add_scm_tdtlw( lw_tendency(is:ie,js:je,:) )
call add_scm_tdtlw( radturbten (is:ie,js:je,:) )
call add_scm_tdtsw( radturbten (is:ie,js:je,:) )
! call damping_driver to calculate the various model dampings that
! are desired.
z_pbl(:,:) = pbltop(is:ie,js:je)
call mpp_clock_begin ( damping_clock )
call damping_driver (is, js, lat, Time_next, dt, &
p_full, p_half, z_full, z_half, &
um, vm, tm, qm, rm(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt,&
z_pbl , mask=mask, kbot=kbot)
call mpp_clock_end ( damping_clock )
! If moist_processes is not called in physics_driver_down then values
! of convect must be passed in via the optional argument "moist_convect".
if(.not.do_moist_processes) then
if(present(moist_convect)) then
convect(is:ie,js:je) = moist_convect
call error_mesg('physics_driver_down', &
'moist_convect be present when do_moist_processes=.false.',FATAL)
! call vert_turb_driver to calculate diffusion coefficients. save
! the planetary boundary layer height on return.
if (id_tdt_phys_turb > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_turb, -2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_turb(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_turb(n), -2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
call mpp_clock_begin ( turb_clock )
call vert_turb_driver (is, js, Time, Time_next, dt, &
lw_tendency(is:ie,js:je,:), frac_land, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, u_star, &
b_star, q_star, rough_mom, lat, &
convect(is:ie,js:je), &
u, v, t, q, r(:,:,:,1:ntp), um, vm, &
tm, qm, rm(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
diff_t_vert, diff_m_vert, gust, z_pbl, &
mask=mask, kbot=kbot )
call mpp_clock_end ( turb_clock )
pbltop(is:ie,js:je) = z_pbl(:,:)
if (id_tdt_phys_turb > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_turb, +2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_turb(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_turb(n), +2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
! process any tracer fields.
call mpp_clock_begin ( tracer_clock )
call atmos_tracer_driver (is, ie, js, je, Time, lon, lat, &
area, z_pbl, rough_mom, &
frac_land, p_half, p_full, &
u, v, t, q, r, &
rm, rdt, dt, &
u_star, b_star, q_star, &
z_half, z_full, t_surf_rad, albedo, &
Time_next, &
flux_sw_down_vis_dir, flux_sw_down_vis_dif, &
mask, kbot)
call mpp_clock_end ( tracer_clock )
! If moist_processes is not called in physics_driver_down then values
! of the cu_mo_trans diffusion coefficients must be passed in via
! the optional argument "diff_cum_mom".
if(.not.do_moist_processes) then
if(present(diff_cum_mom)) then
diff_cu_mo(is:ie,js:je,:) = diff_cum_mom
call error_mesg('physics_driver_down', &
'diff_cum_mom must be present when do_moist_processes=.false.',FATAL)
! optionally use an implicit calculation of the vertical diffusion
! coefficients.
! the vertical diffusion coefficients are solved using an implicit
! solution to the following equation:
! dK/dt = - ( K - K_cur) / tau_diff
! where K = diffusion coefficient
! K_cur = diffusion coefficient diagnosed from current
! time steps' state
! tau_diff = time scale for adjustment
! in the code below alpha = dt / tau_diff
if (diffusion_smooth) then
call get_time (Time_next - Time, sec, day)
dt2 = real(sec + day*86400)
alpha = dt2/tau_diff
diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:) = (diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:) + &
alpha*(diff_m_vert(:,:,:) + &
diff_cu_mo(is:ie,js:je,:)) )/&
(1. + alpha)
where (diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:) < diff_min)
diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:) = 0.0
end where
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:) = (diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:) + &
alpha*diff_t_vert(:,:,:) )/ &
(1. + alpha)
where (diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:) < diff_min)
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:) = 0.0
end where
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:) = diff_t_vert
diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:) = diff_m_vert + diff_cu_mo(is:ie, js:je,:)
end if
! call vert_diff_driver_down to calculate the first pass atmos-
! pheric vertical diffusion.
if (id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn, -2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(n), -2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
call mpp_clock_begin ( diff_down_clock )
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) = radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) - tdt(:,:,:)
call vert_diff_driver_down (is, js, Time_next, dt, p_half, &
p_full, z_full, &
diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:), &
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:), &
um ,vm ,tm ,qm ,rm(:,:,:,1:ntp), &
dtau_du, dtau_dv, tau_x, tau_y, &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
Surf_diff, &
mask=mask, kbot=kbot )
if (id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_vdif_dn, +2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn(n), +2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
! if desired, return diff_m and diff_t to calling routine.
if (present(difft)) then
difft = diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:)
if (present(diffm)) then
diffm = diff_m(is:ie,js:je,:)
call mpp_clock_end ( diff_down_clock )
end subroutine physics_driver_down
! physics_driver_up completes the calculation of vertical diffusion
! and also handles moist physical processes.
! physics_driver_up completes the calculation of vertical diffusion
! and also handles moist physical processes.
! call physics_driver_up (is, ie, js, je, &
! Time_prev, Time, Time_next, &
! lat, lon, area, &
! p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, &
! omega, &
! u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
! frac_land, &
! udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
! Surf_diff, &
! lprec, fprec, gust, &
! mask, kbot )
! previous time, for variable um, vm, tm, qm, rm
! current time
! next time, used for diagnostics
! array of model latitudes at model points [radians]
! array of model longitudes at model points [radians]
! grid box area - current not used
! pressure at model interface levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! pressure at full levels
! height at model interface levels
! height at full levels
! Veritical pressure tendency
! zonal wind at current time step
! meridional wind at current time step
! temperature at current time step
! specific humidity at current time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! zonal wind at previous time step
! meridional wind at previous time step
! temperature at previous time step
! specific humidity at previous time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! fraction of land coverage in a model grid point
! zonal wind tendency
! meridional wind tendency
! temperature tendency
! moisture tracer tendencies
! multiple tracer tendencies
! Surface diffusion
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! index of lowest model level above ground
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! mask to remove points below ground
subroutine physics_driver_up (is, ie, js, je, &
Time_prev, Time, Time_next, &
lat, lon, area, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, &
omega, &
u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
frac_land, &
u_star, b_star, q_star, &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, &
Surf_diff, &
lprec, fprec, gust, &
mask, kbot, &
hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic )
! physics_driver_up completes the calculation of vertical diffusion
! and also handles moist physical processes.
integer, intent(in) :: is, ie, js, je
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_prev, Time, &
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lat, lon, area
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: p_half, p_full, &
omega, &
z_half, z_full, &
u , v , t , q , &
um, vm, tm, qm
real,dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: r,rm
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: frac_land
real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: u_star, b_star, q_star
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(inout) :: udt,vdt,tdt,qdt
real,dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(inout) :: rdt
type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Surf_diff
real,dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: lprec, fprec
real,dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: gust
real,dimension(:,:,:), intent(in), optional :: mask
integer,dimension(:,:), intent(in), optional :: kbot
logical, intent(in), optional :: hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic
! intent(in) variables:
! is,ie,js,je starting/ending subdomain i,j indices of data in
! the physics_window being integrated
! Time_prev previous time, for variables um,vm,tm,qm,rm
! (time_type)
! Time current time, for variables u,v,t,q,r (time_type)
! Time_next next time, used for diagnostics (time_type)
! lat latitude of model points [ radians ]
! lon longitude of model points [ radians ]
! area grid box area - currently not used [ m**2 ]
! p_half pressure at half levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! [ Pa ]
! p_full pressure at full levels [ Pa }
! omega
! z_half height at half levels [ m ]
! z_full height at full levels [ m ]
! u zonal wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! v meridional wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! t temperature at current time step [ deg k ]
! q specific humidity at current time step kg / kg ]
! r multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! um,vm zonal and meridional wind at previous time step
! tm,qm temperature and specific humidity at previous
! time step
! rm multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! frac_land
! rough_mom
! albedo
! t_surf_rad
! u_star
! b_star
! q_star
! dtau_du
! dtau_dv
! intent(inout) variables:
! tau_x
! tau_y
! udt zonal wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! vdt meridional wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! tdt temperature tendency [ deg k / sec ]
! qdt specific humidity tendency
! [ kg vapor / kg air / sec ]
! rdt multiple tracer tendencies [ unit / unit / sec ]
! Surf_diff surface_diffusion_type variable
! gust
! intent(out) variables:
! lprec
! fprec
! intent(in), optional variables:
! mask mask that designates which levels do not have data
! present (i.e., below ground); 0.=no data, 1.=data
! kbot lowest level which has data
! note: both mask and kbot must be present together.
! local variables:
real, dimension(size(u,1), size(u,2), size(u,3)) :: diff_cu_mo_loc
real, dimension(size(u,1), size(u,2)) :: gust_cv
real, dimension(size(u,1), size(u,2)) :: land_mask
integer :: sec, day
real :: dt
real, dimension(size(t,1), size(t,2)) :: u_sfc, v_sfc
real, dimension(size(t,1), size(t,2), size(t,3)+1) :: pflux
real, dimension(size(t,1), size(t,2), size(t,3)) :: &
tca, cca, rhoi, lsliq, lsice, ccliq, &
ccice, reff_lsclliq, reff_lsclice, &
reff_ccclliq, reff_ccclice, &
reff_lsprliq, reff_lsprice, &
reff_ccprliq, reff_ccprice, &
fl_lsrain_loc, fl_lssnow_loc, &
fl_lsgrpl_loc, &
fl_ccrain_loc, fl_ccsnow_loc, mr_ozone_loc
real, dimension(size(t,1), size(t,2), size(t,3), ncol) :: &
stoch_mr_liq, stoch_mr_ice, &
stoch_size_liq, stoch_size_frz
integer :: i, j , k, n
integer :: nls, ncc
real :: alphb
integer :: flag_ls, flag_cc
integer :: kmax
logical :: used
! local variables:
! diff_cu_mo_loc diffusion coefficient contribution due to
! cumulus momentum transport
! gust_cv
! sec, day second and day components of the time_type
! variable
! dt physics time step [ seconds ]
type(aerosol_type) :: Aerosol
! verify that the module is initialized.
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'module has not been initialized', FATAL)
! define number of model layers.
kmax = size(u,3)
! compute the physics time step (from tau-1 to tau+1).
call get_time (Time_next-Time_prev, sec, day)
dt = real(sec+day*86400)
! call vert_diff_driver_up to complete the vertical diffusion
! calculation.
if (id_tdt_phys_vdif_up > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_vdif_up, -2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(n), -2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
call mpp_clock_begin ( diff_up_clock )
call vert_diff_driver_up (is, js, Time_next, dt, p_half, &
Surf_diff, tdt, qdt, rdt, mask=mask, &
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) = radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) + tdt(:,:,:)
call mpp_clock_end ( diff_up_clock )
if (id_tdt_phys_vdif_up > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_vdif_up, +2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_vdif_up(n), +2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
! if the fms integration path is being followed, call moist processes
! to compute moist physics, including convection and processes
! involving condenstion.
if (do_moist_processes) then
if (id_tdt_phys_moist > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_moist, -2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_moist(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_moist(n), -2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
call mpp_clock_begin ( moist_processes_clock )
if (.NOT. do_grey_radiation) then !rif:(09/02/09) to avoid a call to Aerosol when using do_grey_radiation
! Get aerosol mass concentrations
pflux(:,:,1) = 0.0E+00
do i=2,size(p_full,3)
pflux(:,:,i) = 0.5E+00*(p_full(:,:,i-1) + p_full(:,:,i))
end do
pflux(:,:,size(p_full,3)+1) = p_full(:,:,size(p_full,3))
call aerosol_driver (is, js, Time, r, &
p_half, pflux, &
end if
! on steps on which the cosp simulator is called, move the values
! of precip flux saved on the previous step so they will not be
! overwritten on the upcoming call to moist_processes.
if (do_cosp) then
if (step_to_call_cosp) then
fl_lsrain_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_lssnow_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_lsgrpl_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lsgrpl(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_ccrain_loc(:,:,:) = fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_ccsnow_loc(:,:,:) = fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:)
mr_ozone_loc(:,:,:) = mr_ozone (is:ie,js:je,:)
if (doing_donner .and. doing_uw_conv) then
call moist_processes (is, ie, js, je, Time_next, dt, &
frac_land, p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, omega, &
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:), radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cush(is:ie,js:je), cbmf(is:ie,js:je), &!miz
pbltop(is:ie,js:je), u_star, b_star, q_star, &!miz
t, q, r, u, v, tm, qm, rm, um, vm, tdt, qdt, rdt, udt, &
vdt, diff_cu_mo_loc, convect(is:ie,js:je), lprec, &
fprec, fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
gust_cv, area, lat, lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), Aerosol, mask=mask, &
kbot=kbot, shallow_cloud_area=shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid=shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice= shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number= shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je), &
hydrostatic=hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic=phys_hydrostatic )
else if (doing_donner) then
call moist_processes (is, ie, js, je, Time_next, dt, frac_land, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, omega, &
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:), &
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cush (is:ie,js:je), &
cbmf (is:ie,js:je), &
pbltop(is:ie,js:je), &!miz
u_star, b_star, q_star, &!miz
t, q, r, u, v, tm, qm, rm, um, vm, &
tdt, qdt, rdt, udt, vdt, diff_cu_mo_loc , &
convect(is:ie,js:je), lprec, fprec, &
fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
gust_cv, area, lat, &
lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
Aerosol, mask=mask, kbot=kbot, &
cell_cld_frac= cell_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_amt=cell_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_liq_size=cell_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_amt= cell_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_ice_size= cell_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cell_droplet_number= cell_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_cld_frac= meso_cld_frac(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_amt=meso_liq_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_liq_size=meso_liq_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_amt= meso_ice_amt(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_ice_size= meso_ice_size(is:ie,js:je,:), &
meso_droplet_number= meso_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
nsum_out=nsum_out(is:ie,js:je), &
hydrostatic=hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic=phys_hydrostatic )
else if (doing_uw_conv) then
call moist_processes (is, ie, js, je, Time_next, dt, frac_land, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, omega, &
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:), &
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cush (is:ie,js:je), &!
cbmf (is:ie,js:je), &!
pbltop(is:ie,js:je), &!miz
u_star, b_star, q_star, &!miz
t, q, r, u, v, tm, qm, rm, um, vm, &
tdt, qdt, rdt, udt, vdt, diff_cu_mo_loc , &
convect(is:ie,js:je), lprec, fprec, &
fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
gust_cv, area, lat, &
lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
Aerosol, mask=mask, kbot= kbot, &
shallow_cloud_area= shallow_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_liquid=shallow_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_ice= shallow_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
shallow_droplet_number= shallow_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
hydrostatic=hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic=phys_hydrostatic )
call moist_processes (is, ie, js, je, Time_next, dt, frac_land, &
p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full, omega, &
diff_t(is:ie,js:je,:), &
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:), &
cush (is:ie,js:je), &!
cbmf (is:ie,js:je), &!
pbltop(is:ie,js:je), &!miz
u_star, b_star, q_star, &!miz
t, q, r, u, v, tm, qm, rm, um, vm, &
tdt, qdt, rdt, udt, vdt, diff_cu_mo_loc , &
convect(is:ie,js:je), lprec, fprec, &
fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:), fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:), &
gust_cv, area, lat, &
lsc_cloud_area(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_liquid(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_ice(is:ie,js:je,:), &
lsc_droplet_number(is:ie,js:je,:), &
Aerosol, mask=mask, kbot=kbot, &
hydrostatic=hydrostatic, phys_hydrostatic=phys_hydrostatic )
call mpp_clock_end ( moist_processes_clock )
diff_cu_mo(is:ie, js:je,:) = diff_cu_mo_loc(:,:,:)
radturbten(is:ie,js:je,:) = 0.0
! add the convective gustiness effect to that previously obtained
! from non-convective parameterizations.
gust = sqrt( gust*gust + gust_cv*gust_cv)
if (id_tdt_phys_moist > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys_moist, +2.0*tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
do n=1,nt
if (id_tracer_phys_moist(n) > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tracer_phys_moist(n), +2.0*rdt(:,:,:,n), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end do
if (id_tdt_phys > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_tdt_phys, tdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if (id_qdt_phys > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_qdt_phys, qdt(:,:,:), &
Time_next, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
endif ! do_moist_processes
call mpp_clock_begin ( cosp_clock )
if (do_cosp) then
if (step_to_call_cosp) then
! on the first step of a job segment, the values of t,q and precip
! flux will not be available at the proper time level. in this case
! denoted by temp-_last = 0.0, use values from the current step for
! t, q and precip flux.
alphb = SUM(temp_last(is:ie,js:je,:))
if (alphb == 0.) then
temp_last(is:ie,js:je,:) = t(:,:,:) + dt*tdt(:,:,:)
q_last(is:ie,js:je,:) = q(:,:,:) + dt*qdt(:,:,:)
fl_lsrain_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lsrain(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_lssnow_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lssnow(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_lsgrpl_loc(:,:,:) = fl_lsgrpl(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_ccrain_loc(:,:,:) = fl_ccrain(is:ie,js:je,:)
fl_ccsnow_loc(:,:,:) = fl_ccsnow(is:ie,js:je,:)
! define the total and convective cloud fractions in each grid box as
! the average over the stochastic columns.
tca = 0.
cca = 0.
do n=1,ncol
where (stoch_cloud_type(is:ie,js:je,:,n) > 0)
tca(:,:,:) = tca(:,:,:) + 1.0
end where
where (stoch_cloud_type(is:ie,js:je,:,n) == 2)
cca(:,:,:) = cca(:,:,:) + 1.0
end where
end do
tca = tca/ float(ncol)
cca = cca/ float(ncol)
! define the atmospheric density to use in converting concentrations
! to mixing ratios.
do k=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,3)
do j=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,2)
do i=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,1)
rhoi(i,j,k) = RDGAS*temp_last(i+is-1,j+js-1,k)/ &
end do
end do
end do
! convert the condensate concentrations in each stochastic column to
! mixing ratios.
do n=1,ncol
do k=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,3)
do j=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,2)
do i=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,1)
stoch_mr_liq(i,j,k,n) = 1.0e-03* &
stoch_mr_ice(i,j,k,n) = 1.0e-03* &
stoch_conc_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)*rhoi(i,j,k)
stoch_size_liq(i,j,k,n) = 1.0e-06* &
stoch_size_frz(i,j,k,n) = 1.0e-06* &
stoch_size_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)
end do
end do
end do
end do
stoch_mr_liq = stoch_mr_liq/(1.0-stoch_mr_liq)
stoch_mr_ice = stoch_mr_ice/(1.0-stoch_mr_ice)
! define the grid box mean largescale and convective condensate
! mixing ratios and sizes.
lsliq = 0.
lsice = 0.
ccliq = 0.
ccice = 0.
reff_lsclliq = 0.
reff_lsclice = 0.
reff_ccclliq = 0.
reff_ccclice = 0.
reff_lsprliq = 0.
reff_lsprice = 0.
reff_ccprliq = 0.
reff_ccprice = 0.
do k=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,3)
do j=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,2)
do i=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,1)
nls = 0
ncc = 0
do n=1,ncol
if (stoch_cloud_type(i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n) == 1) then
nls = nls + 1
lsliq(i,j,k) = lsliq(i,j,k) + &
lsice(i,j,k) = lsice(i,j,k) + &
stoch_conc_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)
reff_lsclliq(i,j,k) = reff_lsclliq(i,j,k) + &
reff_lsclice(i,j,k) = reff_lsclice(i,j,k) + &
stoch_size_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)
else if (stoch_cloud_type(i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n) == 2)then
ncc = ncc + 1
ccliq(i,j,k) = ccliq(i,j,k) + &
ccice(i,j,k) = ccice(i,j,k) + &
stoch_conc_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)
reff_ccclliq(i,j,k) = reff_ccclliq(i,j,k) + &
reff_ccclice(i,j,k) = reff_ccclice(i,j,k) + &
stoch_size_ice (i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n)
end do
if (nls > 0) then
lsliq(i,j,k) = 1.0e-03*lsliq(i,j,k)/float(nls)
lsice(i,j,k) = 1.0e-03*lsice(i,j,k)/float(nls)
reff_lsclliq(i,j,k) = 1.0e-06* &
reff_lsclliq (i,j,k)/float(nls)
reff_lsclice(i,j,k) = 1.0e-06* &
reff_lsclice (i,j,k)/float(nls)
if (ncc > 0) then
ccliq(i,j,k) = 1.0e-03*ccliq(i,j,k)/float(ncc)
ccice(i,j,k) = 1.0e-03*ccice(i,j,k)/float(ncc)
reff_ccclliq(i,j,k) = 1.0e-06* &
reff_ccclliq (i,j,k) /float(ncc)
reff_ccclice(i,j,k) = 1.0e-06* &
reff_ccclice (i,j,k) /float(ncc)
ccliq(i,j,k) = ccliq(i,j,k)*rhoi(i,j,k)/ &
ccice(i,j,k) = ccice(i,j,k)*rhoi(i,j,k)/ &
lsliq(i,j,k) = lsliq(i,j,k)*rhoi(i,j,k)/ &
lsice(i,j,k) = lsice(i,j,k)*rhoi(i,j,k)/ &
end do
end do
end do
! define land_mask array. set it to 1 over land, 0 over ocean; define
! based on frac_land > 0.5 being land.
where (frac_land > 0.50)
land_mask(:,:) = 1.0
land_mask(:,:) = 0.0
end where
if (allow_cosp_precip_wo_clouds) then
! allow ls precip only in columns containing ls cloud. allow
! convective precip only in columns with convective cloud,
do j=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,2)
do i=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,1)
flag_ls = 0
flag_cc = 0
do k=1, size(stoch_cloud_type,3)
do n=1,ncol
if (stoch_cloud_type(i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n) == 1) then
flag_ls = 1
else if(stoch_cloud_type(i+is-1,j+js-1,k,n) == 2) then
flag_cc = 1
end do
if (flag_ls == 1 .and. flag_cc == 1) exit
end do
if (flag_ls == 0) then
fl_lsrain_loc(i,j,:) = 0.
fl_lssnow_loc(i,j,:) = 0.
fl_lsgrpl_loc(i,j,:) = 0.
if (flag_cc == 0) then
fl_ccrain_loc(i,j,:) = 0.
fl_ccsnow_loc(i,j,:) = 0.
end do
end do
! pass in the large-scale graupel flux, lowest-level u and v wind
! components.
fl_lsgrpl = 0.
u_sfc = u(:,:,kmax)
v_sfc = v(:,:,kmax)
! call the cosp simulator to produce the desired outputs.
call cosp_driver (lat*180./ACOS(-1.0), lon*180./ACOS(-1.0), &
daytime(is:ie,js:je), &
p_half, &
p_full, z_half, &
z_full, u_sfc, v_sfc, mr_ozone_loc, &
temp_last(is:ie,js:je,:), &
q_last(is:ie,js:je,:), tca, cca, lsliq, &
lsice, ccliq, ccice, &
fl_lsrain_loc, fl_lssnow_loc, fl_lsgrpl_loc,&
fl_ccrain_loc, fl_ccsnow_loc,&
reff_lsclliq, reff_lsclice, reff_lsprliq, &
reff_lsprice, reff_ccclliq, reff_ccclice, &
reff_ccprliq, reff_ccprice, &
tsurf_save(is:ie, js:je), land_mask, &
Time_next, is, js, &
stoch_mr_liq_in =stoch_mr_liq, &
stoch_mr_ice_in =stoch_mr_ice, &
stoch_size_liq_in =stoch_size_liq, &
stoch_size_frz_in = stoch_size_frz, &
tau_stoch_in = tau_stoch(is:ie,js:je,:,:),&
lwem_stoch_in = lwem_stoch(is:ie,js:je,:,:), &
stoch_cloud_type_in = stoch_cloud_type(is:ie,js:je,:,:))
endif ! (step_to_call_cosp)
endif ! (do_cosp)
call mpp_clock_end ( cosp_clock )
! save t and q from end of step for use with next call to COSP
temp_last(is:ie,js:je,:) = t(:,:,:) + tdt(:,:,:)*dt
q_last (is:ie,js:je,:) = q(:,:,:) + qdt(:,:,:)*dt
end subroutine physics_driver_up
! physics_driver_end is the destructor for physics_driver_mod.
! physics_driver_end is the destructor for physics_driver_mod.
! call physics_driver_end (Time)
! current time
subroutine physics_driver_end (Time)
! physics_driver_end is the destructor for physics_driver_mod.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
! intent(in) variables:
! Time current time [ time_type(days, seconds) ]
integer :: moist_processes_term_clock, damping_term_clock, turb_term_clock, &
diff_term_clock, cloud_spec_term_clock, aerosol_term_clock, &
grey_radiation_term_clock, radiative_gases_term_clock, &
radiation_term_clock, tracer_term_clock, cosp_term_clock
moist_processes_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: MP: Termination', &
damping_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Damping: Termination', &
turb_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Vert. Turb.: Termination', &
diff_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Vert. Diff.: Termination', &
cloud_spec_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Cloud spec: Termination', &
cosp_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: COSP: Termination', &
aerosol_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Aerosol: Termination', &
grey_radiation_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Grey Radiation: Termination', &
radiative_gases_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Radiative gases: Termination', &
radiation_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Radiation: Termination', &
tracer_term_clock = &
mpp_clock_id( ' Phys_driver_term: Tracer: Termination', &
! verify that the module is initialized.
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'module has not been initialized', FATAL)
call physics_driver_netcdf
! call the destructor routines for those modules who were initial-
! ized from this module.
call mpp_clock_begin ( turb_term_clock )
call vert_turb_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( turb_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( diff_term_clock )
call vert_diff_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( diff_term_clock )
if (do_radiation) then
call mpp_clock_begin ( radiation_term_clock )
call radiation_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( radiation_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( radiative_gases_term_clock )
call radiative_gases_end
call mpp_clock_end ( radiative_gases_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( cloud_spec_term_clock )
call cloud_spec_end
call mpp_clock_end ( cloud_spec_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( aerosol_term_clock )
call aerosol_end
call mpp_clock_end ( aerosol_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( grey_radiation_term_clock )
if(do_grey_radiation) call grey_radiation_end
call mpp_clock_end ( grey_radiation_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( moist_processes_term_clock )
call moist_processes_end
call mpp_clock_end ( moist_processes_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( tracer_term_clock )
call atmos_tracer_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( tracer_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( damping_term_clock )
call damping_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( damping_term_clock )
call mpp_clock_begin ( cosp_term_clock )
if (do_cosp) then
call cosp_driver_end
call mpp_clock_end ( cosp_term_clock )
! deallocate the module variables.
deallocate (diff_cu_mo, diff_t, diff_m, pbltop, cush, cbmf, convect, &
radturbten, lw_tendency)
if (doing_donner) then
deallocate (cell_cld_frac, cell_liq_amt, cell_liq_size, &
cell_ice_amt, cell_ice_size, cell_droplet_number, &
meso_cld_frac, meso_liq_amt, meso_liq_size, &
meso_ice_amt, meso_ice_size, meso_droplet_number, &
if (doing_uw_conv) then
deallocate (shallow_cloud_area, shallow_liquid, shallow_ice, &
deallocate (id_tracer_phys_vdif_dn)
deallocate (id_tracer_phys_vdif_up)
deallocate (id_tracer_phys_turb)
deallocate (id_tracer_phys_moist)
if (do_cosp .or. do_modis_yim) then
deallocate (stoch_cloud_type, tau_stoch, lwem_stoch, &
stoch_conc_drop, stoch_conc_ice, stoch_size_drop, &
stoch_size_ice, tsurf_save)
! mark the module as uninitialized.
module_is_initialized = .false.
end subroutine physics_driver_end
! write out restart file.
! Arguments:
! timestamp (optional, intent(in)) : A character string that represents the model time,
! used for writing restart. timestamp will append to
! the any restart file name as a prefix.
subroutine physics_driver_restart(timestamp)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp
integer :: unit
if(do_netcdf_restart) then
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
call error_mesg('physics_driver_mod', 'Writing netCDF formatted restart file: RESTART/physics_driver.res.nc', NOTE)
call physics_driver_netcdf(timestamp)
call vert_turb_driver_restart(timestamp)
if (do_radiation) then
call radiation_driver_restart(timestamp)
call radiative_gases_restart(timestamp)
! call moist_processes_restart(timestamp)
call damping_driver_restart(timestamp)
call error_mesg('physics_driver_mod', &
'Native intermediate restart files are not supported.', FATAL)
end subroutine physics_driver_restart
! NAME="physics_driver_restart"
! Write out restart file for physics driver.
! This routine is needed so that physics_driver_restart and physics_driver_end
! can call a routine which will not result in multiple copies of restart files
! being written by the destructor routines.
! Arguments:
! timestamp (optional, intent(in)) : A character string that represents the model time,
! used for writing restart. timestamp will append to
! the any restart file name as a prefix.
subroutine physics_driver_netcdf(timestamp)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp
r_convect = 0.
r_convect = 1.0
end where
call save_restart(Phy_restart, timestamp)
if(in_different_file) call save_restart(Til_restart, timestamp)
end subroutine physics_driver_netcdf
! NAME="physics_driver_netcdf"
! do_moist_in_phys_up returns the value of do_moist_processes
! do_moist_in_phys_up returns the value of do_moist_processes
! logical = do_moist_in_phys_up()
function do_moist_in_phys_up()
! do_moist_in_phys_up returns the value of do_moist_processes
logical :: do_moist_in_phys_up
! verify that the module is initialized.
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('do_moist_in_phys_up', &
'module has not been initialized', FATAL)
! define output variable.
do_moist_in_phys_up = do_moist_processes
end function do_moist_in_phys_up
! returns the values of array diff_t
! returns the values of array diff_t
! diff_t(:,:,:) = get_diff_t()
function get_diff_t() result(diff_t_out)
real, dimension(size(diff_t,1),size(diff_t,2),size(diff_t,3)) :: diff_t_out
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('get_diff_t','module has not been initialized', FATAL)
diff_t_out = diff_t
end function get_diff_t
! returns the values of array radturbten
! returns the values of array radturbten
! radturbten(:,:,:) = get_radturbten()
function get_radturbten() result(radturbten_out)
real, dimension(size(radturbten,1),size(radturbten,2),size(radturbten,3)) :: radturbten_out
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('get_radturbten','module has not been initialized', FATAL)
radturbten_out = radturbten
end function get_radturbten
! sets all values of array radturbten to zero
! sets all values of array radturbten to zero
! call zero_radturbten()
subroutine zero_radturbten()
if ( .not. module_is_initialized) then
call error_mesg ('zero_radturbten','module has not been initialized', FATAL)
radturbten = 0.0
end subroutine zero_radturbten
! physics_driver_register_restart will register restart field when do_netcdf file
! is true.
subroutine physics_driver_register_restart
character(len=64) :: fname, fname2
integer :: id_restart
if(doing_strat()) then
now_doing_strat = 1
now_doing_strat = 0
if(doing_edt) then
now_doing_edt = 1
now_doing_edt = 0
if(doing_entrain) then
now_doing_entrain = 1
now_doing_entrain = 0
fname = 'physics_driver.res.nc'
call get_mosaic_tile_file(fname, fname2, .false. )
if(trim(fname2) == trim(fname)) then
Til_restart => Phy_restart
in_different_file = .false.
in_different_file = .true.
id_restart = register_restart_field(Phy_restart, fname, 'vers', vers)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Phy_restart, fname, 'doing_strat', now_doing_strat)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Phy_restart, fname, 'doing_edt', now_doing_edt)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Phy_restart, fname, 'doing_entrain', now_doing_entrain)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'diff_cu_mo', diff_cu_mo)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'pbltop', pbltop)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cush', cush)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cbmf', cbmf)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'diff_t', diff_t)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'diff_m', diff_m)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'convect', r_convect)
if (doing_strat()) then
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'radturbten', radturbten)
if (doing_edt .or. doing_entrain) then
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'lw_tendency', lw_tendency)
if (doing_donner) then
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cell_cloud_frac', cell_cld_frac)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cell_liquid_amt', cell_liq_amt)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cell_liquid_size', cell_liq_size)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cell_ice_amt', cell_ice_amt)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'cell_ice_size', cell_ice_size)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'meso_cloud_frac', meso_cld_frac)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'meso_liquid_amt', meso_liq_amt)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'meso_liquid_size', meso_liq_size)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'meso_ice_amt', meso_ice_amt)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'meso_ice_size', meso_ice_size)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'nsum', nsum_out)
if (doing_uw_conv) then
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'shallow_cloud_area', shallow_cloud_area)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'shallow_liquid', shallow_liquid)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'shallow_ice', shallow_ice)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'shallow_droplet_number', shallow_droplet_number)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'lsc_cloud_area', lsc_cloud_area)
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'lsc_liquid', lsc_liquid )
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'lsc_ice', lsc_ice )
id_restart = register_restart_field(Til_restart, fname, 'lsc_droplet_number', &
end subroutine physics_driver_register_restart
! read_restart_file will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! read_restart_file will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! call read_restart_file
subroutine read_restart_file
! read_restart_file will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! local variables:
integer :: io, unit
integer :: vers2
character(len=8) :: chvers
logical :: was_doing_strat, was_doing_edt, was_doing_entrain
logical :: was_doing_donner
logical :: was_doing_uw_conv
logical :: success = .false.
! local variables:
! ierr error code
! io error status returned from i/o operation
! unit io unit number for reading restart file
! vers restart version number if that is contained in
! file; otherwise the first word of first data
! record of file
! vers2 second word of first data record of file
! was_doing_strat logical indicating if strat_cloud_mod was
! active in job which wrote restart file
! was_doing_edt logical indicating if edt_mod was active
! in job which wrote restart file
! was_doing_entrain logical indicating if entrain_mod was active
! in job which wrote restart file
! success logical indicating that restart data has been
! processed
! obtain values for radturbten, either from physics_driver.res, if
! reading a newer version of the file which contains it, or from
! strat_cloud.res when an older version of physics_driver.res is
! being read.
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('physics_driver_mod', &
'Reading native formatted restart file.', NOTE)
if (file_exist('INPUT/physics_driver.res')) then
unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/physics_driver.res', 'read')
! read restart file version number.
read (unit) vers
if ( .not. any(vers ==restart_versions) ) then
write (chvers, '(i4)') vers
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'restart version ' //chvers// ' cannot be read by this'//&
'module version', FATAL)
! starting with v8, native mode files are no longer supported.
if (vers >=8 ) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod, read_restart_file', &
' native mode restart files are not supported after &
&version 7', FATAL)
! starting with v5, logicals are written indicating which variables
! are present.
if (vers >= 5 ) then
read (unit) was_doing_strat, was_doing_edt, was_doing_entrain
if (vers >= 6 ) then
read (unit) was_doing_donner
if (vers >= 7 ) then
read (unit) was_doing_uw_conv
! read the contribution to diffusion coefficient from cumulus
! momentum transport.
call read_data (unit, diff_cu_mo)
! pbl top is present in file versions 2 and up. if not present,
! set a flag.
if (vers >= 2) then
call read_data (unit, pbltop)
pbltop = -999.0
! cush and cbmf are present in file versions 7 and up. if not
! present, set a flag.
if (vers >= 7) then
call read_data (unit, cush) !miz
call read_data (unit, cbmf) !miz
cush = -1. !miz
cbmf = 0.0 !miz
! the temperature and momentum diffusion coefficients are present
! beginning with v3. if not prsent, set to 0.0.
if (vers >= 3) then
call read_data (unit, diff_t)
call read_data (unit, diff_m)
diff_t = 0.0
diff_m = 0.0
end if
! a flag indicating columns in which convection is occurring is
! present beginning with v4. if not present, set it to .false.
if (vers >= 4) then
call read_data (unit, convect)
convect = .false.
end if
! radturbten may be present in versions 5 onward, if strat_cloud_mod
! was active in the job writing the .res file.
if (vers >= 5) then
! if radturbten was written, read it.
if (was_doing_strat) then
call read_data (unit, radturbten)
! if strat_cloud_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! radturbten to 0.0 and put a message in the output file.
if (doing_strat()) then
radturbten = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing radturbten to 0.0, since it not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res file', NOTE)
! if lw_tendency was written, read it.
if (was_doing_edt .or. was_doing_entrain) then
call read_data (unit, lw_tendency)
! if edt_mod or entrain_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! lw_tendency to 0.0 and put a message in the output file.
if (doing_edt .or. doing_entrain) then
lw_tendency = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing lw_tendency to 0.0, since it not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res file', NOTE)
! close the io unit associated with physics_driver.res. set flag
! to indicate that the restart data has been processed.
call close_file (unit)
success = .true.
endif ! (vers >=5)
if (doing_donner) then
if (vers >= 6) then
if (was_doing_donner) then
call read_data (unit , cell_cld_frac)
call read_data (unit , cell_liq_amt )
call read_data (unit , cell_liq_size)
call read_data (unit , cell_ice_amt )
call read_data (unit , cell_ice_size)
call read_data (unit , meso_cld_frac)
call read_data (unit , meso_liq_amt )
call read_data (unit , meso_liq_size)
call read_data (unit , meso_ice_amt )
call read_data (unit , meso_ice_size)
call read_data (unit , nsum_out)
else ! (was_doing_donner)
cell_cld_frac = 0.
cell_liq_amt = 0.
cell_liq_size = 0.
cell_ice_amt = 0.
cell_ice_size = 0.
meso_cld_frac = 0.
meso_liq_amt = 0.
meso_liq_size = 0.
meso_ice_amt = 0.
meso_ice_size = 0.
nsum_out = 1
endif ! (was_doing_donner)
else ! (vers >= 6)
cell_cld_frac = 0.
cell_liq_amt = 0.
cell_liq_size = 0.
cell_ice_amt = 0.
cell_ice_size = 0.
meso_cld_frac = 0.
meso_liq_amt = 0.
meso_liq_size = 0.
meso_ice_amt = 0.
meso_ice_size = 0.
nsum_out = 1
endif ! (vers >= 6)
endif ! (doing_donner)
if (doing_uw_conv) then
if (vers >= 7) then
if (was_doing_uw_conv) then
call read_data (unit , shallow_cloud_area)
call read_data (unit , shallow_liquid )
call read_data (unit , shallow_ice )
call read_data (unit , shallow_droplet_number)
else ! (was_doing_uw_conv)
shallow_cloud_area = 0.
shallow_liquid = 0.
shallow_ice = 0.
shallow_droplet_number = 0.
endif ! (was_doing_uw_conv)
else ! (vers >= 7)
shallow_cloud_area = 0.
shallow_liquid = 0.
shallow_ice = 0.
shallow_droplet_number = 0.
endif ! (vers >= 7)
endif ! (doing_uw_conv)
! if there is no physics_driver.res, set the remaining module
! variables to 0.0
diff_t = 0.0
diff_m = 0.0
diff_cu_mo = 0.0
pbltop = -999.0
cush = -1. !miz
cbmf = 0.0 !miz
convect = .false.
if (doing_donner) then
cell_cld_frac = 0.
cell_liq_amt = 0.
cell_liq_size = 0.
cell_ice_amt = 0.
cell_ice_size = 0.
meso_cld_frac = 0.
meso_liq_amt = 0.
meso_liq_size = 0.
meso_ice_amt = 0.
meso_ice_size = 0.
nsum_out = 1
endif ! (doing_donner)
if (doing_uw_conv) then
shallow_cloud_area = 0.
shallow_liquid = 0.
shallow_ice = 0.
shallow_droplet_number = 0.
endif ! (doing_uw_conv)
endif ! present(.res)
! if a version of physics_driver.res containing the needed data is
! not present, check for the presence of the radturbten data in
! strat_cloud.res.
if ( .not. success) then
if (doing_strat()) then
if (file_exist('INPUT/strat_cloud.res')) then
unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/strat_cloud.res', 'read')
read (unit, iostat=io, err=142) vers, vers2
! if an i/o error does not occur, then the strat_cloud.res file
! contains the variable radturbten. rewind and read. close file upon
! completion.
142 continue
if (io == 0) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'reading pre-version number strat_cloud.res file, '//&
'reading radturbten', NOTE)
rewind (unit)
call read_data (unit, radturbten)
call close_file (unit)
! if the eor was reached (io /= 0), then the strat_cloud.res file
! does not contain the radturbten data. set values to 0.0 and
! put a note in the output file.
radturbten = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'neither strat_cloud.res nor physics_driver.res '//&
'contain the radturbten data, setting it to 0.0', &
! if strat_cloud.res is not present, set radturbten to 0.0.
radturbten = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'setting radturbten to zero, no strat_cloud.res '//&
'file present, data not in physics_driver.res', NOTE)
! check if the lw_tendency data is in edt.res.
if (doing_edt) then
if (file_exist('INPUT/edt.res')) Then
unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/edt.res', 'read')
read (unit, iostat=io, err=143) vers, vers2
! if an i/o error does not occur, then the edt.res file
! contains the variable lw_tendency. rewind and read. close file
! upon completion.
143 continue
if (io == 0) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'reading pre-version number edt.res file, &
&reading lw_tendency', NOTE)
rewind (unit)
call read_data (unit, lw_tendency)
call close_file (unit)
! if the eor was reached (io /= 0), then the edt.res file
! does not contain the lw_tendency data. set values to 0.0 and
! put a note in the output file.
lw_tendency = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'neither edt.res nor physics_driver.res &
&contain the lw_tendency data, setting it to 0.0', &
! if edt.res is not present, set lw_tendency to 0.0.
lw_tendency = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'setting lw_tendency to zero, no edt.res &
&file present, data not in physics_driver.res', NOTE)
! check if the lw_tendency data is in entrain.res. only 1 form of
! entrain.res has ever existed, containing only the lw_tendency
! variable, so it can be read without further checking.
if (doing_entrain) then
if (file_exist('INPUT/entrain.res')) Then
unit = open_restart_file ('INPUT/entrain.res', 'read')
call read_data (unit, lw_tendency)
call close_file (unit)
! if entrain.res is not present, set lw_tendency to 0.0.
lw_tendency = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'setting lw_tendency to zero, no entrain.res &
&file present, data not in physics_driver.res', NOTE)
endif ! (.not. success)
end subroutine read_restart_file
! read_restart_nc will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! read_restart_nc will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! call read_restart_nc
subroutine read_restart_nc
! read_restart_file will read the physics_driver.res file and process
! its contents. if no restart data can be found, the module variables
! are initialized to flag values.
! local variables:
real :: was_doing_strat=0., was_doing_edt=0., was_doing_entrain=0.
logical :: field_found
integer, dimension(4) :: siz
character(len=64) :: fname = 'INPUT/physics_driver.res.nc'
real, dimension(size(convect,1), size(convect,2)) :: r_convect
! local variables:
! vers restart version number if that is contained in
! file; otherwise the first word of first data
! record of file
! was_doing_strat logical indicating if strat_cloud_mod was
! active in job which wrote restart file
! was_doing_edt logical indicating if edt_mod was active
! in job which wrote restart file
! was_doing_entrain logical indicating if entrain_mod was active
! in job which wrote restart file
if(file_exist(fname)) then
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('physics_driver_mod', &
'Reading NetCDF formatted restart file: INPUT/physics_driver.res.nc', NOTE)
call read_data(fname, 'vers', vers, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(fname, 'doing_strat', was_doing_strat, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(fname, 'doing_edt', was_doing_edt, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(fname, 'doing_entrain', was_doing_entrain, no_domain=.true.)
! read the contribution to diffusion coefficient from cumulus
! momentum transport.
call read_data (fname, 'diff_cu_mo', diff_cu_mo)
! pbl top is present in file versions 2 and up. if not present,
! set a flag.
call read_data (fname, 'pbltop', pbltop)
call field_size (fname, 'cush', siz, field_found = field_found)
if (field_found) then
call read_data (fname, 'cush', cush) !miz
call read_data (fname, 'cbmf', cbmf) !miz
cush = -1. !miz
cbmf = 0.0 !miz
! the temperature and momentum diffusion coefficients are present
! beginning with v3. if not prsent, set to 0.0.
call read_data (fname, 'diff_t', diff_t)
call read_data (fname, 'diff_m', diff_m)
! a flag indicating columns in which convection is occurring is
! present beginning with v4. if not present, set it to .false.
convect = .false.
r_convect = 0.
call read_data (fname, 'convect', r_convect)
where(r_convect .GT. 0.)
convect = .true.
end where
! donner_deep cell and meso cloud variables may be present in
! versions 6 onward, if donner_deep_mod
! was active in the job writing the .res file.
if (doing_donner) then
call field_size (fname, 'cell_cloud_frac', siz, &
field_found = field_found)
if (field_found) then
call read_data (fname, 'cell_cloud_frac', cell_cld_frac)
call read_data (fname, 'cell_liquid_amt', cell_liq_amt )
call read_data (fname, 'cell_liquid_size', cell_liq_size)
call read_data (fname, 'cell_ice_amt', cell_ice_amt )
call read_data (fname, 'cell_ice_size', cell_ice_size)
call read_data (fname, 'meso_cloud_frac', meso_cld_frac)
call read_data (fname, 'meso_liquid_amt', meso_liq_amt )
call read_data (fname, 'meso_liquid_size', meso_liq_size)
call read_data (fname, 'meso_ice_amt', meso_ice_amt )
call read_data (fname, 'meso_ice_size', meso_ice_size)
call read_data (fname, 'nsum', nsum_out)
! if donner_deep_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! these variables and put a message in the output file.
cell_cld_frac = 0.
cell_liq_amt = 0.
cell_liq_size = 0.
cell_ice_amt = 0.
cell_ice_size = 0.
meso_cld_frac = 0.
meso_liq_amt = 0.
meso_liq_size = 0.
meso_ice_amt = 0.
meso_ice_size = 0.
nsum_out = 1
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing donner cloud variables, since they are not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res.nc file', NOTE)
endif ! (field_found)
endif ! (doing_donner)
! lsc cloud variables will be present in versions 8 onward.
call field_size (fname, 'lsc_cloud_area', siz, &
field_found = field_found)
if (field_found) then
call read_data (fname, 'lsc_cloud_area', lsc_cloud_area)
call read_data (fname, 'lsc_liquid', lsc_liquid )
call read_data (fname, 'lsc_ice', lsc_ice )
call read_data (fname, 'lsc_droplet_number', lsc_droplet_number)
! if fields are not present, set a flag so that values from the
! tracer array are supplied to the radiation package, and
! put a message in the output file.
lsc_cloud_area = -99.
lsc_liquid = -99.
lsc_ice = -99.
lsc_droplet_number = -99.
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initial radiation call will use lsc tracer fields; &
&thus the lsc cloud area field may not be compatible &
&with the areas assigned to convective clouds', NOTE)
endif ! (field_found)
! uw_conv cloud variables may be present in
! versions 7 onward, if uw_conv_mod
! was active in the job writing the .res file.
if (doing_uw_conv) then
call field_size (fname, 'shallow_cloud_area', siz, &
field_found = field_found)
if (field_found) then
call read_data (fname, 'shallow_cloud_area', shallow_cloud_area)
call read_data (fname, 'shallow_liquid', shallow_liquid )
call read_data (fname, 'shallow_ice', shallow_ice )
call read_data (fname, 'shallow_droplet_number', shallow_droplet_number)
! if uw_conv_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! these variables and put a message in the output file.
shallow_cloud_area = 0.
shallow_liquid = 0.
shallow_ice = 0.
shallow_droplet_number = 0.
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing uw_conv cloud variables, since they are not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res.nc file', NOTE)
endif ! (field_found)
endif ! (doing_uw_conv)
! radturbten may be present in versions 5 onward, if strat_cloud_mod
! was active in the job writing the .res file.
! if radturbten was written, read it.
if (was_doing_strat .GT. 0.) then
call read_data (fname, 'radturbten', radturbten)
! if strat_cloud_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! radturbten to 0.0 and put a message in the output file.
if (doing_strat()) then
radturbten = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing radturbten to 0.0, since it not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res.nc file', NOTE)
! if lw_tendency was written, read it.
if (was_doing_edt .GT. 0. .or. was_doing_entrain .GT. 0.) then
call read_data (fname, 'lw_tendency', lw_tendency)
! if edt_mod or entrain_mod was not active in the job which wrote the
! restart file but it is active in the current job, initialize
! lw_tendency to 0.0 and put a message in the output file.
if (doing_edt .or. doing_entrain ) then
lw_tendency = 0.0
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
' initializing lw_tendency to 0.0, since it not present'//&
' in physics_driver.res.nc file', NOTE)
end subroutine read_restart_nc
! check_args determines if the input arrays to physics_driver_down
! are of a consistent size.
! check_args determines if the input arrays to physics_driver_down
! are of a consistent size.
! call check_args (lat, lon, area, p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full,&
! u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
! udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, mask, kbot)
! array of model latitudes at model points [radians]
! array of model longitudes at model points [radians]
! grid box area - current not used
! pressure at model interface levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! pressure at full levels
! height at model interface levels
! height at full levels
! zonal wind at current time step
! meridional wind at current time step
! temperature at current time step
! specific humidity at current time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! zonal wind at previous time step
! meridional wind at previous time step
! temperature at previous time step
! specific humidity at previous time step
! multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! zonal wind tendency
! meridional wind tendency
! temperature tendency
! moisture tracer tendencies
! multiple tracer tendencies
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! index of lowest model level above ground
! OPTIONAL: present when running eta vertical coordinate,
! mask to remove points below ground
subroutine check_args (lat, lon, area, p_half, p_full, z_half, z_full,&
u, v, t, q, r, um, vm, tm, qm, rm, &
udt, vdt, tdt, qdt, rdt, mask, kbot)
! check_args determines if the input arrays to physics_driver_down
! are of a consistent size.
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lat, lon, area
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: p_half, p_full, &
z_half, z_full, &
u, v, t, q, um, vm, &
tm, qm
real, dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: r, rm
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: udt, vdt, tdt, qdt
real, dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: rdt
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in),optional :: mask
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in),optional :: kbot
! intent(in) variables:
! lat latitude of model points [ radians ]
! lon longitude of model points [ radians ]
! area grid box area - currently not used [ m**2 ]
! p_half pressure at half levels (offset from t,q,u,v,r)
! [ Pa ]
! p_full pressure at full levels [ Pa }
! z_half height at half levels [ m ]
! z_full height at full levels [ m ]
! u zonal wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! v meridional wind at current time step [ m / s ]
! t temperature at current time step [ deg k ]
! q specific humidity at current time step kg / kg ]
! r multiple 3d tracer fields at current time step
! um,vm zonal and meridional wind at previous time step
! tm,qm temperature and specific humidity at previous
! time step
! rm multiple 3d tracer fields at previous time step
! udt zonal wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! vdt meridional wind tendency [ m / s**2 ]
! tdt temperature tendency [ deg k / sec ]
! qdt specific humidity tendency
! [ kg vapor / kg air / sec ]
! rdt multiple tracer tendencies [ unit / unit / sec ]
! intent(in), optional:
! mask mask that designates which levels do not have data
! present (i.e., below ground); 0.=no data, 1.=data
! kbot lowest level which has data
! note: both mask and kbot must be present together.
! local variables:
integer :: id, jd, kd ! model dimensions on the processor
integer :: ierr ! error flag
! define the sizes that the arrays should be.
id = size(u,1)
jd = size(u,2)
kd = size(u,3)
! check the dimensions of each input array. if they are incompat-
! ible in size with the standard, the error flag is set to so
! indicate.
ierr = 0
ierr = ierr + check_dim (lat, 'lat', id,jd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (lon, 'lon', id,jd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (area,'area', id,jd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (p_half,'p_half', id,jd,kd+1)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (p_full,'p_full', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (z_half,'z_half', id,jd,kd+1)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (z_full,'z_full', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (u, 'u', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (v, 'v', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (t, 't', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (q, 'q', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (um,'um', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (vm,'vm', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (tm,'tm', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (qm,'qm', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (udt,'udt', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (vdt,'vdt', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (tdt,'tdt', id,jd,kd)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (qdt,'qdt', id,jd,kd)
if (nt > 0) then
ierr = ierr + check_dim (r, 'r', id,jd,kd,nt)
ierr = ierr + check_dim (rm, 'rm', id,jd,kd,nt)
if (ntp > 0) then
ierr = ierr + check_dim (rdt,'rdt', id,jd,kd,ntp)
! if any problems were detected, exit with an error message.
if (ierr > 0) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', 'bad dimensions', FATAL)
end subroutine check_args
! check_dim_2d compares the size of two-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_2d compares the size of two-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_2d (data,name,id,jd) result (ierr)
! array of data to be checked
! name associated with array to be checked
! expected i and j dimensions
function check_dim_2d (data,name,id,jd) result (ierr)
! check_dim_2d compares the size of two-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: data
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: id, jd
integer :: ierr
! intent(in) variables:
! data array to be checked
! name name associated with array to be checked
! id, jd expected i and j dimensions
! result variable:
! ierr set to 0 if ok, otherwise is a count of the number
! of incompatible dimensions
ierr = 0
if (size(data,1) /= id) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 1 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,2) /= jd) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 2 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
end function check_dim_2d
! check_dim_3d compares the size of three-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_3d compares the size of three-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_3d (data,name,id,jd, kd) result (ierr)
! array of data to be checked
! name associated with array to be checked
! expected i, j and k dimensions
function check_dim_3d (data,name,id,jd,kd) result (ierr)
! check_dim_3d compares the size of thr1eedimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: data
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: id, jd, kd
integer ierr
! intent(in) variables:
! data array to be checked
! name name associated with array to be checked
! id, jd,kd expected i, j and k dimensions
! result variable:
! ierr set to 0 if ok, otherwise is a count of the number
! of incompatible dimensions
ierr = 0
if (size(data,1) /= id) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 1 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,2) /= jd) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 2 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,3) /= kd) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 3 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
end function check_dim_3d
! check_dim_4d compares the size of four-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_4d compares the size of four-dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
! check_dim_4d (data,name,id,jd, kd, nt) result (ierr)
! array of data to be checked
! name associated with array to be checked
! expected i, j, k and 4th dimensions
function check_dim_4d (data,name,id,jd,kd,nt) result (ierr)
! check_dim_4d compares the size of four dimensional input arrays
! with supplied expected dimensions and returns an error if any
! inconsistency is found.
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: data
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: id, jd, kd, nt
integer :: ierr
! intent(in) variables:
! data array to be checked
! name name associated with array to be checked
! id,jd,kd,nt expected i, j and k dimensions
! result variable:
! ierr set to 0 if ok, otherwise is a count of the number
! of incompatible dimensions
ierr = 0
if (size(data,1) /= id) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 1 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,2) /= jd) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 2 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,3) /= kd) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 3 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
if (size(data,4) /= nt) then
call error_mesg ('physics_driver_mod', &
'dimension 4 of argument ' // &
name(1:len_trim(name)) // ' has wrong size.', NOTE)
ierr = ierr + 1
end function check_dim_4d
end module physics_driver_mod