!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE RAS_MOD !======================================================================= ! RELAXED ARAKAWA/SCHUBERT (RAS) CUMULUS PARAM SCHEME MODULE ! !======================================================================= ! SUBROUTINE RAS_INIT - INITIALIZE RAS ! SUBROUTINE RAS - DRIVER ! SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD - RAS CU PARAMETERIZATION ! SUBROUTINE COMP_LCL - COMPUTE LCL (CLOUD BASE) ! SUBROUTINE RAS_CEVAP - EVAPORATION OF CONVECTIVE SCALE PRECIP ! SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_INDEX - SET ORDER IN WHICH CLOUDS ARE TO BE DONE ! SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_EXIST - TEST FOR INSTABILITY IN COLUMN ! SUBROUTINE RAS_BDGT - BUDGET CHECK FOR RAS ! FUNCTION RAN0 - RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR !======================================================================= use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, & mpp_root_pe, & stdlog use Sat_Vapor_Pres_Mod, ONLY: compute_qs use Constants_Mod, ONLY: HLv, HLs, Cp_Air, Grav, Kappa, rdgas, rvgas use Diag_Manager_Mod, ONLY: register_diag_field, send_data use Time_Manager_Mod, ONLY: time_type use fms_mod, only : write_version_number, open_namelist_file, & FILE_EXIST, ERROR_MESG, & CLOSE_FILE, FATAL use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_index, & get_number_tracers, & get_tracer_names, & get_tracer_indices, & query_method, & NO_TRACER use rad_utilities_mod, only : aerosol_type use aer_ccn_act_mod, only : aer_ccn_act, aer_ccn_act2 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private public :: ras, ras_init, ras_end, ras_bdgt !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: ras.F90,v 2009/08/31 17:08:40 wfc Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% real :: cp_div_grav real :: one_plus_kappa, one_minus_kappa real :: onebcp, onebg real :: rn_pfac logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. real, parameter :: d622 = rdgas/rvgas real, parameter :: d378 = 1.0-d622 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Climatological cloud work function data !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real :: actop real, dimension(15) :: ac, ad real, dimension(15) :: ph, a data ph / 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0, & 550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 800.0, 850.0 / data a / 1.6851, 1.1686, 0.7663, 0.5255, 0.4100, 0.3677, & 0.3151, 0.2216, 0.1521, 0.1082, 0.0750, 0.0664, & 0.0553, 0.0445, 0.0633 / !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- NAMELIST !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fracs - Fraction of PBL mass allowed to be used ! by a cloud-type in time DT ! rasal0 - Base value for cloud type relaxation parameter ! puplim - Upper limit for cloud tops of deepest clouds ! aratio - Ratio of critical cloud work function to standard ! value of cloud work function ! cufric - Should Cumulus friction (momentum transport) occur? ! rh_trig - Convection takes place only if the relative humidity ! of the lowest model level exceeds rh_trig ! alm_min - Min value for entrainment parameter. ! Tokioka_on - If true, alm_min computed using Tokioka formulation ! Tokioka_con - Constant for alm_min computed using Tokioka formulation ! Tokioka_plim - Tokioka applied only to clouds detraining above Tokioka_plim ! modify_pbl - If true, mass flux in sub cloud layer varies linearly ! between value at cloud base and zero at surface, and ! tendencies are spread out throughout the entire sub cloud layer. ! prevent_unreasonable - If true, unreasonable states (negatives) for the water ! tracers are prevented. This is achieved by borrowing ! from the sources of tracer within this module. ! Otherwise the tendency is added without correction and ! can lead to negative mixing ratios. (Default = .FALSE.) ! --- CLOUD ORDER SPECIFICATION --- ! ncrnd - Number of random cloud-types between krmin and krmax to be ! invoked in a single call to ras ! iseed - Integer seed used in generating random numbers ! -- used only when ncrnd > 0 ! krmin - Index of the top most level to which random clouds may ! be invoked ! krmax - Index of the bottom most level to which random clouds ! may be invoked. krmin should be <= krmax. ! If ncrnd is specified as zero, then all cloud-types ! below the level krmax will be called sequentially. ! botop - A logical variable -- .true. if sequential clouds are ! called from bottom to top and .false. if top to bottom. ! Level krmax will be called sequentially. ! --- PARTION CLOUD LIQUID WATER INTO PRECIP & DETRAINED VAPOR AND LIQUID --- ! rn_ptop - rn_frac_top of parcel liquid water converted to precip ! for cloud top pressures above rn_ptop ! rn_pbot - rn_frac_bot of parcel liquid water converted to precip ! for cloud top pressures below rn_pbot (linear profile in ! between) ! rn_frac_bot - Fraction of parcel liquid water converted to ! precip for cloud top pressures below rn_pbot ! rn_frac_top - Fraction of liquid water converted to ! precip for cloud top pressures above rn_ptop ! --- EVAPORATION OF CONVECTIVE SCALE PRECIP --- ! evap_on - Turn on evaporation if true ! cfrac - Fraction of grid box assumed to be covered by convection ! hcevap - Evap allowed while q <= hcevap * qsat ! --- CRITICAL CLOUD WORK FUNCTION --- ! ph - array, dim(15), of cloud top pressures ! a - array, dim(15), of critical cloud work functions ! for clouds detraining at level ph !--------------------------------------------------------------------- logical :: use_online_aerosol = .false. real :: fracs = 0.25 real :: rasal0 = 0.25 real :: puplim = 20.0E2 real :: aratio = 1.4 logical :: cufric = .false. real :: rh_trig = 0.0 real :: alm_min = 0.0 logical :: Tokioka_on = .false. real :: Tokioka_con = 0.05 real :: Tokioka_plim = 500.0E2 logical :: modify_pbl = .false. logical :: prevent_unreasonable = .false. ! --- cloud order specification --- integer :: ncrnd = 0 integer :: iseed = 123 integer :: krmin = 2 integer :: krmax = 2 logical :: botop = .true. ! --- partion cloud liquid water into precip & detrained water --- real :: rn_ptop = 500.0E2 real :: rn_pbot = 800.0E2 real :: rn_frac_bot = 0.8 real :: rn_frac_top = 1.0 ! --- evaporation of convective scale precip --- logical :: evap_on = .true. real :: cfrac = 0.05 real :: hcevap = 0.80 real :: sea_salt_scale = 0.1 real :: om_to_oc = 1.67 integer :: nqn ! tracer indices for stratiform clouds NAMELIST / ras_nml / & fracs, rasal0, puplim, aratio, cufric, & ncrnd, iseed, krmin, krmax, botop, & rn_ptop, rn_pbot, rn_frac_top, rn_frac_bot, & evap_on, cfrac, hcevap, rh_trig, alm_min, & Tokioka_on, Tokioka_con, Tokioka_plim, modify_pbl, prevent_unreasonable, & ph, a, sea_salt_scale, om_to_oc, use_online_aerosol !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DIAGNOSTICS FIELDS !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: id_tdt_revap, id_qdt_revap, id_prec_revap, & id_snow_revap, id_prec_conv_3d, id_pcldb, & id_det0, & id_tdt_conv, id_qdt_conv, id_prec_conv, id_snow_conv, & id_q_conv_col, id_t_conv_col, id_mc,& id_qldt_conv, id_qidt_conv, id_qadt_conv, id_qndt_conv, & id_ql_conv_col, id_qi_conv_col, id_qa_conv_col, & id_mfcb, id_mfct, id_alm, id_cfq_ras integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: id_tracer_conv, id_tracer_conv_col character(len=3) :: mod_name = 'ras' real :: missing_value = -999. integer :: num_ras_tracers = 0 logical :: do_ras_tracer = .false. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !##################################################################### !##################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_INIT( do_strat, do_liq_num, axes, Time, tracers_in_ras ) !======================================================================= ! ***** INITIALIZE RAS !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- logical, intent(in) :: do_strat, do_liq_num integer, intent(in) :: axes(4) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: tracers_in_ras !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: unit, io real :: actp, facm real, dimension(15) :: au, tem integer, dimension(3) :: half = (/1,2,4/) character(len=128) :: diagname, diaglname, tendunits, name, units integer :: tr integer :: num_tracers integer :: nn, logunit !===================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Read namelist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if( FILE_EXIST( 'input.nml' ) ) then unit = OPEN_NAMELIST_FILE () io = 1 do while ( io .ne. 0 ) READ( unit, nml = ras_nml, iostat = io, end = 10 ) end do 10 CALL CLOSE_FILE ( unit ) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Write namelist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_version_number (version, tagname) logunit = stdlog() WRITE( logunit, nml = ras_nml ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Find the tracer indices !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS,num_prog=num_tracers) nqn = get_tracer_index ( MODEL_ATMOS, 'liq_drp' ) if (do_liq_num .and. nqn == NO_TRACER) & call error_mesg ('ras_init', & 'prognostic droplet number scheme requested but tracer not found', FATAL) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Initialize constants !--------------------------------------------------------------------- cp_div_grav = Cp_Air / Grav one_plus_kappa = 1.0 + Kappa one_minus_kappa = 1.0 - Kappa onebcp = 1.0 / Cp_Air onebg = 1.0 / Grav rn_pfac = ( rn_frac_top - rn_frac_bot) / ( rn_pbot - rn_ptop ) ! --- Climatological cloud work function actp = 1.7 facm = 0.01 actop = actp * facm a = facm * a ph = 100.0*ph ac = 0.0 ad = 0.0 au = 0.0 tem = 0.0 tem(2:15) = ph(2:15) - ph(1:14) au(2:15) = a(1:14) / tem(2:15) ad(2:15) = a(2:15) / tem(2:15) ac(2:15) = ph(2:15) * au(2:15) - ph(1:14) * ad(2:15) ad(2:15) = ad(2:15) - au(2:15) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- initialize quantities for diagnostics output !--------------------------------------------------------------------- id_tdt_revap = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'tdt_revap', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Temperature tendency from RAS prec evap', 'deg_K/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_qdt_revap = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qdt_revap', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Spec humidity tendency from RAS prec evap', 'kg/kg/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_prec_revap = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'prec_revap', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Evap Precip rate from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_snow_revap = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'snow_revap', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Evap Frozen precip rate from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_prec_conv_3d = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'prec_conv_3d', axes(1:3), Time, & '3D Precipitation rate from RAS', 'kg/m2/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_pcldb = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'pcldb', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Pressure at cloud base from RAS', 'hPa' ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- id_tdt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'tdt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Temperature tendency from RAS', 'deg_K/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_qdt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qdt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Spec humidity tendency from RAS', 'kg/kg/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_prec_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'prec_conv', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Precipitation rate from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_snow_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'snow_conv', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Frozen precip rate from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_q_conv_col = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'q_conv_col', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Water vapor path tendency from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_t_conv_col = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 't_conv_col', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Column static energy tendency from RAS', 'W/m2' ) id_mc = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'mc', axes(half), Time, & 'Cumulus Mass Flux from RAS', 'kg/m2/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_mfcb = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'mfcb', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cumulus cloud-base mass flux from RAS', 'kg/m2/s', & missing_value=missing_value) id_mfct = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'mfct', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cumulus cloud-top mass flux from RAS', 'kg/m2/s', & missing_value=missing_value) id_alm = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'alm', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cumulus entrainment rate from RAS', '1/m', & missing_value=missing_value) id_cfq_ras = register_diag_field ( mod_name,& 'cfq_ras', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cumulus frequency from RAS', 'none', & missing_value=missing_value) id_qndt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qndt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cloud droplet tendency from RAS', '#/kg/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_qldt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qldt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Liquid water tendency from RAS', 'kg/kg/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_qidt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qidt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Ice water tendency from RAS', 'kg/kg/s', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_qadt_conv = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qadt_conv', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Cloud fraction tendency from RAS', '1/sec', & missing_value=missing_value ) id_ql_conv_col = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'ql_conv_col', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Liquid water path tendency from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_qi_conv_col = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qi_conv_col', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Ice water path tendency from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_qa_conv_col = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'qa_conv_col', axes(1:2), Time, & 'Cloud mass tendency from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_det0 = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & 'ras_det0', axes(1:3), Time, & 'Detrained mass flux from RAS', 'kg/m2/s' ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! determine how many tracers are to be transported by ras_mod. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- num_ras_tracers = count(tracers_in_ras) if (num_ras_tracers > 0) then do_ras_tracer = .true. else do_ras_tracer = .false. endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate the arrays to hold the diagnostics for the ras tracers. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(id_tracer_conv (num_ras_tracers)) ; id_tracer_conv = 0 allocate(id_tracer_conv_col(num_ras_tracers)) ; id_tracer_conv_col = 0 nn = 1 do tr = 1,num_tracers if (tracers_in_ras(tr)) then call get_tracer_names(MODEL_ATMOS, tr, name=name, units=units) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for the column tendencies, the name for the diagnostic will be ! the name of the tracer followed by 'dt_RAS'. the longname will be ! the name of the tracer followed by ' tendency from RAS'. units are ! the supplied units of the tracer divided by seconds. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- diagname = trim(name)//'dt_RAS' diaglname = trim(name)//' tendency from RAS' tendunits = trim(units)//'/s' id_tracer_conv(nn) = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & trim(diagname), axes(1:3), Time, & trim(diaglname), trim(tendunits), & missing_value=missing_value ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for the column integral tendencies, the name for the diagnostic ! will be the name of the tracer followed by 'dt_RAS_col'. the long- ! name will be the name of the tracer followed by ' path tendency ! from RAS'. units are the supplied units of the tracer multiplied ! by m**2 /kg divided by seconds. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- diagname = trim(name)//'dt_RAS_col' diaglname = trim(name)//' path tendency from RAS' tendunits = trim(units)//'m2/kg/s' id_tracer_conv_col(nn) = register_diag_field ( mod_name, & trim(diagname), axes(1:2), Time, & trim(diaglname), trim(tendunits), & missing_value=missing_value) nn = nn + 1 endif end do module_is_initialized = .true. !===================================================================== end SUBROUTINE RAS_INIT !##################################################################### subroutine ras_end integer :: log_unit log_unit = stdlog() if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then write (log_unit,'(/,(a))') 'Exiting RAS.' endif module_is_initialized = .FALSE. end subroutine ras_end !##################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS( is, js, Time, temp0, qvap0, & uwnd0, vwnd0, pres0, pres0_int, zhalf0, coldT0, & dtime, dtemp0, dqvap0, duwnd0, dvwnd0, & rain3d, snow3d, & rain0, snow0, ras_tracers, qtrras, & mask, kbot, mc0, det0, & ! optional ql0, qi0, qa0, & ! optional dl0, di0, da0, & ! optional qn0, dn0, do_strat, Aerosol) ! optional !======================================================================= ! ***** DRIVER FOR RAS !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! is, js - Starting indices for window ! Time - Time used for diagnostics [time_type] ! dtime - Size of time step in seconds ! pres0 - Pressure ! pres0_int - Pressure at layer interface ! zhalf0 - Height at layer interface ! temp0 - Temperature ! qvap0 - Water vapor ! uwnd0 - U component of wind ! vwnd0 - V component of wind ! coldT0 - should the precipitation assume to be frozen? ! kbot - OPTIONAL;lowest model level index (integer) ! mask - OPTIONAL;used only for diagnostic output ! ras_tracers- prognostic tracers to move around ! note that R0 is assumed to be dimensioned ! (nx,ny,nz,nt), where nt is the number of tracers !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent inout) ! ql0 - OPTIONAL;cloud liquid ! qi0 - OPTIONAL;cloud ice ! qa0 - OPTIONAL;cloud/saturated volume fraction !--------------------------------------------------------------------- type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in) :: is, js real, intent(in) :: dtime real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: pres0, pres0_int, zhalf0 real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:) :: temp0, qvap0, uwnd0, vwnd0 logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: coldT0 logical, intent(in), optional :: do_strat type(aerosol_type), intent (in), optional :: Aerosol real, intent(in) , dimension(:,:,:), OPTIONAL :: mask integer, intent(in), OPTIONAL, dimension(:,:) :: kbot real, intent(inout), OPTIONAL,dimension(:,:,:) :: ql0, qi0, qa0, qn0 real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: ras_tracers !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out) ! rain0 - surface rain ! snow0 - surface snow ! rain3d - 3D rain ! snow3d - 3D snow ! dtemp0 - Temperature change ! dqvap0 - Water vapor change ! duwnd0 - U wind change ! dvwnd0 - V wind change ! mc0 - OPTIONAL; cumulus mass flux ! Dl0 - OPTIONAL; cloud liquid tendency ! Di0 - OPTIONAL; cloud ice tendency ! Da0 - OPTIONAL; cloud fraction tendency ! qtrras - prognostic tracers tendency !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: dtemp0, dqvap0, duwnd0, dvwnd0 real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: rain0, snow0 real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: qtrras real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: rain3d,snow3d real, intent(out), OPTIONAL, dimension(:,:,:) :: mc0 real, intent(out), OPTIONAL, dimension(:,:,:) :: det0 real, intent(out), OPTIONAL, dimension(:,:,:) :: dl0, di0, da0, dn0 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! precipitation flux and evaporation profiles [kg/m2/sec] real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: flxprec,flxprec_evap ! sum of all clouds real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: flxprec_ib,flxprec_ib_evap ! for each cloud logical :: found integer :: istop character(len=32) :: tracer_units, tracer_name real, parameter :: p00 = 1000.0E2 logical :: coldT, exist real :: precip, Hl, psfc, dpcu, dtinv integer :: ksfc, klcl, kk integer, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: ic real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: & temp, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres, dtemp, dqvap, duwnd, dvwnd, & ql, qi, qa, qn , Dl, Di, Da, Dn, mass, pi, theta, & cp_by_dp, dqvap_sat, qvap_sat, alpha, beta, gamma, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, Dlcu, Dicu, Dacu, Dncu real, dimension(SIZE(temp0 ,3),num_ras_tracers) :: tracer, dtracer, dtracercu real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)+1) :: pres_int, mc, pi_int, mccu, zhalf real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: det logical, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2)) :: rhtrig_mask integer, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2)) :: kcbase real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2)) :: & psfc0, t_parc, q_parc, p_parc, qs_parc real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)) :: & qvap_sat0, dqvap_sat0, pmass real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)+1) :: mask3 real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)) :: mfcb0, mfct0, alm0, cfq_ras !miz real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: mfcb, mfct, alm !miz real :: almx real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)+1) :: mc0_local logical :: setras, cloud_tracers_present, do_liq_num integer :: i, imax, j, jmax, k, kmax, tr, num_present integer :: ncmax, nc, ib, naer, na real :: rasal, frac, zbase real :: dpfac, dtcu_pbl, dqcu_pbl, ducu_pbl, dvcu_pbl, dtracercu_pbl(num_ras_tracers) real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3),3) :: totalmass1 real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)) :: airdens, debug1 real, dimension(size(temp0,3),3) :: aerosolmass real :: thickness !--- For extra diagnostics logical :: used real :: dpevap, precip_ev real, dimension(SIZE(temp0,3)) :: & cup, dtevap, dqevap, dtemp_ev, dqvap_ev real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2)) :: & pcldb0, rain_ev0, snow_ev0, tempdiag real, dimension(size(temp0,1),size(temp0,2),size(temp0,3)) :: & cuprc3d, dtemp_ev0, dqvap_ev0 !===================================================================== ! --- Check to see if ras has been initialized if( .not. module_is_initialized ) CALL ERROR_MESG( 'RAS', & 'ras_init has not been called', FATAL ) num_present = count((/present(ql0), present(qi0), present(qa0), present(Dl0), present(Di0), present(Da0)/)) if(num_present == 0) then cloud_tracers_present = .false. else if(num_present == 6) then cloud_tracers_present = .true. else call ERROR_MESG( 'RAS','Either all or none of the cloud tracers and their tendencies'// & ' must be present in the call to subroutine ras',FATAL) endif if(cloud_tracers_present .and. .not.present(mc0)) then call ERROR_MESG( 'RAS','mc0 must be present when cloud tracers are present',FATAL) endif ! --- Set dimensions imax = size( temp0, 1 ) jmax = size( temp0, 2 ) kmax = size( temp0, 3 ) do_liq_num = PRESENT(qn0) ! Test for presence of liquid droplet number array if ( do_liq_num ) then if (.not.(PRESENT(dn0)) .or. .not.(PRESENT(Aerosol))) & call ERROR_MESG( 'RAS','dn0 and Aerosol must be present when liquid droplet number are present',FATAL) naer = size(Aerosol%aerosol,4) if(use_online_aerosol) then do k = 1,kmax do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax if(pres0_int(i,j,k)<1.) then thickness=(pres0_int(i,j,k+1)-pres0_int(i,j,k))* & 8.314*temp0(i,j,k)/(9.8*0.02888*pres0_int(i,j,k)) else thickness=log(pres0_int(i,j,k+1)/ & pres0_int(i,j,k))*8.314*temp0(i,j,k)/(9.8*0.02888) end if do na = 1,naer if(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'so4' .or. & Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'so4_anthro' .or. Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'so4_natural') then totalmass1(i,j,k,1)=totalmass1(i,j,k,1)+Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,na) else if(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'omphilic' .or. & Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'omphobic') then totalmass1(i,j,k,3)=totalmass1(i,j,k,3)+Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,na) else if(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'seasalt1' .or. & Aerosol%aerosol_names(na) == 'seasalt2') then totalmass1(i,j,k,2)=totalmass1(i,j,k,2)+Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,na) end if end do do na = 1, 3 totalmass1(i,j,k,na)=totalmass1(i,j,k,na)/thickness*1.0e9*1.0e-12 end do end do end do end do else do k = 1,kmax do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax if(pres0_int(i,j,k)<1.) then thickness=(pres0_int(i,j,k+1)-pres0_int(i,j,k))* & 8.314*temp0(i,j,k)/(9.8*0.02888*pres0_int(i,j,k)) else thickness=log(pres0_int(i,j,k+1)/ & pres0_int(i,j,k))*8.314*temp0(i,j,k)/(9.8*0.02888) end if totalmass1(i,j,k,1)=(Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,1)+Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,2)) & /thickness*1.0e9*1.0e-12 totalmass1(i,j,k,2)=sea_salt_scale*Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,5) & /thickness*1.0e9*1.0e-12 totalmass1(i,j,k,3)=om_to_oc*Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,3) & /thickness*1.0e9*1.0e-12 end do end do end do end if airdens = pres0 / (rdgas * temp0 * (1. - ql0 - qi0) ) endif ! --- Initalize dtemp0 = 0.0 dqvap0 = 0.0 duwnd0 = 0.0 dvwnd0 = 0.0 rain0 = 0.0 snow0 = 0.0 dtemp_ev0 = 0.0 dqvap_ev0 = 0.0 rain_ev0 = 0.0 snow_ev0 = 0.0 cuprc3d = 0.0 rain3d = 0.0 snow3d = 0.0 mfcb0 = 0.0 mfct0 = 0.0 alm0 = 0.0 cfq_ras = 0.0 if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then Da0 = 0.0 Dl0 = 0.0 Di0 = 0.0 if ( do_liq_num ) Dn0 = 0.0 end if if (present(mc0) ) then mc0 = 0.0 det0 = 0.0 end if ! Initialize the tracer tendencies qtrras = 0.0 do k=1,kmax pmass(:,:,k) = (pres0_int(:,:,k+1)-pres0_int(:,:,k))/GRAV end do frac = fracs / dtime rasal = rasal0 / dtime ! --- Compute saturation value of water vapor & its derivative call compute_qs (temp0, pres0, qvap_sat0, dqsdT=dqvap_sat0) ! --- Find LCL ---> cloud base if (present(kbot ) ) then do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax k = kbot(i,j) t_parc(i,j) = temp0(i,j,k) q_parc(i,j) = qvap0(i,j,k) p_parc(i,j) = pres0(i,j,k) qs_parc(i,j) = qvap_sat0(i,j,k) end do end do else t_parc(:,:) = temp0(:,:,kmax) q_parc(:,:) = qvap0(:,:,kmax) p_parc(:,:) = pres0(:,:,kmax) qs_parc(:,:) = qvap_sat0(:,:,kmax) end if q_parc = MAX( q_parc, 1.0E-6 ) q_parc = MIN( q_parc, qs_parc ) CALL COMP_LCL( t_parc, q_parc, p_parc, pres0, kcbase ) ! --- set rh trigger rhtrig_mask(:,:) = q_parc(:,:) >= rh_trig*qs_parc(:,:) ! --- Set surface pressure if (present(kbot ) ) then do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax k = kbot(i,j) + 1 psfc0(i,j) = pres0_int(i,j,k) end do end do else psfc0(:,:) = pres0_int(:,:,kmax+1) end if ! --- Save cloud base pressure if ( id_pcldb > 0 ) then do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax klcl = kcbase(i,j) pcldb0(i,j) = pres0_int(i,j,klcl) end do end do end if mc0_local = 0. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax ! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT flxprec(:) = 0. flxprec_evap(:) = 0. ! --- Set order in which clouds are to be done CALL RAS_CLOUD_INDEX ( ic, ncmax ) ! --- rh trigger if ( .not.rhtrig_mask(i,j) ) CYCLE ! --- Pack input variables / Initalize output variables temp(:) = temp0(i,j,:) qvap(:) = qvap0(i,j,:) uwnd(:) = uwnd0(i,j,:) vwnd(:) = vwnd0(i,j,:) pres(:) = pres0(i,j,:) pres_int(:) = pres0_int(i,j,:) zhalf(:) = zhalf0(i,j,:) qvap_sat(:) = qvap_sat0(i,j,:) dqvap_sat(:) = dqvap_sat0(i,j,:) psfc = psfc0(i,j) coldT = coldT0(i,j) klcl = kcbase(i,j) if ( do_liq_num ) & aerosolmass(:,:) = totalmass1(i,j,:,:) dtemp(:) = 0.0 dqvap(:) = 0.0 duwnd(:) = 0.0 dvwnd(:) = 0.0 precip = 0.0 cup(:) = 0.0 dtemp_ev(:) = 0.0 dqvap_ev(:) = 0.0 precip_ev = 0.0 mfcb(:) = 0.0 mfct(:) = 0.0 alm (:) = 0.0 almx = 0.0 if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then qa(:) = qa0(i,j,:) ql(:) = ql0(i,j,:) qi(:) = qi0(i,j,:) Da(:) = 0.0 Dl(:) = 0.0 Di(:) = 0.0 if ( do_liq_num ) then qn(:) = qn0(i,j,:) Dn(:) = 0.0 endif end if if ( present(mc0) .or. id_mc > 0 ) then mc(:) = 0.0 det(:) = 0.0 end if ! Get the column of tracer data do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers dtracer(:,tr) = 0.0 tracer(:,tr) = ras_tracers(i,j,:,tr) enddo if( coldT ) then Hl = HLs else Hl = HLv end if if( PRESENT( kbot ) ) then ksfc = kbot(i,j) + 1 else ksfc = kmax + 1 endif ! --- Thickness of layers mass(1:kmax) = pres_int(2:kmax+1) - pres_int(1:kmax) mass(1:kmax) = MAX( mass(1:kmax), 1.0e-5 ) ! --- Sub-cloud layer thickness zbase = zhalf(klcl) - zhalf(ksfc) ! --- Compute exner functions ! --- at layer interfaces pi_int(:) = ( pres_int(:) / p00 ) ** Kappa ! --- at full levels pi(1:kmax) = ( pi_int(2:kmax+1) * pres_int(2:kmax+1) & - pi_int(1:kmax ) * pres_int(1:kmax ) ) & / ( mass(1:kmax ) * one_plus_kappa ) pi(1:kmax) = MAX( pi(1:kmax), 1.0e-5 ) ! --- Compute potential temperature theta(:) = temp(:) / pi(:) ! --- Compute Cp divided by dpres cp_by_dp(1:kmax) = Cp_Air / mass(1:kmax) ! --- Compute mass of layers mass(:) = mass(:) / Grav setras = .true. ! --- Test for convective instability in column CALL RAS_CLOUD_EXIST( klcl, qvap, qvap_sat, theta, & pi, pi_int, ic, ncmax, & Hl, exist ) if ( .not. exist ) CYCLE !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Cloud top loop starts !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do nc = 1,ncmax !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ib = ic(nc) if( ib >= klcl) CYCLE if ( setras ) then ! --- Compute some stuff alpha(:) = qvap_sat(:) - dqvap_sat(:) * temp(:) beta(:) = dqvap_sat(:) * pi(:) gamma(:) = 1.0 / ( ( 1.0 + ( Hl * dqvap_sat(:) / Cp_Air ) ) * pi(:) ) endif ! --- Do adjustment if ( cloud_tracers_present .and. .not.(do_liq_num)) then CALL RAS_CLOUD(temp0(i,j,:), pres0(i,j,:),airdens(i,j,:), & klcl, ib, rasal, frac, Hl, coldT, & theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int, pi, psfc, & alpha, beta, gamma, cp_by_dp, zbase, almx, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, dpcu, tracer, dtracercu, & mccu, ql, qi, qa, Dlcu, Dicu, Dacu) else if ( cloud_tracers_present .and. do_liq_num) then CALL RAS_CLOUD(temp0(i,j,:), pres0(i,j,:),airdens(i,j,:), & klcl, ib, rasal, frac, Hl, coldT, & theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int, pi, psfc, & alpha, beta, gamma, cp_by_dp, zbase, almx, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, dpcu, tracer, dtracercu, & mccu, ql, qi, qa, Dlcu, Dicu, Dacu, aerosolmass, qn, Dncu) else if (present(mc0) .or. id_mc > 0) then CALL RAS_CLOUD(temp0(i,j,:), pres0(i,j,:),airdens(i,j,:), & klcl, ib, rasal, frac, Hl, coldT, & theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int, pi, psfc, & alpha, beta, gamma, cp_by_dp, zbase, almx, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, dpcu, tracer, dtracercu, mccu) else CALL RAS_CLOUD(temp0(i,j,:), pres0(i,j,:),airdens(i,j,:), & klcl, ib, rasal, frac, Hl, coldT, & theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int, pi, psfc, & alpha, beta, gamma, cp_by_dp, zbase, almx, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, dpcu, tracer, dtracercu) end if ! --- For optional diagnostic output cup(ib) = dpcu ! --- Multiply tendencies by size of time step dtcu(:) = dtcu(:) * dtime dqcu(:) = dqcu(:) * dtime ducu(:) = ducu(:) * dtime dvcu(:) = dvcu(:) * dtime dpcu = dpcu * dtime if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then Dacu(:) = Dacu(:) * dtime Dlcu(:) = Dlcu(:) * dtime Dicu(:) = Dicu(:) * dtime if ( do_liq_num ) & Dncu(:) = Dncu(:) * dtime end if do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers dtracercu(:,tr) = dtracercu(:,tr) * dtime enddo if( modify_pbl ) then ! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ! --- Adjust mass flux between cloud base and surface if ( present(mc0) .or. id_mc > 0 ) then do k = klcl+1,ksfc mccu(k) = mccu(klcl) * ( psfc - pres_int(k) ) / & ( psfc - pres_int(klcl) ) end do end if ! --- Adjust tendencies between cloud base and surface dpfac = ( pres_int(klcl+1) - pres_int(klcl) ) / & ( psfc - pres_int(klcl) ) dtcu_pbl = dpfac * dtcu(klcl) * pi(klcl) dqcu_pbl = dpfac * dqcu(klcl) ducu_pbl = dpfac * ducu(klcl) dvcu_pbl = dpfac * dvcu(klcl) do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers dtracercu_pbl(tr) = dpfac * dtracercu(klcl,tr) enddo do k = klcl,ksfc-1 dtcu(k) = dtcu_pbl / pi(k) dqcu(k) = dqcu_pbl ducu(k) = ducu_pbl dvcu(k) = dvcu_pbl do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers dtracercu(k,tr) = dtracercu_pbl(tr) enddo end do ! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL endif ! --- Evaporate some precip dtevap(:) = 0.0 dqevap(:) = 0.0 dpevap = 0.0 ! ! -- initialise the precipitation and evaporation flux flxprec_ib_evap = 0.0 if( evap_on .and. ( dpcu > 0.0 ) ) then CALL RAS_CEVAP ( ib, temp, qvap, pres, mass, qvap_sat, & dqvap_sat, psfc, Hl, dtime, ksfc, dpcu, & dtevap, dqevap, dpevap, flxprec_ib, flxprec_ib_evap ) dtcu(:) = dtcu(:) + dtevap(:) / pi(:) dqcu(:) = dqcu(:) + dqevap(:) dpcu = MAX(dpcu - dpevap, 0.) else flxprec_ib(1:ib-1) = 0.0 flxprec_ib(ib:) = dpcu/dtime endif !---sum up precipitation flux and evaporation from each cloud type ! flxprec = flxprec +flxprec_ib flxprec_evap = flxprec_evap +flxprec_ib_evap ! --- Update prognostic tracers ! NOTE: negative values of tracers are not prevented do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers tracer(:,tr) = amax1(0.,tracer(:,tr) + dtracercu(:,tr)) enddo if ( prevent_unreasonable ) then ! --- Update cloud liquid, ice, and fraction ! NOTE: unreasonable states are prevented if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then !cloud fraction--------------- where ((qa + Dacu) .lt. 0.) Dacu = -1.*qa qa = 0. elsewhere qa = qa + Dacu end where where (qa .gt. 1.) Dacu = Dacu + (1. - qa) qa = 1. end where !cloud liquid---------------- where ((ql + Dlcu) .lt. 0.) dtcu = dtcu - HLv*(ql+Dlcu)/Cp_Air/pi dqcu = dqcu + (ql + Dlcu) Dlcu = Dlcu - (ql + Dlcu) ql = 0. elsewhere ql = ql + Dlcu end where !cloud ice---------------- where ((qi + Dicu) .lt. 0.) dtcu = dtcu - HLs*(qi+Dicu)/Cp_Air/pi dqcu = dqcu + (qi + Dicu) Dicu = Dicu - (qi + Dicu) qi = 0. elsewhere qi = qi + Dicu endwhere end if else if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then ql(:) = ql(:) + Dlcu(:) qi(:) = qi(:) + Dicu(:) qa(:) = qa(:) + Dacu(:) if ( do_liq_num ) & qn(:) = qn(:) + Dncu(:) end if endif ! --- Update potential temperature, water vapor, winds theta(:) = theta(:) + dtcu(:) qvap(:) = qvap(:) + dqcu(:) uwnd(:) = uwnd(:) + ducu(:) vwnd(:) = vwnd(:) + dvcu(:) ! --- Recover temperature temp(:) = theta(:) * pi(:) ! --- Accumulate precip precip = precip + dpcu precip_ev = precip_ev + dpevap ! --- Accumulate tendencies dtemp(:) = dtemp(:) + dtcu(:) * pi(:) dqvap(:) = dqvap(:) + dqcu(:) duwnd(:) = duwnd(:) + ducu(:) dvwnd(:) = dvwnd(:) + dvcu(:) dtemp_ev(:) = dtemp_ev(:) + dtevap(:) dqvap_ev(:) = dqvap_ev(:) + dqevap(:) if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then Da(:) = Da(:) + Dacu(:) Dl(:) = Dl(:) + Dlcu(:) Di(:) = Di(:) + Dicu(:) if ( do_liq_num ) & Dn(:) = Dn(:) + Dncu(:) end if mfcb(ib)=mccu(klcl) mfct(ib)=mccu(ib+1) alm (ib)=almx if ( present(mc0) .or. id_mc > 0 ) then mc(:) = mc(:) + mccu(:) det(ib) = det(ib) + mccu(ib+1) end if do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers dtracer(:,tr) = dtracer(:,tr) + dtracercu(:,tr) enddo setras = .false. if ( setras ) then ! --- Re-Compute saturation value of water vapor & its derivative call compute_qs (temp, pres, qvap_sat, dqsdT=dqvap_sat) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------- end do ! do nc = 1,ncmax !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Cloud top loop ends !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Unpack variables dtemp0(i,j,:) = dtemp(:) dqvap0(i,j,:) = dqvap(:) duwnd0(i,j,:) = duwnd(:) dvwnd0(i,j,:) = dvwnd(:) mfcb0 (i,j,:) = mfcb(:) mfct0 (i,j,:) = mfct(:) alm0 (i,j,:) = alm (:) if ( coldT ) then snow0(i,j) = precip else rain0(i,j) = precip end if !-- unpacking the precipitation flux. The do kk = 1,kmax if ( coldT ) then snow3d(i,j,kk+1) = flxprec(kk) !kg/m2/sec else rain3d(i,j,kk+1) = flxprec(kk) !kg/m2/sec end if enddo if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then Da0(i,j,:) = Da(:) Dl0(i,j,:) = Dl(:) Di0(i,j,:) = Di(:) if ( do_liq_num ) & Dn0(i,j,:) = Dn(:) end if if ( present(mc0) .or. id_mc > 0 ) then mc0_local(i,j,:) = mc(:) det0(i,j,:) = det(:) end if do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers qtrras(i,j,:,tr) = dtracer(:,tr) enddo ! --- For extra diagnostics cuprc3d(i,j,:) = cup(:) dtemp_ev0(i,j,:) = dtemp_ev(:) dqvap_ev0(i,j,:) = dqvap_ev(:) if ( coldT ) then snow_ev0(i,j) = precip_ev else rain_ev0(i,j) = precip_ev end if ! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL end do ! do i = 1,imax end do ! do j = 1,jmax ! TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT !------- update input values and compute tendency ----------- dtinv = 1.0/dtime temp0=temp0+dtemp0; qvap0=qvap0+dqvap0 uwnd0=uwnd0+duwnd0; vwnd0=vwnd0+dvwnd0 duwnd0=duwnd0*dtinv; dvwnd0=dvwnd0*dtinv dtemp0=dtemp0*dtinv; dqvap0=dqvap0*dtinv rain0=rain0*dtinv; snow0=snow0*dtinv !!------- add on tendency ---------- ! tdt=tdt+ttnd; qdt=qdt+qtnd ! udt=udt+utnd; vdt=vdt+vtnd !------- update input values , compute and add on tendency ----------- !------- in the case of strat ----------- if (cloud_tracers_present) then ql0(:,:,:) = ql0(:,:,:)+Dl0(:,:,:) qi0(:,:,:) = qi0(:,:,:)+Di0(:,:,:) qa0(:,:,:) = qa0(:,:,:)+Da0(:,:,:) if ( do_liq_num ) & qn0(:,:,:) = qn0(:,:,:)+Dn0(:,:,:) Dl0(:,:,:) = Dl0(:,:,:)*dtinv Di0(:,:,:) = Di0(:,:,:)*dtinv Da0(:,:,:) = Da0(:,:,:)*dtinv if ( do_liq_num ) & Dn0(:,:,:)=Dn0(:,:,:)*dtinv end if do tr = 1,num_ras_tracers qtrras(:,:,:,tr) = qtrras(:,:,:,tr)*dtinv enddo if(present(mc0)) mc0 = mc0_local !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- Extra diagnostics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- dtemp_ev0(:,:,:) = dtemp_ev0(:,:,:) * dtinv dqvap_ev0(:,:,:) = dqvap_ev0(:,:,:) * dtinv snow_ev0(:,:) = snow_ev0(:,:) * dtinv rain_ev0(:,:) = rain_ev0(:,:) * dtinv used = send_data ( id_tdt_revap, dtemp_ev0, Time, is, js, 1 ) used = send_data ( id_qdt_revap, dqvap_ev0, Time, is, js, 1 ) used = send_data ( id_prec_revap, rain_ev0+snow_ev0, Time, is, js ) used = send_data ( id_snow_revap, snow_ev0, Time, is, js ) used = send_data ( id_prec_conv_3d, cuprc3d, Time, is, js, 1 ) used = send_data ( id_pcldb, pcldb0, Time, is, js ) !------- diagnostics for dt/dt_ras ------- used = send_data ( id_tdt_conv, dtemp0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for dq/dt_ras ------- used = send_data ( id_qdt_conv, dqvap0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for precip_ras ------- used = send_data ( id_prec_conv, (rain0+snow0), Time, is, js ) !------- diagnostics for snow_ras ------- used = send_data ( id_snow_conv, snow0, Time, is, js ) !------- diagnostics for cumulus mass flux from ras ------- if ( id_mc > 0 ) then !------- set up mask -------- mask3(:,:,1:(kmax+1)) = 1. if (present(mask)) then WHERE (mask(:,:,1:kmax) <= 0.5) mask3(:,:,1:kmax) = 0. END WHERE endif used = send_data ( id_mc, mc0_local, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 ) endif used = send_data ( id_mfcb, mfcb0(:,:,1:kmax), Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask ) used = send_data ( id_mfct, mfct0(:,:,1:kmax), Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask ) used = send_data ( id_alm, alm0 (:,:,1:kmax), Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask ) if ( id_cfq_ras > 0 ) then where (mfcb0(:,:,:) .gt. 0.) cfq_ras(:,:,:) = 1 end where used = send_data ( id_cfq_ras, cfq_ras (:,:,1:kmax), Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask ) endif !------- diagnostics for water vapor path tendency ---------- if ( id_q_conv_col > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + dqvap0(:,:,k)*pmass(:,:,k)*dtinv end do used = send_data ( id_q_conv_col, tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if !------- diagnostics for dry static energy tendency --------- if ( id_t_conv_col > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + dtemp0(:,:,k)*Cp_Air*pmass(:,:,k) end do used = send_data ( id_t_conv_col, tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if if ( cloud_tracers_present ) then !------- diagnostics for dql/dt from RAS ----------------- used = send_data ( id_qldt_conv, Dl0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for dqi/dt from RAS ----------------- used = send_data ( id_qidt_conv, Di0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for dqa/dt from RAS ----------------- used = send_data ( id_qadt_conv, Da0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for dqn/dt from RAS ----------------- if (do_liq_num .and. id_qndt_conv > 0 ) & used = send_data ( id_qndt_conv, Dn0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for liquid water path tendency ------ if ( id_ql_conv_col > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + Dl0(:,:,k)*pmass(:,:,k) end do used = send_data ( id_ql_conv_col, tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if !------- diagnostics for ice water path tendency --------- if ( id_qi_conv_col > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + Di0(:,:,k)*pmass(:,:,k) end do used = send_data ( id_qi_conv_col, tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if !---- diagnostics for column integrated cloud mass tendency --- if ( id_qa_conv_col > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + Da0(:,:,k)*pmass(:,:,k) end do used = send_data ( id_qa_conv_col, tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if !------- diagnostics for det0 from RAS ----------------- used = send_data ( id_det0, det0, Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) end if !end do strat if do tr = 1, num_ras_tracers !------- diagnostics for dtracer/dt from RAS ------------- used = send_data ( id_tracer_conv(tr), qtrras(:,:,:,tr), Time, is, js, 1, & rmask=mask ) !------- diagnostics for column tracer path tendency ----- if ( id_tracer_conv_col(tr) > 0 ) then tempdiag(:,:)=0. do k=1,kmax tempdiag(:,:) = tempdiag(:,:) + qtrras(:,:,k,tr)*pmass(:,:,k) end do used = send_data ( id_tracer_conv_col(tr), tempdiag, Time, is, js ) end if enddo !===================================================================== end SUBROUTINE RAS !####################################################################### !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD(t, p, dens, & k, ic, rasal, frac, hl, coldT, & theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int, pi, psfc, & alf, bet, gam, cp_by_dp, zbase, almx, & dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu, dpcu, tracer, dtracercu, & mccu, ql, qi, qa, Dlcu, Dicu, Dacu, aerosolmass, qn, Dncu) ! optional !======================================================================= ! RAS Cu Parameterization !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! k : Cloud base index. ! ic : Cloud top index. ! hl : proper latent heat for the column ! coldT : is the precipitation frozen? ! theta : Potential temperature ! qvap : Water vapor ! uwnd : U component of wind ! vwnd : V component of wind ! pres_int : Pressure at layer interface ! pi_int : Exner function at layer interface ! pi : Exner function ! psfc : Surface pressure ! zbase : Thickness of sub-cloud layer ! rasal : Relaxation parameter for cloud type ic ! ql : OPTIONAL, cloud liquid ! qi : OPTIONAL, cloud ice ! qa : OPTIONAL, cloud fraction or saturated volume fraction !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(inout):: almx !miz real, intent(in) :: rasal, frac, zbase real, intent(in) :: hl, psfc integer, intent(in) :: ic, k logical, intent(in) :: coldT real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: t,p,dens real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: theta, qvap, uwnd, vwnd, pres_int, pi_int real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: alf, bet, gam, pi, cp_by_dp real, intent(in), OPTIONAL, dimension(:) :: ql,qi,qa,qn real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: tracer real, intent(in), OPTIONAL, dimension(:,:) :: aerosolmass !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out) ! dpcu : Precip for cloud type ic. ! dtcu : Potential temperature change ! dqcu : Water vapor change ! ducu : Cu friction - u component. ! dvcu : Cu friction - v component. ! mccu : OPTIONAL ; Cumulus Mass Flux ! Dacu : OPTIONAL ; Detrained saturated mass fraction tendency ! Dlcu : OPTIONAL ; Detrained cloud liquid tendency ! Dicu : OPTIONAL ; Detrained cloud ice tendency ! dtracercu : OPTIONAL ; Detrained tracer tendency !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(out) :: dpcu real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: dtcu, dqcu, ducu, dvcu real, intent(out), OPTIONAL, dimension(:) :: mccu, Dacu, Dlcu, Dicu, Dncu real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: dtracercu !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: rhmax = 0.9999 logical :: lcase1, lcase2 real :: wfn_crit, ftop, rn_frac real :: wfn, akm, qs1, uht, vht, wlq, alm real :: rasalf real :: wll, wli, wlN integer :: km1, ic1, l, iwk real :: xx1, xx2, xx3, xx4 real :: ssl, dtemp, zzl, hccp, hcc, dpib, dpit real :: dut, dvt, dub, dvb, wdet, dhic, hkb, hic, sic real, dimension(size(theta,1)) :: gmh, eta, hol, hst, qol real, dimension(SIZE(tracer,2)) :: wlR logical :: Ldacu, Lmccu, LRcu, do_liq_num !thetac in-cloud potential temperature (K) !qc in-cloud vapor mixing ratio (kg water/kg air) !qt in-cloud qc + ql (kg water/kg air) real, dimension(size(theta,1)) :: thetac, qc, qt real :: tc, te, Nc, qlc, up_conv, drop real, dimension(3) :: totalmass !===================================================================== ! --- Check for presence of optional arguments Ldacu = PRESENT( Dacu ) Lmccu = PRESENT( mccu ) LRcu = .TRUE. do_liq_num = PRESENT(qn) ! Initialize dtcu = 0.0 dqcu = 0.0 ducu = 0.0 dvcu = 0.0 dpcu = 0.0 if ( Ldacu ) then Dacu = 0.0 Dlcu = 0.0 Dicu = 0.0 if ( do_liq_num ) Dncu = 0.0 end if if ( Lmccu ) then mccu = 0.0 end if if ( LRcu ) then dtracercu = 0.0 end if ! Initialize wfn=0.0 akm=0.0 qs1=0.0 uht=0.0 vht=0.0 wlq=0.0 alm=0.0 almx=0.0 wll=0.0 wli=0.0 if ( do_liq_num ) & wlN=0.0 gmh=0.0 eta=0.0 hol=0.0 hst=0.0 qol=0.0 km1=0 ic1=0 l=0 rasalf=0.0 km1 = k - 1 ic1 = ic + 1 !===================================================================== ! --- RECOMPUTE SOUNDING UP TO DETRAINMENT LEVEL !===================================================================== ! --- at cloud base qs1 = alf(k) + bet(k) * theta(k) qol(k) = MIN( qs1 * rhmax, qvap(k) ) hol(k) = pi_int(k+1) * theta(k) * Cp_Air + qol(k) * Hl eta(k) = 0.0 zzl = ( pi_int(k+1) - pi_int(k) ) * theta(k) * Cp_Air ! --- between cloud base & cloud top if ( ic < km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 qs1 = alf(l) + bet(l) * theta(l) qol(l) = MIN( qs1 * rhmax, qvap(l) ) ssl = zzl + pi_int(l+1) * theta(l) * Cp_Air hol(l) = ssl + qol(l) * Hl hst(l) = ssl + qs1 * Hl dtemp = ( pi_int(l+1) - pi_int(l) ) * theta(l) eta(l) = eta(l+1) + dtemp * cp_div_grav zzl = zzl + dtemp * Cp_Air end do end if ! --- at cloud top qs1 = alf(ic) + bet(ic) * theta(ic) qol(ic) = MIN( qs1 * rhmax, qvap(ic) ) ssl = zzl + pi_int(ic1) * theta(ic) * Cp_Air hol(ic) = ssl + qol(ic) * Hl hst(ic) = ssl + qs1 * Hl dtemp = ( pi_int(ic1) - pi(ic) ) * theta(ic) eta(ic) = eta(ic1) + dtemp * cp_div_grav !===================================================================== ! ENTRAINMENT PARAMETER !===================================================================== xx1 = hol(k) - hst(ic) xx2 = 0.0 do l = ic,km1 xx2 = xx2 + ( hst(ic) - hol(l) ) * ( eta(l) - eta(l+1) ) end do lcase1 = ( xx2 > 0.0 ) .and. & ( xx1 > 0.0 ) lcase2 = ( xx1 <= 0.0 ) .and. & ( hol(k) > hst(ic1) ) .and. & ( ic1 < k ) !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ if ( .not.lcase1 .and. .not.lcase2 ) RETURN !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ if ( lcase1 ) then alm = xx1 / xx2 else alm = 0.0 end if !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ! if( Tokioka_on ) alm_min = Tokioka_con / zbase ! if( alm < alm_min ) RETURN xx2 = alm_min if( Tokioka_on ) then xx1 = 0.5 * ( pres_int(ic) + pres_int(ic1) ) if( xx1 <= Tokioka_plim ) xx2 = Tokioka_con / zbase endif if( alm < xx2 ) then almx = 0.0 RETURN endif !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !===================================================================== ! NORMALIZED MASSFLUX !===================================================================== do l = ic,km1 eta(l) = 1.0 + alm * eta(l) end do eta(k) = 1.0 !===================================================================== ! CLOUD WORKFUNCTION !===================================================================== wfn = 0.0 hccp = hol(k) !===================================================================== ! IN-CLOUD TEMP AND WATER MIXING RATIO !===================================================================== if ( do_liq_num ) then thetac(k) = theta(k) zzl = ( pi_int(k+1) - pi_int(k) ) * theta(k) * Cp_Air wlq = qol(k) qt(k) = qol(k) endif if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 !hcc in-cloud moist static energy (MSE) hcc = hccp + ( eta(l) - eta(l+1) ) * hol(l) dpib = pi_int(l+1) - pi(l) dpit = pi(l) - pi_int(l) !environment xx1 = ( eta(l+1) * dpib + eta(l) * dpit ) * hst(l) !in-cloud xx2 = hccp * dpib + hcc * dpit wfn = wfn + ( xx2 - xx1 ) * gam(l) hccp = hcc if ( do_liq_num ) then thetac(l) = ((hcc-zzl)/eta(l)-alf(l)*Hl)/(pi_int(l+1)*Cp_Air+bet(l)*Hl) ! qc(l) = alf(l)+bet(l)*thetac(l) qc(l) = alf(l)+bet(l)*theta(l) ssl = zzl + pi_int(l+1) * thetac(l) * Cp_Air dtemp = ( pi_int(l+1) - pi_int(l) ) * thetac(l) zzl = zzl + dtemp * Cp_Air xx1 = eta(l) - eta(l+1) wlq = wlq + xx1 * qol(l) qt(l) = wlq/eta(l) endif end do end if if ( lcase1 ) then wfn = wfn + gam(ic) * ( pi_int(ic1) - pi(ic) ) * & ( hccp - hst(ic) * eta(ic1) ) end if if ( do_liq_num ) & up_conv=0.7*max(wfn,0.)**0.5 !===================================================================== ! CRITICAL CLOUD WORK FUNCTION !===================================================================== xx1 = 0.5 * ( pres_int(ic) + pres_int(ic1) ) xx2 = pres_int(k) ftop = 1.0 if ( lcase2 ) then if ( hst(ic1) < hst(ic) ) then ftop = ( hst(ic1) - hol(k) ) / ( hst(ic1) - hst(ic) ) else ftop = 0.0 endif xx3 = 0.5 * ( pres_int(ic1) + pres_int(ic1+1) ) xx1 = xx3 * ( 1.0 - ftop ) + xx1 * ftop endif ! $$$ CALL RAS_ACRITN ( xx1, xx2, wfn_crit ) iwk = xx1 * 0.02E-2 - 0.999999999 if ( ( iwk > 1 ) .and. ( iwk <= 15 ) ) then wfn_crit = ac(iwk) + xx1 * ad(iwk) else if ( iwk <= 1 ) then wfn_crit = actop else if ( iwk > 15 ) then wfn_crit = a(15) end if wfn_crit = aratio * wfn_crit * ( xx2 - xx1 ) wfn = wfn - wfn_crit lcase1 = lcase1 .and. ( wfn > 0.0 ) lcase2 = lcase2 .and. ( wfn > 0.0 ) .and. ( ftop > 0.0 ) !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ if ( .not.lcase1 .and. .not.lcase2 ) then almx = 0.0 RETURN endif !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ almx = alm !===================================================================== if ( lcase1 ) then dhic = hst(ic) - hol(ic) else dhic = ( hol(k) - hol(ic1) ) & - ( hol(ic) - hol(ic1) ) * ftop end if if ( lcase2 ) then xx1 = ftop * ( hol(ic) - hol(ic1) ) + hol(ic1) xx2 = ftop * ( qol(ic) - qol(ic1) ) + qol(ic1) sic = xx1 - xx2 * Hl qs1 = xx2 + dhic * ( 1.0 / Hl ) end if hic = hol(ic) hkb = hol(k) !===================================================================== wlq = qol(k) - qs1 * eta(ic) uht = uwnd(k) - uwnd(ic) * eta(ic) vht = vwnd(k) - vwnd(ic) * eta(ic) do l = km1,ic,-1 xx1 = eta(l) - eta(l+1) wlq = wlq + xx1 * qol(l) uht = uht + xx1 * uwnd(l) vht = vht + xx1 * vwnd(l) end do !===================================================================== ! CALCULATE TRACER UPDRAFT PROPERTIES ! AND CONVECTIVE SOURCE OF TRACER !===================================================================== !------------ Prognostic tracers if ( LRcu ) then ! wlR = tracer(k,:) ! do l = km1,ic,-1 ! xx1 = eta(l) - eta(l+1) ! wlR = wlR + xx1 * tracer(l,:) ! end do ! !!do cloud base level ! xx1 = 0.5 * cp_by_dp(k) / Cp_Air / onebg ! dtracercu(k,:) = ( tracer(km1,:) - tracer(k,:) ) * xx1 ! if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then ! do l = km1,ic1,-1 ! xx1 = 0.5 * cp_by_dp(l) / Cp_Air / onebg ! dtracercu(l,:) = ( eta(l+1) * ( tracer(l ,:) - tracer(l+1,:) ) + & ! eta(l ) * ( tracer(l-1,:) - tracer(l ,:) ) ) * xx1 ! end do ! end if ! ! !do cloud top level ! xx1 = cp_by_dp(ic) / Cp_Air / onebg ! xx2 = 0.5 * xx1 ! dtracercu(ic,:) = ( eta(ic1) * ( tracer(ic,:) - tracer(ic1,:) ) * xx2 ) + & ! ( wlR - eta(ic) * tracer(ic,:) ) * xx1 ! end if !------------ Cloud liquid, ice, and fraction if ( Ldacu ) then wll = ql(k) wli = qi(k) if ( do_liq_num ) & wlN = qn(k) wlR = tracer(k,:) do l = km1,ic,-1 xx1 = eta(l) - eta(l+1) wll = wll + xx1 * ql(l) wli = wli + xx1 * qi(l) wlR = wlR + xx1 * tracer(l,:) end do if ( do_liq_num ) then do l = km1,ic,-1 xx1 = eta(l) - eta(l+1) wlN = wlN + xx1 * qn(l) end do endif !do cloud base level xx1 = 0.5 * cp_by_dp(k) / Cp_Air / onebg Dlcu(k) = ( ql(km1) - ql(k) ) * xx1 Dicu(k) = ( qi(km1) - qi(k) ) * xx1 Dacu(k) = ( qa(km1) - qa(k) ) * xx1 if ( do_liq_num ) & Dncu(k) = ( qn(km1) - qn(k) ) * xx1 mccu(k) = eta(k) dtracercu(k,:) = ( tracer(km1,:) - tracer(k,:) ) * xx1 if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx1 = 0.5 * cp_by_dp(l) / Cp_Air / onebg Dlcu(l) = ( eta(l+1) * ( ql(l ) - ql(l+1) ) + & eta(l ) * ( ql(l-1) - ql(l ) ) ) * xx1 Dicu(l) = ( eta(l+1) * ( qi(l ) - qi(l+1) ) + & eta(l ) * ( qi(l-1) - qi(l ) ) ) * xx1 Dacu(l) = ( eta(l+1) * ( qa(l ) - qa(l+1) ) + & eta(l ) * ( qa(l-1) - qa(l ) ) ) * xx1 mccu(l) = eta(l) dtracercu(l,:) = ( eta(l+1) * ( tracer(l ,:) - tracer(l+1,:) ) + & eta(l ) * ( tracer(l-1,:) - tracer(l ,:) ) ) * xx1 end do if ( do_liq_num ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx1 = 0.5 * cp_by_dp(l) / Cp_Air / onebg Dncu(l) = ( eta(l+1) * ( qn(l ) - qn(l+1) ) + & eta(l ) * ( qn(l-1) - qn(l ) ) ) * xx1 enddo endif end if !do cloud top level xx1 = cp_by_dp(ic) / Cp_Air / onebg xx2 = 0.5 * xx1 Dlcu(ic) = ( eta(ic1) * ( ql(ic) - ql(ic1) ) * xx2 ) + & ( wll - eta(ic) * ql(ic) ) * xx1 Dicu(ic) = ( eta(ic1) * ( qi(ic) - qi(ic1) ) * xx2 ) + & ( wli - eta(ic) * qi(ic) ) * xx1 Dacu(ic) = ( eta(ic1) * ( qa(ic) - qa(ic1) ) * xx2 ) + & ( eta(ic) - eta(ic) * qa(ic) ) * xx1 if ( do_liq_num ) & Dncu(ic) = ( eta(ic1) * ( qn(ic) - qn(ic1) ) * xx2 ) + & ( wlN - eta(ic) * qn(ic) ) * xx1 dtracercu(ic,:) = ( eta(ic1) * ( tracer(ic,:) - tracer(ic1,:) ) * xx2 ) + & ( wlR - eta(ic) * tracer(ic,:) ) * xx1 end if if ( Lmccu .and. .not.Ldacu ) then !do cloud base level mccu(k) = eta(k) if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 mccu(l) = eta(l) end do end if end if !======================================================================= ! CALCULATE GS AND PART OF AKM (THAT REQUIRES ETA) !======================================================================= xx1 = ( theta(km1) - theta(k) ) / ( pi(k) - pi(km1) ) hol(k) = xx1 * ( pi_int(k) - pi(km1) ) * pi(k) * cp_by_dp(k) hol(km1) = xx1 * ( pi(k) - pi_int(k) ) * pi(km1) * cp_by_dp(km1) akm = 0.0 if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx1 = ( theta(l-1) - theta(l) ) * eta(l) / ( pi(l) - pi(l-1) ) hol(l) = xx1 * ( pi_int(l) - pi(l-1) ) * pi(l) * cp_by_dp(l) + hol(l) hol(l-1) = xx1 * ( pi(l) - pi_int(l) ) * pi(l-1) * cp_by_dp(l-1) akm = akm - hol(l) * ( eta(l) * ( pi(l ) - pi_int(l) ) + & eta(l+1) * ( pi_int(l+1) - pi(l) ) ) / pi(l) end do end if !======================================================================= ! PARTION CLOUD LIQUID WATER INTO PRECIP & DETRAINED WATER !======================================================================= xx1 = 0.5 * ( pres_int(ic) + pres_int(ic1) ) ! $$$ CALL RAS_RNCL( xx1, rn_frac) rn_frac = rn_frac_top if ( ( xx1 >= rn_ptop ) .and. ( xx1 <= rn_pbot ) ) then rn_frac = ( rn_pbot - xx1 ) * rn_pfac + rn_frac_bot end if if ( xx1 > rn_pbot ) then rn_frac = rn_frac_bot end if wdet = ( 1.0 - rn_frac ) * wlq wlq = rn_frac * wlq if ( Ldacu ) then !detrain non-precipitated fraction of condensed vapor if (coldT) then Dicu(ic) = Dicu(ic) + wdet * cp_by_dp(ic)/Cp_Air/onebg else Dlcu(ic) = Dlcu(ic) + wdet * cp_by_dp(ic)/Cp_Air/onebg if ( do_liq_num ) then !======================================================================= ! yim's CONVECTIVE NUCLEATION !======================================================================= !Use aerosol at cloud base. !An assumption which treats ss and oc as sulfate !convert SO4 to AS !convert OC to OM totalmass(1)=aerosolmass(k,1) totalmass(2)=aerosolmass(k,2) totalmass(3)=aerosolmass(k,3) call aer_ccn_act(t(k),p(k),up_conv,totalmass,drop) zzl=drop*1.0e6/dens(k) !YM choose not to do above-cloud activation for the sake of computer time if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 totalmass(1)=aerosolmass(l,1) totalmass(2)=aerosolmass(l,2) totalmass(3)=aerosolmass(l,3) tc=thetac(l)*pi(l) te=theta(l)*pi(l) Nc=zzl/eta(l+1) call aer_ccn_act2(t(l),p(l),up_conv,totalmass,alm,dens(l), & Nc,qc(l),qt(l),qol(l),tc,te,drop) zzl=zzl+drop*1.0e6/dens(l)*(eta(l)-eta(l+1)) end do end if Dncu(ic) = Dncu(ic) + zzl*(1.0-rn_frac)* & cp_by_dp(ic)/Cp_Air/onebg endif ! end of warm_cloud_aerosol interaction end if wdet = 0.0 end if !======================================================================= ! CALCULATE GH !======================================================================= xx1 = hol(ic) if ( lcase2 ) then xx1 = xx1 + ( sic - hic + qol(ic) * Hl ) * ( cp_by_dp(ic) / Cp_Air ) end if hol(ic) = xx1 - ( wdet * Hl * cp_by_dp(ic) / Cp_Air ) if ( lcase1 ) then akm = akm - eta(ic1) * ( pi_int(ic1) - pi(ic) ) * xx1 / pi(ic) end if xx2 = qol(km1) - qol(k) gmh(k) = hol(k) + ( xx2 * cp_by_dp(k) * Hl * 0.5 / Cp_Air ) akm = akm + gam(km1) * ( pi_int(k) - pi(km1) ) * gmh(k) if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx3 = xx2 xx2 = ( qol(l-1) - qol(l) ) * eta(l) xx3 = xx3 + xx2 gmh(l) = hol(l) + ( xx3 * cp_by_dp(l) * Hl * 0.5 / Cp_Air ) end do end if if ( lcase2 ) then xx2 = xx2 + 2.0 * ( hkb - dhic - sic - qol(ic) * Hl ) / Hl end if gmh(ic) = xx1 + cp_by_dp(ic) * onebcp * ( xx2 * Hl * 0.5 + eta(ic) * dhic ) !======================================================================= ! CALCULATE HC PART OF AKM !======================================================================= if ( ic1 <= km1 ) then xx1 = gmh(k) do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx1 = xx1 + ( eta(l) - eta(l+1) ) * gmh(l) xx2 = gam(l-1) * ( pi_int(l) - pi(l-1) ) if ( lcase2 .and. ( l == ic1 ) ) xx2 = 0.0 akm = akm + xx1 * ( xx2 + gam(l) * ( pi(l) - pi_int(l) ) ) end do end if !======================================================================= if ( lcase2 ) then xx1 = 0.5*( pres_int(ic ) + pres_int(ic1) ) & + 0.5*( pres_int(ic+2) - pres_int(ic ) ) * ( 1.0 - ftop ) xx2 = pres_int(ic1 ) xx3 = 0.5*( pres_int(ic1 ) + pres_int(ic+2) ) if ( ( xx1 >= xx2 ) .and. ( xx1 < xx3 ) ) then ftop = 1.0 - ( xx1 - xx2 ) / ( xx3 - xx2 ) xx4 = cp_by_dp(ic1) / cp_by_dp(ic) hol(ic1) = hol(ic1) + hol(ic) * xx4 gmh(ic1) = gmh(ic1) + gmh(ic) * xx4 hol(ic) = 0.0 gmh(ic) = 0.0 else if ( xx1 < xx2 ) then ftop = 1.0 else ftop = 0.0 end if end if !======================================================================= ! MASS FLUX !======================================================================= if ( ( akm < 0.0 ) .and. ( wlq >= 0.0 ) ) then !jjs rasalf = rasal * ( pres_int(ic+1) - puplim ) / & ( psfc - puplim ) if (puplim > psfc) rasalf=0. rasalf = MAX( 0.0, rasalf ) !jjs wfn = -ftop * wfn * rasalf / akm else wfn = 0.0 end if ! xx1 = ( pres_int(k+1) - pres_int(k) ) * frac xx1 = ( psfc - pres_int(k) ) * frac wfn = MIN( wfn, xx1 ) !======================================================================= ! FOR SAK CLOUDS !======================================================================= if ( Ldacu ) then xx1 = wfn * onebg do l = ic,k Dacu(l) = Dacu(l) * xx1 Dlcu(l) = Dlcu(l) * xx1 Dicu(l) = Dicu(l) * xx1 mccu(l) = mccu(l) * xx1 end do if ( do_liq_num ) then xx1 = wfn * onebg do l = ic,k Dncu(l) = Dncu(l) * xx1 enddo endif end if if ( LRcu ) then xx1 = wfn * onebg do l = ic,k dtracercu(l,:) = dtracercu(l,:) * xx1 end do end if if ( Lmccu .and. .not.Ldacu ) then xx1 = wfn * onebg do l = ic,k mccu(l) = mccu(l) * xx1 end do end if !======================================================================= ! PRECIPITATION !======================================================================= dpcu = wlq * wfn * onebg !======================================================================= ! THETA AND Q CHANGE DUE TO CLOUD TYPE IC !======================================================================= xx1 = wfn * onebcp xx2 = wfn * ( 1.0 / Hl ) do l = ic,k dtcu(l) = xx1 * hol(l) / pi(l) dqcu(l) = xx2 * ( gmh(l) - hol(l) ) end do !======================================================================= ! CUMULUS FRICTION !======================================================================= if (cufric) then xx1 = 0.5 * wfn * onebcp ! --- At cloud base xx2 = xx1 * cp_by_dp(k) dut = ( uwnd(km1) - uwnd(k) ) dvt = ( vwnd(km1) - vwnd(k) ) ducu(k) = dut * xx2 dvcu(k) = dvt * xx2 ! --- Between cloud base & cloud top do l = km1,ic1,-1 xx2 = xx1 * cp_by_dp(l) dub = dut dvb = dvt dut = ( uwnd(l-1) - uwnd(l) ) * eta(l) dvt = ( vwnd(l-1) - vwnd(l) ) * eta(l) ducu(l) = ( dut + dub ) * xx2 dvcu(l) = ( dvt + dvb ) * xx2 end do ! --- At cloud top xx2 = xx1 * cp_by_dp(ic) ducu(ic) = ( dut + uht + uht ) * xx2 dvcu(ic) = ( dvt + vht + vht ) * xx2 end if !======================================================================= end SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD !##################################################################### !##################################################################### SUBROUTINE COMP_LCL( t_parc, q_parc, p_parc, pres, k_lcl ) !======================================================================= ! ***** COMPUTE LCL ( CLOUD BASE ) !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! t_parc Initial parcel temperature ! q_parc Initial parcel mixing ratio ! p_parc Initial parcel pressure ! pres Pressure in colunm !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: t_parc, q_parc, p_parc real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: pres !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out) ! k_lcl Index of LCL in column !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: k_lcl !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(size(t_parc,1),size(t_parc,2)) :: & esat, qsat, rhum, chi, p_lcl integer :: k, kmax, k_lcl_min !===================================================================== ! --- Index of lowest level kmax = size( pres, 3 ) ! --- Compute relative humidity call compute_qs (t_parc, p_parc, qsat, q = q_parc) rhum(:,:) = q_parc(:,:) / qsat(:,:) rhum(:,:) = MIN( rhum(:,:), 1.0 ) ! --- Compute exponent chi(:,:) = t_parc(:,:) / ( 1669.0 - 122.0*rhum(:,:) - t_parc(:,:) ) ! --- Compute pressure at LCL rhum(:,:) = chi(:,:) * LOG( rhum(:,:) ) p_lcl(:,:) = p_parc(:,:) * EXP( rhum(:,:) ) ! --- Bound p_lcl p_lcl(:,:) = MAX( p_lcl(:,:), pres(:,:,1) ) p_lcl(:,:) = MIN( p_lcl(:,:), p_parc(:,:) ) ! --- Find index of LCL do k = 2,kmax where ( ( p_lcl(:,:) >= pres(:,:,k-1) ) .and. & ( p_lcl(:,:) <= pres(:,:,k) ) ) k_lcl(:,:) = k end where end do ! --- Bound k_lcl k_lcl_min = kmax / 2 k_lcl(:,:) = MAX( k_lcl(:,:), k_lcl_min ) !===================================================================== end SUBROUTINE COMP_LCL !####################################################################### !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_CEVAP ( type, temp, qvap, pres, mass, & qvap_sat, dqvap_sat, psfc, hl, dtime, & ksfc, dpcu, dtevap, dqevap, dpevap, & flxprec_ib, flxprec_ib_evap ) !======================================================================= ! EVAPORATION OF CONVECTIVE SCALE PRECIP !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! type - cloud type index ! temp - Temperature ! qvap - Water vapor ! pres - Pressure ! mass - Mass of layers ! qvap_sat - Saturation value of qvap ! dqvap_sat - Temperature derivative of qvap_sat ! psfc - surface presure ! hl - proper latent heat for the column ! dtime - size of time step in seconds ! ksfc - index of lowest model level ! dpcu - Precip in mm !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(in) :: type real, intent(in) :: dtime real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: temp, qvap, pres, mass real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: qvap_sat, dqvap_sat real, intent(in) :: psfc, hl, dpcu integer, intent(in) :: ksfc !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out) ! dtevap - Temperature change due to precip evap ! dqevap - Water vapor change due to precip evap ! dpevap - Amount of precip evaporated !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: dtevap, dqevap real, intent(out) :: dpevap real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: & flxprec_ib, & ! precipation flux profile for cloud ib flxprec_ib_evap ! evaporaton of precip profile for cloud id ! [kg/m2/s] !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: cem = 0.054 real, parameter :: ceta = -544.0E-6 real, dimension(size(temp,1)) :: temp_new, qvap_new real :: prec, def, evef real :: prec_mmph, pfac, emx integer :: itopp1, kmax, k real :: totalprecip !======================================================================= kmax = size(temp(:)) itopp1 = type + 1 flxprec_ib =0.0 flxprec_ib_evap =0.0 ! --- Initalize dpevap = 0.0 qvap_new = qvap temp_new = temp !======================================================================= do k = itopp1,kmax !----------------------------------------- ! --- Compute whats available for evaporation prec = MAX(dpcu - dpevap, 0.0 ) ! --- Compute precipitation efficiency factor prec_mmph = prec * 3600.0 / dtime pfac = SQRT( pres(k) / psfc ) emx = SQRT( cem * cfrac * prec_mmph * pfac ) evef = 1.0 - EXP( ceta * dtime * emx ) def=0. ! --- Evaporate precip where needed if ( ( hcevap*qvap_sat(k) >= qvap(k) ) .and. & ( prec > 0.0 ) .and. & ( ksfc > k ) ) then def = ( hcevap*qvap_sat(k) - qvap(k) ) / & ( 1.0 + (hl * hcevap * dqvap_sat(k) / Cp_Air ) ) def = evef*def def = MIN( def, prec/mass(k) ) qvap_new(k) = qvap(k) + def temp_new(k) = temp(k) - (def * hl/Cp_Air) dpevap = dpevap + def * mass(k) flxprec_ib_evap(k) = def * mass(k)/dtime end if !----------------------------------------- end do ! itopp1 ! !-------compute precipitation flux at each model layer ! by deducting the evaporation in each layer from ! cloud top to surface/lowest model layer ! totalprecip = dpcu ! precipitation at cloud top ! flxprec_ib(type) = MAX(totalprecip,0.0)/dtime do k = itopp1,kmax flxprec_ib(k) = MAX((totalprecip - flxprec_ib_evap(k)*dtime),0.0)/dtime totalprecip = totalprecip - flxprec_ib_evap(k)*dtime !----------------------------------------- end do ! --- Changes to temperature and water vapor from evaporation dtevap(:) = temp_new(:) - temp(:) dqevap(:) = qvap_new(:) - qvap(:) !======================================================================= end SUBROUTINE RAS_CEVAP !####################################################################### !####################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_INDEX ( ic, ncmax ) !======================================================================= ! Set order in which clouds are to be done !======================================================================= !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent out) ! ic Cloud order index ! ncmax Max number of clouds !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, intent(out), dimension(:) :: ic integer, intent(out) :: ncmax !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: kmax integer :: km1, kcr, kfx, nc, irnd !======================================================================= kmax = size( ic(:) ) km1 = kmax - 1 kcr = MIN( km1, krmax ) kfx = km1 - kcr ncmax = kfx + ncrnd ! --- Sequential clouds if ( kfx > 0) then if ( botop ) then ! --- bottom to top do nc = 1,kfx ic(nc) = kmax - nc end do else ! --- top to bottom do nc = kfx,1,-1 ic(nc) = kmax - nc end do endif endif ! --- set non-used clouds to zero ic((kfx+1):kmax) = 0 ! --- Random clouds if ( ncrnd > 0 ) then do nc = 1,ncrnd irnd = ( RAN0(iseed) - 0.0005 ) * ( kcr - krmin + 1 ) ic(kfx+nc) = irnd + krmin end do endif !======================================================================= end SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_INDEX !##################################################################### !##################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_EXIST( k, qvap, qsat, theta, & pifull, pihalf, nc, ncmax, & Hl, exist ) !======================================================================= implicit none !======================================================================= integer, intent(in) :: k, ncmax real, intent(in) :: Hl integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: nc real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: qvap, qsat, theta, pifull, pihalf logical, intent(out) :: exist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, parameter :: rhmax = 0.9999 real, dimension(size(theta(:))) :: ssl, hst real :: zzl, hol_k, qol_k integer :: km1, ic, ic1, l !======================================================================= ic = MINVAL( nc(1:ncmax) ) km1 = k - 1 ic1 = ic + 1 ! --- at cloud base qol_k = MIN( qsat(k) * rhmax, qvap(k) ) ssl(k) = pihalf(k+1) * theta(k) * Cp_Air hol_k = ssl(k) + qol_k * Hl hst(k) = ssl(k) + qsat(k) * Hl zzl = ( pihalf(k+1) - pihalf(k) ) * theta(k) * Cp_Air ! --- between cloud base & cloud top do l = km1,ic1,-1 ssl(l) = zzl + pihalf(l+1) * theta(l) * Cp_Air hst(l) = ssl(l) + qsat(l) * Hl zzl = zzl + ( pihalf(l+1) - pihalf(l) ) * theta(l) * Cp_Air end do ! --- at cloud top ssl(ic) = zzl + pihalf(ic1) * theta(ic) * Cp_Air hst(ic) = ssl(ic) + qsat(ic) * Hl ! --- test exist = hol_k > MINVAL( hst(ic:k) ) !======================================================================= end SUBROUTINE RAS_CLOUD_EXIST !##################################################################### !##################################################################### SUBROUTINE RAS_BDGT ( precip, coldT, dtemp, dqvap, duwnd, dvwnd, & pres_int, dql, dqi) !===================================================================== ! ***** BUDGET CHECK FOR RAS - A DEBUGGING TOOL !===================================================================== !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Arguments (Intent in) ! precip - either rain or snow ! coldT - is the precip snow? ! dtemp - Temperature change ! dqvap - Water vapor change ! duwnd - U wind change ! dvwnd - V wind change ! pres_int - Pressure at layer interface ! dql - OPTIONAL, liquid change ! dqi - OPTIONAL, ice change !--------------------------------------------------------------------- real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: dtemp, dqvap, duwnd, dvwnd, pres_int real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: precip logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:):: coldT real, intent(in), optional, dimension(:,:,:) :: dql, dqi !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! (Intent local) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: imax, jmax, kmax, i, j, k real :: sum_dtemp, sum_dqvap, sum_duwnd, sum_dvwnd real :: dqvap_prec, dqvap_dtemp real , dimension(size(dtemp,1),size(dtemp,2),size(dtemp,3)) :: mass !===================================================================== imax = size ( dtemp, 1 ) jmax = size ( dtemp, 2 ) kmax = size ( dtemp, 3 ) mass(:,:,1:kmax) = pres_int(:,:,2:kmax+1) - pres_int(:,:,1:kmax) mass = mass / Grav do j = 1,jmax do i = 1,imax sum_dtemp = 0. sum_dqvap = 0. sum_duwnd = 0. sum_dvwnd = 0. do k = 1,kmax sum_dtemp = sum_dtemp + dtemp(i,j,k)*mass(i,j,k) sum_dqvap = sum_dqvap + dqvap(i,j,k)*mass(i,j,k) sum_duwnd = sum_duwnd + duwnd(i,j,k)*mass(i,j,k) sum_dvwnd = sum_dvwnd + dvwnd(i,j,k)*mass(i,j,k) end do dqvap_prec = sum_dqvap + precip(i,j) if (present(dql)) then do k = 1,kmax dqvap_prec = dqvap_prec + (dql(i,j,k)+dqi(i,j,k))*mass(i,j,k) end do end if if (coldT(i,j)) then dqvap_dtemp = sum_dqvap + Cp_Air*sum_dtemp/HLs else dqvap_dtemp = sum_dqvap + Cp_Air*sum_dtemp/HLv end if if ( ( abs( dqvap_prec ) > 1.0E-4 ) .or. & ( abs( dqvap_dtemp ) > 1.0E-4 ) .or. & ( abs( sum_duwnd ) > 1.0E-1 ) .or. & ( abs( sum_dvwnd ) > 1.0E-1 ) ) then print * print *, ' RAS BUDGET CHECK AT i,j = ', i,j print *, ' dqvap + (Cp_Air/hl)*dtemp = ', dqvap_dtemp print *, ' dqvap + precip = ', dqvap_prec print *, ' duwnd = ', sum_duwnd print *, ' dvwnd = ', sum_dvwnd print *, 'STOP' ! STOP CALL ERROR_MESG( 'RAS_BDGT', 'RAS budget thresholds exceeded.', FATAL ) endif end do end do !===================================================================== end SUBROUTINE RAS_BDGT !####################################################################### !####################################################################### FUNCTION ran0(idum) ! $Id: ras.F90,v 2009/08/31 17:08:40 wfc Exp $ ! Platform independent random number generator from ! Numerical Recipies ! Mark Webb July 1999 REAL :: ran0 INTEGER, INTENT (INOUT) :: idum INTEGER :: IA,IM,IQ,IR,k REAL :: AM IA=16807; IM=2147483647; AM=1.0/IM; IQ=127773; IR=2836 if (idum.eq.0) then CALL ERROR_MESG( 'ran0', 'idum=0, ZERO seed not allowed.', FATAL ) endif k=idum/IQ idum=ia*(idum-k*iq)-ir*k if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+im ran0=am*idum END FUNCTION ran0 !####################################################################### !####################################################################### end MODULE RAS_MOD