call ras_init (axes, Time )
axes Axes for diagnostics
[integer, dimension(4) ]
Time Time used for diagnostics
call ras( is, js, Time, temp0, qvap0, &
uwnd0, vwnd0, pres0, pres0_int, coldT0, &
dtime, dtemp0, dqvap0, duwnd0, dvwnd0, &
rain0, snow0, kbot, ql0, qi0, &
qa0, mc0, Dl0, Di0, Da0 )
is, js Starting indices for window
Time Time used for diagnostics
temp0 Temperature [deg k] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
qvap0 Specific humidity of water vapor [kg/kg] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
uwnd0 Zonal wind component [m/s] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
vwnd0 Meridional wind component [m/s] at full model levels,
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
pres0 Pressure at full levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
pres0_int Pressure at half levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
coldT0 Should the precipitation assume to be frozen?
[logical, dimension(nlon,nlat)]
dtime Time step in seconds.
dtemp0 Temperature tendency [deg k/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
dqvap0 Specific humidity of water vapor tendency [1/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
duwnd0 Zonal wind component tendency [m/s/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
dvwnd0 Meridional wind component tendency [m/s/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
rain0 Liquid precipitation (rain) in kg/m2
[real, dimension(:,:)]
snow0 Frozen precipitation (snow) in kg/m2
[real, dimension(:,:)]
input (optional) - for use with the step-mountain (eta) vertical coordinate
kbot Index of the lowest model level
[integer, dimension(:,:)]
input (optional) - for use with prognostic stratiform cloud module
ql0 Cloud liquid [kg/kg]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
qi0 Cloud ice [kg/kg]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
qa0 Cloud/saturated volume fraction
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
output (optional)
mc0 Cumulus mass flux (for diagnostic purposes)
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
Dl0 Cloud liquid change (for use with prognostic stratiform cloud module)
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
Di0 Cloud ice change (for use with prognostic stratiform cloud module)
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
Da0 Cloud fraction change (for use with prognostic stratiform cloud module)
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
call ras_bdgt ( precip, coldT, dtemp, dqvap, duwnd, dvwnd,
pres_int, dql, dqi )
precip Liquid precipitation (rain) in kg/m2
[real, dimension(:,:)]
coldT Should the precipitation assume to be frozen?
[logical, dimension(:,:)]
dtemp Temperature tendency [deg k/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
dqvap Specific humidity of water vapor tendency [1/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
duwnd Zonal wind component tendency [m/s/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
dvwnd Meridional wind component tendency [m/s/time step]
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
pres_int Pressure at half levels in pascals
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev+1)]
input (optional)
dql Cloud liquid change
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
dqi Cloud ice change
[real, dimension(:,:,nlev)]
* The optional arguments qldt and qidt must be supplied if
strat_cloud is running to get the actual moisture budget.
fracs Fraction of PBL mass allowed to be used
by a cloud-type in time DT
[real, default: fracs = 0.25 ]
rasal0 Base value for cloud type relaxation parameter
[real, default: rasal0 = 0.25 ]
puplim Upper limit for cloud tops of deepest clouds
[real, default: puplim = 20.0E2 Pascals]
aratio Ratio of critical cloud work function to standard
value of cloud work function
[real, default: aratio = 1.4 ]
cufric Should Cumulus friction (momentum transport) occur?
[logical, default: cufric = .false. ]
rh_trig Convection takes place only if the relative humidity
of the lowest model level exceeds rh_trig
[real, default: rh_trig = 0.0 ]
alm_min Min value for entrainment parameter.
[real, default: alm_min = 0.0 ]
Tokioka_on If true, alm_min computed using Tokioka formulation
[logical, default: Tokioka_on = .false. ]
Tokioka_con Constant for alm_min computed using Tokioka formulation
[real, default: Tokioka_con = 0.05 ]
Tokioka_plim Tokioka applied only to clouds detraining above Tokioka_plim
[real, default: Tokioka_plim = 500.0E2 ]
modify_pbl If true, mass flux in sub cloud layer varies linearly
between value at cloud base and zero at surface, and
tendencies are spread out throughout the entire sub cloud layer.
[logical, default: modify_pbl = .false. ]
--- Evaporation of convective scale precip
evap_on Turn on evaporation if true
[logical, default: evap_on = .true. ]
cfrac Fraction of grid box assumed to be covered by convection
[real, default: cfrac = 0.05 ]
hcevap Evap allowed while q <= hcevap * qsat
[real, default: hcevap = 0.80 ]
--- Partitioning of cloud liquid water into precip, detrained vapor & liquid
rn_ptop rn_frac_top of parcel liquid water converted to precip
for cloud top pressures above rn_ptop
[real, default: rn_ptop = 500.0E2 Pascals]
rn_pbot rn_frac_bot of parcel liquid water converted to precip
for cloud top pressures below rn_pbot
(linear profile in between)
[real, default: rn_pbot = 800.0E2 Pascals]
rn_frac_bot Fraction of parcel liquid water converted to
precip for cloud top pressures below rn_pbot
[real, default: rn_frac_bot = 0.8 ]
rn_frac_top Fraction of liquid water converted to
precip for cloud top pressures above rn_ptop
[real, default: rn_frac_top = 1.0 ]
--- Cloud order specification
ncrnd Number of random cloud-types between krmin and krmax
to be invoked in a single call to ras
[integer, default: ncrnd = 0 ]
iseed Integer seed used in generating random numbers
-- used only when ncrnd > 0
[integer, default: iseed = 123 ]
krmin Index of the top most level to which random clouds may
be invoked
[integer, default: krmin = 2 ]
krmax Index of the bottom most level to which random clouds
may be invoked. krmin should be <= krmax.
If ncrnd is specified as zero, then all cloud-types
below the level krmax will be called sequentially.
[integer, default: krmax = 2 ]
botop A logical variable -- .true. if sequential clouds are
called from bottom to top and .false. if top to bottom.
Level krmax will be called sequentially.
[logical, default: botop = .true. ]
* For parameters listed in the "Cloud order specification" section above,
very limited testing has been done with values other than the defaults.
* Diagnostics of RAS are controlled by the namelist to moist_processes