!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
!! !!
!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
!! !!
!! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !!
!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
!! !!
!! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !!
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !!
!! GNU General Public License for more details. !!
!! !!
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !!
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!! !!
module aerosol_mod
! fil
! smf
! Code to initialize/allocate aerosol climatology
! This code initializes prescribed aerosol climatology from input file,
! allocates necessary memory space and interpolate the aerosol climatology
! to the model specification. Afterwards the memory space is deallocated,
! the aerosol climatology information is freed.
! shared modules:
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, time_manager_init, operator(+),&
set_date, operator(-), print_date, &
assignment(=), &
set_time, days_in_month, get_date, &
operator(>), operator(/=)
use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, get_base_time, &
send_data, register_diag_field, &
use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS
use tracer_manager_mod,only: get_tracer_index, &
get_tracer_names, &
get_tracer_indices, &
get_number_tracers, &
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, fms_init, &
mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, stdlog, &
file_exist, write_version_number, &
check_nml_error, error_mesg, &
FATAL, NOTE, WARNING, close_file
use interpolator_mod, only: interpolate_type, interpolator_init, &
interpolator, interpolator_end, &
obtain_interpolator_time_slices, &
unset_interpolator_time_flag, &
use mpp_io_mod, only: mpp_open, mpp_close, MPP_RDONLY, &
MPP_SINGLE, mpp_io_init
use constants_mod, only: constants_init, RADIAN, GRAV
! shared radiation package modules:
use rad_utilities_mod, only : aerosol_type, rad_utilities_init, &
get_radiative_param, &
implicit none
! aersosol_mod provides aerosol information that is needed by a
! model physics package. the initial use of aerosol_mod was to
! provide climatological aerosol fields to the model radiation
! package for use in calculating radiative fluxes and heating rates;
! with the introduction of predicted aerosols as members of the
! model's tracer array, aerosol_mod became the mechanism to collect
! and bundle those tracers which were to be seen as aerosol by the
! radiation code. the introduction of the treatment of aerosol
! impacts on cloud properties (aerosol indirect effect) required that
! aerosol_mod be modified to provide needed aerosol information to
! routines involved with cloud calculation.
!----------- version number for this module -------------------
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: aerosol.F90,v 2009/10/09 20:12:36 wfc Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
!------ interfaces -------
public &
aerosol_init, aerosol_driver, aerosol_end, &
aerosol_time_vary, aerosol_endts, aerosol_dealloc
!private &
!------ namelist ------
character(len=32) :: &
aerosol_data_source = 'climatology'
! source of aerosol data, either
! 'climatology' file (default) or
! single column 'input' file or
! calculate a column for location and
! time specified ('calculate_column')
! or 'predicted' (calculated online)
integer, parameter :: &
MAX_DATA_FIELDS = 100 ! maximum number of aerosol species
integer, parameter :: &
MAX_AEROSOL_FAMILIES = 12 ! maximum number of aerosol families
character(len=64) :: &
data_names(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) = ' '
! names of active aerosol species
character(len=64) :: &
filename = ' ' ! name of netcdf file containing
! aerosol species to be activated
character(len=64) :: &
family_names(MAX_AEROSOL_FAMILIES) = ' '
! names of active aerosol families
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family1 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 1 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family2 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 2 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family3 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 3 ?
logical,dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family4 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 4 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family5 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 5 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family6 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 6 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family7 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 7 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family8 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 8 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family9 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 9 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family10 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 10 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family11 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 11 ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: in_family12 = .false.
! aerosol n is in family 12 ?
logical :: use_aerosol_timeseries = .false.
! use a timeseries providing inter-
! annual aerosol variation ?
logical, dimension(MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: time_varying_species = .true.
! this aerosol species is
! time-varying ?
integer, dimension(6,MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: aerosol_dataset_entry = 1
! time in aerosol data set corresponding to model
! initial time (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc)
logical, dimension(MAX_AEROSOL_FAMILIES) :: &
volc_in_fam_col_opt_depth = .false.
! is the volcanic contribution to column optical
! depth to be included for this family in the
! netcdf output fields ?
real,dimension(2) :: lonb_col = (/-999., -999./)
! longitudes defining the region to use for column
! data calculation
real,dimension(2) :: latb_col = (/-999., -999./)
! latitudes defining the region to use for column
! data calculation
integer, dimension(6) :: time_col = (/0,0,0,0,0,0/)
! time to use for column data calculation
namelist /aerosol_nml/ &
aerosol_data_source, &
lonb_col, latb_col, time_col, &
data_names, filename, &
family_names, &
use_aerosol_timeseries, &
time_varying_species, &
aerosol_dataset_entry, &
in_family1, in_family2, in_family3, &
in_family4, in_family5, in_family6, &
in_family7, in_family8, in_family9, &
in_family10, in_family11, in_family12, &
!---- public data ----
!---- private data ----
! specified_aerosol contains the column input aerosol concentration
! ratio (kg/m**2). used when aerosol_data_source = 'input'.
real, dimension (:), allocatable :: specified_aerosol
! the following is an interpolate_type variable containing the
! information about the aerosol species.
type(interpolate_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: Aerosol_interp
! miscellaneous variables
logical :: make_separate_calls=.false. ! aerosol interpolation
! to be done one at a
! time
type(time_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
Aerosol_time ! time for which data is
! obtained from aerosol
! timeseries
logical :: do_column_aerosol = .false. ! using single column aero-
! sol data ?
logical :: do_predicted_aerosol = .false. ! using predicted aerosol fields?
logical :: do_specified_aerosol = .false. ! using specified aerosol fields
! from a timeseries file?
integer :: nfields=0 ! number of active aerosol
! species
integer :: nfamilies=0 ! number of active aerosol
! families
logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. ! module has been
! initialized ?
type(time_type) :: Model_init_time ! initial calendar time for model
! [ time_type ]
type(time_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
Aerosol_offset ! difference between model initial
! time and aerosol timeseries app-
! lied at model initial time
! [ time_type ]
type(time_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
Aerosol_entry ! time in aerosol timeseries which
! is mapped to model initial time
! [ time_type ]
type(time_type) :: &
Aerosol_column_time ! time for which aerosol data is
! extracted from aerosol timeseries
! in 'calculate_columns' case
! [ time_type ]
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: &
! the model initial time is later
! than the aerosol_dataset_entry
! time ?
integer , dimension(:), allocatable :: data_out_of_bounds, vert_interp
logical, dimension(:), allocatable :: using_fixed_year_data
! are we using a fixed year
! of data from a timeseries file ?
integer, dimension (MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: aerosol_tracer_index
! tracer index for each of the
! prognostic tracer to be seen as
! aerosols by the radiation package
real, dimension (MAX_DATA_FIELDS) :: aerosol_tracer_scale_factor
! scaling factor for each of the
! prognostic tracer to be seen as
! aerosols by the radiation package
! Subroutine to initialize/interpolate prescribed aerosol climatology
! Subroutine to initialize/interpolate prescribed aerosol climatology
! call aerosol_init(lonb, latb, aerosol_names)
! 2d array of model longitudes on cell corners in [radians]
! 2d array of model latitudes on cell corners in [radians]
! names of the activated aerosol species
subroutine aerosol_init (lonb, latb, aerosol_names, &
! aerosol_init is the constructor for aerosol_mod.
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lonb,latb
character(len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: aerosol_names
character(len=64), dimension(:), pointer :: aerosol_family_names
! intent(in) variables:
! lonb 2d array of model longitudes on cell corners
! [ radians ]
! latb 2d array of model latitudes at cell corners
! [ radians ]
! pointer variables:
! aerosol_names names of the activated aerosol species
! aerosol_family_names names of the activated aerosol families
! local variables:
character(len=64) :: data_names_predicted (MAX_DATA_FIELDS) = ' '
! predicted aerosol names to be
! seen by radiation code
logical :: flag,rad_forc_online, single_year_file
character(len=80) ::tr_rad_name, tr_clim_name
character(len=80) :: name,control
real ::tr_rad_scale_factor
integer :: unit, ierr, io, logunit
integer :: ntrace
integer :: n
! local variables:
! unit io unit number used to read namelist file
! ierr error code
! io error status returned from io operation
! n do-loop index
! if routine has already been executed, exit.
if (module_is_initialized) return
! verify that modules used by this module that are not called later
! have already been initialized.
call mpp_io_init
call fms_init
call diag_manager_init
call rad_utilities_init
call time_manager_init
call constants_init
! read namelist.
if ( file_exist('input.nml')) then
unit = open_namelist_file ( )
ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0)
read (unit, nml=aerosol_nml, iostat=io, &
ierr = check_nml_error(io,'aerosol_nml')
end do
10 call close_file (unit)
! write version number and namelist to logfile.
call write_version_number (version, tagname)
logunit = stdlog()
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) &
write (logunit, nml=aerosol_nml)
! case of single input aerosol field. when running standalone code
! on other than FMS level structure, aerosol_data_source must be
! 'input'.
if (trim(aerosol_data_source)== 'input') then
do_column_aerosol = .true.
call obtain_input_file_data
nfields = 1
allocate (aerosol_names(nfields))
aerosol_names (1) = 'total_aerosol'
! case of predicted aerosols.
else if (trim(aerosol_data_source) == 'predicted') then
do_predicted_aerosol = .true.
! count number of activated aerosol species, which will be carried
! in the model as tracers with an attribute of 'radiative_param'.
! define the names associated with these aerosols.
call get_number_tracers(MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers= ntrace)
do n = 1, ntrace
flag = query_method ('radiative_param', MODEL_ATMOS, &
n, name, control)
if (flag) then
call get_radiative_param(name,control,rad_forc_online, &
tr_rad_name, tr_clim_name, &
if (rad_forc_online) then
nfields = nfields +1
aerosol_tracer_index(nfields) = n
data_names_predicted(nfields) = trim(tr_rad_name)
! data_names(nfields) = trim(tr_clim_name)
data_names(nfields) = trim(tr_rad_name)
aerosol_tracer_scale_factor(nfields) = tr_rad_scale_factor
end do
! allocate and fill pointer arrays to return the names of the activ-
! ated species and any activated families to the calling routine.
allocate (aerosol_names(nfields))
aerosol_names(:) = data_names_predicted(1:nfields)
! case of 'climatology' and 'calculate_column' aerosol data source.
else ! (trim(aerosol_data_source) == 'input')
do_specified_aerosol = .true.
! determine how many aerosols in the file are activated.
if (data_names(n) /= ' ' ) then
nfields = n
end do
! check for case of inconsistent nml specification -- case of re-
! questing time-varying aerosol for a given aerosol, but indicating
! that the time series is not to be used. in this case, a note will
! be written to stdout indicating that the aerosol species will not
! be time-varying. this is needed because the default nml settings
! are defined so as to allow backward compatibility with existing
! code and script settings, and lead to this conflict.
do n=1, nfields
if (.not. use_aerosol_timeseries) then
if (time_varying_species(n)) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'inconsistent nml settings -- not using aerosol &
×eries but requesting interannual variation of &
& aerosol amount for ' // trim (data_names(n)) // &
' -- this aerosol will NOT exhibit interannual &
&variation', NOTE)
time_varying_species(n) = .false.
end do
! allocate and fill pointer arrays to return the names of the activ-
! ated species and any activated families to the calling routine.
allocate (aerosol_names(nfields))
aerosol_names (:) = data_names(1:nfields)
! allocate and initialize module variables.
allocate (Aerosol_offset(nfields), Aerosol_entry(nfields), &
negative_offset(nfields), using_fixed_year_data(nfields))
Aerosol_offset = set_time (0,0)
Aerosol_entry = set_time (0,0)
negative_offset = .false.
using_fixed_year_data = .false.
! define the model base time (defined in diag_table)
Model_init_time = get_base_time()
! define the array using_fixed_year_data. it will be .true. for a
! given aerosol species if the nml variable use_aerosol_timeseries
! is .true., and the nml variable time_varying_species for that
! aerosol is .false., or if use_aerosol_timeseries is .false but a
! non-default aerosol_dataset_entry has been specified; otherwise it
! will be .false..
do n=1,nfields
if (use_aerosol_timeseries) then
if (time_varying_species(n)) then
using_fixed_year_data(n) = .false.
using_fixed_year_data(n) = .true.
! if no dataset entry point is supplied when an aerosol timeseries
! file is being used, define the entry point as the model base time.
if (aerosol_dataset_entry(1,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(2,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(3,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(4,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(5,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(6,n) == 1 ) then
Aerosol_entry(n) = Model_init_time
! if a dataset entry time is defined, compute the offset from model
! base time to aerosol_dataset_entry as a time_type variable.
Aerosol_entry(n) = set_date (aerosol_dataset_entry(1,n), &
aerosol_dataset_entry(2,n), &
aerosol_dataset_entry(3,n), &
aerosol_dataset_entry(4,n), &
aerosol_dataset_entry(5,n), &
! indicate that aerosol species n will be defined from the timeseries
! file, and the relationship of the timeseries to the model calendar.
call error_mesg ( 'aerosol_mod', &
trim(aerosol_names(n)), NOTE)
call print_date (Aerosol_entry(n) , &
str= ' Data from aerosol timeseries at time: ')
call print_date (Model_init_time , str=' This data is &
&mapped to model time:')
! indicate whether a single year of the aerosol climatology will be
! repeated throughout the model run, or if the aerosol time behavior
! will show interannual changes.
if (using_fixed_year_data(n)) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'This annual cycle will be used every model year &
& -- no interannual variation for ' &
// trim(aerosol_names(n)), NOTE)
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
trim(aerosol_names(n)) // &
' will exhibit interannual variation as defined &
& in the climatology file ', NOTE)
! define the offset between the aerosol timeseries and the model
! calendar, and whether this is a positive or negative offset.
Aerosol_offset(n) = Aerosol_entry(n) - Model_init_time
if (Model_init_time > Aerosol_entry(n)) then
negative_offset(n) = .true.
negative_offset(n) = .false.
! if use_aerosol_timeseries is .false., then either data from a
! single year defined in a timeseries file is to be used throughout
! the model integration, or a non-specific single-year aerosol
! climatology file is to be used.
! if no dataset entry has been specified, then a non-specific single
! year climatology file is being used. set the variable
! using_fixed_year_data to be .false.. output a descriptive message
! to stdout.
if (aerosol_dataset_entry(1,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(2,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(3,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(4,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(5,n) == 1 .and. &
aerosol_dataset_entry(6,n) == 1 ) then
using_fixed_year_data(n) = .false.
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
print *, 'Aerosol data for ', trim(aerosol_names(n)), &
' obtained from single year climatology file '
! if a year has been specified for the dataset entry, then the data
! will be coming from an aerosol timeseries file, but the same annual
! aerosol variation will be used for each model year. set the var-
! iable using_fixed_year_data to be .true.. define Aerosol_entry as
! feb 01 of the year given by the first element of nml variable
! aerosol_dataset_entry. output a descriptive message to stdout.
using_fixed_year_data(n) = .true.
Aerosol_entry(n) = set_date (aerosol_dataset_entry(1,n), &
2, 1, 0, 0, 0)
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'Aerosol data is defined from a single annual cycle &
&for ' // trim(aerosol_names(n)) // &
&' - no interannual variation', NOTE)
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
print *, 'Aerosol data for ', trim(aerosol_names(n)), &
' obtained from aerosol timeseries &
&for year:', aerosol_dataset_entry(1,n)
end do
! count number of activated aerosol families. allocate a pointer
! array to return the names of the activated species to the calling
! routine.
! if (family_names(n) /= ' ' ) then
! nfamilies = n
! else
! exit
! endif
! end do
! allocate and initialize variables needed for interpolator_mod if
! any aerosol species have been activated.
allocate (data_out_of_bounds(nfields))
allocate (vert_interp (nfields))
data_out_of_bounds = CONSTANT
vert_interp = INTERP_WEIGHTED_P
! determine if separate calls to interpolator must be made for
! each aerosol species, or if all variables in the file may be
! interpolated together. reasons for separate calls include differ-
! ent data times desired for different aerosols, different vertical
! interpolation procedures and different treatment of undefined
! data.
do n=2,nfields
if (time_varying_species(n) .and. &
(.not. time_varying_species(n-1) ) ) then
make_separate_calls = .true.
if (using_fixed_year_data(n) .and. &
(.not. using_fixed_year_data(n-1) ) ) then
make_separate_calls = .true.
if (Aerosol_entry(n) /= Aerosol_entry(n-1)) then
make_separate_calls = .true.
if (data_out_of_bounds(n) /= data_out_of_bounds(n-1)) then
make_separate_calls = .true.
if (vert_interp (n) /= vert_interp (n-1)) then
make_separate_calls = .true.
end do
if (make_separate_calls) then
allocate (Aerosol_interp(nfields))
allocate (Aerosol_time (nfields))
allocate (Aerosol_interp(1))
allocate (Aerosol_time (1))
! determine if the aerosol_data_source is specified as
! 'calculate_column'.
if (trim(aerosol_data_source) == 'calculate_column') then
! if the aerosol_data_source is specified as 'calculate_column', then
! the aerosol fields will be obtained by averaging the aerosol fields
! in the climatology over a specified latitude-longitude section at
! a specified calendar time, and this profile will be used in all
! model columns. make sure the specified lats / lons / time are
! valid.
do n=1,2
if (lonb_col(n) < 0. .or. lonb_col(n) > 360.) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
' invalid value for lonb_col', FATAL)
if (latb_col(n) < -90. .or. latb_col(n) > 90.) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
' invalid value for latb_col', FATAL)
end do
if (time_col(1) == 0) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'invalid time specified for time_col', FATAL)
if (.not. use_aerosol_timeseries) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'must use_aerosol_timeseries when calculate_column is .true.', FATAL)
if (any(time_varying_species(1:nfields))) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'aerosol values must be fixed in time when &
&calculate_column is .true.', FATAL)
! call interpolator_init to begin processing the aerosol climat-
! ology file. define the valid time as a time_type, and output
! informative messages.
if (make_separate_calls) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'make_separate_calls not allowed for calculate_column', FATAL)
call interpolator_init (Aerosol_interp(1) , filename, &
spread(lonb_col/RADIAN,2,2), &
data_names(:nfields), &
data_out_of_bounds= &
data_out_of_bounds, &
vert_interp=vert_interp, &
single_year_file = single_year_file)
Aerosol_column_time = set_date (time_col(1), time_col(2), &
time_col(3), time_col(4), &
time_col(5), time_col(6))
call print_date (Aerosol_column_time, str= &
' Aerosol data used is from aerosol timeseries at time: ')
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) then
print *, 'Aerosol data is averaged over latitudes', &
latb_col(1), ' to', latb_col(2), ' and longitudes',&
lonb_col(1), ' to', lonb_col(2)
! if 'calculate_column' is .false., then the aerosol fields will have
! the appropriate horizontal variation. call interpolator_init to
! begin processing the aerosol climatology file.
else ! (calculate_column)
if (make_separate_calls) then
do n=1,nfields
call interpolator_init (Aerosol_interp(n), filename, lonb, &
latb, data_names(n:n ), &
data_out_of_bounds= &
data_out_of_bounds(n:n), &
vert_interp=vert_interp(n:n), &
end do
call interpolator_init (Aerosol_interp(1), filename, lonb, &
latb, data_names(:nfields), &
data_out_of_bounds= &
data_out_of_bounds, &
vert_interp=vert_interp, &
endif ! (calculate_column)
! check for compatibility of nml options requested and the aerosol
! data file which was read.
if (single_year_file .and. use_aerosol_timeseries) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'aerosol input file is single-year, yet interannual &
&variation of aerosol is requested', FATAL )
do n=1, nfields
if (.not. use_aerosol_timeseries .and. &
.not. using_fixed_year_data(n) .and. &
.not. single_year_file) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'aerosol input file contains a time-series, yet nml &
&settings indicate that a non-specific single-year &
&climatology is to be used', FATAL)
if (.not. use_aerosol_timeseries .and. &
using_fixed_year_data(n) .and. &
single_year_file) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'aerosol input file is non-specific single-year file, &
&yet nml settings specify that a particular single-year &
&climatology is to be used', FATAL)
end do
endif ! ('aerosol_data_source == 'input')
! count number of activated aerosol families. allocate a pointer
! array to return the names of the activated species to the calling
! routine.
if (family_names(n) /= ' ' ) then
nfamilies = n
end do
! allocate and fill pointer arrays to return the names of any activ-
! ated families to the calling routine.
allocate (aerosol_family_names(nfamilies))
aerosol_family_names (:) = family_names(1:nfamilies)
! mark the module as initialized.
module_is_initialized = .true.
end subroutine aerosol_init
subroutine aerosol_time_vary (model_time)
! subroutine aerosol_time_vary makes sure the aerosol interpolate_type
! variable has access to the proper time levels of data in the aerosol
type(time_type), intent(in) :: model_time
integer :: n
! be sure the proper time levels are in memory for the aerosol timeseries.
if ( do_specified_aerosol) then
if (make_separate_calls) then
! if separate calls are required for each aerosol species, loop over
! the individual species.
do n=1,nfields
! if the data timeseries is to be used for species n, define the
! time for which data is desired, and then call interpolator to
! verify the time levels bracketing the desired time are available.
if (use_aerosol_timeseries) then
if (time_varying_species(n)) then
! define the Aerosol_time for aerosol n and check for the
! appropriate time slices.
if (negative_offset(n)) then
Aerosol_time(n) = model_time - Aerosol_offset(n)
Aerosol_time(n) = model_time + Aerosol_offset(n)
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(n), &
call set_aerosol_time (model_time, Aerosol_entry(n), &
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(n), &
! if the data timeseries is not to be used for species n, define the
! time for which data is desired, and then call interpolator to
! obtain the data.
else ! (use_aerosol_timeseries)
! if a fixed year has not been specified, obtain data relevant for
! the current model year.
if ( .not. using_fixed_year_data(n)) then
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(n), &
Aerosol_time(n) = model_time
! if a fixed year has been specified, call set_aerosol_time to define
! the Aerosol_time to be used for aerosol n. call interpolator to
! obtain the aerosol values and store the aerosol amounts in
! Aerosol%aerosol.
call set_aerosol_time (model_time, Aerosol_entry(n), &
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(n), &
endif ! (use_aerosol_timeseries)
end do !(nfields)
else ! (make_separate_calls)
! if the data timeseries is to be used for species n, define the
! time for which data is desired.
if (use_aerosol_timeseries) then
if (negative_offset(1)) then
Aerosol_time(1) = model_time - Aerosol_offset(1)
Aerosol_time(1) = model_time + Aerosol_offset(1)
! if 'calculate_column' is being used, be sure the needed time slices
! are in memory.
if (trim(aerosol_data_source) == 'calculate_column') then
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(1), &
! since separate calls are not required, all aerosol species are
! either time_varying or not. be sure the needed time slices are available.
if (time_varying_species(1)) then
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(1), &
call set_aerosol_time (model_time, Aerosol_entry(1), &
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(1), &
endif ! (calculate_column)
! if the data timeseries is not to be used for species n, define the
! time for which data is desired, and verify the presence of the needed
! bracketing time slices.
else ! (use_aerosol_timeseries)
! if a fixed year has not been specified, obtain data relevant for
! the current model year. this data comes from a non-specific single-yr
! climatology file.
if (.not. using_fixed_year_data(1)) then
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(1), &
Aerosol_time(1) = model_time
! if a fixed year has been specified, call set_aerosol_time to define
! the Aerosol_time, then verify the needed time slices are available.
call set_aerosol_time (model_time, Aerosol_entry(1), &
call obtain_interpolator_time_slices (Aerosol_interp(1), &
endif ! (using_fixed_year)
endif ! (use_aerosol_timeseries)
endif ! (make_separate_calls )
endif ! (do_column_aerosol)
end subroutine aerosol_time_vary
subroutine aerosol_endts
integer :: n
do n=1, size(Aerosol_interp,1)
call unset_interpolator_time_flag (Aerosol_interp(n))
end do
end subroutine aerosol_endts
! Interpolate aerosol verical profile based on prescribed aerosol
! climatology input and model set up.
! call aerosol_driver (is, js, model_time, p_half, Aerosol)
! Aerosol climatology input
! The internal model simulation time, i.e. Jan. 1 1982
! 4 dimensional array of tracers, last index is the number of all tracers
! The array of model layer pressure values
! The longitude index of model physics window domain
! The latitude index of model physics window domain
subroutine aerosol_driver (is, js, model_time, tracer, &
p_half, p_flux, Aerosol)
! aerosol_driver returns the names and concentrations of activated
! aerosol species at model grid points at the model_time to the
! calling routine in aerosol_type variable Aerosol.
integer, intent(in) :: is,js
type(time_type), intent(in) :: model_time
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(in) :: tracer
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: p_half, p_flux
type(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: Aerosol
! intent(in) variables:
! is, js starting subdomain i,j indices of data in
! the physics_window being integrated
! model_time time for which aerosol data is desired
! [ time_type ]
! p_half model pressure at interface levels
! [ Pa ]
! intent(inout) variables:
! Aerosol aerosol_type variable. the following components will
! be returned from this routine:
! aerosol concentration of each active aerosol
! species at each model grid point
! [ kg / m**2 ]
! aerosol_names
! names assigned to each active species
! local variables:
real, dimension(1,1, size(p_half,3)-1, &
nfields) :: aerosol_data
real, dimension(1,1, size(p_half,3)) :: p_half_col
logical :: flag, rad_forc_online
integer :: n, k, j, i, na ! do-loop index
integer :: nn, kd
! be sure module has been initialized.
if (.not. module_is_initialized ) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'module has not been initialized',FATAL )
! allocate an array to hold the activated aerosol names. allocate an
! array which defines the members of the requested aerosol families.
! allocate an array to hold the aerosol amounts for each species at
! each grid point.
allocate (Aerosol%aerosol_names (nfields))
allocate (Aerosol%family_members(nfields+1, nfamilies))
allocate (Aerosol%aerosol(size(p_half,1), &
size(p_half,2), &
size(p_half,3) - 1, nfields))
if (do_column_aerosol) then
! here all aerosol is consolidated into a single variable.
Aerosol%aerosol_names(1) = 'total_aerosol'
do k=1, size(Aerosol%aerosol,3)
Aerosol%aerosol(:,:,k,1) = specified_aerosol(k)
end do
! define an array to hold the activated aerosol names.
Aerosol%aerosol_names = data_names(:nfields)
! define an array which defines the members of the requested aerosol
! families.
if (nfamilies > 0) then
do n=1,nfamilies
do na = 1, nfields
select case(n)
case (1)
Aerosol%family_members(na,1) = in_family1(na)
case (2)
Aerosol%family_members(na,2) = in_family2(na)
case (3)
Aerosol%family_members(na,3) = in_family3(na)
case (4)
Aerosol%family_members(na,4) = in_family4(na)
case (5)
Aerosol%family_members(na,5) = in_family5(na)
case (6)
Aerosol%family_members(na,6) = in_family6(na)
case (7)
Aerosol%family_members(na,7) = in_family7(na)
case (8)
Aerosol%family_members(na,8) = in_family8(na)
case (9)
Aerosol%family_members(na,9) = in_family9(na)
case (10)
Aerosol%family_members(na,10) = in_family10(na)
case (11)
Aerosol%family_members(na,11) = in_family11(na)
case (12)
Aerosol%family_members(na,12) = in_family12(na)
end select
end do
if (volc_in_fam_col_opt_depth(n)) then
Aerosol%family_members(nfields+1,n) = .true.
Aerosol%family_members(nfields+1,n) = .false.
end do
if ( do_specified_aerosol) then
! if 'calculate_column' is being used, obtain the aerosol values for
! each column, one at a time, using the pressure profile for that
! column. this allows each column to see the same aerosol fields,
! but distributed appropriately for its pressure structure.
if (trim(aerosol_data_source) == 'calculate_column') then
do j=1, size(p_half,2)
do i=1, size(p_half,1)
p_half_col(1,1,:) = p_flux(i,j,:)
call interpolator (Aerosol_interp(1),&
Aerosol_column_time, &
p_half_col, aerosol_data, &
Aerosol%aerosol_names(1), 1, 1 )
Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,:,:) = aerosol_data(1,1,:,:)
end do
end do
! if separate calls are required for each aerosol species, loop over
! the individual species.
if (make_separate_calls) then
do n=1,nfields
call interpolator (Aerosol_interp(n), Aerosol_time(n), &
p_flux, &
Aerosol%aerosol(:,:,:,n), &
Aerosol%aerosol_names(n), is, js)
end do !(nfields)
! if separate calls are not required, use the first aerosol char-
! acteristics to define Aerosol_time and make a single call to
! interpolator. store the aerosol amounts in Aerosol%aerosol.
call interpolator (Aerosol_interp(1), Aerosol_time(1), &
p_flux, &
Aerosol%aerosol, &
Aerosol%aerosol_names(1), is, js)
endif ! (calculate_column)
! for predicted aerosols (obtained from tracer array), assign the
! tracer to "Aerosol" if that TRACER has "radiative_param" and
! "online", both defined in the field_table.
! ***********************WARNINGS**************************************
! the tracers are assumed to be expressed in Mass Mixing Ratio (MMR),
! and are converted into mass column for the radiative code.
! Conversions (e.g. OC -> OM, or SO4 -> (NH4)2SO4 ) can be done
! via radiative_param attribute scale_factor (in field_table).
else ! (do_specified_aerosol')
do nn=1,nfields
n = aerosol_tracer_index(nn)
do k=1,size(Aerosol%aerosol,3)
do j=1,size(Aerosol%aerosol,2)
do i=1,size(Aerosol%aerosol,1)
Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,nn) = &
MAX (0.0, tracer(i,j,k,n)) * &
aerosol_tracer_scale_factor(nn) * &
( p_half(i,j,k+1)-p_half(i,j,k) )/GRAV
end do
end do
end do
end do
endif ! (do_specified_aerosol')
endif ! (do_column_aerosol)
end subroutine aerosol_driver
! aerosol_end is the destructor for aerosol_mod.
! aerosol_end is the destructor for aerosol_mod.
! call aerosol_end
subroutine aerosol_end
! aerosol_end is the destructor for aerosol_mod.
integer :: n
! be sure module has been initialized.
if (.not. module_is_initialized ) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'module has not been initialized',FATAL )
! call interpolator_end to release the interpolate_type variable
! used in this module.
if (do_specified_aerosol) then
if (nfields > 0) then
do n=1, size(Aerosol_interp,1)
call interpolator_end (Aerosol_interp(n))
end do
deallocate (Aerosol_time)
if (allocated (specified_aerosol)) deallocate (specified_aerosol)
if (allocated (Aerosol_offset )) deallocate (Aerosol_offset )
if (allocated (Aerosol_entry )) deallocate (Aerosol_entry )
if (allocated (negative_offset )) deallocate (negative_offset )
if (allocated (data_out_of_bounds)) &
deallocate (data_out_of_bounds )
if (allocated (vert_interp )) deallocate (vert_interp )
if (allocated (using_fixed_year_data)) &
deallocate (using_fixed_year_data)
! mark the module as uninitialized.
module_is_initialized = .false.
end subroutine aerosol_end
subroutine set_aerosol_time (Model_time, Entry, Aerosol_time)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Model_time, Entry
type(time_type), intent(out) :: Aerosol_time
integer :: mo_yr, yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc, dum, dayspmn
call get_date (Model_time, mo_yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc)
call get_date (Entry, yr, dum,dum,dum,dum,dum)
if (mo ==2 .and. dy == 29) then
dayspmn = days_in_month(Entry)
if (dayspmn /= 29) then
Aerosol_time = set_date (yr, mo, dy-1, hr, mn, sc)
Aerosol_time = set_date (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc)
Aerosol_time = set_date (yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, sc)
end subroutine set_aerosol_time
! aerosol_dealloc deallocates the array components of an
! aersol_type derived type variable.
! aerosol_dealloc deallocates the array components of an
! aersol_type derived type variable.
! call aerosol_dealloc
subroutine aerosol_dealloc (Aerosol)
! aerosol_dealloc deallocates the array components of an
! aersol_type derived type variable.
type(aerosol_type), intent(inout) :: Aerosol
! intent(inout) variables:
! Aerosol aerosol_type variable containing information on
! the activated aerosol species
! be sure module has been initialized.
if (.not. module_is_initialized ) then
call error_mesg ('aerosol_mod', &
'module has not been initialized',FATAL )
! deallocate the components of the aerosol_type variable.
deallocate (Aerosol%aerosol)
deallocate (Aerosol%aerosol_names)
deallocate (Aerosol%family_members)
end subroutine aerosol_dealloc
! obtain_input_file_data reads an input file containing a single
! column aerosol profile.
! obtain_input_file_data reads an input file containing a single
! column aerosol profile.
! call obtain_input_file_data
subroutine obtain_input_file_data
! obtain_input_file_data reads an input file containing a single
! column aerosol profile.
! local variables:
integer :: iounit ! unit to read file on
integer :: kmax_file ! number of levels of data in file
integer :: k ! do-loop index
character(len=31), dimension(200) :: dimnam
integer(kind=4), dimension(200) :: dimsiz
integer(kind=4) :: ncid, rcode, nvars, ndims, &
ngatts, recdim
integer :: i, j
integer, PARAMETER :: MAXDIMS = 10
integer(kind=4), dimension(MAXDIMS) :: start, count, vdims
integer(kind=4) :: ivarid, ntp, nvdim, nvs, &
character(len=31) dummy
! determine if a netcdf input data file exists. if so, read the
! number of data records in the file.
if (file_exist ( 'INPUT/id1aero.nc') ) then
ncid = ncopn ('INPUT/id1aero.nc', 0, rcode)
call ncinq (ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, recdim, rcode)
do i=1,ndims
call ncdinq (ncid, i, dimnam(i), dimsiz(i), rcode)
if (dimnam(i) == 'lev') then
kmax_file = dimsiz(i)
end do
! allocate space for the input data. read the data set. close the
! file upon completion.
allocate (specified_aerosol(kmax_file) )
ivarid = ncvid(ncid, 'aerosol', rcode)
call ncvinq (ncid, ivarid, dummy, ntp, nvdim, vdims, nvs, rcode)
do j=1,nvdim
call ncdinq (ncid, vdims(j), dummy, ndsize, rcode)
start(j) = 1
count(j) = ndsize
end do
call ncvgt (ncid, ivarid, start, count, specified_aerosol, rcode)
call ncclos (ncid, rcode)
! determine if the input data input file exists in ascii format. if
! so, read the number of data records in the file.
else if (file_exist ( 'INPUT/id1aero') ) then
iounit = open_namelist_file ('INPUT/id1aero')
read (iounit,FMT = '(i4)') kmax_file
! allocate space for the input data. read the data set. close the
! file upon completion.
allocate (specified_aerosol(kmax_file) )
read (iounit,FMT = '(5e18.10)') &
call close_file (iounit)
! if file is not present, write an error message.
call error_mesg ( 'aerosol_mod', &
'desired aerosol input file is not present',FATAL)
end subroutine obtain_input_file_data
end module aerosol_mod
#ifdef test_aerosol
program main
use aerosol_mod
use mpp_mod
use mpp_io_mod
use mpp_domains_mod
use time_manager_mod
use diag_manager_mod
use rad_utilities_mod
implicit none
! ... Local variables
integer, parameter :: NLON=20, NLAT=10,NLEV=8
integer, parameter :: MAX_AERSOL_NAMES = 100
real :: latb(NLON+1,NLAT+1),lonb(NLON+1,NLAT+1),pi,phalf(NLON,NLAT,NLEV+1)
integer :: i,nspecies
type(time_type) :: model_time
character(len=64), dimension(MAX_AEROSOL_NAMES) :: names
type(aerosol_type) :: Aerosol
pi = 4.*atan(1.)
call mpp_init
call mpp_io_init
call mpp_domains_init
call diag_manager_init
call set_calendar_type(JULIAN)
do i = 1,NLAT+1
latb(:,i) = -90. + 180.*REAL(i-1)/REAL(NLAT)
end do
do i = 1,NLON+1
lonb(i,:) = -180. + 360.*REAL(i-1)/REAL(NLON)
end do
latb(:,:) = latb(:,:) * pi/180.
lonb(:,:) = lonb(:,:) * pi/180.
do i = 1,NLEV+1
phalf(:,:,i) = 101325. * REAL(i-1) / REAL(NLEV)
end do
model_time = set_date(1980,1,1,0,0,0)
call aerosol_init (lonb, latb, names)
call aerosol_driver (1,1,model_time, phalf, Aerosol)
call aerosol_dealloc (Aerosol)
call aerosol_end
call mpp_exit
end program main