This code supplies mass mixing ratios of ozone (g/g) to the sea_esf_rad radiation_package (and the original_fms_rad package).
call ozone_init (latb, lonb)
latb | array of model latitudes at cell boundaries [radians] [real] |
lonb | array of model longitudes at cell boundaries [radians] [real] |
call ozone_driver (is, ie, js, je, lat, Rad_time, Atmos_input, & Rad_gases )
is,ie,js,je | starting/ending subdomain i,j indices of data in
the physics_window being integrated [integer] |
lat | latitude of model points [ radians ] [real] |
Rad_time | time at which the climatologically-determined,
time-varying ozone field should apply [time_type] |
Atmos_input | atmos_input_type variable containing the atmospheric
input fields needed by the radiation package [atmos_input_type] |
Rad_gases | radiative_gases_type variable which will return
the ozone mass mixing ratio (g/g) to the calling
routine [radiative_gases_type] |
call ozone_end
call obtain_input_file_data
call obtain_gfdl_zonal_ozone_data (season)
season | scalar integer between 0-5, where 1-4 uses fixed
data (1=winter, 2=spring, etc.), season=0 is
annual mean ozone, and season=5 is seasonally
varying ozone [integer] |
call obtain_clim_zonal_ozone_data (lonb, latb)
lonb, latb | lonb array of model longitudes at cell boundaries [radians]
latb array of model latitudes at cell boundaries [radians] [real] |
call geto3_3d (Time, lat, phalf, ozone)
Time | current model time [ time_type (days, seconds) ] [time_type] |
lat | latitude of model points [ radians ] [real] |
phalf | pressure at model layer interfaces [ kg / (m s^2) ] [real] |
ozone | ozone mass mixing ratio at model levels [ g / g ] [real] |
call geto3_2d (Time, lat, phalf, ozone)
Time | current model time [ time_type (days, seconds) ] [time_type] |
lat | latitude of model points [ radians ] [real] |
phalf | pressure at model layer interfaces [ kg / (m s^2) ] [real] |
ozone | ozone mass mixing ratio at model levels [ g / g ] [real] |
call get_clim_ozone (is, js, model_time, p_half, model_data)
model_time | time at which the climatologically-determined,
time-varying ozone field should apply [time_type] |
p_half | pressure at model layer interfaces [ kg / (m s^2) ] [real] |
is, js | OPTIONAL: starting subdomain i,j indices of data in
the physics_window being integrated [integer] |
model_data | output field containing ozone field at desired time [real] |