!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE CONV_CLOSURES_MOD ! use Sat_Vapor_Pres_Mod, ONLY: ESCOMP, DESCOMP ! use Constants_Mod, ONLY: tfreeze,HLv,HLf,HLs,CP_AIR,GRAV,Kappa,rdgas,rvgas use fms_mod, only: write_version_number use conv_utilities_k_mod,only: sd_copy_k, adi_cloud_k, extend_sd_k,& adicloud, sounding, uw_params use conv_plumes_k_mod, only: cumulus_plume_k, cumulus_tend_k, & cplume, ctend, cpnlist !--------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none private !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------- ****** VERSION NUMBER ******* --------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: conv_closures.F90,v 2009/07/24 21:57:24 wfc Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' logical :: module_is_initialized=.false. ! module initialized ? !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !------- interfaces -------- public :: cclosure_bretherton, cclosure_relaxcbmf, cclosure_emanuel, & cclosure_implicit, cclosure_relaxwfn, & conv_closures_init, conv_closures_end character(len=11) :: mod_name = 'conv_closures' public cclosure type cclosure real :: cbmf, wrel, ufrc, scaleh, dcin, dcape, dwfn, wfn integer :: igauss real :: rkfre, rmaxfrac, rbuoy, tau_sh, tau_dp, wcrit_min real :: maxcldfrac end type cclosure contains !##################################################################### !##################################################################### function erfccc(x) !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! This numerical recipes routine calculates the complementary ! error function. !-------------------------------------------------------------- real :: erfccc real, intent(in) :: x real :: t,z z=abs(x) t=1./(1.+0.5*z) erfccc=t*exp(-z*z-1.26551223+t*(1.00002368+t*(.37409196+t* & (.09678418+t*(-.18628806+t*(.27886807+t*(-1.13520398+t* & (1.48851587+t*(-.82215223+t*.17087277))))))))) if (x.lt.0.) erfccc=2.-erfccc end function erfccc !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine solvecbmf(alpha, beta, x) !Newton iteration solving Eq. x = beta * exp (-alpha * x) implicit none real, intent(in) :: alpha, beta real, intent(inout) :: x integer :: iteration, niteration=5, id_check real :: dydx, x0, y0 x0=1. do iteration = 1,niteration y0 = x0 - beta * exp(-alpha * x0) dydx = 1. + beta * alpha * exp(-alpha * x0) x0 = x0 - y0 / dydx if (abs(y0) < 0.0001) then x=x0; id_check=0 else id_check=1 end if end do if (id_check==1) then x=1. print*, 'ID_CHECK=1, in solvecbmfffffffffffff' endif end subroutine solvecbmf !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, & cbmf_unmod) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc real, intent(out), optional :: cbmf_unmod integer :: k, kl, kmax, id_check real :: sigmaw, rho0lcl, wcrit, erfarg, cbmf, wexp, ufrc, wtw real :: rmfk1=0.3, rmfk2=5.0, rmfk3=3.0 cc%cbmf=0.; cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; if(cc%igauss.eq.0)then !Use cin and pbl tke cbmf = rmfk1* ac % rho0lcl * sqrt(tkeavg) * exp(-rmfk2* ac % cin/tkeavg) wexp = rmfk3* sqrt(tkeavg) !Updraft vertical velocity at release height depends on tke elseif(cc%igauss.eq.1)then !Use cin and gaussian distribution of w wcrit = sqrt(2. * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy) sigmaw = sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) wcrit = max(wcrit, cc%wcrit_min*sigmaw) cbmf = ac % rho0lcl * sigmaw / 2.5066 * exp(-0.5*((wcrit/sigmaw)**2.)) if (present (cbmf_unmod)) then cbmf_unmod = MAX(0.0, cbmf) endif !Diagnose updraft fraction sqrt(2.) = 1.4142 erfarg=wcrit / (1.4142 * sigmaw) if(erfarg.lt.20.)then ufrc = min(cc%maxcldfrac, cc%rmaxfrac, 0.5*erfccc(erfarg)) else ufrc = 0. endif if(ufrc.gt.0.0) then !Diagnose expected value of cloud base vertical velocity wexp = cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / ufrc else wexp = 0. cbmf = 0. endif endif wtw = wexp * wexp - 2 * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy !used for the runs of xx-hv1_amip and tropical storm if(wtw.le.0.) then cc%wrel=0.; else cc%wrel=sqrt(wtw) end if cc%cbmf=cbmf cc%wrel=min(cc%wrel, 50.)!cc%ufrc=min(cc%rmaxfrac, cc%ufrc) cbmf = (sd%ps(0) - ac%plcl ) * 0.25 / sd%delt / Uw_p%GRAV if (cc%cbmf .gt. cbmf) cc%cbmf = cbmf if (cc%wrel .gt. 0.) then cc%ufrc=cc%cbmf / cc%wrel /ac % rho0lcl else cc%ufrc=0. end if if (cc%ufrc > cc%maxcldfrac) then cc%ufrc = cc%maxcldfrac cc%cbmf = cc%wrel*ac%rho0lcl*cc%ufrc end if ! cc%cbmf=cbmf ! cc%ufrc=ufrc ! ! cbmf = (sd%ps(0) - ac%plcl ) * 0.25 / sd%delt / Uw_p%GRAV ! if (cc%cbmf .gt. cbmf .and. cc%wrel .gt. 0) then ! cc%cbmf = cbmf ! cc%ufrc = cc%cbmf / wexp /ac % rho0lcl ! end if ! cc%wrel=min(cc%wrel, 50.) ! cc%ufrc=min(cc%rmaxfrac, cc%ufrc) return end subroutine cclosure_bretherton !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_implicit(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt, rkm, & do_coldT, sd1, ac1, cc1, cp1, ct1, ier, ermesg) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt, rkm type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc, cc1 type(sounding), intent(inout) :: sd1 type(adicloud), intent(inout) :: ac1 type(cplume), intent(inout) :: cp1 type(ctend), intent(inout) :: ct1 logical, intent(in) :: do_coldT integer, intent(out) :: ier character(len=256), intent(out) :: ermesg logical :: dofast=.false., doice=.true. real :: cbmf0=0.001, dcin, alpha, beta, phi call cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc) if(cc%cbmf.eq.0.) then cc % dcin=0. return end if call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd, ac, cp1, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_implicit : '// trim(ermesg) return endif if(cp1%ltop.lt.cp1%krel+2 .or. cp1%let.le.cp1%krel+1) then cc % dcin=0. return else call cumulus_tend_k(cpn, sd, Uw_p, cp1, ct1, do_coldT) call sd_copy_k(sd, sd1) sd1 % t = sd1 % t + ct1%tten * delt sd1 % qv = sd1 % qv + ct1%qvten * delt sd1 % ql = sd1 % ql + ct1%qlten * delt sd1 % qi = sd1 % qi + ct1%qiten * delt sd1 % qa = sd1 % qa + ct1%qaten * delt sd1 % qn = sd1 % qn + ct1%qnten * delt sd1 % u = sd1 % u + ct1%uten * delt sd1 % v = sd1 % v + ct1%vten * delt call extend_sd_k(sd1, sd%pblht, doice, Uw_p) call adi_cloud_k(sd1%zs(1), sd1%ps(1), sd1%hl(1), sd1%thc(1), sd1%qct(1), sd1, Uw_p, dofast, doice, ac1) cc % dcin=(ac1%cin-ac%cin)/cbmf0 alpha = (2. * cc%rbuoy) / (2. * cc%rkfre * tkeavg) * cc % cbmf * cc % dcin beta = 1. ! ac % rho0lcl * sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) / 2.5066 phi = 1. if (alpha .gt. 0.) then call solvecbmf(alpha, beta, phi) cc % cbmf = phi * cc % cbmf end if end if end subroutine cclosure_implicit !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_relaxcbmf(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(uw_params), intent(in) :: Uw_p type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc integer :: k, kl, kmax real :: sigmaw, rho0lcl, wcrit, erfarg, cbmf, wexp, wtw real :: cbmfs, ufrc=0.01, tmp cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; wcrit = sqrt(2. * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy) sigmaw = sqrt(cc%rkfre * tkeavg) cbmfs = ac % rho0lcl * sigmaw / 2.5066 * exp(-0.5*((wcrit/sigmaw)**2.)) tmp = delt/cc%tau_sh cc%cbmf= max((cc%cbmf+tmp*cbmfs)/(1.+tmp),0.0) !Diagnose updraft fraction erfarg=wcrit / (1.4142 * sigmaw) if(erfarg.lt.20.)then cc%ufrc = min(cc%maxcldfrac, cc%rmaxfrac, 0.5*erfccc(erfarg)) else cc%ufrc = 0. endif if(cc%ufrc.gt.0.001)then !Diagnose expected value of cloud base vertical velocity wexp = cc%cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / cc%ufrc else wexp = 0. cc%cbmf = 0. endif wexp=min(wexp, 50.) wtw = wexp * wexp - 2 * ac % cin * cc%rbuoy if(wtw.le.0.) then cc%wrel=0.; else cc%wrel=sqrt(wtw) end if return end subroutine cclosure_relaxcbmf !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_emanuel(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, delt) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc integer :: k, kl, kmax real :: ufrc=0.01 real :: dtmin, dpsum, dtpbl, damps real :: cbmf real :: dtmax = 0.9 ! MAXIMUM NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE PERTURBATION ! A LIFTED PARCEL IS ALLOWED TO HAVE BELOW ITS LFC real :: damp = 0.1 ! ALPHA AND DAMP ARE PARAMETERS THAT CONTROL THE RATE OF real :: alpha = 0.1 ! APPROACH TO QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM cbmf=cc%cbmf; cc%cbmf=0.; cc%wrel=0.; cc%ufrc=0.; dpsum=0.; dtpbl=0. do k=1, ac%klcl-1 dtpbl=dtpbl+(ac%thv(k)-sd%thv(k))*sd%exner(k)*sd%dp(k) dpsum=dpsum+sd%dp(k); end do dtpbl=dtpbl/dpsum dtmin=(ac%thvlcl-ac%thv0lcl)+dtpbl+dtmax damps=damp*delt/300. cbmf =(1.-damps)*cbmf+0.1*alpha*dtmin cc%cbmf=max(cbmf,0.0) cc%wrel=cbmf / ac % rho0lcl / ufrc cc%ufrc=ufrc return end subroutine cclosure_emanuel !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine cclosure_relaxwfn(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc, cp, ct, delt, rkm, & do_coldT, sd1, ac1, cc1, cp1, ct1, ier, ermesg) implicit none real, intent(in) :: tkeavg, delt, rkm type(cpnlist), intent(in) :: cpn type(uw_params), intent(inout) :: Uw_p type(sounding), intent(in) :: sd type(adicloud), intent(in) :: ac type(cclosure), intent(inout) :: cc, cc1 type(sounding), intent(inout) :: sd1 type(adicloud), intent(inout) :: ac1 type(cplume), intent(inout) :: cp, cp1 type(ctend), intent(inout) :: ct, ct1 logical, intent(in) :: do_coldT integer, intent(out) :: ier character(len=256), intent(out) :: ermesg logical :: dofast=.false., doice=.true. integer :: k real :: cbmf0=0.0001, delp, cbmf_old, tmp, cbmfs cbmf_old= cc%cbmf call cclosure_bretherton(tkeavg, cpn, sd, Uw_p, ac, cc) call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd, ac, cp, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_relaxwfn : '//trim(ermesg) return endif if(cp%ltop.lt.cp%krel+2 .or. cp%let.le.cp%krel+1) then cc % dcin=0. return else call cumulus_tend_k(cpn, sd, Uw_p, cp, ct, do_coldT) call sd_copy_k(sd, sd1) sd1 % t = sd1 % t + ct%tten * delt sd1 % qv = sd1 % qv + ct%qvten * delt sd1 % ql = sd1 % ql + ct%qlten * delt sd1 % qi = sd1 % qi + ct%qiten * delt sd1 % qa = sd1 % qa + ct%qaten * delt sd1 % qn = sd1 % qn + ct%qnten * delt sd1 % u = sd1 % u + ct%uten * delt sd1 % v = sd1 % v + ct%vten * delt call extend_sd_k(sd1, sd%pblht, doice, Uw_p) call adi_cloud_k(sd1%zs(1), sd1%ps(1), sd1%hl(1), sd1%thc(1), sd1%qct(1), sd1, Uw_p, dofast, doice, ac1) cc % dcin=(ac1%cin-ac%cin)/cbmf0 cc % dcape=(ac1%cape-ac%cape)/cbmf0 call cumulus_plume_k(cpn, sd1, ac1, cp1, rkm, cbmf0, cc%wrel, cc%scaleh, Uw_p, ier, ermesg) if (ier /= 0) then ermesg = 'Called from cclosure_relaxwfn 2nd call : '//trim(ermesg) endif cc%dwfn=0.; cc%wfn=0.; delp=0.; do k=cp1%krel, cp1%let cc % wfn = cc % wfn + 0.5*(cp %wu(k)*cp %wu(k)) * cp%dp(k) cc % dwfn = cc % dwfn + 0.5*(cp1%wu(k)*cp1%wu(k) - cp%wu(k)*cp%wu(k)) * cp%dp(k) delp = delp + cp%dp(k) end do cc % wfn = cc % wfn / delp cc % dwfn = cc % dwfn / delp / cbmf0 cbmfs = - cc%wfn / cc % dwfn tmp = delt/cc%tau_sh cc%cbmf= (cbmf_old+tmp*cbmfs)/(1.+tmp) cc % cbmf = max(cc%cbmf,0.) end if end subroutine cclosure_relaxwfn !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine conv_closures_init !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write version number and namelist to logfile. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- call write_version_number (version, tagname) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! mark the module as initialized. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- module_is_initialized = .true. end subroutine conv_closures_init !##################################################################### !##################################################################### subroutine conv_closures_end module_is_initialized = .false. end subroutine conv_closures_end !##################################################################### !##################################################################### end MODULE CONV_CLOSURES_MOD