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!! GNU General Public License !!
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!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
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!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
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!! !!
module strat_cloud_mod
0) then
if (allocated(areaall)) deallocate (areaall)
areaall(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (id_aliq > 0 .or. id_rvolume > 0) then
if (allocated(arealiq)) deallocate (arealiq)
arealiq(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (id_aice > 0 .or. id_vfall > 0) then
if (allocated(areaice)) deallocate (areaice)
areaice(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (id_rvolume > 0) then
if (allocated(rvolume)) deallocate (rvolume)
rvolume(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (id_autocv > 0) then
if (allocated(areaautocv)) deallocate (areaautocv)
areaautocv(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (id_vfall > 0) then
if (allocated(vfalldiag)) deallocate (vfalldiag)
vfalldiag(:,:,:) = 0.0
end if
if (allocated(debug1)) deallocate (debug1)
if (allocated(debug2)) deallocate (debug2)
if (allocated(debug3)) deallocate (debug3)
if (allocated(debug4)) deallocate (debug4)
if (id_debug1 > 0) then
debug1 = 0.
if (id_debug2 > 0) then
debug2 = 0.
if (id_debug3 > 0) then
debug3 = 0.
if (id_debug4 > 0) then
debug4 = 0.
if (allocated(lsf_strat)) deallocate (lsf_strat)
if (allocated(lcf_strat)) deallocate (lcf_strat)
if (allocated(mfls_strat)) deallocate (mfls_strat)
if (max(id_lsf_strat,id_lcf_strat,id_mfls_strat) > 0) then
lsf_strat = 0.
lcf_strat = 0.
mfls_strat = 0.
if (allocated(qndt_cond)) deallocate (qndt_cond)
if (allocated(qndt_evap)) deallocate (qndt_evap)
if (allocated(qndt_fill)) deallocate (qndt_fill)
if (allocated(qndt_destr)) deallocate (qndt_destr)
if (allocated(qndt_super)) deallocate (qndt_super)
if (max(id_qndt_cond,id_qn_cond_col) > 0) then
qndt_cond = 0.
if (max(id_qndt_evap,id_qn_evap_col) > 0) then
qndt_evap = 0.
if (max(id_qndt_fill,id_qn_fill_col,id_qldt_fill) > 0) then
qndt_fill = 0.
if (max(id_qndt_destr,id_qn_destr_col) > 0) then
qndt_destr = 0.
if (max(id_qndt_super,id_qn_super_col) > 0) then
qndt_super = 0.
if (allocated(qldt_cond)) deallocate (qldt_cond)
if (allocated(qldt_evap)) deallocate (qldt_evap)
if (allocated(qldt_eros)) deallocate (qldt_eros)
if (allocated(qldt_berg)) deallocate (qldt_berg)
if (allocated(qldt_freez)) deallocate (qldt_freez)
if (allocated(qldt_rime)) deallocate (qldt_rime)
if (allocated(qldt_accr)) deallocate (qldt_accr)
if (allocated(qldt_auto)) deallocate (qldt_auto)
if (allocated(qldt_fill)) deallocate (qldt_fill)
if (allocated(qldt_destr)) deallocate (qldt_destr)
if (allocated(rain_evap)) deallocate (rain_evap)
if (allocated(liq_adj)) deallocate (liq_adj)
if (allocated(qidt_dep)) deallocate (qidt_dep)
if (allocated(qidt_eros)) deallocate (qidt_eros)
if (allocated(qidt_fall)) deallocate (qidt_fall)
if (allocated(qidt_fill)) deallocate (qidt_fill)
if (allocated(qidt_subl)) deallocate (qidt_subl)
if (allocated(qidt_melt)) deallocate (qidt_melt)
if (allocated(qidt_destr)) deallocate (qidt_destr)
if (allocated(snow_melt)) deallocate (snow_melt)
if (allocated(ice_adj)) deallocate (ice_adj)
if (allocated(snow_subl)) deallocate (snow_subl)
if (allocated(qadt_lsform)) deallocate (qadt_lsform)
if (allocated(qadt_lsdiss)) deallocate (qadt_lsdiss)
if (allocated(qadt_eros)) deallocate (qadt_eros)
if (allocated(qadt_rhred)) deallocate (qadt_rhred)
if (allocated(qadt_destr)) deallocate (qadt_destr)
if (allocated(qadt_fill)) deallocate (qadt_fill)
if (allocated(qadt_super)) deallocate (qadt_super)
if (allocated(rain_cld_diag)) deallocate (rain_cld_diag)
if (allocated(rain_clr_diag)) deallocate (rain_clr_diag)
if (allocated(a_rain_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_rain_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_rain_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_rain_clr_diag)
if (allocated(snow_cld_diag)) deallocate (snow_cld_diag)
if (allocated(snow_clr_diag)) deallocate (snow_clr_diag)
if (allocated(a_snow_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_snow_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_snow_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_snow_clr_diag)
if (allocated(a_precip_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_precip_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_precip_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_precip_clr_diag)
if (max(id_qldt_cond,id_ql_cond_col) > 0) then
qldt_cond = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_evap,id_ql_evap_col) > 0) then
qldt_evap = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_eros,id_ql_eros_col) > 0) then
qldt_eros = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_berg,id_ql_berg_col) > 0) then
qldt_berg = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_freez,id_ql_freez_col) > 0) then
qldt_freez = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_rime,id_ql_rime_col) > 0) then
qldt_rime = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_accr,id_ql_accr_col) > 0) then
qldt_accr = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_auto,id_ql_auto_col) > 0) then
qldt_auto = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_ql_fill_col) > 0) then
qldt_fill = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_destr,id_ql_destr_col) > 0) then
qldt_destr = 0.
if (max(id_rain_evap,id_rain_evap_col) > 0) then
rain_evap = 0.
if (max(id_liq_adj,id_liq_adj_col,id_ice_adj,id_ice_adj_col) > 0) then
liq_adj = 0.
if (max(id_snow_melt,id_snow_melt_col) > 0) then
snow_melt = 0.
if (max(id_ice_adj,id_ice_adj_col) > 0) then
ice_adj = 0.
if (max(id_snow_subl,id_snow_subl_col) > 0) then
snow_subl = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_dep,id_qi_dep_col) > 0) then
qidt_dep = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_eros,id_qi_eros_col) > 0) then
qidt_eros = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_fall,id_qi_fall_col) > 0) then
qidt_fall = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_fill,id_qi_fill_col) > 0) then
qidt_fill = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_subl,id_qi_subl_col) > 0) then
qidt_subl = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_melt,id_qi_melt_col) > 0) then
qidt_melt = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_destr,id_qi_destr_col) > 0) then
qidt_destr = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_lsform,id_qa_lsform_col) > 0) then
qadt_lsform = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_lsdiss,id_qa_lsdiss_col) > 0) then
qadt_lsdiss = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_eros,id_qa_eros_col) > 0) then
qadt_eros = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_rhred,id_qa_rhred_col) > 0) then
qadt_rhred = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_destr,id_qa_destr_col) > 0) then
qadt_destr = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_fill,id_qa_fill_col) > 0) then
qadt_fill = 0.
if (max(id_qadt_super,id_qa_super_col) > 0) then
qadt_super = 0.
if (id_rain_cld > 0) then
rain_cld_diag = 0.
if (id_rain_clr > 0) then
rain_clr_diag = 0.
if (id_a_rain_cld > 0) then
a_rain_cld_diag = 0.
if (id_a_rain_clr > 0) then
a_rain_clr_diag = 0.
if (id_snow_cld > 0) then
snow_cld_diag = 0.
if (id_snow_clr > 0) then
snow_clr_diag = 0.
if (id_a_snow_cld > 0) then
a_snow_cld_diag = 0.
if (id_a_snow_clr > 0) then
a_snow_clr_diag = 0.
if (id_a_precip_cld> 0) then
a_precip_cld_diag = 0.
if (id_a_precip_clr> 0) then
a_precip_clr_diag = 0.
! initialize select variables to zero. The variables reset
! are:
! (1) changes of prognostic variables
! (2) variables dealing with the rain/snow fluxes.
! (3) qa_mean of the level above the top level.
! (4) diagnostic output fields
ST = 0.
SQ = 0.
SL = 0.
SI = 0.
SA = 0.
if (present(SN)) SN = 0.
rain_cld = 0.
rain_clr = 0.
a_rain_cld = 0.
a_rain_clr = 0.
snow_cld = 0.
snow_clr = 0.
a_snow_clr = 0.
a_snow_cld = 0.
qa_mean_lst= 0.
dcond_ls = 0.
dcond_ls_ice = 0.
qcg = 0.
qcg_ice = 0.
! Determine dimensions of slab
idim = SIZE(T,1)
jdim = SIZE(T,2)
kdim = SIZE(T,3)
! compute inverse time step
inv_dtcloud = 1.0 / dtcloud
! Calculate saturation specific humidity and its temperature
! derivative, and thermal conductivity plus vapor diffusivity
! factor.
! These are calculated according to the formulas:
! (1) qs = d622*esat/ [pfull - (1.-d622)*esat]
! (2) dqsdT = d622*pfull*(desat/dT)/[pfull-(1.-d622)*esat]**2.
! (3) gamma = (L/cp) * dqsdT
! where d622 = rdgas/rvgas; esat = saturation vapor pressure;
! and desat/dT is the temperature derivative of esat.
! Note that in the calculation of gamma,
! { hlv for T > tfreeze }
! L = { 0.05*(T-tfreeze+20.)*hlv + 0.05*(tfreeze-T)*hls }
! { for tfreeze-20.< T < tfreeze}
! { hls for T < tfreeze-20. }
! This linear form is chosen because at tfreeze-20. es = esi, and
! at tfreeze, es = esl, with linear interpolation in between.
! The conductivity/diffusivity factor, A_plus_B is given by:
! (4) A_plus_B = { (hlv/Ka/T)*((hlv/rvgas/T)-1.) } +
! { (rvgas*T/chi*esat) }
! where Ka is the thermal conductivity of air = 0.024 J/m/s/K
! and chi is the diffusitivy of water vapor in air which is
! given by
! (5) chi = 2.21 E-05 (m*m)/s * (1.E+05)/pfull
! where p is the pressure in Pascals.
! Note that qs, dqsdT, and gamma do not have their proper values
! until all of the following code has been executed. That
! is qs and dqsdT are used to store intermediary results
! in forming the full solution.
!calculate water saturated vapor pressure from table
!and store temporarily in the variable gamma
!calculate qs and dqsdT
if (do_pdf_clouds) then
call compute_qs( T-((hlv*ql+hls*qi)/cp_air), pfull, qs, &
dqsdT=dqsdT, esat=gamma )
call compute_qs( T, pfull, qs, dqsdT=dqsdT, esat=gamma )
end if
!compute A_plus_B
A_plus_B = ( (hlv/0.024/T) * ((hlv/rvgas/T)-1.) ) + &
!calculate gamma
if (do_pdf_clouds) then
gamma = dqsdT *(min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(T-((hlv*ql+hls*qi)/cp_air) &
-tfreeze+20.)))*hlv + &
min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(tfreeze -T+((hlv*ql+hls*qi)&
/cp_air) )))*hls)/cp_air
gamma = dqsdT *(min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(T-tfreeze+20.)))*hlv + &
min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(tfreeze -T )))*hls)/cp_air
end if
! Calculate air density
! airdens = pfull / (rdgas * T * (1. + d608*qv - ql - qi) )
airdens = pfull / (rdgas * T * (1. - ql - qi) )
where (qrat .gt. 0.)
airdens = pfull / (rdgas * T *(1.+(d608*qv/qrat)-ql-qi) )
end where
! Assign cloud droplet number based on land or ocean point.
N = N_land*LAND + N_ocean*(1.-LAND)
! call aerosol_effects to include impact of aerosols on the cloud
! droplet number and the bergeron process, if these effects activated.
if (do_liq_num .or. do_dust_berg) then
call aerosol_effects (is, js, Time, phalf, airdens, T, &
concen_dust_sub, totalmass1, Aerosol, mask)
! Is a sub-vertical grid scale distribution going to be neededed?
! If yes, then do ppm fits
if (do_pdf_clouds) then
!initialize quantities
do j = 1, kdim
delp(:,:,j) = phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j)
qta4(1,:,:,:) = max(qmin,qv+ql+qi)
qtqsa4(1,:,:,:) = qta4(1,:,:,:)-qs
if (nsublevels.gt.1) then
do id = 1,idim
call ppm2m_sak(qta4(:,id,:,:),delp(id,:,:),kdim,kmap,1,jdim,0,kord)
call ppm2m_sak(qtqsa4(:,id,:,:),delp(id,:,:),kdim,kmap,1,jdim,0,kord)
qta4(2,:,:,:) = qta4(1,:,:,:)
qta4(3,:,:,:) = qta4(1,:,:,:)
qta4(4,:,:,:) = 0.
qtqsa4(2,:,:,:) = qtqsa4(1,:,:,:)
qtqsa4(3,:,:,:) = qtqsa4(1,:,:,:)
qtqsa4(4,:,:,:) = 0.
end if
end if !end of do_pdf_clouds section
!rab - statements moved outside of large loop
! they have no bearing on the overall cloud physics
! they are merely diagnostic values
if (.not. do_pdf_clouds) then
if (max(id_qadt_fill,id_qa_fill_col) > 0) then
where (qa .le. qmin)
qadt_fill = -qa * inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_fill,id_qi_fill_col) > 0) then
where (qi.le.qmin .or. qa.le.qmin)
qidt_fill = -qi * inv_dtcloud
if (.not. do_liq_num) then
N3D = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_ql_fill_col) > 0) then
where (ql .le. qmin .or. qa .le. qmin)
qldt_fill = -ql * inv_dtcloud
N3D = qn*airdens*1.e-6
if (id_debug1 > 0) debug1 = min(qa,1.)
do j=1,kdim
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if (ql(i,k,j).le.qmin .or. qa(i,k,j).le.qmin .or. qn(i,k,j).le.qmin) then
N3D(i,k,j) = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_ql_fill_col) > 0) qldt_fill(i,k,j) = -ql(i,k,j) * inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_fill,id_qn_fill_col) > 0) qndt_fill(i,k,j) = -qn(i,k,j) * inv_dtcloud
if (id_debug1 > 0) debug1(i,k,j) = 0.
if (max(id_qidt_fill,id_qi_fill_col) > 0) then
where (qi .le. qmin)
qidt_fill = -qi * inv_dtcloud
if (.not. do_liq_num) then
N3D = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_ql_fill_col) > 0) then
where (ql .le. qmin)
qldt_fill = -ql * inv_dtcloud
N3D = qn*airdens*1.e-6
if (id_debug1 > 0) debug1 = min(qa,1.)
do j=1,kdim
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if (ql(i,k,j).le.qmin .or. qn(i,k,j).le.qmin) then
N3D(i,k,j) = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_ql_fill_col) > 0) qldt_fill(i,k,j) = -ql(i,k,j) * inv_dtcloud
! Should this just be id_qndt_fill + id_qn_fill_col ?
!ORIGINAL: if (id_qldt_fill > 0) &
if (max(id_qldt_fill,id_qndt_fill,id_qndt_fill) > 0) &
qndt_fill(i,k,j) = -qn(i,k,j) * inv_dtcloud
if (id_debug1 > 0) debug1(i,k,j) = 0.
!rab - end of statements moved outside large loop
call mpp_clock_end(sc_pre_loop)
call mpp_clock_begin(sc_loop)
! Enter the large loop over vertical levels. Level 1 is the top
! level of the column and level kdim is the bottom of the model.
! If MASK is present, each column may not have kdim valid levels.
rain3d = 0.
snow3d = 0.
snowclr3d = 0.
DO j = 1, kdim
! Calculate pressure thickness of level and relative humidity
!calculate difference in pressure across the grid box divided
!by gravity
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
!calculate GRID box mean relative humidity
! U = min(max(0.,qv(:,:,j)/qs(:,:,j)),1.)
U = 0.
where (qrat(:,:,j) .gt. 0.)
U = min(max(0.,(qv(:,:,j)/(qrat(:,:,j)*qs(:,:,j)))),1.)
end where
! Account for the fact that other processes may have created
! negative tracer or extremely small values of tracer fields.
! The general reason for the extremely small values of the
! tracer fields is due to vertical diffusion, advection of
! condensate or cumulus induced subsidence (also a form of
! advection) of condensate.
! In this step any values of the prognostic variables which are
! less than qmin are reset to zero, while conserving total
! moisture.
! Note that this is done slightly different for the Tiedtke
! cloud fraction than it is for pdf clouds. In the former,
! the filling requires that cloud liquid, cloud ice, and
! cloud fraction are greater than qmin. For PDF clouds,
! cloud fraction need not be considered since it is diagnosed
! below from the PDF clouds
if (.not. do_pdf_clouds) then
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
qa_upd(i,k) = qa(i,k,j)
qi_upd(i,k) = qi(i,k,j)
ql_upd(i,k) = ql(i,k,j)
if (qa(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) - qa(i,k,j)
qa_upd(i,k) = 0.
end if
! Correct for qa > RH, which is not permitted under the
! assumption that the cloudy air is saturated and the temperature
! inside and outside of the cloud are about the same.
if (qa_upd(i,k) .gt. U(i,k)) then
if (max(id_qadt_rhred,id_qa_rhred_col) > 0 ) qadt_rhred(i,k,j) = (qa_upd(i,k)-U(i,k)) * inv_dtcloud
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) + U(i,k) - qa_upd(i,k)
qa_upd(i,k) = U(i,k)
end if
if (.not. do_liq_num) then
if (ql(i,k,j) .le. qmin .or. qa(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*ql(i,k,j)/cp_air
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.
end if
qn_upd(i,k) = qn(i,k,j)
if (ql(i,k,j) .le. qmin .or. qa(i,k,j) .le. qmin .or. qn(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*ql(i,k,j)/cp_air
SN(i,k,j) = SN(i,k,j) - qn(i,k,j)
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.
qn_upd(i,k) = 0.
if (qi(i,k,j) .le. qmin .or. qa(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) - qi(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + qi(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hls*qi(i,k,j)/cp_air
qi_upd(i,k) = 0.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
ql_upd(i,k) = ql(i,k,j)
qi_upd(i,k) = qi(i,k,j)
if (.not. do_liq_num) then
if (ql(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*ql(i,k,j)/cp_air
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.
qn_upd(i,k) = qn(i,k,j)
if (ql(i,k,j) .le. qmin .or. qn(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*ql(i,k,j)/cp_air
SN(i,k,j) = SN(i,k,j) - qn(i,k,j)
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.
qn_upd(i,k) = 0.
if (qi(i,k,j) .le. qmin) then
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) - qi(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + qi(i,k,j)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hls*qi(i,k,j)/cp_air
qi_upd(i,k) = 0.
end do
end do
end if !for do_pdf_clouds
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! METHOD 1 !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! Do non-convective condensation following Tiedtke, pages 3044-5.
! In this formulation stratiform clouds are only formed/destroyed
! when there is upward or downward motion to support/destroy it.
! The first step is to compute the change in qs due to large-
! scale processes, dqs_ls. In Tiedtke, it has contributions from
! large-scale uplift, convection induced compensating subsidence,
! turbulence cooling and radiative cooling. dqs_ls has the form:
! (((omega+ grav*Mc)/airdens/cp)+radturbten)*dqsdT*dtcloud
! (6) dqs_ls= --------------------------------------------------------
! 1. + ( qa + (da_ls/2.) ) * gamma
! Here da_ls is the increase in cloud fraction due to non-
! convective processes. Because this increase is also a function
! of dqs_ls, a quadratic equation must be solved for dqs_ls in
! the case that da_ls is not equal to zero.
! Note that if the PDF cloud scheme is active the Tiedtke large-
! scale condensation is bypassed.
if (.not.do_pdf_clouds) then
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
dqs_ls(i,k) =(((omega(i,k,j)+grav*Mc(i,k,j))/airdens(i,k,j)/cp_air)+&
!compute pressure dependent U00 following ECMWF formula if
U00p(i,k) = U00
if (u00_profile) then
if (pfull(i,k,j) .gt. 0.8*phalf(i,k,KDIM+1)) then
U00p(i,k) = U00 + (1.-U00)* &
(((pfull(i,k,j)-(0.8*phalf(i,k,KDIM+1))) &
/ (0.2*phalf(i,k,KDIM+1)) )**2.)
end if
! modify u00p to account for humidity in convective system
! See "Tiedtke u00 adjustment" notes, 10/22/02
if (dqs_ls(i,k).le.0. .and. U(i,k).ge.U00p(i,k) .and. qa_upd(i,k).lt.1.) then
tmp1s = sqrt( (1.+qa_upd(i,k)*gamma(i,k,j))**2. - (1.-qa_upd(i,k)) * &
(1.-qa_upd(i,k))*gamma(i,k,j)*dqs_ls(i,k)/qs(i,k,j)/ &
max(1.-U(i,k),qmin) ) - (1.+qa_upd(i,k)*gamma(i,k,j))
tmp1s = -1. * tmp1s / ((1.-qa_upd(i,k))*(1.-qa_upd(i,k))*gamma(i,k,j)/&
dqs_ls(i,k) = min(tmp1s,dqs_ls(i,k)/(1.+0.5*(1.+qa_upd(i,k))*gamma(i,k,j)))
dqs_ls(i,k) = dqs_ls(i,k)/(1.+qa_upd(i,k)*gamma(i,k,j))
! The next step is to compute the change in saturated volume
! fraction due to non-convective condensation, da_ls. This
! occurs in two conditions:
! (a) dqs_ls < 0. and U00 < U < 1., where U00 is the threshold
! relative humidity for non-convective condensation. Note
! that if U is greater than or equal to 1., ideally qa = 1,
! and da_ls = 0. However this may not be the case for
! numerical reasons so this must be assured after analytic
! integration of the qa equation.
! For these cases the change in saturated volume fraction is:
! (7) da_ls = - (1.-qa)*(1.-qa)*dqs_ls/2./qs/(1.-U)
! This formula arises from the assumption that vapor is uni-
! formly distributed in the range [qv_clr - (qs - qv_clr),qs]
! where qv_clr is the amount of vapor in the unsaturated
! volume and is given from the following equation:
! (8) qv = qa * qs + (1.-qa) * qv_clr
! Implicit in equation (7) is the following assumption:
! As qsat changes, the distribution of qv+ql+qi
! remains constant. That is as qsat rises, portions where
! qv+ql+qi > qsat+dqsat remain saturated. This can only
! occur if it is assumed that ql+qi evaporate-sublimate or
! condense-deposit to keep qv = qsat.
! (b) dqs_ls > 0. Ideally some portion of the cloud should
! evaporate however this is not accounted for at present.
!compute formula for da_ls
! where (dqs_ls .le. 0. .and. U .ge. U00p)
! da_ls = -0.5 * (1.-qa_upd) * (1.-qa_upd) * dqs_ls / &
! qs(:,:,j) / max(1.-U,qmin)
! elsewhere
! da_ls = 0.
! end where
da_ls(i,k) = 0.
if ((dqs_ls(i,k).le.0. .and. U(i,k).ge.U00p(i,k)) .and. &
(qa_upd(i,k)+ahuco(i,k,j).le.1.)) then
da_ls(i,k) = -0.5 * (1.-qa_upd(i,k)-ahuco(i,k,j)) * (1.-qa_upd(i,k)- &
ahuco(i,k,j)) * dqs_ls(i,k)/ qs(i,k,j) / max(1.-U(i,k),qmin)
! Turbulent erosion of clouds
! As in Tiedtke (1993) this is calculated using the eros_scale
! parameter as:
! (9) dql/dt = - qa * eros_scale * (qs - qv) * (ql/ ql+qi )
! (10) dqi/dt = - qa * eros_scale * (qs - qv) * (qi/ ql+qi )
! (11) dqa/dt = - qa * eros_scale * (qs - qv) * (qa/ ql+qi )
! for which the erosion sink term (B in equation 13) is
! (12) B = qa * eros_scale * (qs - qv) / (ql + qi)
! Theory for eros_scale
! If eros_choice equals false, then a single erosion time scale
! is used in all conditions (eros_scale). If eros_choice equals
! true then it is assumed that the timescale for turbulent
! evaporation is a function of the conditions in the grid box.
! Specifically, if the flow is highly turbulent then the scale is
! short, and eros_scale is large. Likewise if convection is
! occurring, then it is assumed that the erosion term is larger
! than backround conditions.
! Here are the typical values for the timescales and the
! switches used:
! Mixing type eros_scale (sec-1) Indicator
! ---------------- ------------------ --------------------
! Background 1.e-06 always present
! Convective layers 5.e-06 Mc > Mc_thresh
! Turbulent layers 5.e-05 diff_t > diff_thresh
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!Background erosion scale
tmp2s = eros_scale
!Do enhanced erosion in convective or turbulent layers?
!Note that convection is considered first, so that if
!turbulence and convection occur in the same layer, the
!erosion rate for turbulence is selected.
if (eros_choice) then
!Enhanced erosion in convective layers
if (Mc(i,k,j) .gt. mc_thresh) tmp2s = eros_scale_c
!Enhanced erosion in turbulent layers
if (diff_t(i,k,j).gt.diff_thresh .or. &
diff_t(i,k,min(j+1,KDIM)).gt.diff_thresh) &
tmp2s = eros_scale_t
end if !for erosion choice
if (ql_upd(i,k) .gt. qmin .or. qi_upd(i,k) .gt. qmin) then
D_eros(i,k)=qa_upd(i,k) * tmp2s * dtcloud * qs(i,k,j) * &
(1.-U(i,k)) / (qi_upd(i,k) + ql_upd(i,k))
if (pfull(i,k,j) .gt. 400.e02) then
D_eros(i,k)=D_eros(i,k)+efact*D_eros(i,k)*((pfull(i,k,kdim)- &
D_eros(i,k) = 0.
! The next step is to analytically integrate the saturated volume
! fraction equation. This follows the Tiedtke approach
! The qa equation is written in the form:
! (13) dqa/dt = (1.-qa) * A - qa * B
! Note that over the physics time step, A, B are assumed to be
! constants.
! Defining qa(t) = qa0 and qa(t+dtcloud) = qa1, the analytic
! solution of the above equation is:
! (14) qa1 = qaeq - (qaeq - qa0) * exp (-(A+B)*dtcloud)
! where qaeq is the equilibrium cloud fraction that is approached
! with an time scale of 1/(A+B),
! (15) qaeq = A/(A+B)
! To diagnose the magnitude of each of the right hand terms of
! (13) integrated over the time step, define the average cloud
! fraction in the interval t to t + dtcloud qabar as:
! (16) qabar = qaeq - [ (qa1-qa0) / ( dtcloud * (A+B) ) ]
! from which the magnitudes of the A and B terms integrated
! over the time step are:
! A * (1-qabar) and -B * (qabar)
! Additional notes on this analytic integration:
! 1. For large-scale cloud formation or destruction from
! the dqs_ls term the contributions to A or B are defined
! from:
! (19) A_ls * (1. - qa) = da_ls / dtcloud if da_ls >= 0.
! (20) B_ls * qa = da_ls / dtcloud if da_ls < 0.
! 2. Note that to reduce the number of variables, the following
! equivalency exists:
! Ql or Qi equation Qa equation
! -------------------- -------------------
! C_dt A_dt
! D_dt B_dt
! qceq qaeq
! qcbar qabar
! qc1 qa1
! qc0 qa0
! 3. Qa goes to zero only in the case of ql and qi less than or
! equal to qmin; see 'cloud destruction code' near the end of
! this loop over levels.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!compute C_dt; This is assigned to the large-scale source term
!following (18). Reset D_dt.
C_dts = da_ls(i,k)/max((1.-qa_upd(i,k)),qmin)
D_dts = D_eros(i,k)
!do analytic integration
qc0s = qa_upd(i,k)
if ( (C_dts.gt.Dmin) .or. (D_dts.gt.Dmin) ) then
qceqs = C_dts / (C_dts + D_dts)
qc1s = qceqs - (qceqs - qc0s) * exp ( -1.*(C_dts+D_dts) )
qcbars = qceqs - ((qc1s - qc0s)/ (C_dts + D_dts))
qceqs = qc0s
qc1s = qc0s
qcbars = qc0s
!set total tendency term and update cloud fraction
if (limit_conv_cloud_frac) then
!RSH limit cloud area to be no more than that which is not being
! taken by convective clouds
qc1s = MIN(qc1s, 1.0 -ahuco(i,k,j))
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) + qc1s - qc0s
qa_upd(i,k) = qc1s
if (max(id_qadt_lsform,id_qa_lsform_col) > 0) qadt_lsform(i,k,j) = C_dts * (1.-qcbars) * inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qadt_eros,id_qa_eros_col) > 0) qadt_eros (i,k,j) = D_dts * qcbars * inv_dtcloud
tmp5(i,k) = C_dts * (1.-qcbars)
! The next step is to calculate the change in condensate
! due to non-convective condensation, dcond_ls. Note that this is
! not the final change but is used only to apportion condensate
! change between phases. According to Tiedtke 1993 this takes the
! form:
! (21) dcond_ls = -1. * (qa + 0.5*da_ls) * dqs_ls
! Here the 0.5*da_ls represents using a midpoint cloud fraction.
! This is accomplished by using the variable qcbar.
dcond_ls(i,k) = -1. * qcbars * dqs_ls(i,k)
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! METHOD 2 !
! !
! !
! !
! !
else !for doing PDF cloud scheme
!set Tiedtke erosion term to zero
D_eros = 0.
!compute pdf cloud fraction and condensate
!Note that the SYMMETRIC beta distribution is used here.
! Initialize grid-box mean values of cloud fraction (qag),
! cloud condensate(qcg), and clear sky water vapor (qvg)
qcg = 0.
qvg = 0.
qag = 0.
!Create loop over sub-levels within a grid box
do ns = 1, nsublevels
!calculate normalized vertical level
! 0. = top of gridbox
! 1. = bottom of gridbox
pnorm = (real(ns) - 0.5 )/real(nsublevels)
!First step is to calculating the minimum (qtmin)
!of the total water distribution and
!the width of the qt distribution (deltaQ)
!For diagnostic variance this is set to (1.-qthalfwidth)*qtbar
!and 2*qthalfwidth*qtbar, respectively, where qtbar is the
!mean total water in the grid box.
qtbar = qta4(2,:,:,j)+pnorm*( (qta4(3,:,:,j)-qta4(2,:,:,j)) + &
qta4(4,:,:,j)*(1-pnorm) )
qtbar = max(qmin,qtbar)
deltaQ = 2.*qthalfwidth*qtbar
qtmin = (1.-qthalfwidth)*qtbar
!From this the variable normalized saturation specific
!humidity qs_norm is calculated.
! qs_norm = (qs(Tl) - qtmin)/(qtmax-qtmin)
! = 0.5 - (qtbar - qs(Tl))/deltaQ
!Note that if qs_norm > 1., the grid box is fully clear.
!If qs_norm < 0., the grid box is fully cloudy.
qs_norm = qtqsa4(2,:,:,j)+ &
pnorm*( (qtqsa4(3,:,:,j)-qtqsa4(2,:,:,j)) + &
qtqsa4(4,:,:,j)*(1-pnorm) )
qs_norm = 0.5 - ( qs_norm/deltaQ )
!Calculation of cloud fraction (qagtmp), cloud condensate
!(qcgtmp), and water vapor in clear air part of the grid
!box (qvgtmp)
!Formulas (from Tompkins, and personal derivations):
! Define icbp = incomplete_beta(qs_norm,p,q)
! icbp1 = incomplete_beta(qs_norm,p+1,q)
! qagtmp = 1. - icbp
! qcgtmp = aThermo * { (qtbar-qtmin)*(1.-icbp1) -
! qs_norm*deltaQ*(1.-icbp ) }
! qvgtmp = qtmin + (p/(p+q))*(icbp1/icbp)*deltaQ
! where aThermo = 1./(1.+(L/cp)*dqsdT)
! note that in the qvg formula below the factor of 0.5
! is equal to (p/(p+q)).
do jd = 1,jdim
do id = 1,idim
if (qs_norm(id,jd).le.1.) then
icbp = incomplete_beta(max(0.,qs_norm(id,jd)), &
p = betaP , q = betaP)
icbp1= incomplete_beta(max(0.,qs_norm(id,jd)), &
p = betaP + 1, q = betaP)
qagtmps = 1.-icbp
qcgtmps = (qtbar(id,jd)-qtmin(id,jd))*(1.-icbp1)&
- qs_norm(id,jd)*deltaQ(id,jd)*(1.-icbp)
qcgtmps = qcgtmps/(1.+gamma(id,jd,j))
qvgtmps = qtmin(id,jd) + &
!bound very very small cloud fractions which may
!cause negative cloud condensates due to roundoff
!errors or similar errors in the beta table lookup.
qagtmps = 0.
qcgtmps = 0.
qvgtmps = qtbar(id,jd)
end if
qagtmps = 0.
qcgtmps = 0.
qvgtmps = qtbar(id,jd)
end if
!sum vertically
!note special averaging of clear-sky water vapor
!this is weighting clear-sky relative humidity by the
!clear-sky fraction
qag(id,jd) = qag(id,jd) + qagtmps
qcg(id,jd) = qcg(id,jd) + qcgtmps
qvg(id,jd) = qvg(id,jd)+(1.-qagtmps)*min(max(qvgtmps/max(qmin, &
!compute grid-box average cloud fraction, cloud condensate
!and water vapor
if (nsublevels.gt.1 .and. ns.eq.nsublevels) then
qag(id,jd) = qag(id,jd) / real(nsublevels)
qcg(id,jd) = qcg(id,jd) / real(nsublevels)
!note special averaging of clear-sky water vapor
if ((1.-qag(id,jd)).gt.qmin) then
qvg(id,jd) =qvg(id,jd)/real(nsublevels)/&
qvg(id,jd) =qvg(id,jd) * qs(id,jd,j)
qvg(id,jd) = qs(id,jd,j)
end if
elseif (nsublevels.eq.1) then
! for nsublevels = 1, qag and qcg already hold their
! final values
qvg(id,jd) = qvgtmps
end if
enddo !for number of sublevels loop
!do adjustment of cloud fraction
!rab qc0 = qa(:,:,j)
!rab qc1 = qag
!set total tendency term and update cloud fraction
SA(:,:,j) = SA(:,:,j) + qag - qa(:,:,j)
qa_upd = qag
if (max(id_qadt_lsform,id_qa_lsform_col) > 0) qadt_lsform(:,:,j) = max(qag-qa(:,:,j),0.) * inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qadt_lsdiss,id_qa_lsdiss_col) > 0) qadt_lsdiss(:,:,j) = max(qa(:,:,j)-qag,0.) * inv_dtcloud
!define da_ls and tmp5 needed when do_liq_num = .true. (cjg)
da_ls = max(qag-qa(:,:,j),0.)
tmp5 = max(qag-qa(:,:,j),0.)
!compute large-scale condensation / evaporation
dcond_ls = qcg - (ql_upd + qi_upd)
end if !for doing PDF clouds
! The next step is the apportionment on the non-convective
! condensation between liquid and ice phases. Following the
! suggestion of Rostayn (2000), all condensation at temperatures
! greater than -40C is in liquid form as ice nuclei are generally
! limited in the atmosphere. The droplets may subsequently be
! converted to ice by the Bergeron-Findeisan mechanism.
! One problem with this formulation is that the proper saturation
! vapor pressure is not used for cold clouds as it should be
! liquid saturation in the case of first forming liquid, but
! change to ice saturation as the cloud glaciates. The current
! use of ice saturation beneath -20C thus crudely mimics the
! result that nearly all stratiform clouds are glaciated for
! temperatures less than -15C.
! In the case of large-scale evaporation (dcond_ls<0.), it is
! assumed that cloud liquid will evaporate faster than cloud
! ice because if both are present in the same volume the
! saturation vapor pressure over the droplet is higher than
! that over the ice crystal.
! The fraction of large-scale condensation that is liquid
! is stored in the temporary variable tmp1.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!assume liquid fractionation
tmp1s = 1.
if (dcond_ls(i,k) .ge. 0.) then
!For cases of cloud condensation where temperatures are
!less than -40C create only ice
if (T(i,k,j) .lt. tfreeze-40.) then
tmp1s = 0.
if (qi_upd(i,k).gt.qmin) then
if (ql_upd(i,k).gt.qmin) then
!For cases of cloud evaporation of mixed phase clouds
!set liquid evaporation to preferentially occur first
tmp1s = min(-1.*dcond_ls(i,k),ql_upd(i,k))/max(-1.*dcond_ls(i,k),qmin)
!do evaporation of pure ice cloud
tmp1s = 0.
!calculate partitioning among liquid and ice to dcond_ls
dcond_ls_ice(i,k) = (1.-tmp1s) * dcond_ls(i,k)
dcond_ls(i,k) = tmp1s * dcond_ls(i,k)
! The next step is to compute semi-implicit qa,ql,qi which are
! used in many of the formulas below. This gives a somewhat
! implicitness to the scheme. In this calculation an estimate
! is made of what the cloud fields would be in the absence of
! cloud microphysics and cloud erosion.
! In the case of the Tiedtke cloud scheme, the mean cloud
! condensate is incremented if large-scale condensation is
! occuring. For cloud fraction, the value from the analytic
! integration above is used.
! For the statistical cloud scheme these are set equal to the
! values diagnosed from the beta-distribution apart from the
! corrections for mixed phase clouds.
qa_mean = qa_upd
if (.not. do_pdf_clouds) then
ql_mean = ql_upd + max(dcond_ls ,0.)
qi_mean = qi_upd + max(dcond_ls_ice,0.)
ql_mean = max(ql_upd + dcond_ls ,qmin)
qi_mean = max(qi_upd + dcond_ls_ice,qmin)
end if
if (do_liq_num) then
!yim's CCN activation
do k = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
if ( da_ls(i,k) > 0.0 ) then
up_strat = -1.*(((omega(i,k,j)+grav*Mc(i,k,j))/ &
airdens(i,k,j)/grav) + &
!-->cjg: modification
! call aer_ccn_act (T(i,k,j), pfull(i,k,j), up_strat, &
! totalmass1(i,k,j,:), drop1(i,k))
thickness = deltpg(i,k) / airdens(i,k,j)
wp2 = 2.0/(3.0*0.548**2)* &
(0.5*(diff_t(i,k,j) + diff_t(i,k,min(j+1,KDIM)))/&
thickness )**2
wp2 = MAX (wp2, var_limit**2)
!rab take care of it when writing diags....
!rab debug2(i,k,j) = wp2**0.5
if (id_debug2 > 0) debug2(i,k,j) = wp2
if (id_debug3 > 0) debug3(i,k,j) = 1.
call aer_ccn_act_wpdf (T(i,k,j), pfull(i,k,j), &
up_strat, wp2, &
totalmass1(i,k,j,:), drop1(i,k))
if (id_debug3 > 0) debug3(i,k,j) = drop1(i,k)
if (id_debug2 > 0) debug2(i,k,j) = 1.
!<--cjg: end of modification
qn_mean(i,k) = qn_upd(i,k) + max(tmp5(i,k),0.)* &
drop1(i,k) = 0.
qn_mean(i,k) = qn_upd(i,k)
end do
end do
!compute diagnostics for cloud fraction
if (id_aall > 0) areaall(:,:,j) = qa_mean
! if (id_aliq > 0 .or. id_rvolume > 0) then
if (max(id_aliq,id_rvolume) > 0) then
where (ql_mean .gt. qmin) arealiq(:,:,j) = qa_mean
end if
! if (id_aice > 0 .or. id_vfall > 0) then
if (max(id_aice,id_vfall) > 0) then
where (qi_mean .gt. qmin) areaice(:,:,j) = qa_mean
end if
!----- -----!
! !
! END OF !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! Do transfer of rain and snow fluxes between clear and cloud
! portions of the grid box. This formulism follows the rain/snow
! parameterization developed by Jakob and Klein (2000). It
! treats the grid mean flux of rain and snow separately according
! to the portion that exists in unsaturated air and the portion
! that exists in saturated air. At the top of each level, some
! precipitation that was in unsaturated air in the levels above
! may enter saturated air and vice versa. These transfers are
! calculated here under an assumption for the overlap between
! precipitation area and saturated area at the same and adjacent
! levels.
! For rain, the area of the grid box in which rain in saturated
! air of the level above enters unsaturated air in the current
! level is called da_cld2clr and is given by
! maximum(a_rain_cld - qa , 0.) in the case of maximum overlap of
! rain_cld and qa, but equal to a_rain_cld*(1.-qa) in the case of
! random overlap of cloud and precipitation. The grid mean flux of
! rain which is transfered from saturated air to unsaturated air
! is given by rain_cld*da_cld2clr/a_rain_cld.
! The area of the grid box where rain in unsaturated air of the
! level above enters saturated air in the current level is
! called da_clr2cld and is given by
! maximum(0.,mininum(a_rain_clr,qa(j)-qa(j-1))) in the case of
! maximum overlap of cloud and rain_clr, but equal to a_rain_clr*
! qa for the case of random overlap of cloud and precipitation.
! The grid mean flux of rain transfered from unsaturated air to
! saturated air is given by rain_clr*da_clr2cld/a_rain_clr.
! NOTE: the overlap assumption used is set by the namelist
! variable in cloud_rad
! Overlap values are: 1 = maximum
! 2 = random
! If cloud_generator is on, the overlap choice is taken from
! there, by computing a quantity alpha, which is weighting
! between maximum and random overlap solutions.
! alpha = 1 ---> maximum,
! alpha = 0 ---> random
! alpha is stored in tmp3.
! tmp1 has the maximum overlap solution
! tmp2 has the random overlap solution
if (cloud_generator_on) then
if (j.gt.1) then
tmp3 = compute_overlap_weighting(qa_mean_lst,qa_mean,&
tmp3 = min(1.,max(0.,tmp3))
tmp3 = 0.0
end if
end if
! Rain transfers are done first
call cloud_clear_xfer (tmp3, qa_mean, qa_mean_lst, a_rain_clr, a_rain_cld, rain_clr, rain_cld)
! Snow transfers are done second, in a manner exactly like that
! done for the rain fluxes
call cloud_clear_xfer (tmp3, qa_mean, qa_mean_lst, a_snow_clr, a_snow_cld, snow_clr, snow_cld)
! Melting of falling ice to rain occurs when T > tfreeze. The
! amount of melting is limited to the melted amount that would
! cool the temperature to tfreeze.
! In the snowmelt bug version, the temperature of melting was
! tfreeze + 2. like the original Tiedtke (1993) paper, instead of
! tfreeze.
if (do_old_snowmelt) snow_fact=2.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!compute grid mean change in snow flux to cool the
!grid box to tfreeze and store in temporary variable tmp1
tmp1s = cp_air*(T(i,k,j)-tfreeze-snow_fact)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud/hlf
! If snow_clr > tmp1, then the amount of snow melted is
! limited to tmp1, otherwise melt snow_clr. The amount
! melted is stored in tmp2
tmp2s = max(min(snow_clr(i,k),tmp1s),0.)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlf*tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)/cp_air
rain_clr(i,k) = rain_clr(i,k) + tmp2s
!raise a_rain_clr to a_snow_clr IF AND only IF melting occurs
!and a_rain_clr < a_snow_clr
if (tmp2s .gt. 0. .and. a_snow_clr(i,k) .gt. qmin) &
a_rain_clr(i,k) = max(a_rain_clr(i,k),a_snow_clr(i,k))
! If all of the snow has melted, then zero out a_snow_clr
if (snow_clr(i,k).lt.tmp1s .and. a_snow_clr(i,k).gt.qmin) then
snow_clr(i,k) = 0.
a_snow_clr(i,k) = 0.
snow_clr(i,k) = snow_clr(i,k) - tmp2s
if (max(id_snow_melt,id_snow_melt_col) > 0) snow_melt(i,k,j) = tmp2s/deltpg(i,k)
! Melting of falling ice to rain occurs when T > tfreeze. The
! amount of melting is limited to the melted amount that would
! cool the temperature to tfreeze.
if (.not.do_old_snowmelt) then
!compute grid mean change in snow flux to cool the
!grid box to tfreeze and store in temporary variable tmp1
!note that tmp1 already has the value of this variable
!from the clear-sky melt calculation, so one does not need
!to repeat the calculation here.
!However, note that clear-sky snow melt may have already
!reduced the temperature of the grid box - this snow melt is in
!variable tmp2 from lines above. Thus the amount that one
!can melt is less.
tmp1s = tmp1s - tmp2s
! If snow_cld > tmp1, then the amount of snow melted is
! limited to tmp1, otherwise melt snow_cld. The amount
! melted is stored in tmp2
tmp2s = max(min(snow_cld(i,k),tmp1s),0.)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlf*tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)/cp_air
rain_cld(i,k) = rain_cld(i,k) + tmp2s
!raise a_rain_cld to a_snow_cld IF AND only IF melting occurs
!and a_rain_cld < a_snow_cld
if (tmp2s .gt. 0. .and. a_snow_cld(i,k) .gt. qmin) &
a_rain_cld(i,k) = max(a_rain_cld(i,k),a_snow_cld(i,k))
! If all of the snow has melted, then zero out a_snow_cld
if (snow_cld(i,k).lt.tmp1s .and. a_snow_cld(i,k).gt.qmin) then
snow_cld(i,k) = 0.
a_snow_cld(i,k) = 0.
snow_cld(i,k) = snow_cld(i,k) - tmp2s
if (max(id_snow_melt,id_snow_melt_col) > 0) snow_melt(i,k,j) = snow_melt(i,k,j) + &
end if !for snowmelt bugfix
! [The following microphysics follows that of Rotstayn (1997)]
! The number concentration of ice crystals of diameter D in the
! SIZE interval D to D+dD is assumed to be
! distributed as in a Marshall Palmer distribution :
! (22) N(D)dD = Nof * Exp( - lamda_f * D)
! The slope factor and intercept are not assumed to be constant,
! but the slope factor is
! (23) lamda_f = 1.6X10^(3.+0.023(tfreeze-T))
! Integration of (22) over all particle sizes with a constant
! density of ice crystals , rho_ice, and assumed spherical shape
! yields a relationship between the intercept parameter and qi
! (24) Nof = airdens*qi_local*(lamda_f^4)/pi*rho_ice
! For the calculation of riming and sublimation of snow,
! lamda_f is needed, so it is calculated here.
! Also qi_mean is updated here with the flux of ice that falls
! into the cloudy portion of the grid box from above. This permits
! the Bergeron and riming process to know about the ice that falls
! into the grid box in the same time step.
!Increment qi_mean by the ice flux entering the
!the grid box. To convert ice_flux to units of condensate by
!multiply by dtcloud and dividing by the mass per unit area
!of the grid box. Implicit here is the assumption that the
!ice entering the cloud will be spread instantaneously over
!all of the cloudy area.
qi_mean = qi_mean + snow_cld*dtcloud/deltpg
!snow falling into cloud reduces the amount that
!falls out of cloud: a loss of cloud ice from settling
!is defined to be positive
if (max(id_qidt_fall,id_qi_fall_col) > 0) qidt_fall(:,:,j)= -1.*snow_cld/deltpg
!compute lamda_f
lamda_f = 1.6 * 10**(3.+0.023*(tfreeze-T(:,:,j)))
! !
! !
! !
! !
! AND !
! !
! !
! !
! !
! Accretion
! The parameterization of collection of cloud liquid drops by
! rain drops follows the parameterization of Rotstayn (1997).
! The parameterization starts with the continous-collection
! equation of drops by a rain drop of diameter D, falling with
! speed V(D). The fall speed of rain drops is taken from
! Gunn and Kinzer(1949):
! (25) V(D) = 141.4 (m**0.5,s-1) * sqrt(D) * (rho_ref/airdens)**0.5
! where D is the radius of the rain drops in meters. Here
! rho_ref is a reference air density. This formula is generally
! good for 1 mm < D < 4 mm.
! The distribution of rain drops by SIZE follows a Marshall-
! Palmer distribution:
! (26) N(D) dD = Nor * Exp (- lamda *D)
! where N(D)dD is the number of rain drops with SIZE D in the
! interval D to D+dD, Nor is the intercept (assumed fixed at
! 8E+04 (1/m*m*m*m). lamda is the slope intercept parameter
! and with (21) it can be shown that lamda is a function of
! the rain rate.
! With these assumptions the local rate of accretion of cloud
! liquid reduces to:
! (27) dl/dt_local = - CB*Eco*((rain_rate_local/dens_h2o)**(7/9))*
! (rho_ref/airdens)**(1/9) * ql_local
! where CB is the accretion constant:
! CB = 65.772565 [(m)**(-7/9)] * [(s)**(-2/9)]
! AND Eco is the collection efficiency of a cloud droplet by a
! rain droplet. A good fit to the Table 8.2 of Rogers and Yau
! (1988) for rain drops between SIZE 1mm and 3mm is:
! (28) Eco = rad_liq**2 / (rad_liq**2 + 20.5 microns**2) .
! In generalizing to grid mean conditions (27) becomes:
! (29) dl/dt = - (arain_cld/qa_mean) * CB * Eco *
! [(rain_cld/a_rain_cld/dens_h2o)**(7/9)] * ql
! Note that the very weak dependence on air density is
! neglected at this point.
! The particle sizes are computed from the following equation
! (30) rad_liq = (3*airdens*ql/(4*pi*liq_dens*qa*N)^(1/3)
! For numerical treatment we write (25) as:
! dl/dt = - D_acc * l
! and if we do so:
! (31) D_acc = (arain_cld/qa_mean) * CB * Eco *
! [(rain_cld/a_rain_cld/dens_h2o)**(7/9)]
! In the work below, D_acc is added to D1_dt, the first processes
! contributing to the depletion of cloud liquid in the analytic
! integration. D1_dt represents the conversion of liquid to rain.
if (.not. do_liq_num) then
!compute rad_liq. The constant below is equal to
!1.E+06 * (3/4*pi)^(1/3), where the 1E+06 is
!the factor to convert meters to microns.
rad_liq= 620350.49 *( (airdens(:,:,j)*ql_mean/ &
!do not let very small cloud fractions contribution to
!autoconversion or accretion
where (qa_mean .le. qmin) rad_liq = 0.
!yim The 1st place droplet number is used
rad_liq= 620350.49 *( (ql_mean/max(qn_mean,qmin)/dens_h2o)**(1./3.))
!do not let very small cloud fractions contribution to
!autoconversion or accretion
where (qa_mean .le. qmin .or. qn_upd .le.qmin) rad_liq = 0.
if (id_rvolume > 0) rvolume(:,:,j) = rad_liq*arealiq(:,:,j)
!compute accretion D term
D1_dt = dtcloud * 65.772565 * (a_rain_cld/max(qa_mean,qmin))* &
( rad_liq*rad_liq / (rad_liq*rad_liq+20.5) ) * &
if (max(id_qldt_accr,id_ql_accr_col) > 0) qldt_accr(:,:,j) = D1_dt
! Autoconversion
! The autoconversion parameterization follow that of Manton
! and Cotton (1977). This formula has been used in Chen and
! Cotton (1987) and is used in the CSIRO GCM (Rotstayn 1997)
! and the LMD GCM (Boucher, Le Treut and Baker 1995). In this
! formulation the time rate of change of grid mean liquid is
! (32) dl/dt= -CA * qa * [(ql/qa)^(7/3)] * [(N*dens_h2o)^(-1/3)]
! * H(rad_liq - rthresh)
! where N is the number of cloud droplets per cubic metre,
! rthresh is a particle radius threshold needed to for autoconv-
! ersion to occur, H is the Heaviside function, and CA is
! a constant which is:
! (33) CA = 0.104 * grav * Ec * (airdens)^(4/3) / mu
! where grav is gravitational acceleration, Ec is the collection
! efficiency, airdens is the density of air, and mu is the
! dynamic viscosity of air. This constant is evaluated
! ignoring the temperature dependence of mu and with a fixed
! airdens of 1 kg/m3.
! With Ec = 0.55 (standard choice - see references)
! grav = 9.81 m/(s*s)
! airdens = 1.00 kg air/(m*m*m)
! mu = 1.717 E-05 kg condensate/(m*s)
! CA = 32681. [(kg air)^(4/3)]/kg liq/m/s
! For numerical treatment we write (32) as:
! dl/dt = - D_aut * l
! and if we do so:
! (34) D_aut = CA * [(N*dens_h2o)^(-1/3)] * [(ql/qa)^(4/3)] * &
! H(r-rthresh)
! In the work below, D_aut is temporarily stored in the variable
! tmp1 before being added to D1_dt. D1_dt represents the
! conversion of liquid to rain.
! Following Rotstayn, autoconversion is limited to the amount that
! would reduce the local liquid cloud condensate to the critical
! value at which autoconversion begins. This limiter is likely to
! be invoked frequently and is computed from
! (35) D_dt = log( (rad_liq/rthresh)**3. )
! This limiter is stored in tmp2.
! -------------------------------------------------
! Khairoutdinov and Kogan (2000) Autoconversion
! Reference: Khairoutdinov, M. and Y. Kogan, 2000: A new cloud
! physics parameterization in a large-eddy simulation
! model of marine stratocumulus. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128,
! 229-243.
! If the namelist parameter use_kk_auto = true, then the
! Khairoutdinov and Kogan (KK) autoconversion parameterization
! is used in place of the Manton and Cotton formula described
! above.
! In SI units this formula is:
! (32A) dl/dt= -CA * qa * [(ql/qa)^(2.47)] * [(N)^(-1.79)]
! where N is the number of cloud droplets per cubic metre
! and CA is a constant which is:
! (33A) CA = 7.4188E+13 (kg condensate/kg air)**(-1.47)
! (# drops/meters**3)**(1.79)
! seconds**(-1)
! For numerical treatment we write (32A) as:
! dl/dt = - D_aut * l
! and if we do so:
! (34A) D_aut = CA * [(N)^(-1.79)] * [(ql/qa)^(1.47)]
if (do_liq_num) then
if (use_kk_auto) then
!*************************yim's version based on Khairoutdinov and Kogan (2000)
!The second place N is used
tmp1 = dtcloud * 1350. * &
(1.e-6*max(qn_mean*airdens(:,:,j),max(qa_mean,qmin)*N_min))**(-1.79)* &
! tmp1 = dtcloud * 1350. * &
! (1.e-6*max(qn_mean,N_min)*airdens(:,:,j))**(-1.79)* &
! (ql_mean)**(1.47)*max(qa_mean,qmin)**(0.32)
!yim fall back to M & C using qn
!compute autoconversion sink as in (34)
tmp1 = 32681. * dtcloud * ((max(qn_mean,qmin)*airdens(:,:,j)*dens_h2o)**(-1./3.))* &
!compute limiter as in (35)
tmp2 =max(3*log(max(rad_liq,qmin)/rthresh),0.)
!limit autoconversion to the limiter
tmp1 = min(tmp1,tmp2)
if ( use_kk_auto ) then
tmp1 = 0.
!compute autoconversion sink as in (34A)
where (ql_mean.gt.qmin)
tmp1 = 7.4188E+13 * dtcloud * (N**(-1.79))* &
!compute autoconversion sink as in (34)
tmp1 = 32681. * dtcloud * ((N*dens_h2o)**(-1./3.))* &
!compute limiter as in (35)
tmp2 =max(3*log(max(rad_liq,qmin)/rthresh),0.)
!limit autoconversion to the limiter
tmp1 = min(tmp1,tmp2)
!add autoconversion to D1_dt
D1_dt = D1_dt + tmp1
!auto conversion will change a_rain_cld upto area of cloud
where (tmp1 .gt. Dmin) a_rain_cld = qa_mean
if (max(id_qldt_auto,id_ql_auto_col) > 0) qldt_auto(:,:,j) = tmp1
if ( id_autocv > 0 ) then
where ( rad_liq .gt. rthresh ) areaautocv(:,:,j) = qa_mean
end if
! Bergeron-Findeisan Process
! where ice and liquid coexist, the differential saturation
! vapor pressure between liquid and ice phases encourages
! the growth of ice crystals at the expense of liquid droplets.
! Rotstayn (2000) derive an equation for the growth of ice by
! starting with the vapor deposition equation for an ice crystal
! and write it in terms of ice specific humidity as:
! {(Ni/airdens)**2/3}*7.8
! (36) dqi/dt = ------------------------ X [(esl-esi)/esi] X
! [rhoice**1/3]* A_plus_B
! ((max(qi,Mio*Ni/airdens))**(1/3))*
! Here Ni is the ice crystal number which is taken from the
! parameterization of Meyers et al. :
! (37) Ni = 1000 * exp( (12.96* [(esl-esi)/esi]) - 0.639 )
! The use of the maximum operator assumed that there is a
! background ice crystal always present on which deposition can
! occur. Mio is an initial ice crystal mass taken to be 10-12kg.
! Figure 9.3 of Rogers and Yau (1998) shows the nearly linear
! variation of [(esl-esi)/esi] from 0. at 273.16K to 0.5 at
! 233.16K. Analytically this is parameterized as (tfreeze-T)/80.
! Generalizing (36) to grid mean conditions and writing it in
! terms of a loss of cloud liquid yields:
! (1000*exp((12.96*(tfreeze-T)/80)-0.639)/airdens)**2/3
! (38) dql/dt = - -----------------------------------------------------
! [rhoice**1/3]* A_plus_B * ql
! *qa*7.8*((max(qi/qa,Mio*Ni/airdens))**(1/3))*[(tfreeze-T)/80]*ql
! Note that the density of ice is set to 700 kg m3 the value
! appropriate for pristine ice crystals. This value is
! necessarily different than the value of ice used in the riming
! and sublimation part of the code which is for larger particles
! which have much lower densities.
if (do_dust_berg) then
do k = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
if ( (T(i,k,j) .lt. tfreeze) .and. (ql_mean(i,k) .gt. qmin) &
.and. (qa_mean(i,k) .gt. qmin)) then
call Jhete_dep(T(i,k,j),Si0,concen_dust_sub(i,k,j),crystal(i,k))
if (id_debug4 > 0) debug4(i,k,j) = 1.
end do
end do
if (max(id_qndt_cond,id_qn_cond_col) > 0) qndt_cond(:,:,j) = crystal
if (max(id_qndt_evap,id_qn_evap_col) > 0) then
qndt_evap(:,:,j) = 0.
where (T(:,:,j).lt.tfreeze .and. ql_mean.gt.qmin .and. qa_mean.gt.qmin)
qndt_evap(:,:,j) = 1.e-3*exp((12.96*0.0125*(tfreeze-T(:,:,j)))-0.639)
end where
!do Bergeron process
D2_dt = 0.0
where (T(:,:,j) .lt. tfreeze .and. ql_mean .gt. qmin .and. qa_mean .gt. qmin)
D2_dt = dtcloud * qa_mean * ((1.e6*crystal(:,:)/airdens(:,:,j))**(2./ &
3.))* 7.8* ((max(qi_mean/qa_mean,1.E-12*1.e6* &
crystal(:,:) &
/airdens(:,:,j)))**(1./3.))*0.0125* &
(tfreeze-T(:,:,j))/((700.**(1./3.))* &
end where
!do Bergeron process
D2_dt = 0.0
where (T(:,:,j) .lt. tfreeze .and. ql_mean .gt. qmin .and. qa_mean .gt. qmin)
D2_dt = dtcloud * qa_mean * ((cfact*1000.*exp((12.96*0.0125* &
(tfreeze-T(:,:,j)))-0.639)/airdens(:,:,j))**(2./ &
3.))* 7.8* ((max(qi_mean/qa_mean,1.E-12*cfact*1000.* &
exp((12.96*0.0125*(tfreeze-T(:,:,j)))-0.639) &
/airdens(:,:,j)))**(1./3.))*0.0125* &
(tfreeze-T(:,:,j))/((700.**(1./3.))* &
end where
if (max(id_qldt_berg,id_ql_berg_col) > 0) qldt_berg(:,:,j) = D2_dt
! Accretion of cloud liquid by ice ('Riming')
! [The below follows Rotstayn]
! Accretion of cloud liquid by ice ('Riming') is derived in
! the same way as the accretion of cloud liquid by rain. That
! is the continous-collection equation for the growth of an
! ice crystal is integrated over all ice crystal sizes. This
! calculation assumes all crystals fall at the mass weighted
! fall speed, Vfall. This yields the following equation after
! accounting for the area of the interaction
! (39) dql/dt = - ( a_snow_cld / qa/a_snow_cld ) *
! ( ELI * lamda_f * snow_cld / 2/ rho_ice ) * ql
! Note that in the version with the snowmelt bug, riming was
! prevented when temperatures were in excess of freezing.
!add in accretion of cloud liquid by ice
tmp1 = 0.0
if (do_old_snowmelt) then
where ((a_snow_cld.gt.qmin) .and. (ql_mean.gt.qmin) .and. &
( qa_mean.gt.qmin) .and. (T(:,:,j) .lt. tfreeze) )
tmp1 = dtcloud*0.5*ELI*lamda_f*snow_cld/qa_mean/rho_ice
end where
where ((a_snow_cld.gt.qmin) .and. (ql_mean.gt.qmin) .and. &
( qa_mean.gt.qmin) )
tmp1 = dtcloud*0.5*ELI*lamda_f*snow_cld/qa_mean/rho_ice
end where
end if
D2_dt = D2_dt + tmp1
if (max(id_qldt_rime,id_ql_rime_col) > 0) qldt_rime(:,:,j) = tmp1
! Freezing of cloud liquid to cloud ice occurs when
! the temperature is less than -40C. At these very cold temper-
! atures it is assumed that homogenous freezing of cloud liquid
! droplets will occur. To accomplish this numerically in one
! time step:
! (40) D*dtcloud = ln( ql / qmin ).
! With this form it is guaranteed that if this is the only
! process acting that ql = qmin after one integration.
!do homogeneous freezing
where ( T(:,:,j).lt.tfreeze-40..and.(ql_mean.gt.qmin).and. &
D2_dt = log ( ql_mean / qmin )
end where
if (max(id_qldt_freez,id_qldt_rime,id_qldt_berg,id_ql_freez_col, &
id_ql_rime_col,id_ql_berg_col) > 0) then
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if (T(i,k,j).lt.(tfreeze-40.).and.(ql_mean(i,k).gt.qmin) &
.and.(qa_mean(i,k).gt.qmin)) then
if (max(id_qldt_freez,id_ql_freez_col) > 0) qldt_freez(i,k,j) = D2_dt(i,k)
if (max(id_qldt_rime,id_ql_rime_col) > 0) qldt_rime (i,k,j) = 0.
if (max(id_qldt_berg,id_ql_berg_col) > 0) qldt_berg (i,k,j) = 0.
end if
! Analytic integration of ql equation
! The next step is to analytically integrate the cloud liquid
! condensate equation. This follows the Tiedtke approach.
! The qc equation is written in the form:
! (41) dqc/dt = C - qc * D
! Note that over the physics time step, C and D are assumed to
! be constants.
! Defining qc(t) = qc0 and qc(t+dtcloud) = qc1, the analytic
! solution of the above equation is:
! (42) qc1 = qceq - (qceq - qc0) * exp (-D*dtcloud)
! where qceq is the equilibrium cloud condensate that is approached
! with an time scale of 1/D,
! (43) qceq = C / D
! To diagnose the magnitude of each of the right hand terms of
! (41) integrated over the time step, define the average cloud
! condensate in the interval t to t + dtcloud qcbar as:
! (44) qcbar = qceq - [ (qc1-qc0) / ( dtcloud * D ) ]
! from which the magnitudes of the C and D terms integrated
! over the time step are:
! C and -D * (qcbar)
! Additional notes on this analytic integration:
! 1. Because of finite machine precision it is required that
! D*dt is greater than a minimum value. This minimum
! alue occurs where 1. - exp(-D*dt) = 0. instead of
! D*dt. This value will be machine dependent. See discussion
! at top of code for Dmin.
!C_dt is set to large-scale condensation. Sink of cloud liquid
!is set to the sum of D1 (liquid to rain component), and D2
!(liquid to ice component), D_eros (erosion), and large-scale
!evaporation (note use of ql mean).
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
C_dts = max(dcond_ls(i,k),0.)
D_dts = D1_dt(i,k) + D2_dt(i,k) + D_eros(i,k) + &
!do analytic integration
qc0s = ql_upd(i,k)
if ( D_dts.gt.Dmin ) then
qceqs = C_dts / D_dts
qc1s = qceqs - (qceqs - qc0s) * exp ( -1.* D_dts )
qcbars = qceqs - ((qc1s - qc0s)/ D_dts)
qceqs = qc0s + C_dts
qc1s = qc0s + C_dts
qcbars = qc0s + 0.5*C_dts
!set total tendency term and update cloud
!Note that the amount of SL calculated here is stored in tmp1.
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) + qc1s - qc0s
ql_upd(i,k) = qc1s
!compute the amount each term contributes to the change
!rab Dterm = -D_dt * qcbar
! Apportion SL between various processes. This is necessary to
! account for how much the temperature changes due to various
! phase changes. For example:
! liquid to ice = (D2/D)*(-Dterm)
! liquid to rain = (D1/D)*(-Dterm)
! (no phase change but needed to know how much to increment
! rainflux)
! vapor to liquid = - { ((-dcond_ls/ql_mean)+D_eros)/D}*(-Dterm)
! where dcond_ls < 0
! but
! dcond_ls -(D_eros/D)*(-Dterm)
! where dcond_ls > 0
!initialize tmp2 to hold (-Dterm)/D
!rab tmp2 = -Dterm/max(D_dt,Dmin)
tmp2(i,k) = D_dts*qcbars/max(D_dts,Dmin)
!do phase changes from large-scale processes and boundary
!layer condensation/evaporation
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + (hlv*max(dcond_ls(i,k),0.)/cp_air) - &
(hlv*(max(-1.*dcond_ls(i,k),0.) /max(ql_mean(i,k),qmin))*tmp2(i,k)/cp_air)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) - max(dcond_ls(i,k),0.) + &
(max(-1.*dcond_ls(i,k),0.) /max(ql_mean(i,k),qmin))*tmp2(i,k)
!add in liquid to ice and cloud erosion to temperature tendency
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + (hlf*D2_dt(i,k)-hlv*D_eros(i,k))*tmp2(i,k)/cp_air
!cloud evaporation adds to water vapor
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + D_eros(i,k)*tmp2(i,k)
!add conversion of liquid to rain to the rainflux
rain_cld(i,k) = rain_cld(i,k) +D1_dt(i,k)*tmp2(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
!save liquid converted to ice into tmp3 and increment qi_mean
tmp3(i,k) = tmp2(i,k)*D2_dt(i,k)
qi_mean(i,k) = qi_mean(i,k) + tmp3(i,k)
if (do_liq_num) then
! Analytic integration of qn equation
! The qn equation is written in the form:
! (m1) dqc/dt = (1 - qabar) * A * qc^ - qc * D
! = C - qc * D
! where qc^ is the large-scale qn calculated from the
! activation parameterization. Note that over the physics
! time step, C and D are assumed to be constants.
! Defining qc(t) = qc0 and qc(t+dtcloud) = qc1, the analytic
! solution of the above equation is:
! (m2) qc1 = qceq - (qceq - qc0) * exp (-D*dtcloud)
! where qceq is the equilibrium cloud droplet number that is approached
! with an time scale of 1/D,
! (m3) qceq = C / D
! To diagnose the magnitude of each of the right hand terms of
! (m1) integrated over the time step, define the average cloud
! condensate in the interval t to t + dtcloud qcbar as:
! (m4) qcbar = qceq - [ (qc1-qc0) / ( dtcloud * D ) ]
! from which the magnitudes of the C and D terms integrated
! over the time step are:
! C and -D * (qcbar)
!Calculate C_dt
! C_dt=max(tmp5,0.)*drop1*1.e6/airdens(:,:,j)
!For replying the review, substract autoconversion
! D_dt = D1_dt + D2_dt + D_eros
!do analytic integration
! where ( (D_dt.gt.Dmin) )
! qc0 = qn_upd
! qceq = C_dt / max(D_dt, Dmin)
! qc1 = qceq - (qceq - qc0) * exp ( -1.* D_dt )
! qcbar = qceq - ((qc1 - qc0)/ max(D_dt, Dmin))
! elsewhere
! qc0 = qn_upd
! qceq = qc0 + C_dt
! qc1 = qc0 + C_dt
! qcbar = qc0 + 0.5*C_dt
! end where
if (max(id_qndt_cond,id_qn_cond_col) > 0) qndt_cond(:,:,j) = 0.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!Calculate C_dt
D_dts = num_mass_ratio1*D1_dt(i,k) + (num_mass_ratio2*D2_dt(i,k) + D_eros(i,k))
qc0s = qn_upd(i,k)
if (D_dts > Dmin) then
qceqs = C_dts / D_dts
qc1s = qceqs - (qceqs - qc0s)* exp(-1.*D_dts)
qcbars = qceqs - ((qc1s -qc0s)/D_dts)
qceqs = qc0s + C_dts
qc1s = qc0s + C_dts
qcbars = qc0s + 0.5*C_dts
!set total tendency term and update cloud
!Note that the amount of SN calculated here is stored in tmp1.
SN(i,k,j) = SN(i,k,j) + qc1s - qc0s
qn_upd(i,k) = qc1s
!compute the amount each term contributes to the change
! where ( C_dt .gt. 0 )
! Cterm = C_dt
! Dterm = D_dt * qcbar
! elsewhere
! Cterm = 0.
! Dterm = D_dt * qcbar
! end where
if (max(id_qndt_cond,id_qn_cond_col) > 0) then
if ( C_dts.gt. 0 ) qndt_cond(i,k,j) = C_dts
if (max(id_qndt_evap,id_qn_evap_col) > 0) qndt_evap(i,k,j) = D_dts * qcbars !Dterm
end do
end do
endif ! (do_liq_num)
! diagnostics for cloud liquid tendencies
if (max(id_qldt_cond,id_ql_cond_col) > 0) qldt_cond(:,:,j) = max(dcond_ls,0.) *inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_evap,id_ql_evap_col) > 0) qldt_evap(:,:,j) = (max(0.,-1.*dcond_ls )/max(ql_mean, &
qmin)) *tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_accr,id_ql_accr_col) > 0) qldt_accr(:,:,j) = qldt_accr (:,:,j)*tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_auto,id_ql_auto_col) > 0) qldt_auto(:,:,j) = qldt_auto (:,:,j)*tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_eros,id_ql_eros_col) > 0) qldt_eros(:,:,j) = D_eros *tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_berg,id_ql_berg_col) > 0) qldt_berg(:,:,j) = qldt_berg (:,:,j)*tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_rime,id_ql_rime_col) > 0) qldt_rime(:,:,j) = qldt_rime (:,:,j)*tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_freez,id_ql_freez_col) > 0) qldt_freez(:,:,j) = qldt_freez(:,:,j)*tmp2*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_cond,id_qn_cond_col) > 0) qndt_cond(:,:,j) = qndt_cond(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_evap,id_qn_evap_col) > 0) qndt_evap(:,:,j) = qndt_evap(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
!----- -----!
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! Ice settling
! Ice settling is treated as in Heymsfield Donner 1990.
! The mass weighted fall speed is parameterized as in equation
! #49.
! In terms of the analytic integration with respect qi of Tiedtke,
! the flux in from the top of the grid layer is equated to the
! source term, and the flux out of the bottom of the layer is
! equated to the sink term:
! (47) C_dt = snow_cld * dtcloud * grav / deltp
! (48) D_dt = airdens * grav * Vfall * dtcloud / deltp
! All ice crystals are assumed to fall with the same fall speed
! which is given as in Heymsfield and Donner (1990) as:
! (49) Vfall = 3.29 * ( (airdens*qi_mean/qa_mean)**0.16)
! which is the formula in Heymsfield and Donner. Note however
! that because this is uncertain, sensitivity runs will be made
! with different formulations. Note that when Vfall is computed
! the source incremented qi, qi_mean, is used. This gives some
! implicitness to the scheme.
!compute Vfall
iwc = airdens(:,:,j)*qi_mean/max(qa_mean,qmin)
where (iwc >= iwc_crit)
Vfall = vfact*3.29 * iwc**0.16
Vfall = vfact*vfall_const2 * iwc**vfall_exp2
end where
if (id_vfall > 0) vfalldiag(:,:,j) = Vfall(:,:)*areaice(:,:,j)
!add to ice source the settling ice flux from above
!also note that tmp3 contains the source
!of liquid converted to ice from above
tmp3 = tmp3 + snow_cld*dtcloud/deltpg
!Compute settling of ice. The result is multiplied by
!dtcloud/deltp to convert to units of D_dt.
!Note that if tracers are not advected then this is done
!relative to the local vertical motion.
if (tracer_advec) then
tmp1 = 0.
tmp1 = omega(:,:,j)
end if
where (qi_mean .gt. qmin .and. qa_mean .gt. qmin)
D1_dt = max(0.,((airdens(:,:,j)*Vfall)+(tmp1/grav))* &
dtcloud/deltpg )
a_snow_cld = qa_mean
D1_dt = 0.
snow_cld = 0.
a_snow_cld = 0.
end where
! Melting of in-cloud ice
! Melting occurs where the temperature is greater than Tfreezing.
! This is an instaneous process such that no stratiform ice will
! remain in the grid at the end of the timestep.
! No ice settles out of the grid box (i.e. D1 is set to zero) when
! the amount of ice to be melted is less than that that would
! bring the grid box to the freezing point.
! The ice that melts becomes rain. This is because if an ice
! crystal of dimension ~100 microns and mass density of 100 kg/m2
! melts it will become a droplet of SIZE 40 microns which is
! clearly a drizzle SIZE drop. Ice crystals at temperatures near
! freezing are assumed to be this large, consistent with the
! assumption of particle SIZE temperature dependence.
!compute grid mean change in cloud ice to cool the
!grid box to 0C and store in temporary variable tmp1
tmp1 = cp_air*(T(:,:,j)-tfreeze)/hlf
! If qi_mean > tmp1, then the amount of ice melted is
! limited to tmp1, otherwise melt all qi_mean. The amount
! melted is stored in tmp2
tmp2 = max(min(qi_mean,tmp1),0.)
D2_dt = max(0.,log(max(qi_mean,qmin)/max(qi_mean-tmp2,qmin)))
!melting of ice creates area to a_rain_cld
where (D2_dt .gt. Dmin)
a_rain_cld = qa_mean
!If all of the ice can melt, then don't permit any ice to fall
!out of the grid box and set a_snow_cld to zero.
where (qi_mean .lt. tmp1 .and. qi_mean .gt. qmin)
D1_dt = 0.
snow_cld = 0.
a_snow_cld = 0.
end where
! Analytic integration of qi equation
! This repeats the procedure done for the ql equation.
! See above notes for detail.
!At this point C_dt already includes the source of cloud ice
!falling from above as well as liquid converted to ice.
!Therefore add in large_scale deposition.
!Compute D_dt which has contributions from D1_dt (ice settling)
!and D2_dt (ice melting), D_eros (cloud erosion), and large-
!scale sublimation (note use of qi mean).
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
C_dts = tmp3(i,k) + max(dcond_ls_ice(i,k),0.)
D_dts = D1_dt(i,k) + D2_dt(i,k) + D_eros(i,k) + &
!do analytic integration
qc0s = qi_upd(i,k)
if ( D_dts.gt.Dmin ) then
qceqs = C_dts / D_dts
qc1s = qceqs - (qceqs - qc0s) * exp ( -1.* D_dts )
qcbars = qceqs - ((qc1s - qc0s)/D_dts)
qceqs = qc0s + C_dts
qc1s = qc0s + C_dts
qcbars = qc0s + 0.5*C_dts
!set total tendency term and update cloud
!Note that the amount of SL calculated here is stored in tmp1.
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) + qc1s - qc0s
qi_upd(i,k) = qc1s
!compute the amount each term contributes to the change
!rab Dterm = -D_dt * qcbar
! Apportion SI between various processes. This is necessary to
! account for how much the temperature and water vapor changes
! due to various phase changes. For example:
! ice settling = (D1/D)*(-Dterm)*deltp/grav/dtcloud
! vapor to ice =
! -{ ((-dcond_ls_ice/qi_mean)+D_eros)/ D }*(-Dterm)
! where dcond_ls_ice < 0.
! but
! dcond_ls_ice -(D_eros/D)* (-Dterm)
! where dcond_ls_ice > 0.
! melting of ice = (D2/D)*(-Dterm)*deltp/grav/dtcloud
!initialize tmp2 to hold (-Dterm)/D
!rab tmp2 = -Dterm/max(D_dt,Dmin)
tmp2s = D_dts*qcbars/max(D_dts,Dmin)
!do phase changes from large-scale processes
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + hls*max(dcond_ls_ice(i,k),0.)/cp_air - &
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) - max(dcond_ls_ice(i,k),0.) + &
!cloud erosion changes temperature and vapor
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hls*D_eros(i,k)* tmp2s/cp_air
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + D_eros(i,k)* tmp2s
!add settling ice flux to snow_cld
snow_cld(i,k) = D1_dt(i,k)*tmp2s*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
!add melting of ice to temperature tendency
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlf*D2_dt(i,k)*tmp2s/cp_air
!add melting of ice to the rainflux
rain_cld(i,k) = rain_cld(i,k) + D2_dt(i,k)*tmp2s*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
! diagnostics for cloud ice tendencies
if (max(id_qidt_dep,id_qi_dep_col) > 0) &
qidt_dep (i,k,j) = max(dcond_ls_ice(i,k),0.)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_subl,id_qi_subl_col) > 0) &
qidt_subl(i,k,j) = (max(0.,-1.*dcond_ls_ice(i,k))/ &
if (max(id_qidt_melt,id_qi_melt_col) > 0) &
qidt_melt(i,k,j) = D2_dt(i,k) *tmp2s*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_eros,id_qi_eros_col) > 0) &
qidt_eros(i,k,j) = D_eros(i,k)*tmp2s*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_lsf_strat,id_lcf_strat,id_mfls_strat) > 0) then
tmp1s = max(dcond_ls_ice(i,k),0.)*inv_dtcloud
if ( (qldt_cond(i,k,j) + tmp1s) .gt. 0. ) lsf_strat(:,:,j) = 1.
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! Rain evaporation is derived by integration of the growth
! equation of a droplet over the assumed Marshall-Palmer
! distribution of rain drops (equation #22). This leads to the
! following formula:
! (50) dqv/dt_local = 56788.636 * {rain_rate/dens_h2o}^(11/18) *(1-U)/
! ( SQRT(airdens)* A_plus_B)
! Numerically this equation integrated by use of time-centered
! values for qs and qv. This leads to the solution:
! (51) qv_clr(t+1)-qv_clr(t) = K3 *[qs(t)-qv_clr(t)]/
! {1.+0.5*K3*(1+gamma)}
! where
! K3= 56788.636 * dtcloud * {rain_rate_local/dens_h2o}^(11/18) /
! ( SQRT(airdens)* A_plus_B * qs)
! and gamma is given by (3). Note that in (51), it is made
! explicit that it is the vapor concentration in the unsaturated
! part of the grid box that is used in the rain evaporation
! formula.
! Now there are several limiters to this formula. First,
! you cannot evaporate more than is available in a time step.
! The amount available for evaporation locally is
! (rain_clr/a_rain_clr)*(grav*dtcloud/deltp). Second, to
! avoid supersaturating the box or exceeding the critical
! relative humidity above which rain does not evaporate,
! the amount of evaporation is limited.
! Finally rain evaporation occurs only if the relative humidity
! in the unsaturated portion of the grid box, U_clr, is less
! then a threshold, U_evap. U_evap, will not necessarily be
! one. For example, stratiform precipitation in convective
! regions rarely saturates subcloud air because of the presence
! of downdrafts. If the convection scheme does not have down-
! drafts then it doesn't make sense to allow the sub-cloud layer
! to saturate. U_clr may be solved from (8) as:
! (52) U_clr = ( U - qa ) / (1. - qa)
! Some variables are temporarily stored in tmp1.
! Note that for pdf clouds the relative humidity in the clear part
! of the grid box can be calculated exactly from the beta distr-
! ibution.
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
!compute U_clr
if (.not. do_pdf_clouds) then
U_clr(i,k) = (U(i,k)-qa_mean(i,k))/max((1.-qa_mean(i,k)),qmin)
U_clr(i,k) = qvg(i,k)/qs(i,k,j)
end if
!keep U_clr > 0. and U_clr < 1.
U_clr(i,k) = min(max(U_clr(i,k),0.),1.)
!compute K3
tmp1s = 56788.636 * dtcloud * ((rain_clr(i,k)/max(a_rain_clr(i,k),qmin)/ &
!compute local change in vapor mixing ratio due to
!rain evaporation
tmp1s = tmp1s*qs(i,k,j)*(1.-U_clr(i,k))/(1.+0.5*tmp1s*(1.+gamma(i,k,j)))
!limit change in qv to the amount that would raise the relative
!humidity to U_evap in the clear portion of the grid box
tmp1s = min(tmp1s,((1.-qa_mean(i,k))/max(a_rain_clr(i,k),qmin))*qs(i,k,j)* &
max(0.,U_evap-U_clr(i,k))/(1.+(U_evap*(1.-qa_mean(i,k))+qa_mean(i,k))* &
gamma(i,k,j)) )
!do limiter by amount available
tmp1s= tmp1s*a_rain_clr(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
tmp2s= max(min(rain_clr(i,k),tmp1s),0.)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)/cp_air
!if all of the rain evaporates set things to zero.
if (tmp1s.gt.rain_clr(i,k).and.a_rain_clr(i,k).gt.qmin) then
rain_clr(i,k) = 0.
a_rain_clr(i,k) = 0.
rain_clr(i,k) = rain_clr(i,k) - tmp2s
if (max(id_rain_evap,id_rain_evap_col) > 0) rain_evap(i,k,j) = tmp2s/deltpg(i,k)
!rab enddo
!rab enddo
! Sublimation of cloud ice
! [The following follows Rotstayn (1997)]
! Given the assumptions of the Marshall-Palmer distribution of
! ice crystals (18), the crystal growth equation as a function
! of the humidity of the air and the diffusivity of water vapor
! and thermal conductivity of air is integrated over all crystal
! sizes. This yields:
! (53) dqi/dt_local = - a_snow_clr* K3 * (qs - qv_clr)
! where the leading factor of a_snow_clr is the portion of the
! grid box undergoing sublimation. K3 is given by
! (54) K3 = (4/(pi*rho_air*qs*rho_ice*A_plus_B))*
! ((snow_clr/a_snow_clr/3.29)**1.16 ) *
! [ 0.65*lamda_f^2 +
! 198.92227 * (airdens)^0.5 *
! ((snow_clr/a_snow_clr)**(1/14.5)) * lamda_f^(3/2) ]
! Note that equation (53) is identical to equation (30) of
! Rotstayn.
! Numerically this is integrated as in rain evaporation.
!rab do k=1,jdim
!rab do i=1,idim
!compute K3
tmp1s = dtcloud * (4./3.14159/rho_ice/airdens(i,k,j)/ &
A_plus_B(i,k,j)/qs(i,k,j))*((snow_clr(i,k)/max(a_snow_clr(i,k), &
qmin)/3.29)**(1./1.16))*(0.65*lamda_f(i,k)*lamda_f(i,k) + &
198.92227*lamda_f(i,k)*SQRT(airdens(i,k,j)*lamda_f(i,k))* &
( (snow_clr(i,k)/max(a_snow_clr(i,k),qmin))**(1./14.5) ) )
!compute local change in vapor mixing ratio due to
!snow sublimation
tmp1s = tmp1s*qs(i,k,j)*(1.-U_clr(i,k))/(1.+0.5*tmp1s*(1.+gamma(i,k,j)))
!limit change in qv to the amount that would raise the relative
!humidity to U_evap in the clear portion of the grid box
tmp1s = min(tmp1s,((1.-qa_mean(i,k))/max(a_snow_clr(i,k),qmin))*qs(i,k,j)* &
max(0.,U_evap-U_clr(i,k))/(1.+(U_evap*(1.-qa_mean(i,k))+qa_mean(i,k))* &
gamma(i,k,j)) )
!do limiter by amount available
tmp1s= tmp1s*a_snow_clr(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
tmp2s= max(min(snow_clr(i,k),tmp1s),0.)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hls*tmp2s*dtcloud/deltpg(i,k)/cp_air
!if all of the snow sublimates set things to zero.
if (tmp1s.gt.snow_clr(i,k).and.a_snow_clr(i,k).gt.qmin) then
snow_clr(i,k) = 0.
a_snow_clr(i,k) = 0.
snow_clr(i,k) = snow_clr(i,k) - tmp2s
if (max(id_snow_subl,id_snow_subl_col) > 0) snow_subl(i,k,j) = tmp2s/deltpg(i,k)
! Adjustment to try to prevent negative water vapor. Adjustment
! will not remove more condensate than available. Cloud amount
! is not adjusted. This is left for the remainder of the
! desctruction code. (cjg)
if (max(id_qadt_destr,id_qa_destr_col) > 0) qadt_destr(:,:,j) = qadt_destr(:,:,j) + SA(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_destr,id_ql_destr_col) > 0) qldt_destr(:,:,j) = qldt_destr(:,:,j) + SL(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_destr,id_qi_destr_col) > 0) qidt_destr(:,:,j) = qidt_destr(:,:,j) + SI(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_destr,id_qn_destr_col) > 0) qndt_destr(:,:,j) = qndt_destr(:,:,j) + SN(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
tmp1s = qv(i,k,j) + SQ(i,k,j)
tmp2s = 0.0
tmp3s = 0.0
if ( tmp1s.lt.0.0 ) then
if (T(i,k,j).le.tfreeze-40.) then
tmp2s = min( -tmp1s, ql_upd(i,k) ) ! liquid to evaporate
tmp3s = min( -tmp1s-tmp2s, qi_upd(i,k) ) ! ice to sublimate
tmp3s = min( -tmp1s, qi_upd(i,k) ) ! ice to sublimate
tmp2s = min( -tmp1s-tmp3s, ql_upd(i,k) ) ! liquid to evaporate
end if
ql_upd(i,k) = ql_upd(i,k) - tmp2s
qi_upd(i,k) = qi_upd(i,k) - tmp3s
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - tmp2s
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) - tmp3s
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + tmp2s + tmp3s
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*tmp2s/cp_air - hls*tmp3s/cp_air
end if
! Cloud Destruction occurs where both ql and qi are .le. qmin,
! or if qa is .le. qmin. In this case, ql, qi, and qa are set to
! zero conserving moisture and energy.
if (.not.do_liq_num) then
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if ((ql_upd(i,k) .le. qmin .and. qi_upd(i,k) .le. qmin) &
.or. (qa_upd(i,k) .le. qmin)) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql_upd(i,k)
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) - qi_upd(i,k)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql_upd(i,k) + qi_upd(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - (hlv*ql_upd(i,k) + hls*qi_upd(i,k))/cp_air
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) - qa_upd(i,k)
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qi_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qa_upd(i,k) = 0.0
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if ((ql_upd(i,k) .le. qmin .and. qi_upd(i,k) .le. qmin) &
.or. (qa_upd(i,k) .le. qmin)) then
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) - ql_upd(i,k)
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) - qi_upd(i,k)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql_upd(i,k) + qi_upd(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - (hlv*ql_upd(i,k) + hls*qi_upd(i,k))/cp_air
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) - qa_upd(i,k)
SN(i,k,j) = SN(i,k,j) - qn_upd(i,k)
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qi_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qa_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qn_upd(i,k) = 0.0
if (max(id_qadt_destr,id_qa_destr_col) > 0) qadt_destr(:,:,j) = qadt_destr(:,:,j) - SA(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_destr,id_ql_destr_col) > 0) qldt_destr(:,:,j) = qldt_destr(:,:,j) - SL(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_destr,id_qi_destr_col) > 0) qidt_destr(:,:,j) = qidt_destr(:,:,j) - SI(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_destr,id_qn_destr_col) > 0) qndt_destr(:,:,j) = qndt_destr(:,:,j) - SN(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
! Adjustment. Due to numerical errors in detrainment or advection
! sometimes the current state of the grid box may be super-
! saturated. Under the assumption that the temperature is constant
! in the grid box and that q <= qs, the excess vapor is condensed.
! What happens to the condensed water vapor is determined by the
! namelist parameter super_choice.
! If super_choice = .false. (default), then the condensed water is
! is added to the precipitation fluxes. If super_choice = .true.,
! then the condensed water is added to the cloud condensate field.
! Note that in this case the cloud fraction is raised to one.
! The phase partitioning depends on super_choice; if super_choice
! is false then at T < -20C, snow is produced. If super_choice
! is true, then at T < -40C, ice is produced. The latter choice
! is consistent with that done in the large-scale condensation
! section above.
! If pdf clouds are operating then this section is bypassed -
! as statistical clouds should remove supersaturation according
! to the beta distribution used.
if (.not.do_pdf_clouds) then
! Old code
! !estimate current qs
! tmp2 = qs(:,:,j)+dqsdT(:,:,j)*ST(:,:,j)
! !compute excess over saturation
! tmp1 = max(0.,qv(:,:,j)+SQ(:,:,j)-tmp2)/(1.+gamma(:,:,j))
! New more accurate version
!RSH 9/18/09: should be within the super_choice if block:
! updated temperature in tmp1
tmp1 = T(:,:,j) + ST(:,:,j)
! updated qs in tmp2, updated gamma in tmp3, updated dqsdT in tmp5
call compute_qs(tmp1, pfull(:,:,j), tmp2, dqsdT=tmp5)
!RSH intended for s block:
! use blended L between 0 and -20 C, both in expression below for
! temp1 , and in the ST terms which follow below to avoid
! inconsistency and non-saturated conditions after calculation.
tmp3 = tmp5 *(min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(tmp1-tfreeze+20.)))*hlv + &
min(1.,max(0.,0.05*(tfreeze -tmp1 )))*hls)/cp_air
! do k=1,jdim
! do i=1,idim
! if (tmp1(i,k) <= tfreeze - 20.) then
! tmp6(i,k) = hls
! else if (tmp1(i,k) >= tfreeze) then
! tmp6(i,k) = hlv
! else
! tmp6(i,k) = 0.05*((tfreeze-tmp1(i,k))*hls + (tmp1(i,k)-tfreeze +20.)*hlv)
! endif
! end do
! end do
! tmp3 = tmp5 * tmp6/cp_air
!RSH end block
!compute excess over saturation
tmp1 = max(0.,qv(:,:,j)+SQ(:,:,j)-tmp2)/(1.+tmp3)
!rab - save off tmp1 for diagnostic ice/liq adjustment fields in liq_adj array
if (max(id_ice_adj,id_ice_adj_col,id_liq_adj,id_liq_adj_col) .gt. 0) &
liq_adj(:,:,j) = tmp1*inv_dtcloud
!change vapor content
if (super_choice) then
! Put supersaturation into cloud
!cloud fraction source diagnostic
if (max(id_qadt_super,id_qa_super_col) > 0) then
where (tmp1 .gt. 0.)
qadt_super(:,:,j) = (1.-qa_upd) * inv_dtcloud
!yim 11/7/07
if (do_liq_num) then
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if (T(i,k,j) > tfreeze - 40. .and. &
tmp1(i,k) > 0.0) then
qn_upd(i,k) = qn_upd(i,k) + drop1(i,k)*1.0e6/ &
airdens(i,k,j)*(1. - qa_upd(i,k))
SN(i,k,j) = SN(i,k,j) + drop1(i,k)*1.e6/ &
if (max(id_qndt_super,id_qn_super_col) > 0) &
qndt_super(i,k,j) = qndt_super(i,k,j) + &
drop1(i,k)*1.e6 / &
end do
end do
!add in excess to cloud condensate, change cloud area and
!increment temperature
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if(tmp1(i,k).gt.0) then
if (T(i,k,j) .le. tfreeze-40.)then
qi_upd(i,k) = qi_upd(i,k) + tmp1(i,k)
SI(i,k,j) = SI(i,k,j) + tmp1(i,k)
!RSH intended for s:
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + hls*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
! probably need to partition ql and qi in same way as L here for
! entropy conservation
! ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + tmp6(i,k)*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
!RSH end block
else ! where (T(i,k,j) .gt. tfreeze-40.)
ql_upd(i,k) = ql_upd(i,k) + tmp1(i,k)
SL(i,k,j) = SL(i,k,j) + tmp1(i,k)
!RSH intended for s:
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + hlv*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
! probably need to partition ql and qi in same way as L here for
! entropy conservation
! ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + tmp6(i,k)*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
!RSH end block
if (limit_conv_cloud_frac) then
tmp2s = ahuco(i,k,j)
tmp2s = 0.
SA(i,k,j) = SA(i,k,j) + (1.-qa_upd(i,k)-tmp2s)
qa_upd(i,k) = 1. - tmp2s
!Put supersaturation into precip
!add in excess to precipitation fluxes, change their area
!and increment temperature
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
if(tmp1(i,k).gt.0) then
if (T(i,k,j) .le. tfreeze-20.) then
snow_cld(i,k) = snow_cld(i,k) + qa_mean(i,k) *tmp1(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
snow_clr(i,k) = snow_clr(i,k) + (1.-qa_mean(i,k))*tmp1(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)* &
a_snow_cld(i,k) = qa_mean(i,k)
a_snow_clr(i,k) = 1.-qa_mean(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + hls*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
else ! where (T(i,k,j) .gt. tfreeze-20.)
rain_cld(i,k) = rain_cld(i,k) + qa_mean(i,k) *tmp1(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)*inv_dtcloud
rain_clr(i,k) = rain_clr(i,k) + (1.-qa_mean(i,k))*tmp1(i,k)*deltpg(i,k)* &
a_rain_cld(i,k) = qa_mean(i,k)
a_rain_clr(i,k) = 1.-qa_mean(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) + hlv*tmp1(i,k)/cp_air
end if !super choice
end if !for do_pdf_clouds
! Final clean up to remove numerical noise
if (max(id_qadt_destr,id_qa_destr_col) > 0) qadt_destr(:,:,j) = qadt_destr(:,:,j) + SA(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_destr,id_ql_destr_col) > 0) qldt_destr(:,:,j) = qldt_destr(:,:,j) + SL(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_destr,id_qi_destr_col) > 0) qidt_destr(:,:,j) = qidt_destr(:,:,j) + SI(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_destr,id_qn_destr_col) > 0) qndt_destr(:,:,j) = qndt_destr(:,:,j) + SN(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
do k=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
ql_upd(i,k) = ql(i,k,j) + SL(i,k,j)
if ( abs(ql_upd(i,k)) .le. qmin &
.and. qv(i,k,j)+SQ(i,k,j)+ql_upd(i,k) > 0.0 ) then
SL(i,k,j) = -ql(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + ql_upd(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hlv*ql_upd(i,k)/cp_air
ql_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qi_upd(i,k) = qi(i,k,j) + SI(i,k,j)
if ( abs(qi_upd(i,k)) .le. qmin &
.and. qv(i,k,j)+SQ(i,k,j)+qi_upd(i,k) > 0.0 ) then
SI(i,k,j) = -qi(i,k,j)
SQ(i,k,j) = SQ(i,k,j) + qi_upd(i,k)
ST(i,k,j) = ST(i,k,j) - hls*qi_upd(i,k)/cp_air
qi_upd(i,k) = 0.0
qa_upd(i,k) = qa(i,k,j) + SA(i,k,j)
if ( abs(qa_upd(i,k)) .le. qmin ) then
SA(i,k,j) = -qa(i,k,j)
qa_upd(i,k) = 0.0
if (max(id_qadt_destr,id_qa_destr_col) > 0) qadt_destr(:,:,j) = qadt_destr(:,:,j) - SA(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qldt_destr,id_ql_destr_col) > 0) qldt_destr(:,:,j) = qldt_destr(:,:,j) - SL(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qidt_destr,id_qi_destr_col) > 0) qidt_destr(:,:,j) = qidt_destr(:,:,j) - SI(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
if (max(id_qndt_destr,id_qn_destr_col) > 0) qndt_destr(:,:,j) = qndt_destr(:,:,j) - SN(:,:,j)*inv_dtcloud
! Save qa_mean of current level into qa_mean_lst. This is used
! in transferring rain and snow fluxes between levels.
qa_mean_lst = qa_mean
! add the ice falling out from cloud to qidt_fall
if (max(id_qidt_fall,id_qi_fall_col) > 0) qidt_fall(:,:,j) = qidt_fall(:,:,j) + &
! save profiles of rain and snow
rain3d(:,:,j+1) = rain_clr(:,:) + rain_cld(:,:)
snow3d(:,:,j+1) = snow_clr(:,:) + snow_cld(:,:)
snowclr3d(:,:,j+1) = snow_clr(:,:)
! Save rain and snow diagnostics
if (id_rain_clr > 0) rain_clr_diag(:,:,j+1) = rain_clr
if (id_rain_cld > 0) rain_cld_diag(:,:,j+1) = rain_cld
if (id_a_rain_clr > 0) a_rain_clr_diag(:,:,j+1) = a_rain_clr
if (id_a_rain_cld > 0) a_rain_cld_diag(:,:,j+1) = a_rain_cld
if (id_snow_clr > 0) snow_clr_diag(:,:,j+1) = snow_clr
if (id_snow_cld > 0) snow_cld_diag(:,:,j+1) = snow_cld
if (id_a_snow_clr > 0) a_snow_clr_diag(:,:,j+1) = a_snow_clr
if (id_a_snow_cld > 0) a_snow_cld_diag(:,:,j+1) = a_snow_cld
if (id_a_precip_clr > 0) a_precip_clr_diag(:,:,j+1) = max(a_rain_clr,a_snow_clr)
if (id_a_precip_cld > 0) a_precip_cld_diag(:,:,j+1) = max(a_rain_cld,a_snow_cld)
! Put rain and ice fluxes into surfrain and surfsnow if the
! grid point is at the bottom of a column. If MASK is not
! present then this code is executed only if j .eq. kdim.
! IF MASK is present some grid points may be beneath ground.
! If a given grid point is at the bottom of the column then
! the surface values of rain and snow must be created.
! Also if the MASK is present then the code forces all tenden-
! cies below ground to be zero. Note that MASK = 1. equals above
! ground point, MASK = 0. equals below ground point.
if (present(MASK)) then
!zero out all tendencies below ground
if (do_liq_num) then
if (j .lt. kdim) then
!bottom of true points in columns which contain some
!dummy points
where(MASK(:,:,j) .eq. 1. .and. MASK(:,:,j+1) .eq. 0.)
surfrain = dtcloud*(rain_clr+rain_cld)
surfsnow = dtcloud*(snow_clr+snow_cld)
rain_clr = 0.
rain_cld = 0.
snow_clr = 0.
snow_cld = 0.
a_rain_clr = 0.
a_rain_cld = 0.
a_snow_clr = 0.
a_snow_cld = 0.
end where
!bottom of column for those columns which contain no
!dummy points
where(MASK(:,:,j) .eq. 1.)
surfrain = dtcloud*(rain_clr+rain_cld)
surfsnow = dtcloud*(snow_clr+snow_cld)
rain_clr = 0.
rain_cld = 0.
snow_clr = 0.
snow_cld = 0.
a_rain_clr = 0.
a_rain_cld = 0.
a_snow_clr = 0.
a_snow_cld = 0.
end where
end if
!do code if we are at bottom of column
if (j .eq. kdim) then
surfrain = dtcloud*(rain_clr+rain_cld)
surfsnow = dtcloud*(snow_clr+snow_cld)
end if
end if
call mpp_clock_end(sc_loop)
call mpp_clock_begin(sc_post_loop)
if (num_strat_pts > 0) then
do nn=1,num_strat_pts
if (strat_pts(1,nn) >= is .and. strat_pts(1,nn) <= ie .and. &
strat_pts(2,nn) >= js .and. strat_pts(2,nn) <= je) then
ipt=strat_pts(1,nn); jpt=strat_pts(2,nn)
i=ipt-is+1; j=jpt-js+1
unit = open_ieee32_file ('strat.data', action='append')
write (unit) ipt,jpt, ql(i,j,:)+SL(i,j,:)
write (unit) ipt,jpt, qi(i,j,:)+SI(i,j,:)
write (unit) ipt,jpt, qa(i,j,:)+SA(i,j,:)
write (unit) ipt,jpt, T(i,j,:)+ST(i,j,:)
write (unit) ipt,jpt, qv(i,j,:)+SQ(i,j,:)
write (unit) ipt,jpt, pfull(i,j,:)
call close_file(unit)
!rab - perform the assignments for ice/liq adjustments diagnostics
if (max(id_ice_adj,id_ice_adj_col,id_liq_adj,id_liq_adj_col) .gt. 0) then
if (.not. super_choice) freeze_pt=20.
where (T .le. tfreeze-freeze_pt)
ice_adj = liq_adj
liq_adj = 0.
used = send_data ( id_droplets, N3D, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_aall, areaall, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_aliq, arealiq, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_aice, areaice, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_rvolume, rvolume, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_autocv, areaautocv, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_vfall, vfalldiag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if (do_budget_diag) then
!------- set up half level mask --------
if (allocated(mask3)) deallocate (mask3)
mask3(:,:,1:(kdim+1)) = 1.
if (present(mask)) then
where (mask(:,:,1:kdim) <= 0.5)
mask3(:,:,2:(kdim+1)) = 0.
end where
!cloud liquid, droplet number and rain diagnostics
used = send_data ( id_qldt_cond, qldt_cond, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_evap, qldt_evap, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_eros, qldt_eros, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_accr, qldt_accr, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_auto, qldt_auto, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_liq_adj, liq_adj, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_fill, qldt_fill, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_berg, qldt_berg, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_freez, qldt_freez, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_rime, qldt_rime, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qldt_destr, qldt_destr, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qndt_cond, qndt_cond, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qndt_evap, qndt_evap, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qndt_fill, qndt_fill, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qndt_destr, qndt_destr, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qndt_super, qndt_super, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_debug1, debug1, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if ( id_debug2 > 0 ) then
used = send_data ( id_debug2, debug2, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_debug3, debug3, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_debug4, debug4, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_rain_evap, rain_evap, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_rain_clr, rain_clr_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_rain_clr, a_rain_clr_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_rain_cld, rain_cld_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_rain_cld, a_rain_cld_diag, Time, is, js, 1,rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_precip_clr, a_precip_clr_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_precip_cld, a_precip_cld_diag, Time, is, js, 1,rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_lsf_strat, lsf_strat, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if ( max(id_lcf_strat,id_mfls_strat) > 0 ) then
where (omega(:,:,j)+grav*Mc(:,:,j) .lt. 0 .and. lsf_strat(:,:,j) .eq.1)
lcf_strat(:,:,j) = 1.
mfls_strat(:,:,j) = omega(:,:,j)+grav*Mc(:,:,j)
end where
used = send_data ( id_lcf_strat, lcf_strat, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_mfls_strat, mfls_strat, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
end if
!ice and snow diagnostics
used = send_data ( id_qidt_dep, qidt_dep, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_subl, qidt_subl, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_eros, qidt_eros, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_fall, qidt_fall, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_melt, qidt_melt, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_ice_adj, ice_adj, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_destr, qidt_destr, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qidt_fill, qidt_fill, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_snow_clr, snow_clr_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_snow_clr, a_snow_clr_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_snow_cld, snow_cld_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_a_snow_cld, a_snow_cld_diag, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask3 )
used = send_data ( id_snow_subl, snow_subl, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_snow_melt, snow_melt, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
!cloud fraction diagnostics
used = send_data ( id_qadt_lsform, qadt_lsform, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_lsdiss, qadt_lsdiss, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_rhred, qadt_rhred, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_eros, qadt_eros, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_fill, qadt_fill, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_super, qadt_super, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
used = send_data ( id_qadt_destr, qadt_destr, Time, is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
!-------write out column integrated diagnostics------!
!yim: in-cloud droplet column burden
if (id_droplets_col > 0) then
if (present (qn)) then
if (do_liq_num ) then
N3D_col(:,:) = 0.
do k = 1, kdim
do j=1,jdim
do i=1,idim
deltpg(i,j) = (phalf(i,j,k+1)-phalf(i,j,k))/grav
if (present(MASK)) then
if (ql(i,j,k) > qmin .and. &
qa(i,j,k) > qmin .and. &
qn(i,j,k) > qmin ) then
N3D_col(i,j) = N3D_col(i,j) + qn(i,j,k)* &
airdens(i,j,k)*deltpg(i,j)* &
end do
end do
end do
used = send_data ( id_droplets_col, N3D_col, Time, is, js)
!liquid and rain diagnostics
if ( id_ql_cond_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_cond (:,:,j) = qldt_cond (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_cond (:,:,kdim) = qldt_cond (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_cond (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_cond_col, qldt_cond(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_evap_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_evap (:,:,j) = qldt_evap (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_evap (:,:,kdim) = qldt_evap (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_evap (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_evap_col, qldt_evap(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_eros_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_eros (:,:,j) = qldt_eros (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_eros (:,:,kdim) = qldt_eros (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_eros (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_eros_col, qldt_eros(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_accr_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_accr (:,:,j) = qldt_accr (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_accr (:,:,kdim) = qldt_accr (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_accr (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_accr_col, qldt_accr(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_auto_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_auto (:,:,j) = qldt_auto (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_auto (:,:,kdim) = qldt_auto (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_auto (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_auto_col, qldt_auto(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_berg_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_berg (:,:,j) = qldt_berg (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_berg (:,:,kdim) = qldt_berg (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_berg (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_berg_col, qldt_berg(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_freez_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_freez (:,:,j) = qldt_freez (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_freez (:,:,kdim) = qldt_freez (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_freez (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_freez_col, qldt_freez(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_destr_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_destr (:,:,j) = qldt_destr (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_destr (:,:,kdim) = qldt_destr (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_destr (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_destr_col, qldt_destr(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_rime_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_rime (:,:,j) = qldt_rime (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_rime (:,:,kdim) = qldt_rime (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_rime (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_rime_col, qldt_rime(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ql_fill_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qldt_fill (:,:,j) = qldt_fill (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qldt_fill (:,:,kdim) = qldt_fill (:,:,kdim) &
+ qldt_fill (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ql_fill_col, qldt_fill(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_liq_adj_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
liq_adj (:,:,j) = liq_adj (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
liq_adj (:,:,kdim) = liq_adj (:,:,kdim) &
+ liq_adj (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_liq_adj_col, liq_adj(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_rain_evap_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
rain_evap (:,:,j) = rain_evap (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
rain_evap (:,:,kdim) = rain_evap (:,:,kdim) &
+ rain_evap (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_rain_evap_col, rain_evap(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
!drop number diagnostics
if ( id_qn_cond_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qndt_cond (:,:,j) = qndt_cond (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qndt_cond (:,:,kdim) = qndt_cond (:,:,kdim) &
+ qndt_cond (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qn_cond_col, qndt_cond(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qn_evap_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qndt_evap (:,:,j) = qndt_evap (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qndt_evap (:,:,kdim) = qndt_evap (:,:,kdim) &
+ qndt_evap (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qn_evap_col, qndt_evap(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qn_fill_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qndt_fill (:,:,j) = qndt_fill (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qndt_fill (:,:,kdim) = qndt_fill (:,:,kdim) &
+ qndt_fill (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qn_fill_col, qndt_fill(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qn_destr_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qndt_destr (:,:,j) = qndt_destr (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qndt_destr (:,:,kdim) = qndt_destr (:,:,kdim) &
+ qndt_destr (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qn_destr_col, qndt_destr(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qn_super_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qndt_super (:,:,j) = qndt_super (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qndt_super (:,:,kdim) = qndt_super (:,:,kdim) &
+ qndt_super (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qn_super_col, qndt_super(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
!ice and snow diagnostics
if ( id_qi_fall_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_fall (:,:,j) = qidt_fall (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_fall (:,:,kdim) = qidt_fall (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_fall (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_fall_col, qidt_fall(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_fill_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_fill (:,:,j) = qidt_fill (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_fill (:,:,kdim) = qidt_fill (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_fill (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_fill_col, qidt_fill(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_dep_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_dep (:,:,j) = qidt_dep (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_dep (:,:,kdim) = qidt_dep (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_dep (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_dep_col, qidt_dep(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_subl_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_subl (:,:,j) = qidt_subl (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_subl (:,:,kdim) = qidt_subl (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_subl (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_subl_col, qidt_subl(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_eros_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_eros (:,:,j) = qidt_eros (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_eros (:,:,kdim) = qidt_eros (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_eros (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_eros_col, qidt_eros(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_destr_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_destr (:,:,j) = qidt_destr (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_destr (:,:,kdim) = qidt_destr (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_destr (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_destr_col, qidt_destr(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qi_melt_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qidt_melt (:,:,j) = qidt_melt (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qidt_melt (:,:,kdim) = qidt_melt (:,:,kdim) &
+ qidt_melt (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qi_melt_col, qidt_melt(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_ice_adj_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
ice_adj (:,:,j) = ice_adj (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
ice_adj (:,:,kdim) = ice_adj (:,:,kdim) &
+ ice_adj (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_ice_adj_col, ice_adj(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_snow_melt_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
snow_melt (:,:,j) = snow_melt (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
snow_melt (:,:,kdim) = snow_melt (:,:,kdim) &
+ snow_melt (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_snow_melt_col, snow_melt(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_snow_subl_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
snow_subl (:,:,j) = snow_subl (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
snow_subl (:,:,kdim) = snow_subl (:,:,kdim) &
+ snow_subl (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_snow_subl_col, snow_subl(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
!cloud fraction and volume diagnostics
if ( id_qa_lsform_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_lsform (:,:,j) = qadt_lsform (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_lsform (:,:,kdim) = qadt_lsform (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_lsform (:,:,j)
used = send_data (id_qa_lsform_col, qadt_lsform(:,:,kdim),&
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_lsdiss_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_lsdiss (:,:,j) = qadt_lsdiss (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_lsdiss (:,:,kdim) = qadt_lsdiss (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_lsdiss (:,:,j)
used = send_data (id_qa_lsdiss_col, qadt_lsdiss(:,:,kdim),&
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_rhred_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_rhred (:,:,j) = qadt_rhred (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_rhred (:,:,kdim) = qadt_rhred (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_rhred (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qa_rhred_col, qadt_rhred(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_eros_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_eros (:,:,j) = qadt_eros (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_eros (:,:,kdim) = qadt_eros (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_eros (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qa_eros_col, qadt_eros(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_fill_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_fill (:,:,j) = qadt_fill (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_fill (:,:,kdim) = qadt_fill (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_fill (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qa_fill_col, qadt_fill(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_super_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_super (:,:,j) = qadt_super (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_super (:,:,kdim) = qadt_super (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_super (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qa_super_col, qadt_super(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
if ( id_qa_destr_col > 0 ) then
do j = 1, kdim
deltpg = (phalf(:,:,j+1)-phalf(:,:,j))/grav
if (present(MASK)) deltpg=deltpg*MASK(:,:,j)
qadt_destr (:,:,j) = qadt_destr (:,:,j)*deltpg
do j = kdim-1, 1, -1
qadt_destr (:,:,kdim) = qadt_destr (:,:,kdim) &
+ qadt_destr (:,:,j)
used = send_data ( id_qa_destr_col, qadt_destr(:,:,kdim), &
Time, is, js )
!other stuff
!deallocate space for diagnostics
if (allocated(areaall)) deallocate(areaall)
if (allocated(arealiq)) deallocate(arealiq)
if (allocated(areaice)) deallocate(areaice)
if (allocated(rvolume)) deallocate(rvolume)
if (allocated(areaautocv)) deallocate(areaautocv)
if (allocated(vfalldiag)) deallocate(vfalldiag)
if (allocated(qndt_cond)) deallocate (qndt_cond)
if (allocated(qndt_evap)) deallocate (qndt_evap)
if (allocated(qndt_fill)) deallocate (qndt_fill)
if (allocated(qndt_destr)) deallocate (qndt_destr)
if (allocated(qndt_super)) deallocate (qndt_super)
if (allocated(qldt_cond)) deallocate (qldt_cond)
if (allocated(qldt_evap)) deallocate (qldt_evap)
if (allocated(qldt_eros)) deallocate (qldt_eros)
if (allocated(qldt_fill)) deallocate (qldt_fill)
if (allocated(qldt_accr)) deallocate (qldt_accr)
if (allocated(qldt_auto)) deallocate (qldt_auto)
if (allocated(qldt_freez)) deallocate (qldt_freez)
if (allocated(qldt_berg)) deallocate (qldt_berg)
if (allocated(qldt_destr)) deallocate (qldt_destr)
if (allocated(qldt_rime)) deallocate (qldt_rime)
if (allocated(rain_clr_diag)) deallocate (rain_clr_diag)
if (allocated(rain_cld_diag)) deallocate (rain_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_rain_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_rain_clr_diag)
if (allocated(a_rain_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_rain_cld_diag)
if (allocated(liq_adj)) deallocate (liq_adj)
if (allocated(rain_evap)) deallocate (rain_evap)
if (allocated(qidt_fall)) deallocate (qidt_fall)
if (allocated(qidt_fill)) deallocate (qidt_fill)
if (allocated(qidt_melt)) deallocate (qidt_melt)
if (allocated(qidt_dep)) deallocate (qidt_dep)
if (allocated(qidt_subl)) deallocate (qidt_subl)
if (allocated(qidt_eros)) deallocate (qidt_eros)
if (allocated(qidt_destr)) deallocate (qidt_destr)
if (allocated(snow_clr_diag)) deallocate (snow_clr_diag)
if (allocated(snow_cld_diag)) deallocate (snow_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_snow_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_snow_clr_diag)
if (allocated(a_snow_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_snow_cld_diag)
if (allocated(snow_subl)) deallocate (snow_subl)
if (allocated(snow_melt)) deallocate (snow_melt)
if (allocated(ice_adj)) deallocate (ice_adj)
if (allocated(qadt_lsform)) deallocate (qadt_lsform)
if (allocated(qadt_lsdiss)) deallocate (qadt_lsdiss)
if (allocated(qadt_eros)) deallocate (qadt_eros)
if (allocated(qadt_fill)) deallocate (qadt_fill)
if (allocated(qadt_super)) deallocate (qadt_super)
if (allocated(qadt_rhred)) deallocate (qadt_rhred)
if (allocated(qadt_destr)) deallocate (qadt_destr)
if (allocated(a_precip_cld_diag)) deallocate (a_precip_cld_diag)
if (allocated(a_precip_clr_diag)) deallocate (a_precip_clr_diag)
if (allocated(mask3)) deallocate (mask3)
if (allocated(lsf_strat)) deallocate (lsf_strat)
if (allocated(lcf_strat)) deallocate (lcf_strat)
if (allocated(mfls_strat)) deallocate (mfls_strat)
call mpp_clock_end(sc_post_loop)
! end of subroutine
end subroutine strat_cloud
subroutine aerosol_effects (is, js, Time, phalf, airdens, T, &
concen_dust_sub, totalmass1, Aerosol, mask)
integer, intent (in) :: is,js
type(time_type), intent (in) :: Time
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in ) :: phalf, airdens, T
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: concen_dust_sub
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(out) :: totalmass1
type(aerosol_type), intent (in), optional :: Aerosol
real, intent (in), optional, dimension(:,:,:) :: mask
real, dimension(size(T,1),size(T,2),size(T,3)) :: pthickness
real, dimension(size(T,1),size(T,2),size(T,3)) :: concen, &
concen_all_sub, &
concen_ss_sub, concen_ss_sup,&
concen_om, concen_na, concen_an
integer :: i,j,k, na , s
integer :: idim, jdim, kdim
logical :: used
idim = size(T,1)
jdim = size(T,2)
kdim = size(T,3)
concen_dust_sub(:,:,:) = 0.
totalmass1(:,:,:,:) = 0.
if (id_sulfate > 0) then
concen_an(:,:,:) = 0.
concen_na(:,:,:) = 0.
concen(:,:,:) = 0.
if (use_online_aerosol) then
concen_ss_sub(:,:,:) = 0.
concen_ss_sup(:,:,:) = 0.
concen_all_sub(:,:,:) = 0.
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
if (phalf(i,j,k) < 1.0) then
pthickness(i,j,k) = (phalf(i,j,k+1) - phalf(i,j,k))/&
pthickness(i,j,k) = log(phalf(i,j,k+1)/ &
end if
end do
end do
end do
if (present (Aerosol)) then
if (do_liq_num) then
if (use_online_aerosol) then
do na = 1,size(Aerosol%aerosol,4)
if (trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'so4' .or. &
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'so4_anthro' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'so4_natural') &
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
totalmass1(i,j,k,1) = totalmass1(i,j,k,1) + &
end do
end do
end do
else if(trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'omphilic' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'omphobic') &
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
totalmass1(i,j,k,4) = totalmass1(i,j,k,4) + &
end do
end do
end do
else if(trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'seasalt1' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'seasalt2') &
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_ss_sub(i,j,k) = concen_ss_sub(i,j,k) + &
end do
end do
end do
else if(trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'seasalt3' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'seasalt4' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'seasalt5') &
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_ss_sup(i,j,k) = concen_ss_sup(i,j,k) + &
end do
end do
end do
else if(trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'bcphilic' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'bcphobic' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust1' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust2' .or.&
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust3') &
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_all_sub(i,j,k) = concen_all_sub(i,j,k) + &
end do
end do
end do
if (do_dust_berg) then
if (trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust1' .or. &
trim(Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust2' .or. &
trim( Aerosol%aerosol_names(na)) == 'dust3') then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_dust_sub(i,j,k) = &
concen_dust_sub(i,j,k) + &
end do
end do
end do
end do
! endif
! endif
! if (do_liq_num) then
! if (use_online_aerosol) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
totalmass1(i,j,k,3) = concen_ss_sub(i,j,k)
totalmass1(i,j,k,2) = concen_all_sub(i,j,k) + &
totalmass1(i,j,k,4) + &
end do
end do
end do
if (use_sub_seasalt) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
totalmass1(i,j,k,3) = concen_ss_sub(i,j,k) + &
end do
end do
end do
if (id_sulfate > 0) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen(i,j,k) = 0.7273*totalmass1(i,j,k,1)/ &
end do
end do
end do
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_ss_sub(i,j,k) = concen_ss_sub(i,j,k)/ &
concen_ss_sup(i,j,k) = concen_ss_sup(i,j,k)/ &
end do
end do
end do
else ! (use_online_aerosol)
if (do_dust_berg) then
! YMice submicron dust (NO. 14 to NO. 18)
do s = 14,18
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_dust_sub(i,j,k) = concen_dust_sub(i,j,k)+ &
end do
end do
end do
end do
if (id_sulfate > 0) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
! anthro. and natural sulfate concentration (ug so4/m3)
concen_an(i,j,k) = 0.7273*Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,1)/&
concen_na(i,j,k) = 0.7273*Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,2)/&
concen(i,j,k) = concen_an(i,j,k) + concen_na(i,j,k)
end do
end do
end do
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
! NO. 1 natural Sulfate; NO. 2 anthro. sulfate; NO. 3 Sea Salt; NO. 4 Or ganics
totalmass1(i,j,k,1) = Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,2)
totalmass1(i,j,k,2) = Aerosol%aerosol(i,j,k,1)
totalmass1(i,j,k,3) = sea_salt_scale* &
totalmass1(i,j,k,4) = om_to_oc* &
end do
end do
end do
endif ! (use_online_aerosol)
do na = 1, 4
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
totalmass1(i,j,k,na) = totalmass1(i,j,k,na)/ &
end do
end do
end do
end do
if (do_dust_berg) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
! submicron dust concentration (ug/m3) (NO. 2 to NO. 4)
concen_dust_sub(i,j,k) = concen_dust_sub(i,j,k)/ &
end do
end do
end do
if (id_sulfate > 0) then
used = send_data ( id_sulfate, concen, Time, is, js, 1,&
rmask=mask )
end if
if (use_online_aerosol) then
if (id_seasalt_sub > 0) then
used = send_data (id_seasalt_sub, concen_ss_sub, Time, &
is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if (id_seasalt_sup > 0) then
used = send_data (id_seasalt_sup, concen_ss_sup, Time, &
is, js, 1, rmask=mask )
if (id_om > 0) then
do k = 1,kdim
do j = 1,jdim
do i = 1,idim
concen_om(i,j,k) = totalmass1(i,j,k,2)*1.0e12
end do
end do
end do
used = send_data (id_om, concen_om, Time, is, js, 1,&
rmask=mask )
endif ! (do_liq_num)
endif ! (Present(Aerosol))
end subroutine aerosol_effects