
     Contact:   Isaac Held


     Adds the tendencies due to vertical diffusion to the tendencies
     of model prognostic variables  

     All three dimensional fields are assumed to be (lon, lat, level)
      with the third index starting at the top of the model and
      ending at the bottom

     For tracers, it is the tendency of the mixing ratio (parts
        per unit mass) that is computed, not of the density (parts
        per unit volume) and analogously for all other fields

     If the dependence of the surface heat flux and evaporation
       on surface temperature is treated explicitly, then a single
       subroutine updates the tendencies of all fields

     If the dependence of the surface heat flux and evaporation
       on surface temperature is treated implicitly, then interfaces 
       are provided for dividing the up and down sweeps of the 
       standard tridiagonal elimination into two parts.  One can 
       visualize this procedure as starting with a downward 
       sweep through the atmosphere, which continue through the 
       surface, then re-emerges and continues up the atmosphere.
       A sample program is included below to help the user undertand
       the approriate calling sequence

     Diffusion of heat takes the form of mixing of the "dry static
       energy temperature", T + g*z/cp.

     Details are provided in





  use vert_diff_mod [,only: gcm_vert_diff_init       , &
                            gcm_vert_diff_end        , &
                            vert_diff                , &
                            gcm_vert_diff            , &
                            gcm_vert_diff_down       , &
                            gcm_vert_diff_up         , &

  gcm_vert_diff_init : initializes module

  gcm_vert_diff_end : clears memory

  vert_diff : adds tendency (derivative with respect to time)
              due to vertical diffusion to tendencies of a single field -- 
              to be used only if surface flux is not implicitly 
              dependent on surface parameters (it can be implicit
              function of the value within the lowest atmospheric
              layer of the field being diffused)

  gcm_vert_diff  : 
              adds tendency due to vertical diffusion to tendencies
              of temperature, specific humidity, two components of 
              momentum, and mixing ratios of any # of other tracers,
              to be used only if surface fluxes are not implicitly 
              dependent on surface parameters (the surface heat flux and
              evaporation can be implicit functions of atmospheric
              temperature and specific humidity, respectively, in the 
              lowest atmospheric layer).  Diffusivities for 
              specific humidity, heat, and all tracers are assumed to be 

  gcm_vert_diff_down :  Downward sweep of tridiagonal solver

  gcm_vert_diff_up   :  Upward sweep of tridiagonal solver

  surf_diff_type : type defined to hold fields required outside of this
                   module when the dependence of surface fluxes on surface 
                   temperature is treated implicitly

 1) there is no namelist
 2) no data files or restart files are required
 3) a line is appended to the file logfile.out if it already exists
    containing the version number of the module -- if it does not
    exist the file is created in the working directory



 subroutine gcm_vert_diff_init(Tri_surf, idim, jdim, kdim, &
    integer, intent(in)  :: idim, jdim, kdim 
        the three "global" dimensions of the fields to be diffused,
        with kdim being the number of vertical levels;
        "global" refers to the entire field residing on a processor

    type(surf_diff_type), intent(inout) :: Tri_surf
        where data needed outside of module is stored
    logical, intent(in) :: conserve_energy
         .true. => kinetic energy that is lost due to vertical diffusion
	 is returned as heat in the temperature tendency so as to 
	 conserve energy

    logical, intent(in) :: use_virtual_temp_vert_diff

    logical, intent(in) :: do_mcm_plev


 subroutine gcm_vert_diff_end()
        no arguments


 subroutine vert_diff(delt, xi, t, q, diff, p_half, z_full, &
                flux, dflux_datmos, factor, dt_xi, kbot)

         delt -- real
           time step , seconds
           if using leapfrog step, set equal to 2*dt = time(i+1) - time(i-1)

         xi -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
            field to be diffused, 
                  at time step i   for   two-time level schemes
                  at time step i-1 for three-time level (leapfrog) schemes
               units up to user
         t -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
            temperature ( degrees K)
              used only for computation of density 
              shape must conform to that of xi

         q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
            specific humidity (dimensionless)
              used only for computation of density 
              shape must conform to that of xi
              (set = 0 to ignore effects of vapor on density)

         diff -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
             kinematic diffusivity (m*2/s)
             shape must conform to that of xi
             diff(:,:,k) is the diffusivity evaluated at the interface
                 between the k-1 and k levels
             the value diff(:,:,1) is not used

         p_half -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             pressure at interface between model levels
             size(p_half,3) must = 1 + size(xi,3)
             units = Pascals

         z_full -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             height of the level where xi is defined
             shape must conform to that of xi
             units = meters

         factor -- real
             used if one wants to modify the units of the flux input 
             The units for flux are [factor]*[xi]*kg/(m**2 s)
                where [xi} is the unit for the field xi
             Thus, if xi = temperature in K, and if you want to input the 
               flux in W/(m**2) set factor = heat capacity per unit mass
               in (J/(kg K))

         dflux_datmos -- real, dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi.
             Set = 0.0 if the surface flux is treated explicitly.
             If dependence of flux on lowest level of atmosphere is
             treated implicitly, set equal to derivative of flux 
             with respect to value of xi in lowest model layer.
             Units = [factor]*kg/(m**2 s)


         flux -- real, dimension(:,:)
             Surface flux (positive upwards) 
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi
             Units = [factor]*[xi]*kg/(m**2 s)
             Flux should be evaluated with atmospheric fields 
                     from time i   for two-time level schemes
                     from time i-1 for leapgrog
             If dflux_datmos is non-zero, input flux is modified by 
             the implicit correction 
                 flux(i+1) = flux(i or i-1) + delt*dflux_datmos*dt_xi(:,:,N)
                 where dt_xi is the final (output) tendency and 
                 N = size(dt_xi,3) is the lowest model level

         dt_xi -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             Tendency of xi
             shape must conform to that of xi
             input is the tendency due to all other processes
                 that have been added prior to this call
             output will be the tendency modified by the effects of diffusion
             Because the algorithm is implicit, the final tendency
                depends on which other processes contribute to 
                the tendency before, and which after, this call

     optional input:

          kbot -- integer,dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi

             For use with models in which different columns
             have different number of levels above the surface.
             The levels k <= kbot are assumed to be above the surface.

             If kbot is present, the module will function properly
             if  diff = 0 for levels below the surface. Also, to avoid
             division by zero, be sure that the underground 
             input temperatures are non-zero and that the pressure 
             thicknesses of the underground layers are non-zero as well.  

 subroutine  gcm_vert_diff(delt, u, v, t, q, tr, diff_m, diff_t,     &
                    p_half, z_full,                                  &
                    dtau_du, dtau_dv, dsens_datmos, devap_datmos,    &
                    sens, evap, tau_u, tau_v, flux_tr,               &
                    dt_u, dt_v, dt_t, dt_q, dt_tr, dissipative_heat, &

         delt -- real
           time step , seconds
           if using leapfrog step, set equal to 2*dt = time(i+1) - time(i-1)

         u -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   zonal wind (m/sec)
         v -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   meridional wind (m/sec)
         T -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   temperature  (K)
         q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   specific humidity 
                                         (non-dimensional -- Kg water/Kg air)
         tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:,:) tracers
                                          (units arbitrary)
                                        size(tr,4) = number of tracers
              fields to be diffused, 
                  at time step i   for   two-time level schemes
                  at time step i-1 for three-time level (leapfrog) schemes
              (t and q also used to compute density)

         diff_m -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
             kinematic diffusivity for momentum (m*2/s)
         diff_t -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
             kinematic diffusivity for heat, water vapor, tracers (m*2/s)

             shape must conform to those of u, v, t, q
             diff_m(:,:,k) and dsiff_t(:,:,k) are the diffusivities
                 evaluated at the interface between the k-1 and k levels
             the values diff_m(:,:,1) and diff_m(:,:,1) are not used

         p_half -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             pressure at interface between model levels
             size(p_half,3) must = 1 + size(t,3)
             units = Pascals

         z_full -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             height of the levels where t, q, u, v, tr are defined
             shape must conform to that of xi
             units = meters

         dtau_du  -- real, dimension(:,:)
         dtau_dv  -- real, dimension(:,:)
         dsens_datmos -- real, dimension(:,:)
         devap_datmos -- real, dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of input fields
             Set = 0.0 if the surface flux is treated explicitly
             If dependence of flux on lowest level of atmosphere is
             treated implicitly, set 

                dtau_du = derivative of surface stress with respect to 
                     zonal wind component in lowest model layer.
                     Units = kg/(m**2 s)

                dtau_dv = derivative of surface stress with respect to 
                     meridional wind component in lowest model layer.
                     Units = kg/(m**2 s)

                dsens_datmos = derivative of surface sensible heat flux 
                     with respect to temperature in lowest model layer.
                     Units = W/(m**2 K)

                devap_datmos = derivative of surface flux of water vapor 
                     with respect to specific humidity in lowest model layer.
                     Units = kg/(m**2 s)


         sens, evap, tau_u, tau_v -- real, dimension(:,:)
             Surface fluxes (positive upwards) 
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of input fields

             Units:  sens   : W/(m**2) = J /(m**2 s)
                     evap   : Kg/(m**2 s)
                     tau_u  : Kg/(m s**2) = (Kg m/s)/(m**2 s) 
                               = (Kg/(m**3))((m/s)**2) = Pascals
                     tau_v  : as above

             Flux should be evaluated with atmospheric fields 
                     from time i   for two-time level schemes
                     from time i-1 for leapgrog

             If dflux_datmos is non-zero, input flux is modified by 
             the implicit correction to be 
                 flux(i+1) = flux(i or i-1) + delt*dflux_datmos*dt_xi(:,:,N)
                 where dt_xi is the final (output) tendency and 
                 N is the lowest model level

         flux_tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
                   with size(flux,tr_3) = number of tracers
                   (although listed as inout, the implicit treatment of 
                    tracer fluxes is not implemented here, so the 
                    ouput tracer flux will be identical to the input flux

         dt_u, dt_v, dt_t, dt_q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             Tendency of u, v, t, q
             shape must conform to that of u, v etc
             input is the tendency due to all other processes
                 that have been added prior to this call
             output will be the tendency modified by the effects of diffusion
             Because the algorithm is implicit, the final tendency
                depends on which other processes have contributed to 
                the tendency before, and which after, this call

             Units of dt_xi are [xi]/s where [xi] are units of xi

         dt_tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:,:)
             Tracer tendency (see above)  size(dt_tr,4) = number of tracers
         dissipative_heat -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             shape must conform to that of u, v, t, etc
	     units: deg_K/s 
	     (computed when do_conserve_energy = .true.
	      and added to dt_t before temperature is diffused)

     optional input:

          kbot -- integer,dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi

             For use with models in which different columns
             have different number of levels above the surface.
             The levels k <= kbot are assumed to be above the surface.

             If kbot is present, the interface will function properly
             if  diff = 0 for levels below the surface. Also, to avoid
             division by zero, be sure that the underground 
             input temperatures are non-zero and that the pressure 
             thicknesses of the underground layers are non-zero as well.  

 type surf_diff_type

   a public type used to store data needed by the 
       multi-step version of the diffusion algorithm

  real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dtmass,    &
                                   dflux_t,   & 
                                   dflux_q,   & 
                                   delta_t,   &

        for full description of these fields, and the rationale for 
              saving these particular fields, 

     dtmass = dt/mass, where dt = atmospheric time step (sec)
              ((i+1)-(i-1), not (i+1)-i, if atmos model is leapfrog)
              mass = mass of lowest atmospheric layer (Kg/m2)
              (defined in gcm_vert_diff_down -- not used elsewhere)

     dflux_t = derivative of the temperature flux at the top of the lowest
               atmospheric layer with respect to the temperature
               of that layer  (J/(m2 K))
               (defined in gcm_vert_diff_down -- not used elsewhere)

     dflux_q = derivative of the flux of specific humidity 
               at the top of the lowest atmospheric layer with respect to 
               the specific humidity of that layer  (--/(m2 K))
               (defined in gcm_vert_diff_down -- not used elsewhere)

     delta_t = the increment in temperature in the lowest atmospheric
               layer (((i+1)-(i-1) if atmos model is leapfrog) (K)
               (defined in  gcm_vert_diff_down as the increment computed up
               to this point in model, including effect of vertical 
               diffusive flux at top of lowest model level, presumed
               to be modified to include effects of surface fluxes 
               outside of this module, then used to start upward
               tridiagonal sweep,

     delta_q = similarly for the increment in specific humidity 
                (non-dimensional  = Kg/Kg)


 subroutine gcm_vert_diff_down (is, js, delt,                              &
                          u, v, t, q, tr,                                  &
                          diff_m, diff_t, p_half, p_full, z_full,          &
                          tau_u, tau_v, dtau_du, dtau_dv,                  &
                          flux_tr,                                         &
                          dt_u, dt_v, dt_t, dt_q, dt_tr,                   &
                          dissipative_heat, Tri_surf,                      &


         is, js -- integers
             the location in the global lon-lat grid of the rectangular
             domain on which diffusion is to be performed
             the size of the domain is determined by the size ofthe input
             i.e, longitude index ranges from is to is + size(t,1) -1
                   latitude index ranges from js to js + size(t,2) -1

         delt -- real
           time step , seconds
           if using leapfrog step, set equal to 2*dt = time(i+1) - time(i-1)

         u -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   zonal wind (m/sec)
         v -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   meridional wind (m/sec)
         T -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   temperature  (K)
         q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)   specific humidity 
                                         (non-dimensional -- Kg water/Kg air)
         tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:,:) tracers
                                          (units arbitrary)
                                        size(tr,4) = number of tracers
              input fields to be diffused, 
                  values at time step i   for   two-time level schemes
                  at time step i-1 for three-time level (leapfrog) schemes
              (t and q also used to compute density)

         diff_m -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
             kinematic diffusivity for momentum (m*2/s)
         diff_t -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
             kinematic diffusivity for heat, water vapor, tracers (m*2/s)

             shape must conform to those of u, v, t, q
             diff_m(:,:,k) and dsiff_t(:,:,k) are the diffusivities
                 evaluated at the interface between the k-1 and k levels
             the values diff_m(:,:,1) and diff_m(:,:,1) are not used

         p_half -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             pressure at interface between model levels
             size(p_half,3) must = 1 + size(t,3)
             units = Pascals

         p_full -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             pressure at full model levels
             size(p_half,3) must = size(t,3)
             units = Pascals

         z_full -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             height of the levels where t, q, u, v, tr are defined
             shape must conform to that of xi
             units = meters

	 dtau_du, dtau_dv  -- real, dimension(:,:)
	     shape must conform to first two dimensions of input fields
	     Set = 0.0 if the surface flux is treated explicitly. If
	     dependence of flux on lowest level of atmosphere is
	     treated implicitly, set = derivatives of surface stress
	     with respect to wind components in lowest model layer.  
             Units = kg/(m**2 s)

        dt_t, dt_q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             Tendency of t, q  up to this point
             (The final value of dt_t and dt_q are output by 
             Units are [xi]/s where [xi] = [T], [q]


         tau_u, tau_v -- real, dimension(:,:)
             Surface stresses (positive upwards) 
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of input fields

             Units:  Kg/(m s**2) = (Kg m/s)/(m**2 s) 
                               = (Kg/(m**3))((m/s)**2) = Pascals

             Flux should be evaluated at time i   for two-time level schemes
                                   and at time i-1 for leapgrog
             If dtau_du or dtau_dv is non-zero, input stress is modified by 
             the implicit correction 
                 tau_u(i+1) = tau_u(i or i-1) + delt*dtau_du*dt_u(:,:,N)
                 where dt_u is the final (output) tendency and 
                 N is the lowest model level; similarly for tau_v

         flux_tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:) 
                   with size(flux,tr_3) = number of tracers
                   (although listed as inout, the implicit treatment of 
                    tracer fluxes is not implemented here, so the 
                    ouput tracer flux will be identical to the input flux

         dt_u, dt_v,  -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             Tendency of u and v
             shape must conform to that of u, v etc
             input is the tendency due to all other processes
                 that have been added prior to this call
             output will be the tendency modified by the 
                 effects of diffusion 
             Units are [xi]/s where [xi] = [u], [v] etc

        dt_tr -- real, dimension(:,:,:,:)
             Tracer tendency (see above)  size(dt_tr,4) = number of tracer

        Tri_surf -- type(surf_diff_type)
             information needed to pass 
               => surface modules => gcm_vert_diff_up
        dissipative_heat -- real, dimension(:,:,:)
             shape must conform to that of u, v, t, etc
	     units: deg_K/s 
	     (computed when do_conserve_energy = .true.
	      and added to dt_t before temperature is diffused)

     optional input:

          kbot -- integer,dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi

             For use with models in which different columns
             have different number of levels above the surface.
             The levels k <= kbot are assumed to be above the surface.

             If kbot is present, the interface will function properly
             if  diff = 0 for levels below the surface. Also, to avoid
             division by zero, be sure that the underground 
             input temperatures are non-zero and that the pressure 
             thicknesses of the underground layers are non-zero as well.  

subroutine gcm_vert_diff_up (is, js, delt, Tri_surf, dt_t, dt_q, kbot)


         is, js -- integers
             the location in the global lon-lat grid of the rectangular
             domain on which diffusion is to be performed
             the size of the domain is determined by the size ofthe input
             i.e, longitude index ranges from is to is + size(dt_t,1) -1
                   latitude index ranges from js to js + size(dt_t,2) -1

         delt -- real
           time step , seconds
           if using leapfrog step, set equal to 2*dt = time(i+1) - time(i-1)

         Tri_surf -- type(surf_diff_type)
             information passed from  information 
               surface modules and gcm_vert_diff_down 

         dt_t, dt_q -- real, dimension(:,:,:)

             The tendencies modified by the effects of diffusion
             Because the algorithm is implicit, the final tendency
                depends on which other processes have contributed to 
                the tendency before, and which after, this call

             Units of dt_xi are [xi]/s where [xi] are units of xi

     optional input:

          kbot -- integer,dimension(:,:)
             shape must conform to first two dimensions of xi

             For use with models in which different columns
             have different number of levels above the surface.
             The levels k <= kbot are assumed to be above the surface.

             If kbot is present, the interface will function properly
             if  diff = 0 for levels below the surface. Also, to avoid
             division by zero, be sure that the underground 
             input temperatures are non-zero and that the pressure 
             thicknesses of the underground layers are non-zero as well. 


subroutine gcm_vert_diff_end


Changes prior to the CVS revision history

     v1.1 incorporates parts of v1.0 of tq_surf_flux_mod so as
            to centralize all parts of the code that are related to 
            the implicit vertical diffusion

     The code has been reorganized substantially from v1.0 but
            the algorithm has not changed


     A pseudo-program using the multistep algorithm:

         do atmospheric loop
             call gcm_vert_diff_down  
         end do

         call surface modules

         do atmospheric loop
             call gcm_vert_diff_up
         end do

