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module atmos_radon_mod
! William Cooke
! Larry Horowitz
! This code allows the implementation of an extremely simplified
! radon tracer in the FMS framework.
! It should be taken as the implementation of a very simple tracer
! which bears some characteristics of radon.
! This module presents an implementation of a tracer.
! It should be taken as representing radon only in a rudimentary manner.
use fms_mod, only : file_exist, &
write_version_number, &
mpp_pe, &
mpp_root_pe, &
error_mesg, &
use time_manager_mod, only : time_type
use diag_manager_mod, only : send_data, &
use tracer_manager_mod, only : get_tracer_index
use field_manager_mod, only : MODEL_ATMOS
use atmos_tracer_utilities_mod, only : wet_deposition, &
implicit none
!----- interfaces -------
public atmos_radon_sourcesink, atmos_radon_init, atmos_radon_end
!----------- namelist -------------------
integer :: ncopies_radon = 9
namelist /atmos_radon_nml/ &
!--- Arrays to help calculate tracer sources/sinks ---
character(len=6), parameter :: module_name = 'tracer'
!--- identification numbers for diagnostic fields and axes ----
integer :: id_emiss
logical :: module_is_initialized=.FALSE.
!---- version number -----
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: atmos_radon.F90,v 17.0 2009/07/21 02:59:15 fms Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! The routine that calculate the sources and sinks of radon.
! This is a very rudimentary implementation of radon.
! It is assumed that the Rn222 flux is 3.69e-21 kg/m*m/sec over land
! for latitudes < 60N
! Between 60N and 70N the source = source * .5
! Rn222 has a half-life time of 3.83 days, which corresponds to an
! e-folding time of 5.52 days.
!call atmos_radon_sourcesink (lon, lat, land, pwt, radon, radon_dt,
! Time, kbot)
! Longitude of the centre of the model gridcells
! Latitude of the centre of the model gridcells
! Land/sea mask.
! The pressure weighting array. = dP/grav
! The array of the radon mixing ratio.
! Model time.
! Integer array describing which model layer intercepts the surface.
! The array of the tendency of the radon mixing ratio.
subroutine atmos_radon_sourcesink (lon, lat, land, pwt, radon, radon_dt, &
Time, kbot)
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: lon, lat
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: land
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: pwt, radon
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: radon_dt
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
integer, intent(in), dimension(:,:), optional :: kbot
real, dimension(size(radon,1),size(radon,2),size(radon,3)) :: &
source, sink
logical, dimension(size(radon,1),size(radon,2)) :: maskeq,masknh
real radon_flux, dtr, deg60, deg70, deg300, deg336
integer i,j,kb,id,jd,kd,lat1
id=size(radon,1); jd=size(radon,2); kd=size(radon,3)
deg60=60.*dtr; deg70=70.*dtr; deg300=300.*dtr; deg336=336.*dtr
!----------- compute radon source ------------
! rn222 flux is 3.69e-21 kg/m*m/sec over land for latitudes lt 60n
! between 60n and 70n the source = source * .5
! molecular wt. of air is 28.9644 gm/mole
! molecular wt. of radon is 222 gm/mole
! scaling facter to get reasonable mixing ratio is 1.e+21
! source = 3.69e-21 * g * 28.9644 * 1.e+21/(pwt * 222.) or
! source = g * .4814353 / pwt
! must initialize all rn to .001
radon_flux = 3.69e-21 * 28.9644 * 1.e+21 / 222.
source = 0.0
maskeq = (land > 0.5) .and. lat > -deg60 .and. lat < deg60
masknh = (land > 0.5) .and. lat >= deg60 .and. lat < deg70
if (present(kbot)) then
do j=1,jd
do i=1,id
if (maskeq(i,j)) source(i,j,kb)=radon_flux/pwt(i,j,kb)
if (masknh(i,j)) source(i,j,kb)=0.5*radon_flux/pwt(i,j,kb)
where (maskeq) source(:,:,kd)=radon_flux/pwt(:,:,kd)
where (masknh) source(:,:,kd)=0.5*radon_flux/pwt(:,:,kd)
where (masknh .and. lon > deg300 .and. lon < deg336) &
!------- compute radon sink --------------
! rn222 has a half-life time of 3.83days
! (corresponds to an e-folding time of 5.52 days)
! sink = 1./(86400.*5.52) = 2.09675e-6
where (radon(:,:,:) >= 0.0)
sink(:,:,:) = -2.09675e-6*radon(:,:,:)
sink(:,:,:) = 0.0
!------- tendency ------------------
end subroutine atmos_radon_sourcesink
! The constructor routine for the radon module.
! A routine to initialize the radon module.
!call radon_init (r, mask, axes, Time)
! Tracer fields dimensioned as (nlon,nlat,nlev,ntrace).
! optional mask (0. or 1.) that designates which grid points
! are above (=1.) or below (=0.) the ground dimensioned as
! (nlon,nlat,nlev).
! Model time.
! The axes relating to the tracer array dimensioned as
! (nlon, nlat, nlev, ntime)
subroutine atmos_radon_init (r, axes, Time, nradon, mask)
! r = tracer fields dimensioned as (nlon,nlat,nlev,ntrace)
! mask = optional mask (0. or 1.) that designates which grid points
! are above (=1.) or below (=0.) the ground dimensioned as
! (nlon,nlat,nlev).
real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:,:) :: r
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
integer, intent(in) :: axes(4)
integer, dimension(:), pointer :: nradon
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), optional :: mask
logical :: flag
integer :: n
integer logunit,unit,io,index,ntr,nt
character(len=16) :: fld
character(len=64) :: search_name
character(len=4) :: chname
integer :: nn
if (module_is_initialized) return
!---- write namelist ------------------
call write_version_number (version, tagname)
if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) &
write ( logunit, nml=atmos_radon_nml )
if (ncopies_radon > 9) then
call error_mesg ('atmos_radonm_mod', &
'currently no more than 9 copies of the radon tracer '//&
'are allowed', FATAL)
allocate (nradon(ncopies_radon))
nradon = -1
do nn=1,ncopies_radon
write (chname,'(i1)') nn
if (nn > 1) then
search_name = 'radon_'// trim(chname)
search_name = 'radon'
!----- set initial value of radon ------------
n = get_tracer_index(MODEL_ATMOS,search_name)
if (n>0) then
if (nradon(nn) > 0 .and. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (*,30) trim(search_name), nradon(nn)
if (nradon(nn) > 0 .and. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) write (logunit,30) trim(search_name), nradon(nn)
end do
30 format (A,' was initialized as tracer number ',i2)
! Register a static field for the emissions of your tracer
id_emiss = register_static_field ( 'tracers', &
'rnemiss', axes(1:2), &
'rnemiss', 'g/m2/s')
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
end subroutine atmos_radon_init
! The destructor routine for the radon module.
! This subroutine writes the version name to logfile and exits.
! call atmos_radon_end
subroutine atmos_radon_end
module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
end subroutine atmos_radon_end
end module atmos_radon_mod