This code allows the implementation of an extremely simplified
radon tracer in the FMS framework.
It should be taken as the implementation of a very simple tracer
which bears some characteristics of radon.
call atmos_radon_sourcesink (lon, lat, land, pwt, radon, radon_dt, Time, kbot)
lon | Longitude of the centre of the model gridcells [real, dimension(:,:)] |
lat | Latitude of the centre of the model gridcells [real, dimension(:,:)] |
land | Land/sea mask. [real, dimension(:,:)] |
pwt | The pressure weighting array. = dP/grav [real, dimension(:,:,:)] |
radon | The array of the radon mixing ratio. [real, dimension(:,:,:)] |
Time | Model time. [type(time_type)] |
kbot | Integer array describing which model layer intercepts the surface. [integer, optional, dimension(:,:)] |
radon_dt | The array of the tendency of the radon mixing ratio. [real, dimension(:,:,:)] |
call atmos_radon_init
mask | optional mask (0. or 1.) that designates which grid points
are above (=1.) or below (=0.) the ground dimensioned as
(nlon,nlat,nlev). [real, optional, dimension(:,:,:)] |
Time | Model time. [type(time_type)] |
axes | The axes relating to the tracer array dimensioned as
(nlon, nlat, nlev, ntime) [integer, dimension(4)] |
r | Tracer fields dimensioned as (nlon,nlat,nlev,ntrace). [real, dimension(:,:,:,:)] |
call atmos_radon_end