Last updated on Thursday, 26-Jan-2017 13:37:30 CET
Contact: Isaac Held, V. Balaji, Peter Phillips, Paul Kushner
The dynamical core of the spectral atmospheric model -- updates the spectral and physical space atmospheric fields
fms_mod constants_mod time_manager_mod field_manager_mod tracer_manager_mod diag_manager_mod transforms_mod vert_advection_mod implicit_mod press_and_geopot_mod spectral_damping_mod leapfrog_mod fv_advection_mod water_borrowing_mod global_integral_mod spectral_init_cond_mod tracer_type_mod
use spectral_dynamics_mod [,only: spectral_dynamics_init, & spectral_dynamics, & spectral_dynamics_end, & get_num_levels, & get_use_virtual_temperature, & get_reference_sea_level_press, & get_surf_geopotential, & get_pk_bk, & get_axis_id, & complete_robert_filter, & complete_update_of_future, & complete_init_of_tracers, & spectral_diagnostics spectral_dynamics_init : Initializes module spectral_dynamics : Updates atmospheric state spectral_dynamics_end : Releases array space allocated for use by this module. calls termination routines of modules used. get_* : Provides for the retrieval of selected variables by host modules. complete_update_of_future: Transforms updated fields to spectral representation. Must be called at end of atmospheric time step if fields are modified after the call to subroutine spectral_dynamics. complete_robert_filter : Uses spectral representation of updated fields to complete the robert filter of the fields at the previous time step. Must be called at end of atmospheric time step. (After fields are fully updated in grid representation.) complete_init_of_tracers: Tracer values may be initialized elsewhere in the model besides spectral_dynamics_init. This subroutine allows those values to be known by spectral_dynamics_mod. (Should be called near the end of the atmospheric initialization) spectral_diagnostics : Writes diagnostic fields of dynamical variables in netcdf format. (Should be called near the end of the atmospheric time step.)
call spectral_dynamics_init(Time, Time_step, tracer_attributes, dry_model, nhum, ocean_mask) input: type(time_type) :: Time , The model time corresponding to the most recent time step. type(time_type) :: Time_step , The model time step. i.e., the difference between the model time of the most recent time step and the next. output: type(tracer_type) :: tracer_attributes logical :: dry_model -- .true. when water vapor does not appear in the field table integer :: nhum -- The tracer index of water vapor. Zero when water vapor does not appear in the field table optional, logical, dimension(:,:) :: ocean_mask -- If present, used for the smoothing of topography when the computed topography option is chosen. See topography_option Ocean points are .true., land points .false. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call spectral_dynamics(Time, & psg, ug, vg, tg, tracer_attributes, tracers, time_level, & dt_psg, dt_ug, dt_vg, dt_tg, dt_tracers, & wg_full, p_full, p_half, z_full) intent(in): type(time_type) :: Time -- Model time of the current time step. real :: dt_psg, dt_ug, dt_vg, dt_tg, dt_tracers -- Tendencies of the atmospheric fields due to whatever atmospheric physics calculations may have been done prior to calling spectral_dynamics. The dynamical tendencies are added to the input tendencies, and the fields are updated. integer :: time_level -- In order to prevent a copy in/copy out condition in the call to spectral_dynamics, a time slice of tracers cannot be passed. To get around this problem the entire tracer array is passed and the time level to operate on (the 4'th dimension) is also passed. real, dimension(is:ie, js:je) :: dt_psg real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) :: dt_ug, dt_vg, dt_tg real, dimension (is:ie, js:je, num_levels, num_tracers) :: dt_tracers intent(out): psg, ug, vg, tg, tracers -- Updated atmospheric fields, corresponding to the model time Time + Time_step real, dimension(is:ie, js:je) :: psg -- Surface pressure (Pa) real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) :: ug -- Zonal wind component (m/sec) real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) :: vg -- Meridional wind component (m/sec) real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) :: tg -- Temperature (deg K) real, dimension (is:ie, js:je, num_levels, num_time_levels, num_tracers) :: tracers -- Any fields to be treated as passive tracers by the dynamics. wg_full -- real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) Pressure vertical velocity = Dp/Dt p_full -- real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) Pressure at model full levels p_half -- real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels+1) Pressure at model half levels z_full -- real, dimension(is:ie, js:je, num_levels) Geopotential height at model full levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call spectral_dynamics_end(tracer_attributes, Time) type(tracer_type), intent(in), dimension(:) :: tracer_attributes type(time_type), intent(in), optional :: Time -- Model time of the current time step. Omission of Time in the argument list has no adverse consequences, it exists as an optional argument only to satify certain host modules. Writes fields to restart file: RESTART/ Deallocates module arrays, which includes all those of intent(inout). Calls destructors of modules initialized by spectral_dynamics_init. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call get_num_levels(num_levels) integer, intent(out) :: num_levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call get_use_virtual_temperature(use_virtual_temperature) logical, intent(out) :: use_virtual_temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call get_reference_sea_level_press(reference_sea_level_press) real, intent(out) :: reference_sea_level_press ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call get_surf_geopotential(surf_geopotential) real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: surf_geopotential ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call get_pk_bk(pk, bk) real, intent(out), dimension(num_levels+1) :: pk, bk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function get_axis_id() integer, dimension(4) :: get_axis_id Returns the axis id numbers for the longitude, latitude, full pressure, and half pressure axes. These are netcdf id numbers and are assigned by the diagnostic manager. They can be used throughout the atmospheric model wherever diagnostic fields are saved (e.g., the physics). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call complete_robert_filter(tracer_attributes) type(tracer_type), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: tracer_attributes Uses spectral representation of updated fields to complete the robert filter of the fields at the previous time step. Must be called at end of atmospheric time step. (After fields are fully updated in grid representation.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call complete_update_of_future(psg, ug, vg, tg, tracer_attributes, grid_tracers) real, intent(inout), dimension(:,: ) :: psg real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,: ) :: ug, vg, tg type(tracer_type), intent(inout), dimension(: ) :: tracer_attributes real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: grid_tracers Transforms updated fields to spectral representation. Must be called at end of atmospheric time step if fields are modified after the call to subroutine spectral_dynamics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
&spectral_dynamics_nml initial_state_option -- character If INPUT/ does not exist then the initial state of the model's fields will be determined by initial_state_option. initial_state_option = 'quiescent': No winds or horizontal pressure gradients. Surface pressure a function of surface height. This is the only option that allows user specified surface hieght. This option allows the initial temperature to be specified. See SPECTRAL_INIT_COND_NML initial_state_option = 'input': The initial conditions are read from an external file. See ic_from_external_file_nml initial_state_option = 'polvani_2004': A description of this initial condition can be found in: Polvani, L. M., R. K. Scott, and S. J. Thomas, 2004: Numerically Converged Solutions of the Global Primitive Equations for Testing the Dynamical Core of Atmospheric GCMs. Monthly Weather Review, 132, 2539-2552. initial_state_option = 'polvani_2007': A description of this initial condition can be found in: Lorenzo Polvani, and J. Esler: Transport and mixing of chemical airmasses in idealized baroclinic life cycles J. Geophys. Res., 112, D23102, 10.1029/2007JD008555, 2007. initial_state_option = 'jablonowski_2006': A description of this initial condition can be found in: Christiane Jablonwoski and David Williamson, 2006: A baroclinic instability test case for atmospheric model dynamical cores Quarterly J. Roy. Met. Soc., Vol. 132, October Part C, No. 621C, 2943-2975 NOTES: 'quiescent' and 'input' are the only options that allow user specified surface topography or vertical coordinate. For other options the surface topography will be determined by the particular initialization chosen. topography_option and vert_coordinate_nml will be ignored. damping_option -- character parameters that define the sub-grid (hyper-)diffusion the diffusion operator is the Laplacian raised to the n'th power where n = damping_order (so damping_order = 2 is biharmonic etc) damping_coeff controls the strength of the damping, but has different meaning depending on whether damping_option = resolution_depenent or resolution_indepenent damping_option = 'resolution_dependent': The damping coefficient has units of 1/s, and is the inverse of the damping time scale of wavenumber num_spherical-1. For example, if it is desired to damp wavenumber num_spherical-1 with a time scale of 0.1 days then set damping_coeff=1./(0.1*86400.) damping_option = 'resolution_independent': The damping coefficient has units of (meters**(2*damping_order))/seconds -- damping operator is damping_coeff*(-1^(n-1))*laplacian^n defaults: damping_option = 'resolution_dependent' damping_coeff = 1.15740741e-4 (one tenth day) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- damping_coeff_vor -- real damping_order_vor -- integer damping_coeff_div -- real damping_order_div -- integer Use these if it is desired to diffuse vorticity and divergence differently than the scalar fields. default: If not specified then values will be the same as those specified for the scalar fields. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional horizontal diffusion may optionally be applied at the model top level. This additional diffusion is refered to as the "sponge". The sponge is always resolution independent and del-sqaured. (There is no equivalent of damping_option or damping_order) The sponge is applied separately to the eddy, zonal, and meridional winds. eddy_sponge_coeff -- sponge coefficient for eddy wind zmu_sponge_coeff -- sponge coefficient for zonal wind zmv_sponge_coeff -- sponge coefficient for meridional wind By default the sponge is off, that is, default for all = 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial_sphum = Cold start initial value of specific humidity. Ignored if model is dry and/or when model is warm started. default = 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use_virtual_temperature = .true. Virtual temperature is used in computation of geopotential. = .false. Moisture is ignored in computation of geopotential. default = .false. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_mass_correction = .true. Surface pressure corrected by multiplicative constant to prevent spectral_dynmaics from changing mean surface pressure. default = .true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_water_correction = .true. Specific humidity corrected by multiplicative constant to prevent spectral_dynmaics from changing glboal mean water vapor. default = .true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_energy_correction = .true. Temperatures corrected by additive constant to prevent spectral_dynamics from changing global mean energy. (enthalpy plus kinetic energy; vertically integrated enthalpy equals vertically integrated internal plus potential energy) default = .true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vert_advect_uv: Character string specifying vertical advection scheme for wind components vert_advect_t : Character string specifying vertical advection scheme for temperature The vertical advection schemes are: 'second_centered': centered second-order vertical advection 'fourth_centered': centered fourth-order vertical advection 'van_leer_linear': piecewise linear Van Leer in vertical 'finite_volume_parabolic': piecewise parabolic, finite volume default for all three = 'second_centered' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use_implicit = .true. : Implicit time step is used. = .false.: Explicit time step is used. default = .true. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- longitude_origin = The longitude of the first grid point in the global domain. default = 0.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- robert_coeff = Coefficient of the robert filter. default = .04 Note: The robert coefficient for any tracer can optionally be set to a different value. This is done in the field table. The value specified in the namelist applies to surface pressure, vorticity, divergence, temperature and any tracer for which an overriding value is not specified in the field table. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alpha_implicit = 0.5 : centered implicit gravity wave scheme = 1.0 : backwards implicit gravity wave scheme default = 0.5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vert_difference_option='simmons_and_burridge' : Full levels computed according to the scheme of Simmons and Burridge. See Mon. Weather Review: Vol. 109, No. 4, pp. 758-766 ='mcm' : Full levels at arithmetic mean of half levels. This vertical differencing is used by the Manabe Climate Model, hence the acronym "mcm". default = 'simmons_and_burridge' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- triang_trunc = .true. for triangular truncation, = .false. for rhomboidal truncation. default = .true. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ocean_topog_smoothing = The fractional smoothing of topography over the ocean. Used only when topography_option = 'interpolated' When ocean_topog_smoothing = 0. the topography is spectrally truncated but not regularized. For regularized topography, a value of about .93 has traditionally been used. A land-sea mask is required for topography regularization. This may be supplied as optional argument "ocean_mask" of spectral_dynamics_init. If it is not, then an ocean mask will be computed by interpolating Navy water data to the model's grid. The raw water data must exist as ./DATA/ Like the raw topography data, it must be a single record of 32-bit ieee data and be on a one-sixth degree lat-lon grid. default = .93 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num_fourier = number of fourier waves retained (zonal direction) default = 42 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num_spherical = number of meridional waves retained. default = 43 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fourier_inc = number of "sectors" If fourier_inc > 1, creates sector model in which all fields have fourier_inc-fold symmetry around latitude circles. default = 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- num_levels = number of vertical levels default = 18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lon_max = number of longitude points default = 128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lat_max = number of latitude points default = 64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reference_sea_level_press: Used for three different purposes. 1) It is used to compute initial sea level pressure for a "cold start" 2) It is passed to the modular physics where it is used only for diagnostics. 3) It is passed to implict to use as a reference pressure for the implicit scheme. default = 101325. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scale_heights: See vert_coord_option, uneven_sigma and hybrid options surf_res: See vert_coord_option, uneven_sigma and hybrid options exponent: See vert_coord_option, uneven_sigma and hybrid options p_press: See vert_coord_option, hybrid option p_sigma: See vert_coord_option, hybrid option defaults: scale_heights = 4.0 surf_res = 0.1 exponent = 2.5 p_press = 0.1 p_sigma = 0.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vert_coord_option = 'input': Vertical coordinate specified on namelist vert_coordinate_nml = 'even_sigma': Equally-spaced sigma coordinate. = 'uneven_sigma': Unequally-spaced sigma-coordinates obtained by assuming equal spacing in zeta in the interval [0,1] where: zeta = (1.-(float(k-1)/float(num_levels))) Z = surf_res*zeta + (1 - surf_res)*(zeta**exponent) p = exp(-Z*scale_heights), except for the top level, which is always at p = 0 = 'hybrid': Unequally spaced generalized coordinate making a smooth transition from the unequally spaced sigma coordinates as described above to pressure coordinates between the pressures. p_sigma must be greater than p_press = 'mcm': Unequally-spaced sigma-coordinates of the Manabe Climate Model. num_levels must be 14 = 'v197': Standard v197 sigma levels. num_levels must be 18 NOTE: vert_coord_option and the various parameters for the uneven_sigma and hybrid vertical coordinates are ignored unles 'quiescent' or 'input' is specified for initial_state_option. The vertical coordinate for the polvani and jablonowski initializations are hard wired. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- valid_range_t : Two element array for the min and max allowable temperatures. Allows for a check that model solution is not blowing up. default = 100., 500. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_interval : Two element integer array specifying the interval to print global integrals. First element is days, second element is seconds. For example: print_interval=1,43200 specifies output every 1.5 days ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &vert_coordinate_nml pk = An array of pressures used for the hybrid vertical coordinate. bk = An array of constants, in the range zero to one, defining the sigma levels. bk(num_levels) must equal 1.0 The pressures at the interfaces of the model levels are given by: p = pk + bk*p_surf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &spectral_init_cond_nml topography_option = 'flat': surface height = 0 everywhere = 'input': Topography is read from a netcdf file. The data is assumed to be on the gaussian grid. The topography is transformed to spherical coefficients and back to the grid again to ensure that it is spectrally truncated. The file and field names are specified by setting topog_file_name and topog_field_name. = 'interpolated': Realistic topography is interpolated to the atmopheric model's grid A file of raw topography must exist as ./DATA/ Where "." is the directory where the model is executed. The topography file must contain a single record of 32-bit ieee data. topography.f90 expects the raw topography to be on a one-sixth degree lat-lon grid. (The option to regularize the topography is controlled by namelist variable "ocean_topog_smoothing" See below) = 'gaussian': Idealized gaussian moutains. default = 'flat' topog_file_name = path name (relative to the working directory) to a file containing the surface topography. topog_field_name = The field name within the file. topog_file_name and topog_field_name may be specified when topography_option='input', but are otherwise ignored. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial_temperature = Initial temperature of the quiescent, isothermal atmosphere. (degrees K) Used only when initial_state_option='quiescent' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &ic_from_external_file_nml All variables are type character file_name = The path name of the external file. u_name = The name of the zonal wind field within the file. v_name = The name of the meridional wind field within the file. t_name = The name of the temperature field within the file. ps_name = The name of the surface pressure field within the file. NOTE: Surface geopotential can also be read from an external file, and it may be the same file. See: topography_option
Attributes of tracers are specified in field_table. For a description of the field_table see tracer_manager.html Note that water vapor is a tracer. If water vapor does not appear in the field table then the model will be dry. The tracer attributes are must appear as the method field in the field table. An option for each attribute must appear as the scheme field in the field table. The attributes and there options are: numerical_representation: "spectral" or "grid" spectral: Tracer is represented by spherical coefficients. Grid values are computed and used for grid based computations, but it is the spherical field that is prognostic. grid: Tracer is represented as grid point values. Spherical coefficients are not used. default = "spectral" ------------------------------------------- advect_vert: One of several character strings that specify a vertical advection scheme. See vert_advection.html As of the havana release the options are: "second_centered", "fourth_centered", "van_leer_linear", "finite_volume_parabolic" default = "second_centered" ------------------------------------------- hole_filling: "on" or "off" on: When numerical_representation = "spectral", an attempt is made to fill negative values by borrowing from neighboring points above, below, to the east and west. Borrowing is not done in the meridional direction. Borrowing does not guarantee that negative values will be eliminated, only they they will be reduced. When numerical_representation = "grid", hole_filling is always off, so that specifying "on" will have no effect. off: Borrowing is not done. default = "off" ------------------------------------------- robert_filter: "on" or "off" on: Current values will be robert filtered when future values are computed. The value of the robert coefficient can be set to a value other than what is specified in spectral_dynamics_nml. See robert_coeff This is done by including a parameter field in the field table. See example below. off: Robert filtering is not done. default = "on" with value of robert coefficient specified in namelist. ------------------------------------------- As an example, the field table entry for water vapor might look like this: "TRACER", "atmos_mod", "sphum" "longname", "specific humidity" "units", "kg/kg" "numerical_representation", "grid" "advect_vert", "van_leer_linear" "holefilling" "off", "robert_filter", "on", "robert_coeff=.03" /
The fields that may be output are: bk vertical coordinate sigma values (dimensionless) pk vertical coordinate pressure values (pascals) surf height of the surface (meters) ps surface pressure (pascals) pres_full pressure at model full levels (pascals) pres_half pressure at model half levels (pascals) height geopotential height at model full levels (meters) height_half geopotential height at model half levels (meters) ucomp zonal wind component (m/sec) vcomp meridional wind component (m/sec) temp temperature (deg_k) omega omega vertical velocity (pascals/sec) tracers multiple number of tracers fields ucomp_sq zonal wind component sqared (m/sec)**2 vcomp_sq meridional wind component sqared (m/sec)**2 omega_sq omega vertical velocity sqared (pascal/sec)**2 temp_sq temperature sqared (deg_k**2) ucomp_vcomp zonal wind times meridional wind (m/sec)**2 omega_temp omega vertical velocity times temperature (deg_k*pascals/sec) wspd wind speed (m/s) div divergence (1/s) vor relative vorticity (1/s) slp sea level pressure (pascals) Notes: The diag_table module name for these fields is: 'dynamics' bk, pk and zsurf are static. They are written once and have no time axis. Diagnostic output is controlled through the diag_table. For a description of the diag_table see: diag_table_tk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To facilitate code development, it is sometimes desirable to see the intermediate values of the dynamical variables. That is, the values that are computed before completion of the time step. When a split time step is used, these are computed at a higher frequency than the physics time step. These values may be output by including one or more of the following in the diag_table: ps_every u_every v_every t_every {tracer_name}_every The diag_table module name for these fields is: 'dynamics_every' NOTE: It is recommended that these fields be written to a different file than the standard dynamical fields.
There a number of constraints on the decompostion of the global domain across processors. These constraints reduces the allowable choices for the number of processors on which the spectral model can be run. The constraints are: 1) The decompostion is in the meridional direction only. Two dimensional decompostion is not an option. 2) All processors must have an equal number of latitude rows. 3) Number of processors must not be greater than num_fourier+1.
Modifications between inchon and jakarta include: (1) Public interface complete_leapfrog_tg replaced by complete_robert_filter and complete_update_of_future. (2) Addition of public interface spectral_diagnostics. (3) Addition of top level sponge.
A fatal error message will be issued when any of the following conditions is detected. 1) Water or energy correction is specified without mass correction. 2) Water correction is specified when a humidity variable does not exist in the field_table. 3) Any namelist variables are given invalid values. 4) Either numerical_representation or advect_vert is given an invalid value in the field_table. 5) Both sphum and mix_rat appear in the field_table at the same time. 6) Atmospheric temperature out of valid range. 7) Resolution of restart data does not match resolution specified on namelist. 8) Any public interfaces are called prior to calling subroutine spectral_dynamics_init.
See technical documention (not yet available).
Provide technical documentation.