!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module flux_exchange_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GNU General Public License ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and ! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ! License for more details. ! ! For the full text of the GNU General Public License, ! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Bruce Wyman ! V. Balaji ! Sergey Malyshev ! ! ! The flux_exchange module provides interfaces to couple the following component ! models: atmosphere, ocean, land, and ice. All interpolation between physically ! distinct model grids is handled by the exchange grid (xgrid_mod) with the ! interpolated quantities being conserved. ! ! !
!  1.This version of flux_exchange_mod allows the definition of physically independent
!    grids for atmosphere, land and sea ice. Ice and ocean must share the same physical
!    grid (though the domain decomposition on parallel systems may be different). 
!    Grid information is input through the grid_spec file (URL). The masked region of the
!    land grid and ice/ocean grid must "tile" each other. The masked region of the ice grid
!    and ocean grid must be identical. 
!         ATMOSPHERE  |----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|
!               LAND  |---|---|---|---|xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|
!                ICE  |xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|---|---|---|---|---|---|
!               OCEAN |xxx|xxx|xxx|xxx|---|---|---|---|---|---|
!              where  |xxx| = masked grid point
!    The atmosphere, land, and ice grids exchange information using the exchange grid xmap_sfc.
!    The land and ice grids exchange runoff data using the exchange grid xmap_runoff.
!    Transfer of data between the ice bottom and ocean does not require an exchange 
!    grid as the grids are physically identical. The flux routines will automatically
!    detect and redistribute data if their domain decompositions are different.
!    To get information from the atmosphere to the ocean it must pass through the 
!    ice model, first by interpolating from the atmospheric grid to the ice grid, 
!    and then transferring from the ice grid to the ocean grid.

!  2.Each component model must have a public defined data type containing specific 
!    boundary fields. A list of these quantities is located in the NOTES of this document. 
!  3.The surface flux of sensible heat and surface evaporation can be implicit functions
!    of surface temperature. As a consequence, the parts of the land and sea-ice models 
!    that update the surface temperature must be called on the atmospheric time step 
!  4.The surface fluxes of all other tracers and of momentum are assumed to be explicit
!    functions of all surface parameters 
!  5.While no explicit reference is made within this module to the implicit treatment 
!    of vertical diffusion in the atmosphere and in the land or sea-ice models, the 
!    module is designed to allow for simultaneous implicit time integration on both 
!    sides of the surface interface. 
!  6.Due to #5, the diffusion part of the land and ice models must be called on the 
!    atmospheric time step.
!7. Any field passed from one component to another may be "faked" to a
!   constant value, or to data acquired from a file, using the
!   data_override feature of FMS. The fields to override are runtime
!   configurable, using the text file data_table for input.
!   See the data_override_mod documentation for more details.
!   We DO NOT RECOMMEND exercising the data override capabilities of
!   the FMS coupler until the user has acquired considerable
!   sophistication in running FMS.
!   Here is a listing of the override capabilities of the flux_exchange
!   module:
!   FROM the atmosphere boundary TO the exchange grid (in sfc_boundary_layer):
!        t_bot, q_bot, z_bot, p_bot, u_bot, v_bot, p_surf, slp, gust
!   FROM the ice boundary TO the exchange grid (in sfc_boundary_layer):
!        t_surf, rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, albedo, u_surf, v_surf
!   FROM the land boundary TO the exchange grid (in sfc_boundary_layer):
!        t_surf, t_ca, q_ca, rough_mom, rough_heat, albedo
!   FROM the exchange grid TO land_ice_atmos_boundary (in
!   sfc_boundary_layer):
!        t, albedo, land_frac, dt_t, dt_q, u_flux, v_flux, dtaudu, dtaudv,
!        u_star, b_star, rough_mom
!   FROM the atmosphere boundary TO the exchange grid (in
!    flux_down_from_atmos):
!        flux_sw, flux_lw, lprec, fprec, coszen, dtmass, delta_t,
!        delta_q, dflux_t, dflux_q
!   FROM the exchange grid TO the land boundary (in
!    flux_down_from_atmos):
!    t_flux, q_flux, lw_flux, sw_flux, lprec, fprec, dhdt, dedt, dedq,
!    drdt, drag_q, p_surf
!   FROM the exchange grid TO the ice boundary (in flux_down_from_atmos):
!        u_flux, v_flux, t_flux, q_flux, lw_flux, lw_flux_dn, sw_flux,
!        sw_flux_dn, lprec, fprec, dhdt, dedt, drdt, coszen, p 
!   FROM the land boundary TO the ice boundary (in flux_land_to_ice):
!        runoff, calving
!   FROM the ice boundary TO the ocean boundary (in flux_ice_to_ocean):
!        u_flux, v_flux, t_flux, q_flux, salt_flux, lw_flux, sw_flux,
!        lprec, fprec, runoff, calving, p
!   FROM the ocean boundary TO the ice boundary (in flux_ocean_to_ice):
!        u, v, t, s, frazil, sea_level
!   FROM the ice boundary TO the atmosphere boundary (in flux_up_to_atmos):
!        t_surf
!   FROM the land boundary TO the atmosphere boundary (in
!    flux_up_to_atmos):
!        t_ca, t_surf, q_ca
!  See NOTES below for an explanation of the field names.
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_npes, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, & mpp_error, stderr, stdout, stdlog, FATAL, NOTE, mpp_set_current_pelist, & mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end, mpp_sum, & CLOCK_COMPONENT, CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT, CLOCK_ROUTINE, lowercase use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_compute_domains, & mpp_global_sum, mpp_redistribute, operator(.EQ.) use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_global_domain, mpp_get_data_domain use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_set_global_domain, mpp_set_data_domain, mpp_set_compute_domain use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_deallocate_domain, mpp_copy_domain, domain2d use mpp_io_mod, only: mpp_close, mpp_open, MPP_MULTI, MPP_SINGLE, MPP_OVERWR !model_boundary_data_type contains all model fields at the boundary. !model1_model2_boundary_type contains fields that model2 gets !from model1, may also include fluxes. These are declared by !flux_exchange_mod and have private components. All model fields in !model_boundary_data_type may not be exchanged. !will support 3 types of flux_exchange: !REGRID: physically distinct grids, via xgrid !REDIST: same grid, transfer in index space only !DIRECT: same grid, same decomp, direct copy use atmos_model_mod, only: atmos_data_type, land_ice_atmos_boundary_type use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_public_type, ice_ocean_boundary_type use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_state_type use ice_model_mod, only: ice_data_type, land_ice_boundary_type, & ocean_ice_boundary_type, atmos_ice_boundary_type, Ice_stock_pe, & ice_cell_area => cell_area use land_model_mod, only: land_data_type, atmos_land_boundary_type use surface_flux_mod, only: surface_flux use monin_obukhov_mod, only: mo_profile use xgrid_mod, only: xmap_type, setup_xmap, set_frac_area, & put_to_xgrid, get_from_xgrid, & xgrid_count, some, conservation_check, xgrid_init, & get_ocean_model_area_elements, stock_integrate_2d, & stock_move, stock_print use diag_integral_mod, only: diag_integral_field_init, & sum_diag_integral_field use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, & register_static_field, send_data, send_tile_averaged_data use time_manager_mod, only: time_type use sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: compute_qs use constants_mod, only: rdgas, rvgas, cp_air, stefan, WTMAIR, HLV, HLF, Radius, PI, CP_OCEAN, & WTMCO2, WTMC !Balaji !utilities stuff into use fms_mod use fms_mod, only: clock_flag_default, check_nml_error, error_mesg use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, write_version_number use fms_mod, only: field_exist, field_size, read_data, get_mosaic_tile_grid use data_override_mod, only: data_override use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_1d_bc_type use atmos_ocean_fluxes_mod, only: atmos_ocean_fluxes_init, atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_model_init_sfc, ocean_model_flux_init, ocean_model_data_get use coupler_types_mod, only: coupler_type_copy use coupler_types_mod, only: ind_psurf, ind_u10 use atmos_tracer_driver_mod, only: atmos_tracer_flux_init use field_manager_mod, only: MODEL_ATMOS, MODEL_LAND, MODEL_ICE use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_index use tracer_manager_mod, only: get_tracer_names, get_number_tracers, NO_TRACER use stock_constants_mod, only: NELEMS, ISTOCK_WATER, ISTOCK_HEAT, ISTOCK_SALT use stock_constants_mod, only: ISTOCK_SIDE, ISTOCK_TOP, ISTOCK_BOTTOM , STOCK_UNITS, STOCK_NAMES use stock_constants_mod, only: stocks_file, stocks_report, stocks_report_init use stock_constants_mod, only: Atm_stock, Ocn_stock, Lnd_stock, Ice_stock use land_model_mod, only: Lnd_stock_pe use ocean_model_mod, only: Ocean_stock_pe use atmos_model_mod, only: Atm_stock_pe #ifdef SCM ! option to override various surface boundary conditions for SCM use scm_forc_mod, only: do_specified_flux, scm_surface_flux, & do_specified_tskin, TSKIN, & do_specified_albedo, ALBEDO_OBS, & do_specified_rough_leng, ROUGH_MOM, ROUGH_HEAT, & do_specified_land #endif implicit none include 'netcdf.inc' private character(len=48), parameter :: module_name = 'flux_exchange_mod' public :: flux_exchange_init, & sfc_boundary_layer, & generate_sfc_xgrid, & flux_down_from_atmos, & flux_up_to_atmos, & flux_land_to_ice, & flux_ice_to_ocean, & flux_ocean_to_ice, & flux_check_stocks, & flux_init_stocks, & flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks,& flux_ocean_from_ice_stocks !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: flux_exchange.F90,v 2009/11/06 00:32:10 nnz Exp $' character(len=128) :: tag = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- exchange grid maps ----- type(xmap_type), save :: xmap_sfc, xmap_runoff integer :: n_xgrid_sfc, n_xgrid_runoff !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------- namelist (for diagnostics) ------ character(len=4), parameter :: mod_name = 'flux' integer :: id_drag_moist, id_drag_heat, id_drag_mom, & id_rough_moist, id_rough_heat, id_rough_mom, & id_land_mask, id_ice_mask, & id_u_star, id_b_star, id_q_star, id_u_flux, id_v_flux, & id_t_surf, id_t_flux, id_r_flux, id_q_flux, id_slp, & id_t_atm, id_u_atm, id_v_atm, id_wind, & id_t_ref, id_rh_ref, id_u_ref, id_v_ref, id_wind_ref, & id_del_h, id_del_m, id_del_q, id_rough_scale, & id_t_ca, id_q_surf, id_q_atm, id_z_atm, id_p_atm, id_gust, & id_t_ref_land, id_rh_ref_land, id_u_ref_land, id_v_ref_land, & id_q_ref, id_q_ref_land, id_q_flux_land, id_rh_ref_cmip integer :: id_co2_atm_dvmr, id_co2_surf_dvmr integer, allocatable :: id_tr_atm(:), id_tr_surf(:), id_tr_flux(:), id_tr_mol_flux(:) logical :: first_static = .true. logical :: do_init = .true. integer :: remap_method = 1 real, parameter :: bound_tol = 1e-7 real, parameter :: d622 = rdgas/rvgas real, parameter :: d378 = 1.0-d622 !--- namelist interface ------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! eference height (meters) for temperature and relative humidity ! diagnostics (t_ref,rh_ref,del_h,del_q) ! ! ! reference height (meters) for momentum diagnostics (u_ref,v_ref,del_m) ! ! ! By default, the global exchange grid u_star will not be interpolated from ! atmospheric grid, this is different from Jakarta behavior and will ! change answers. So to perserve Jakarta behavior and reproduce answers ! explicitly set this namelist variable to .true. in input.nml. ! Talk to mw, ens for details. ! ! ! Turns on/off the land runoff interpolation to the ocean. ! real :: z_ref_heat = 2., & z_ref_mom = 10. logical :: ex_u_star_smooth_bug = .false. logical :: sw1way_bug = .false. logical :: do_area_weighted_flux = .FALSE. logical :: debug_stocks = .FALSE. logical :: divert_stocks_report = .FALSE. logical :: do_runoff = .TRUE. logical :: do_forecast = .false. namelist /flux_exchange_nml/ z_ref_heat, z_ref_mom, ex_u_star_smooth_bug, sw1way_bug, & do_area_weighted_flux, debug_stocks, divert_stocks_report, do_runoff, do_forecast ! ! ---- allocatable module storage -------------------------------------------- real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: & ! NOTE: T canopy is only differet from t_surf over vegetated land ex_t_surf, & ! surface temperature for radiation calc, degK ex_t_surf_miz,& ! miz ex_t_ca, & ! near-surface (canopy) air temperature, degK ex_p_surf, & ! surface pressure ex_slp, & ! surface pressure ex_flux_t, & ! sens heat flux ex_flux_lw, & ! longwave radiation flux ex_dhdt_surf, & ! d(sens.heat.flux)/d(T canopy) ex_dedt_surf, & ! d(water.vap.flux)/d(T canopy) ex_dqsatdt_surf, & ! d(water.vap.flux)/d(q canopy) ex_e_q_n, & ex_drdt_surf, & ! d(LW flux)/d(T surf) ex_dhdt_atm, & ! d(sens.heat.flux)/d(T atm) ex_flux_u, & ! u stress on atmosphere ex_flux_v, & ! v stress on atmosphere ex_dtaudu_atm,& ! d(stress)/d(u) ex_dtaudv_atm,& ! d(stress)/d(v) ex_albedo_fix,& ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix,& ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix,& ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix,& ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix,& ex_old_albedo,& ! old value of albedo for downward flux calculations ex_drag_q, & ! q drag.coeff. ex_cd_t, & ex_cd_m, & ex_b_star, & ex_u_star, & ex_wind, & ex_z_atm #ifdef SCM real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: & ex_dhdt_surf_forland, & ex_dedt_surf_forland, & ex_dedq_surf_forland #endif real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & ex_tr_surf, & ! near-surface tracer fields ex_flux_tr, & ! tracer fluxes ex_dfdtr_surf, & ! d(tracer flux)/d(surf tracer) ex_dfdtr_atm, & ! d(tracer flux)/d(atm tracer) ex_e_tr_n, & ! coefficient in implicit scheme ex_f_tr_delt_n ! coefficient in implicit scheme logical, allocatable, dimension(:) :: & ex_avail, & ! true where data on exchange grid are available ex_land ! true if exchange grid cell is over land real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: & ex_e_t_n, & ex_f_t_delt_n integer :: n_atm_tr ! number of prognostic tracers in the atmos model integer :: n_atm_tr_tot ! number of prognostic tracers in the atmos model integer :: n_lnd_tr ! number of prognostic tracers in the land model integer :: n_lnd_tr_tot ! number of prognostic tracers in the land model integer :: n_exch_tr ! number of tracers exchanged between models type :: tracer_ind_type integer :: atm, ice, lnd ! indices of the tracer in the respective models end type type(tracer_ind_type), allocatable :: tr_table(:) ! table of tracer indices type :: tracer_exch_ind_type integer :: exch = 0 ! exchange grid index integer :: ice = 0 ! ice model index integer :: lnd = 0 ! land model index end type tracer_exch_ind_type type(tracer_exch_ind_type), allocatable :: tr_table_map(:) ! map atm tracers to exchange, ice and land variables integer :: isphum = NO_TRACER ! index of specific humidity tracer in tracer table integer :: ico2 = NO_TRACER ! index of co2 tracer in tracer table type(coupler_1d_bc_type), save :: ex_gas_fields_atm ! gas fields in atm ! Place holder for various atmospheric fields. type(coupler_1d_bc_type), save :: ex_gas_fields_ice ! gas fields on ice type(coupler_1d_bc_type), save :: ex_gas_fluxes ! gas flux ! Place holder of intermediate calculations, such as ! piston velocities etc. integer :: ni_atm, nj_atm ! to do atmos diagnostic from flux_ocean_to_ice real, dimension(3) :: ccc ! for conservation checks !Balaji, sets boundary_type%xtype ! REGRID: grids are physically different, pass via exchange grid ! REDIST: same physical grid, different decomposition, must move data around ! DIRECT: same physical grid, same domain decomposition, can directly copy data integer, parameter :: REGRID=1, REDIST=2, DIRECT=3 !Balaji: clocks moved into flux_exchange integer :: cplClock, sfcClock, fluxAtmDnClock, fluxLandIceClock, & fluxIceOceanClock, fluxOceanIceClock, regenClock, fluxAtmUpClock, & cplOcnClock logical :: ocn_pe, ice_pe integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: ocn_pelist, ice_pelist ! Exchange grid indices integer :: X1_GRID_ATM, X1_GRID_ICE, X1_GRID_LND integer :: X2_GRID_LND, X2_GRID_ICE real :: Dt_atm, Dt_cpl real :: ATM_PRECIP_NEW integer :: runoff_id_diag =-1 contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! Initialization routine. ! ! ! Initializes the interpolation routines,diagnostics and boundary data ! ! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify atmosphere boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ocean boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from atmosphere to ice. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from exchange grid to ! the atmosphere, land and ice. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from land to ice. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from ice to ocean. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from ocean to ice. ! ! ! Atmos time step in secs. ! ! ! Coupled time step in secs. ! ! subroutine flux_exchange_init ( Time, Atm, Land, Ice, Ocean, Ocean_state,& atmos_ice_boundary, land_ice_atmos_boundary, & land_ice_boundary, ice_ocean_boundary, ocean_ice_boundary, & dt_atmos, dt_cpld ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state ! All intent(OUT) derived types with pointer components must be ! COMPLETELY allocated here and in subroutines called from here; ! NO pointer components should have been allocated before entry if the ! derived type has intent(OUT) otherwise they may be lost. type(atmos_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: atmos_ice_boundary type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type),intent(inout) :: land_ice_atmos_boundary type(land_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: land_ice_boundary type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: ice_ocean_boundary type(ocean_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: ocean_ice_boundary integer, optional, intent(in) :: dt_atmos, dt_cpld character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'flux_exchange_init' character(len=256), parameter :: error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(module_name) // & '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):' character(len=256), parameter :: warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(module_name) // & '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):' character(len=256), parameter :: note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(module_name) // & '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):' character(len=64), parameter :: grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' character(len=256) :: atm_mosaic_file, tile_file type(domain2d) :: domain2 integer :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed integer :: isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2 integer :: nxg, nyg, ioff, joff integer :: unit, ierr, io, i, j integer :: nlon, nlat, siz(4) integer :: outunit, logunit real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmpx(:,:), tmpy(:,:) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: atmlonb, atmlatb integer :: is, ie, js, je, kd character(32) :: tr_name logical :: found integer :: n, npes_atm, npes_ocn, npes_all integer, allocatable :: pelist(:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! initialize atmos_ocean_fluxes ! Setting up flux types, allocates the arrays. ! ! ! ocean_tracer_flux_init is called first since it has the meaningful value to set ! for the input/output file names for the tracer flux values used in restarts. These ! values could be set in the field table, and this ordering allows this. ! atmos_tracer_flux_init is called last since it will use the values set in ! ocean_tracer_flux_init with the exception of atm_tr_index, which can only ! be meaningfully set from the atmospheric model (not from the field table) ! call ocean_model_flux_init(Ocean_state) call atmos_tracer_flux_init call atmos_ocean_fluxes_init(ex_gas_fluxes, ex_gas_fields_atm, ex_gas_fields_ice) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- read namelist ------- outunit = stdout(); logunit = stdlog() unit = open_namelist_file() ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=flux_exchange_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'flux_exchange_nml') enddo 10 call mpp_close(unit) !----- write namelist to logfile ----- call write_version_number (version, tag) if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )write( logunit, nml=flux_exchange_nml ) !----- find out number of atmospheric prognostic tracers and index of specific ! humidity in the tracer table call get_number_tracers (MODEL_ATMOS, num_tracers=n_atm_tr_tot, & num_prog=n_atm_tr) call get_number_tracers (MODEL_LAND, num_tracers=n_lnd_tr_tot, & num_prog=n_lnd_tr) ! assemble the table of tracer number translation by matching names of ! prognostic tracers in the atmosphere and surface models; skip all atmos. ! tracers that have no corresponding surface tracers. allocate(tr_table(n_atm_tr)) allocate(tr_table_map(n_atm_tr)) n = 1 do i = 1,n_atm_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, i, tr_name ) tr_table(n)%atm = i tr_table(n)%ice = get_tracer_index ( MODEL_ICE, tr_name ) tr_table_map(i)%ice = tr_table(n)%ice tr_table(n)%lnd = get_tracer_index ( MODEL_LAND, tr_name ) tr_table_map(i)%lnd = tr_table(n)%lnd if(tr_table(n)%ice/=NO_TRACER.or.tr_table(n)%lnd/=NO_TRACER) then tr_table_map(i)%exch = n n = n + 1 endif enddo n_exch_tr = n - 1 ! ! Set up tracer table entries for ocean-atm gas fluxes where the names of tracers in the ! atmosphere and ocean may not be equal ! do n = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%num_bcs !{ if (ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%atm_tr_index .gt. 0) then !{ found = .false. do i = 1, n_exch_tr !{ if (ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%atm_tr_index .eq. tr_table(i)%atm) then found = .true. exit endif enddo !} i if (.not. found) then n_exch_tr = n_exch_tr + 1 tr_table(n_exch_tr)%atm = ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%atm_tr_index tr_table(n_exch_tr)%ice = NO_TRACER ! because ocean-atm gas fluxes are not held in the ice model as tracers tr_table(n_exch_tr)%lnd = NO_TRACER ! because this would have been found above tr_table_map(n_exch_tr)%exch = n_exch_tr tr_table_map(n_exch_tr)%ice = tr_table(n_exch_tr)%ice tr_table_map(n_exch_tr)%lnd = tr_table(n_exch_tr)%lnd endif endif !} enddo !} n write(outunit,*) trim(note_header), ' Number of exchanged tracers = ', n_exch_tr write(logunit,*) trim(note_header), ' Number of exchanged tracers = ', n_exch_tr do i = 1,n_exch_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(i)%atm, tr_name ) write(outunit,*)'Tracer field name :'//trim(tr_name) write(logunit,*)'Tracer field name :'//trim(tr_name) enddo ! find out which tracer is specific humidity ! +fix-me-slm+ specific humidity may not be present if we are running with ! dry atmosphere. Besides, model may use mixing ratio ('mix_rat') (?). However, ! some atmos code also assumes 'sphum' is present, so for now the following ! code may be good enough. do i = 1,n_exch_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(i)%atm, tr_name ) if(lowercase(tr_name)=='sphum') then isphum = i endif ! jgj: find out which exchange tracer is co2 if(lowercase(tr_name)=='co2') then ico2 = i write(outunit,*)'Exchange tracer index for '//trim(tr_name),' : ',ico2 endif enddo if (isphum==NO_TRACER) then call error_mesg('flux_exchange_mod',& 'tracer "sphum" must be present in the atmosphere', FATAL ) endif if (ico2==NO_TRACER) then call error_mesg('flux_exchange_mod',& 'tracer "co2" not present in the atmosphere', NOTE ) endif !--------- read gridspec file ------------------ !only atmos pelists needs to do it here, ocean model will do it elsewhere ice_pe = Atm%pe ocn_pe = Ocean%is_ocean_pe allocate( ice_pelist(size(Atm%pelist)) ) !if ice/land become concurrent, this won't be true... ice_pelist(:) = Atm%pelist(:) allocate( ocn_pelist(size(Ocean%pelist)) ) ocn_pelist(:) = Ocean%pelist(:) call get_ocean_model_area_elements(Ocean%domain, grid_file) if( Atm%pe )then call mpp_set_current_pelist(Atm%pelist) ! ! check atmosphere and grid_spec.nc have same atmosphere lat/lon boundaries ! call mpp_get_global_domain(Atm%domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg, xsize=nxg, ysize=nyg) call mpp_get_compute_domain(Atm%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec) call mpp_get_data_domain(Atm%domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed) if(size(Atm%lon_bnd,1) .NE. iec-isc+2 .OR. size(Atm%lon_bnd,2) .NE. jec-jsc+2) then call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'size of Atm%lon_bnd does not match the Atm computational domain', FATAL) endif ioff = lbound(Atm%lon_bnd,1) - isc joff = lbound(Atm%lon_bnd,2) - jsc if(field_exist(grid_file, "AREA_ATM" ) ) then ! old grid call field_size(grid_file, "AREA_ATM", siz) nlon = siz(1) nlat = siz(2) if (nlon /= nxg .or. nlat /= nyg) then if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) then print *, 'grid_spec.nc has', nlon, 'longitudes,', nlat, 'latitudes; ', & 'atmosphere has', nxg, 'longitudes,', & nyg, 'latitudes (see xba.dat and yba.dat)' end if ! ! The atmosphere grid size from file grid_spec.nc is not compatible with the atmosphere ! resolution from atmosphere model. ! call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'grid_spec.nc incompatible with atmosphere resolution', FATAL) end if allocate( atmlonb(isg:ieg+1) ) allocate( atmlatb(jsg:jeg+1) ) call read_data(grid_file, 'xba', atmlonb, no_domain=.true. ) call read_data(grid_file, 'yba', atmlatb, no_domain=.true. ) do i=isc, iec+1 if(abs(atmlonb(i)-Atm%lon_bnd(i+ioff,jsc+joff)*45/atan(1.0))>bound_tol) then print *, 'GRID_SPEC/ATMOS LONGITUDE INCONSISTENCY at i= ',i, ': ', & atmlonb(i), Atm%lon_bnd(i+ioff,jsc+joff)*45/atan(1.0) call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'grid_spec.nc incompatible with atmosphere longitudes (see xba.dat and yba.dat)'& , FATAL) endif enddo ! ! longitude from file grid_spec.nc ( from field yba ) is different from the longitude from atmosphere model. ! do j=jsc, jec+1 if(abs(atmlatb(j)-Atm%lat_bnd(isc+ioff,j+joff)*45/atan(1.0))>bound_tol) then print *, 'GRID_SPEC/ATMOS LATITUDE INCONSISTENCY at j= ',j, ': ', & atmlatb(j), Atm%lat_bnd(isc+ioff, j+joff)*45/atan(1.0) call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'grid_spec.nc incompatible with atmosphere latitudes (see xba.dat and yba.dat)'& , FATAL) endif enddo deallocate(atmlonb, atmlatb) else if(field_exist(grid_file, "atm_mosaic_file" ) ) then ! mosaic grid file. call read_data(grid_file, 'atm_mosaic_file', atm_mosaic_file) call get_mosaic_tile_grid(tile_file, 'INPUT/'//trim(atm_mosaic_file), Atm%domain) call field_size(tile_file, 'area', siz) nlon = siz(1); nlat = siz(2) if( mod(nlon,2) .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'flux_exchange_mod: atmos supergrid longitude size can not be divided by 2') if( mod(nlat,2) .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'flux_exchange_mod: atmos supergrid latitude size can not be divided by 2') nlon = nlon/2 nlat = nlat/2 if (nlon /= nxg .or. nlat /= nyg) then if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) then print *, 'atmosphere mosaic tile has', nlon, 'longitudes,', nlat, 'latitudes; ', & 'atmosphere has', nxg, 'longitudes,', nyg, 'latitudes' end if call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'atmosphere mosaic tile grid file incompatible with atmosphere resolution', FATAL) end if call mpp_copy_domain(Atm%domain, domain2) call mpp_set_compute_domain(domain2, 2*isc-1, 2*iec+1, 2*jsc-1, 2*jec+1, 2*(iec-isc)+3, 2*(jec-jsc)+3 ) call mpp_set_data_domain (domain2, 2*isd-1, 2*ied+1, 2*jsd-1, 2*jed+1, 2*(ied-isd)+3, 2*(jed-jsd)+3 ) call mpp_set_global_domain (domain2, 2*isg-1, 2*ieg+1, 2*jsg-1, 2*jeg+1, 2*(ieg-isg)+3, 2*(jeg-jsg)+3 ) call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain2, isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2) if(isc2 .NE. 2*isc-1 .OR. iec2 .NE. 2*iec+1 .OR. jsc2 .NE. 2*jsc-1 .OR. jec2 .NE. 2*jec+1) then call mpp_error(FATAL, 'flux_exchange_mod: supergrid domain is not set properly') endif allocate(tmpx(isc2:iec2,jsc2:jec2), tmpy(isc2:iec2,jsc2:jec2) ) call read_data( tile_file, 'x', tmpx, domain2) call read_data( tile_file, 'y', tmpy, domain2) call mpp_deallocate_domain(domain2) do j = jsc, jec+1 do i = isc, iec+1 if (abs(tmpx(2*i-1,2*j-1)-Atm%lon_bnd(i+ioff,j+joff)*45/atan(1.0))>bound_tol) then print *, 'GRID_SPEC/ATMOS LONGITUDE INCONSISTENCY at i= ',i, ', j= ', j, ': ', & tmpx(2*i-1,2*j-1), Atm%lon_bnd(i+ioff,j+joff)*45/atan(1.0) ! ! longitude from file grid_spec.nc ( from field xba ) is different from the longitude from atmosphere model. ! call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'grid_spec.nc incompatible with atmosphere longitudes (see '//trim(tile_file)//')'& ,FATAL) end if if (abs(tmpy(2*i-1,2*j-1)-Atm%lat_bnd(i+ioff,j+joff)*45/atan(1.0))>bound_tol) then print *, 'GRID_SPEC/ATMOS LATITUDE INCONSISTENCY at i= ',i, ', j= ', j, ': ', & tmpy(2*i-1,2*j-1), Atm%lat_bnd(i+ioff,j+joff)*45/atan(1.0) ! ! latgitude from file grid_spec.nc is different from the latitude from atmosphere model. ! call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'grid_spec.nc incompatible with atmosphere latitudes (see '//trim(tile_file)//')'& ,FATAL) end if end do end do deallocate(tmpx, tmpy) else call mpp_error(FATAL, 'flux_exchange_mod: both AREA_ATMxOCN and ocn_mosaic_file does not exist in '//trim(grid_file)) end if call xgrid_init(remap_method) call setup_xmap(xmap_sfc, (/ 'ATM', 'OCN', 'LND' /), & (/ Atm%Domain, Ice%Domain, Land%Domain /), & "INPUT/grid_spec.nc", Atm%grid) ! exchange grid indices X1_GRID_ATM = 1; X1_GRID_ICE = 2; X1_GRID_LND = 3; call generate_sfc_xgrid( Land, Ice ) if (n_xgrid_sfc.eq.1) write (*,'(a,i4,6x,a)') 'PE = ', mpp_pe(), 'Surface exchange size equals one.' if (do_runoff) then call setup_xmap(xmap_runoff, (/ 'LND', 'OCN' /), & (/ Land%Domain, Ice%Domain /), & "INPUT/grid_spec.nc" ) ! exchange grid indices X2_GRID_LND = 1; X2_GRID_ICE = 2; n_xgrid_runoff = max(xgrid_count(xmap_runoff),1) if (n_xgrid_runoff.eq.1) write (*,'(a,i4,6x,a)') 'PE = ', mpp_pe(), 'Runoff exchange size equals one.' endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- initialize quantities for global integral package ----- !! call diag_integral_field_init ('prec', 'f6.3') call diag_integral_field_init ('evap', 'f6.3') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- initialize diagnostic fields ----- !----- all fields will be output on the atmospheric grid ----- call diag_field_init ( Time, Atm%axes(1:2), Land%axes ) ni_atm = size(Atm%lon_bnd,1)-1 ! to dimension "diag_atm" nj_atm = size(Atm%lon_bnd,2)-1 ! in flux_ocean_to_ice !Balaji !allocate atmos_ice_boundary call mpp_get_compute_domain( Ice%domain, is, ie, js, je ) kd = size(Ice%ice_mask,3) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%u_flux(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%v_flux(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%u_star(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%t_flux(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%q_flux(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%lw_flux(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%lprec(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%fprec(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%dhdt(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%dedt(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%drdt(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%coszen(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) allocate( atmos_ice_boundary%p(is:ie,js:je,kd) ) ! initialize boundary values for override experiments (mjh) atmos_ice_boundary%u_flux=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%v_flux=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%u_star=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%t_flux=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%q_flux=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%lw_flux=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%lprec=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%fprec=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%dhdt=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%dedt=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%drdt=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%coszen=0.0 atmos_ice_boundary%p=0.0 ! allocate fields for extra fluxes ! Copying initialized gas fluxes from exchange grid to atmosphere_ice boundary call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fluxes, atmos_ice_boundary%fluxes, is, ie, js, je, kd, & mod_name, Ice%axes, Time, suffix = '_atm_ice') !allocate land_ice_boundary allocate( land_ice_boundary%runoff(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_boundary%calving(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_boundary%runoff_hflx(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_boundary%calving_hflx(is:ie,js:je) ) ! initialize values for override experiments (mjh) land_ice_boundary%runoff=0.0 land_ice_boundary%calving=0.0 land_ice_boundary%runoff_hflx=0.0 land_ice_boundary%calving_hflx=0.0 !allocate land_ice_atmos_boundary call mpp_get_compute_domain( Atm%domain, is, ie, js, je ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%t(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_vis_dir(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_nir_dir(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_vis_dif(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_nir_dif(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%land_frac(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%dt_t(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%dt_tr(is:ie,js:je,n_atm_tr) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%u_flux(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%v_flux(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%dtaudu(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%dtaudv(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%u_star(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%b_star(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%q_star(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( land_ice_atmos_boundary%rough_mom(is:ie,js:je) ) ! initialize boundary values for override experiments (mjh) land_ice_atmos_boundary%t=273.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_vis_dir=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_nir_dir=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_vis_dif=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%albedo_nir_dif=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%land_frac=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%dt_t=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%dt_tr=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%u_flux=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%v_flux=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%dtaudu=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%dtaudv=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%u_star=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%b_star=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%q_star=0.0 land_ice_atmos_boundary%rough_mom=0.01 ! allocate fields for extra tracers ! The first call is no longer necessary, the fluxes will be passed by the land module ! The 2nd call is useful in the case of a ocean model only simulation ! call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fields_atm, Atm%fields, is, ie, js, je, & mod_name, Atm%axes(1:2), Time, suffix = '_atm') !Balaji: clocks on atm%pe only cplClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Land-ice-atm coupler', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT ) sfcClock = mpp_clock_id( 'SFC boundary layer', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT ) fluxAtmDnClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Flux DN from atm', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) fluxLandIceClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Flux land to ice', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) regenClock = mpp_clock_id( 'XGrid generation', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) fluxAtmUpClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Flux UP to atm', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) end if !--- With the consideration of concurrent and series run. Also make sure pelist is monotonically increasing. !--- Here we can not simply call mpp_set_current_pelist() because of ensemble. The ocean_pe(n) !--- should either equal to atmos_pe(n) or greater than atmos%pelist(npes_atm) npes_ocn = size(Ocean%pelist(:)) npes_atm = size(Atm%pelist(:)) allocate(pelist(npes_ocn+npes_atm)) pelist(1:npes_atm) = Atm%pelist(1:npes_atm) npes_all = npes_atm do n = 1, npes_ocn if( n <= npes_atm ) then if( Ocean%pelist(n) == Atm%pelist(n) ) cycle endif if( Ocean%pelist(n) < Atm%pelist(npes_atm) ) call mpp_error( FATAL, & 'flux_exchange_init: ocean%pelist(n) should equal to atm%pelist(n) or greater than any atmos pes' ) npes_all = npes_all + 1 pelist(npes_all) = Ocean%pelist(n) enddo call mpp_set_current_pelist(pelist(1:npes_all) ) deallocate(pelist) !ocean_ice_boundary and ice_ocean_boundary must be done on all PES !domain boundaries will assure no space is allocated on non-relevant PEs. call mpp_get_compute_domain( Ice%domain, is, ie, js, je ) !allocate ocean_ice_boundary allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%u(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%v(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%t(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%s(is:ie,js:je) ) !frazil and sea_level are optional, if not present they should be nullified allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%frazil(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ocean_ice_boundary%sea_level(is:ie,js:je) ) ! initialize boundary fields for override experiments (mjh) ocean_ice_boundary%u=0.0 ocean_ice_boundary%v=0.0 ocean_ice_boundary%t=273.0 ocean_ice_boundary%s=0.0 ocean_ice_boundary%frazil=0.0 ocean_ice_boundary%sea_level=0.0 ! ! allocate fields for extra tracers ! Copying gas flux fields from ice to ocean_ice boundary call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fields_ice, ocean_ice_boundary%fields, is, ie, js, je, & 'ice_flux', Ice%axes(1:2), Time, suffix = '_ocn_ice') !allocate ice_ocean_boundary call mpp_get_compute_domain( Ocean%domain, is, ie, js, je ) !ML ocean only requires t, q, lw, sw, fprec, calving !AMIP ocean needs no input fields !choice of fields will eventually be done at runtime !via field_manager allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux(is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%lprec (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%fprec (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%runoff (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%calving (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%runoff_hflx (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%calving_hflx (is:ie,js:je) ) allocate( ice_ocean_boundary%p (is:ie,js:je) ) ! ! allocate fields for extra tracers ! call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fluxes, ice_ocean_boundary%fluxes, is, ie, js, je, & 'ocean_flux', Ocean%axes(1:2), Time, suffix = '_ice_ocn') call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fields_ice, Ocean%fields, is, ie, js, je, & 'ocean_flux', Ocean%axes(1:2), Time, suffix = '_ocn') !pjp Why are the above not initialized to zero? ! initialize boundary values for override experiments ocean_ice_boundary%xtype = REDIST if( Ocean%domain.EQ.Ice%domain )ocean_ice_boundary%xtype = DIRECT ice_ocean_boundary%xtype = ocean_ice_boundary%xtype ! ! allocate fields amd fluxes for extra tracers for the Ice type ! call mpp_get_compute_domain( Ice%domain, is, ie, js, je ) kd = size(Ice%ice_mask,3) call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fields_ice, Ice%ocean_fields, is, ie, js, je, kd, & 'ice_flux', Ice%axes, Time, suffix = '_ice') call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fluxes, Ice%ocean_fluxes, is, ie, js, je, & 'ice_flux', Ice%axes(1:2), Time, suffix = '_ice') call coupler_type_copy(ex_gas_fluxes, Ice%ocean_fluxes_top, is, ie, js, je, kd, & 'ice_flux', Ice%axes, Time, suffix = '_ice_top') ! initialize the Ocean type for extra fields for surface fluxes ! Same allocation of arrays and stuff ! (this must be done after the Ocean fields are allocated as the fields on the Ocean%fields ! are read in in this subroutine) ! if ( Ocean%is_ocean_pe ) then call mpp_set_current_pelist(Ocean%pelist) call ocean_model_init_sfc(Ocean_state, Ocean) end if call mpp_set_current_pelist() ! required by stock_move, all fluxes used to update stocks will be zero if dt_atmos, ! and dt_cpld are absent Dt_atm = 0 Dt_cpl = 0 if(present(dt_atmos)) Dt_atm = dt_atmos if(present(dt_cpld )) Dt_cpl = dt_cpld !z1l check the flux conservation. if(debug_stocks) call check_flux_conservation(Ice, Ocean, Ice_Ocean_Boundary) !Balaji cplOcnClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Ice-ocean coupler', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT ) fluxIceOceanClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Flux ice to ocean', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) fluxOceanIceClock = mpp_clock_id( 'Flux ocean to ice', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE ) !---- done ---- do_init = .false. end subroutine flux_exchange_init ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Computes explicit fluxes as well as derivatives that will be used to compute an implicit flux correction. ! ! !
!  The following quantities in the land_ice_atmos_boundary_type are computed:
!         t_surf_atm = surface temperature (used for radiation)    (K)
!         albedo_atm = surface albedo      (used for radiation)    (nondimensional)
!      rough_mom_atm = surface roughness for momentum (m)
!      land_frac_atm = fractional area of land beneath an atmospheric
!                      grid box 
!         dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm = derivatives of wind stress w.r.t. the
!                      lowest level wind speed  (Pa/(m/s))
!         flux_u_atm = zonal wind stress  (Pa)
!         flux_v_atm = meridional wind stress (Pa)
!         u_star_atm = friction velocity (m/s)
!         b_star_atm = buoyancy scale    (m2/s)
!         (u_star and b_star are defined so that u_star**2 = magnitude
!           of surface stress divided by density of air at the surface, 
!           and u_star*b_star = buoyancy flux at the surface)
! ! ! time step. ! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify atmosphere boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from exchange grid to ! the atmosphere, land and ice. ! ! subroutine sfc_boundary_layer ( dt, Time, Atm, Land, Ice, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary ) real, intent(in) :: dt type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary ! ---- local vars ---------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: & ex_albedo, & ex_albedo_vis_dir, & ex_albedo_nir_dir, & ex_albedo_vis_dif, & ex_albedo_nir_dif, & ex_land_frac, & ex_t_atm, & ex_p_atm, & ex_u_atm, ex_v_atm, & ex_gust, & ex_t_surf4, & ex_u_surf, ex_v_surf, & ex_rough_mom, ex_rough_heat, ex_rough_moist, & ex_rough_scale,& ex_q_star, & ex_cd_q, & ex_ref, ex_ref_u, ex_ref_v, ex_u10, & ex_ref2, & ex_t_ref, & ex_qs_ref, & ex_qs_ref_cmip, & ex_del_m, & ex_del_h, & ex_del_q, & ex_seawater real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc,n_exch_tr) :: ex_tr_atm ! jgj: added for co2_atm diagnostic real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: ex_co2_atm_dvmr real, dimension(size(Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t,1),size(Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t,2)) :: diag_atm real, dimension(size(Land%t_ca, 1),size(Land%t_ca,2), size(Land%t_ca,3)) :: diag_land real, dimension(size(Ice%t_surf,1),size(Ice%t_surf,2),size(Ice%t_surf,3)) :: sea real :: zrefm, zrefh logical :: used character(32) :: tr_name ! tracer name integer :: tr, n, m ! tracer indices integer :: i, ind_flux = 1 ! [1] check that the module was initialized ! ! flux_exchange_init has not been called before calling sfc_boundary_layer. ! if (do_init) call error_mesg ('flux_exchange_mod', & 'must call flux_exchange_init first', FATAL) !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplClock) call mpp_clock_begin(sfcClock) ! [2] allocate storage for variables that are also used in flux_up_to_atmos allocate ( & ex_t_surf (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_t_surf_miz(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_p_surf (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_slp (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_t_ca (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dhdt_surf(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dedt_surf(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dqsatdt_surf(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_drdt_surf(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dhdt_atm (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_flux_t (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_flux_lw (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_drag_q (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_avail (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_f_t_delt_n(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_tr_surf (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ex_dfdtr_surf (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ex_dfdtr_atm (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ex_flux_tr (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ex_f_tr_delt_n (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ex_e_tr_n (n_xgrid_sfc, n_exch_tr), & ! MOD these were moved from local ! so they can be passed to flux down ex_flux_u(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_flux_v(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dtaudu_atm(n_xgrid_sfc),& ex_dtaudv_atm(n_xgrid_sfc),& ! values added for LM3 ex_cd_t (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_cd_m (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_b_star (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_u_star (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_wind (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_z_atm (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_e_t_n (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_e_q_n (n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_land (n_xgrid_sfc) ) #ifdef SCM allocate ( & ex_dhdt_surf_forland(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dedt_surf_forland(n_xgrid_sfc), & ex_dedq_surf_forland(n_xgrid_sfc) ) #endif ! Actual allocation of exchange fields for ocean_ice boundary do n = 1, ex_gas_fields_ice%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if (associated(ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values)) then !{ call mpp_error( FATAL, 'sfc_boundary_layer: ex_gas_fields_ice already allocated.' ) endif !} allocate ( ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values = 0.0 enddo !} m enddo !} n do n = 1, ex_gas_fields_atm%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if (associated(ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values)) then !{ call mpp_error( FATAL, 'sfc_boundary_layer: ex_gas_fields_atm already allocated.' ) endif !} allocate ( ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values = 0.0 enddo !} m enddo !} n do n = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if (associated(ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values)) then !{ call mpp_error( FATAL, 'sfc_boundary_layer: ex_gas_fluxes already allocated.' ) endif !} allocate ( ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values = 0.0 enddo !} m enddo !} n ! ! Call the atmosphere tracer driver to gather the data needed for extra gas tracers ! For ocean only model ! call atmos_get_fields_for_flux(Atm) ! [3] initialize some values on exchange grid: this is actually a safeguard ! against using undefined values ex_t_surf = 200. ex_u_surf = 0. ex_v_surf = 0. ex_albedo = 0. ! bw ex_albedo_vis_dir = 0. ex_albedo_nir_dir = 0. ex_albedo_vis_dif = 0. ex_albedo_nir_dif = 0. !---- do not use if relax time /= 0 ---- ex_cd_t = 0.0 ex_cd_m = 0.0 ex_cd_q = 0.0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Balaji: data_override stuff moved from coupler_main call data_override ('ATM', 't_bot', Atm%t_bot , Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'z_bot', Atm%z_bot , Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'p_bot', Atm%p_bot , Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'u_bot', Atm%u_bot , Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'v_bot', Atm%v_bot , Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'p_surf', Atm%p_surf, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'slp', Atm%slp, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'gust', Atm%gust, Time) ! ! jgj: 2008/07/18 ! FV atm advects tracers in moist mass mixing ratio: kg co2 /(kg air + kg water) ! cubed sphere advects moist mass mixing ratio also (per SJ) ! data table co2 overrides for ocean (co2_flux_pcair_atm) ! and land (co2_bot) should be in dry vmr (mol/mol) units. ! ATM: co2_flux_pcair_atm : to override atm_btm layer to send to ocean ! ATM: co2_bot : to override atm_btm layer to send to land ! data override for co2 to be passed to land/photosynthesis (co2_bot) ! land co2 data override is in dry_vmr units, so convert to wet_mmr for land model. ! co2mmr = (wco2/wair) * co2vmr; wet_mmr = dry_mmr * (1-Q) ! do tr = 1,n_atm_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr, tr_name ) call data_override('ATM', trim(tr_name)//'_bot', Atm%tr_bot(:,:,tr), Time, override=used) ! conversion for land co2 data override from dry vmr to moist mmr if (used .and. lowercase(trim(tr_name)).eq.'co2') then Atm%tr_bot(:,:,tr) = Atm%tr_bot(:,:,tr) * (WTMCO2/WTMAIR) * & (1.0 - Atm%tr_bot(:,:,isphum)) end if enddo ! data override for co2 to be passed to ocean (co2_flux_pcair_atm) ! atmos_co2.F90 already called: converts tr_bot passed to ocean via gas_flux ! from moist mmr to dry vmr. do n = 1, atm%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, atm%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call data_override('ATM', atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%name, & atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time, override = atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%override) ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%override = atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%override enddo !} m enddo !} n do n = 1, atm%fields%num_bcs !{ if (atm%fields%bc(n)%use_atm_pressure) then !{ if (.not. atm%fields%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%override) then !{ atm%fields%bc(n)%field(ind_psurf)%values = Atm%p_surf endif !} endif !} enddo !} n call data_override ('ICE', 't_surf', Ice%t_surf, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'rough_mom', Ice%rough_mom, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'rough_heat', Ice%rough_heat, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'rough_moist',Ice%rough_moist, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'albedo', Ice%albedo, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'albedo_vis_dir', Ice%albedo_vis_dir, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'albedo_nir_dir', Ice%albedo_nir_dir, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'albedo_vis_dif', Ice%albedo_vis_dif, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'albedo_nir_dif', Ice%albedo_nir_dif, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'u_surf', Ice%u_surf, Time) call data_override ('ICE', 'v_surf', Ice%v_surf, Time) call data_override ('LND', 't_surf', Land%t_surf, Time) call data_override ('LND', 't_ca', Land%t_ca, Time) call data_override ('LND', 'rough_mom', Land%rough_mom, Time) call data_override ('LND', 'rough_heat', Land%rough_heat, Time) call data_override ('LND', 'albedo', Land%albedo, Time) ! tracer data override do tr = 1, n_lnd_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_LAND, tr, tr_name ) call data_override('LND', trim(tr_name)//'_surf', Land%tr(:,:,:,tr), Time) enddo do n = 1, ice%ocean_fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call data_override('ICE', ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%name, ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) if ( Ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag > 0 ) then !{ used = send_data(Ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, Ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time ) endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n call data_override ('LND', 'albedo_vis_dir', Land%albedo_vis_dir,Time) call data_override ('LND', 'albedo_nir_dir', Land%albedo_nir_dir,Time) call data_override ('LND', 'albedo_vis_dif', Land%albedo_vis_dif,Time) call data_override ('LND', 'albedo_nir_dif', Land%albedo_nir_dif,Time) !---- put atmosphere quantities onto exchange grid ---- ! [4] put all the qantities we need onto exchange grid ! [4.1] put atmosphere quantities onto exchange grid if (do_forecast) then call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_diff%sst_miz , 'ATM', ex_t_surf_miz, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) endif call put_to_xgrid (Atm%t_bot , 'ATM', ex_t_atm , xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%z_bot , 'ATM', ex_z_atm , xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%p_bot , 'ATM', ex_p_atm , xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%u_bot , 'ATM', ex_u_atm , xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%v_bot , 'ATM', ex_v_atm , xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%p_surf, 'ATM', ex_p_surf, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%slp, 'ATM', ex_slp, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%gust, 'ATM', ex_gust, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) ! put atmosphere bottom layer tracer data onto exchange grid do tr = 1,n_exch_tr call put_to_xgrid (Atm%tr_bot(:,:,tr_table(tr)%atm) , 'ATM', ex_tr_atm(:,tr), xmap_sfc, & remap_method=remap_method) enddo do n = 1, Atm%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Atm%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call put_to_xgrid (Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, 'ATM', & ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) enddo !} m enddo !} n ! slm, Mar 20 2002: changed order in whith the data transferred from ice and land ! grids, to fill t_ca first with t_surf over ocean and then with t_ca from ! land, where it is different from t_surf. It is mostly to simplify ! diagnostic, since surface_flux calculations distinguish between land and ! not-land anyway. ! prefill surface values with atmospheric values before putting tracers ! from ice or land, so that gradient is 0 if tracers are not filled ex_tr_surf = ex_tr_atm ! [4.2] put ice quantities onto exchange grid ! (assume that ocean quantites are stored in no ice partition) ! (note: ex_avail is true at ice and ocean points) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%t_surf, 'OCN', ex_t_surf, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%rough_mom, 'OCN', ex_rough_mom, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%rough_heat, 'OCN', ex_rough_heat, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%rough_moist, 'OCN', ex_rough_moist, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%albedo, 'OCN', ex_albedo, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%albedo_vis_dir, 'OCN', ex_albedo_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%albedo_nir_dir, 'OCN', ex_albedo_nir_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%albedo_vis_dif, 'OCN', ex_albedo_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%albedo_nir_dif, 'OCN', ex_albedo_nir_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%u_surf, 'OCN', ex_u_surf, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Ice%v_surf, 'OCN', ex_v_surf, xmap_sfc) do n = 1, ice%ocean_fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call put_to_xgrid (Ice%ocean_fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, 'OCN', & ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values, xmap_sfc) enddo !} m enddo !} n sea = 0.0; sea(:,:,1) = 1.0; ex_seawater = 0.0 call put_to_xgrid (sea, 'OCN', ex_seawater, xmap_sfc) ex_t_ca = ex_t_surf ! slm, Mar 20 2002 to define values over the ocean ! [4.3] put land quantities onto exchange grid ---- call some(xmap_sfc, ex_land, 'LND') if (do_forecast) then call put_to_xgrid (Land%t_surf, 'LND', ex_t_surf_miz, xmap_sfc) ex_t_ca(:) = ex_t_surf_miz(:) end if call put_to_xgrid (Land%t_surf, 'LND', ex_t_surf, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%t_ca, 'LND', ex_t_ca, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%rough_mom, 'LND', ex_rough_mom, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%rough_heat, 'LND', ex_rough_heat, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%rough_heat, 'LND', ex_rough_moist, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%albedo, 'LND', ex_albedo, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%albedo_vis_dir, 'LND', ex_albedo_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%albedo_nir_dir, 'LND', ex_albedo_nir_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%albedo_vis_dif, 'LND', ex_albedo_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%albedo_nir_dif, 'LND', ex_albedo_nir_dif, xmap_sfc) ex_rough_scale = ex_rough_mom call put_to_xgrid(Land%rough_scale, 'LND', ex_rough_scale, xmap_sfc) do tr = 1,n_exch_tr n = tr_table(tr)%lnd if(n /= NO_TRACER ) then call put_to_xgrid ( Land%tr(:,:,:,n), 'LND', ex_tr_surf(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) else ! do nothing, since ex_tr_surf is prefilled with ex_tr_atm, and therefore ! fluxes will be 0 endif enddo ex_land_frac = 0.0 call put_logical_to_real (Land%mask, 'LND', ex_land_frac, xmap_sfc) #ifdef SCM if (do_specified_land) then if (do_specified_albedo) then ex_albedo = ALBEDO_OBS ex_albedo_vis_dir = ALBEDO_OBS ex_albedo_nir_dir = ALBEDO_OBS ex_albedo_vis_dif = ALBEDO_OBS ex_albedo_nir_dif = ALBEDO_OBS endif if (do_specified_tskin) then ex_t_surf = TSKIN ex_t_ca = TSKIN ex_tr_surf(:,isphum) = 15.e-3 endif if (do_specified_rough_leng) then ex_rough_mom = ROUGH_MOM ex_rough_heat = ROUGH_HEAT ex_rough_moist = ROUGH_HEAT endif endif #endif if (do_forecast) then ex_t_surf = ex_t_surf_miz end if ! [5] compute explicit fluxes and tendencies at all available points --- call some(xmap_sfc, ex_avail) call surface_flux (& ex_t_atm, ex_tr_atm(:,isphum), ex_u_atm, ex_v_atm, ex_p_atm, ex_z_atm, & ex_p_surf,ex_t_surf, ex_t_ca, ex_tr_surf(:,isphum), & ex_u_surf, ex_v_surf, & ex_rough_mom, ex_rough_heat, ex_rough_moist, ex_rough_scale, & ex_gust, & ex_flux_t, ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), ex_flux_lw, ex_flux_u, ex_flux_v, & ex_cd_m, ex_cd_t, ex_cd_q, & ex_wind, ex_u_star, ex_b_star, ex_q_star, & ex_dhdt_surf, ex_dedt_surf, ex_dfdtr_surf(:,isphum), ex_drdt_surf, & ex_dhdt_atm, ex_dfdtr_atm(:,isphum), ex_dtaudu_atm, ex_dtaudv_atm, & dt, & ex_land, ex_seawater .gt. 0, ex_avail ) #ifdef SCM ! Option to override surface fluxes for SCM if (do_specified_flux) then call scm_surface_flux ( & ex_t_atm, ex_tr_atm(:,isphum), ex_u_atm, ex_v_atm, ex_p_atm, ex_z_atm, & ex_p_surf,ex_t_surf, ex_t_ca, ex_tr_surf(:,isphum), & ex_u_surf, ex_v_surf, & ex_rough_mom, ex_rough_heat, ex_rough_moist, ex_rough_scale, & ex_gust, & ex_flux_t, ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), ex_flux_lw, ex_flux_u, ex_flux_v, & ex_cd_m, ex_cd_t, ex_cd_q, & ex_wind, ex_u_star, ex_b_star, ex_q_star, & ex_dhdt_surf, ex_dedt_surf, ex_dfdtr_surf(:,isphum), ex_drdt_surf, & ex_dhdt_atm, ex_dfdtr_atm(:,isphum), ex_dtaudu_atm, ex_dtaudv_atm, & dt, & ex_land, ex_seawater .gt. 0, ex_avail, & ex_dhdt_surf_forland, ex_dedt_surf_forland, ex_dedq_surf_forland ) endif #endif zrefm = 10.0 zrefh = z_ref_heat ! ---- optimize calculation ---- call mo_profile ( zrefm, zrefh, ex_z_atm, ex_rough_mom, & ex_rough_heat, ex_rough_moist, & ex_u_star, ex_b_star, ex_q_star, & ex_del_m, ex_del_h, ex_del_q, ex_avail ) ex_u10 = 0. where (ex_avail) ex_ref_u = ex_u_surf + (ex_u_atm-ex_u_surf) * ex_del_m ex_ref_v = ex_v_surf + (ex_v_atm-ex_v_surf) * ex_del_m ex_u10 = sqrt(ex_ref_u**2 + ex_ref_v**2) endwhere do n = 1, ex_gas_fields_atm%num_bcs !{ if (atm%fields%bc(n)%use_10m_wind_speed) then !{ if (.not. ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%override) then !{ ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(ind_u10)%values = ex_u10 endif !} endif !} enddo !} n ! fill derivatives for all tracers ! F = C0*u*rho*delta_q, C0*u*rho is the same for all tracers, copy from sphum do tr = 1,n_exch_tr if (tr==isphum) cycle ex_dfdtr_atm (:,tr) = ex_dfdtr_atm (:,isphum) ex_dfdtr_surf (:,tr) = ex_dfdtr_surf (:,isphum) ex_flux_tr (:,tr) = ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr)*(ex_tr_surf(:,tr)-ex_tr_atm(:,tr)) enddo ! Combine explicit ocean flux and implicit land flux of extra flux fields. ! Calculate ocean explicit flux here call atmos_ocean_fluxes_calc(ex_gas_fields_atm, ex_gas_fields_ice, ex_gas_fluxes, ex_seawater) ! The following statement is a concise version of what's following and worth ! looking into in the future. ! ex_flux_tr(:,itracer) = ex_gas_fluxes%bc(itracer_ocn)%field(ind_flux)%values(:) ! where(ex_seawater.gt.0) ex_flux_tr(:,itracer) = F_ocn do n = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%num_bcs !{ if (ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%atm_tr_index .gt. 0) then !{ m = tr_table_map(ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%atm_tr_index)%exch do i = 1, size(ex_seawater(:)) !{ if (ex_land(i)) cycle ! over land, don't do anything ! on ocean or ice cells, flux is explicit therefore we zero derivatives. ex_dfdtr_atm(i,m) = 0.0 ex_dfdtr_surf(i,m) = 0.0 if (ex_seawater(i)>0) then ! jgj: convert to kg co2/m2/sec for atm ex_flux_tr(i,m) = ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(ind_flux)%values(i) * ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%mol_wt * 1.0e-03 else ex_flux_tr(i,m) = 0.0 ! pure ice exchange cell endif !} enddo !} i endif !} enddo !} n ! [5.2] override tracer fluxes and derivatives do tr = 1,n_exch_tr if( tr_table(tr)%atm == NO_TRACER ) cycle ! it should never happen, though call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(tr)%atm, tr_name ) ! [5.2.1] override tracer flux. Note that "sea" and "diag_land" are repeatedly used ! as temporary storage for the values we are overriding fluxes and derivative with, ! over ocean and land respectively call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_flux_'//trim(tr_name), diag_land, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_flux_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_flux_'//trim(tr_name), sea, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_flux_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) ! [5.2.2] override derivative of flux wrt surface concentration call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_dfd'//trim(tr_name)//'_surf', diag_land, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_dfd'//trim(tr_name)//'_surf', sea, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) ! [5.2.3] override derivative of flux wrt atmospheric concentration call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_dfd'//trim(tr_name)//'_atm', diag_land, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_dfdtr_atm(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_dfd'//trim(tr_name)//'_atm', sea, Time, override=used ) if(used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_dfdtr_atm(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) enddo ! [5.3] override flux and derivatives for sensible heat flux ! [5.3.1] override flux call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_flux_t', diag_land, Time, override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_flux_t, xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_flux_t', sea, Time, override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_flux_t, xmap_sfc ) ! [5.3.2] override derivative of flux wrt near-surface temperature call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_dhdt_surf', diag_land, Time, override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_dhdt_surf, xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_dhdt_surf', sea, Time, override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_dhdt_surf, xmap_sfc ) ! [5.3.3] override derivative of flux wrt atmospheric temperature call data_override ( 'LND', 'ex_dhdt_atm', diag_land, Time,override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_dhdt_atm, xmap_sfc ) call data_override ( 'ICE', 'ex_dhdt_atm', sea, Time, override=used ) if (used) call put_to_xgrid ( sea, 'OCN', ex_dhdt_atm, xmap_sfc ) ! NB: names of the override fields are constructed using tracer name and certain ! prefixes / suffixes. For example, for the tracer named "sphum" (specific humidity) they will be: ! "ex_flux_sphum", "ex_dfdsphum_surf", and "ex_dfdsphum_atm". ! ! For sensible heat flux names are "ex_flux_t", "ex_dhdt_surf", and "ex_dhdt_atm"; ! despite the name those are actually in energy units, W/m2, W/(m2 degK), and ! W/(m2 degK) respectively where (ex_avail) ex_drag_q = ex_wind*ex_cd_q ! [6] get mean quantities on atmosphere grid ! [6.1] compute t surf for radiation ex_t_surf4 = ex_t_surf ** 4 ! [6.2] put relevant quantities onto atmospheric boundary call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t, 'ATM', ex_t_surf4 , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo, 'ATM', ex_albedo , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dir, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_vis_dir , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dir, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_nir_dir , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dif, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_vis_dif , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dif, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_nir_dif , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%rough_mom, 'ATM', ex_rough_mom, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%land_frac, 'ATM', ex_land_frac, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%u_flux, 'ATM', ex_flux_u, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%v_flux, 'ATM', ex_flux_v, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dtaudu, 'ATM', ex_dtaudu_atm, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dtaudv, 'ATM', ex_dtaudv_atm, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%u_star, 'ATM', ex_u_star , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%b_star, 'ATM', ex_b_star , xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%q_star, 'ATM', ex_q_star , xmap_sfc) if (do_forecast) then call get_from_xgrid (Ice%t_surf, 'OCN', ex_t_surf, xmap_sfc) end if Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t = Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t ** 0.25 !Balaji: data_override calls moved here from coupler_main call data_override('ATM', 't', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%t, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'albedo', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'albedo_vis_dir', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dir, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'albedo_nir_dir', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dir, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'albedo_vis_dif', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dif, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'albedo_nir_dif', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dif, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'land_frac', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%land_frac, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'dt_t', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_t, Time) do tr=1,n_atm_tr call get_tracer_names(MODEL_ATMOS, tr, tr_name) call data_override('ATM', 'dt_'//trim(tr_name), Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_tr(:,:,tr), Time) enddo call data_override('ATM', 'u_flux', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%u_flux, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'v_flux', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%v_flux, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'dtaudu', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dtaudu, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'dtaudv', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dtaudv, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'u_star', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%u_star, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'b_star', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%b_star, Time) ! call data_override('ATM', 'q_star', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%q_star, Time) call data_override('ATM', 'rough_mom', Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%rough_mom, Time) ! [6.3] save atmos albedo fix and old albedo (for downward SW flux calculations) ! on exchange grid ! allocate ( ex_old_albedo(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ! ex_old_albedo = ex_albedo !! STILL NEEDED ???? !! IS THIS CORRECT ?? allocate ( ex_albedo_fix(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_albedo_fix = 0. call put_to_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo, 'ATM', ex_albedo_fix, xmap_sfc) ex_albedo_fix = (1.0-ex_albedo) / (1.0-ex_albedo_fix) allocate ( ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix = 0. call put_to_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dir, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix, xmap_sfc) ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix = (1.0-ex_albedo_vis_dir) / & (1.0-ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix) allocate ( ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix = 0. call put_to_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dir, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix, xmap_sfc) ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix = (1.0-ex_albedo_nir_dir) / & (1.0-ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix) allocate ( ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix = 0. call put_to_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_vis_dif, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix, xmap_sfc) ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix = (1.0-ex_albedo_vis_dif) / & (1.0-ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix) allocate ( ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix = 0. call put_to_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%albedo_nir_dif, 'ATM', & ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix, xmap_sfc) ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix = (1.0-ex_albedo_nir_dif) / & (1.0-ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix) #ifdef SCM if (do_specified_albedo .and. do_specified_land) then ex_albedo_fix = 1. ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix = 1. ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix = 1. ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix = 1. ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix = 1. endif #endif !======================================================================= ! [7] diagnostics section !------- save static fields first time only ------ if (first_static) then !------- land fraction ------ if ( id_land_mask > 0 ) then used = send_data ( id_land_mask, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%land_frac, Time ) endif first_static = .false. endif !------- Atm fields ----------- do n = 1, Atm%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Atm%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if ( Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag > 0 ) then !{ if (atm%fields%bc(n)%use_10m_wind_speed .and. m .eq. ind_u10 .and. .not. Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%override) then !{ call get_from_xgrid (Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, 'ATM', & ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values, xmap_sfc) endif !} if ( Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag > 0 ) then !{ used = send_data(Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, Atm%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time ) endif !} endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n !------- drag coeff moisture ----------- if ( id_wind > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_wind, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_wind, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- drag coeff moisture ----------- if ( id_drag_moist > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_cd_q, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_drag_moist, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- drag coeff heat ----------- if ( id_drag_heat > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_cd_t, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_drag_heat, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- drag coeff momemtum ----------- if ( id_drag_mom > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_cd_m, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_drag_mom, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- roughness moisture ----------- if ( id_rough_moist > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_rough_moist, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_rough_moist, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- roughness heat ----------- if ( id_rough_heat > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_rough_heat, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_rough_heat, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- roughness momemtum ----------- used = send_data ( id_rough_mom, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%rough_mom, Time ) !------- friction velocity ----------- used = send_data ( id_u_star, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%u_star, Time ) !------- bouyancy ----------- used = send_data ( id_b_star, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%b_star, Time ) !------- moisture scale ----------- used = send_data ( id_q_star, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%q_star, Time ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ diagnostics for fields at bottom atmospheric level ------ if ( id_t_atm > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_t_atm, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_t_atm, diag_atm, Time ) endif if ( id_u_atm > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_u_atm, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_u_atm, diag_atm, Time ) endif if ( id_v_atm > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_v_atm, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_v_atm, diag_atm, Time ) endif do tr = 1,n_exch_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(tr)%atm, tr_name ) if ( id_tr_atm(tr) > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_tr_atm(:,tr), xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_tr_atm(tr), diag_atm, Time ) !!jgj: add dryvmr co2_atm if ( id_co2_atm_dvmr > 0 .and. lowercase(trim(tr_name))=='co2') then ex_co2_atm_dvmr = (ex_tr_atm(:,tr) / (1.0 - ex_tr_atm(:,isphum))) * WTMAIR/WTMCO2 call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_co2_atm_dvmr, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_co2_atm_dvmr, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif enddo ! - slm, Mar 25, 2002 if ( id_p_atm > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_p_atm, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_p_atm, diag_atm, Time ) endif if ( id_z_atm > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_z_atm, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_z_atm, diag_atm, Time ) endif if ( id_gust > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_gust, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_gust, diag_atm, Time ) endif ! - bw, Sep 17, 2007 if ( id_slp > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_slp, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_slp, diag_atm, Time ) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------- diagnostics for fields at reference level --------- if ( id_t_ref > 0 .or. id_rh_ref > 0 .or. & id_u_ref > 0 .or. id_v_ref > 0 .or. id_wind_ref > 0 .or. & id_q_ref > 0 .or. id_q_ref_land > 0 .or. & id_t_ref_land > 0 .or. id_rh_ref_land > 0 .or. & id_rh_ref_cmip >0 .or. & id_u_ref_land > 0 .or. id_v_ref_land > 0 ) then zrefm = z_ref_mom zrefh = z_ref_heat ! ---- optimize calculation ---- if ( id_t_ref <= 0 ) zrefh = zrefm call mo_profile ( zrefm, zrefh, ex_z_atm, ex_rough_mom, & ex_rough_heat, ex_rough_moist, & ex_u_star, ex_b_star, ex_q_star, & ex_del_m, ex_del_h, ex_del_q, ex_avail ) ! ------- reference relative humidity ----------- if ( id_rh_ref > 0 .or. id_rh_ref_land > 0 .or. & id_rh_ref_cmip > 0 .or. & id_q_ref > 0 .or. id_q_ref_land >0 ) then ex_ref = 1.0e-06 where (ex_avail) & ex_ref = ex_tr_surf(:,isphum) + (ex_tr_atm(:,isphum)-ex_tr_surf(:,isphum)) * ex_del_q if(id_q_ref > 0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data(id_q_ref,diag_atm,Time) endif if(id_q_ref_land > 0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_land, 'LND', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_tile_averaged_data(id_q_ref_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask=Land%mask) endif ex_t_ref = 200. where (ex_avail) & ex_t_ref = ex_t_ca + (ex_t_atm-ex_t_ca) * ex_del_h call compute_qs (ex_t_ref, ex_p_surf, ex_qs_ref, q = ex_ref) call compute_qs (ex_t_ref, ex_p_surf, ex_qs_ref_cmip, & q = ex_ref, es_over_liq_and_ice = .true.) where (ex_avail) ! remove cap on relative humidity -- this mod requested by cjg, ljd !RSH ex_ref = MIN(100.,100.*ex_ref/ex_qs_ref) ex_ref2 = 100.*ex_ref/ex_qs_ref_cmip ex_ref = 100.*ex_ref/ex_qs_ref endwhere if ( id_rh_ref_land > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_land,'LND', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_tile_averaged_data ( id_rh_ref_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask = Land%mask ) endif if(id_rh_ref > 0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_rh_ref, diag_atm, Time ) endif if(id_rh_ref_cmip > 0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref2, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_rh_ref_cmip, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif ! ------- reference temp ----------- if ( id_t_ref > 0 .or. id_t_ref_land > 0 ) then where (ex_avail) & ex_ref = ex_t_ca + (ex_t_atm-ex_t_ca) * ex_del_h if (id_t_ref_land > 0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_land, 'LND', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_tile_averaged_data ( id_t_ref_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask = Land%mask ) endif if ( id_t_ref > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_t_ref, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif ! ------- reference u comp ----------- if ( id_u_ref > 0 .or. id_u_ref_land > 0) then where (ex_avail) & ex_ref = ex_u_surf + (ex_u_atm-ex_u_surf) * ex_del_m if ( id_u_ref_land > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_ref, xmap_sfc ) used = send_tile_averaged_data ( id_u_ref_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask = Land%mask ) endif if ( id_u_ref > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_u_ref, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif ! ------- reference v comp ----------- if ( id_v_ref > 0 .or. id_v_ref_land > 0 ) then where (ex_avail) & ex_ref = ex_v_surf + (ex_v_atm-ex_v_surf) * ex_del_m if ( id_v_ref_land > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid ( diag_land, 'LND', ex_ref, xmap_sfc ) used = send_tile_averaged_data ( id_v_ref_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask = Land%mask ) endif if ( id_v_ref > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_v_ref, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif ! ------- reference-level absolute wind ----------- if ( id_wind_ref > 0 ) then where (ex_avail) & ex_ref = sqrt((ex_u_surf + (ex_u_atm-ex_u_surf) * ex_del_m)**2 & +(ex_v_surf + (ex_v_atm-ex_v_surf) * ex_del_m)**2) call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ref, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_wind_ref, diag_atm, Time ) endif ! ------- interp factor for heat ------ if ( id_del_h > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_del_h, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_del_h, diag_atm, Time ) endif ! ------- interp factor for momentum ------ if ( id_del_m > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_del_m, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_del_m, diag_atm, Time ) endif ! ------- interp factor for moisture ------ if ( id_del_q > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_del_q, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_del_q, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif ! topographic roughness scale if(id_rough_scale>0) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM',& (log(ex_z_atm/ex_rough_mom+1)/log(ex_z_atm/ex_rough_scale+1))**2, xmap_sfc) used = send_data(id_rough_scale, diag_atm, Time) endif !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(sfcClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplClock) !======================================================================= end subroutine sfc_boundary_layer !
!####################################################################### ! ! ! Returns fluxes and derivatives corrected for the implicit treatment of atmospheric ! diffusive fluxes, as well as the increments in the temperature and specific humidity ! of the lowest atmospheric layer due to all explicit processes as well as the diffusive ! fluxes through the top of this layer. ! ! !
!    The following elements from Atmos_boundary are used as input: 
!        flux_u_atm = zonal wind stress (Pa)  
!        flux_v_atm = meridional wind stress (Pa)
!    The following elements of Land_boundary are output: 
!       flux_t_land = sensible heat flux (W/m2)
!       flux_q_land = specific humidity flux (Kg/(m2 s)
!      flux_lw_land = net longwave flux (W/m2), uncorrected for
!                     changes in surface temperature
!      flux_sw_land = net shortwave flux (W/m2)
!         dhdt_land = derivative of sensible heat flux w.r.t.
!                     surface temperature (on land model grid)  (W/(m2 K)
!         dedt_land = derivative of specific humidity flux w.r.t.
!                     surface temperature (on land model grid)  (Kg/(m2 s K)
!         drdt_land = derivative of upward longwave flux w.r.t.
!                     surface temperature (on land model grid) (W/(m2 K)
!        lprec_land = liquid precipitation, mass for one time step
!                      (Kg/m2)
!        fprec_land = frozen precipitation, mass for one time step
!                      (Kg/m2)
!    The following elements of Ice_boundary are output: 
!        flux_u_ice = zonal wind stress (Pa)
!        flux_v_ice = meridional wind stress (Pa)
!        coszen_ice = cosine of the zenith angle
! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify atmosphere boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from exchange grid to ! the atmosphere, land and ice. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from atmosphere to land. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from atmosphere to ice. ! ! subroutine flux_down_from_atmos (Time, Atm, Land, Ice, & Atmos_boundary, Land_boundary, Ice_boundary ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(atmos_data_type), intent(inout) :: Atm type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type),intent(in) :: Atmos_boundary type(atmos_land_boundary_type), intent(inout):: Land_boundary type(atmos_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout):: Ice_boundary real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: ex_flux_sw, ex_flux_lwd, & ex_flux_sw_dir, & ex_flux_sw_dif, & ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dir, ex_flux_sw_down_total_dir, & ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dif, ex_flux_sw_down_total_dif, & ex_flux_sw_vis, & ex_flux_sw_vis_dir, & ex_flux_sw_vis_dif, & ex_lprec, ex_fprec, & ex_tprec, & ! temperature of precipitation, currently equal to atm T ex_u_star_smooth, & ex_coszen real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: ex_gamma , ex_dtmass, & ex_delta_t, ex_delta_u, ex_delta_v, ex_dflux_t real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc,n_exch_tr) :: & ex_delta_tr, & ! tracer tendencies ex_dflux_tr ! fracer flux change real :: cp_inv logical :: used logical :: ov integer :: ier character(32) :: tr_name ! name of the tracer integer :: tr, n, m ! tracer indices !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplClock) call mpp_clock_begin(fluxAtmDnClock) ov = .FALSE. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Balaji: data_override calls moved here from coupler_main call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw', Atm%flux_sw, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_dir', Atm%flux_sw_dir, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_dif', Atm%flux_sw_dif, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_down_vis_dir', Atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dir, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_down_vis_dif', Atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dif, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_down_total_dir', Atm%flux_sw_down_total_dir, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_down_total_dif', Atm%flux_sw_down_total_dif, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_vis', Atm%flux_sw_vis, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_vis_dir', Atm%flux_sw_vis_dir, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_sw_vis_dif', Atm%flux_sw_vis_dif, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'flux_lw', Atm%flux_lw, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'lprec', Atm%lprec, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'fprec', Atm%fprec, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'coszen', Atm%coszen, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'dtmass', Atm%Surf_Diff%dtmass, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'delta_t', Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_t, Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'dflux_t', Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_t, Time) do tr = 1,n_atm_tr call get_tracer_names(MODEL_ATMOS,tr,tr_name) call data_override ('ATM', 'delta_'//trim(tr_name), Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_tr(:,:,tr), Time) call data_override ('ATM', 'dflux_'//trim(tr_name), Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_tr(:,:,tr), Time) enddo !---- put atmosphere quantities onto exchange grid ---- if(sw1way_bug) then call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_vis, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_vis, xmap_sfc) end if ex_flux_sw_dir = 0.0 ex_flux_sw_vis_dir = 0.0 ex_flux_sw_dif = 0.0 ex_flux_sw_vis_dif = 0.0 ex_flux_lwd = 0.0 call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_dir, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_vis_dir, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_dif, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_vis_dif, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dir, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_down_total_dir, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_down_total_dir, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_down_vis_dif, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_sw_down_total_dif, 'ATM', ex_flux_sw_down_total_dif, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%flux_lw, 'ATM', ex_flux_lwd, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) ! ccc = conservation_check(Atm%lprec, 'ATM', xmap_sfc) ! if (mpp_pe()== mpp_root_pe()) print *,'LPREC', ccc !!$ if(do_area_weighted_flux) then !!$ call put_to_xgrid (Atm%lprec * AREA_ATM_MODEL, 'ATM', ex_lprec, xmap_sfc) !!$ call put_to_xgrid (Atm%fprec * AREA_ATM_MODEL, 'ATM', ex_fprec, xmap_sfc) !!$ else call put_to_xgrid (Atm%lprec, 'ATM', ex_lprec, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%fprec, 'ATM', ex_fprec, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%t_bot, 'ATM', ex_tprec, xmap_sfc) !!$ endif call put_to_xgrid (Atm%coszen, 'ATM', ex_coszen, xmap_sfc) if(ex_u_star_smooth_bug) then call put_to_xgrid (Atmos_boundary%u_star, 'ATM', ex_u_star_smooth, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) ex_u_star = ex_u_star_smooth endif ! MOD changed the following two lines to put Atmos%surf_diff%delta_u and v ! on exchange grid instead of the stresses themselves so that only the ! implicit corrections are filtered through the atmospheric grid not the ! stresses themselves ex_delta_u = 0.0; ex_delta_v = 0.0 call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_u, 'ATM', ex_delta_u, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_v, 'ATM', ex_delta_v, xmap_sfc, remap_method=remap_method) ! MOD update stresses using atmos delta's but derivatives on exchange grid ex_flux_u = ex_flux_u + ex_delta_u*ex_dtaudu_atm ex_flux_v = ex_flux_v + ex_delta_v*ex_dtaudv_atm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- adjust sw flux for albedo variations on exch grid ---- !---- adjust 4 categories (vis/nir dir/dif) separately ---- if( sw1way_bug ) then ! to reproduce old results, may remove in the next major release. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- adjust sw flux for albedo variations on exch grid ---- ex_flux_sw = ex_flux_sw * ex_albedo_fix ex_flux_sw_vis = ex_flux_sw_vis * ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir * ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif * ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix ex_flux_sw_vis_dir = ex_flux_sw_vis_dir * ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ex_flux_sw_vis_dif = ex_flux_sw_vis_dif * ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix else ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir - ex_flux_sw_vis_dir ! temporarily nir/dir ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir * ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix ! fix nir/dir ex_flux_sw_vis_dir = ex_flux_sw_vis_dir * ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ! fix vis/dir ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir + ex_flux_sw_vis_dir ! back to total dir ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif - ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! temporarily nir/dif ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif * ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix ! fix nir/dif ex_flux_sw_vis_dif = ex_flux_sw_vis_dif * ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix ! fix vis/dif ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif + ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! back to total dif ex_flux_sw_vis = ex_flux_sw_vis_dir + ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! legacy, remove later ex_flux_sw = ex_flux_sw_dir + ex_flux_sw_dif ! legacy, remove later end if !!$ ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir - ex_flux_sw_vis_dir ! temporarily nir/dir !!$ ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir * ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix ! fix nir/dir !!$ ex_flux_sw_vis_dir = ex_flux_sw_vis_dir * ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ! fix vis/dir !!$ ex_flux_sw_dir = ex_flux_sw_dir + ex_flux_sw_vis_dir ! back to total dir !!$ !!$ ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif - ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! temporarily nir/dif !!$ ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif * ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix ! fix nir/dif !!$ ex_flux_sw_vis_dif = ex_flux_sw_vis_dif * ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix ! fix vis/dif !!$ ex_flux_sw_dif = ex_flux_sw_dif + ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! back to total dif !!$ !!$ ex_flux_sw_vis = ex_flux_sw_vis_dir + ex_flux_sw_vis_dif ! legacy, remove later !!$ ex_flux_sw = ex_flux_sw_dir + ex_flux_sw_dif ! legacy, remove later deallocate ( ex_albedo_fix ) deallocate ( ex_albedo_vis_dir_fix ) deallocate ( ex_albedo_nir_dir_fix ) deallocate ( ex_albedo_vis_dif_fix ) deallocate ( ex_albedo_nir_dif_fix ) !----- compute net longwave flux (down-up) ----- ! (note: lw up already in ex_flux_lw) ex_flux_lw = ex_flux_lwd - ex_flux_lw !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- adjust fluxes for implicit dependence on atmosphere ---- call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%dtmass , 'ATM', ex_dtmass , xmap_sfc ) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_t, 'ATM', ex_delta_t, xmap_sfc ) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_t, 'ATM', ex_dflux_t, xmap_sfc ) do tr = 1,n_exch_tr n = tr_table(tr)%atm call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_tr(:,:,n), 'ATM', ex_delta_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) call put_to_xgrid (Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_tr(:,:,n), 'ATM', ex_dflux_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) enddo cp_inv = 1.0/cp_air where(ex_avail) ! temperature ex_gamma = 1./ (1.0 - ex_dtmass*(ex_dflux_t + ex_dhdt_atm*cp_inv)) ex_e_t_n = ex_dtmass*ex_dhdt_surf*cp_inv*ex_gamma ex_f_t_delt_n = (ex_delta_t + ex_dtmass * ex_flux_t*cp_inv) * ex_gamma ex_flux_t = ex_flux_t + ex_dhdt_atm * ex_f_t_delt_n ex_dhdt_surf = ex_dhdt_surf + ex_dhdt_atm * ex_e_t_n ! moisture ! ex_gamma = 1./ (1.0 - ex_dtmass*(ex_dflux_q + ex_dedq_atm)) ! here it looks like two derivatives with different units are added together, ! but in fact they are not: ex_dedt_surf and ex_dedq_surf defined in complimentary ! regions of exchange grid, so that if one of them is not zero the other is, and ! vice versa. ! ex_e_q_n = ex_dtmass*(ex_dedt_surf+ex_dedq_surf) * ex_gamma ! ex_f_q_delt_n = (ex_delta_q + ex_dtmass * ex_flux_q) * ex_gamma ! ex_flux_q = ex_flux_q + ex_dedq_atm * ex_f_q_delt_n ! ex_dedt_surf = ex_dedt_surf + ex_dedq_atm * ex_e_q_n ! ex_dedq_surf = ex_dedq_surf + ex_dedq_atm * ex_e_q_n ! moisture vs. surface temperture, assuming saturation ex_gamma = 1.0 / (1.0 - ex_dtmass*(ex_dflux_tr(:,isphum) + ex_dfdtr_atm(:,isphum))) ex_e_q_n = ex_dtmass * ex_dedt_surf * ex_gamma ex_dedt_surf = ex_dedt_surf + ex_dfdtr_atm(:,isphum) * ex_e_q_n endwhere do tr = 1,n_exch_tr where(ex_avail) ex_gamma = 1.0 / (1.0 - ex_dtmass*(ex_dflux_tr(:,tr) + ex_dfdtr_atm(:,tr))) ex_e_tr_n(:,tr) = ex_dtmass*ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr)*ex_gamma ex_f_tr_delt_n(:,tr) = (ex_delta_tr(:,tr)+ex_dtmass*ex_flux_tr(:,tr))*ex_gamma ex_flux_tr(:,tr) = ex_flux_tr(:,tr) + ex_dfdtr_atm(:,tr)*ex_f_tr_delt_n(:,tr) ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr) = ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr) + ex_dfdtr_atm(:,tr)*ex_e_tr_n(:,tr) endwhere enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- output fields on the land grid ------- call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%t_flux, 'LND', ex_flux_t, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%sw_flux, 'LND', ex_flux_sw, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_vis_dir, 'LND', ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_total_dir, 'LND', ex_flux_sw_down_total_dir, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_vis_dif, 'LND', ex_flux_sw_down_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_total_dif, 'LND', ex_flux_sw_down_total_dif, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%lw_flux, 'LND', ex_flux_lw, xmap_sfc) #ifdef SCM if (do_specified_land .and. do_specified_flux) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%dhdt, 'LND', ex_dhdt_surf_forland, xmap_sfc) else call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%dhdt, 'LND', ex_dhdt_surf, xmap_sfc) endif #else call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%dhdt, 'LND', ex_dhdt_surf, xmap_sfc) #endif call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%drdt, 'LND', ex_drdt_surf, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%p_surf, 'LND', ex_p_surf, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%lprec, 'LND', ex_lprec, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%fprec, 'LND', ex_fprec, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%tprec, 'LND', ex_tprec, xmap_sfc) !!$ if(do_area_weighted_flux) then !!$ ! evap goes here??? !!$ do k = 1, size(Land_boundary%lprec, dim=3) !!$ ! Note: we divide by AREA_ATM_MODEL, which should be the same as !!$ ! AREA_LND_MODEL (but the latter may not be defined) !!$ call divide_by_area(data=Land_boundary%lprec(:,:,k), area=AREA_ATM_MODEL) !!$ call divide_by_area(data=Land_boundary%fprec(:,:,k), area=AREA_ATM_MODEL) !!$ enddo !!$ endif if(associated(Land_boundary%drag_q)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%drag_q, 'LND', ex_drag_q, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'drag_q', Land_boundary%drag_q, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%lwdn_flux)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%lwdn_flux, 'LND', ex_flux_lwd, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'lwdn_flux', Land_boundary%lwdn_flux, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%cd_m)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%cd_m, 'LND', ex_cd_m, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'cd_m', Land_boundary%cd_m, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%cd_t)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%cd_t, 'LND', ex_cd_t, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'cd_t', Land_boundary%cd_t, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%bstar)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%bstar, 'LND', ex_b_star, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'bstar', Land_boundary%bstar, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%ustar)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%ustar, 'LND', ex_u_star, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'ustar', Land_boundary%ustar, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%wind)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%wind, 'LND', ex_wind, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'wind', Land_boundary%wind, Time ) endif if(associated(Land_boundary%z_bot)) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%z_bot, 'LND', ex_z_atm, xmap_sfc) call data_override('LND', 'z_bot', Land_boundary%z_bot, Time ) endif Land_boundary%tr_flux(:,:,:,:) = 0.0 Land_boundary%dfdtr(:,:,:,:) = 0.0 do tr = 1,n_exch_tr n = tr_table(tr)%lnd if(n /= NO_TRACER ) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%tr_flux(:,:,:,n), 'LND', ex_flux_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%dfdtr(:,:,:,n), 'LND', ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr), xmap_sfc) #ifdef SCM if (do_specified_land .and. do_specified_flux .and. tr.eq.isphum) then call get_from_xgrid (Land_boundary%dfdtr(:,:,:,n), 'LND', ex_dedq_surf_forland(:), xmap_sfc) endif #endif endif enddo ! current time is Time: is that ok? not available in land_data_type !Balaji: data_override calls moved here from coupler_main call data_override('LND', 't_flux', Land_boundary%t_flux, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'lw_flux', Land_boundary%lw_flux, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'sw_flux', Land_boundary%sw_flux, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'sw_flux_down_vis_dir', Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_vis_dir, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'sw_flux_down_total_dir', Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_total_dir, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'sw_flux_down_vis_dif', Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_vis_dif, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'sw_flux_down_total_dif', Land_boundary%sw_flux_down_total_dif, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'lprec', Land_boundary%lprec, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'fprec', Land_boundary%fprec, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'dhdt', Land_boundary%dhdt, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'drdt', Land_boundary%drdt, Time ) call data_override('LND', 'p_surf', Land_boundary%p_surf, Time ) do tr = 1,n_lnd_tr call get_tracer_names(MODEL_LAND, tr, tr_name) call data_override('LND', trim(tr_name)//'_flux', Land_boundary%tr_flux(:,:,:,tr), Time) call data_override('LND', 'dfd'//trim(tr_name), Land_boundary%dfdtr (:,:,:,tr), Time) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- output fields on the ice grid ------- call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%t_flux, 'OCN', ex_flux_t, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%q_flux, 'OCN', ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir, 'OCN', ex_flux_sw_vis_dir, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir, 'OCN', ex_flux_sw_dir,xmap_sfc) Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir - Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir ! ice & ocean use these 4: dir/dif nir/vis call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif, 'OCN', ex_flux_sw_vis_dif, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif, 'OCN', ex_flux_sw_dif,xmap_sfc) Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif - Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif ! ice & ocean use these 4: dir/dif nir/vis call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%lw_flux, 'OCN', ex_flux_lw, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%dhdt, 'OCN', ex_dhdt_surf, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%dedt, 'OCN', ex_dedt_surf, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%drdt, 'OCN', ex_drdt_surf, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%u_flux, 'OCN', ex_flux_u, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%v_flux, 'OCN', ex_flux_v, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%u_star, 'OCN', ex_u_star, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%coszen, 'OCN', ex_coszen, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%p, 'OCN', ex_slp, xmap_sfc) ! mw mod call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%lprec, 'OCN', ex_lprec, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%fprec, 'OCN', ex_fprec, xmap_sfc) !!$ if (do_area_weighted_flux) then !!$ where (AREA_ATM_SPHERE /= 0) !!$ Ice_boundary%lprec = Ice_boundary%lprec * AREA_ATM_MODEL/AREA_ATM_SPHERE !!$ Ice_boundary%fprec = Ice_boundary%fprec * AREA_ATM_MODEL/AREA_ATM_SPHERE !!$ end where !!$ endif !!$ if(do_area_weighted_flux) then !!$ do k = 1, size(Ice_boundary%lprec, dim=3) !!$ call divide_by_area(data=Ice_boundary%lprec(:,:,k), area=AREA_ATM_SPHERE) !!$ call divide_by_area(data=Ice_boundary%fprec(:,:,k), area=AREA_ATM_SPHERE) !!$ enddo !!$ endif ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ice_boundary%fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call get_from_xgrid (Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, 'OCN', & ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, xmap_sfc) enddo !} m enddo !} n !Balaji: data_override calls moved here from coupler_main call data_override('ICE', 'u_flux', Ice_boundary%u_flux, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'v_flux', Ice_boundary%v_flux, Time) call data_override('ICE', 't_flux', Ice_boundary%t_flux, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'q_flux', Ice_boundary%q_flux, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'lw_flux',Ice_boundary%lw_flux, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'lw_flux_dn',Ice_boundary%lw_flux, Time, override=ov) if (ov) then Ice_boundary%lw_flux = Ice_boundary%lw_flux - stefan*Ice%t_surf**4 endif call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_nir_dir',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_vis_dir',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_nir_dif',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif, Time, override=ov) call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_vis_dif',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_vis_dir_dn',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir, Time, override=ov) if (ov) then Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir*(1-Ice%albedo_vis_dir) endif call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_vis_dif_dn',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif, Time, override=ov) if (ov) then Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif*(1-Ice%albedo_vis_dif) endif call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_nir_dir_dn',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir, Time, override=ov) if (ov) then Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir*(1-Ice%albedo_nir_dir) endif call data_override('ICE', 'sw_flux_nir_dif_dn',Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif, Time, override=ov) if (ov) then Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif*(1-Ice%albedo_nir_dif) endif call data_override('ICE', 'lprec', Ice_boundary%lprec, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'fprec', Ice_boundary%fprec, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'dhdt', Ice_boundary%dhdt, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'dedt', Ice_boundary%dedt, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'drdt', Ice_boundary%drdt, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'coszen', Ice_boundary%coszen, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'p', Ice_boundary%p, Time) do n = 1, Ice_boundary%fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call data_override('ICE', Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%name, & Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) if ( Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag > 0 ) then !{ used = send_data(Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, Ice_boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time ) endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n ! compute stock changes ! Atm -> Lnd (precip) call stock_move( & & FROM = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & TO = Lnd_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & DATA = (Land_boundary%lprec + Land_boundary%fprec), & & grid_index=X1_GRID_LND, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & from_side=ISTOCK_BOTTOM, to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move PRECIP (Atm->Lnd) ') ! Atm -> Lnd (heat) call stock_move( & & FROM = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & TO = Lnd_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & DATA = (-Land_boundary%t_flux + Land_boundary%lw_flux + Land_boundary%sw_flux - Land_boundary%fprec*HLF), & & grid_index=X1_GRID_LND, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & from_side=ISTOCK_BOTTOM, to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move HEAT (Atm->Lnd) ') ! Atm -> Ice (precip) call stock_move( & & FROM = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & TO = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & DATA = (Ice_boundary%lprec + Ice_boundary%fprec), & & grid_index=X1_GRID_ICE, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & from_side=ISTOCK_BOTTOM, to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move PRECIP (Atm->Ice) ') ! Atm -> Ice (heat) call stock_move( & & FROM = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & TO = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & DATA = (-Ice_boundary%t_flux + Ice_boundary%lw_flux - Ice_boundary%fprec*HLF + Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir + & Ice_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif + Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir + Ice_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif), & & grid_index=X1_GRID_ICE, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & from_side=ISTOCK_BOTTOM, to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move HEAT (Atm->Ice) ') deallocate ( ex_flux_u, ex_flux_v, ex_dtaudu_atm, ex_dtaudv_atm) !======================================================================= !-------------------- diagnostics section ------------------------------ !------- zonal wind stress ----------- used = send_data ( id_u_flux, Atmos_boundary%u_flux, Time ) !------- meridional wind stress ----------- used = send_data ( id_v_flux, Atmos_boundary%v_flux, Time ) !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(fluxAtmDnClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplClock) !======================================================================= end subroutine flux_down_from_atmos !
!####################################################################### !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ! flux_land_to_ice - translate runoff from land to ice grids ! !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ! ! ! Conservative transfer of water and snow discharge from the land model to sea ice/ocean model. ! ! !
!    The following elements are transferred from the Land to the Land_ice_boundary: 
!        discharge --> runoff (kg/m2)
!        discharge_snow --> calving (kg/m2)
! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from land to ice. ! ! subroutine flux_land_to_ice( Time, Land, Ice, Land_Ice_Boundary ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice !real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: runoff_ice, calving_ice type(land_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout):: Land_Ice_Boundary integer :: ier real, dimension(n_xgrid_runoff) :: ex_runoff, ex_calving, ex_runoff_hflx, ex_calving_hflx real, dimension(size(Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff,1),size(Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff,2),1) :: ice_buf !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplClock) call mpp_clock_begin(fluxLandIceClock) ! ccc = conservation_check(Land%discharge, 'LND', xmap_runoff) ! if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) print *,'RUNOFF', ccc if (do_runoff) then call put_to_xgrid ( Land%discharge, 'LND', ex_runoff, xmap_runoff) call put_to_xgrid ( Land%discharge_snow, 'LND', ex_calving, xmap_runoff) call put_to_xgrid ( Land%discharge_heat, 'LND', ex_runoff_hflx, xmap_runoff) call put_to_xgrid ( Land%discharge_snow_heat, 'LND', ex_calving_hflx, xmap_runoff) call get_from_xgrid (ice_buf, 'OCN', ex_runoff, xmap_runoff) Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff = ice_buf(:,:,1); call get_from_xgrid (ice_buf, 'OCN', ex_calving, xmap_runoff) Land_Ice_Boundary%calving = ice_buf(:,:,1); call get_from_xgrid (ice_buf, 'OCN', ex_runoff_hflx, xmap_runoff) Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff_hflx = ice_buf(:,:,1); call get_from_xgrid (ice_buf, 'OCN', ex_calving_hflx, xmap_runoff) Land_Ice_Boundary%calving_hflx = ice_buf(:,:,1); !Balaji call data_override('ICE', 'runoff' , Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff , Time) call data_override('ICE', 'calving', Land_Ice_Boundary%calving, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'runoff_hflx' , Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff_hflx , Time) call data_override('ICE', 'calving_hflx', Land_Ice_Boundary%calving_hflx, Time) ! compute stock increment ice_buf(:,:,1) = Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff + Land_Ice_Boundary%calving call stock_move(from=Lnd_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), to=Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & grid_index=X2_GRID_ICE, & & data=ice_buf, & & xmap=xmap_runoff, & & delta_t=Dt_cpl, & & from_side=ISTOCK_SIDE, to_side=ISTOCK_SIDE, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move RUNOFF+CALVING (Lnd->Ice) ') else Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff = 0.0 Land_Ice_Boundary%calving = 0.0 Land_Ice_Boundary%runoff_hflx = 0.0 Land_Ice_Boundary%calving_hflx = 0.0 endif call mpp_clock_end(fluxLandIceClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplClock) end subroutine flux_land_to_ice !
!####################################################################### ! ! ! Takes the ice model state (fluxes at the bottom of the ice) and interpolates it to the ocean model grid. ! ! !
!   The following quantities are transferred from the Ice to the ice_ocean_boundary_type: 
!       flux_u = zonal wind stress (Pa)
!       flux_v = meridional wind stress (Pa)
!       flux_t = sensible heat flux (W/m2)
!       flux_q = specific humidity flux (Kg/m2/s)
!    flux_salt = salt flux (Kg/m2/s)
!      flux_sw = net (down-up) shortwave flux (W/m2)
!      flux_lw = net (down-up) longwave flux (W/m2)
!        lprec = mass of liquid precipitation since last
!                      time step (Kg/m2)
!        fprec = mass of frozen precipitation since last
!                time step (Kg/m2)
!       runoff = mass (?) of runoff since last time step
!                       (Kg/m2)
!       p_surf = surface pressure (Pa)
! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ocean boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from ice to ocean. ! ! subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean ( Time, Ice, Ocean, Ice_Ocean_Boundary ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean ! real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: flux_u_ocean, flux_v_ocean, & ! flux_t_ocean, flux_q_ocean, & ! flux_sw_ocean, flux_lw_ocean, & ! lprec_ocean, fprec_ocean, & ! runoff_ocean, calving_ocean, & ! flux_salt_ocean, p_surf_ocean type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_Ocean_Boundary integer :: m integer :: n logical :: used !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplOcnClock) call mpp_clock_begin(fluxIceOceanClock) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%u_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_u, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%u_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .FALSE. ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%v_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_v, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%v_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .FALSE. ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%p ) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%p_surf, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%p , Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .FALSE. ) ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if ( associated(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values) ) then !{ call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, Ice%ocean_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, & Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .FALSE. ) endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n !--- The following variables may require conserved flux exchange from ice to ocean because the !--- ice area maybe different from ocean area. if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%t_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_t, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%t_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%salt_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_salt, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%salt_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_sw_nir_dir, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_sw_nir_dif, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_sw_vis_dir, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_sw_vis_dif, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lw_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_lw, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lw_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lprec) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%lprec, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lprec, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%fprec, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%runoff, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%calving, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff_hflx) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%runoff_hflx, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff_hflx, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving_hflx) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%calving_hflx, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving_hflx, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) if(ASSOCIATED(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux) ) call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, & Ice%flux_q, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, do_area_weighted_flux ) !Balaji: moved data_override calls here from coupler_main if( ocn_pe )then call mpp_set_current_pelist(ocn_pelist) call data_override('OCN', 'u_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%u_flux , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'v_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%v_flux , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 't_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%t_flux , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'q_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'salt_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%salt_flux, Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'lw_flux', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lw_flux , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_nir_dir', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_nir_dif', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_vis_dir', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_vis_dif', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'lprec', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lprec , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'fprec', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'runoff', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'calving', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'runoff_hflx', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff_hflx , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'calving_hflx', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving_hflx , Time ) call data_override('OCN', 'p', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%p , Time ) ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call data_override('OCN', Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%name, & Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) used = send_data(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, & Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time ) enddo !} m enddo !} n ! ! Perform diagnostic output for the fluxes ! do n = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ used = send_data(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, & Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) enddo !} m enddo !} n endif call mpp_set_current_pelist() !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(fluxIceOceanClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplOcnClock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean !
!####################################################################### ! ! ! Takes the ocean model state and interpolates it onto the bottom of the ice. ! ! !
!    The following quantities are transferred from the Ocean to the ocean_ice_boundary_type: 
!        t_surf = surface temperature (deg K)
!        frazil = frazil (???)
!        u_surf = zonal ocean current/ice motion (m/s)
!        v_surf = meridional ocean current/ice motion (m/s
! ! ! current time ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ocean boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from ocean to ice. ! ! subroutine flux_ocean_to_ice ( Time, Ocean, Ice, Ocean_Ice_Boundary ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice ! real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: t_surf_ice, u_surf_ice, v_surf_ice, & ! frazil_ice, s_surf_ice, sea_lev_ice type(ocean_ice_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_Ice_Boundary real, dimension(size(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t,1),size(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t,2),size(Ice%part_size,3)) & :: ice_frac real :: tmp( lbound(Ocean%frazil,1):ubound(Ocean%frazil,1), lbound(Ocean%frazil,2):ubound(Ocean%frazil,2) ) real, dimension(:), allocatable :: ex_ice_frac real, dimension(ni_atm, nj_atm) :: diag_atm logical :: used integer :: m integer :: n real :: from_dq !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplOcnClock) call mpp_clock_begin(fluxOceanIceClock) select case (Ocean_Ice_Boundary%xtype) case(DIRECT) !same grid and domain decomp for ocean and ice if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%u) )Ocean_Ice_Boundary%u = Ocean%u_surf if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%v) )Ocean_Ice_Boundary%v = Ocean%v_surf if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t) )Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t = Ocean%t_surf if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%s) )Ocean_Ice_Boundary%s = Ocean%s_surf if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%sea_level) )Ocean_Ice_Boundary%sea_level = Ocean%sea_lev if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil) ) then if(do_area_weighted_flux) then Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil = Ocean%frazil * Ocean%area call divide_by_area(data=Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil, area=Ice%area) else Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil = Ocean%frazil endif endif ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if ( associated(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values) ) then !{ Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values = Ocean%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n case(REDIST) !same grid, different domain decomp for ocean and ice if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%u) ) & call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%u_surf, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%u) if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%v) ) & call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%v_surf, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%v) if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t) ) & call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%t_surf, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t) if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%s) ) & call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%s_surf, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%s) if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%sea_level) ) & call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%sea_lev, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%sea_level) if( ASSOCIATED(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil) ) then if(do_area_weighted_flux) then if(Ocean%is_ocean_pe)tmp = Ocean%frazil * Ocean%area call mpp_redistribute( Ocean%Domain, tmp, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil) if(Ice%pe) call divide_by_area(data=Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil, area=Ice%area) else call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%frazil, Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil) endif endif ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ if ( associated(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values) ) then !{ call mpp_redistribute(Ocean%Domain, Ocean%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, & Ice%Domain, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values) endif !} enddo !} m enddo !} n case DEFAULT ! ! The value of variable xtype of ice_ocean_boundary_type data must be DIRECT or REDIST. ! call mpp_error( FATAL, 'FLUX_OCEAN_TO_ICE: Ocean_Ice_Boundary%xtype must be DIRECT or REDIST.' ) end select if( ice_pe )then call mpp_set_current_pelist(ice_pelist) !Balaji: data_override moved here from coupler_main call data_override('ICE', 'u', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%u, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'v', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%v, Time) call data_override('ICE', 't', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%t, Time) call data_override('ICE', 's', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%s, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'frazil', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil, Time) call data_override('ICE', 'sea_level', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%sea_level, Time) ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ call data_override('ICE', Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%name, & Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) enddo !} m enddo !} n ! ! Perform diagnostic output for the ocean_ice_boundary fields ! do n = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ used = send_data(Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, & Ocean_Ice_Boundary%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) enddo !} m enddo !} n endif if( ocn_pe )then call mpp_set_current_pelist(ocn_pelist) ! ! Perform diagnostic output for the ocean fields ! do n = 1, Ocean%fields%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, Ocean%fields%bc(n)%num_fields !{ used = send_data(Ocean%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%id_diag, & Ocean%fields%bc(n)%field(m)%values, Time) enddo !} m enddo !} n endif call mpp_set_current_pelist() if ( id_ice_mask > 0 ) then allocate ( ex_ice_frac(n_xgrid_sfc) ) ice_frac = 1. ice_frac(:,:,1) = 0. ex_ice_frac = 0. call put_to_xgrid (ice_frac, 'OCN', ex_ice_frac, xmap_sfc) call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_ice_frac, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_ice_mask, diag_atm, Time ) deallocate ( ex_ice_frac ) endif if(Ice%pe) then ! frazil (already in J/m^2 so no need to multiply by Dt_cpl) from_dq = 4*PI*Radius*Radius * & & SUM( ice_cell_area * Ocean_Ice_Boundary%frazil ) Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq endif !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(fluxOceanIceClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplOcnClock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine flux_ocean_to_ice !
!####################################################################### ! ! ! Check stock values. ! ! ! Will print out any difference between the integrated flux (in time ! and space) feeding into a component, and the stock stored in that ! component. ! subroutine flux_check_stocks(Time, Atm, Lnd, Ice, Ocn_state) type(time_type) :: Time type(atmos_data_type), optional :: Atm type(land_data_type), optional :: Lnd type(ice_data_type), optional :: Ice type(ocean_state_type), optional, pointer :: Ocn_state real :: ref_value integer :: i, ier do i = 1, NELEMS if(present(Atm)) then ref_value = 0 call Atm_stock_pe(Atm, index=i, value=ref_value) if(i==ISTOCK_WATER .and. Atm%pe ) then ! decrease the Atm stock by the precip adjustment to reflect the fact that ! after an update_atmos_up call, the precip will be that of the future time step. ! Thus, the stock call will represent the (explicit ) precip at ! the beginning of the preceding time step, and the (implicit) evap at the ! end of the preceding time step call stock_integrate_2d(Atm%lprec + Atm%fprec, xmap=xmap_sfc, delta_t=Dt_atm, & & radius=Radius, res=ATM_PRECIP_NEW, ier=ier) ref_value = ref_value + ATM_PRECIP_NEW endif Atm_stock(i)%q_now = ref_value endif if(present(Lnd)) then ref_value = 0 call Lnd_stock_pe(Lnd, index=i, value=ref_value) Lnd_stock(i)%q_now = ref_value endif if(present(Ice)) then ref_value = 0 call Ice_stock_pe(Ice, index=i, value=ref_value) Ice_stock(i)%q_now = ref_value endif if(present(Ocn_state)) then ref_value = 0 call Ocean_stock_pe(Ocn_state, index=i, value=ref_value) Ocn_stock(i)%q_now = ref_value endif enddo call stocks_report(Time) end subroutine flux_check_stocks ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Initialize stock values. ! ! ! This will call the various component stock_pe routines to store the ! the initial stock values. ! subroutine flux_init_stocks(Time, Atm, Lnd, Ice, Ocn_state) type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time type(atmos_data_type) :: Atm type(land_data_type) :: Lnd type(ice_data_type) :: Ice type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocn_state integer i, ier stocks_file=stdout() ! Divert output file for stocks if requested if(mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe() .and. divert_stocks_report) then call mpp_open( stocks_file, 'stocks.out', action=MPP_OVERWR, threading=MPP_SINGLE, & fileset=MPP_SINGLE, nohdrs=.TRUE. ) endif ! Initialize stock values do i = 1, NELEMS call Atm_stock_pe( Atm , index=i, value=Atm_stock(i)%q_start) if(i==ISTOCK_WATER .and. Atm%pe ) then call stock_integrate_2d(Atm%lprec + Atm%fprec, xmap=xmap_sfc, & delta_t=Dt_atm, radius=Radius, res=ATM_PRECIP_NEW, ier=ier) Atm_stock(i)%q_start = Atm_stock(i)%q_start + ATM_PRECIP_NEW endif call Lnd_stock_pe( Lnd , index=i, value=Lnd_stock(i)%q_start) call Ice_stock_pe( Ice , index=i, value=Ice_stock(i)%q_start) call Ocean_stock_pe( Ocn_state , index=i, value=Ocn_stock(i)%q_start) enddo call stocks_report_init(Time) end subroutine flux_init_stocks ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Optimizes the exchange grids by eliminating land and ice partitions with no data. ! ! ! Optimizes the exchange grids by eliminating land and ice partitions with no data. ! ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! subroutine generate_sfc_xgrid( Land, Ice ) ! subroutine to regenerate exchange grid eliminating side 2 tiles with 0 frac area type(land_data_type), intent(in) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplClock) call mpp_clock_begin(regenClock) call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ice%Domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec) call set_frac_area (Ice%part_size(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) , 'OCN', xmap_sfc) call set_frac_area (Land%tile_size, 'LND', xmap_sfc) n_xgrid_sfc = max(xgrid_count(xmap_sfc),1) !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(regenClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplClock) return end subroutine generate_sfc_xgrid ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Corrects the fluxes for consistency with the new surface temperatures in land ! and ice models. ! ! ! Corrects the fluxes for consistency with the new surface temperatures in land ! and ice models. Final increments for temperature and specific humidity in the ! lowest atmospheric layer are computed and returned to the atmospheric model ! so that it can finalize the increments in the rest of the atmosphere. !
!   The following elements of the land_ice_atmos_boundary_type are computed:
!        dt_t  = temperature change at the lowest
!                 atmospheric level (deg k)
!        dt_q  = specific humidity change at the lowest
!                 atmospheric level (kg/kg)
! ! ! Current time. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify land boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! ! ! A derived data type to specify properties and fluxes passed from exchange grid to ! the atmosphere, land and ice. ! ! subroutine flux_up_to_atmos ( Time, Land, Ice, Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary, Land_boundary, Ice_boundary ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: Land type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice type(land_ice_atmos_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary type(atmos_land_boundary_type) :: Land_boundary type(atmos_ice_boundary_type) :: Ice_boundary real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: & ex_t_surf_new, & ex_dt_t_surf, & ex_delta_t_n, & ex_t_ca_new, & ex_dt_t_ca real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc,n_exch_tr) :: & ex_tr_surf_new, & ! updated tracer values at the surface ex_dt_tr_surf, & ! tendency of tracers at the surface ex_delta_tr_n ! jgj: added for co2_surf diagnostic real, dimension(n_xgrid_sfc) :: & ex_co2_surf_dvmr ! updated CO2 tracer values at the surface (dry vmr) real, dimension(size(Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_t,1),size(Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_t,2)) :: diag_atm, & evap_atm real, dimension(size(Land_boundary%lprec,1), size(Land_boundary%lprec,2), size(Land_boundary%lprec,3)) :: data_lnd, diag_land real, dimension(size(Ice_boundary%lprec,1), size(Ice_boundary%lprec,2), size(Ice_boundary%lprec,3)) :: data_ice logical :: used integer :: tr ! tracer index character(32) :: tr_name ! tracer name integer :: n, i, m, ier !Balaji call mpp_clock_begin(cplClock) call mpp_clock_begin(fluxAtmUpClock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Balaji: data_override calls moved here from coupler_main call data_override ( 'ICE', 't_surf', Ice%t_surf, Time) call data_override ( 'LND', 't_ca', Land%t_ca, Time) call data_override ( 'LND', 't_surf', Land%t_surf, Time) do tr = 1, n_lnd_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_LAND, tr, tr_name ) call data_override('LND', trim(tr_name)//'_surf', Land%tr(:,:,:,tr), Time) enddo !----- compute surface temperature change ----- ex_t_surf_new = 200.0 call put_to_xgrid (Ice%t_surf, 'OCN', ex_t_surf_new, xmap_sfc) ex_t_ca_new = ex_t_surf_new ! since it is the same thing over oceans call put_to_xgrid (Land%t_ca, 'LND', ex_t_ca_new, xmap_sfc) call put_to_xgrid (Land%t_surf, 'LND', ex_t_surf_new, xmap_sfc) ! call escomp(ex_t_ca_new, ex_q_surf_new) ! ex_q_surf_new = d622*ex_q_surf_new/(ex_p_surf-d378*ex_q_surf_new) ! call put_to_xgrid (Land%q_ca, 'LND', ex_q_surf_new, xmap_sfc) #ifdef SCM if (do_specified_flux .and. do_specified_land) then ex_t_surf_new = ex_t_surf ex_t_ca_new = ex_t_ca endif #endif where (ex_avail) ex_dt_t_ca = ex_t_ca_new - ex_t_ca ! changes in near-surface T ex_dt_t_surf = ex_t_surf_new - ex_t_surf ! changes in radiative T endwhere if (do_forecast) then where (ex_avail(:) .and. (.not.ex_land(:))) ex_dt_t_ca (:) = 0. ex_dt_t_surf(:) = 0. end where end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- adjust fluxes and atmospheric increments for !----- implicit dependence on surface temperature ----- do tr = 1,n_exch_tr ! set up updated surface tracer field so that flux to atmos for absent ! tracers is zero do i = 1, size(ex_avail(:)) if(.not.ex_avail(i)) cycle if (ex_dfdtr_surf(i,tr)/=0) then ex_dt_tr_surf(i,tr) = -ex_flux_tr(i,tr)/ex_dfdtr_surf(i,tr) else ex_dt_tr_surf(i,tr) = 0 endif ex_tr_surf_new(i,tr) = ex_tr_surf(i,tr)+ex_dt_tr_surf(i,tr) enddo ! get all tracers available from land, and calculate changes in near-tracer field n = tr_table(tr)%lnd if(n /= NO_TRACER ) then call put_to_xgrid ( Land%tr(:,:,:,n), 'LND', ex_tr_surf_new(:,tr), xmap_sfc ) endif ! get all tracers available from ocean here ! update tracer tendencies in the atmosphere where (ex_avail) ex_dt_tr_surf(:,tr) = ex_tr_surf_new(:,tr) - ex_tr_surf(:,tr) ex_delta_tr_n(:,tr) = ex_f_tr_delt_n(:,tr) + ex_dt_tr_surf(:,tr) * ex_e_tr_n(:,tr) ex_flux_tr(:,tr) = ex_flux_tr(:,tr) + ex_dt_tr_surf(:,tr) * ex_dfdtr_surf(:,tr) endwhere enddo ! re-calculate fluxes of specific humidity over ocean where (ex_avail.and..not.ex_land) ! note that in this region (over ocean) ex_dt_t_surf == ex_dt_t_ca ex_delta_tr_n(:,isphum) = ex_f_tr_delt_n(:,isphum) + ex_dt_t_surf * ex_e_q_n ex_flux_tr(:,isphum) = ex_flux_tr(:,isphum) + ex_dt_t_surf * ex_dedt_surf endwhere do tr=1,n_exch_tr ! get updated tracer tendency on the atmospheic grid n=tr_table(tr)%atm call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_tr(:,:,n), 'ATM', ex_delta_tr_n(:,tr), xmap_sfc) enddo ex_delta_t_n = 0.0 where(ex_avail) ex_flux_t = ex_flux_t + ex_dt_t_ca * ex_dhdt_surf ex_flux_lw = ex_flux_lw - ex_dt_t_surf * ex_drdt_surf ex_delta_t_n = ex_f_t_delt_n + ex_dt_t_ca*ex_e_t_n endwhere !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- get mean quantites on atmospheric grid ---- call get_from_xgrid (Land_Ice_Atmos_Boundary%dt_t, 'ATM', ex_delta_t_n, xmap_sfc) !======================================================================= !-------------------- diagnostics section ------------------------------ !------- new surface temperature ----------- if ( id_t_surf > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_t_surf_new, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_t_surf, diag_atm, Time ) endif ! + slm, Mar 27 2002 ! ------ new canopy temperature -------- ! NOTE, that in the particular case of LM2 t_ca is identical to t_surf, ! but this will be changed in future version of the land madel if ( id_t_ca > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_t_ca_new, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_t_ca, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- updated surface tracer fields ------ do tr=1,n_exch_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(tr)%atm, tr_name ) if ( id_tr_surf(tr) > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_tr_surf_new(:,tr), xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_tr_surf(tr), diag_atm, Time ) !!jgj: add dryvmr co2_surf if ( id_co2_surf_dvmr > 0 .and. lowercase(trim(tr_name))=='co2') then ex_co2_surf_dvmr = (ex_tr_surf_new(:,tr) / (1.0 - ex_tr_surf_new(:,isphum))) * WTMAIR/WTMCO2 call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_co2_surf_dvmr, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_co2_surf_dvmr, diag_atm, Time ) endif endif enddo !------- sensible heat flux ----------- if ( id_t_flux > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_flux_t, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_t_flux, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- net longwave flux ----------- if ( id_r_flux > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_flux_lw, xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_r_flux, diag_atm, Time ) endif !------- tracer fluxes ------------ do tr=1,n_exch_tr if ( id_tr_flux(tr) > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_atm, 'ATM', ex_flux_tr(:,tr), xmap_sfc) used = send_data ( id_tr_flux(tr), diag_atm, Time ) used = send_data ( id_tr_mol_flux(tr), diag_atm*1000./WTMCO2, Time) endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- accumulate global integral of evaporation (mm/day) ----- call get_from_xgrid (evap_atm, 'ATM', ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), xmap_sfc) if( id_q_flux > 0 ) used = send_data ( id_q_flux, evap_atm, Time) if( id_q_flux_land > 0 ) then call get_from_xgrid (diag_land, 'LND', ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), xmap_sfc) used = send_tile_averaged_data(id_q_flux_land, diag_land, & Land%tile_size, Time, mask=Land%mask) endif call sum_diag_integral_field ('evap', evap_atm*86400.) ! compute stock changes call get_from_xgrid(data_lnd, 'LND', ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), xmap_sfc) ! Lnd -> Atm (evap) call stock_move( & & TO = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & FROM = Lnd_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & DATA = data_lnd, & & grid_index=X1_GRID_LND, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & to_side=ISTOCK_SIDE, from_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move EVAP (Lnd->ATm) ') ! Lnd -> Atm (heat lost through evap) call stock_move( & & TO = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & FROM = Lnd_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & DATA = data_lnd * HLV, & & grid_index=X1_GRID_LND, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & to_side=ISTOCK_SIDE, from_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move EVAP*HLV (Lnd->ATm) ') call get_from_xgrid(data_ice, 'OCN', ex_flux_tr(:,isphum), xmap_sfc) ! Ice -> Atm (evap) call stock_move( & & TO = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & FROM = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER), & & DATA = data_ice, & & grid_index=X1_GRID_ICE, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, from_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move EVAP (Ice->ATm) ') ! Ice -> Atm (heat lost through evap) call stock_move( & & TO = Atm_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & FROM = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT), & & DATA = data_ice * HLV, & & grid_index=X1_GRID_ICE, & & xmap=xmap_sfc, & & delta_t=Dt_atm, & & to_side=ISTOCK_TOP, from_side=ISTOCK_TOP, & & radius=Radius, ier=ier, verbose='stock move EVAP*HLV (Ice->ATm) ') !======================================================================= !---- deallocate module storage ---- deallocate ( & ex_t_surf , & ex_t_surf_miz, & ex_p_surf , & ex_slp , & ex_t_ca , & ex_dhdt_surf, & ex_dedt_surf, & ex_dqsatdt_surf, & ex_drdt_surf, & ex_dhdt_atm , & ex_flux_t , & ex_flux_lw , & ex_drag_q , & ex_avail , & ex_f_t_delt_n, & ex_tr_surf , & ex_dfdtr_surf , & ex_dfdtr_atm , & ex_flux_tr , & ex_f_tr_delt_n , & ex_e_tr_n , & ex_e_t_n , & ex_e_q_n , & ! values added for LM3 ex_cd_t , & ex_cd_m , & ex_b_star , & ex_u_star , & ex_wind , & ex_z_atm , & ex_land ) #ifdef SCM deallocate ( & ex_dhdt_surf_forland, & ex_dedt_surf_forland, & ex_dedq_surf_forland ) #endif ! Extra fluxes do n = 1, ex_gas_fields_ice%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%num_fields !{ deallocate ( ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) nullify ( ex_gas_fields_ice%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) enddo !} m enddo !} n do n = 1, ex_gas_fields_atm%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%num_fields !{ deallocate ( ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) nullify ( ex_gas_fields_atm%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) enddo !} m enddo !} n do n = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%num_bcs !{ do m = 1, ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%num_fields !{ deallocate ( ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) nullify ( ex_gas_fluxes%bc(n)%field(m)%values ) enddo !} m enddo !} n !Balaji call mpp_clock_end(fluxAtmUpClock) call mpp_clock_end(cplClock) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine flux_up_to_atmos !
!####################################################################### ! ! ! Updates Ice and Ocean stocks. ! ! ! Integrate the fluxes over the surface and in time. ! ! ! ! A derived data type to specify ice boundary data. ! subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks(Ice) type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: Ice real :: from_dq ! fluxes from ice -> ocean, integrate over surface and in time ! precip - evap from_dq = 4*PI*Radius*Radius * Dt_cpl * & & SUM( ice_cell_area * (Ice%lprec+Ice%fprec-Ice%flux_q) ) Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_TOP ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_TOP ) + from_dq ! river from_dq = 4*PI*Radius*Radius * Dt_cpl * & & SUM( ice_cell_area * (Ice%runoff + Ice%calving) ) Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq ! sensible heat + shortwave + longwave + latent heat from_dq = 4*PI*Radius*Radius * Dt_cpl * & & SUM( ice_cell_area * ( & & Ice%flux_sw_vis_dir+Ice%flux_sw_vis_dif & & + Ice%flux_sw_nir_dir+Ice%flux_sw_nir_dif + Ice%flux_lw & & - (Ice%fprec + Ice%calving)*HLF - Ice%flux_t - Ice%flux_q*HLV) ) Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq ! heat carried by river + pme (assuming reference temperature of 0 degC and river/pme temp = surface temp) ! Note: it does not matter what the ref temperature is but it must be consistent with that in OCN and ICE from_dq = 4*PI*Radius*Radius * Dt_cpl * & & SUM( ice_cell_area * ( & & (Ice%lprec+Ice%fprec-Ice%flux_q + Ice%runoff+Ice%calving)*CP_OCEAN*(Ice%t_surf(:,:,1) - 273.15)) ) Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq !SALT flux from_dq = Dt_cpl* SUM( ice_cell_area * ( -Ice%flux_salt )) *4*PI*Radius*Radius Ice_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) = Ice_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq(ISTOCK_BOTTOM) - from_dq Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq(ISTOCK_TOP ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq(ISTOCK_TOP ) + from_dq end subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Updates Ocean stocks due to input that the Ocean model gets. ! ! ! This subroutine updates the stocks of Ocean by the amount of input that the Ocean gets from Ice component. ! Unlike subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks() that uses Ice%fluxes to update the stocks due to the amount of output from Ice ! this subroutine uses Ice_Ocean_boundary%fluxes to calculate the amount of input to the Ocean. These fluxes are the ones ! that Ocean model uses internally to calculate its budgets. Hence there should be no difference between this input and what ! Ocean model internal diagnostics uses. ! This bypasses the possible mismatch in cell areas between Ice and Ocean in diagnosing the stocks of Ocean ! and should report a conserving Ocean component regardless of the glitches in fluxes. ! ! The use of this subroutine in conjunction with subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_stocks() will also allow to directly ! diagnose the amount "stocks lost in exchange" between Ice and Ocean ! ! ! subroutine flux_ocean_from_ice_stocks(ocean_state,Ocean,Ice_Ocean_boundary) type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: ocean_state type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(in) :: Ice_Ocean_Boundary real :: from_dq, cp_ocn real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ocean_cell_area, wet, t_surf, t_pme, t_calving, t_runoff, btfHeat integer :: isc,iec,jsc,jec call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean%Domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec) allocate(ocean_cell_area(isc:iec, jsc:jec), t_surf(isc:iec, jsc:jec), wet(isc:iec, jsc:jec)) allocate(t_pme(isc:iec, jsc:jec), t_calving(isc:iec, jsc:jec),t_runoff(isc:iec, jsc:jec),btfHeat(isc:iec, jsc:jec)) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'area' , ocean_cell_area,isc,jsc) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'mask', wet,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'t_surf', t_surf,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'t_runoff', t_runoff,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'t_pme', t_pme,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'t_calving', t_calving,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'btfHeat', btfHeat,isc,jsc ) call ocean_model_data_get(ocean_state,Ocean,'c_p', cp_ocn ) ! fluxes from ice -> ocean, integrate over surface and in time ! precip - evap from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet * (Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lprec+Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec-Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux) ) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_TOP ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_TOP ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet * (Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff+Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving) ) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_WATER)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl ! sensible heat + shortwave + longwave + latent heat from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet *( Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir + Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif & +Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir + Ice_Ocean_Boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif & +Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lw_flux & - (Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec + Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving)*HLF & - Ice_Ocean_Boundary%t_flux - Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux*HLV )) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl ! heat carried by river + pme (assuming reference temperature of 0 degC and river/pme temp = surface temp) ! Note: it does not matter what the ref temperature is but it must be consistent with that in OCN and ICE from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet * cp_ocn *& ((Ice_Ocean_Boundary%lprec+Ice_Ocean_Boundary%fprec-Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux)*t_pme & +Ice_Ocean_Boundary%calving * t_calving & +Ice_Ocean_Boundary%runoff * t_runoff )) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl ! Bottom heat flux from_dq = - SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet * btfHeat) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN( ISTOCK_BOTTOM ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_BOTTOM ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl ! Frazil heat from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area *wet * Ocean%frazil ) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_HEAT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_SIDE ) + from_dq !SALT flux from_dq = SUM( ocean_cell_area * wet * ( -Ice_Ocean_Boundary%salt_flux)) Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_TOP ) = Ocn_stock(ISTOCK_SALT)%dq_IN(ISTOCK_TOP ) + from_dq * Dt_cpl end subroutine flux_ocean_from_ice_stocks ! !####################################################################### subroutine put_logical_to_real (mask, id, ex_mask, xmap) logical , intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:) character(len=3), intent(in) :: id real , intent(inout) :: ex_mask(:) type(xmap_type), intent(inout) :: xmap !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! puts land or ice model masks (with partitions) onto the ! exchange grid as a real array (1.=true, 0.=false) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real, dimension(size(mask,1),size(mask,2),size(mask,3)) :: rmask where (mask) rmask = 1.0 elsewhere rmask = 0.0 endwhere call put_to_xgrid(rmask, id, ex_mask, xmap) end subroutine put_logical_to_real !####################################################################### subroutine diag_field_init ( Time, atmos_axes, land_axes ) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in) :: atmos_axes(2) integer, intent(in) :: land_axes(2) integer :: iref character(len=6) :: label_zm, label_zh real, dimension(2) :: trange = (/ 100., 400. /), & vrange = (/ -400., 400. /), & frange = (/ -0.01, 1.01 /) character(len=32) :: name, units ! name of the tracer character(len=128) :: longname ! long name of the tracer integer :: tr ! tracer index !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initializes diagnostic fields that may be output from this module ! (the id numbers may be referenced anywhere in this module) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ labels for diagnostics ------- ! (z_ref_mom, z_ref_heat are namelist variables) iref = int(z_ref_mom+0.5) if ( real(iref) == z_ref_mom ) then write (label_zm,105) iref if (iref < 10) write (label_zm,100) iref else write (label_zm,110) z_ref_mom endif iref = int(z_ref_heat+0.5) if ( real(iref) == z_ref_heat ) then write (label_zh,105) iref if (iref < 10) write (label_zh,100) iref else write (label_zh,110) z_ref_heat endif 100 format (i1,' m',3x) 105 format (i2,' m',2x) 110 format (f4.1,' m') !--------- initialize static diagnostic fields -------------------- id_land_mask = & register_static_field ( mod_name, 'land_mask', atmos_axes, & 'fractional amount of land', 'none', & range=frange, interp_method = "conserve_order1" ) !--------- initialize diagnostic fields -------------------- id_ice_mask = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'ice_mask', atmos_axes, Time, & 'fractional amount of sea ice', 'none', & range=frange, interp_method = "conserve_order1" ) id_wind = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'wind', atmos_axes, Time, & 'wind speed for flux calculations', 'm/s', & range=(/0.,vrange(2)/) ) id_drag_moist = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'drag_moist', atmos_axes, Time, & 'drag coeff for moisture', 'none' ) id_drag_heat = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'drag_heat', atmos_axes, Time, & 'drag coeff for heat', 'none' ) id_drag_mom = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'drag_mom', atmos_axes, Time, & 'drag coeff for momentum', 'none' ) id_rough_moist = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rough_moist', atmos_axes, Time, & 'surface roughness for moisture', 'm' ) id_rough_heat = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rough_heat', atmos_axes, Time, & 'surface roughness for heat', 'm' ) id_rough_mom = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rough_mom', atmos_axes, Time, & 'surface roughness for momentum', 'm' ) id_u_star = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'u_star', atmos_axes, Time, & 'friction velocity', 'm/s' ) id_b_star = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'b_star', atmos_axes, Time, & 'buoyancy scale', 'm/s2' ) id_q_star = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'q_star', atmos_axes, Time, & 'moisture scale', 'kg water/kg air' ) id_u_flux = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'tau_x', atmos_axes, Time, & 'zonal wind stress', 'pa' ) id_v_flux = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'tau_y', atmos_axes, Time, & 'meridional wind stress', 'pa' ) id_t_surf = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 't_surf', atmos_axes, Time, & 'surface temperature', 'deg_k', & range=trange ) ! + slm, Mar 25, 2002 -- add diagnositcs for t_ca, q_ca, and q_atm id_t_ca = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 't_ca', atmos_axes, Time, & 'canopy air temperature', 'deg_k', & range=trange ) ! - slm, Mar 25, 2002 id_z_atm = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'z_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & 'height of btm level', 'm') id_p_atm = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'p_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & 'pressure at btm level', 'pa') ! - bw, Mar 25, 2002 -- added diagnostic slp id_slp = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'slp', atmos_axes, Time, & 'sea level pressure', 'pa') id_gust = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'gust', atmos_axes, Time, & 'gust scale', 'm/s') id_t_flux = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'shflx', atmos_axes, Time, & 'sensible heat flux', 'w/m2' ) id_r_flux = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'lwflx', atmos_axes, Time, & 'net (down-up) longwave flux', 'w/m2' ) id_t_atm = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 't_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & 'temperature at btm level', 'deg_k', & range=trange ) id_u_atm = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'u_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & 'u wind component at btm level', 'm/s', & range=vrange ) id_v_atm = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'v_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & 'v wind component at btm level', 'm/s', & range=vrange ) id_t_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 't_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'temperature at '//label_zh, 'deg_k' , & range=trange ) id_rh_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rh_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'relative humidity at '//label_zh, 'percent' ) id_rh_ref_cmip = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rh_ref_cmip', atmos_axes, Time, & 'relative humidity at '//label_zh, 'percent' ) id_u_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'u_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'zonal wind component at '//label_zm, 'm/s', & range=vrange ) id_v_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'v_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'meridional wind component at '//label_zm, 'm/s', & range=vrange ) id_wind_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'wind_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'absolute value of wind at '//label_zm, 'm/s', & range=vrange ) id_del_h = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'del_h', atmos_axes, Time, & 'ref height interp factor for heat', 'none' ) id_del_m = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'del_m', atmos_axes, Time, & 'ref height interp factor for momentum','none' ) id_del_q = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'del_q', atmos_axes, Time, & 'ref height interp factor for moisture','none' ) ! + slm Jun 02, 2002 -- diagnostics of reference values over the land id_t_ref_land = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 't_ref_land', Land_axes, Time, & 'temperature at '//trim(label_zh)//' over land', 'deg_k' , & range=trange, missing_value = -100.0) id_rh_ref_land= & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rh_ref_land', Land_axes, Time, & 'relative humidity at '//trim(label_zh)//' over land', 'percent', & missing_value=-999.0) id_u_ref_land = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'u_ref_land', Land_axes, Time, & 'zonal wind component at '//trim(label_zm)//' over land', 'm/s', & range=vrange, missing_value=-999.0 ) id_v_ref_land = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'v_ref_land', Land_axes, Time, & 'meridional wind component at '//trim(label_zm)//' over land', 'm/s', & range=vrange, missing_value = -999.0 ) ! - slm Jun 02, 2002 id_q_ref = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'q_ref', atmos_axes, Time, & 'specific humidity at '//trim(label_zh), 'kg/kg', missing_value=-1.0) id_q_ref_land = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'q_ref_land', Land_axes, Time, & 'specific humidity at '//trim(label_zh)//' over land', 'kg/kg', & missing_value=-1.0) id_rough_scale = & register_diag_field ( mod_name, 'rough_scale', atmos_axes, Time, & 'topographic scaling factor for momentum drag','1' ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate(id_tr_atm(n_exch_tr)) allocate(id_tr_surf(n_exch_tr)) allocate(id_tr_flux(n_exch_tr)) allocate(id_tr_mol_flux(n_exch_tr)) do tr = 1, n_exch_tr call get_tracer_names( MODEL_ATMOS, tr_table(tr)%atm, name, longname, units ) id_tr_atm(tr) = register_diag_field (mod_name, trim(name)//'_atm', atmos_axes, Time, & trim(longname)//' at btm level', trim(units)) id_tr_surf(tr) = register_diag_field (mod_name, trim(name)//'_surf', atmos_axes, Time, & trim(longname)//' at the surface', trim(units)) id_tr_flux(tr) = register_diag_field(mod_name, trim(name)//'_flux', atmos_axes, Time, & 'flux of '//trim(longname), trim(units)//' kg air/(m2 s)') id_tr_mol_flux(tr) = register_diag_field(mod_name, trim(name)//'_mol_flux', atmos_axes, Time, & 'flux of '//trim(longname), 'mol CO2/(m2 s)') !! add dryvmr co2_surf and co2_atm if ( lowercase(trim(name))=='co2') then id_co2_atm_dvmr = register_diag_field (mod_name, trim(name)//'_atm_dvmr', atmos_axes, Time, & trim(longname)//' at btm level', 'mol CO2 /mol air') id_co2_surf_dvmr = register_diag_field (mod_name, trim(name)//'_surf_dvmr', atmos_axes, Time, & trim(longname)//' at the surface', 'mol CO2 /mol air') endif enddo id_q_flux = register_diag_field( mod_name, 'evap', atmos_axes, Time, & 'evaporation rate', 'kg/m2/s' ) id_q_flux_land = register_diag_field( mod_name, 'evap_land', land_axes, Time, & 'evaporation rate over land', 'kg/m2/s', missing_value=-1.0 ) end subroutine diag_field_init !####################################################################### subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute(ice, ocean, ice_data, ocn_bnd_data, type, do_area_weighted ) ! Performs a globally conservative flux redistribution across ICE/OCN. ! Assumes that the ice/ocn grids are the same. If ocean is present, ! then assume different mpp domans and redistribute ! should be invoked by all PEs type(ice_data_type), intent(in) :: ice type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: ocean real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ice_data real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: ocn_bnd_data integer, intent(in) :: type logical, intent(in) :: do_area_weighted real :: tmp( lbound(ice%lprec, 1):ubound(ice%lprec, 1), lbound(ice%lprec, 2):ubound(ice%lprec, 2) ) select case(type) case(DIRECT) if(do_area_weighted) then ocn_bnd_data = ice_data * ice%area call divide_by_area(data=ocn_bnd_data, area=ocean%area) else ocn_bnd_data = ice_data endif case(REDIST) if(do_area_weighted) then if( ice%pe ) tmp = ice_data * ice%area call mpp_redistribute(ice%Domain, tmp, ocean%Domain, ocn_bnd_data) if(ocean%is_ocean_pe) call divide_by_area(ocn_bnd_data, area=ocean%area) else call mpp_redistribute(ice%Domain, ice_data, ocean%Domain, ocn_bnd_data) endif case DEFAULT call mpp_error( FATAL, 'FLUX_ICE_TO_OCEAN: Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype must be DIRECT or REDIST.' ) end select end subroutine flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute !###################################################################################### ! Divide data by area while avoiding zero area elements subroutine divide_by_area(data, area) real, intent(inout) :: data(:,:) real, intent(in) :: area(:,:) if(size(data, dim=1) /= size(area, dim=1) .or. size(data, dim=2) /= size(area, dim=2)) then ! no op return endif where(area /= 0) data = data / area end where end subroutine divide_by_area !####################################################################### ! This private routine will check flux conservation for routine flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute ! when do_area_weighted_flux = false and true. subroutine check_flux_conservation(Ice, Ocean, Ice_Ocean_Boundary) type(ice_data_type), intent(inout) :: Ice type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: ice_ocean_boundary real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ice_data, ocn_data real :: ice_sum, area_weighted_sum, non_area_weighted_sum integer :: outunit outunit = stdout() allocate(ice_data(size(Ice%flux_q,1), size(Ice%flux_q,2) ) ) allocate(ocn_data(size(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux,1), size(Ice_Ocean_Boundary%q_flux,2) ) ) call random_number(ice_data) ice_sum = sum(ice_data*ice%area) call mpp_sum(ice_sum) ocn_data = 0 call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, ice_data, ocn_data, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .false.) non_area_weighted_sum = sum(ocn_data*ocean%area) call mpp_sum(non_area_weighted_sum) ocn_data = 0 call flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute( Ice, Ocean, ice_data, ocn_data, Ice_Ocean_Boundary%xtype, .true.) area_weighted_sum = sum(ocn_data*ocean%area) call mpp_sum(area_weighted_sum) write(outunit,*)"NOTE from flux_exchange_mod: check for flux conservation for flux_ice_to_ocean" write(outunit,*)"***** The global area sum of random number on ice domain (input data) is ", ice_sum write(outunit,*)"***** The global area sum of data after flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute with "// & "do_area_weighted_flux = false is ", non_area_weighted_sum, & " and the difference from global input area sum = ", ice_sum - non_area_weighted_sum write(outunit,*)"***** The global area sum of data after flux_ice_to_ocean_redistribute with "// & "do_area_weighted_flux = true is ", area_weighted_sum, & " and the difference from global input area sum = ", ice_sum - area_weighted_sum end subroutine check_flux_conservation ! ! ! fractional amount of land ! ! ! wind speed for flux calculations ! ! ! drag coeff for moisture ! ! ! drag coeff for heat ! ! ! drag coeff for momentum ! ! ! surface roughness for moisture ! ! ! surface roughness for heat ! ! ! surface roughness for momentum ! ! ! friction velocity ! ! ! buoyancy scale ! ! ! moisture scale ! ! ! temperature at btm level ! ! ! u wind component at btm level ! ! ! v wind component at btm level ! ! ! specific humidity at btm level ! ! ! pressure at btm level ! ! ! height of btm level ! ! ! gust scale ! ! ! relative humidity at ref height ! ! ! temperature at ref height ! ! ! zonal wind component at ref height ! ! ! meridional wind component at ref height ! ! ! ref height interp factor for heat ! ! ! ref height interp factor for momentum ! ! ! ref height interp factor for moisture ! ! ! zonal wind stress ! ! ! meridional wind stress ! ! ! fractional amount of sea ice ! ! ! surface temperature ! ! ! canopy air temperature ! ! ! surface specific humidity ! ! ! sensible heat flux ! ! ! evaporation rate ! ! ! net (down-up) longwave flux ! ! ! ! !
!  --------------------
!       DO slow time steps (ocean)
!           call flux_ocean_to_ice
!           call ICE_SLOW_UP
!           DO fast time steps (atmos)
!                call sfc_boundary_layer
!                call ATMOS_DOWN
!                call flux_down_from_atmos
!                call LAND_FAST
!                call ICE_FAST
!                call flux_up_to_atmos
!                call ATMOS_UP
!           END DO
!           call ICE_SLOW_DN
!           call flux_ice_to_ocean
!           call OCEAN
!      END DO
!   LAND_FAST and ICE_FAST must update the surface temperature
! =======================================================================
! --------------------------------------------------------------
! type (atmos_boundary_data_type) :: Atm
! type (surf_diff_type) :: Atm%Surf_Diff
! real, dimension(:)
!    Atm%lon_bnd   longitude axis grid box boundaries in radians
!                  must be monotonic
!    Atm%lat_bnd   latitude axis grid box boundaries in radians
!                  must be monotonic
! real, dimension(:,:)
!    Atm%t_bot     temperature at lowest model level
!    Atm%q_bot     specific humidity at lowest model level
!    Atm%z_bot     height above the surface for the lowest model level (m)
!    Atm%p_bot     pressure at lowest model level (pa)
!    Atm%u_bot     zonal wind component at lowest model level (m/s)
!    Atm%v_bot     meridional wind component at lowest model level (m/s)
!    Atm%p_surf    surface pressure (pa)
!    Atm%slp       sea level pressure (pa)
!    Atm%gust      gustiness factor (m/s)
!    Atm%flux_sw   net shortwave flux at the surface
!    Atm%flux_lw   downward longwave flux at the surface
!    Atm%lprec     liquid precipitation (kg/m2)
!    Atm%fprec     water equivalent frozen precipitation (kg/m2)
!    Atm%coszen    cosine of the zenith angle
!   (the following five fields are gathered into a data type for convenience in passing
!   this information through the different levels of the atmospheric model --
!   these fields are rlated to the simultaneous implicit time steps in the
!   atmosphere and surface models -- they are described more fully in
!   flux_exchange.tech.ps and
!   in the documntation for vert_diff_mod
!    Atm%Surf_Diff%dtmass   = dt/mass where dt = atmospheric time step ((i+1) = (i-1) for leapfrog) (s)
!                           mass = mass per unit area of lowest atmosphehic layer  (Kg/m2))
!    Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_t  increment ((i+1) = (i-1) for leapfrog) in temperature of
!                           lowest atmospheric layer  (K)
!    Atm%Surf_Diff%delta_q  increment ((i+1) = (i-1) for leapfrog) in specific humidity of
!                           lowest atmospheric layer (nondimensional -- Kg/Kg)
!    Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_t  derivative of implicit part of downward temperature flux at top of lowest
!                           atmospheric layer with respect to temperature
!                           of lowest atmospheric layer (Kg/(m2 s))
!    Atm%Surf_Diff%dflux_q  derivative of implicit part of downward moisture flux at top of lowest
!                           atmospheric layer with respect to specific humidity of
!                           of lowest atmospheric layer (Kg/(m2 s))
! integer, dimension(4)
!    Atm%axes      Axis identifiers returned by diag_axis_init for the
!                  atmospheric model axes: X, Y, Z_full, Z_half.
! -----------------------------------------------
! type (land_boundary_data_type) :: Land
! real, dimension(:)
!    Land%lon_bnd     longitude axis grid box boundaries in radians
!                     must be monotonic
!    Land%lat_bnd     latitude axis grid box boundaries in radians
!                     must be monotonic
! logical, dimension(:,:,:)
!    Land%mask        land/sea mask (true for land)
!    Land%glacier     glacier mask  (true for glacier)
! real, dimension(:,:,:)
!    Land%tile_size   fractional area of each tile (partition)
!    Land%t_surf      surface temperature (deg k)
!    Land%albedo      surface albedo (fraction)
!    Land%rough_mom   surface roughness for momentum (m)
!    Land%rough_heat  surface roughness for heat/moisture (m)
!    Land%stomatal    stomatal resistance
!    Land%snow        snow depth (water equivalent) (kg/m2)
!    Land%water       water depth of the uppermost bucket (kg/m2)
!    Land%max_water   maximum water depth allowed in the uppermost bucket (kg/m2)
! -----------------------------------------------
! type (ice_boundary_data_type) :: Ice
! real, dimension(:)
!    Ice%lon_bnd       longitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature points
!                      in radians (must be monotonic)
!    Ice%lat_bnd       latitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature points
!                      in radians (must be monotonic)
!    Ice%lon_bnd_uv    longitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum points
!                      in radians (must be monotonic)
!    Ice%lat_bnd_uv    latitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum points
!                      in radians (must be monotonic)
! logical, dimension(:,:,:)
!    Ice%mask          ocean/land mask for temperature points
!                        (true for ocean, with or without ice)
!    Ice%mask_uv       ocean/land mask for momentum points
!                        (true for ocean, with or without ice)
!    Ice%ice_mask      optional ice mask (true for ice)
! real, dimension(:,:,:)
!    Ice%part_size     fractional area of each partition of a temperature grid box
!    Ice%part_size_uv  fractional area of each partition of a momentum grid box
!    the following fields are located on the ice top grid
!    Ice%t_surf        surface temperature (deg k)
!    Ice%albedo        surface albedo (fraction)
!    Ice%rough_mom     surface roughness for momentum (m)
!    Ice%rough_heat    surface roughness for heat/moisture (m)
!    Ice%u_surf        zonal (ocean/ice) current at the surface (m/s)
!    Ice%v_surf        meridional (ocean/ice) current at the surface (m/s)
!    the following fields are located on the ice bottom grid
!    Ice%flux_u        zonal wind stress (Pa)
!    Ice%flux_v        meridional wind stress (Pa)
!    Ice%flux_t        sensible heat flux (w/m2)
!    Ice%flux_q        specific humidity flux (kg/m2/s)
!    Ice%flux_sw       net (down-up) shortwave flux (w/m2)
!    Ice%flux_lw       net (down-up) longwave flux (w/m2)
!    Ice%lprec         mass of liquid precipitation since last time step (Kg/m2)
!    Ice%fprec         mass of frozen precipitation since last time step (Kg/m2)
!    Ice%runoff        mass of runoff water since last time step (Kg/m2)
! -----------------------------------------------
! type (ocean_boundary_data_type) :: Ocean
! real, dimension(:)
!    Ocean%Data%lon_bnd      longitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature
!                            points on the ocean DATA GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Data%lat_bnd      latitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature
!                            points on the ocean DATA GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Data%lon_bnd_uv   longitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum
!                            points on the ocean DATA GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Data%lat_bnd_uv   latitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum
!                            points on the ocean DATA GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Ocean%lon_bnd     longitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature
!                            points on the ocean MODEL GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Ocean%lat_bnd     latitude axis grid box boundaries for temperature
!                            points on the ocean MODEL GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Ocean%lon_bnd_uv  longitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum
!                            points on the ocean MODEL GRID (radians)
!    Ocean%Ocean%lat_bnd_uv  latitude axis grid box boundaries for momentum
!                            points on the ocean MODEL GRID (radians)
!      Note: The data values in all longitude and latitude grid box boundary
!            array must be monotonic.
! logical, dimension(:,:)
!    Ocean%Data%mask       ocean/land mask for temperature points on the ocean
!                          DATA GRID (true for ocean)
!    Ocean%Data%mask_uv    ocean/land mask for momentum points on the ocean
!                          DATA GRID (true for ocean)
!    Ocean%Ocean%mask      ocean/land mask for temperature points on the ocean
!                          MODEL GRID (true for ocean)
!    Ocean%Ocean%mask_uv   ocean/land mask for momentum points on the ocean
!                          MODEL GRID (true for ocean)
! real, dimension(:,:)
!    Ocean%t_surf_data  surface temperature on the ocean DATA GRID (deg k)
!    Ocean%t_surf       surface temperature on the ocean MODEL GRID (deg k)
!    Ocean%u_surf       zonal ocean current at the surface on the ocean
!                       MODEL GRID (m/s)
!    Ocean%v_surf       meridional ocean current at the surface on the
!                       ocean MODEL GRID (m/s)
!    Ocean%frazil       frazil at temperature points on the ocean MODEL GRID
end module flux_exchange_mod