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!! GNU General Public License !!
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!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
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!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
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! ============================================================================
module surface_flux_mod
! GNU General Public License
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and
! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License
! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
! the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
! License for more details.
! For the full text of the GNU General Public License,
! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
! Steve Klein
! Isaac Held
! Bruce Wyman
! V. Balaji
! Sergey Malyshev
! Elena Shevliakova
! Driver program for the calculation of fluxes on the exchange grids.
! ============================================================================
use fms_mod, only: FATAL, close_file, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, write_version_number
use fms_mod, only: file_exist, check_nml_error, open_namelist_file, stdlog
use monin_obukhov_mod, only: mo_drag, mo_profile
use sat_vapor_pres_mod, only: escomp, descomp
use constants_mod, only: cp_air, hlv, stefan, rdgas, rvgas, grav, vonkarm
implicit none
! ==== public interface ======================================================
public surface_flux
! ==== end of public interface ===============================================
! For the calculation of fluxes on the exchange grids.
! For the calculation of fluxes on the exchange grids.
! Air temp lowest atmospheric level.
! Mixing ratio at lowest atmospheric level (kg/kg).
! Zonal wind velocity at lowest atmospheric level.
! Meridional wind velocity at lowest atmospheric level.
! Pressure lowest atmospheric level.
! Height lowest atmospheric level.
! Pressure at the earth's surface
! Temp at the earth's surface
! Air temp at the canopy
! Mixing ratio at earth surface (kg/kg).
! Zonal wind velocity at earth surface.
! Meridional wind velocity at earth surface.
! Momentum roughness length
! Heat roughness length
! Scale factor used to topographic roughness calculation
! Gustiness factor
! Sensible heat flux
! Evaporative water flux
! Radiative energy flux
! Zonal momentum flux
! Meridional momentum flux
! Momentum exchange coefficient
! Heat exchange coefficient
! Moisture exchange coefficient
! Absolute wind at the lowest atmospheric level
! Turbulent velocity scale
! Turbulent buoyant scale
! Turbulent moisture scale
! Sensible heat flux temperature sensitivity
! Moisture flux temperature sensitivity
! Moisture flux humidity sensitivity
! Radiative energy flux temperature sensitivity
! Derivative of sensible heat flux over temp at the lowest atmos level.
! Derivative of water vapor flux over temp at the lowest atmos level.
! Derivative of zonal wind stress w.r.t the lowest level zonal
! wind speed of the atmos
! Derivative of meridional wind stress w.r.t the lowest level meridional
! wind speed of the atmos
! Time step (it is not used presently)
! Indicates where land exists (true if exchange cell is on land).
! Indicates where liquid ocean water exists
! (true if exchange cell is on liquid ocean water).
! True where the exchange cell is active.
interface surface_flux
! module procedure surface_flux_0d
module procedure surface_flux_1d
! module procedure surface_flux_2d
end interface
character(len=*), parameter :: version = '$Id: surface_flux.F90,v 2009/09/14 14:49:06 nnz Exp $'
character(len=*), parameter :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
logical :: do_init = .true.
real, parameter :: d622 = rdgas/rvgas
real, parameter :: d378 = 1.-d622
real, parameter :: hlars = hlv/rvgas
real, parameter :: gcp = grav/cp_air
real, parameter :: kappa = rdgas/cp_air
real :: d608 = d378/d622
! d608 set to zero at initialization if the use of
! virtual temperatures is turned off in namelist
! ---- namelist with default values ------------------------------------------
! If q_atm_in (specific humidity) is negative (because of numerical truncation),
! then override with 0.
! If true, use virtual potential temp to calculate the stability of the surface layer.
! if false, use potential temp.
! An alternative formulation for gustiness calculation.
! A minimum bound on the wind speed used influx calculations, with the bound
! equal to gust_const
! The derivative of surface wind stress w.r.t. the zonal wind and
! meridional wind are approximated by the same tendency.
! An option to provide capability to run the Manabe Climate form of the
! surface flux (coded for legacy purposes).
! Constant for alternative gustiness calculation.
! Minimum gustiness used when alt_gustiness = false.
! Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by
! Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004
! Use NCAR climate model turbulent flux calculation described by
! Large and Yeager, NCAR Technical Document, 2004, using the original
! GFDL implementation, which contains a bug in the specification of
! the exchange coefficient for the sensible heat. This option is available
! for legacy purposes, and is not recommended for new experiments.
! Reduce saturation vapor pressures to account for seawater salinity.
logical :: no_neg_q = .false. ! for backwards compatibility
logical :: use_virtual_temp = .true.
logical :: alt_gustiness = .false.
logical :: old_dtaudv = .false.
logical :: use_mixing_ratio = .false.
real :: gust_const = 1.0
real :: gust_min = 0.0
logical :: ncar_ocean_flux = .false.
logical :: ncar_ocean_flux_orig = .false. ! for backwards compatibility
logical :: raoult_sat_vap = .false.
logical :: do_simple = .false.
namelist /surface_flux_nml/ no_neg_q, &
use_virtual_temp, &
alt_gustiness, &
gust_const, &
gust_min, &
old_dtaudv, &
use_mixing_ratio, &
ncar_ocean_flux, &
ncar_ocean_flux_orig, &
raoult_sat_vap, &
! ============================================================================
subroutine surface_flux_1d ( &
t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, p_atm, z_atm, &
p_surf, t_surf, t_ca, q_surf, &
u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust, &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm, &
dt, land, seawater, avail )
! slm Mar 28 2002 -- remove agument drag_q since it is just cd_q*wind
! ============================================================================
! ---- arguments -----------------------------------------------------------
logical, intent(in), dimension(:) :: land, seawater, avail
real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: &
t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, &
p_atm, z_atm, t_ca, &
p_surf, t_surf, u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust
real, intent(out), dimension(:) :: &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm,dtaudv_atm, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q
real, intent(inout), dimension(:) :: q_surf
real, intent(in) :: dt
! ---- local constants -----------------------------------------------------
! temperature increment and its reciprocal value for comp. of derivatives
real, parameter:: del_temp=0.1, del_temp_inv=1.0/del_temp
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
real, dimension(size(t_atm(:))) :: &
thv_atm, th_atm, tv_atm, thv_surf, &
e_sat, e_sat1, q_sat, q_sat1, p_ratio, &
t_surf0, t_surf1, u_dif, v_dif, &
rho_drag, drag_t, drag_m, drag_q, rho, &
q_atm, q_surf0, dw_atmdu, dw_atmdv, w_gust
integer :: i, nbad
if (do_init) call surface_flux_init
!---- use local value of surf temp ----
t_surf0 = 200. ! avoids out-of-bounds in es lookup
where (avail)
where (land)
t_surf0 = t_ca
t_surf0 = t_surf
t_surf1 = t_surf0 + del_temp
call escomp ( t_surf0, e_sat ) ! saturation vapor pressure
call escomp ( t_surf1, e_sat1 ) ! perturbed vapor pressure
if(use_mixing_ratio) then
! surface mixing ratio at saturation
q_sat = d622*e_sat /(p_surf-e_sat )
q_sat1 = d622*e_sat1/(p_surf-e_sat1)
elseif(do_simple) then !rif:(09/02/09)
q_sat = d622*e_sat / p_surf
q_sat1 = d622*e_sat1/ p_surf
! surface specific humidity at saturation
q_sat = d622*e_sat /(p_surf-d378*e_sat )
q_sat1 = d622*e_sat1/(p_surf-d378*e_sat1)
! initilaize surface air humidity according to surface type
where (land)
q_surf0 = q_surf ! land calculates it
q_surf0 = q_sat ! everything else assumes saturated sfc humidity
if (raoult_sat_vap) where (seawater) q_surf0 = 0.98 * q_surf0
! check for negative atmospheric humidities
where(avail) q_atm = q_atm_in
if(no_neg_q) then
where(avail .and. q_atm_in < 0.0) q_atm = 0.0
! generate information needed by monin_obukhov
where (avail)
p_ratio = (p_surf/p_atm)**kappa
tv_atm = t_atm * (1.0 + d608*q_atm) ! virtual temperature
th_atm = t_atm * p_ratio ! potential T, using p_surf as refernce
thv_atm = tv_atm * p_ratio ! virt. potential T, using p_surf as reference
thv_surf= t_surf0 * (1.0 + d608*q_surf0 ) ! surface virtual (potential) T
! thv_surf= t_surf0 ! surface virtual (potential) T -- just for testing tun off the q_surf
u_dif = u_surf - u_atm ! velocity components relative to surface
v_dif = v_surf - v_atm
if(alt_gustiness) then
do i = 1, size(avail)
if (.not.avail(i)) cycle
w_atm(i) = max(sqrt(u_dif(i)**2 + v_dif(i)**2), gust_const)
! derivatives of surface wind w.r.t. atm. wind components
if(w_atm(i) > gust_const) then
dw_atmdu(i) = u_dif(i)/w_atm(i)
dw_atmdv(i) = v_dif(i)/w_atm(i)
dw_atmdu(i) = 0.0
dw_atmdv(i) = 0.0
if (gust_min > 0.0) then
w_gust = max(gust,gust_min) ! minimum gustiness
end where
w_gust = gust
end where
w_atm = sqrt(u_dif*u_dif + v_dif*v_dif + w_gust*w_gust)
! derivatives of surface wind w.r.t. atm. wind components
dw_atmdu = u_dif/w_atm
dw_atmdv = v_dif/w_atm
! monin-obukhov similarity theory
call mo_drag (thv_atm, thv_surf, z_atm, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, w_atm, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, u_star, b_star, avail )
! override with ocean fluxes from NCAR calculation
if (ncar_ocean_flux .or. ncar_ocean_flux_orig) then
call ncar_ocean_fluxes (w_atm, th_atm, t_surf0, q_atm, q_surf0, z_atm, &
seawater, cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, u_star, b_star )
end if
where (avail)
! scale momentum drag coefficient on orographic roughness
cd_m = cd_m*(log(z_atm/rough_mom+1)/log(z_atm/rough_scale+1))**2
! surface layer drag coefficients
drag_t = cd_t * w_atm
drag_q = cd_q * w_atm
drag_m = cd_m * w_atm
! density
rho = p_atm / (rdgas * tv_atm)
! sensible heat flux
rho_drag = cp_air * drag_t * rho
flux_t = rho_drag * (t_surf0 - th_atm) ! flux of sensible heat (W/m**2)
dhdt_surf = rho_drag ! d(sensible heat flux)/d(surface temperature)
dhdt_atm = -rho_drag*p_ratio ! d(sensible heat flux)/d(atmos temperature)
! evaporation
rho_drag = drag_q * rho
flux_q = rho_drag * (q_surf0 - q_atm) ! flux of water vapor (Kg/(m**2 s))
where (land)
dedq_surf = rho_drag
dedt_surf = 0
dedq_surf = 0
dedt_surf = rho_drag * (q_sat1 - q_sat) *del_temp_inv
dedq_atm = -rho_drag ! d(latent heat flux)/d(atmospheric mixing ratio)
q_star = flux_q / (u_star * rho) ! moisture scale
! ask Chris and Steve K if we still want to keep this for diagnostics
q_surf = q_atm + flux_q / (rho*cd_q*w_atm) ! surface specific humidity
! upward long wave radiation
flux_r = stefan*t_surf**4 ! (W/m**2)
drdt_surf = 4*stefan*t_surf**3 ! d(upward longwave)/d(surface temperature)
! stresses
rho_drag = drag_m * rho
flux_u = rho_drag * u_dif ! zonal component of stress (Nt/m**2)
flux_v = rho_drag * v_dif ! meridional component of stress
! zero-out un-available data in output only fields
flux_t = 0.0
flux_q = 0.0
flux_r = 0.0
flux_u = 0.0
flux_v = 0.0
dhdt_surf = 0.0
dedt_surf = 0.0
dedq_surf = 0.0
drdt_surf = 0.0
dhdt_atm = 0.0
dedq_atm = 0.0
u_star = 0.0
b_star = 0.0
q_star = 0.0
q_surf = 0.0
w_atm = 0.0
! calculate d(stress component)/d(atmos wind component)
dtaudu_atm = 0.0
dtaudv_atm = 0.0
if (old_dtaudv) then
dtaudv_atm = -rho_drag
dtaudu_atm = -rho_drag
dtaudu_atm = -cd_m*rho*(dw_atmdu*u_dif + w_atm)
dtaudv_atm = -cd_m*rho*(dw_atmdv*v_dif + w_atm)
end subroutine surface_flux_1d
subroutine surface_flux_0d ( &
t_atm_0, q_atm_0, u_atm_0, v_atm_0, p_atm_0, z_atm_0, &
p_surf_0, t_surf_0, t_ca_0, q_surf_0, &
u_surf_0, v_surf_0, &
rough_mom_0, rough_heat_0, rough_moist_0, rough_scale_0, gust_0, &
flux_t_0, flux_q_0, flux_r_0, flux_u_0, flux_v_0, &
cd_m_0, cd_t_0, cd_q_0, &
w_atm_0, u_star_0, b_star_0, q_star_0, &
dhdt_surf_0, dedt_surf_0, dedq_surf_0, drdt_surf_0, &
dhdt_atm_0, dedq_atm_0, dtaudu_atm_0, dtaudv_atm_0, &
dt, land_0, seawater_0, avail_0 )
! ---- arguments -----------------------------------------------------------
logical, intent(in) :: land_0, seawater_0, avail_0
real, intent(in) :: &
t_atm_0, q_atm_0, u_atm_0, v_atm_0, &
p_atm_0, z_atm_0, t_ca_0, &
p_surf_0, t_surf_0, u_surf_0, v_surf_0, &
rough_mom_0, rough_heat_0, rough_moist_0, rough_scale_0, gust_0
real, intent(out) :: &
flux_t_0, flux_q_0, flux_r_0, flux_u_0, flux_v_0, &
dhdt_surf_0, dedt_surf_0, dedq_surf_0, drdt_surf_0, &
dhdt_atm_0, dedq_atm_0, dtaudu_atm_0,dtaudv_atm_0, &
w_atm_0, u_star_0, b_star_0, q_star_0, &
cd_m_0, cd_t_0, cd_q_0
real, intent(inout) :: q_surf_0
real, intent(in) :: dt
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
logical, dimension(1) :: land, seawater, avail
real, dimension(1) :: &
t_atm, q_atm, u_atm, v_atm, &
p_atm, z_atm, t_ca, &
p_surf, t_surf, u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust
real, dimension(1) :: &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm,dtaudv_atm, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q
real, dimension(1) :: q_surf
avail = .true.
t_atm(1) = t_atm_0
q_atm(1) = q_atm_0
u_atm(1) = u_atm_0
v_atm(1) = v_atm_0
p_atm(1) = p_atm_0
z_atm(1) = z_atm_0
t_ca(1) = t_ca_0
p_surf(1) = p_surf_0
t_surf(1) = t_surf_0
u_surf(1) = u_surf_0
v_surf(1) = v_surf_0
rough_mom(1) = rough_mom_0
rough_heat(1) = rough_heat_0
rough_moist(1) = rough_moist_0
rough_scale(1) = rough_scale_0
gust(1) = gust_0
q_surf(1) = q_surf_0
land(1) = land_0
seawater(1) = seawater_0
avail(1) = avail_0
call surface_flux_1d ( &
t_atm, q_atm, u_atm, v_atm, p_atm, z_atm, &
p_surf, t_surf, t_ca, q_surf, &
u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust, &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm, &
dt, land, seawater, avail )
flux_t_0 = flux_t(1)
flux_q_0 = flux_q(1)
flux_r_0 = flux_r(1)
flux_u_0 = flux_u(1)
flux_v_0 = flux_v(1)
dhdt_surf_0 = dhdt_surf(1)
dedt_surf_0 = dedt_surf(1)
dedq_surf_0 = dedq_surf(1)
drdt_surf_0 = drdt_surf(1)
dhdt_atm_0 = dhdt_atm(1)
dedq_atm_0 = dedq_atm(1)
dtaudu_atm_0 = dtaudu_atm(1)
dtaudv_atm_0 = dtaudv_atm(1)
w_atm_0 = w_atm(1)
u_star_0 = u_star(1)
b_star_0 = b_star(1)
q_star_0 = q_star(1)
q_surf_0 = q_surf(1)
cd_m_0 = cd_m(1)
cd_t_0 = cd_t(1)
cd_q_0 = cd_q(1)
end subroutine surface_flux_0d
subroutine surface_flux_2d ( &
t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, p_atm, z_atm, &
p_surf, t_surf, t_ca, q_surf, &
u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust, &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm, dtaudv_atm, &
dt, land, seawater, avail )
! ---- arguments -----------------------------------------------------------
logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: land, seawater, avail
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: &
t_atm, q_atm_in, u_atm, v_atm, &
p_atm, z_atm, t_ca, &
p_surf, t_surf, u_surf, v_surf, &
rough_mom, rough_heat, rough_moist, rough_scale, gust
real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: &
flux_t, flux_q, flux_r, flux_u, flux_v, &
dhdt_surf, dedt_surf, dedq_surf, drdt_surf, &
dhdt_atm, dedq_atm, dtaudu_atm,dtaudv_atm, &
w_atm, u_star, b_star, q_star, &
cd_m, cd_t, cd_q
real, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: q_surf
real, intent(in) :: dt
! ---- local vars -----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: j
do j = 1, size(t_atm,2)
call surface_flux_1d ( &
t_atm(:,j), q_atm_in(:,j), u_atm(:,j), v_atm(:,j), p_atm(:,j), z_atm(:,j), &
p_surf(:,j), t_surf(:,j), t_ca(:,j), q_surf(:,j), &
u_surf(:,j), v_surf(:,j), &
rough_mom(:,j), rough_heat(:,j), rough_moist(:,j), rough_scale(:,j), gust(:,j), &
flux_t(:,j), flux_q(:,j), flux_r(:,j), flux_u(:,j), flux_v(:,j), &
cd_m(:,j), cd_t(:,j), cd_q(:,j), &
w_atm(:,j), u_star(:,j), b_star(:,j), q_star(:,j), &
dhdt_surf(:,j), dedt_surf(:,j), dedq_surf(:,j), drdt_surf(:,j), &
dhdt_atm(:,j), dedq_atm(:,j), dtaudu_atm(:,j), dtaudv_atm(:,j), &
dt, land(:,j), seawater(:,j), avail(:,j) )
end do
end subroutine surface_flux_2d
! ============================================================================
! Initialization of the surface flux module--reads the nml.
subroutine surface_flux_init
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: unit, ierr, io
! read namelist
if ( file_exist('input.nml')) then
unit = open_namelist_file ()
do while (ierr /= 0)
read (unit, nml=surface_flux_nml, iostat=io, end=10)
ierr = check_nml_error(io,'surface_flux_nml')
10 call close_file (unit)
! write version number
call write_version_number(version, tagname)
unit = stdlog()
if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (unit, nml=surface_flux_nml)
if(.not. use_virtual_temp) d608 = 0.0
do_init = .false.
end subroutine surface_flux_init
! Over-ocean fluxes following Large and Yeager (used in NCAR models) !
! Original code: Michael.Winton@noaa.gov
! Update Jul2007: Stephen.Griffies@noaa.gov (ch and ce exchange coeff bugfix)
subroutine ncar_ocean_fluxes (u_del, t, ts, q, qs, z, avail, &
cd, ch, ce, ustar, bstar )
real , intent(in) , dimension(:) :: u_del, t, ts, q, qs, z
logical, intent(in) , dimension(:) :: avail
real , intent(inout), dimension(:) :: cd, ch, ce, ustar, bstar
real :: cd_n10, ce_n10, ch_n10, cd_n10_rt ! neutral 10m drag coefficients
real :: cd_rt ! full drag coefficients @ z
real :: zeta, x2, x, psi_m, psi_h ! stability parameters
real :: u, u10, tv, tstar, qstar, z0, xx, stab
integer, parameter :: n_itts = 2
integer i, j
if(ncar_ocean_flux_orig) then
do i=1,size(u_del(:))
if (avail(i)) then
tv = t(i)*(1+0.608*q(i));
u = max(u_del(i), 0.5); ! 0.5 m/s floor on wind (undocumented NCAR)
u10 = u; ! first guess 10m wind
cd_n10 = (2.7/u10+0.142+0.0764*u10)/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6a
cd_n10_rt = sqrt(cd_n10);
ce_n10 = 34.6 *cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6b
stab = 0.5 + sign(0.5,t(i)-ts(i))
ch_n10 = (18.0*stab+32.7*(1-stab))*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6c
cd(i) = cd_n10; ! first guess for exchange coeff's at z
ch(i) = ch_n10;
ce(i) = ce_n10;
do j=1,n_itts ! Monin-Obukhov iteration
cd_rt = sqrt(cd(i));
ustar(i) = cd_rt*u; ! L-Y eqn. 7a
tstar = (ch(i)/cd_rt)*(t(i)-ts(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 7b
qstar = (ce(i)/cd_rt)*(q(i)-qs(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 7c
bstar(i) = grav*(tstar/tv+qstar/(q(i)+1/0.608));
zeta = vonkarm*bstar(i)*z(i)/(ustar(i)*ustar(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 8a
zeta = sign( min(abs(zeta),10.0), zeta ); ! undocumented NCAR
x2 = sqrt(abs(1-16*zeta)); ! L-Y eqn. 8b
x2 = max(x2, 1.0); ! undocumented NCAR
x = sqrt(x2);
if (zeta > 0) then
psi_m = -5*zeta; ! L-Y eqn. 8c
psi_h = -5*zeta; ! L-Y eqn. 8c
psi_m = log((1+2*x+x2)*(1+x2)/8)-2*(atan(x)-atan(1.0)); ! L-Y eqn. 8d
psi_h = 2*log((1+x2)/2); ! L-Y eqn. 8e
end if
u10 = u/(1+cd_n10_rt*(log(z(i)/10)-psi_m)/vonkarm); ! L-Y eqn. 9
cd_n10 = (2.7/u10+0.142+0.0764*u10)/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6a again
cd_n10_rt = sqrt(cd_n10);
ce_n10 = 34.6*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6b again
stab = 0.5 + sign(0.5,zeta)
ch_n10 = (18.0*stab+32.7*(1-stab))*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6c again
z0 = 10*exp(-vonkarm/cd_n10_rt); ! diagnostic
xx = (log(z(i)/10)-psi_m)/vonkarm;
cd(i) = cd_n10/(1+cd_n10_rt*xx)**2; ! L-Y 10a
xx = (log(z(i)/10)-psi_h)/vonkarm;
ch(i) = ch_n10/(1+ch_n10*xx/cd_n10_rt)**2; ! 10b (this code is wrong)
ce(i) = ce_n10/(1+ce_n10*xx/cd_n10_rt)**2; ! 10c (this code is wrong)
end do
end if
end do
do i=1,size(u_del(:))
if (avail(i)) then
tv = t(i)*(1+0.608*q(i));
u = max(u_del(i), 0.5); ! 0.5 m/s floor on wind (undocumented NCAR)
u10 = u; ! first guess 10m wind
cd_n10 = (2.7/u10+0.142+0.0764*u10)/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6a
cd_n10_rt = sqrt(cd_n10);
ce_n10 = 34.6 *cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6b
stab = 0.5 + sign(0.5,t(i)-ts(i))
ch_n10 = (18.0*stab+32.7*(1-stab))*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6c
cd(i) = cd_n10; ! first guess for exchange coeff's at z
ch(i) = ch_n10;
ce(i) = ce_n10;
do j=1,n_itts ! Monin-Obukhov iteration
cd_rt = sqrt(cd(i));
ustar(i) = cd_rt*u; ! L-Y eqn. 7a
tstar = (ch(i)/cd_rt)*(t(i)-ts(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 7b
qstar = (ce(i)/cd_rt)*(q(i)-qs(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 7c
bstar(i) = grav*(tstar/tv+qstar/(q(i)+1/0.608));
zeta = vonkarm*bstar(i)*z(i)/(ustar(i)*ustar(i)); ! L-Y eqn. 8a
zeta = sign( min(abs(zeta),10.0), zeta ); ! undocumented NCAR
x2 = sqrt(abs(1-16*zeta)); ! L-Y eqn. 8b
x2 = max(x2, 1.0); ! undocumented NCAR
x = sqrt(x2);
if (zeta > 0) then
psi_m = -5*zeta; ! L-Y eqn. 8c
psi_h = -5*zeta; ! L-Y eqn. 8c
psi_m = log((1+2*x+x2)*(1+x2)/8)-2*(atan(x)-atan(1.0)); ! L-Y eqn. 8d
psi_h = 2*log((1+x2)/2); ! L-Y eqn. 8e
end if
u10 = u/(1+cd_n10_rt*(log(z(i)/10)-psi_m)/vonkarm); ! L-Y eqn. 9
cd_n10 = (2.7/u10+0.142+0.0764*u10)/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6a again
cd_n10_rt = sqrt(cd_n10);
ce_n10 = 34.6*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6b again
stab = 0.5 + sign(0.5,zeta)
ch_n10 = (18.0*stab+32.7*(1-stab))*cd_n10_rt/1e3; ! L-Y eqn. 6c again
z0 = 10*exp(-vonkarm/cd_n10_rt); ! diagnostic
xx = (log(z(i)/10)-psi_m)/vonkarm;
cd(i) = cd_n10/(1+cd_n10_rt*xx)**2; ! L-Y 10a
xx = (log(z(i)/10)-psi_h)/vonkarm;
ch(i) = ch_n10/(1+ch_n10*xx/cd_n10_rt)*sqrt(cd(i)/cd_n10) ! 10b (corrected code)
ce(i) = ce_n10/(1+ce_n10*xx/cd_n10_rt)*sqrt(cd(i)/cd_n10) ! 10c (corrected code)
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine ncar_ocean_fluxes
end module surface_flux_mod