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! ============================================================================
! module numerics: a collection of useful general-purpose routines
! ============================================================================
#define __ERROR__(message) \
call my_error(mod_name,message,FATAL,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define __NOTE__(message) \
call my_error(mod_name,message,NOTE,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define __ASSERT__(x, message) \
if(.NOT.(x))call my_error(mod_name,message,FATAL,__FILE__,__LINE__)
module numerics_mod
! Christopher Milly
! Elena Shevliakova
! Sergey Malyshev
! A collection of useful general-purpose numerical routines, including
! a bisect function and linear interpolation routines.
! thing we use repeatedly inside the module
use fms_mod, only: error_mesg, FATAL, NOTE, write_version_number
use constants_mod, only : PI
implicit none
! ==== public interfaces =====================================================
public :: bisect ! finds a position of point in array of bounds
public :: lin_int ! linear interpolation
public :: numerics_init
public :: is_latlon, expand_cell
! ==== end of public interfaces ==============================================
! Linear interpolation.
! Linear interpolation.
interface lin_int
module procedure lin_int0
module procedure lin_int1
module procedure lin_int2
module procedure lin_int1m
module procedure lin_int2m
end interface
logical :: module_is_initialized =.FALSE.
! module constants
character(len=*), parameter :: mod_name = "Numerics_mod"
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: numerics.F90,v 15.0 2007/08/14 04:00:08 fms Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! ============================================================================
! Initializes the numerics module.
! Initializes the numerics module.
subroutine numerics_init()
module_is_initialized =.TRUE.
call write_version_number(version,tagname)
end subroutine numerics_init
! Finds a position of point in array of bounds.
! Finds a position of point in array of bounds. Returns i, so that x is
! between xx(i) and xx(i+1).
! value=bisect( xx, x1, periodic )
function bisect(xx, x1, periodic)
real, intent(in) :: xx(:) ! array of boundaries
real, intent(in) :: x1 ! point to locate
logical, intent(in), optional :: periodic ! if present and true, the data
! domain is assumed to be periodic
! ---- result type ---------------------------------------------------
integer bisect
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------
real :: x ! duplicate of input value
integer :: low, high, mid
integer :: n ! size of the input array
logical :: ascending ! if true, the coordinates are in ascending order
n = size(xx(:))
x = x1
! bring the point inside bounds of the periodic domain
if (present(periodic)) then
if(periodic) then
__ASSERT__(xx(n)-xx(1)/=0,"periodic bisect: period equal to zero")
x = modulo(x-min(xx(1),xx(n)),abs(xx(n)-xx(1)))+min(xx(1),xx(n))
! Period is equal to zero, [ (xx(n)-xx(1)) / = 0 ]
! find the coordinates
if (x >= xx(1).and.x<=xx(n)) then
low = 1; high = n
ascending = xx(n) > xx(1)
do while (high-low > 1)
mid = (low+high)/2
if (ascending.eqv.xx(mid) <= x) then
low = mid
high = mid
bisect = low
bisect = -1
end function bisect
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
subroutine lin_int0(data, xx, x, res)
real, intent(in) :: data(:) ! data to interpolate
real, intent(in) :: xx(:) ! coord. corresponding to data
real, intent(in) :: x ! coord to interpolate to
real, intent(inout) :: res ! result of interpolation
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: i1, i2
real :: f1, f2
! find where is our time point and calculate weights
i1 = bisect(xx,x)
i2 = i1+1
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
subroutine lin_int1(data, xx, x, res)
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:) ! data to interpolate
real, intent(in) :: xx(:) ! coord. corresponding to data
real, intent(in) :: x ! coord to interpolate to
real, intent(inout) :: res(:) ! result of interpolation
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: i1, i2
real :: f1, f2
! find where is our time point and calculate weights
i1 = bisect(xx,x)
i2 = i1+1
! Coordinate corresponding to data is out of range.
! Interpolates prescribed over time.
! Interpolates prescribed over time.
subroutine lin_int2(data, tt, t, res)
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:,:) ! data to interpolate
real, intent(in) :: tt(:) ! time moments corresponding to data points
real, intent(in) :: t ! time to interpolate to
real, intent(inout) :: res(:,:) ! result
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: i1, i2
real :: f1, f2
! find where is our time point and calculate weights
i1 = bisect(tt,t); i2 = i1+1
! Time moments corresponding to data points is out of range.
f2 = (t-tt(i1))/(tt(i2)-tt(i1))
f1 = 1-f2
! update the result
res = data(:,:,i1)*f1+data(:,:,i2)*f2
end subroutine lin_int2
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
! Linearly interpolates 1-D data.
subroutine lin_int1m(data, xx, x, res, mask)
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:) ! data to interpolate
real, intent(in) :: xx(:) ! coord. corresponding to data
real, intent(in) :: x ! coord to interpolate to
real, intent(inout) :: res(:) ! result of interpolation
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:) ! valid data mask
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: i1, i2
real :: f1, f2
! find where is our time point and calculate weights
i1 = bisect(xx,x)
i2 = i1+1
! Coordinate corresponding to data is out of range.
f2 = (x-xx(i1))/(xx(i2)-xx(i1))
f1 = 1.0-f2
! finally, update the result
where (mask)
res = data(:,i1)*f1+data(:,i2)*f2
end subroutine lin_int1m
! Interpolates prescribed over time.
! Interpolates prescribed over time.
subroutine lin_int2m(data, tt, t, res, mask)
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:,:) ! data to interpolate
real, intent(in) :: tt(:) ! time moments corresponding to data points
real, intent(in) :: t ! time to interpolate to
real, intent(inout) :: res(:,:) ! result
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:,:) ! interpolation mask
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: i1, i2
real :: f1, f2
! find where is our time point and calculate weights
i1 = bisect(tt,t); i2 = i1+1
! Time moments corresponding to data points is out of range.
f2 = (t-tt(i1))/(tt(i2)-tt(i1))
f1 = 1-f2
! update the result
where (mask)
res = data(:,:,i1)*f1+data(:,:,i2)*f2
end subroutine lin_int2m
! Routines added to deal with cubed sphere geometry
function is_latlon ( lon, lat )
real, intent(in) :: lon(:,:), lat(:,:)
! Determines if the latitude/longitude values form a
! regular lat/lon grid (or something else).
logical :: is_latlon
integer :: i, j
is_latlon = .true.
do j = 2, size(lon,2)
do i = 1, size(lon,1)
if (lon(i,j) .ne. lon(i,1)) then
is_latlon = .false.
do j = 1, size(lat,2)
do i = 2, size(lat,1)
if (lat(i,j) .ne. lat(1,j)) then
is_latlon = .false.
end function is_latlon
subroutine expand_cell(lon, lat, fac)
! Util for land model (for BW)
! 4----3
! | . |
! 1----2
real, intent(inout):: lon(2,2), lat(2,2)
real, intent(in):: fac ! expansion factor: outside: > 1
! fac = 1: qq1 returns q1
! fac = 0: qq1_4 retruns the center position
! Local
real qq1(3), qq2(3), qq3(3), qq4(3)
real p1(3), p2(3), p3(3), p4(3)
real ec(3)
real dd, d1, d2, d3, d4
integer k
! Transform to (x,y,z)
call latlon2xyz((/lon(1,1),lat(1,1)/), p1)
call latlon2xyz((/lon(2,1),lat(2,1)/), p2)
call latlon2xyz((/lon(1,2),lat(1,2)/), p3)
call latlon2xyz((/lon(2,2),lat(2,2)/), p4)
! Get center position:
do k=1,3
ec(k) = p1(k) + p2(k) + p3(k) + p4(k)
dd = sqrt( ec(1)**2 + ec(2)**2 + ec(3)**2 )
do k=1,3
ec(k) = ec(k) / dd ! cell center position
! Perform the "extrapolation" to outside if fac > 1
do k=1,3
qq1(k) = ec(k) + fac*(p1(k)-ec(k))
qq2(k) = ec(k) + fac*(p2(k)-ec(k))
qq3(k) = ec(k) + fac*(p3(k)-ec(k))
qq4(k) = ec(k) + fac*(p4(k)-ec(k))
! Force the points to be on the sphere via normalization
d1 = sqrt( qq1(1)**2 + qq1(2)**2 + qq1(3)**2 )
d2 = sqrt( qq2(1)**2 + qq2(2)**2 + qq2(3)**2 )
d3 = sqrt( qq3(1)**2 + qq3(2)**2 + qq3(3)**2 )
d4 = sqrt( qq4(1)**2 + qq4(2)**2 + qq4(3)**2 )
do k=1,3
qq1(k) = qq1(k) / d1
qq2(k) = qq2(k) / d2
qq3(k) = qq3(k) / d3
qq4(k) = qq4(k) / d4
! Transform back to lat-lon coordinates:
call cart_to_latlon1(qq1, lon(1,1), lat(1,1))
call cart_to_latlon1(qq2, lon(2,1), lat(2,1))
call cart_to_latlon1(qq3, lon(1,2), lat(1,2))
call cart_to_latlon1(qq4, lon(2,2), lat(2,2))
end subroutine expand_cell
subroutine latlon2xyz(p, e)
! Routine to map (lon, lat) to (x,y,z)
real, intent(in) :: p(2)
real, intent(out):: e(3)
integer n
real :: q(2)
real :: e1, e2, e3
do n=1,2
q(n) = p(n)
e1 = cos(q(2)) * cos(q(1))
e2 = cos(q(2)) * sin(q(1))
e3 = sin(q(2))
! Truncate to the desired precision:
e(1) = e1
e(2) = e2
e(3) = e3
end subroutine latlon2xyz
subroutine cart_to_latlon1(q, xs, ys)
real, intent(inout):: q(3)
real, intent(inout):: xs, ys
! local
real, parameter:: esl=1.e-10
real :: p(3)
real :: pi, dist, lat, lon
integer :: k
pi = 4.*atan(1.)
do k=1,3
p(k) = q(k)
dist = sqrt(p(1)**2 + p(2)**2 + p(3)**2)
do k=1,3
p(k) = p(k) / dist
if ( (abs(p(1))+abs(p(2))) < esl ) then
lon = 0.
lon = atan2( p(2), p(1) ) ! range [-pi,pi]
if ( lon < 0.) lon = 2.*pi + lon
lat = asin(p(3))
xs = lon
ys = lat
! q Normalized:
do k=1,3
q(k) = p(k)
end subroutine cart_to_latlon1
! Reports error, including file name and line.
! Reports error, including file name and line.
! call my_error(mod_name, message, mode, file, line)
subroutine my_error(mod_name, message, mode, file, line)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mod_name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
integer, intent(in) :: mode
character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
integer, intent(in) :: line
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
character(len=512) :: mesg
write(mesg,'("File ",a," Line ",i4.4," :: ",a)')&
file, line, trim(message)
call error_mesg(mod_name, mesg, mode)
end subroutine
end module numerics_mod