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module soil_mod
! Christopher Milly
! Elena Shevliakova
! Sergey Malyshev
! Module containing processes relating to the soil.
! Soil data type is defined and describes the characteristics of the soil.
! The soil module and the state of soil is initialized. The soil data is
! updated on the fast and slow time-scale. Contains updates to the "fast"
! boundary data that the atmosphere sees and the "slow" part of boundary
! data for the atmosphere. Sends tile-averaged data to the diagnostics
! manager.
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_time, get_date, increment_time
use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain
use fms_mod, only: file_exist, close_file, read_data, &
error_mesg, FATAL, NOTE, set_domain, mpp_pe, &
check_nml_error, write_version_number, &
open_namelist_file, open_restart_file, &
write_data, stdlog, mpp_root_pe
use fms_io_mod, only: get_restart_io_mode
use rivers_mod, only: rivers_type, rivers_init, update_rivers_fast, &
rivers_end, update_rivers_slow, &
use land_types_mod, only: land_data_type
use land_properties_mod, only: land_properties_init, &
update_land_properties_fast, &
use constants_mod, only: hlf, hlv, tfreeze
use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_axis_init, register_diag_field, send_data, &
use data_override_mod, only: data_override
#ifdef SCM
use scm_forc_mod, only: do_specified_tskin, do_specified_land, TSKIN
use stock_constants_mod, only: ISTOCK_WATER, ISTOCK_HEAT
implicit none
! ==== public interfaces =====================================================
public soil_type ! soil data type
public soil_init ! initialize the soil module, and the state of soil
public soil_end ! finish soil calculations
public update_soil_fast ! fast time-scale soil update
public update_soil_slow ! slow time-scale soil update
public update_soil_bnd_fast ! updates "fast" boundary data that atmosphere sees
public update_soil_bnd_slow ! updates "slow" part of boundary data for atmosphere
public send_averaged_data ! sends tile-averaged data to diagnostics manager
public soil_stock_pe ! calculate and return total amount of requested quantitiy per PE
! ==== end of public interface ===============================================
! Public data type describing soil characteristics.
type soil_type
! private ! opaque type slm, Mar 19 2002: made it public
! Domain of computation
type(domain2d)::domain ! our domain of computation
! geometry of the grid
! Computational domain bounds
! Computational domain bounds
! Computational domain bounds
! Computational domain bounds
! Number of levels in the soil
! Maximum number of tiles in the soil
integer is,ie,js,je; ! computational domain bounds
integer n_levels ! number of levels in the soil
integer n_tiles ! max number of tiles in the soil
! Land area for each cell
! Tile area fraction for each tile
! Land mask: true where data are present
! Thickness of layers
! Full level
! Half level
! Max amount of energy stored in frozen water, J/m3
real, pointer :: area(:,:) =>NULL() ! land area for each cell
real, pointer :: frac(:,:,:) =>NULL() ! tile area fraction for each tile
logical, pointer :: mask(:,:,:) =>NULL() ! land mask: true where data are present
real, pointer :: dz(:) =>NULL() ! thickness of layers, m
real, pointer :: z(:) =>NULL(), zz(:) =>NULL() ! full (z) and half (zz) levels, m
real, pointer :: max_fusion(:) =>NULL() ! max amount of fusion energy, J/m3
! NOTE: original intent was to use frac as a mask, meaning that the land
! does not exist where fractional area is zero. However, original version
! of exchange grid requires sum of fractional areas to be == 1 for every
! grid point. In addition, it is probably useful to have separate mask,
! just in case somebody ever needs a tile with zero fractional area.
! Current time
! Fast time step
! Slow time step
type(time_type) :: time ! current time
real :: dt ! fast time step, s
real :: dt_slow ! slow time step, s
! Temperature (i,j,tile,level)
! Energy needed to melt frozen freezable water (i,j,tile,level)
! soil state variables
real, pointer :: temp(:,:,:,:) =>NULL() ! temperature (i,j,tile,level), degK
real, pointer :: fusion(:,:,:,:) =>NULL() ! energy needed to melt frozen freezable water, J/m3
! Snow water mass (i,j,tile)
! Root-zone water (i,j,tile)
! Groundwater (i,j,tile)
! Flux from water to groundwater (i,j,tile)
! Drainage, accumulated for slow time steps (i,j,tile)
! Horizontal snow flux divergence (i,j,tile)
! Calving, accumulated for slow time steps (i,j,tile)
! Snow-adjusted land (soil?) albedo (i,j,tile)
! Direct visible surface albedo (i,j,tile)
! Direct near-infrared surface albedo (i,j,tile)
! Diffuse visible surface albedo (i,j,tile)
! Diffuse near-infrared albedo (i,j,tile)
! Momentum roughness length (i,j,tile)
! Heat roughness length (i,j,tile)
! Scale momentum drag coefficient (i,j,tile)
! Non-water-stressed bulk stomatal resistance (i,j,tile)
! Water capacity of root zone (i,j,tile)
! Thermal conductivity of the ground (i,j,tile,level)
! Volumetric heat capacity of the ground (i,j,tile,level)
! Groundwater residence time (i,j,tile)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: & ! (lon, lat, tile)
snow =>NULL(), & ! snow water mass, kg/m2
water =>NULL(), & ! root-zone water, kg/m2
groundwater =>NULL(), & ! groundawter, kg/m2
drainage =>NULL(), & ! flux from water to groundwater
drainage_accum =>NULL(), & ! drainage, accumulated for slow time steps
calving =>NULL(), & ! horizontal snow flux divergence
calving_accum =>NULL(), & ! calving, accumulated for slow time steps
albedo =>NULL(), & ! snow-adjusted land (soil?) albedo -- should be revised
albedo_vis_dir =>NULL(), &
albedo_nir_dir =>NULL(), &
albedo_vis_dif =>NULL(), &
albedo_nir_dif =>NULL(), &
rough_mom =>NULL(), & ! momentum roughness length
rough_heat =>NULL(), & ! heat roughness length
rough_scale =>NULL(), & ! scale for momentum drag coefficient
stomatal =>NULL(), & ! non-water-stressed bulk stomatal resistance
max_water =>NULL(), & ! water capacity of root zone, kg/m2
tau_groundwater =>NULL() ! groundwater
real, pointer, dimension (:,:,:,:) :: & ! (lon, lat, tile, level)
tcon =>NULL(), & ! thermal conductivity of the ground
rho_cap =>NULL() ! volumetric heat capacity of the ground, J/(m3 K)
! Glacier mask, true if land is a glacier (lon, lat, tile)
! Lake mask, true where lake on land (lon, lat, tile)
logical, pointer, dimension (:,:,:) :: & ! (lon, lat, tile)
glacier =>NULL(), & ! true if land is a glacier
lake =>NULL() ! lake mask (true where lake on land)
! Land surface cover type (lon, lat, tile)
! Ground type (lon, lat, tile)
integer, pointer, dimension (:,:,:) :: & ! (lon, lat, tile)
cover_type =>NULL(), & ! land cover type
ground =>NULL() ! ground type
! Maximum snow capacity
! When true, prevent glacier sublimation and do not allow glacier melt
! to run off
! Coefficients for diffusion
! Coefficients for diffusion
real :: max_snow ! max snow capacity
logical :: conserve_glacier_mass ! when true, prevent glacier sublimation and don't
! allow glacier melt to run off
logical :: conserve_glacier_snow_mass ! when true, don't reset negative snow
! masses to zero on top of glacier
real, pointer :: aa(:) =>NULL(), cc(:) =>NULL() ! coefficients for diffusion
! State of rivers and runoff
type(rivers_type) :: Rivers ! state of rivers and runoff
end type soil_type
! some names, for information only
character(len=*), parameter :: module_name = 'soil'
character(len=128), parameter :: version = '$Id: soil.F90,v 16.0 2008/07/30 22:30:32 fms Exp $'
character(len=128), parameter :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! ---- module constants ------------------------------------------------------
integer, parameter :: max_lev = 50
! Default number of soil levels
! Default thickness of layers, from top down
! Initial no-ice T if no restart
! Initial ice T if no restart, used where snow or glacier
! Initial soil water is set to min(init_water, max_water) if no restart
! Initial snow pack is set to min(init_snow, max_snow) if no restart
! Initial groundwater storage if no restart
! When true, prevent glacier sublimation and don't allow glacier melt to
! run off
! Amount of freezable water in soil, from top down
! Initial amount of frozen water in soil if no restart
integer :: index
! ---- namelist variables and their default values ---------------------------
logical :: do_netcdf_restart = .true.
integer :: n_levels = 5 ! default number of soil levels
real :: dz(max_lev) = & ! default thickness of layers, from top down, m
(/ 0.005, 0.045, 0.10, 0.35, 1.0, 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., &
0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0. /)
real :: init_temp_no_ice = 288. ! initial no-ice T if no restart
real :: init_temp_ice = 260. ! initial ice T if no restart,
! used where snow or glacier
real :: init_water = 0. ! initial soil water is set to
! min(init_water, max_water)
! if no restart
real :: init_snow = 0. ! initial snow pack is set to
! min(init_snow, max_snow)
! if no restart
real :: init_groundwater = 0. ! initial groundwater storage
! if no restart
logical :: conserve_glacier_mass= .false. ! when true, prevent glacier sublimation
! and don't allow glacier melt to run off
logical :: conserve_glacier_snow_mass= .false. ! when true, don't reset negative snow
! masses to zero on top of glacier
real :: freezable_water(max_lev) = (/(0.0,index=1,max_lev)/)
! amount of water that can be frozen (but cannot participate in other hydrologycal processes)
real :: init_frozen_water = 0
namelist /soil_nml/ n_levels, dz, &
init_temp_no_ice, init_temp_ice, init_water, init_snow, &
init_groundwater, conserve_glacier_mass, conserve_glacier_snow_mass, &
freezable_water, init_frozen_water
logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE. ! indicates whether the module was initialized
! ---- diagnostic field ids --------------------------------------------------
! diag fields
integer :: id_zhalf, id_zfull
integer :: id_snow, id_water, id_temp
integer :: id_albedo, id_albedo_vis_dir, id_albedo_nir_dir
integer :: id_albedo_vis_dif, id_albedo_nir_dif
integer :: id_drainage, id_calving, id_precip, id_snowfall, id_evapor, id_sublim
integer :: id_smelt, id_gmelt, id_watsno
integer :: id_sens, id_lhf
integer :: id_lw, id_sw
integer :: id_surface_runoff, id_surface_runoff_snow
integer :: id_groundwater
! static fields
integer :: id_area
integer :: id_lfrac
integer :: id_glacier
integer :: id_cover_type
integer :: id_tcon, id_rho_cap
integer :: id_stomatal
integer :: id_max_water
integer :: id_rough_heat, id_rough_mom
integer :: id_tau_gw
integer :: id_frozen
integer :: id_hlf
integer :: id_hlv
! Half level
! Full level
! Mass of water in the bucket
! Mass of snow on the ground
! Temperature
! Albedo
! Direct visible surface albedo
! Direct near-infrared surface albedo
! Diffuse visible surface albedo
! Diffuse near-infrared surface albedo
! Drainage rate
! Snow sweep rate
! Total precipitation rate
! Snowfall rate
! Evaporation rate
! Sublimation rate
! Snow melt rate
! Glacier melt rate
! Sensible heat flux
! Latent heat flux
! Net longwave radiative flux
! Net shortwave radiative flux
! Surface runoff of water
! Surface runoff of snow
! Mass of water below bucket
! Land area
! Fraction of land in cell
! Glacier logical mask
! Land surface cover type
! Ground thermal conductivity
! Ground volumetric heat capacity
! Non-water-stressed stomatal resistance
! Root-zone water capacity
! Momentum roughness length
! Scalar roughness length
! Groundwater residence time
! Amount of frozen water in soil
! Latent heat of fusion
! Latent heat of evaporation
! ---- end of diagnostic field ids -------------------------------------------
! Interface to tile-averaged diagnostic routines
! Interface to tile-averaged diagnostic routines
! ---- interface to tile-averaged diagnostic routines ------------------------
interface send_averaged_data
module procedure send_averaged_data2d
module procedure send_averaged_data3d
end interface
! for diagnostics only
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: iwatch = 133, jwatch=84
! Initializes the state of the soil.
! Reads the namelist, which is assumed to be named soil_nml and located
! in the file input.nml. Sets the number of tiles in the soil and the
! level number for the soil data. Allocate soil data. Sets up
! time-related values and vertical layering parameters. Sets up initial
! land area, fractional area, and mask. Reconciles the fractional area with
! mask: the sum of fractional areas has to be 1 everywhere, even where
! there is no land. Initializes accumulated values, soil diagnostics and
! rivers submodule. Assigns initial values to dynamic land properties
! (albedo). Send static fields to diagnostic manager for output and copies
! glacier mass conservation flag to the soil data stricture.
! call soil_init ( soil, gblon, gblat, garea, gfrac, &
! time, dt_fast, dt_slow, domain, frac, mask, &
! id_lon, id_lat, dz1 )
subroutine soil_init ( soil, gblon, gblat, garea, gfrac, &
time, dt_fast, dt_slow, domain, frac, mask, &
id_lon, id_lat, dz1 )
type(soil_type), intent(inout) :: soil ! soil data to initialize
real, intent(in) :: gblon(:,:) ! lon corners of the grid cells
real, intent(in) :: gblat(:,:) ! lat corners of the grid cells
real, intent(in) :: garea(:,:) ! full area of the land grid cells
real, intent(in) :: gfrac(:,:) ! fraction of grid cells covered by land
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time ! time origin
type(time_type), intent(in) :: dt_fast ! fast time step
type(time_type), intent(in) :: dt_slow ! slow time step
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain ! domain assigned for us
! may be the values below should be replaced with something more
! general, like "grid_type" ?
real, intent(in) :: frac(:,:,:) ! fractional area of tiles
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:) ! true if land
integer, intent(in) :: id_lon ! ID of longitude land diag axis
integer, intent(in) :: id_lat ! ID of latitude land diag axis
real, optional, intent(in) :: dz1(:) ! thickness of soil layers
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: unit ! unit for various i/o
integer :: ierr ! error code, returned by i/o routines
integer :: io ! i/o status for the namelist
integer :: day, sec ! for computation of real time step
integer :: k ! level iterator
real :: init_fusion ! initial value stored in frozen water, J/m3
integer :: model_yr, model_month, model_day ! used for get_date
integer :: model_hour, model_minute, model_second ! used for get_date
integer :: this_year ! the current model year
character(len=64) :: fname = 'INPUT/soil.res.nc'
character(len=64) :: lvltag
logical :: is_data_read = .false.
module_is_initialized =.TRUE.
! read namelist, which is assumed to be named soil_nml and located in the
! file input.nml
if ( file_exist( 'input.nml' ) ) then
unit = open_namelist_file ( )
ierr = 1
do while ( ierr /= 0 )
read ( unit, nml = soil_nml, iostat = io, end = 10 )
ierr = check_nml_error ( io, 'soil_nml' )
10 continue
call close_file( unit )
call get_restart_io_mode(do_netcdf_restart)
! write version information to a log file
call write_version_number(version,tagname)
! write the namelist to a log file
if( mpp_pe()==0 ) then
unit = stdlog( )
write (unit, nml=soil_nml)
call close_file (unit)
! copy specified domain to our data
soil % domain = domain
! get the size of our domain
call mpp_get_compute_domain ( soil%domain, &
soil%is, soil%ie, soil%js, soil%je )
! set the number of tiles in the soil
soil%n_tiles = size(frac,3)
! set up level number for the soil data
if (present(dz1)) then
soil%n_levels = size(dz1(:)) ! values from the argument list
soil%n_levels = n_levels ! default value
! allocate soil data
allocate ( &
soil% dz (soil%n_levels), &
soil% z (soil%n_levels), &
soil% zz (soil%n_levels+1), &
soil% aa (soil%n_levels+1), &
soil% cc (soil%n_levels+1), &
soil% max_fusion (soil%n_levels), &
soil% area (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je), &
soil% frac (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% mask (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% temp (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles, &
soil%n_levels), &
soil% fusion (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles, &
soil%n_levels), &
soil% snow (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% water (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% groundwater (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% drainage (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% drainage_accum (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% calving (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% calving_accum (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% albedo (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% albedo_vis_dir (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% albedo_nir_dir (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% albedo_vis_dif (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% albedo_nir_dif (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% rough_mom (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% rough_heat (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% rough_scale (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% stomatal (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% max_water (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
stat = ierr )
if (ierr /= 0) &
call error_mesg (module_name, 'Cannot allocate memory for soil', FATAL)
allocate ( &
soil% tcon (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles, &
soil%n_levels), &
soil% rho_cap (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles, &
soil%n_levels), &
soil% tau_groundwater(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% glacier (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% lake (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% cover_type (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), &
soil% ground (soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles), stat = ierr )
if (ierr /= 0) &
call error_mesg (module_name, 'Cannot allocate memory for soil', FATAL)
! set up time-related values
soil % time = time
call get_time(dt_fast, sec, day); soil%dt = day*86400.0+sec
call get_time(dt_slow, sec, day); soil%dt_slow = day*86400.0+sec
! get current model year from the soil%time
call get_date(soil%Time, model_yr, model_month, model_day, model_hour, model_minute, model_second)
this_year = model_yr
! set up level number for the soil data
if (present(dz1)) then
soil%dz = dz1(1:size(soil%dz(:)))
soil%dz = dz (1:size(soil%dz(:)))
! set up vertical layering parameters
soil%zz(1) = 0
do k = 1, soil%n_levels
soil%zz(k+1) = soil%zz(k) + soil%dz(k)
end do
do k = 1, soil%n_levels
soil%z(k) = 0.5*(soil%zz(k+1) + soil%zz(k))
end do
do k = 1, soil%n_levels-1
soil%aa(k) = - 2.0*soil%dt/(soil%dz(k)*(soil%dz(k+1)+soil%dz(k)))
end do
do k = 2, soil%n_levels
soil%cc(k) = - 2.0*soil%dt/(soil%dz(k)*(soil%dz(k)+soil%dz(k-1)))
end do
soil%aa(soil%n_levels) = 0.0
soil%cc(1) = 0.0
! set up initial land area, fractional area, and mask
soil%area = garea(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je) &
* gfrac(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je)
soil%frac = frac
soil%mask = mask
! initialize max amount of possible fusion
soil%max_fusion = freezable_water(1:size(soil%dz(:)))*hlf
! read restart file, if it exists
if( file_exist('INPUT/soil.res.nc') .or. file_exist('INPUT/soil.res.tile1.nc') ) then
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call error_mesg ('soil_mod', &
'Reading NetCDF formatted restart file: INPUT/soil.res.nc', NOTE)
call set_domain( soil%domain )
call read_data ( fname, 'frac', soil%frac)
do k = 1, size(soil%temp, 4)
if(k < 10) write(lvltag, '(i1)') k
if(k >= 10) write(lvltag, '(i2)') k
if(k >= 100) write(lvltag, '(i3)') k
call read_data ( fname, 'soil_temp_'//trim(lvltag), soil%temp(:,:,:,k) )
call read_data ( fname, 'water', soil%water )
call read_data ( fname, 'snow', soil%snow )
call read_data ( fname, 'groundwater', soil%groundwater )
do k = 1, size(soil%fusion, 4)
if(k < 10) write(lvltag, '(i1)') k
if(k >= 10) write(lvltag, '(i2)') k
if(k >= 100) write(lvltag, '(i3)') k
call read_data ( fname, 'fusion_'//trim(lvltag), soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) )
soil%mask = (soil%frac >= 0)
is_data_read = .true.
else if (file_exist('INPUT/soil.res')) then
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call error_mesg ('soil_mod', &
'Reading native formatted restart file.', NOTE)
unit = open_restart_file('INPUT/soil.res', 'read')
call set_domain( soil%domain )
call read_data ( unit, soil%frac )
call read_data ( unit, soil%temp )
call read_data ( unit, soil%water )
call read_data ( unit, soil%snow )
call read_data ( unit, soil%groundwater )
call read_data ( unit, soil%fusion )
call close_file( unit )
is_data_read = .true.
! set up mask and fractional area
soil%mask = (soil%frac >= 0)
! set up initial land area, fractional area, and mask
soil%area = garea(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je) &
* gfrac(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je)
soil%frac = frac
soil%mask = mask
! reconcile fractional area with mask: the sum of fractional areas
! has to be 1 everywhere, even where there is no land.
where ( .not.soil%mask ) soil%frac = 0.0
where ( .not.any(soil%mask, DIM=3) ) soil%frac(:,:,1) = 1.0
! initialize accumulated values
soil%drainage_accum = 0
soil%calving_accum = 0
! initialize soil diagnostics -- must be before calls to initialization of
! sub-modules because they use id_lon and id_lat, defined by this call
call init_soil_diag ( id_lon, id_lat, soil%z, soil%zz, Time )
call land_properties_init ( &
gblon(soil%is:(soil%ie+1),soil%js:(soil%je+1)), &
gblat(soil%is:(soil%ie+1),soil%js:(soil%je+1)), &
soil%mask, time, soil%domain, &
soil%glacier, &
soil%lake, &
soil%rough_mom, &
soil%rough_heat, &
soil%rough_scale, &
soil%tcon, &
soil%rho_cap, &
soil%stomatal, &
soil%max_water, &
soil%tau_groundwater, &
soil%max_snow, &
soil%cover_type, &
id_lon, id_lat )
if (.not.is_data_read) then
! if we did not read the restart file, initialize data with reasonable values
! ("cold start"). Note that we could not do that before initialization of land
! properties; on the other hand the initialization of land properties cannot be
! done before reading restart file since mask is being read from restart.
Soil%water = init_water
Soil%snow = init_snow
Soil%groundwater = init_groundwater
init_fusion = init_frozen_water*hlf
do k = 1, n_levels
Soil%temp(:,:,:,k) = init_temp_no_ice
Soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) = init_fusion
where (Soil%glacier .or. Soil%snow>0)
Soil%temp(:,:,:,k) = init_temp_ice
#ifdef SCM
!--- for single column model -------------------------------------!
!--- initialize surface temperature to observed value ------------!
if (do_specified_tskin .and. do_specified_land) then
Soil%temp(:,:,:,1) = TSKIN
end if
! initialize rivers submodule
call rivers_init &
( Soil%rivers, gblon, gblat, garea, gfrac, time, dt_fast, dt_slow, domain, &
id_lon, id_lat )
! assign initial values to dynamic land properties (albedo)
!! either include all the albedo components in this call, or define
!! the albedo components upon return.
call update_land_properties_fast &
(soil%snow(:,:,:), soil%temp(:,:,:,1), soil%mask, soil%albedo(:,:,:), &
! (soil%snow(:,:,:), soil%temp(:,:,:,1), soil%mask, &
! soil%albedo(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_vis_dir(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_nir_dir(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_vis_dif(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_nir_dif(:,:,:) )
!! FOR NOW, set all values to be the same:
soil%albedo_vis_dir = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_nir_dir = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_vis_dif = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_nir_dif = soil%albedo
! send static fields to diagnostic manager for output
call diag_static(soil, gfrac(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je))
! copy glacier mass conservation flag to the soil data stricture
soil%conserve_glacier_mass = conserve_glacier_mass
soil%conserve_glacier_snow_mass = conserve_glacier_snow_mass
end subroutine soil_init
! Initializes diagnostic for soil.
! Initializes diagnostics for soil. Defines vertical axis, array of
! axis indices and diagnostic and static fields.
! call init_soil_diag ( id_lon, id_lat, zfull, zhalf, Time )
subroutine init_soil_diag ( id_lon, id_lat, zfull, zhalf, Time )
integer, intent(in) :: id_lon ! ID of land longitude (X) axis
integer, intent(in) :: id_lat ! ID of land longitude (X) axis
real, intent(in) :: zfull(:)! Full levels, m
real, intent(in) :: zhalf(:)! Half levels, m
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time ! Current time
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer :: axes(3)
! define vertical axis
id_zhalf = diag_axis_init ( &
'zhalf', zhalf, 'meters', 'z', 'half level', -1, set_name='land' )
id_zfull = diag_axis_init ( &
'zfull', zfull, 'meters', 'z', 'full level', -1, set_name='land', &
edges=id_zhalf )
! define array of axis indices
axes = (/ id_lon, id_lat, id_zfull /)
! define diagnostic fields
id_water = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'water', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'mass of water in bucket', 'kg/m2', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_snow = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'snow', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'mass of snow on ground', 'kg/m2', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_temp = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'temp', axes, &
Time, 'temperature', 'degK', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_frozen = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'frozen', axes, &
Time, 'amount of frozen water', 'kg/m3', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_albedo = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'albedo', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'albedo', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_albedo_vis_dir = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'albedo_vis_dir', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'albedo_vis_dir', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_albedo_vis_dif = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'albedo_vis_dif', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'albedo_vis_dif', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_albedo_nir_dir = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'albedo_nir_dir', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'albedo_nir_dir', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_albedo_nir_dif = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'albedo_nir_dif', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'albedo_nir_dif', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_drainage = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'drainage', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'drainage rate', 'kg/(m2 s)',missing_value=-100.0 )
id_calving = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'calving', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'snow sweep rate', 'kg/(m2 s)',missing_value=-100.0 )
id_precip = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'precip', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'total precipitation rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_snowfall = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'snowfall', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'snowfall rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_evapor = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'evap', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'evaporation rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_sublim = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'sublim',axes(1:2), &
Time, 'sublimation rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_smelt = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'smelt', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'snow melt rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_gmelt = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'gmelt', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'glacier melt rate', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_watsno = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'watsno', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'rate of water theft by snow', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-100.0 )
id_sens = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'sens', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'sensible heat flux', 'W/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_lhf = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'latent', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'latent heat flux', 'W/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_lw = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'flw', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'net longwave radiative flux', 'W/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_sw = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'fsw', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'net shortwave radiative flux', 'W/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_surface_runoff= register_diag_field ( module_name, 'wroff', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'surface runoff of water', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_surface_runoff_snow= register_diag_field ( module_name, 'sroff', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'surface runoff of snow', 'kg/(m2 s)', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_groundwater = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'groundwater', axes(1:2),&
Time, 'mass of water below bucket', 'kg/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_cover_type = register_diag_field( module_name, 'cover_type', axes(1:2), &
Time, 'Land surface cover type', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-1.0)
id_hlf = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'hlf', long_name='Latent heat of fusion', units='J/kg' )
id_hlv = register_diag_field ( module_name, 'hlv', long_name='Latent heat of evaporation', units='J/kg' )
! define static diagnostic fields
id_area = register_static_field ( module_name, 'area', axes(1:2), &
'land area', 'm2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_lfrac = register_static_field ( module_name, 'lfrac', axes(1:2), &
'fraction of land in cell','none', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_glacier = register_static_field ( module_name, 'glacier', axes(1:2), &
'glacier logical mask', 'dimensionless', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_tcon = register_static_field ( module_name, 'tcon', axes, &
'ground thermal conductivity', 'W/(m K s)', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_rho_cap = register_static_field ( module_name, 'rho_cap', axes, &
'ground volumetric heat capacity', 'J/(m3 K)', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_stomatal = register_static_field ( module_name,'stomatal', axes(1:2), &
'non-water-stressed stomatal resistance', 's/m', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_max_water = register_static_field ( module_name, 'max_water', axes(1:2),&
'root-zone water capacity', 'kg/m2', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_rough_mom = register_static_field ( module_name, 'rough_mom',axes(1:2),&
'momentum roughness length', 'm', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_rough_heat = register_static_field ( module_name, 'rough_heat',axes(1:2),&
'scalar roughness length', 'm', missing_value=-999.0 )
id_tau_gw = register_static_field ( module_name, 'tau_gw',axes(1:2),&
'groundwater residence time', 's', missing_value=-999.0 )
end subroutine init_soil_diag
! Deallocates soil data.
! Deallocates soil data.
! call soil_end ( soil )
subroutine soil_end ( soil )
type(soil_type), intent(inout) :: soil ! data to finish using
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
integer unit ! file unit number to write
real frac(soil%is:soil%ie, soil%js:soil%je, soil%n_tiles)
character(len=64) :: fname = 'RESTART/soil.res.nc'
character(len=64) :: lvltag
integer :: k
module_is_initialized =.FALSE.
! finish using rivers data
call rivers_end ( soil%rivers )
! save restart file
where ( .not.soil%mask ) frac = -1
call set_domain(soil%domain)
if( do_netcdf_restart ) then
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call error_mesg ('soil_mod', &
'Writing NetCDF formatted restart file: RESTART/soil.res.nc', NOTE)
call write_data ( fname, 'frac', frac )
do k = 1, size(soil%temp, 4)
if(k < 10) write(lvltag, '(i1)') k
if(k >= 10) write(lvltag, '(i2)') k
if(k >= 100) write(lvltag, '(i3)') k
call write_data ( fname, 'soil_temp_'//trim(lvltag), soil%temp(:,:,:,k) )
call write_data ( fname, 'water', soil%water )
call write_data ( fname, 'snow', soil%snow )
call write_data ( fname, 'groundwater', soil%groundwater )
do k = 1, size(soil%fusion, 4)
if(k < 10) write(lvltag, '(i1)') k
if(k >= 10) write(lvltag, '(i2)') k
if(k >= 100) write(lvltag, '(i3)') k
call write_data ( fname, 'fusion_'//trim(lvltag), soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) )
if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call error_mesg ('soil_mod', &
'Writing native formatted restart file.', NOTE)
unit = open_restart_file ('RESTART/soil.res', 'write')
call write_data ( unit,frac )
call write_data ( unit,soil%temp )
call write_data ( unit,soil%water )
call write_data ( unit,soil%snow )
call write_data ( unit,soil%groundwater )
call write_data ( unit,soil%fusion )
call close_file ( unit )
! deallocate data
deallocate ( &
soil % dz, &
soil % z, &
soil % zz, &
soil % aa, &
soil % cc, &
soil % max_fusion, &
soil % area, &
soil % frac, &
soil % mask, &
soil % temp, &
soil % snow, &
soil % water, &
soil % groundwater, &
soil % drainage, &
soil % drainage_accum, &
soil % calving, &
soil % calving_accum, &
soil % albedo, &
soil % albedo_vis_dir, &
soil % albedo_nir_dir, &
soil % albedo_vis_dif, &
soil % albedo_nir_dif, &
soil % rough_mom, &
soil % rough_heat, &
soil % rough_scale, &
soil % stomatal, &
soil % max_water, &
soil % tcon, &
soil % rho_cap, &
soil % tau_groundwater, &
soil % glacier, &
soil % lake, &
soil % cover_type, &
soil % ground, &
soil % fusion )
end subroutine soil_end
! Fast time-scale soil updater.
! Calculate surface temperature with implicit correction via upward part
! of tridiagonal elimination for implicit correction. The surface
! temperature is corrected for snow melt before proceeding to complete
! downward part of tridiagonal elimination. If the temperature is above
! freezing and snow or glacial ice is present, compute potential melt.
! In non-glaciated regions, if there is not enough snow, melt only what's
! there and increase surface temperature above freezing. In glaciated
! regions, if there is not enough snow, melt only what's there and then
! melt the glacier. Otherwise go ahead and use all of the potential snow
! melt, and leave the surface temperature at freezing.
! Accumulate snow melt water into bucket in non-glacier regions. Using
! this snow melt-modified surface temperature, correct all fluxes and
! compute temperature increment and new temperature for output. Complete
! the tridiagonal solver.
! Bucket hydrology involves treating unglaciated cells first. Tentative
! changes are based on time-step evaporation and precipitation. If snow
! cover went negative during this step, take the necessary mass from the
! soil (water) and re-zero snow. Then put excess soil water into soil
! drainage. Then do the glaciated cells. soil water is not present, and
! glacier mass is not tracked. For all land cells, put excess snow into
! calving. Accumulate drainage for transfer to groundwater on the slow
! time step. Similarly, accumulate calving. Compute the new albedos and
! update rivers.
! call update_soil_fast ( soil, &
! fsw, flw, sens, evap, dhdt, dedt, drdt, lprec, fprec )
subroutine update_soil_fast ( soil, &
fsw, flw, sens, evap, dhdt, dedt, drdt, lprec, fprec )
type(soil_type), intent(inout) :: soil ! soil state to update
real, intent(in) :: &
fsw (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je,soil%n_tiles), & ! shortwave flux
flw (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je,soil%n_tiles), & ! longwave flux
sens (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je,soil%n_tiles), & ! sensible heat
! flux
evap (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je,soil%n_tiles), & ! evaporation
dhdt (:,:,:), & ! derivative of sens over T
dedt (:,:,:), & ! derivative of evap over T
drdt (:,:,:), & ! derivative of LW radiation over T
lprec(:,:,:), & ! liquid prec
fprec(:,:,:) ! solid prec (snow)
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
real, dimension(size(soil%frac,1), size(soil%frac,2), size(soil%frac,3)) :: &
t_surf, &
snow_melt, &
glacier_melt, &
watsno, &
rho_cap_dz, &
latent, & ! spec heat of sublimation/evaporation
sublim, &
t_to_snow, &
phase_change, &
sens_new, &
evap_new, &
flw_new, &
aaa, ccc, bbb, &
num, denom, &
flux, deriv
logical, dimension(size(fsw,1), size(fsw,2), size(soil%frac,3)) :: &
not_glacier, &
ice_or_snow, &
real, dimension(&
size(fsw,1), size(fsw,2), size(soil%temp,3), size(soil%temp,4))::&
e, &
f, &
integer :: k, k2
integer :: num_lev ! number of levels in the soil
! check input argument consistency -- should be disabled after debugging
if ( size(fsw,1) /= size(soil%area,1) .or. size(fsw,2) /= size(soil%area,2) ) &
call error_mesg ( module_name, &
'update_land_fast:: input arguments have incorrect horizontal dimensions', &
not_glacier = soil%mask .and. .not.soil%glacier
ice_or_snow = soil%mask .and. (soil%snow > 0 .or. soil%glacier)
! when snow or ice is present, include latent heat of fusion when computing
! energy equivalent of evaporation (sublimation) rate
latent = hlv
where (ice_or_snow) latent = hlf + hlv
! some initial values
t_surf = soil%temp(:,:,:,1)
snow_melt = 0.0
glacier_melt = 0.0
evap_new = 0.0
sens_new = 0.0
flw_new = 0.0
sublim = 0.0
watsno = 0.0
num_lev = size(soil%temp,4)
! some useful combinations
! factor for converting flux into temperature change in top layer
rho_cap_dz = soil%dt/(soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,1)*soil%dz(1))
! factor for converting temperature change into energy equivalent
! of snow melt
t_to_snow = soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,1)*soil%dz(1)/hlf
! temperature change in top layer due to flux into soil
flux = (flw + fsw - (sens + latent*evap))*rho_cap_dz
! derivative of 'flux' with respect to surface T -- a non-dimensional quantity
deriv = -(dhdt + latent*dedt + drdt)*rho_cap_dz
if(num_lev > 1) then
! explicit tendency due to diffusion
do k = 2, num_lev - 1
where(soil%mask) &
del_t(:,:,:,k) = ( &
! - soil%diff*( soil%aa(k)*(soil%temp(:,:,:,k+1) - soil%temp(:,:,:,k)) &
! - soil%cc(k)*(soil%temp(:,:,:,k) - soil%temp(:,:,:,k-1)))
- ( (dz(k)+dz(k+1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k+1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k+1))) &
*( soil%aa(k)*(soil%temp(:,:,:,k+1) - soil%temp(:,:,:,k))) &
+ ( (dz(k)+dz(k-1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k-1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k-1))) &
*( soil%cc(k)*(soil%temp(:,:,:,k) - soil%temp(:,:,:,k-1))) &
) / soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
k = 1
k2 = num_lev
where ( soil%mask )
! aaa = soil%diff*soil%aa(1)
! ccc = soil%diff*soil%cc(num_lev)
aaa = ( (dz(k)+dz(k+1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k+1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k+1))) &
*soil%aa(k) / soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
ccc = ( (dz(k2)+dz(k2-1))/(dz(k2)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k2)+dz(k2-1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k2-1))) &
*soil%cc(k2) / soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k2)
del_t(:,:,:,1)= &
-aaa*(soil%temp(:,:,:,2) - soil%temp(:,:,:,1))
del_t(:,:,:,num_lev) = &
ccc*(soil%temp(:,:,:,num_lev) - soil%temp(:,:,:,num_lev-1))
e(:,:,:,num_lev) = 0.0 ! boundary condition for tridiagonal elimination
f(:,:,:,num_lev) = 0.0 ! boundary condition for tridiagonal elimination
! upward part of tridiagonal elimination for implicit correction
! (one could save a few multiplications by defining some additional arrays)
k = num_lev
! aaa = soil%diff*soil%aa(k)
! ccc = soil%diff*soil%cc(k)
aaa = 0
ccc = ( (dz(k)+dz(k-1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k-1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k-1)))&
* soil%cc(k)/soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
bbb = 1.0 - aaa - ccc
denom = aaa*e(:,:,:,k) + bbb
e(:,:,:,k-1) = -ccc/denom
f(:,:,:,k-1) = (del_t(:,:,:,k) - aaa*f(:,:,:,k))/denom
do k = num_lev-1, 2, -1
! aaa = soil%diff*soil%aa(k)
! ccc = soil%diff*soil%cc(k)
aaa = ( (dz(k)+dz(k+1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k+1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k+1)))&
* soil%aa(k)/soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
ccc = ( (dz(k)+dz(k-1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k-1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k-1)))&
* soil%cc(k)/soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
bbb = 1.0 - aaa - ccc
denom = aaa*e(:,:,:,k) + bbb
e(:,:,:,k-1) = -ccc/denom
f(:,:,:,k-1) = (del_t(:,:,:,k) - aaa*f(:,:,:,k))/denom
end do
! surface temperature with implicit correction
k = 1
aaa = ( (dz(k)+dz(k+1))/(dz(k)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k)+dz(k+1)/soil%tcon(:,:,:,k+1)))&
num = del_t(:,:,:,1) - aaa*f(:,:,:,1) + flux
denom = 1.0 + aaa*(e(:,:,:,1) -1.0) - deriv
t_surf = soil%temp(:,:,:,1) + num/denom
else ! one level case
num = flux
denom = 1.0 - deriv
t_surf = soil%temp(:,:,:,1) + num/denom
end if
! correct this surface temperature for snow melt before proceeding to
! complete "downward" part of tridiagonal elimination
! if temperature is above freezing and snow or glacial ice is present,
! compute potential melt
where (ice_or_snow .and. t_surf > tfreeze) &
snow_melt = (t_surf - tfreeze)*denom*t_to_snow
! in non-glaciated region,
! if there is not enough snow, melt only what's there and increase
! surface temperature above freezing
where (not_glacier .and. snow_melt > soil%snow )
snow_melt = soil%snow
t_surf = soil%temp(:,:,:,1) + (num - snow_melt/t_to_snow)/denom
soil%snow = 0.0
soil%water = soil%water + snow_melt
! in glaciated region,
! if there is not enough snow, melt only what's there and then
! melt the glacier
where (soil%glacier .and. snow_melt > soil%snow)
t_surf = tfreeze
glacier_melt = snow_melt - soil%snow
snow_melt = soil%snow
soil%snow = 0.0
! otherwise go ahead and use all of the potential snow melt, and leave the
! surface temperature at freezing
! accumulate snow melt water into bucket in non-glacier regions
where (not_glacier .and. snow_melt > 0.0 .and. snow_melt <= soil%snow)
soil%water = soil%water + snow_melt
where (soil%mask .and. snow_melt > 0 .and. snow_melt <= soil%snow)
t_surf = tfreeze
soil%snow = soil%snow - snow_melt
! using this snow melt-modified surface temperature, correct all fluxes
! and compute temperature increment and new temperature for output
where (soil%mask)
del_t(:,:,:,1) = t_surf - soil%temp(:,:,:,1)
soil%temp(:,:,:,1) = t_surf
sens_new = sens + dhdt*del_t(:,:,:,1)
evap_new = evap + dedt*del_t(:,:,:,1)
flw_new = flw - drdt*del_t(:,:,:,1)
where (ice_or_snow) sublim = evap_new
! completing the tridiagonal solver
if( num_lev > 1) then
do k = 1, num_lev-1
where (soil%mask)
del_t(:,:,:,k+1) = e(:,:,:,k)*del_t(:,:,:,k) + f(:,:,:,k)
soil%temp(:,:,:,k+1) = soil%temp(:,:,:,k+1) + del_t(:,:,:,k+1)
end do
end if
do k=1, num_lev
where (soil%mask .and. soil%fusion(:,:,:,k)>0.and.soil%temp(:,:,:,k)>tfreeze)
phase_change = min (soil%fusion(:,:,:,k),(soil%temp(:,:,:,k)-tfreeze)*soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k))
soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) = soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) - phase_change
soil%temp(:,:,:,k) = soil%temp(:,:,:,k) - phase_change/soil%rho_cap(:,:,:,k)
elsewhere (soil%mask .and.soil%fusion(:,:,:,k) 0.0
!--- first treat unglaciated cells...
! tentative changes based on time-step evaporation and precipitation.
! if snow cover went negative during step, take necessary mass from
! soil (water) and re-zero snow. (this does not conserve latent heat?)
! then put excess soil water into soil drainage.
where(not_glacier .and. .not. snow_on_ground)
soil%water = soil%water + (lprec - evap_new)*soil%dt
soil%snow = fprec*soil%dt
where(ice_or_snow) watsno = evap_new
end where
where (not_glacier .and. snow_on_ground)
soil%water = soil%water + lprec*soil%dt
soil%snow = soil%snow + (fprec - evap_new)*soil%dt
soil%water = soil%water + min(soil%snow, 0.0)
watsno = -min(soil%snow, 0.0)/soil%dt
soil%snow = max(soil%snow, 0.0)
end where
where (not_glacier)
soil%drainage = max((soil%water-soil%max_water)/soil%dt, 0.0)
soil%water = min( soil%water,soil%max_water)
end where
where (soil%lake)
soil%drainage = soil%drainage + (soil%water - soil%max_water)/soil%dt
soil%water= soil%max_water
end where
!--- then do the glaciated cells. soil water is not present, and
! glacier mass is not tracked.
if (soil%conserve_glacier_snow_mass) then
where(soil%glacier) soil%snow = soil%snow + (fprec - evap_new)*soil%dt
where(soil%glacier .and. .not. snow_on_ground) &
soil%snow = fprec*soil%dt ! seems to asssume evap_new is not<0 !!
where (soil%glacier .and. snow_on_ground)
soil%snow = soil%snow + (fprec - evap_new)*soil%dt
soil%snow = max(soil%snow, 0.0)
end where
if (soil%conserve_glacier_mass) then
where (soil%glacier)
soil%drainage = snow_melt/soil%dt + lprec
soil%water = soil%max_water ! to avoid spurious "bone dry" on glaciers
where (soil%glacier)
soil%drainage = (snow_melt + glacier_melt)/soil%dt + lprec
soil%water = soil%max_water ! to avoid spurious "bone dry" on glaciers
!--- for all land cells, put excess snow into calving.
where (soil%mask)
soil%calving = max((soil%snow - soil%max_snow)/soil%dt, 0.0)
soil%snow = min(soil%snow, soil%max_snow)
!--- accumulate drainage for transfer to groundwater on slow time step.
! similarly, accumulate calving
where (soil%mask)
soil%drainage_accum = soil%drainage_accum &
+ soil%drainage*soil%dt
soil%calving_accum = soil%calving_accum &
+ soil%calving*soil%dt
!--- end of bucket hydrology -----------------------------------------
! increment time
soil%Time = increment_time(soil%Time, int(soil%dt), 0)
!--- override snow and water, if necessary ---------------------------
call data_override('LND', 'water', soil%water, soil%Time)
call data_override('LND', 'snow', soil%snow, soil%Time)
#ifdef SCM
!--- for single column model keep top level --------------------------
!--- temperature at observed value -----------------------------------
if (do_specified_tskin .and. do_specified_land) then
soil%temp(:,:,:,1) = TSKIN
end if
! compute new albedos
!! either include all the albedo components in this call, or define
!! the albedo components upon return.
call update_land_properties_fast &
(soil%snow, soil%temp(:,:,:,1), soil%mask, soil%albedo, soil%cover_type)
! (soil%snow(:,:,:), soil%temp(:,:,:,1), soil%mask, &
! soil%albedo(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_vis_dir(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_nir_dir(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_vis_dif(:,:,:), &
! soil%albedo_nir_dif(:,:,:) )
!! FOR NOW, set all values to be the same:
soil%albedo_vis_dir = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_nir_dir = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_vis_dif = soil%albedo
soil%albedo_nir_dif = soil%albedo
! update rivers
call update_rivers_fast ( soil%rivers )
call diag_fast(soil, lprec+fprec, fprec, evap_new, sublim, &
snow_melt/soil%dt, &
glacier_melt/soil%dt, watsno, sens_new, evap_new*latent, flw_new, fsw )
end subroutine update_soil_fast
! Slow time-scale soil state updater: groundwater dynamics and routing of
! river flows (and calving).
! Slow time-scale soil state updater: groundwater dynamics and routing of
! river flows (and calving). Calculations include snow runoff, liquid water
! runoff and surface runoff. Ground water is modified and the accumulated
! values for the next interval are cleaned up. Calls to average_tiles and
! update_rivers_slow.
! call update_soil_slow(soil)
subroutine update_soil_slow(soil, blon, blat)
type(soil_type), intent(inout) :: soil ! state to update
real, intent(inout) :: blon(:,:)
real, intent(inout) :: blat(:,:)
! ATTENTION: check and recheck to make sure area measures are consistent!
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
real, dimension(soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je,size(soil%frac,3)):: &
c0, c1, c2, & ! runoff calculation coefficients
x ! temporary value for calculations
real :: runoff_w (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je) ! liquid runoff
real :: runoff_s (soil%is:soil%ie,soil%js:soil%je) ! snow runoff
integer :: model_yr, model_month, model_day
integer :: model_hour, model_minute, model_second
integer, save :: this_year = -1
! calculate "snow runoff"
call average_tiles ( soil%calving_accum/soil%dt_slow, soil%frac, soil%mask, runoff_s )
! calculate liquid water runoff
where (soil%mask)
! calculate surface runoff
c0 = soil%dt_slow/soil%tau_groundwater
c1 = exp(-c0)
c2 = (1-c1)/c0
x = ((1-c1)*soil%groundwater + (1-c2)*soil%drainage_accum) / soil%dt_slow
! modify ground water
soil%groundwater = c1 * soil%groundwater + c2 * soil%drainage_accum
! clean up accumulated values for the next interval
soil%drainage_accum = 0.
soil%calving_accum = 0.
call average_tiles ( x, soil%frac, soil%mask, runoff_w)
! get the current year of the model
call get_date(soil%Time, model_yr, model_month, model_day, model_hour, model_minute, model_second)
! initialize this_year
if (this_year == -1) this_year = model_yr
! read the cover type forcing data every year
if (model_yr /= this_year) then
this_year = model_yr
call update_land_properties_slow ( &
blon, blat, &
soil%mask, soil%Time, soil%domain, &
soil%glacier, &
soil%lake, &
soil%rough_mom, &
soil%rough_heat, &
soil%rough_scale, &
soil%tcon, &
soil%rho_cap, &
soil%stomatal, &
soil%max_water, &
soil%tau_groundwater, &
soil%max_snow, &
soil%cover_type )
call update_rivers_slow ( soil % Rivers, runoff_w, runoff_s )
! diagnostic section
call diag_slow ( soil, runoff_w, runoff_s )
end subroutine update_soil_slow
! Updates boundary data for the atmosphere on the fast time-scale.
! Updates boundary data for the atmosphere on the fast time-scale.
! call update_soil_bnd_fast ( soil, bnd )
subroutine update_soil_bnd_fast ( soil, bnd )
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! current soil state
type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: bnd ! output boundary data
bnd % t_surf = soil % temp(:,:,:,1)
bnd % t_ca = soil % temp(:,:,:,1) ! vegetation can override this,
! if necessary
bnd % albedo = soil % albedo
bnd % albedo_vis_dir = soil%albedo_vis_dir
bnd % albedo_nir_dir = soil%albedo_nir_dir
bnd % albedo_vis_dif = soil%albedo_vis_dif
bnd % albedo_nir_dif = soil%albedo_nir_dif
end subroutine update_soil_bnd_fast
! Updates boundary data for the atmosphere on the slow time-scale.
! Updates boundary data for the atmosphere on the slow time-scale.
! call update_soil_bnd_slow ( soil, bnd )
subroutine update_soil_bnd_slow ( soil, bnd )
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! current soil state
type(land_data_type), intent(inout) :: bnd ! output boundary data
bnd % tile_size = soil % frac
bnd % mask = soil % mask
bnd % rough_mom = soil % rough_mom
bnd % rough_heat = soil % rough_heat
bnd % rough_scale= soil % rough_scale
call update_rivers_bnd_slow (soil%Rivers, bnd)
end subroutine update_soil_bnd_slow
! Calculate and return total amount of requested quantitiy per PE.
! Compute and return stock values of mass, heat, etc.
! call soil_stock_pe &
! ( soil, index, value )
subroutine soil_stock_pe(soil,index,value)
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! soil state
integer , intent(in) :: index ! ID of the stock to calculate
real , intent(out) :: value ! calculated value of the stock
! ---- local vars
integer :: i,j,k,l,num_lev
select case(index)
value = 0
do k = 1, soil%n_tiles
do j = soil%js,soil%je
do i = soil%is,soil%ie
if(.not.soil%mask(i,j,k)) cycle
value = value + soil%area(i,j)*soil%frac(i,j,k)*&
value = 0
num_lev = size(soil%temp,4)
do k = 1, soil%n_tiles
do j = soil%js,soil%je
do i = soil%is,soil%ie
if(.not.soil%mask(i,j,k)) cycle
do l = 1, num_lev
value = value + soil%area(i,j)*soil%frac(i,j,k)*soil%dz(l)* &
+soil%rho_cap(i,j,k,l)*(soil%temp(i,j,k,l)-tfreeze) )
value = value - hlf*soil%area(i,j)*soil%frac(i,j,k)*soil%snow(i,j,k)
case default
value = 0
end select
end subroutine soil_stock_pe
! Sends data for diagnostics on fast time-scale.
! Sends data for diagnostics on fast time-scale.
! call diag_fast &
! ( soil, prec, fprec, evap, sublim, smelt, gmelt, sens, lhf, flw, fsw )
subroutine diag_fast &
( soil, prec, fprec, evap, sublim, smelt, gmelt, watsno, sens, lhf, flw, fsw )
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! soil state
real, intent(in), dimension(:,:,:) :: &
prec, & ! total precipitation,
fprec, & ! frozen precipitation (snow)
evap, & ! evaporation
sublim,& ! sublimation
smelt, & ! snow melt
gmelt, & ! glacier melt
watsno,& ! water stolen by snow to satisfy sublimation
sens, & ! sensible heat flux, W/m2
lhf, & ! latent heat flux, W/m2
flw, & ! net longwave flux, W/m2
fsw ! shortwave flux, W/m2
! ---- local vars ----------------------------------------------------------
logical, pointer, save :: mask2 (:,:) =>NULL()
logical :: used
! set up masks
mask2 => soil%mask(:,:,1)
! send data to diagnostics manager ---
! tile-averaged data
if ( id_water > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_water, soil%water, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_snow > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_snow , soil%snow, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_temp > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_temp , soil%temp, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_frozen > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_frozen , soil%fusion/hlf, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_albedo > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_albedo, soil%albedo, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_albedo_vis_dir > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_albedo_vis_dir, soil%albedo_vis_dir, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_albedo_nir_dir > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_albedo_nir_dir, soil%albedo_nir_dir, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_albedo_vis_dif > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_albedo_vis_dif, soil%albedo_vis_dif, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_albedo_nir_dif > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_albedo_nir_dif, soil%albedo_nir_dif, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_drainage > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_drainage, soil%drainage, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_calving > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_calving, soil%calving, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_precip > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_precip, prec, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_snowfall > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_snowfall, fprec, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_evapor > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_evapor, evap, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_sublim > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_sublim, sublim, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_smelt > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_smelt, smelt, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_gmelt > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_gmelt, gmelt, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_watsno > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_watsno, watsno, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_sens > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_sens , sens, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_lhf > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_lhf , lhf, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_lw > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_lw , flw, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
if ( id_sw > 0 ) used = send_averaged_data &
( id_sw , fsw, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask )
end subroutine diag_fast
! Diagnostics on slow time-scale.
! Diagnostics on slow time-scale.
! call diag_slow (soil, runoff_w, runoff_s )
subroutine diag_slow (soil, runoff_w, runoff_s )
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! current soil state
real, intent(in) :: runoff_w(:,:) ! liquid runoff
real, intent(in) :: runoff_s(:,:) ! snow runoff
! --- local data ----------------------------------------------------------
logical :: mask2(size(soil%frac,1),size(soil%frac,2))
logical :: used
real :: dummy(size(soil%mask,1), size(soil%mask,2))
mask2 = ANY(soil%mask(:,:,:),3)
if (id_surface_runoff>0) &
used = send_data (id_surface_runoff, runoff_w, soil%Time, mask=mask2)
if (id_surface_runoff_snow>0) &
used = send_data (id_surface_runoff_snow, runoff_s, soil%Time, mask=mask2)
if (id_groundwater>0) &
used = send_averaged_data &
(id_groundwater, soil%groundwater, soil%frac, soil%Time, mask=soil%mask)
if (id_cover_type>0) then
dummy = soil%cover_type(:,:,1)
used = send_data (id_cover_type, dummy, soil%Time, mask=mask2)
end subroutine
! Diagnostics of the static variables.
! Diagnostics of the static variables.
! call diag_static(soil, frac)
subroutine diag_static(soil, frac)
type(soil_type), intent(in) :: soil ! soil state to diagnose
real, intent(in) :: frac(:,:) ! fraction of land in each cell
! --- local data ----------------------------------------------------------
real :: dummy(size(soil%frac,1),size(soil%frac,2))
logical :: mask2(size(soil%frac,1),size(soil%frac,2))
logical :: mask3(size(soil%frac,1),size(soil%frac,2),size(soil%tcon,4))
logical :: used
! --- update to averaged data later
mask2 = ANY(soil%mask(:,:,:),3)
mask3 = SPREAD(mask2,3,size(mask3,3))
dummy = 0.
if ( id_area > 0 ) &
used = send_data ( id_area, soil%area(:,:), soil%Time, mask=mask2 )
if ( id_lfrac > 0 ) &
used = send_data ( id_lfrac, frac(:,:), soil%Time, mask=mask2 )
where (soil%glacier(:,:,1)) dummy = 1.
if ( id_glacier > 0 ) &
used = send_data ( id_glacier, dummy(:,:), soil%Time, mask=mask2 )
if ( id_tcon > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_tcon, soil%tcon(:,:,1,:), soil%Time, mask=mask3 )
if ( id_rho_cap > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_rho_cap, soil%rho_cap(:,:,1,:), soil%Time, &
mask=mask3 )
if ( id_stomatal > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_stomatal, soil%stomatal(:,:,1), soil%Time, &
mask=mask2 )
if ( id_max_water > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_max_water, soil%max_water(:,:,1), soil%Time, &
mask=mask2 )
if ( id_rough_mom > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_rough_mom, soil%rough_mom(:,:,1), soil%Time, &
mask=mask2 )
if ( id_rough_heat > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_rough_heat, soil%rough_heat(:,:,1), soil%Time, &
mask=mask2 )
if ( id_tau_gw > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_tau_gw, soil%tau_groundwater(:,:,1), soil%Time, &
mask=mask2 )
if ( id_hlf > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_hlf, hlf, soil%Time )
if ( id_hlv > 0 )&
used = send_data ( id_hlv, hlv, soil%Time )
end subroutine diag_static
! Averages the data over tiles and sends them to diagnostics.
! Averages the data over tiles and sends them to diagnostics.
! value=send_averaged_data2d ( id, field, area, time, mask )
function send_averaged_data2d ( id, field, area, time, mask )
integer, intent(in) :: id ! id of the diagnostic field
real, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:) ! field to average and send
real, intent(in) :: area (:,:,:) ! area of tiles (== averaging
! weights), arbitrary units
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time ! current time
logical, intent(in),optional :: mask (:,:,:) ! land mask
! --- return value ---------------------------------------------------------
logical :: send_averaged_data2d
! --- local vars -----------------------------------------------------------
real :: out(size(field,1), size(field,2))
call average_tiles( field, area, mask, out )
send_averaged_data2d = send_data( id, out, time, mask=ANY(mask,DIM=3) )
end function send_averaged_data2d
! Averages the data over tiles and sends them to diagnostics.
! Averages the data over tiles and sends them to diagnostics.
! value=send_averaged_data3d ( id, field, area, time, mask )
function send_averaged_data3d( id, field, area, time, mask )
integer, intent(in) :: id ! id of the diagnostic field
real, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile, lev) field
! to average and send
real, intent(in) :: area (:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) tile areas
! ( == averaging weights),
! arbitrary units
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time ! current time
logical, intent(in),optional :: mask (:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) land mask
! --- return value ---------------------------------------------------------
logical :: send_averaged_data3d
! --- local vars -----------------------------------------------------------
real :: out(size(field,1), size(field,2), size(field,4))
logical :: mask3(size(field,1), size(field,2), size(field,4))
integer :: it
do it=1,size(field,4)
call average_tiles( field(:,:,:,it), area, mask, out(:,:,it) )
mask3(:,:,1) = ANY(mask,DIM=3)
do it = 2, size(field,4)
mask3(:,:,it) = mask3(:,:,1)
send_averaged_data3d = send_data( id, out, time, mask=mask3 )
end function send_averaged_data3d
! Average 2-dimensional field over tiles.
! Average 2-dimensional field over tiles.
! call average_tiles ( x, area, mask, out )
subroutine average_tiles ( x, area, mask, out )
real, intent(in) :: x (:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) field to average
real, intent(in) :: area(:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) fractional area
logical, intent(in) :: mask(:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) land mask
real, intent(out) :: out (:,:) ! (lon, lat) result of averaging
! --- local vars --------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: it ! iterator over tile number
real :: s(size(x,1),size(x,2)) ! area accumulator
s(:,:) = 0.0
out(:,:) = 0.0
do it = 1,size(area,3)
where (mask(:,:,it))
out(:,:) = out(:,:) + x(:,:,it)*area(:,:,it)
s(:,:) = s(:,:) + area(:,:,it)
where( s(:,:) > 0 ) &
out(:,:) = out(:,:)/s(:,:)
end subroutine average_tiles
end module soil_mod