!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program main ! ! Matt Harrison ! ! ! Dave Bi (for OASIS3 hooks) ! ! ! Niki Zadeh (for OASIS3 hooks) ! ! ! V. Balaji ! ! ! Stephen Griffies ! ! ! ! Driver for ocean-only simulations and prototype setup for OASIS3 driver. ! ! ! ! Driver for the ocean-only simulations. Similar to the FMS coupler, but ! allows one to run the ocean model without compiling other models. ! Much simpler than the full FMS coupler. ! ! This driver also provides the prototype hooks for using MOM4p1 with OASIS3, ! with this code surrounded by the cpp-preprocessor option "ifdef OASIS3". ! The couping of MOM4p1 to OASIS3 has not been tested at GFDL. Rather, ! CSIRO in Australia uses MOM4p1 with OASIS3, with Dave.Bi@csiro.au the primary ! contact for questions regarding MOM4p1 and OASIS3. ! ! ! ! ! ! The date that the current integration starts with. If the restart file ! ocean_solo.res is present, date_init will be taken from there. ! ! ! The calendar type used by the current integration. Valid values are consistent ! with the time_manager module: 'julian', 'gregorian', 'noleap', or 'thirty_day'. ! The value 'no_calendar' can not be used because the time_manager's date ! function are used. ! ! ! ! The number of months that the current integration will be run for. ! ! ! The number of days that the current integration will be run for. ! ! ! The number of hours that the current integration will be run for. ! ! ! The number of minutes that the current integration will be run for. ! ! ! The number of seconds that the current integration will be run for. ! ! ! Time step in seconds for coupling between ocean and atmospheric models: ! must be an integral multiple of dt_ocean. This is the "slow" timestep. ! Note that for an ocean_solo model, the coupling to an "atmosphere" is the coupling ! to some data files. In this case, dt_cpld represents the time which data is updated. ! For example, if data is "daily", then dt_cpld=86400 should be chosen. ! If data is fixed, then dt_cpld of any integer of dt_ocean is fine, with ! dt_cpld=86400 the default. ! ! ! number of region to be masked out. Its value should be less than MAX_PES. ! ! ! The position of the region to be masked out. mask_list(1,:) is the x-layout position ! and mask_list(2,:) is y-layout position. ! ! ! Processor domain layout for all the component model. layout_mask need to be set when and only ! when n_mask is greater than 0 ( some domain region is masked out ). When this namelist is set, ! it will overload the layout in each component model. The default value is (0,0). ! Currently we require all the component model has the same layout and same grid size. ! ! ! The time interval that write out intermediate restart file. The format is (yr,mo,day,hr,min,sec). ! When restart_interval is all zero, no intermediate restart file will be written out. ! ! ! ! ! !
!     1.The actual run length will be the sum of months, 
!       days, hours, minutes, and seconds. A run length of zero
!       is not a valid option. 
!     2.The run length must be an integral multiple of the coupling 
!       timestep dt_cpld. 
! use constants_mod, only: constants_init use data_override_mod, only: data_override_init, data_override use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, diag_manager_end use field_manager_mod, only: field_manager_init use fms_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end, open_namelist_file, check_nml_error use fms_mod, only: close_file, file_exist, uppercase use fms_io_mod, only: fms_io_exit use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain use mpp_io_mod, only: mpp_open, MPP_RDONLY, MPP_ASCII, MPP_OVERWR, MPP_APPEND, mpp_close, MPP_SINGLE use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, FATAL, NOTE, mpp_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_set_current_pelist use mpp_mod, only: stdlog, stdout, mpp_root_pe, mpp_clock_id use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end, MPP_CLOCK_SYNC use mpp_mod, only: MPP_CLOCK_DETAILED, CLOCK_COMPONENT, MAXPES use time_interp_external_mod, only: time_interp_external_init use time_manager_mod, only: set_calendar_type, time_type, increment_date use time_manager_mod, only: set_time, set_date, get_time, get_date, month_name use time_manager_mod, only: GREGORIAN, JULIAN, NOLEAP, THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS, NO_CALENDAR use time_manager_mod, only: operator( <= ), operator( < ), operator( >= ) use time_manager_mod, only: operator( + ), operator( - ), operator( / ) use time_manager_mod, only: operator( * ), operator( /= ), operator( > ) use time_manager_mod, only: date_to_string use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_model_init , update_ocean_model, ocean_model_end use ocean_model_mod, only: ocean_model_restart, ocean_public_type, ocean_state_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ice_ocean_boundary_type implicit none type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc type (ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), target :: Ice_ocean_boundary ! define some time types type(time_type) :: Time_init ! initial time for experiment type(time_type) :: Time_start ! start time for experiment type(time_type) :: Time_end ! end time for experiment (as determined by dtts) type(time_type) :: Run_len ! length of experiment type(time_type) :: Time type(time_type) :: Time_step_coupled type(time_type) :: Time_restart_init type(time_type) :: Time_restart type(time_type) :: Time_restart_current character(len=17) :: calendar = 'julian' integer :: dt_cpld = 86400 integer :: num_cpld_calls = 0 integer :: nc integer :: calendar_type=-1 integer :: date_init(6)=0, date(6) integer :: date_restart(6) integer :: years=0, months=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0 integer :: isc,iec,jsc,jec integer :: unit, io_status, ierr integer :: flags=0, override_clock integer :: nfields character(len=256) :: version = '' character(len=256) :: tag = '' character(len=9) :: month character(len=64):: timestamp integer :: n, m integer :: layout_mask(2) = (/0 , 0/) integer :: n_mask = 0 integer :: mask_list(2,MAXPES) integer, parameter :: mp = 2*MAXPES data ((mask_list(n,m),n=1, 2),m=1,MAXPES) /mp*0/ integer :: restart_interval(6) = (/0,0,0,0,0,0/) integer :: mpi_comm_mom integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit logical :: external_initialization namelist /ocean_solo_nml/ date_init, calendar, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, dt_cpld, & n_mask, layout_mask, mask_list, restart_interval call external_coupler_mpi_init(mpi_comm_mom, external_initialization) if ( external_initialization ) then call fms_init(mpi_comm_mom) else call fms_init() endif call constants_init flags = MPP_CLOCK_SYNC stdoutunit=stdout();stdlogunit=stdlog() ! provide for namelist over-ride unit = open_namelist_file('input.nml') read (unit, ocean_solo_nml,iostat=io_status) write (stdoutunit,'(/)') write (stdoutunit,'(/47x,a/)') '======== MODEL BEING DRIVEN BY OCEAN_SOLO_MOD ========' write (stdoutunit, ocean_solo_nml) write (stdlogunit, ocean_solo_nml) ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'ocean_solo_nml') call close_file (unit) write (stdlogunit,'(/,80("="),/(a))') trim(version), trim(tag) ! set the calendar select case( uppercase(trim(calendar)) ) case( 'GREGORIAN' ) calendar_type = GREGORIAN case( 'JULIAN' ) calendar_type = JULIAN case( 'NOLEAP' ) calendar_type = NOLEAP case( 'THIRTY_DAY' ) calendar_type = THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS case( 'NO_CALENDAR' ) calendar_type = NO_CALENDAR case default call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'ocean_solo: ocean_solo_nml entry calendar must be one of GREGORIAN|JULIAN|NOLEAP|THIRTY_DAY|NO_CALENDAR.' ) end select ! get ocean_solo restart : this can override settings from namelist if (file_exist('INPUT/ocean_solo.res')) then call mpp_open(unit,'INPUT/ocean_solo.res',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY) read(unit,*) calendar_type read(unit,*) date_init read(unit,*) date call mpp_close(unit) endif if (file_exist('INPUT/ocean_solo.intermediate.res')) then call mpp_open(unit,'INPUT/ocean_solo.intermediate.res',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY) read(unit,*) date_restart call mpp_close(unit) else date_restart = date_init endif call set_calendar_type (calendar_type) !!$ initialize pelists for ocean ensembles set current pelist to ensemble member !!$ need to call prior to diagnostics_init !!$ code presently not supported (mjh) !!$ call ocean_ensemble_init() call field_manager_init(nfields) call diag_manager_init() call time_interp_external_init() if (sum(date_init) <= 0) then call mpp_error(FATAL,& '==>Error from ocean_solo_mod: date_init must be set either in ocean_solo.res or in ocean_solo_nml') else Time_init = set_date(date_init(1),date_init(2), date_init(3), & date_init(4),date_init(5),date_init(6)) endif if (file_exist('INPUT/ocean_solo.res')) then Time_start = set_date(date(1),date(2),date(3),date(4),date(5),date(6)) else Time_start = Time_init date = date_init endif Time_end = increment_date(Time_start, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) Run_len = Time_end - Time_start Time_step_coupled = set_time(dt_cpld, 0) num_cpld_calls = Run_len / Time_step_coupled Time = Time_start Time_restart_init = set_date(date_restart(1), date_restart(2), date_restart(3), & date_restart(4), date_restart(5), date_restart(6) ) Time_restart_current = Time_start if(ALL(restart_interval ==0)) then Time_restart = increment_date(Time_end, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ! no intermediate restart else Time_restart = increment_date(Time_restart_init, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), & restart_interval(3), restart_interval(4), restart_interval(5), restart_interval(6) ) if(Time_restart <= Time_start) call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from program ocean_solo: The first intermediate restart time is no larger than the start time') end if !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------- some error checks --------------------------------- if ( num_cpld_calls * Time_step_coupled /= Run_len ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from program ocean_solo: run length must be multiple of cpld time step', FATAL) call mpp_open (unit, 'time_stamp.out', form=MPP_ASCII, action=MPP_APPEND,threading=MPP_SINGLE) month = month_name(date(2)) if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') date, month(1:3) call get_date (Time_end, date(1), date(2), date(3), date(4), date(5), date(6)) month = month_name(date(2)) if ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) write (unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') date, month(1:3) call mpp_close (unit) !----- check the value of layout and setup the maskmap for domain layout. if( n_mask > 0 ) then if( layout_mask(1)*layout_mask(2) - n_mask .NE. mpp_npes() ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from program ocean_solo: layout(1)*layout(2) - n_mask should equal to npes when n_mask>0') call mpp_error(NOTE, & '==>Error from program ocean_solo: layout_mask and mask_list is set in ocean_solo_nml, ' // & 'the value of layout_mask will override the layout specified in ocean_model_mod') allocate(Ocean_sfc%maskmap(layout_mask(1), layout_mask(2)) ) Ocean_sfc%maskmap = .TRUE. do n=1, n_mask if (mask_list(1,n) .gt. layout_mask(1) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, & 'program ocean_solo: mask_list elements outside layout defines.' ) if (mask_list(2,n) .gt. layout_mask(2) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, & 'program ocean_solo: mask_list elements outside layout defines.' ) Ocean_sfc%maskmap(mask_list(1,n),mask_list(2,n)) = .false. enddo else if( layout_mask(1)*layout_mask(2) .NE. 0 ) call mpp_error(NOTE, & 'program ocean_solo: when no region is masked out, layout_mask need not be set' ) end if call ocean_model_init(Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Time_init, Time) call data_override_init(Ocean_domain_in = Ocean_sfc%domain) override_clock = mpp_clock_id('Override', flags=flags,grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT) call mpp_get_compute_domain(Ocean_sfc%domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec) allocate ( Ice_ocean_boundary% u_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% v_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% t_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% q_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% salt_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% lw_flux (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_vis_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dir (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% sw_flux_nir_dif (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% lprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% fprec (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% runoff (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% calving (isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Ice_ocean_boundary% p (isc:iec,jsc:jec)) Ice_ocean_boundary%u_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%v_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%t_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%q_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%salt_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%lw_flux = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dir = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_vis_dif = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dir = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%sw_flux_nir_dif = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%lprec = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%fprec = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%runoff = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%calving = 0.0 Ice_ocean_boundary%p = 0.0 call external_coupler_sbc_init(Ocean_sfc%domain, dt_cpld, Run_len) ! loop over the coupled calls do nc=1, num_cpld_calls call mpp_clock_begin(override_clock) call ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(Ice_ocean_boundary) call mpp_clock_end(override_clock) call external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld ) call update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_sfc, Time, Time_step_coupled) Time = Time + Time_step_coupled if( Time >= Time_restart ) then Time_restart_current = Time Time_restart = increment_date(Time, restart_interval(1), restart_interval(2), & restart_interval(3), restart_interval(4), restart_interval(5), restart_interval(6) ) timestamp = date_to_string(time_restart_current) write(stdoutunit,*) '=> NOTE from program ocean_solo: intermediate restart file is written and ', & trim(timestamp),' is appended as prefix to each restart file name' call ocean_model_restart(Ocean_state, timestamp) call ocean_solo_restart(Time, Time_restart_current, timestamp) end if call external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nc, dt_cpld ) enddo ! close some of the main components call ocean_model_end(Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Time) call diag_manager_end(Time) ! need to reset pelist before calling mpp_clock_end call mpp_set_current_pelist() ! write restart file call ocean_solo_restart(Time_end, Time_restart_current) call external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls ) call fms_io_exit call external_coupler_exit call fms_end call external_coupler_mpi_exit(mpi_comm_mom, external_initialization) print *, 'MOM4: --- completed ---' contains !--- writing restart file that contains running time and restart file writing time. subroutine ocean_solo_restart(Time_run, Time_res, time_stamp) type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_run, Time_res character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_stamp character(len=128) :: file_run, file_res integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec ! write restart file if(present(time_stamp)) then file_run = 'RESTART/'//trim(time_stamp)//'.ocean_solo.res' file_res = 'RESTART/'//trim(time_stamp)//'.ocean_solo.intermediate.res' else file_run = 'RESTART/ocean_solo.res' file_res = 'RESTART/ocean_solo.intermediate.res' endif call mpp_open( unit, file_run, nohdrs=.TRUE. ) if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() )then write( unit, '(i6,8x,a)' )calendar_type, & '(Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)' call get_date(Time_init,yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec) write( unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec, & 'Model start time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second' call get_date(Time_run ,yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec) write( unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec, & 'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second' end if call mpp_close(unit) if(Time_res > Time_start) then call mpp_open( unit, file_res, nohdrs=.TRUE. ) if ( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() )then call get_date(Time_res ,yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec) write( unit, '(6i6,8x,a)' )yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec, & 'Current intermediate restart time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second' end if call mpp_close(unit) end if end subroutine ocean_solo_restart !==================================================================== ! get forcing data from data_overide subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data(x) type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: x type(time_type) :: Time_next Time_next = Time + Time_step_coupled call data_override('OCN', 't_flux', x%t_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'u_flux', x%u_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'v_flux', x%v_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'q_flux', x%q_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'salt_flux', x%salt_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'lw_flux', x%lw_flux , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_vis_dir', x%sw_flux_vis_dir, Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_vis_dif', x%sw_flux_vis_dif, Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_nir_dir', x%sw_flux_nir_dir, Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'sw_flux_nir_dif', x%sw_flux_nir_dif, Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'lprec', x%lprec , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'fprec', x%fprec , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'runoff', x%runoff , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'calving', x%calving , Time_next) call data_override('OCN', 'p', x%p , Time_next) end subroutine ice_ocn_bnd_from_data !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Subroutines for enabling coupling to external programs through a third party coupler ! such as OASIS/PRISM. ! If no external coupler then these will mostly be dummy routines. ! These routines can also serve as spots to call other user defined routines !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OASIS3 ! Here we provide some hooks for calling an interface between the OASIS3 coupler and MOM. ! The mom_oasis3_interface module is NOT general and it is expected that the user will ! heavily modify it depending on the coupling strategy. ! For clarity all variables should be passed as arguments rather than as globals. ! This may require changes to the argument lists. subroutine external_coupler_mpi_init(mom_local_communicator, external_initialization) ! OASIS3/PRISM acts as the master and initializes MPI. Get a local communicator. ! need to initialize prism and get local communicator MPI_COMM_MOM first! use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : mom_prism_init implicit none integer, intent(out) :: mom_local_communicator logical, intent(out) :: external_initialization mom_local_communicator = -100 ! Is there mpp_undefined parameter corresponding to MPI_UNDEFINED? ! probably wouldn't need logical flag. call mom_prism_init(mom_local_communicator) external_initialization = .true. end subroutine external_coupler_mpi_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init(Dom, dt_cpld, Run_len) ! Call to routine initializing arrays etc for transferring via coupler ! Perform sanity checks and make sure all inputs are compatible use mom_oasis_interface_mod, only : coupler_init implicit none type(domain2d) :: Dom integer :: dt_cpld type(time_type) :: Run_len call coupler_init(Dom, dt_cpld, Run_len) end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld ) ! Perform transfers before ocean time stepping ! May need special tratment on first call. use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : from_coupler, into_coupler implicit none type (ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(INOUT) :: Ice_ocean_boundary type (ocean_public_type) , intent(INOUT) :: Ocean_sfc integer , intent(IN) :: nsteps, dt_cpld integer :: rtimestep ! Receive timestep integer :: stimestep ! Send timestep rtimestep = (nsteps-1) * dt_cpld ! runtime in this run segment! stimestep = rtimestep call from_coupler( rtimestep, Ice_ocean_boundary ) call into_coupler( stimestep, Ocean_sfc, before_ocean_update = .true.) end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld ) ! Perform transfers after ocean time stepping use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : into_coupler implicit none type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc integer :: nsteps, dt_cpld integer :: stimestep ! Send timestep stimestep = nsteps * dt_cpld ! runtime in this run segment! call into_coupler(stimestep, Ocean_sfc, before_ocean_update = .false.) end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls ) ! Clean up as appropriate and write a restart use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : write_coupler_restart implicit none integer, intent(in) :: dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls integer :: timestep timestep = num_cpld_calls * dt_cpld call write_coupler_restart(timestep, write_restart=.true.) end subroutine external_coupler_restart !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_exit ! Clean up as appropriate ! Final call to external program use mom_oasis3_interface_mod, only : mom_prism_terminate call mom_prism_terminate end subroutine external_coupler_exit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_mpi_exit(mom_local_communicator, external_initialization) ! mpp_exit wont call MPI_FINALIZE if mom_local_communicator /= MPI_COMM_WORLD implicit none integer, intent(in) :: mom_local_communicator logical, intent(in) :: external_initialization integer :: ierr call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) return end subroutine external_coupler_mpi_exit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #else ! Dummy subroutines. subroutine external_coupler_mpi_init(mom_local_communicator, external_initialization) implicit none integer, intent(out) :: mom_local_communicator logical, intent(out) :: external_initialization external_initialization = .false. mom_local_communicator = -100 ! Is there mpp_undefined parameter corresponding to MPI_UNDEFINED? ! probably wouldn't need logical flag. return end subroutine external_coupler_mpi_init !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init(Dom, dt_cpld, Run_len) implicit none type(domain2d) :: Dom integer :: dt_cpld type(time_type) :: Run_len return end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_init subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld ) implicit none type (ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(INOUT) :: Ice_ocean_boundary type (ocean_public_type) , intent(INOUT) :: Ocean_sfc integer , intent(IN) :: nsteps, dt_cpld return end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_before subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_sfc, nsteps, dt_cpld ) type (ice_ocean_boundary_type) :: Ice_ocean_boundary type (ocean_public_type) :: Ocean_sfc integer :: nsteps, dt_cpld return end subroutine external_coupler_sbc_after subroutine external_coupler_restart( dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls ) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: dt_cpld, num_cpld_calls return end subroutine external_coupler_restart subroutine external_coupler_exit return end subroutine external_coupler_exit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine external_coupler_mpi_exit(mom_local_communicator, external_initialization) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: mom_local_communicator logical, intent(in) :: external_initialization return end subroutine external_coupler_mpi_exit !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif end program main