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! Richard D. Slater
! John P. Dunne
! Surface fCO2 calculation
! Calculate the fugacity of CO2 at the surface in thermodynamic
! equilibrium with the current alkalinity (Alk) and total dissolved
! inorganic carbon (DIC) at a particular temperature and salinity
! using an initial guess for the total hydrogen
! ion concentration (htotal)
module ocmip2_co2calc_mod !{
! modules
! Global definitions
implicit none
public :: ocmip2_co2calc
public :: ocmip2_co2_alpha
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: ocmip2_co2calc.F90,v 2009/10/14 14:37:19 smg Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! Subroutine and function definitions
! Calculate CO2 solubility, alpha, from
! temperature (t) and salinity (s).
! isd = first i-limit of the arrays with halo
! ied = last i-limit of the arrays with halo
! jsd = first j-limit of the arrays with halo
! jed = last j-limit of the arrays with halo
! isc = first i-limit of the arrays for computation
! iec = last i-limit of the arrays for computation
! jsc = first j-limit of the arrays for computation
! jec = last j-limit of the arrays for computation
! t = temperature (degrees C)
! s = salinity (PSU)
! mask = land mask array (0.0 = land)
! alpha = Solubility of CO2 for air? (mol/kg/atm unless scaled)
! IMPORTANT: Some words about units - (JCO, 4/4/1999)
! - Models may carry tracers in mol/m^3 (on a per volume basis)
! - Conversely, this routine, which was written by observationalists
! (C. Sabine and R. Key), passes input arguments in umol/kg
! (i.e., on a per mass basis)
! - Thus, if the input or output units need to be changed from/to mol/m^3
! then set scale to an appropriate value. For example, if the model
! uses mol/m^3, then scale should be set to something like 1.0/1024.5
! to convert from mol/m^3 to mol/kg.
subroutine ocmip2_co2_alpha(isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec, t, s, mask, alpha, scale) !{
implicit none
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: isc
integer, intent(in) :: iec
integer, intent(in) :: jsc
integer, intent(in) :: jec
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: t
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: s
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: mask
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out) :: alpha
real, intent(in), optional :: scale
! local variables
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: k
real :: log100
real :: tk
real :: tk100
real :: tk1002
real :: logtk
real :: ff
real :: scale_factor
! set the scale factor for unit conversion
if (present(scale)) then !{
scale_factor = scale
else !}{
scale_factor = 1.0
endif !}
! Calculate all constants needed to convert between various measured
! carbon species. References for each equation are noted in the code.
! Once calculated, the constants are stored and passed in the common
! block "const". The original version of this code was based on
! the code by Dickson in Version 2 of "Handbook of Methods for the
! Analysis of the Various Parameters of the Carbon Dioxide System
! in Seawater", DOE, 1994 (SOP No. 3, p25-26).
! Derive simple terms used more than once
log100 = log(100.0)
do j = jsc, jec !{
do i = isc, iec !{
if (mask(i,j) .ne. 0.0) then !{
tk = 273.15 + t(i,j)
tk100 = tk / 100.0
tk1002 = tk100 * tk100
logtk = log(tk)
! f = k0(1-pH2O)*correction term for non-ideality
! Weiss & Price (1980, Mar. Chem., 8, 347-359; Eq 13 with table 6
! values)
ff = exp(-162.8301 + 218.2968 / tk100 + &
90.9241 * (logtk - log100) - 1.47696 * tk1002 + &
s(i,j) * (0.025695 - 0.025225 * tk100 + 0.0049867 * tk1002))
!c Should we be using K0 or ff for the solubility here?
! convert to output units
alpha(i,j) = ff / scale_factor
else !}{
alpha(i,j) = 0.0
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
end subroutine ocmip2_co2_alpha !}
! NAME="ocmip2_co2_alpha"
! Calculate co2* from total alkalinity and total CO2 at
! temperature (t) and salinity (s).
! It is assumed that init_ocmip2_co2calc has already been called with
! the T and S to calculate the various coefficients.
! isd = first i-limit of the arrays with halo
! ied = last i-limit of the arrays with halo
! jsd = first j-limit of the arrays with halo
! jed = last j-limit of the arrays with halo
! isc = first i-limit of the arrays for computation
! iec = last i-limit of the arrays for computation
! jsc = first j-limit of the arrays for computation
! jec = last j-limit of the arrays for computation
! mask = land mask array (0.0 = land)
! t = temperature (degrees C)
! s = salinity (PSU)
! dic_in = total inorganic carbon (mol/kg unless scaled)
! where 1 T = 1 metric ton = 1000 kg
! ta_in = total alkalinity (eq/kg unless scaled)
! pt_in = inorganic phosphate (mol/kg unless scaled)
! sit_in = inorganic silicate (mol/kg unless scaled)
! htotallo = factor to set lower limit of htotal range
! htotalhi = factor to set upper limit of htotal range
! htotal = H+ concentraion
! co2star = CO2*water (kg/kg unless scaled)
! alpha = Solubility of CO2 for air? (kg/kg/atm unless scaled)
! pco2surf = oceanic pCO2 (ppmv)
! k1 = activity factors for carbonate species
! k2 (see below)
! invtk = 1/(t+273.15)
! IMPORTANT: Some words about units - (JCO, 4/4/1999)
! - Models may carry tracers in mol/m^3 (on a per volume basis)
! - Conversely, this routine, which was written by observationalists
! (C. Sabine and R. Key), passes input arguments in umol/kg
! (i.e., on a per mass basis)
! - Thus, if the input or output units need to be changed from/to mol/m^3
! then set scale to an appropriate value. For example, if the model
! uses mol/m^3, then scale should be set to something like 1.0/1024.5
! to convert from mol/m^3 to mol/kg.
subroutine ocmip2_co2calc(isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec, mask, t, s, &
dic_in, ta_in, pt_in, sit_in, htotallo, htotalhi, htotal, &
co2star, co3_ion, alpha, pCO2surf, k1_out, k2_out, invtk_out, scale) !{
implicit none
! local parameters
real, parameter :: permeg = 1.e-6
real, parameter :: xacc = 1.0e-10
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: isc
integer, intent(in) :: iec
integer, intent(in) :: jsc
integer, intent(in) :: jec
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: mask
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: t
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: s
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: dic_in
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: ta_in
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: pt_in
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: sit_in
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(in) :: htotallo
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(in) :: htotalhi
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(inout) :: htotal
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: co2star
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: co3_ion
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: alpha
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: pCO2surf
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: invtk_out
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: k1_out
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out), optional :: k2_out
real, intent(in), optional :: scale
! local variables
integer :: i
integer :: j
real :: log100
real :: pt
real :: sit
real :: ta
real :: dic
real :: tk
real :: invtk
real :: tk100
real :: tk1002
real :: logtk
real :: is
real :: is2
real :: sqrtis
real :: s2
real :: sqrts
real :: s15
real :: scl
real :: logf_of_s
real :: ff
!real :: k0
real :: k1
real :: k2
real :: kb
real :: k1p
real :: k2p
real :: k3p
real :: ksi
real :: kw
real :: ks
real :: kf
real :: bt
real :: st
real :: ft
real :: htotal2
real :: co2star_internal
real :: scale_factor
! set the scale factor for unit conversion
if (present(scale)) then !{
scale_factor = scale
else !}{
scale_factor = 1.0
endif !}
! Calculate all constants needed to convert between various measured
! carbon species. References for each equation are noted in the code.
! Once calculated, the constants are stored and passed in the common
! block "const". The original version of this code was based on
! the code by Dickson in Version 2 of "Handbook of Methods for the
! Analysis of the Various Parameters of the Carbon Dioxide System
! in Seawater", DOE, 1994 (SOP No. 3, p25-26).
! Derive simple terms used more than once
log100 = log(100.0)
do j = jsc, jec !{
do i = isc, iec !{
if (mask(i,j) .ne. 0.0) then !{
tk = 273.15 + t(i,j)
tk100 = tk / 100.0
tk1002 = tk100 * tk100
invtk = 1.0 / tk
logtk = log(tk)
is = 19.924 * s(i,j) / (1000.0 - 1.005 * s(i,j))
is2 = is * is
sqrtis = sqrt(is)
s2 = s(i,j) * s(i,j)
sqrts = sqrt(s(i,j))
s15 = sqrts ** 3
scl = s(i,j) / 1.80655
logf_of_s = log(1.0 - 0.001005 * s(i,j))
! k0 from Weiss 1974
!k0 = exp(93.4517/tk100 - 60.2409 + 23.3585 * log(tk100) + &
!s(i,j) * (0.023517 - 0.023656 * tk100 + 0.0047036 * tk1002))
! k1 = [H][HCO3]/[H2CO3]
! k2 = [H][CO3]/[HCO3]
! Millero p.664 (1995) using Mehrbach et al. data on seawater scale
k1 = 10.0 ** (-(3670.7 * invtk - 62.008 + 9.7944 * logtk - &
0.0118 * s(i,j) + 0.000116 * s2))
k2 = 10.0 ** (-(1394.7 * invtk + 4.777 - 0.0184 * s(i,j) + 0.000118 * s2))
! kb = [H][BO2]/[HBO2]
! Millero p.669 (1995) using data from Dickson (1990)
kb = exp((-8966.90 - 2890.53 * sqrts - 77.942 * s(i,j) + &
1.728 * s15 - 0.0996 * s2) * invtk + &
(148.0248 + 137.1942 * sqrts + 1.62142 * s(i,j)) + &
(-24.4344 - 25.085 * sqrts - 0.2474 * s(i,j)) * logtk + &
0.053105 * sqrts * tk)
! k1p = [H][H2PO4]/[H3PO4]
! DOE(1994) eq 7.2.20 with footnote using data from Millero (1974)
k1p = exp(-4576.752 * invtk + 115.525 - 18.453 * logtk + &
(-106.736 * invtk + 0.69171) * sqrts + &
(-0.65643 * invtk - 0.01844) * s(i,j))
! k2p = [H][HPO4]/[H2PO4]
! DOE(1994) eq 7.2.23 with footnote using data from Millero (1974))
k2p = exp(-8814.715 * invtk + 172.0883 - 27.927 * logtk + &
(-160.340 * invtk + 1.3566) * sqrts + &
(0.37335 * invtk - 0.05778) * s(i,j))
! k3p = [H][PO4]/[HPO4]
! DOE(1994) eq 7.2.26 with footnote using data from Millero (1974)
k3p = exp(-3070.75 * invtk - 18.141 + &
(17.27039 * invtk + 2.81197) * sqrts + &
(-44.99486 * invtk - 0.09984) * s(i,j))
! ksi = [H][SiO(OH)3]/[Si(OH)4]
! Millero p.671 (1995) using data from Yao and Millero (1995)
ksi = exp(-8904.2 * invtk + 117.385 - 19.334 * logtk + &
(-458.79 * invtk + 3.5913) * sqrtis + &
(188.74 * invtk - 1.5998) * is + &
(-12.1652 * invtk + 0.07871) * is2 + logf_of_s)
! kw = [H][OH]
! Millero p.670 (1995) using composite data
kw = exp(-13847.26 * invtk + 148.9652 - 23.6521 * logtk + &
(118.67 * invtk - 5.977 + 1.0495 * logtk) * sqrts - 0.01615 * s(i,j))
! ks = [H][SO4]/[HSO4]
! Dickson (1990, J. chem. Thermodynamics 22, 113)
ks = exp(-4276.1 * invtk + 141.328 - 23.093 * logtk + &
(-13856.0 * invtk + 324.57 - 47.986 * logtk) * sqrtis + &
(35474.0 * invtk - 771.54 + 114.723 * logtk) * is - &
2698.0 * invtk * sqrtis ** 3 + 1776.0 * invtk * is2 + logf_of_s)
! kf = [H][F]/[HF]
! Dickson and Riley (1979) -- change pH scale to total
kf = exp(1590.2 * invtk - 12.641 + 1.525 * sqrtis + logf_of_s + &
log(1.0 + (0.1400 / 96.062) * scl / ks))
! Calculate concentrations for borate, sulfate, and fluoride
! Uppstrom (1974)
bt = 0.000232 / 10.811 * scl
! Morris & Riley (1966)
st = 0.14 / 96.062 * scl
! Riley (1965)
ft = 0.000067 / 18.9984 * scl
! set some stuff to pass back, if requested
if (present(k1_out)) then !{
k1_out(i,j) = k1
endif !}
if (present(k2_out)) then !{
k2_out(i,j) = k2
endif !}
if (present(invtk_out)) then !{
invtk_out(i,j) = invtk
endif !}
! Possibly convert input in mol/m^3 -> mol/kg
sit = sit_in(i,j) * scale_factor
ta = ta_in(i,j) * scale_factor
dic = dic_in(i,j) * scale_factor
pt = pt_in(i,j) * scale_factor
! Calculate [H+] total when DIC and TA are known at T, S and 1 atm.
! The solution converges to err of xacc. The solution must be within
! the range x1 to x2.
! If DIC and TA are known then either a root finding or iterative method
! must be used to calculate htotal. In this case we use the
! Newton-Raphson "safe" method taken from "Numerical Recipes"
! (function "rtsafe.f" with error trapping removed).
! As currently set, this procedure iterates about 12 times. The x1
! and x2 values set below will accomodate ANY oceanographic values.
! If an initial guess of the pH is known, then the number of
! iterations can be reduced to about 5 by narrowing the gap between
! x1 and x2. It is recommended that the first few time steps be run
! with x1 and x2 set as below. After that, set x1 and x2 to the
! previous value of the pH +/- ~0.5. The current setting of xacc will
! result in co2star accurate to 3 significant figures (xx.y). Making
! xacc bigger will result in faster convergence also, but this is not
! recommended (xacc of 10**-9 drops precision to 2 significant
! figures).
htotal(i,j) = drtsafe(htotalhi(i,j)*htotal(i,j), &
htotallo(i,j)*htotal(i,j), &
dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, k1p, k2p, k3p, &
bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi, xacc)
! Calculate [CO2*] as defined in DOE Methods Handbook 1994 Ver.2,
! ORNL/CDIAC-74, Dickson and Goyet, eds. (Ch 2 p 10, Eq A.49)
! Convert units of output arguments
! Note: co2star is calculated in
! mol/kg within this routine
htotal2 = htotal(i,j) * htotal(i,j)
co2star_internal = dic * htotal2 / (htotal2 + k1 * (htotal(i,j) + k2)) / scale_factor
if (present(co2star)) then
co2star(i,j) = co2star_internal
if (present(co3_ion)) then
co3_ion(i,j) = co2star_internal * k1 * k2 / htotal2
!ph = -log10(htotal(i,j))
! f = k0(1-pH2O)*correction term for non-ideality
! Weiss & Price (1980, Mar. Chem., 8, 347-359; Eq 13 with table 6
! values)
if (present(alpha) .or. present(pco2surf)) then !{
ff = exp(-162.8301 + 218.2968 / tk100 + &
90.9241 * (logtk - log100) - 1.47696 * tk1002 + &
s(i,j) * (0.025695 - 0.025225 * tk100 + 0.0049867 * tk1002))
! Add two output arguments for storing pCO2surf
! Should we be using K0 or ff for the solubility here?
! Convert pCO2surf from atm to uatm
! possibly convert output units
if (present(alpha)) then !{
alpha(i,j) = ff / scale_factor
endif !}
if (present(pco2surf)) then !{
pCO2surf(i,j) = co2star_internal / (ff / scale_factor) / permeg
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
if (present(co2star)) then
co2star(i,j) = 0.0
if (present(k1_out)) then !{
k1_out(i,j) = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(k2_out)) then !{
k2_out(i,j) =0.0
endif !}
if (present(invtk_out)) then !{
invtk_out(i,j) = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(alpha)) then !{
alpha(i,j) = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(pco2surf)) then !{
pCO2surf(i,j) = 0.0
endif !}
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
end subroutine ocmip2_co2calc !}
! NAME="ocmip2_co2calc"
! File taken from Numerical Recipes. Modified R. M. Key 4/94
function drtsafe(x1, x2, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, k1p, k2p, k3p, &
bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi, xacc) !{
implicit none
! arguments
real :: drtsafe
real, intent(in) :: x1
real, intent(in) :: x2
real, intent(in) :: dic
real, intent(in) :: ta
real, intent(in) :: pt
real, intent(in) :: sit
real, intent(in) :: k1
real, intent(in) :: k2
real, intent(in) :: k1p
real, intent(in) :: k2p
real, intent(in) :: k3p
real, intent(in) :: bt
real, intent(in) :: ft
real, intent(in) :: st
real, intent(in) :: kb
real, intent(in) :: kw
real, intent(in) :: kf
real, intent(in) :: ks
real, intent(in) :: ksi
real, intent(in) :: xacc
! local parameters
integer, parameter :: maxit = 100
! local variables
integer :: j
real :: fl
real :: df
real :: fh
real :: swap
real :: xl
real :: xh
real :: dxold
real :: dx
real :: f
real :: temp
call ta_iter_1(x1, fl, df, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, &
k1p, k2p, k3p, bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi)
call ta_iter_1(x2, fh, df, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, &
k1p, k2p, k3p, bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi)
if(fl .lt. 0.0) then
end if
call ta_iter_1(drtsafe, f, df, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, &
k1p, k2p, k3p, bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi)
do j=1,maxit !{
if (((drtsafe-xh)*df-f)*((drtsafe-xl)*df-f) .ge. 0.0 .or. &
abs(2.0*f) .gt. abs(dxold*df)) then
if (xl .eq. drtsafe) then
! write (6,*) 'Exiting drtsafe at A on iteration ', j, ', ph = ', -log10(drtsafe)
if (temp .eq. drtsafe) then
! write (6,*) 'Exiting drtsafe at B on iteration ', j, ', ph = ', -log10(drtsafe)
end if
if (abs(dx) .lt. xacc) then
! write (6,*) 'Exiting drtsafe at C on iteration ', j, ', ph = ', -log10(drtsafe)
call ta_iter_1(drtsafe, f, df, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, &
k1p, k2p, k3p, bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi)
if(f .lt. 0.0) then
end if
enddo !} j
end function drtsafe !}
! NAME="drtsafe"
! This routine expresses TA as a function of DIC, htotal and constants.
! It also calculates the derivative of this function with respect to
! htotal. It is used in the iterative solution for htotal. In the call
! "x" is the input value for htotal, "fn" is the calculated value for TA
! and "df" is the value for dTA/dhtotal
subroutine ta_iter_1(x, fn, df, dic, ta, pt, sit, k1, k2, &
k1p, k2p, k3p, bt, ft, st, kb, kw, kf, ks, ksi) !{
implicit none
! arguments
real, intent(in) :: x
real, intent(out) :: fn
real, intent(out) :: df
real, intent(in) :: dic
real, intent(in) :: ta
real, intent(in) :: pt
real, intent(in) :: sit
real, intent(in) :: k1
real, intent(in) :: k2
real, intent(in) :: k1p
real, intent(in) :: k2p
real, intent(in) :: k3p
real, intent(in) :: bt
real, intent(in) :: ft
real, intent(in) :: st
real, intent(in) :: kb
real, intent(in) :: kw
real, intent(in) :: kf
real, intent(in) :: ks
real, intent(in) :: ksi
! local variables
real :: x2
real :: x3
real :: k12
real :: k12p
real :: k123p
real :: c
real :: a
real :: a2
real :: da
real :: b
real :: b2
real :: db
x2 = x*x
x3 = x2*x
k12 = k1*k2
k12p = k1p*k2p
k123p = k12p*k3p
c = 1.0 + st/ks
a = x3 + k1p*x2 + k12p*x + k123p
a2 = a*a
da = 3.0*x2 + 2.0*k1p*x + k12p
b = x2 + k1*x + k12
b2 = b*b
db = 2.0*x + k1
! fn = hco3+co3+borate+oh+hpo4+2*po4+silicate+hfree+hso4+hf+h3po4-ta
fn = k1*x*dic/b + 2.0*dic*k12/b + bt/(1.0 + x/kb) + kw/x + &
pt*k12p*x/a + 2.0*pt*k123p/a + sit/(1.0 + x/ksi) - &
x/c - st/ (1.0 + ks/x/c) - ft/(1.0 + kf/x) - &
pt*x3/a - ta
! df = dfn/dx
df = ((k1*dic*b) - k1*x*dic*db)/b2 - 2.0*dic*k12*db/b2 - &
bt/kb/(1.0+x/kb)**2 - kw/x2 + (pt*k12p*(a - x*da))/a2 - &
2.0*pt*k123p*da/a2 - sit/ksi/(1.0+x/ksi)**2 - 1.0/c + &
st*(1.0 + ks/x/c)**(-2)*(ks/c/x2) + ft*(1.0 + kf/x)**(-2)*kf/x2 - &
end subroutine ta_iter_1 !}
! NAME="ta_iter_1"
end module ocmip2_co2calc_mod !}