Set bottom boundary conditions for velocity and tracer.
Dimensions of bottom momentum flux are
N/m^2 = (kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2).
Note the use of rho0 for the conversion from m^2/s^2 to
(kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2). We do not know the precise value
of cdbot, so the rho0 approximate value is well within
our level of uncertainty. No reason therefore to
use in situ rho for this conversion, even when using
non-Boussinesq version of mom4.
Note that bmf needs to be computed on the data domain since the
halo values are accessed in ocean_vert_gotm.F90.
Dimensionless coefficient for quadratic bottom drag. [real, units: dimensionless]
For incorporating the bottom momentum drag implicitly in time.
This code is fresh and not fully tested.
Default is bmf_implicit=.false. [logical]
For determining bottom drag coefficient using a constant roughness length.
Will take maximum between cdbot and the computed value using law of
wall log-profile. This option of use when have very very
refined vertical resolution (say on order of meters) near the bottom.
Terrain following coordinates should use this option since they generally
have very refined vertical grid spacing on topography.
Default is cdbot_law_of_wall=.false. [logical]
Bottom roughness length. Default is law_of_wall_rough_length=0.01m, following
the default used in the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). This value
corresponds to "Law of Wall" physics. [real, units: metre]
For determining bottom drag coefficient using a map of the roughness length.
This approach is more relevant for coarse models
than the constant roughness length used in the cdbot_law_of_wall option.
Default is cdbot_roughness_length=.false. [logical]
Residual bottom velocity due to unresolved fluctuations (e.g., waves and tides)
that contribute to bottom dissipation. Should be set to zero when running
with explicit representation of tidal forcing and when waves are well resolved.
Default is uresidual=.05. [real, units: m/s]
Maximum magnitude of the bottom velocity used to compute the bottom
momentum drag. Default is uvmag_max=10.0. [real, units: m/s]
Maximum magnitude of the bottom momentum drag.
Default is bmf_max=1.0. [real, units: N/m2]
For debugging purposes. [logical]
R.C. Pacanowski and S.M. Griffies
The MOM3 Manual (1999)
S.M. Griffies, M.J. Harrison, R.C. Pacanowski, and A. Rosati
A Technical Guide to MOM4 (2003)