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module ocean_domains_mod
! Matthew Harrison
! Set the ocean domain parameters.
! The module computes the horizontal domain parameters needed to
! run mom4 in a parallel computational environment.
! S.M. Griffies, M.J. Harrison, R.C. Pacanowski, and A. Rosati
! A Technical Guide to MOM4 (2003)
! For specifying the halo size by hand.
! temporary - need to call domains_init before tracer_init
! Used for computing mpp_stack_size.
! offset to be applied on x-direction boundary condition. Its value could
! be positive or negative and the default value is 0. When the y-direction
! boundary condition is folded-north(tripolar grid), x_cyclic_offset must
! be 0. For torus (cyclic in x and y-direction), at least one of
! x_cyclic_offset and y_cyclic_offset must be 0.
! offset to be applied on y-direction boundary condition. Its value could
! be positive or negative and the default value is 0. For torus (cyclic
! in x and y-direction), at least one of x_cyclic_offset and
! y_cyclic_offset must be 0.
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, write_version_number, check_nml_error, close_file
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_define_layout, mpp_define_domains, mpp_domains_set_stack_size
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_data_domain, mpp_get_global_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only: FOLD_NORTH_EDGE, CYCLIC_GLOBAL_DOMAIN, mpp_define_io_domain
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_max, mpp_min, mpp_npes, mpp_error, FATAL, stdout, stdlog
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ocean_grid_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_type, ocean_velocity_type
implicit none
integer, dimension(2) :: domain_layout=(/1,1/)
integer, dimension(2) :: io_domain_layout=(/0,0/)
character(len=128) :: version='$Id: ocean_domains.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:41:54 nnz Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname='$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
character(len=32) :: name_default = 'mom_domain'
public set_ocean_domain
public get_local_indices
public get_halo_sizes
public get_global_indices
public get_active_indices
public reduce_active_domain
public get_domain_offsets
integer :: halo=1 ! size (cells) of halo region
integer :: max_tracers = 10 ! temporary - need to call domains_init before tracer_init
integer :: x_cyclic_offset=0 ! offset applied to x-direction cyclic boundary condition
integer :: y_cyclic_offset=0 ! offset applied to y-direction cyclic boundary condition
namelist /ocean_domains_nml/ halo, max_tracers, x_cyclic_offset, y_cyclic_offset
! For setting the ocean domain layout and associated parameters.
subroutine set_ocean_domain (Domain, Grid, xhalo, yhalo, name, layout, io_layout, maskmap)
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(inout) :: Domain
integer, intent(in), optional :: xhalo, yhalo, layout(2), io_layout(2)
logical, intent(in), optional :: maskmap(:,:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name
real :: ph, pc
integer :: n, ioun, io_status, nhp, ncp, ncp_max, ncp_min, ncpx, ncpy, lay_out(2), xsiz, ysiz
integer :: mpp_stack_size=-1 ! temporary - need to call domains_init before tracer_init
character(len=32) :: name_
character(len=4) :: char_lay1, char_lay2, char_npes, char_xsiz, char_ysiz
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
call write_version_number(version, tagname)
! provide for namelist over-ride
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun, ocean_domains_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdlogunit,ocean_domains_nml)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit,ocean_domains_nml)
call close_file(ioun)
if (PRESENT(layout)) domain_layout = layout
if (PRESENT(io_layout)) io_domain_layout = io_layout
if (domain_layout(1) == 1 .and. domain_layout(2) == 1) then
call mpp_define_layout ((/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), mpp_npes(), lay_out)
lay_out = domain_layout
Domain%layout = lay_out
Domain%io_layout = io_domain_layout
allocate(Domain%maskmap(lay_out(1), lay_out(2)) )
if(PRESENT(maskmap)) then
Domain%maskmap = maskmap
Domain%maskmap = .TRUE.
end if
if (PRESENT(name)) then
name_ = trim(name)
name_ = trim(name_default)
if (PRESENT(xhalo)) then
if (PRESENT(yhalo)) then
! setup 2D domains for local x-y regions (including halos) on each processor.
if (Grid%cyclic_x) then
! spherical with tripolar Arctic
if (Grid%tripolar) then
if(x_cyclic_offset .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error in ocean_domains_mod: x_cyclic_offset must be 0 for tripolar grid')
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), lay_out, Domain%domain2d, maskmap = Domain%maskmap&
, xflags = cyclic_global_domain, yflags = FOLD_NORTH_EDGE, xhalo=Domain%xhalo, yhalo=Domain%yhalo,name=name_)
Domain%xflags = cyclic_global_domain
Domain%yflags = FOLD_NORTH_EDGE
! torus
elseif(Grid%cyclic_y) then
if(x_cyclic_offset*y_cyclic_offset .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error in ocean_domains_mod: at least one of x_cyclic_offset and y_cyclic_offset must be 0 for torus')
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), lay_out, Domain%domain2d, maskmap = Domain%maskmap&
, xflags = cyclic_global_domain, yflags = cyclic_global_domain, xhalo=Domain%xhalo, yhalo=Domain%yhalo, name=name_&
, x_cyclic_offset=x_cyclic_offset, y_cyclic_offset=y_cyclic_offset)
Domain%xflags = cyclic_global_domain
Domain%yflags = cyclic_global_domain
! cyclic in x and solid wall in y
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), lay_out, Domain%domain2d, maskmap = Domain%maskmap&
, xflags = cyclic_global_domain, xhalo=Domain%xhalo, yhalo=Domain%yhalo,name=name_, x_cyclic_offset=x_cyclic_offset)
Domain%xflags = cyclic_global_domain
Domain%yflags = 0
! cyclic in y and solid wall in x (only physically relevant on beta or f plane)
if(Grid%cyclic_y) then
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), lay_out, Domain%domain2d, maskmap = Domain%maskmap&
, yflags = cyclic_global_domain, xhalo=Domain%xhalo, yhalo=Domain%yhalo,name=name_, y_cyclic_offset=y_cyclic_offset)
Domain%xflags = 0
Domain%yflags = cyclic_global_domain
! four solid walls
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,Grid%ni,1,Grid%nj/), lay_out, Domain%domain2d, maskmap = Domain%maskmap&
, xhalo=Domain%xhalo, yhalo=Domain%yhalo,name=name_)
Domain%xflags = 0
Domain%yflags = 0
call mpp_define_io_domain(Domain%domain2d, io_domain_layout)
Domain%x_cyclic_offset = x_cyclic_offset
Domain%y_cyclic_offset = y_cyclic_offset
! define data and compute indices for local domain on this processor
call mpp_get_compute_domain (Domain%domain2d, Domain%isc, Domain%iec, &
Domain%jsc, Domain%jec)
call mpp_get_data_domain (Domain%domain2d, Domain%isd, Domain%ied, &
Domain%jsd, Domain%jed)
call mpp_get_global_domain (Domain%domain2d, Domain%isg, Domain%ieg, &
Domain%jsg, Domain%jeg)
Domain%isa = Domain%isc
Domain%iea = Domain%iec
Domain%jsa = Domain%jsc
Domain%jea = Domain%jec
Domain%ioff = 0
Domain%joff = 0
if (Domain%xhalo == 1 .AND. Domain%yhalo == 1) then
xsiz = Domain%iec - Domain%isc + 1
ysiz = Domain%jec - Domain%jsc + 1
Domain%ioff = Domain%isc - 1
Domain%isc = 1
Domain%isd = 0
Domain%iec = xsiz
Domain%ied = xsiz+1
Domain%joff = Domain%jsc - 1
Domain%jsc = 1
Domain%jsd = 0
Domain%jec = ysiz
Domain%jed = ysiz+1
if (xsiz /= NI_LOCAL_ .OR. ysiz /= NJ_LOCAL_) then
write( char_xsiz,'(i4)' ) xsiz
write( char_ysiz,'(i4)' ) ysiz
call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error in ocean_domains_mod: domain size (xsiz,ysiz) = ('&
//trim(char_xsiz)//','//trim(char_ysiz)// ') does not match size set by preprocessor macro.&
& Disable MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS cpp-preprocessor option to use dynamic allocation. ')
ncp_max = (Domain%iec-Domain%isc+1)*(Domain%jec-Domain%jsc+1)
ncp_min = ncp_max
call mpp_max(ncp_max)
call mpp_min(ncp_min)
ncp = (Domain%iec-Domain%isc+1)*(Domain%jec-Domain%jsc+1)
nhp = 4*halo**2 + 2*(Domain%iec-Domain%isc+1 + Domain%jec-Domain%jsc+1)*halo
ph = 100.0*nhp/(nhp+ncp)
pc = 100.0 - ph
! estimate stack size
if (mpp_stack_size <= 0) then
ncpx = Domain%iec-Domain%isc+1
ncpy = Domain%jec-Domain%jsc+1
call mpp_max (ncpx)
call mpp_max (ncpy)
mpp_stack_size = 2*(ncpx + 2*max(Domain%xhalo,Domain%yhalo))*&
(ncpy + 2*max(Domain%xhalo,Domain%yhalo))*Grid%nk*(max_tracers)
call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(mpp_stack_size)
end subroutine set_ocean_domain
! NAME="set_ocean_domain"
! For getting local indices from domain derived type.
subroutine get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(out) :: isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec
end subroutine get_local_indices
! NAME="get_local_indices"
! For getting domain offsets from domain derived type.
subroutine get_domain_offsets(Domain, ioff, joff)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(out) :: ioff, joff
ioff = Domain%ioff
joff = Domain%joff
end subroutine get_domain_offsets
! NAME="get_domain_offsets"
! For getting active domain indices from domain derived type.
subroutine get_active_indices(Domain, isa, iea, jsa, jea)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(out) :: isa, iea, jsa, jea
end subroutine get_active_indices
! NAME="get_active_indices"
! For getting global indices from domain derived type.
subroutine get_global_indices(Domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(out) :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg
end subroutine get_global_indices
! NAME="get_global_indices"
! For getting reducing the active domain
subroutine reduce_active_domain(Domain,inc_x,inc_y)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(inout) :: Domain
integer, intent(in), optional :: inc_x, inc_y
integer :: inc
if (PRESENT(inc_x)) then
if (inc_x < 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error: active domain decrement must be positive')
inc = inc_x
inc = 1
Domain%isa = Domain%isa + inc
Domain%iea = Domain%iea - inc
if (PRESENT(inc_y)) then
if (inc_y < 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error: active domain decrement must be positive')
inc = inc_y
inc = 1
Domain%jsa = Domain%jsa + inc
Domain%jea = Domain%jea - inc
end subroutine reduce_active_domain
! NAME="reduce_active_domain"
! For getting halo sizes from domain derived type.
subroutine get_halo_sizes(Domain, xhalo, yhalo)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(out), optional :: xhalo, yhalo
if (PRESENT(xhalo)) xhalo = Domain%xhalo
if (PRESENT(yhalo)) yhalo = Domain%yhalo
end subroutine get_halo_sizes
! NAME="get_halo_sizes"
end module ocean_domains_mod