!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module ocean_grids_mod ! ! M.J. Harrison ! ! ! R. C. Pacanowski ! ! ! Zhi Liang ! ! ! ! S.M. Griffies ! ! ! ! Set up the ocean model grid spacing ! ! ! ! This module sets up the ocean model grid based on information read in ! from the grid_spec.nc file. It translates the generic names from the ! grid_spec.nc file to the names used by mom4. ! ! ! ! ! ! S.M. Griffies, M.J. Harrison, A. Rosati, and R.C. Pacanowski ! A Technical Guide to MOM4 (2003) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! To read in an initial rho0(k) profile to assist in defining the ! initial settings for the pressure increments dst, for use in ! setting the pressure-based vertical coordinate grids. Ideally, ! this profile is determined by the level averaged density in ! the initial conditions. Note that it is essential to have ! rho0_profile have a sensible value at all depths even if there ! is no water there, since there are places where we divide by ! rho0_profile in rock. Also, be mindful that with denser water ! at depth, the pressure levels will be coarser at depth than if ! using the trivial density profile rho0(k)=rho0. ! This option is experimental, so it is recommended that user ! maintain the default read_rho0_profile=.false. ! ! ! For debugging. Note that most of the debugging stuff ! has been removed, but keep flag around in case need in future. ! ! ! Prints out lots of initial checksums. Useful to have on, so ! defaulted to true. ! ! ! use constants_mod, only: pi, radian, radius, epsln, grav, c2dbars, deg_to_rad use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_axis_init, set_diag_global_att use diag_manager_mod, only: register_static_field, send_data use fms_mod, only: write_version_number use fms_mod, only: read_data, write_data use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error use fms_mod, only: field_exist, field_size, get_global_att_value use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains, mpp_global_field, domain2d use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_global_sum, BITWISE_EXACT_SUM, CORNER, EAST, NORTH, XUPDATE use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_domain_extents, mpp_deallocate_domain use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_data_domain, mpp_get_global_domain use mpp_mod, only: stdout, stdlog, mpp_error, mpp_chksum, mpp_sum, FATAL, NOTE, mpp_pe use mosaic_mod, only: get_mosaic_ntiles, get_mosaic_ncontacts, get_mosaic_contact use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices, get_global_indices, get_halo_sizes, get_domain_offsets use ocean_parameters_mod, only: GEOPOTENTIAL, ZSTAR, ZSIGMA, PRESSURE, PSTAR, PSIGMA use ocean_parameters_mod, only: PRESSURE_BASED, DEPTH_BASED use ocean_parameters_mod, only: missing_value, rho0 use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_time_type, ocean_domain_type use ocean_workspace_mod, only: wrk1_2d implicit none private #include #ifdef MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS integer, parameter :: xhalo=1 integer, parameter :: yhalo=1 #else integer, private :: xhalo integer, private :: yhalo #endif ! for diagnostics integer :: id_ht =-1 integer :: id_hu =-1 integer :: id_dht_dx =-1 integer :: id_dht_dy =-1 integer :: id_gradH =-1 integer :: id_kmt =-1 integer :: id_kmu =-1 integer :: id_dxt=-1 integer :: id_dxu=-1 integer :: id_dyt=-1 integer :: id_dyu=-1 integer :: id_dxtn=-1 integer :: id_dyte=-1 logical :: used character(len=128) :: version=& '$Id: ocean_grids.F90,v 2009/12/01 21:40:33 smg Exp $' character (len=128) :: tagname = & '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' public ocean_grids_init public set_ocean_grid_size public set_ocean_hgrid_arrays public set_ocean_vgrid_arrays public update_boundaries private axes_info ! for setting dst with pressure-based vertical coordinate models real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rho0_profile integer :: vert_coordinate integer :: vert_coordinate_class logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE. !mosaic integer :: grid_version integer, parameter :: VERSION_0 = 0 ! grid file with field geolon_t integer, parameter :: VERSION_1 = 1 ! grid file with field x_T integer, parameter :: VERSION_2 = 2 ! mosaic file ! nml variables logical :: debug_this_module = .false. logical :: verbose_init = .true. logical :: read_rho0_profile = .false. logical :: write_grid = .false. namelist /ocean_grids_nml/ debug_this_module, verbose_init, read_rho0_profile, write_grid ! grid file name character(len=256) :: ocean_hgrid ! will be set in set_ocean_grid_size character(len=256) :: ocean_vgrid = 'INPUT/ocean_vgrid.nc' contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Initialize the grids module. ! ! subroutine ocean_grids_init(debug, ver_coordinate, ver_coordinate_class) logical, intent(in), optional :: debug integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate_class integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit stdoutunit=stdout();stdlogunit=stdlog() if ( module_is_initialized ) then call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod (ocean_grids_init): module has been initialized') endif module_is_initialized = .TRUE. vert_coordinate = ver_coordinate vert_coordinate_class = ver_coordinate_class call write_version_number( version, tagname ) if (PRESENT(debug)) debug_this_module = debug ! provide for namelist over-ride of defaults ioun = open_namelist_file() read (ioun,ocean_grids_nml,IOSTAT=io_status) write (stdoutunit,'(/)') write (stdoutunit,ocean_grids_nml) write (stdlogunit,ocean_grids_nml) ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'ocean_grids_nml') call close_file(ioun) end subroutine ocean_grids_init ! NAME="ocean_grids_init" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Set the ocean grid size. Model expects the grid specification file ! to be called grid_spec.nc. ! ! subroutine set_ocean_grid_size(Grid, grid_file, grid_name) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: grid_file character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: grid_name integer :: siz(4) integer :: m integer :: nx(1), ny(1) integer :: ntiles, ncontacts integer, dimension(2) :: tile1, tile2 integer, dimension(2) :: istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1 integer, dimension(2) :: istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2 character(len=256) :: grd_file, ocean_mosaic, attvalue real :: f_plane_latitude integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() Grid%ni=0 ; Grid%nj=0 ; Grid%nk=0 Grid%mosaic = .false. grd_file = "INPUT/grid_spec.nc" if(present(grid_file)) grd_file = grid_file ! ! Determine if the grid is mosaic file ! if(field_exist(grd_file, 'ocn_mosaic_file') .or. field_exist(grd_file, 'gridfiles') ) then ! read from mosaic file write(stdoutunit,*) '==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): read grid from mosaic version grid' grid_version = VERSION_2 Grid%mosaic = .true. if( field_exist(grd_file, 'ocn_mosaic_file') ) then ! coupler mosaic call read_data(grd_file, "ocn_mosaic_file", ocean_mosaic) ocean_mosaic = "INPUT/"//trim(ocean_mosaic) else ocean_mosaic = trim(grd_file) end if ntiles = get_mosaic_ntiles(ocean_mosaic) if(ntiles .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'ntiles should be 1 for ocean mosaic, contact developer') ! Notify diag_manager of mosaic grid call set_diag_global_att ('ocean','mosaic','1') call read_data(ocean_mosaic, "gridfiles", ocean_hgrid) ocean_hgrid = 'INPUT/'//trim(ocean_hgrid) call field_size(ocean_hgrid, 'x', siz) Grid%ni = nx(1) Grid%nj = ny(1) if(mod(siz(1),2) .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'x-size of x in file '//trim(ocean_hgrid)//' should be 2*ni+1') if(mod(siz(2),2) .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'y-size of x in file '//trim(ocean_hgrid)//' should be 2*nj+1') Grid%ni = siz(1)/2 Grid%nj = siz(2)/2 call field_size(ocean_vgrid , "zeta", siz) if(mod(siz(1),2) .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'size of dimension zeta in file '//trim(ocean_vgrid)//' should be 2*nk+1') Grid%nk = siz(1)/2 else if(field_exist(grd_file, 'x_T')) then ocean_hgrid = grd_file write(stdoutunit,*) '==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): read grid from new version grid' grid_version = VERSION_1 call field_size( ocean_hgrid, 'x_T', siz) Grid%ni = siz(1) Grid%nj = siz(2) call field_size( ocean_hgrid, "zt", siz) Grid%nk = siz(1) else if(field_exist(grd_file, 'geolon_t')) then ocean_hgrid = grd_file write(stdoutunit,*) '==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): read grid from old version grid' grid_version = VERSION_0 call field_size( ocean_hgrid, 'geolon_t', siz) Grid%ni = siz(1) Grid%nj = siz(2) call field_size( ocean_hgrid, "zt", siz) Grid%nk = siz(1) else call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'x_T, geolon_t, ocn_mosaic_file, gridfiles does not exist in file ' //trim(grd_file)) endif if (Grid%ni == 0 .or. Grid%nj == 0 .or. Grid%nk == 0) then write(stdoutunit,*) '==>Error reading grid information from ',trim(grd_file),'. Make sure file exists' call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error reading grid information from grid file. Are you sure file exists?') endif Grid%cyclic_x=.false.;Grid%cyclic_y=.false.;Grid%tripolar=.false. Grid%f_plane=.false.; Grid%beta_plane=.false. Grid%f_plane_latitude = -999.0 if(grid_version == VERSION_2) then !z1l: f_plane, beta_plane area not supported in mosaic grid. Need to think about to implement this. if(field_exist(ocean_mosaic, "contacts") ) then ncontacts = get_mosaic_ncontacts(ocean_mosaic) if(ncontacts < 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'number of contacts should be larger than 0 when field contacts exist in file '//trim(ocean_mosaic) ) if(ncontacts > 2) call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): '//& 'number of contacts should be no larger than 2') call get_mosaic_contact( ocean_mosaic, tile1(1:ncontacts), tile2(1:ncontacts), & istart1(1:ncontacts), iend1(1:ncontacts), jstart1(1:ncontacts), jend1(1:ncontacts), & istart2(1:ncontacts), iend2(1:ncontacts), jstart2(1:ncontacts), jend2(1:ncontacts) ) do m = 1, ncontacts if(istart1(m) == iend1(m) ) then ! x-direction contact, only cyclic condition if(istart2(m) .NE. iend2(m) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): only cyclic condition is allowed for x-boundary") Grid%cyclic_x = .true. else if( jstart1(m) == jend1(m) ) then ! y-direction contact, cyclic or folded-north if(jstart2(m) .NE. jend2(m) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): "//& "only cyclic/folded-north condition is allowed for y-boundary") if( jstart1(m) == jstart2(m) ) then ! folded north Grid%tripolar = .true. else Grid%cyclic_y = .true. endif else call mpp_error(FATAL, & "==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): invalid boundary contact") end if end do end if else if( get_global_att_value(ocean_hgrid, "x_boundary_type", attvalue) ) then if(attvalue == 'cyclic') Grid%cyclic_x = .true. end if if( get_global_att_value(ocean_hgrid, "y_boundary_type", attvalue) ) then if(attvalue == 'cyclic') then Grid%cyclic_y = .true. else if(attvalue == 'fold_north_edge') then Grid%tripolar = .true. end if end if if(get_global_att_value(ocean_hgrid, "f_plane", attvalue) ) then if(attvalue == 'y') Grid%f_plane = .true. end if if(get_global_att_value(ocean_hgrid, "beta_plane", attvalue) ) then if(attvalue == 'y') Grid%beta_plane = .true. end if if( get_global_att_value(ocean_hgrid, "f_plane_latitude", f_plane_latitude) ) then Grid%f_plane_latitude = f_plane_latitude end if end if if(Grid%cyclic_x) then call mpp_error(NOTE,'==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): x_boundary_type is cyclic') else call mpp_error(NOTE,'==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): x_boundary_type is solid_walls') end if if(Grid%tripolar) then call mpp_error(NOTE,'==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): y_boundary_type is fold_north_edge') else if(Grid%cyclic_y) then call mpp_error(NOTE,'==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): y_boundary_type is cyclic') else call mpp_error(NOTE,'==>Note from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): y_boundary_type is solid_walls') endif if(Grid%f_plane .or. Grid%beta_plane) then if(abs(Grid%f_plane_latitude) > 90.0 ) then write(stdoutunit,*) "==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): "// & "f_plane_latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Please check your grid file." call mpp_error(FATAL, "==>Error from ocean_grids_mod(set_ocean_grid_size): "// & "f_plane_latitude must be between -90 and 90 degrees. Please check your grid file.") end if write(stdoutunit,'(a,f8.2)') '==>f-plane/beta-plane latitude = ',Grid%f_plane_latitude end if if(Grid%f_plane) then write(stdoutunit,*) '==>NOTE: Setting geometry and Coriolis according to f-plane' endif if(Grid%beta_plane) then write(stdoutunit,*) '==>NOTE: Setting geometry and Coriolis according to beta-plane' endif if(Grid%tripolar) then write (stdoutunit,'(1x,/a)') ' ==> Note: Energy conversion errors are nontrivial when using tripolar=.true.' write (stdoutunit,'(7x,a)') 'The cause is related to the need to update redundantly computed information' write (stdoutunit,'(7x,a)') 'across the Arctic bipolar fold in a bit-wise exact manner for terms contributing' write (stdoutunit,'(7x,a)') 'to the energy conversion analysis. The extra code and mpp calls have not been' write (stdoutunit,'(7x,a)') 'implemented.' endif if (PRESENT(grid_name)) then Grid%name = grid_name else Grid%name = 'ocean' endif end subroutine set_ocean_grid_size ! NAME="set_ocean_grid_size" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Define horizontal (and some vertical) grid arrays. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Grid% grid_spec grid_spec grid_spec Description ! var field field field ! VERSION_0 VERSION_1 VERSION_2(mosaic) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ocean_vgrid.nc ! k=1,nk ! zt zt zt zeta(2k-1) ! zw zw zb zeta(2k) ! ! ocean_hgrid.nc ! i=1,ni ! j=1,nj ! grid_x_t gridlon_t grid_x_T x(2i ,2) ! grid_x_u gridlon_vert_t grid_x_C x(2i+1,1) ! grid_y_t gridlat_t grid_y_T y(ni/4,2j) ! grid_y_u gridlat_vert_t grid_y_C y(ni/4,2j+1) ! !T ! xt(i,j) geolon_t(i,j) x_T(i,j) x(2i,2j) ! yt geolat_t y_T y(2i,2j) ! dtw dtw ds_01_11_T dx(2i-1,2j) distance to western face of t cell ! dte dte ds_11_21_T dx(2i,2j) distance to eastern face of t cell ! dts dts ds_10_11_T dy(2i,2j-1) distance to southern face of t cell ! dtn dtn ds_11_12_T dy(2i,2j) distance to northern face of t cell ! ! dxt dxt ds_01_21_T dx(2i,2j) +dx(2i-1,2j) width of t cell ! dxtn dxtn ds_02_22_T dx(2i-1,2j+1)+dx(2i,2j+1) width of northern face of t cell ! dxte dxte ds_00_20_C dx(2i,2j) +dx(2i+1,2j) distance to adjacent t cell to the east! ! dyt dyt ds_10_12_T dy(2i,2j) +dy(2i,2j-1) height of t cell ! dytn dytn ds_00_02_C dy(2i,2j) +dy(2i,2j+1) distance to adjacent t cell to the north! ! dyte dyte ds_20_22_T dy(2i+1,2j-1)+dy(2i+1,2j) height of eastern face of t cell ! !C ! NOTE: The "first" (I,J) C-cell is the one shifted NE of the "first" (I,J) T-cell ! ! ! xu geolon_c x_C x(2i+1,2j+1) ! yu geolat_c y_c y(2i+1,2j+1) ! dxu dxu ds_01_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1)+dx(2i,2j+1) width of u cell ! dxun dxun ds_02_22_C dx(2i,2j+2)+dx(2i+1,2j+2) width of northern face of u cell ! dyu dyu ds_10_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1)+dy(2i+1,2j) height of u cell ! dyue dyue ds_20_22_C dy(2i+2,2j)+dy(2i+2,2j+1) height of eastern face of u cell ! ! dyun dyun ds_11_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1)+dy(2i+1,2j+2) distance to adjacent u cell to the north ! +ds_10_11_C(i,j+1) satisfies sum rule dyte(i,j)=dyun(i,j-1) ! dxue dxue ds_11_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1)+dx(2i+2,2j+1) distance to adjacent u cell to the east! ! +ds_01_11_C(i+1,j) ! ! duw duw ds_01_11_C dx(2i,2j+1) distance to western face of u cell ! due due ds_11_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1) distance to eastern face of u cell ! dus dus ds_10_11_C dy(2i+1,2j) distance to southern face of u cell ! dun dun ds_11_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1) distance to northern face of u cell ! ! sin_rot sin_rot angle_C sin(angle_dx(2*i+1,2*j+1) sin of rotation angle at corner cell centers ! cos_rot cos_rot angle_C cos(angle_dx(2*i+1,2*j+1) cos of rotation angle at corner cell centers ! !Following are the available fields in mosaic files !-------------------------------------------------------- !Mosaic file fields !-------------------------------------------------------- !ocean_hgrid.nc x, y, dx, dy, angle_dx, area !ocean_vgrid.nc zeta !topog.nc depth ! ! subroutine set_ocean_hgrid_arrays(Domain, Grid) type(ocean_domain_type), intent(inout) :: Domain type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid real, dimension(:), allocatable :: data real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp_local real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp1_local real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp2_local real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmpx real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmpy integer, dimension(:),allocatable :: xext, yext type(ocean_domain_type) :: Domain2 integer :: isd2, ied2, jsd2, jed2 integer :: isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2 integer :: isg2, ieg2, jsg2, jeg2 integer :: isc1, iec1, jsc1, jec1 integer :: i, j, k, lon_Tripol integer :: ioff, joff integer :: start(4), nread(4) integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() ! set the grid points coordinates (degrees) and grid spacing (degrees) #ifndef MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec) call get_global_indices(Domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg) call get_halo_sizes(Domain, xhalo, yhalo) ni = Grid%ni;nj = Grid%nj; nk = Grid%nk allocate (Grid%xt(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%yt(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%xu(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%yu(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%grid_x_t(ni)) allocate (Grid%grid_y_t(nj)) allocate (Grid%grid_x_u(ni)) allocate (Grid%grid_y_u(nj)) allocate (Grid%zt(nk)) allocate (Grid%zw(nk)) allocate(Grid%phit(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%phiu(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%h1t(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%h2t(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%h1u(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%h2u(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxt(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxu(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyt(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyu(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dat(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dau(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxtn(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dytn(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxte(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyte(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxun(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyun(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxue(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyue(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxtr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxur(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dytr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyur(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxuer(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyuer(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxunr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyunr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxter(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dytnr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dyue_dxuer(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dxun_dyunr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%datr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%daur(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dater(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%datnr(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dh1dy(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dh2dx(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate ( Grid%duw(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%due(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dus(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dun(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dtw(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dte(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dts(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate ( Grid%dtn(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate(Grid%sin_rot(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate(Grid%cos_rot(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%obc_tmask(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%obc_umask(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) #endif !--- initialize grid data Grid%xt=0.0; Grid%yt=0.0; Grid%grid_x_t=0.0; Grid%grid_y_t=0.0 Grid%xu=0.0; Grid%yu=0.0; Grid%grid_x_u=0.0; Grid%grid_y_u=0.0 Grid%dxtn=1.0; Grid%dytn=1.0; Grid%dxte=1.0; Grid%dyte=1.0 Grid%dxun=1.0; Grid%dyun=1.0; Grid%dxue=1.0; Grid%dyue=1.0 Grid%duw=0.0 ; Grid%due=0.0 ; Grid%dus=0.0 ; Grid%dun=0.0 Grid%dtw=0.0 ; Grid%dte=0.0 ; Grid%dts=0.0; Grid%dtn=0.0 Grid%zt=0.0; Grid%zw=0.0; Grid%sin_rot=0.0; Grid%cos_rot=0.0 Grid%dxt=epsln; Grid%dxu=epsln ; Grid%dyt=epsln ; Grid%dyu=epsln call get_domain_offsets(Domain,ioff, joff) select case( grid_version ) case( VERSION_0 ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "zt", Grid%zt, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "zw", Grid%zw, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "gridlon_t", Grid%grid_x_t, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "gridlat_t", Grid%grid_y_t, no_domain = .true.) allocate(data(ni+1)) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "gridlon_vert_t", data, no_domain = .true.) Grid%grid_x_u = data(2:ni+1) deallocate(data) allocate(data(nj+1)) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "gridlat_vert_t", data, no_domain = .true.) Grid%grid_y_u = data(2:nj+1) deallocate(data) case( VERSION_1 ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "zt", Grid%zt, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "zb", Grid%zw, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "grid_x_T", Grid%grid_x_t, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "grid_y_T", Grid%grid_y_t, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "grid_x_C", Grid%grid_x_u, no_domain = .true.) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "grid_y_C", Grid%grid_y_u, no_domain = .true.) case( VERSION_2 ) allocate(data(2*nk+1) ) call read_data(ocean_vgrid, "zeta", data, no_domain=.TRUE.) do k=1,nk Grid%zt(k) = data(2*k) Grid%zw(k) = data(2*k+1) enddo deallocate(data) !--- set up domain for supergrid. allocate( xext(Domain%layout(1)), yext(Domain%layout(2)) ) call mpp_get_domain_extents(domain%domain2d, xext, yext) xext = 2*xext yext = 2*yext call mpp_define_domains((/1,2*ni,1,2*nj/),domain%layout, Domain2%domain2d, maskmap=Domain%maskmap& , xflags = Domain%xflags, yflags = Domain%yflags, xhalo=2, yhalo=2,name='ocean_super_grid'& , xextent = xext, yextent = yext, symmetry = .true. ) call mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain%domain2d, isc1, iec1, jsc1, jec1) call mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain2%domain2d, isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2) call mpp_get_data_domain(Domain2%domain2d, isd2, ied2, jsd2, jed2) call mpp_get_global_domain(Domain2%domain2d, isg2, ieg2, jsg2, jeg2) !--- The following adjust is for the consideration of static memory. ioff = isc1 - isc; joff = jsc1 - jsc isc2 = isc2 - 2*ioff; iec2 = iec2 - 2*ioff jsc2 = jsc2 - 2*joff; jec2 = jec2 - 2*joff isd2 = isd2 - 2*ioff; ied2 = ied2 - 2*ioff jsd2 = jsd2 - 2*joff; jed2 = jed2 - 2*joff if(isc2 .NE. 2*isc-1 .OR. iec2 .NE. 2*iec .OR. jsc2 .NE. 2*jsc-1 .OR. jec2 .NE. 2*jec ) then call mpp_error(FATAL, 'ocean_grids_mod (set_ocean_hgrid_arrays): supergrid compute domain is not set properly') endif if(isd2 .NE. 2*isd-1 .OR. ied2 .NE. 2*ied .OR. jsd2 .NE. 2*jsd-1 .OR. jed2 .NE. 2*jed ) then print*, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isd2, ied2, jsd2, jed2 call mpp_error(FATAL, 'ocean_grids_mod (set_ocean_hgrid_arrays): supergrid data domain is not set properly') endif Domain2%isc = isc2; Domain2%iec = iec2 Domain2%jsc = jsc2; Domain2%jec = jec2 Domain2%isd = isd2; Domain2%ied = ied2 Domain2%jsd = jsd2; Domain2%jed = jed2 Domain2%isg = isg2; Domain2%ieg = ieg2 Domain2%jsg = jsg2; Domain2%jeg = jeg2 Domain2%xhalo = 2; Domain2%yhalo = 2 Domain2%ioff = 2*ioff; Domain2%joff = 2*joff start = 1; nread = 1 start(2) = 2; nread(1) = 2*ni+1; nread(2) = 2 allocate(tmpx(2*ni+1,2), tmpy(2,2*nj+1) ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "x", tmpx, start, nread, no_domain=.true.) do i = 1, ni Grid%grid_x_t(i) = tmpx(2*i, 1) Grid%grid_x_u(i) = tmpx(2*i+1,2) enddo lon_Tripol = ni/4 ! 90 for 1 degree grid start = 1; nread = 1 start(1) = 2*lon_Tripol+1; nread(1) = 2; nread(2) = 2*nj+1 call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "y", tmpy, start, nread, no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nj Grid%grid_y_t(j) = tmpy(1 , 2*j) Grid%grid_y_u(j) = tmpy(1 , 2*j+1) enddo deallocate(tmpx, tmpy) allocate(tmpx(isc2:iec2+1, jsc2:jec2+1)) allocate(tmpy(isc2:iec2+1, jsc2:jec2+1)) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "x", tmpx, Domain2%domain2d, position=CORNER) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "y", tmpy, Domain2%domain2d, position=CORNER) end select !--- Grid%xt select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'geolon_t', Grid%xt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'x_T', Grid%xt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%xt(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%xt,0,0,0,0) !--- Grid%yt select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'geolat_t', Grid%yt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'y_T', Grid%yt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%yt(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%yt,0,0,0,0) !--- Grid%xu select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'geolon_c', Grid%xu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'x_C', Grid%xu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%xu(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%xu,-1,-1,0,0) !--- Grid%yu select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'geolat_c', Grid%yu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'y_C', Grid%yu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%yu(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%yu,-1,-1,0,0) if (Grid%beta_plane .or. Grid%f_plane) then Grid%phiu(:,:) = Grid%f_plane_latitude/radian Grid%phit(:,:) = Grid%phiu(:,:) else Grid%phit(:,:) = Grid%yt(:,:)/radian Grid%phiu(:,:) = Grid%yu(:,:)/radian endif Grid%h1t(:,:) = radius*cos(Grid%phit(:,:)) where (cos(Grid%phit) == 0.0) Grid%h1t = radius*abs(epsln) Grid%h1u(:,:) = radius*cos(Grid%phiu(:,:)) where (cos(Grid%phiu) == 0.0) Grid%h1u = radius*abs(epsln) Grid%h2t(:,:) = radius Grid%h2u(:,:) = radius ! set cell widths (meters) and area (meters^2) if(grid_version == VERSION_2) then deallocate(tmpx, tmpy) allocate(tmpx(isd2:ied2,jsd2:jed2+1), tmpy(isd2:ied2+1,jsd2:jed2)) tmpx = 0.0 tmpy = 0.0 call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "dx", tmpx, Domain2%domain2d, position=NORTH) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "dy", tmpy, Domain2%domain2d, position=EAST) call update_boundaries(Domain2,Grid,tmpx,0,-1,0,1) call update_boundaries(Domain2,Grid,tmpy,-1,0,1,0) end if ! --- Grid%dxt select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxt', Grid%dxt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_21_T', Grid%dxt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxt(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc-1:2*iec-1:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) + tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxt,0,0,0,0) !--- Grid%dyt select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dyt', Grid%dyt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_12_T', Grid%dyt, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dyt(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc-1:2*jec-1:2) + tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dyt,0,0,0,0) ! --- Grid%dxu select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxu', Grid%dxu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_21_C', Grid%dxu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxu(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) + tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxu,-1,-1,0,0) !--- Grid%dyu select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dyu', Grid%dyu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_12_C', Grid%dyu, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dyu(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) + tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dyu,-1,-1,0,0) Grid%dat(:,:) = Grid%dxt(:,:)*Grid%dyt(:,:) Grid%dau(:,:) = Grid%dxu(:,:)*Grid%dyu(:,:) ! set lengths at edges of grid cells (meters) allocate(tmp1_local(isd:ied,jsd:jed), tmp2_local(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) ! --- Grid%dxtn select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxtn', Grid%dxtn, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_02_22_T', Grid%dxtn, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc-1:2*iec-1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) + tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxtn,0,-1,0,0) ! --- Grid%dytn select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dytn', Grid%dytn, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_00_02_C', Grid%dytn, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dytn(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) + tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dytn,0,-1,0,0) ! --- Grid%dxte select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxte', Grid%dxte, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_00_20_C', Grid%dxte, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) + tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxte,-1,0,0,0) ! --- Grid%dyte select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dyte', Grid%dyte, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_20_22_T', Grid%dyte, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dyte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc-1:2*jec-1:2) + tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dyte,-1,0,0,0) ! --- Grid%dxun select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxun', Grid%dxun, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_02_22_C', Grid%dxun, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2,2*jsc+2:2*jec+2:2) + tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+2:2*jec+2:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxun,-1,-2,0,0) ! --- Grid%dyun select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dyun', Grid%dyun, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_11_C', tmp2_local, Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_12_C', tmp1_local, Domain%domain2d) call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,tmp2_local,-1,-1,0,0,field_ref=tmp1_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) Grid%dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmp1_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+tmp2_local(isc:iec,jsc+1:jec+1) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) + tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+2:2*jec+2:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dyun,-1,-2,0,0) ! --- Grid%dxue select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dxue', Grid%dxue, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_11_C', tmp2_local, Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_21_C', tmp1_local, Domain%domain2d) call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,tmp2_local,-1,-1,0,0,field_ref=tmp1_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) Grid%dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmp1_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+tmp2_local(isc+1:iec+1,jsc:jec) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) + tmpx(2*isc+2:2*iec+2:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dxue,-2,-1,0,0) ! --- Grid%dyue select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dyue', Grid%dyue, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_20_22_C', Grid%dyue, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dyue(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+2:2*iec+2:2,2*jsc:2*jec:2) + tmpy(2*isc+2:2*iec+2:2,2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dyue,-2,-1,0,0) ! set reciprocals and related quantities do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Grid%dxtr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxt(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dxur(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxu(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dytr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dyt(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dyur(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dyu(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dxuer(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxue(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dyuer(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dyue(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dxunr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxun(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dyunr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dyun(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dxter(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxte(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dytnr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dytn(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dyue_dxuer(i,j) = Grid%dyue(i,j)/(Grid%dxue(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dxun_dyunr(i,j) = Grid%dxun(i,j)/(Grid%dyun(i,j)+epsln) Grid%datr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dat(i,j)+epsln) Grid%daur(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dau(i,j)+epsln) Grid%dater(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxte(i,j)*Grid%dyte(i,j)+epsln) Grid%datnr(i,j) = 1.0/(Grid%dxtn(i,j)*Grid%dytn(i,j)+epsln) enddo enddo ! set quantities which account for rotation of basis vectors allocate(tmp_local(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) tmp_local=1.0 ! expanded version of dh2dx(:,:) = BDX_EU(tmp(:,:)) do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec Grid%dh2dx(i,j) = (Grid%dyue(i,j)*tmp_local(i,j) - Grid%dyue(i-1,j)*tmp_local(i-1,j))*Grid%daur(i,j) enddo enddo if (.not. Grid%tripolar .and. jec+joff == nj) then do i=isc,iec Grid%dh2dx(i,jec) = 0.0 enddo endif call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dh2dx,-1,-1,0,0) ! expanded version of dh1dy(:,:) = BDY_NU(tmp(:,:)) do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec Grid%dh1dy(i,j) = (Grid%dxun(i,j)*tmp_local(i,j) - Grid%dxun(i,j-1)*tmp_local(i,j-1))*Grid%daur(i,j) enddo enddo if (.not. Grid%tripolar .and. jec+joff == nj) then do i=isc,iec Grid%dh1dy(i,jec) = 0.0 enddo endif call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dh1dy,-1,-1,0,0) ! build distances from grid point to cell faces {meters} ! --- Grid%duw select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'duw', Grid%duw, Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'due', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d ) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_11_C', Grid%duw, Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_21_C', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%duw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%duw,-1,-1,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%due select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'due', Grid%due, Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'duw', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_21_C', Grid%due, Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_11_C', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%due(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%due,-1,-1,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dus select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dus', Grid%dus(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dun', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_11_C', Grid%dus(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_12_C', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dus(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dus,-1,-1,0,0,field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dun select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dun', Grid%dun(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dus', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_12_C', Grid%dun(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_11_C', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dun(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc+1:2*jec+1:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc+1:2*iec+1:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dun,-1,-1,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dtw select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dtw', Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dte', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_11_T', Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_21_T', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc-1:2*iec-1:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dtw,0,0,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dte select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dte', Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dtw', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_21_T', Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_01_11_T', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpx(2*isc-1:2*iec-1:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dte,0,0,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dts select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dts', Grid%dts(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dtn', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_11_T', Grid%dts(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_12_T', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dts(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc-1:2*jec-1:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dts,0,0,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! --- Grid%dtn select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dtn', Grid%dtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'dts', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_11_12_T', Grid%dtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'ds_10_11_T', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_2) Grid%dtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc:2*jec:2) tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = tmpy(2*isc:2*iec:2, 2*jsc-1:2*jec-1:2) deallocate(tmpx, tmpy) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%dtn,0,0,0,0, field_ref=tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) ! calculate rotation angles on velocity points select case(grid_version) case(VERSION_0) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'sin_rot', Grid%sin_rot, Domain%domain2d) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'cos_rot', Grid%cos_rot, Domain%domain2d) case(VERSION_1) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, 'angle_C', tmp_local, Domain%domain2d) tmp_local = tmp_local*deg_to_rad Grid%sin_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = sin(tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) Grid%cos_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = cos(tmp_local(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) case(VERSION_2) allocate(tmp(isc2:iec2+1,jsc2:jec2+1) ) call read_data(ocean_hgrid, "angle_dx", tmp, Domain2%domain2d, position=CORNER) tmp = tmp*deg_to_rad do j = jsc, jec do i = isc, iec Grid%sin_rot(i,j) = sin(tmp(2*i+1,2*j+1) ) Grid%cos_rot(i,j) = cos(tmp(2*i+1,2*j+1) ) end do end do deallocate(tmp) call mpp_deallocate_domain(Domain2%domain2d) end select call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%sin_rot,-1,-1,0,0) call update_boundaries(Domain,Grid,Grid%cos_rot,-1,-1,0,0) ! ensure that all grid factors are set properly at the southern boundary. ! many grid factors with index j=0 have no affect within the computational domain ! Even so, for completeness they are explicity set below. tmp_local=1.0 if (jsc+joff == 1) then call mpp_error(NOTE, '==>Note from ocean_grids_mod (set_ocean_hgrid_arrays): altering U-grid arrays at j=0') ! phiu(:,0), h1u(:,0), and dxu(:,0) are within the computational domain and are ! not arbitrary. their values follow directly from grid_spec definitions. ! dyu(:,0) is arbitrary and has been set equal to dyu(:,1) by update_boundaries. ! However, a symmetric ocean domain requires that dyu be symmetric so dyu(:,0) = dyu(:,nj) if (Grid%beta_plane .or. Grid%f_plane) then Grid%phiu(:,0) = Grid%f_plane_latitude/radian else Grid%phiu(:,0) = Grid%yu(:,1)/radian - Grid%dyte(:,1)/radius endif Grid%phiu(:,0) = max(min(Grid%phiu(:,0),90.0/radian),-90.0/radian) where (cos(Grid%phiu(:,0)) == 0.0) Grid%h1u(:,0) = radius*abs(epsln) elsewhere Grid%h1u(:,0) = radius*cos(Grid%phiu(:,0)) end where Grid%dxu(:,0) = (Grid%dxu(:,1)/Grid%h1u(:,1))*Grid%h1u(:,0) Grid%dau(:,0) = Grid%dxu(:,0)*Grid%dyu(:,0) Grid%dxur(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dxu(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dyur(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dyu(:,0)+epsln) Grid%daur(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dau(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dun(:,0) = Grid%dyte(:,1) - Grid%dus(:,1) Grid%dus(:,0) = Grid%dau(:,0)/(Grid%dxu(:,0)+epsln) - Grid%dun(:,0) Grid%due(:,0) = (Grid%due(:,1)/Grid%h1u(:,1))*Grid%h1u(:,0) Grid%duw(:,0) = Grid%dxu(:,0) - Grid%due(:,0) Grid%dxue(:,0) = (Grid%dxue(:,1)/Grid%h1u(:,1))*Grid%h1u(:,0) Grid%dxun(:,0) = (Grid%dxun(:,1)/Grid%h1t(:,2))*Grid%h1t(:,1) Grid%dxuer(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dxue(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dxunr(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dxun(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dyun(:,0) = Grid%dyte(:,1) Grid%dyunr(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dyun(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dxun_dyunr(:,0) = Grid%dxun(:,0)/(Grid%dyun(:,0)+epsln) ! not correct, but any use should be zeroed out by the land mask at j=0 Grid%dyue(:,0) = Grid%dyu(:,0) Grid%dyuer(:,0) = 1.0/(Grid%dyue(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dyue_dxuer(:,0) = Grid%dyue(:,0)/(Grid%dxue(:,0)+epsln) Grid%dh2dx(:,0) = 0.0 Grid%dh1dy(:,1) = (Grid%dxun(:,1)*tmp_local(:,1) - Grid%dxun(:,0)*tmp_local(:,0))*Grid%daur(:,1) Grid%dh1dy(:,0) = 0.0 endif deallocate(tmp_local, tmp1_local, tmp2_local) if (debug_this_module .or. verbose_init) then write(stdoutunit,*) 'xt chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%xt(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'xu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%xu(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'yt chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%yt(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'yu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%yu(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxt chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxt(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxu(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dyt chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dyt(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dyu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dyu(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dat chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dat(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dau chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dau(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxtn chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dytn chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dytn(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxte chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxte(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dyte chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dyte(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxun chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxun(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dyun chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dxue chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dyue chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dyue(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dtn+dts chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+Grid%dts(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dun+dus chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dun(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+Grid%dus(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dte+dtw chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'due+duw chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%due(isc:iec,jsc:jec)+Grid%duw(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dte chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) write(stdoutunit,*) 'dtw chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) write(stdoutunit,*) 'due chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%due(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) write(stdoutunit,*) 'duw chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%duw(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) write(stdoutunit,*) 'sin_rot chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%sin_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) write(stdoutunit,*) 'cos_rot chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%cos_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) endif if(write_grid) then call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "xt", Grid%xt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "yt", Grid%yt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "xu", Grid%xu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "yu", Grid%yu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "zt", Grid%zt, no_domain=.true.) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "zw", Grid%zw, no_domain=.true.) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxt", Grid%dxt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dyt", Grid%dyt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxu", Grid%dxu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dyu", Grid%dyu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dat", Grid%dat(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dau", Grid%dau(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxtn", Grid%dxtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dytn", Grid%dytn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxte", Grid%dxte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dyte", Grid%dyte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxun", Grid%dxun(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dyun", Grid%dyun(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dxue", Grid%dxue(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dyue", Grid%dyue(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dtn", Grid%dtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dts", Grid%dts(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dun", Grid%dun(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dus", Grid%dus(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dte", Grid%dte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "dtw", Grid%dtw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "due", Grid%due(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "duw", Grid%duw(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "sin_rot", Grid%sin_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "cos_rot", Grid%cos_rot(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d) end if end subroutine set_ocean_hgrid_arrays ! NAME="set_ocean_hgrid_arrays" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Compute vertical (and some horizontal) grids for ocean model. ! Also compute axes information for diagnostic manager. ! ! subroutine set_ocean_vgrid_arrays (Time, Domain, Grid, obc) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid logical, intent(in), optional :: obc real :: ht_fax, ht_fay, ht_jp1_fax, ht_ip1_fay real :: tcella_sphere, ucella_sphere integer :: i, j, k, kzt, kzu, kmin integer :: id_geolon_t integer :: id_geolat_t integer :: id_geolon_uv integer :: id_geolat_uv integer :: id_area_t integer :: id_area_u logical :: used logical :: have_obc=.false. real :: sigma_sign, zwnk, zwnk_r integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() if (PRESENT(obc)) have_obc = obc #ifndef MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS allocate (Grid%tcella(nk)) allocate (Grid%ucella(nk)) allocate (Grid%tmask(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk)) allocate (Grid%umask(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk)) allocate (Grid%tmask_depth(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk)) allocate (Grid%umask_depth(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk)) allocate (Grid%dht_dx(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dht_dy(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%gradH(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Grid%dzt(nk)) allocate (Grid%dztlo(nk)) allocate (Grid%dztup(nk)) allocate (Grid%dzw(0:nk)) allocate (Grid%st(nk)) allocate (Grid%sw(nk)) allocate (Grid%dst(nk)) allocate (Grid%dstlo(nk)) allocate (Grid%dstup(nk)) allocate (Grid%dsw(0:nk)) allocate (Grid%fracdz(nk,0:1)) allocate (Grid%dzwr(0:nk)) #endif ! set depth arrays Grid%dzw(0) = Grid%zt(1) Grid%dzw(1) = Grid%zt(2)-Grid%zt(1) Grid%dzwr(0) = 1.0/Grid%dzw(0) Grid%dzwr(1) = 1.0/Grid%dzw(1) Grid%dzt(1) = Grid%zw(1) Grid%fracdz(1,0) = Grid%zt(1)/Grid%dzt(1) Grid%fracdz(1,1) = (Grid%zw(1) - Grid%zt(1))/Grid%dzt(1) do k=2,nk-1 Grid%dzt(k) = Grid%zw(k)-Grid%zw(k-1) Grid%dzw(k) = Grid%zt(k+1)-Grid%zt(k) Grid%dzwr(k) = 1.0/Grid%dzw(k) Grid%fracdz(k,0) = (Grid%zt(k) - Grid%zw(k-1))/Grid%dzt(k) Grid%fracdz(k,1) = (Grid%zw(k) - Grid%zt(k))/Grid%dzt(k) enddo Grid%dzt(nk) = Grid%zw(nk)-Grid%zw(nk-1) Grid%dzw(nk) = Grid%zw(nk) - Grid%zt(nk) Grid%dzwr(nk) = 1.0/Grid%dzw(nk) Grid%fracdz(nk,0) = (Grid%zt(nk) - Grid%zw(nk-1))/Grid%dzt(nk) Grid%fracdz(nk,1) = (Grid%zw(nk) - Grid%zt(nk))/Grid%dzt(nk) ! half-thicknesses k=1 Grid%dztlo(k) = Grid%zw(k)-Grid%zt(k) Grid%dztup(k) = Grid%dzw(k-1) do k=2,nk Grid%dztlo(k) = Grid%zw(k)-Grid%zt(k) Grid%dztup(k) = Grid%zt(k)-Grid%zw(k-1) enddo ! construct T cell and U cell land/sea masks do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if (Grid%kmt(i,j) .ge. k) then Grid%tmask(i,j,k) = 1.0 else Grid%tmask(i,j,k) = 0.0 endif if (Grid%kmu(i,j) .ge. k) then Grid%umask(i,j,k) = 1.0 else Grid%umask(i,j,k) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo enddo ! Compute masks as if depth or pressure were the vertical coordinates. ! This new mask is used for case when have vert_coordinate=ZSIGMA or PSIGMA, ! in which case tmask and umask are 1 for all k=1,nk except where ht=0.0. ! We need tmask_depth and umask_depth for vertical remapping in case when ! remap fields into depth or pressure space from terrain following s-space. Grid%tmask_depth(:,:,:) = 0.0 Grid%umask_depth(:,:,:) = 0.0 k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if (Grid%ht(i,j) > 0.0) then Grid%tmask_depth(i,j,k) = 1.0 endif if (Grid%hu(i,j) > 0.0) then Grid%umask_depth(i,j,k) = 1.0 endif enddo enddo do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if (Grid%ht(i,j) >= Grid%zw(k)) then Grid%tmask_depth(i,j,k+1) = 1.0 endif if (Grid%hu(i,j) >= Grid%zw(k)) then Grid%umask_depth(i,j,k+1) = 1.0 endif enddo enddo enddo ! compute surface area and volume of ocean (T cells and U cells) Grid%tcellv = 0.0 !total ocean volume on T cells (assuming eta=0) Grid%ucellv = 0.0 !total ocean volume on U cells (assuming eta=0) Grid%tcella(:) = 0.0 !total ocean surface area on T cells in level k Grid%ucella(:) = 0.0 !total ocean surface area on U cells in level k ! exclude points at open boundaries from diagnostics do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec kzt = Grid%kmt(i,j) if(have_obc) kzt = kzt * Grid%obc_tmask(i,j) if (kzt .gt. 0) then do k=1,kzt Grid%tcella(k) = Grid%tcella(k) + Grid%dat(i,j) enddo Grid%tcellv = Grid%tcellv + Grid%dat(i,j)*Grid%ht(i,j) endif enddo enddo do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec kzu = Grid%kmu(i,j) if(have_obc) kzu = kzu * Grid%obc_umask(i,j) if (kzu .gt. 0) then do k=1,kzu Grid%ucella(k) = Grid%ucella(k) + Grid%dau(i,j) enddo Grid%ucellv = Grid%ucellv + Grid%dau(i,j)*Grid%hu(i,j) endif enddo enddo ! compute area of full domain, including land regions tcella_sphere=0.0 ucella_sphere=0.0 do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec tcella_sphere = tcella_sphere + Grid%dat(i,j) ucella_sphere = ucella_sphere + Grid%dau(i,j) enddo enddo call mpp_sum (Grid%tcella, nk) call mpp_sum (Grid%ucella, nk) call mpp_sum (Grid%tcellv) call mpp_sum (Grid%ucellv) call mpp_sum (tcella_sphere) call mpp_sum (ucella_sphere) ! information about model grid size Grid%total_t_points = Grid%ni*Grid%nj*Grid%nk Grid%wet_t_points = nint(mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%tmask(:,:,:), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM)) Grid%wet_u_points = nint(mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%umask(:,:,:), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM)) if (debug_this_module .or. verbose_init) then write (stdoutunit,'(/a,i12)') ' Number of wet ocean tracer points =', Grid%wet_t_points write (stdoutunit,'(a,i12)') ' Number of wet ocean velocity points =', Grid%wet_u_points write (stdoutunit,'(a,i12)') ' Number of computed ocean tracer points =', Grid%total_t_points write (stdoutunit,'(/a,es24.17,a)') & ' Wet ocean volume with eta_t=0.0 (T-cells) =', Grid%tcellv, ' m^3 (not bit reproducible)' write (stdoutunit,'(a,es24.17,a)') & ' Ocean surface area (T-cells) =', Grid%tcella(1), ' m^2 (not bit reproducible)' write (stdoutunit,'(/a,es24.17,a)') & ' Wet ocean volume with eta_u=0.0 (U-cells) =', Grid%ucellv, ' m^3 (not bit reproducible)' write (stdoutunit,'(a,es24.17,a)') & ' Wet ocean surface area (U-cells) =', Grid%ucella(1), ' m^2 (not bit reproducible)' write (stdoutunit,'(/a,es24.17,a)') & ' Wet ocean + masked-out (land) surface area (T-cells) =', tcella_sphere, ' m^2 (not bit reproducible)' write (stdoutunit,'(a,es24.17,a/)') & ' Wet ocean + masked-out (land) surface area (U-cells) =', ucella_sphere, ' m^2 (not bit reproducible)' endif ! compute bitwise reproducible surface areas if(have_obc) then Grid%tcellsurf = & mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%dat(:,:)*Grid%tmask(:,:,1)*Grid%obc_tmask(:,:), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM) Grid%ucellsurf = & mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%dau(:,:)*Grid%umask(:,:,1)*Grid%obc_umask(:,:), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM) else Grid%tcellsurf = & mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%dat(:,:)*Grid%tmask(:,:,1), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM) Grid%ucellsurf = & mpp_global_sum(Domain%domain2d,Grid%dau(:,:)*Grid%umask(:,:,1), BITWISE_EXACT_SUM) endif ! compute topographic slopes at U-cell. Note: cannot use ! operators as ocean_operators_init has not yet been called. do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec ht_fax = 0.5*( Grid%ht(i,j) + Grid%ht(i+1,j)) ht_fay = 0.5*( Grid%ht(i,j) + Grid%ht(i,j+1)) ht_jp1_fax = 0.5*( Grid%ht(i,j+1) + Grid%ht(i+1,j+1)) ht_ip1_fay = 0.5*( Grid%ht(i+1,j) + Grid%ht(i+1,j+1)) Grid%dht_dx(i,j) = (ht_ip1_fay-ht_fay)*Grid%dxur(i,j)*Grid%umask(i,j,1) Grid%dht_dy(i,j) = (ht_jp1_fax-ht_fax)*Grid%dyur(i,j)*Grid%umask(i,j,1) Grid%gradH(i,j) = sqrt(Grid%dht_dx(i,j)**2 + Grid%dht_dy(i,j)**2) enddo enddo allocate(rho0_profile(nk)) rho0_profile(:) = rho0 if(read_rho0_profile) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Warning: ocean_grids_mod: read rho0 profile to set dst grid spacing.' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' This option is experimental, and NOT generally supported.' if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Since using DEPTH_BASED vertical coordinates, rho0_profile = rho0.' endif if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then call read_data('INPUT/rho0_profile.nc','rho0_profile', rho0_profile) endif endif ! compute static s-grid information if(vert_coordinate == GEOPOTENTIAL .or. vert_coordinate == ZSTAR) then do k=1,nk Grid%st(k) = Grid%zt(k) Grid%sw(k) = Grid%zw(k) Grid%dst(k) = Grid%dzt(k) Grid%dstlo(k) = Grid%dztlo(k) Grid%dstup(k) = Grid%dztup(k) enddo do k=0,nk Grid%dsw(k) = Grid%dzw(k) enddo elseif(vert_coordinate == PRESSURE .or. vert_coordinate == PSTAR) then do k=1,nk Grid%st(k) = rho0_profile(k)*grav*Grid%zt(k) Grid%sw(k) = rho0_profile(k)*grav*Grid%zw(k) Grid%dst(k) = -rho0_profile(k)*grav*Grid%dzt(k) Grid%dstlo(k) = -rho0_profile(k)*grav*Grid%dztlo(k) Grid%dstup(k) = -rho0_profile(k)*grav*Grid%dztup(k) enddo do k=0,nk kmin = max(1,k) Grid%dsw(k) = -rho0_profile(kmin)*grav*Grid%dzw(k) enddo elseif(vert_coordinate == ZSIGMA .or. vert_coordinate == PSIGMA) then ! assume initial bottom pressure = rho0*g*ht, which means that ! PSIGMA and ZSIGMA initialization are same, to within sign. ! -1 <= ZSIGMA <= 0, so dst and dsw are positive ! 0 <= PSIGMA <= 1, so dst and dsw are negative ! Recall s-coordinate is dimensionless when use ZSIGMA or PSIGMA. if(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then sigma_sign = -1.0 elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then sigma_sign = 1.0 endif zwnk = Grid%zw(nk) zwnk_r = 1.0/(epsln + zwnk) do k=1,nk Grid%st(k) = sigma_sign*Grid%zt(k)*zwnk_r Grid%sw(k) = sigma_sign*Grid%zw(k)*zwnk_r enddo ! set s-grid increments from st and sw Grid%dsw(0) = - Grid%st(1) Grid%dsw(1) = -(Grid%st(2)-Grid%st(1)) Grid%dst(1) = - Grid%sw(1) do k=2,nk-1 Grid%dst(k) = -(Grid%sw(k) - Grid%sw(k-1)) Grid%dsw(k) = -(Grid%st(k+1)- Grid%st(k)) enddo Grid%dst(nk) = -(Grid%sw(nk)-Grid%sw(nk-1)) Grid%dsw(nk) = -(Grid%sw(nk)-Grid%st(nk)) k=1 Grid%dstlo(k) = Grid%sw(k)-Grid%st(k) Grid%dstup(k) = Grid%dsw(k-1) do k=2,nk Grid%dstlo(k) = Grid%sw(k)-Grid%st(k) Grid%dstup(k) = Grid%st(k)-Grid%sw(k-1) enddo endif ! set up the axis definition for variables call axes_info(Domain, Grid) ! output grid information to the diagnostic manager id_geolon_t = register_static_field('ocean_model','geolon_t', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'tracer longitude','degrees_E', range=(/-281.,361./)) if (id_geolon_t > 0) used = send_data(id_geolon_t,Grid%xt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_geolat_t = register_static_field('ocean_model','geolat_t', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'tracer latitude','degrees_N', range=(/-91.,91./)) if (id_geolat_t > 0) used = send_data(id_geolat_t,Grid%yt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_geolon_uv = register_static_field('ocean_model','geolon_c', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), & 'uv longitude','degrees_E', range=(/-281.,361./)) if (id_geolon_uv > 0) used = send_data(id_geolon_uv,Grid%xu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_geolat_uv = register_static_field('ocean_model','geolat_c',Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), & 'uv latitude','degrees_N', range=(/-91.,91./)) if (id_geolat_uv > 0) used = send_data(id_geolat_uv,Grid%yu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_area_t = register_static_field('ocean_model','area_t',Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), 'tracer cell area',& 'm^2', range=(/0.,1.e15/)) if (id_area_t > 0) used = send_data(id_area_t,Grid%dat(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_area_u = register_static_field('ocean_model','area_u',Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'velocity cell area',& 'm^2', range=(/0.,1.e15/)) if (id_area_u > 0) used = send_data(id_area_u,Grid%dau(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Time%model_time) id_kmt = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'kmt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'number of depth levels on t-grid', 'dimensionless', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e9/)) if (id_kmt > 0) then wrk1_2d(:,:) = Grid%kmt(:,:) used = send_data (id_kmt, wrk1_2d(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif id_kmu = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'kmu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), & 'number of depth levels on u-grid', 'dimensionless', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e9/)) if (id_kmu > 0) then wrk1_2d(:,:) = Grid%kmu(:,:) used = send_data (id_kmu, wrk1_2d(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif id_ht = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'ht', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'ocean depth on t-cells', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/), & standard_name='sea_floor_depth_below_geoid') if (id_ht > 0) used = send_data (id_ht, Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_hu = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'hu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'ocean depth on u-cells', & 'm',missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_hu > 0) used = send_data (id_hu, Grid%hu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dht_dx = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dht_dx', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'd(ht)/dx on u-cells', & 'm/m', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dht_dx > 0) used = send_data (id_dht_dx, Grid%dht_dx(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dht_dy = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dht_dy', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'd(ht)/dy on u-cells', & 'm/m', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dht_dy > 0) used = send_data (id_dht_dy, Grid%dht_dy(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_gradH = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'gradH', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), '|grad bottom on U-cell|', & 'm/m', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_gradH > 0) used = send_data (id_gradH, Grid%gradH(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dxt = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dxt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), 'ocean dxt on t-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dxt > 0) used = send_data (id_dxt, Grid%dxt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dxu = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dxu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'ocean dxu on u-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dxu > 0) used = send_data (id_dxu, Grid%dxu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dyt = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dyt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), 'ocean dyt on t-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dyt > 0) used = send_data (id_dyt, Grid%dyt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dyu = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dyu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), 'ocean dyu on u-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dyu > 0) used = send_data (id_dyu, Grid%dyu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dxtn = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dxtn', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), 'ocean dxtn on t-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dxtn > 0) used = send_data (id_dxtn, Grid%dxtn(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_dyte = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'dyte', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), 'ocean dyte on t-cells', 'm',& missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/)) if (id_dyte > 0) used = send_data (id_dyte, Grid%dyte(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) end subroutine set_ocean_vgrid_arrays ! NAME="set_ocean_vgrid_arrays" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Set up axes definitions. ! ! subroutine axes_info(Domain, Grid) type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in) :: Domain type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid integer :: id_xt, id_yt, id_xu, id_yu integer :: id_zt_bounds, id_zt, id_zw_bounds, id_zw integer :: id_st_bounds, id_st, id_sw_bounds, id_sw integer :: k real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: zt_bounds real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: zw_bounds real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: st_bounds real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: sw_bounds real :: meter2dbar meter2dbar = c2dbars*rho0*grav ! horizontal axes ! Note: 1d grid arrays are not in general representative of the grid. ! Need to generalize diagnostics to employ CF conventions. id_xt = diag_axis_init ('xt_'//trim(Grid%name),Grid%grid_x_t,'degrees_E','x','tcell longitude',& set_name='ocean', Domain2=Domain%domain2d, aux='geolon_t') id_yt = diag_axis_init ('yt_'//trim(Grid%name),Grid%grid_y_t,'degrees_N','y','tcell latitude',& set_name='ocean', Domain2=Domain%domain2d, aux='geolat_t') id_xu = diag_axis_init ('xu_'//trim(Grid%name),Grid%grid_x_u,'degrees_E','x','ucell longitude',& set_name='ocean', Domain2=Domain%domain2d, aux='geolon_c') id_yu = diag_axis_init ('yu_'//trim(Grid%name),Grid%grid_y_u,'degrees_N','y','ucell latitude',& set_name='ocean', Domain2=Domain%domain2d, aux='geolat_c') ! vertical axes (needs to be re-thought for partial cells and general vertical coordinates) allocate(zt_bounds(Grid%nk+1)) allocate(zw_bounds(Grid%nk+1)) zt_bounds(1) = Grid%zt(1)-Grid%dzt(1)/2.0 zw_bounds(1) = Grid%zw(1)-Grid%dzw(1)/2.0 do k=2,Grid%nk+1 zt_bounds(k)=zt_bounds(k-1)+Grid%dzt(k-1) zw_bounds(k)=zw_bounds(k-1)+Grid%dzw(k-1) enddo allocate(st_bounds(Grid%nk+1)) allocate(sw_bounds(Grid%nk+1)) if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then ! for depth-based, st and sw are > 0 and dst and dsw are > 0 st_bounds(1) = Grid%st(1)-Grid%dst(1)/2.0 sw_bounds(1) = Grid%sw(1)-Grid%dsw(1)/2.0 do k=2,Grid%nk+1 st_bounds(k)=st_bounds(k-1)+Grid%dst(k-1) sw_bounds(k)=sw_bounds(k-1)+Grid%dsw(k-1) enddo else ! for pressure-based, st and sw are > 0 but dst and dsw are < 0 st_bounds(1) = Grid%st(1)+Grid%dst(1)/2.0 sw_bounds(1) = Grid%sw(1)+Grid%dsw(1)/2.0 do k=2,Grid%nk+1 st_bounds(k)=st_bounds(k-1)-Grid%dst(k-1) sw_bounds(k)=sw_bounds(k-1)-Grid%dsw(k-1) enddo endif if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zt_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'tcell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zt, 'meters', 'z','tcell depth',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zw_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'ucell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zw, 'meters', 'z','ucell depth',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), st_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'tcell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%st, 'meters', 'z','tcell depth',& edges = id_st_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), sw_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'ucell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%sw, 'meters', 'z','ucell depth',& edges = id_sw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSTAR) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zt_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'tcell zstar depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zt, 'meters', 'z','tcell zstar depth',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zw_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'ucell zstar depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zw, 'meters', 'z','ucell zstar depth',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), st_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'tcell zstar depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%st, 'meters', 'z','tcell zstar depth',& edges = id_st_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), sw_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'ucell zstar depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%sw, 'meters', 'z','ucell zstar depth',& edges = id_sw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zt_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'tcell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zt, 'meters', 'z','tcell depth',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), zw_bounds, 'meters', 'z',& 'ucell depth edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%zw, 'meters', 'z','ucell depth',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), st_bounds, 'dimensioness', 'z',& 'tcell sigma-depth edges',direction=1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%st, 'dimensionless', 'z','tcell sigma-depth',& edges = id_st_bounds,direction=1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), sw_bounds, 'dimensionless', 'z',& 'ucell sigma-depth edges',direction=1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%sw, 'dimensionless', 'z','ucell sigma-depth',& edges = id_sw_bounds,direction=1, set_name='ocean') elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zt_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'tcell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zt, 'dbars', 'z','tcell pressure',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zw_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'ucell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zw, 'dbars', 'z','ucell pressure',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*st_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'tcell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*Grid%st, 'dbars', 'z','tcell pressure',& edges = id_st_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*sw_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'ucell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*Grid%sw, 'dbars', 'z','ucell pressure',& edges = id_sw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') elseif(vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zt_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'tcell pstar edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zt, 'dbars', 'z','tcell pstar',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zw_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'ucell pstar edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zw, 'dbars', 'z','ucell pstar',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*st_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'tcell pstar edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*Grid%st, 'dbars', 'z','tcell pstar',& edges = id_st_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*sw_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'ucell pstar edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), c2dbars*Grid%sw, 'dbars', 'z','ucell pstar',& edges = id_sw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then id_zt_bounds = diag_axis_init ('zt_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zt_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'tcell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zt = diag_axis_init ('zt_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zt, 'dbars', 'z','tcell pressure',& edges = id_zt_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*zw_bounds, 'dbars', 'z',& 'ucell pressure edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_zw = diag_axis_init ( 'zw_'//trim(Grid%name), meter2dbar*Grid%zw, 'dbars', 'z','ucell pressure',& edges = id_zw_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st_bounds = diag_axis_init ('st_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), st_bounds, 'dimensionless', 'z',& 'tcell pressure-sigma edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_st = diag_axis_init ('st_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%st, 'dimensionless', 'z',& 'tcell pressure-sigma', edges = id_st_bounds,direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw_bounds = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_edges_'//trim(Grid%name), sw_bounds, 'dimensionless', 'z', & 'ucell pressure-sigma edges',direction=-1, set_name='ocean') id_sw = diag_axis_init ( 'sw_'//trim(Grid%name), Grid%sw, 'dimensionless', 'z',& 'ucell pressure-sigma', edges = id_sw_bounds, direction=-1, set_name='ocean') endif ! attributes for variables Grid%tracer_axes = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_st /) Grid%tracer_axes_flux_x = (/ id_xu, id_yt, id_st /) Grid%tracer_axes_flux_y = (/ id_xt, id_yu, id_st /) Grid%vel_axes_uv = (/ id_xu, id_yu, id_st /) Grid%vel_axes_flux_x = (/ id_xt, id_yu, id_st /) Grid%vel_axes_flux_y = (/ id_xu, id_yt, id_st /) Grid%tracer_axes_wt = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_sw /) Grid%vel_axes_wu = (/ id_xu, id_yu, id_sw /) Grid%vel_axes_wt = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_sw /) Grid%tracer_axes_depth = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_zt /) Grid%tracer_axes_flux_x_depth = (/ id_xu, id_yt, id_zt /) Grid%tracer_axes_flux_y_depth = (/ id_xt, id_yu, id_zt /) Grid%vel_axes_uv_depth = (/ id_xu, id_yu, id_zt /) Grid%vel_axes_flux_x_depth = (/ id_xt, id_yu, id_zt /) Grid%vel_axes_flux_y_depth = (/ id_xu, id_yt, id_zt /) Grid%tracer_axes_wt_depth = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_zw /) Grid%vel_axes_wu_depth = (/ id_xu, id_yu, id_zw /) Grid%vel_axes_wt_depth = (/ id_xt, id_yt, id_zw /) deallocate(zt_bounds, zw_bounds) deallocate(st_bounds, sw_bounds) end subroutine axes_info ! NAME="axes_info" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Set halo points at model boundaries equal to values at boundaries ! if no grid connectivity exists. If model is connected along ! boundary (e.g., tripolar) then use mpp_update_domains. ! ! subroutine update_boundaries(Domain, Grid, field, i_offset, j_offset, ishift, jshift, field_ref) type(ocean_domain_type), intent(inout) :: Domain type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid real, dimension(Domain%isd:,Domain%jsd:), intent(inout) :: field integer, intent(in) :: i_offset, j_offset integer, intent(in) :: ishift, jshift real, dimension(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:), optional, intent(inout) :: field_ref integer :: i,j real, dimension(Domain%isd:Domain%ied+ishift,Domain%jsd:Domain%jed+jshift) :: tmp real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp2 integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed integer :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg integer :: xhalo, yhalo isc = Domain%isc; iec = Domain%iec jsc = Domain%jsc; jec = Domain%jec isd = Domain%isd; ied = Domain%ied jsd = Domain%jsd; jed = Domain%jed isg = Domain%isg; ieg = Domain%ieg jsg = Domain%jsg; jeg = Domain%jeg xhalo = Domain%xhalo; yhalo = Domain%yhalo if(ishift == 0 .AND. jshift == 0) then call mpp_update_domains(field,Domain%domain2d) else if(ishift == 1 .AND. jshift == 0) then allocate(tmp2(isd:ied+ishift,jsd:jed+jshift) ) tmp2 = field call mpp_update_domains(tmp2, Domain%domain2d, position = EAST) else if(ishift == 0 .AND. jshift == 1) then allocate(tmp2(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift) ) tmp2(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift) = field(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift) call mpp_update_domains(tmp2, Domain%domain2d) else call mpp_error(FATAL, "ocean_grids_mod(update_boundaries): invalid value of ishift and/or jshift") endif field(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift) = tmp2(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift) deallocate(tmp2) endif ! call mpp_update_domains(field(isd+ishift:ied+ishift,jsd+jshift:jed+jshift), Domain%domain2d) iec = iec+ishift; jec = jec+jshift ied = ied+ishift; jed = jed+jshift ieg = ieg+ishift; jeg = jeg+jshift if (Grid%tripolar) then tmp = 0 if(i_offset == 0 .AND. j_offset == 0) then if(present(field_ref)) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field_ref(isc:iec,jsc:jec) else tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field(isc:iec,jsc:jec) endif call mpp_update_domains(tmp,Domain%domain2d) else if(i_offset == -1 .AND. j_offset == -1) then if(present(field_ref)) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field_ref(isc:iec,jsc:jec) else tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field(isc:iec,jsc:jec) endif call mpp_update_domains(tmp,Domain%domain2d,position=CORNER) else if(i_offset == -1 .AND. j_offset == 0) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field(isc:iec,jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(tmp,Domain%domain2d,position=EAST) else if(i_offset == 0 .AND. j_offset == -1) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field(isc:iec,jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(tmp,Domain%domain2d,position=NORTH) else if(i_offset == -1 .AND. j_offset == -2) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc+1:jec) = field(isc:iec,jsc:jec-1) call mpp_update_domains(tmp, Domain%domain2d,position=CORNER) else if(i_offset == -2 .AND. j_offset == -1) then tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec) = field(isc-1:iec-1,jsc:jec) call mpp_update_domains(tmp, Domain%domain2d,position=CORNER) else call mpp_error(FATAL, "ocean_grids_mod(update_boundaries): invalid value of i_offset and/or j_offset") endif if(jec + Domain%joff == jeg) field(isd:ied,jec+1:jed) = tmp(isd:ied,jec+1:jed) endif ! fill e/w halo points along computational rows if (iec + Domain%ioff == ieg .and. .not. Grid%cyclic_x) then do i=iec+1,iec+xhalo field(i,jsc:jec) = field(iec,jsc:jec) enddo endif if (isc + Domain%ioff == isg .and. .not. Grid%cyclic_x) then do i=isc-xhalo,isc-1 field(i,jsc:jec) = field(isc,jsc:jec) enddo endif ! fill southernmost halo rows if (jsc + Domain%joff == jsg .and. .not. Grid%cyclic_y) then do j=jsc-yhalo,jsc-1 field(:,j) = field(:,jsc) enddo endif ! fill northernmost halo rows if (jec + Domain%joff == jeg) then if (.not. Grid%tripolar .and. .not. Grid%cyclic_y) then do j=jec+1,jec+yhalo field(:,j) = field(:,jec) enddo endif endif ! fill halo points at west boundary along south halo rows if (.not. (Grid%cyclic_x .or. Grid%cyclic_y) .and. isc + Domain%ioff == isg .and. jsc + Domain%joff /= jsg ) then do j=jsc-yhalo,jsc-1 do i=isc-xhalo,isc-1 field(i,j) = field(isc,j) enddo enddo endif ! fill halo points at west boundary along north halo rows if (.not. (Grid%cyclic_x .or. Grid%cyclic_y) .and. isc + Domain%ioff == isg .and. jec + Domain%joff /= jeg ) then do j=jec+1,jec+yhalo do i=isc-xhalo,isc-1 field(i,j) = field(isc,j) enddo enddo endif ! fill halo points at east boundary along south halo rows if (.not. (Grid%cyclic_x .or. Grid%cyclic_y) .and. iec + Domain%ioff == ieg .and. jsc + Domain%joff /= jsg) then do j=jsc-yhalo,jsc-1 do i=iec+1,iec+xhalo field(i,j) = field(iec,j) enddo enddo endif ! fill halo points east boundary along north halo rows (I know, it is confusing !!) if (.not. (Grid%cyclic_x .or. Grid%cyclic_y) .and. iec + Domain%ioff == ieg .and. jec + Domain%joff /= jeg) then do j=jec+1,jec+yhalo do i=iec+1,iec+xhalo field(i,j) = field(iec,j) enddo enddo endif return end subroutine update_boundaries ! NAME="update_boundaries" end module ocean_grids_mod