This module sets up the ocean model grid based on information read in
from the file. It translates the generic names from the file to the names used by mom4.
xt(i,j) geolon_t(i,j) x_T(i,j) x(2i,2j)
yt geolat_t y_T y(2i,2j)
dtw dtw ds_01_11_T dx(2i-1,2j) distance to western face of t cell
dte dte ds_11_21_T dx(2i,2j) distance to eastern face of t cell
dts dts ds_10_11_T dy(2i,2j-1) distance to southern face of t cell
dtn dtn ds_11_12_T dy(2i,2j) distance to northern face of t cell
dxt dxt ds_01_21_T dx(2i,2j) +dx(2i-1,2j) width of t cell
dxtn dxtn ds_02_22_T dx(2i-1,2j+1)+dx(2i,2j+1) width of northern face of t cell
dxte dxte ds_00_20_C dx(2i,2j) +dx(2i+1,2j) distance to adjacent t cell to the east!
dyt dyt ds_10_12_T dy(2i,2j) +dy(2i,2j-1) height of t cell
dytn dytn ds_00_02_C dy(2i,2j) +dy(2i,2j+1) distance to adjacent t cell to the north!
dyte dyte ds_20_22_T dy(2i+1,2j-1)+dy(2i+1,2j) height of eastern face of t cell
NOTE: The "first" (I,J) C-cell is the one shifted NE of the "first" (I,J) T-cell
xu geolon_c x_C x(2i+1,2j+1)
yu geolat_c y_c y(2i+1,2j+1)
dxu dxu ds_01_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1)+dx(2i,2j+1) width of u cell
dxun dxun ds_02_22_C dx(2i,2j+2)+dx(2i+1,2j+2) width of northern face of u cell
dyu dyu ds_10_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1)+dy(2i+1,2j) height of u cell
dyue dyue ds_20_22_C dy(2i+2,2j)+dy(2i+2,2j+1) height of eastern face of u cell
dyun dyun ds_11_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1)+dy(2i+1,2j+2) distance to adjacent u cell to the north
+ds_10_11_C(i,j+1) satisfies sum rule dyte(i,j)=dyun(i,j-1)
dxue dxue ds_11_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1)+dx(2i+2,2j+1) distance to adjacent u cell to the east!
duw duw ds_01_11_C dx(2i,2j+1) distance to western face of u cell
due due ds_11_21_C dx(2i+1,2j+1) distance to eastern face of u cell
dus dus ds_10_11_C dy(2i+1,2j) distance to southern face of u cell
dun dun ds_11_12_C dy(2i+1,2j+1) distance to northern face of u cell
sin_rot sin_rot angle_C sin(angle_dx(2*i+1,2*j+1) sin of rotation angle at corner cell centers
cos_rot cos_rot angle_C cos(angle_dx(2*i+1,2*j+1) cos of rotation angle at corner cell centers
Following are the available fields in mosaic files
Mosaic file fields
-------------------------------------------------------- x, y, dx, dy, angle_dx, area zeta depth
Compute vertical (and some horizontal) grids for ocean model.
Also compute axes information for diagnostic manager.
Set up axes definitions.
Set halo points at model boundaries equal to values at boundaries
if no grid connectivity exists. If model is connected along
boundary (e.g., tripolar) then use mpp_update_domains.
To read in an initial rho0(k) profile to assist in defining the
initial settings for the pressure increments dst, for use in
setting the pressure-based vertical coordinate grids. Ideally,
this profile is determined by the level averaged density in
the initial conditions. Note that it is essential to have
rho0_profile have a sensible value at all depths even if there
is no water there, since there are places where we divide by
rho0_profile in rock. Also, be mindful that with denser water
at depth, the pressure levels will be coarser at depth than if
using the trivial density profile rho0(k)=rho0.
This option is experimental, so it is recommended that user
maintain the default read_rho0_profile=.false. [logical]
For debugging. Note that most of the debugging stuff
has been removed, but keep flag around in case need in future. [logical]
Prints out lots of initial checksums. Useful to have on, so
defaulted to true. [logical]
S.M. Griffies, M.J. Harrison, A. Rosati, and R.C. Pacanowski
A Technical Guide to MOM4 (2003)