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module ocean_model_mod
! Stephen M. Griffies
! Matt Harrison
! Time step the ocean model using either a twolevel staggered scheme
! (the default) or threelevel leap-frog scheme (the older approach).
! Threelevel scheme remains only for legacy purposes and is not
! recommended for normal use.
! Top level module for ocean model. Contains routines for
! initialization, termination, and update of ocean model state.
! Design consideration: declarations of top level ocean variables
! are private to this module and hence are only available to other routines
! through argument lists. For instance, timestep information is passed to
! the various modules on the initialization call and stored internally
! in the respective modules. This is a crucial design consideration sinces
! it maintains modularity and hence maintainability of the code. (mjh)
! Processor domain layout for ocean model.
! Processor IO domain layout for ocean model. The default value is (0,0).
! If either io_layout(1) or (2) is 0, it will default to the number of
! processors in the computational layout, except restart file will default
! to single file if fms_io_nml fileset_write is set to 'single'. When
! both entry of io_layout is positive, io_domain will be defined(a pointer in domain2d)
! and number of distributed files will be layout(1)*layout(2). For example, assume
! the restart file is ocean_velocity.res.nc and the diagnostics file is ocean_daily.nc,
! if the layout = (1,2), the restart files will be ocean_velocity.res.nc.0000 and
! ocean_veloicity.res.nc.0001, the diagnostics files will be ocean_daily.res.nc.0000
! and ocean_daily.res.nc.0001. When the io_domain is defined, restart file and
! diagnostics file name will be controlled by the io_domain (ignoring fms_io_nml fileset_write).
! Ocean model time step in seconds.
! Possible time stepping schemes are the following.
! 1. "threelevel" has the following characteristics
! leap-frog for the time tendency which means the
! inviscid/nondissipative processes are at time tau.
! forward for lateral mixing processes (dissipation at taum1)
! implicit for vertical dissipative (with aidif = 1.0)
! semi-implicit for Coriolis (with acor>0)
! Because of the need to apply time filters to suppress
! leap-frog splitting, the threelevel time stepping scheme
! does not conserve total tracer content in the model.
! 2. "twolevel" has the following characteristics:
! staggered 2nd order forward time tendency, which means
! that tracer advection, lateral tracer and velocity mixing,
! are at time tau. Pressure gradients are at taup1.
! Adams-Bashforth (either 2nd or 3rd order) for velocity advection
! Third order is default as it is more stable.
! implicit vertical mixing (with aidif = 1.0)
! semi-implicit for Coriolis (with acor > 0)
! This scheme conserves total volume and tracer in the ocean model.
! Consider the following situation: We have run the model for many years
! and generated restarts. Time%init is then .false. Then, we wish to start
! a series of perturbation experiments from this restart file. The generic
! situation is for Time%init to then be .true. However, we need it to be
! .false. in mom4 in order to have a proper reading of the full restart
! information. Setting impose_init_from_restart=.true. will facilitate
! this setup. The default is impose_init_from_restart=.false., in which case
! the model will run through its normal start/stop segments using restarts.
! baroclinic_split = dtts/dtuv
! = (tracer time step)/(baroclinic time step)
! = (ocean model time step)/(baroclinic time step)
! Transients corrupted if baroclinic_split > 1, so it is recommended
! to use baroclinic_split=1.
! Ratio barotropic_split = dtuv/dtbt
! = (baroclinic time step)/(barotropic time step).
! Must be large enough to resolve the barotropic gravity waves
! captured by the barotropic part of the model.
! Barotropic waves are dissipated when this splitting
! is greater than unity. Model algorithm is not fully
! implemented when barotropic_split=1, so user beware
! if wishing to run an unsplit model simulation.
! Ratio surface_height_split = dtts/dteta
! = (tracer time step)/(surface height time step)
! = (tracer time step)/(bottom pressure time step)
! Typically this split is set to unity for models where baroclinic_split=1,
! but something larger when baroclinic_split is order 10. dteta is the time
! step used for update of eta_t or pbot_t. If surface_height_split is
! not equal to unity, then tracer conservation properties are compromised.
! When initialized with a nontrivial eta field, it is
! necessary to reinitialize the thickness arrays.
! For CMIP output, we need to have temperature in deg K and
! mass transport in kg/s. The flag cmip_units=.true. will
! diagnose CMIP5-related fields with the CMIP units for sending
! to the diagnostic manager.
! Default cmip_units=.false.
! For overall model debugging. Set true to print cksums at
! each timestep for debugging purposes.
use fms_mod, only: FATAL, NOTE, WARNING, file_exist
use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error
use fms_mod, only: clock_flag_default
use fms_io_mod, only: set_domain, nullify_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_global_sum, domain2d, BITWISE_EXACT_SUM, NON_BITWISE_EXACT_SUM
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains, BGRID_NE
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, mpp_pe, mpp_npes, stdlog, stdout
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin, mpp_clock_end
use stock_constants_mod, only: ISTOCK_WATER, ISTOCK_HEAT, ISTOCK_SALT
use time_interp_external_mod, only: time_interp_external_init
use time_manager_mod, only: JULIAN, get_date, get_time
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, operator( /= ), operator( < ), operator ( / )
use time_manager_mod, only: set_time, operator(-), operator( + ), operator( == )
use time_manager_mod, only: operator(*)
use ocean_advection_velocity_mod, only: ocean_advection_velocity_init, ocean_advection_velocity
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: ocean_barotropic_init, ocean_barotropic_end
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: update_ocean_barotropic
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: ocean_barotropic_forcing, ocean_mass_forcing
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: ocean_eta_smooth, ocean_pbot_smooth
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: eta_and_pbot_update, eta_and_pbot_diagnose, eta_and_pbot_tendency
use ocean_barotropic_mod, only: ocean_barotropic_restart
use ocean_bbc_mod, only: ocean_bbc_init, get_ocean_bbc
use ocean_bih_friction_mod, only: ocean_bih_friction_init, ocean_bih_friction_end
use ocean_bih_friction_mod, only: ocean_bih_friction_restart
use ocean_convect_mod, only: ocean_convect_init
use ocean_coriolis_mod, only: ocean_coriolis_init
use ocean_density_mod, only: ocean_density_init, ocean_density_end, update_ocean_density
use ocean_density_mod, only: ocean_density_restart, ocean_density_diag
use ocean_diagnostics_mod, only: ocean_diag_init, ocean_diagnostics
use ocean_domains_mod, only: set_ocean_domain, get_local_indices
use ocean_form_drag_mod, only: ocean_form_drag_init, compute_visc_form_drag
use ocean_grids_mod, only: ocean_grids_init, set_ocean_grid_size
use ocean_grids_mod, only: set_ocean_hgrid_arrays, set_ocean_vgrid_arrays
use ocean_increment_eta_mod, only: ocean_increment_eta_init, ocean_increment_eta_source
use ocean_increment_tracer_mod, only: ocean_increment_tracer_init, ocean_increment_tracer_source
use ocean_increment_velocity_mod, only: ocean_increment_velocity_init, ocean_increment_velocity_source
use ocean_lap_tracer_mod, only: ocean_lap_tracer_init
use ocean_bih_tracer_mod, only: ocean_bih_tracer_init
use ocean_lap_friction_mod, only: ocean_lap_friction_init, ocean_lap_friction_end
use ocean_lap_friction_mod, only: ocean_lap_friction_restart
use ocean_mixdownslope_mod, only: ocean_mixdownslope_init, mixdownslope
use ocean_momentum_source_mod, only: ocean_momentum_source_init
use ocean_nphysics_mod, only: ocean_nphysics_init, ocean_nphysics_end, neutral_physics
use ocean_nphysics_mod, only: ocean_nphysics_restart
use ocean_obc_mod, only: ocean_obc_init, ocean_obc_end
use ocean_obc_mod, only: ocean_obc_update_boundary, ocean_obc_prepare
use ocean_obc_mod, only: ocean_obc_restart
use ocean_operators_mod, only: ocean_operators_init
use ocean_overexchange_mod, only: ocean_overexchange_init, overexchange
use ocean_overflow_mod, only: ocean_overflow_init, overflow
use ocean_passive_mod, only: ocean_passive_tracer_init
use ocean_polar_filter_mod, only: ocean_polar_filter_init
use ocean_pressure_mod, only: ocean_pressure_init
use ocean_rivermix_mod, only: ocean_rivermix_init, rivermix
use ocean_riverspread_mod, only: ocean_riverspread_init
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: TWO_LEVEL, THREE_LEVEL
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: GEOPOTENTIAL, ZSTAR, ZSIGMA, PRESSURE, PSTAR, PSIGMA
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: DEPTH_BASED, PRESSURE_BASED
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: QUASI_HORIZONTAL, TERRAIN_FOLLOWING
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: VERTMIX_GOTM
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: cp_ocean
use ocean_sbc_mod, only: ocean_sbc_init, initialize_ocean_sfc, ocean_sfc_end
use ocean_sbc_mod, only: sum_ocean_sfc, avg_ocean_sfc, get_ocean_sbc, flux_adjust
use ocean_sbc_mod, only: ocean_sfc_restart
use ocean_shortwave_mod, only: ocean_shortwave_init, sw_source
use ocean_sigma_transport_mod, only: ocean_sigma_transport_init, sigma_transport, ocean_sigma_transport_end
use ocean_sigma_transport_mod, only: ocean_sigma_transport_restart
use ocean_sponges_eta_mod, only: ocean_sponges_eta_init, sponge_eta_source
use ocean_sponges_tracer_mod, only: ocean_sponges_tracer_init, sponge_tracer_source
use ocean_sponges_velocity_mod, only: ocean_sponges_velocity_init, sponge_velocity_source
use ocean_submesoscale_mod, only: ocean_submesoscale_init, submeso_restrat
use ocean_tempsalt_mod, only: ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit
use ocean_thickness_mod, only: ocean_thickness_init, ocean_thickness_init_adjust
use ocean_thickness_mod, only: ocean_thickness_end, rho_dzt_tendency
use ocean_thickness_mod, only: update_tcell_thickness, update_ucell_thickness
use ocean_thickness_mod, only: ocean_thickness_restart
use ocean_time_filter_mod, only: ocean_time_filter_init, time_filter
use ocean_topog_mod, only: ocean_topog_init
use ocean_tracer_advect_mod, only: ocean_tracer_advect_init, ocean_tracer_advect_end
use ocean_tracer_advect_mod, only: ocean_tracer_advect_restart
use ocean_tracer_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_init, ocean_diag_tracer_init
use ocean_tracer_mod, only: update_ocean_tracer, ocean_tracer_end, compute_tmask_limit
use ocean_tracer_mod, only: ocean_tracer_restart
use ocean_tracer_util_mod, only: ocean_tracer_util_init
use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_source, ocean_tpm_bbc, ocean_tpm_tracer
use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_end, ocean_tpm_start
use ocean_tpm_mod, only: ocean_tpm_flux_init, ocean_tpm_init_sfc
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_time_steps_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_thickness_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ice_ocean_boundary_type, ocean_public_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_external_mode_type, ocean_adv_vel_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_velocity_type, ocean_density_type, ocean_options_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_type, ocean_diag_tracer_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_types_init
use ocean_util_mod, only: ocean_util_init, write_timestamp
use ocean_velocity_advect_mod, only: ocean_velocity_advect_init
use ocean_velocity_diag_mod, only: pressure_conversion, energy_analysis
use ocean_velocity_mod, only: ocean_velocity_init, update_ocean_velocity, ocean_velocity_end
use ocean_velocity_mod, only: ocean_explicit_accel_a, ocean_explicit_accel_b, ocean_implicit_accel
use ocean_velocity_mod, only: ocean_velocity_restart
use ocean_vert_mix_mod, only: ocean_vert_mix_init, ocean_vert_mix_end, vert_mix_coeff
use ocean_vert_mix_mod, only: ocean_vert_mix_restart
use ocean_vert_gotm_mod, only: advect_gotm_compute
use ocean_workspace_mod, only: ocean_workspace_init, wrk1
use ocean_xlandinsert_mod, only: ocean_xlandinsert_init, xlandinsert
use ocean_xlandmix_mod, only: ocean_xlandmix_init, xlandmix
use ocean_drifters_mod, only : ocean_drifters_init, update_ocean_drifters, ocean_drifters_end
use oda_driver_mod, only : init_oda, oda
implicit none
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2) :: diff_cbt ! diffusion coefficient at base of tracer cells (m^2/sec)
! Note: separate coefficient for temp and salinity
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: visc_cbu ! viscosity at base of momentum cells (m^2/sec)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: gm_diffusivity ! diffusivity from GM on T-cells (m^2/sec)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2) :: visc_cbu_form_drag ! viscosity (m^2/sec) from Greatbatch form drag
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: pme ! mass flux per horz area of precip-evap (kg/(s*m^2))
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: melt ! mass flux per horz area of ice melt water (kg/(s*m^2))
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2) :: upme ! horizontal velocity of precip minus evap (m/s)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: river ! mass flux of river (runoff+calving) per horz area (kg/(s*m^2))
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: runoff ! mass flux of river runoff (liquid) per horz area from (kg/(s*m^2))
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: calving ! mass flux of calving land ice per horz area from (kg/(s*m^2))
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2) :: uriver ! horizontal velocity from river runoff+calving
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: patm ! pressure at ocean top from atmosphere and/or ice (Pa)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: swflx ! short wave radiation flux (W/m^2)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: swflx_vis ! visible short wave radiation flux (W/m^2)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: sw_frac_zt ! short wave radiation flux fraction
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: opacity ! attenuation of visible light (1/metre)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: surf_blthick ! surf boundary layer depth from vertical mixing scheme (m)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: bott_blthick ! bottom boundary layer depth from sigma transport (m)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: rossby_radius ! rossby radius (m)
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: swheat ! external shortwave heating source W/m^2
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: diff_cbt =>NULL() ! diffusion coefficient at base of tracer cells (m^2/sec)
! Note: separate coefficient for temp and salinity
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: visc_cbu =>NULL() ! viscosity at base of momentum cells (m^2/sec)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: gm_diffusivity =>NULL() ! diffusivity for GM on T-cells (m^2/sec)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: visc_cbu_form_drag =>NULL() ! viscosity (m^2/sec) from Greatbatch form drag
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: pme =>NULL() ! mass flux per horz area from precip-evap (kg/(s*m^2))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: melt =>NULL() ! mass flux per horz area of ice melt water (kg/(s*m^2))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: upme =>NULL() ! horizontal velocity of precip minus evap (m/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: river =>NULL() ! mass flux of river (runoff+calving) per horz area (kg/(s*m^2))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: runoff =>NULL() ! mass flux of river runoff (liquid) per horz area from (kg/(s*m^2))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: calving =>NULL() ! mass flux of calving land ice per horz area (kg/(s*m^2))
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: uriver =>NULL() ! horizontal velocity from river (m/s)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: patm =>NULL() ! pressure at ocean top from sea ice and/or atmosphere (Pa)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: swflx =>NULL() ! short wave radiation flux (W/m^2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: swflx_vis =>NULL() ! short wave radiation flux (W/m^2)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: sw_frac_zt =>NULL() ! short wave radiation flux fraction
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: opacity =>NULL() ! attenuation of visible light (1/metre)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: surf_blthick =>NULL() ! surf boundary layer depth from vertical mixing scheme (m)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: bott_blthick =>NULL() ! bottom boundary layer depth from sigma transport (m)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:) :: rossby_radius=>NULL() ! rossby radius (m)
real, pointer, dimension(:,:,:) :: swheat =>NULL() ! external shortwave heating source W/m^2
! for running Time%init=.true. yet using a restart file
logical :: impose_init_from_restart=.false.
! to initialize with a nontrivial eta or pbot (from ocean_barotropic)
! we then need to reinitialize the thickness arrays, since they originally
! assumed eta_t=0 and pbot_t=pbot0.
logical :: reinitialize_thickness=.false.
! for running with an externally provided shortwave heating source
logical :: ext_swheat_is_set=.false.
! time step related variables
real :: dtts=0 ! tracer timestep (seconds)
real :: dtuv=0 ! internal mode timestep (seconds)
real :: dtbt=0 ! external mode timestep (seconds)
real :: dteta=0 ! ocean volume time step (eta_t) (seconds)
real :: dtime_t ! 2*dtts for threelevel and dtts for twolevel
real :: dtime_u ! 2*dtuv for threelevel and dtvu for twolevel
real :: dtime_e ! 2*dteta for threelevel and dteta for twolevel
! setting the number of prognostic and diagnostic tracers
! both determined by reading field_table
integer :: num_prog_tracers=-1 ! (e.g., temp, salt, age)
integer :: num_diag_tracers=-1 ! (e.g., frazil, pH)
! number of ocean calls
integer :: num_ocean_calls
logical :: first_ocn_call=.true.
! for setting model time steps
integer :: baroclinic_split =1 ! ratio of tracer timestep dtts to baroclinic timestep dtuv
integer :: surface_height_split=1 ! ratio of tracer timestep dtts to the eta_t (or pbot_t) timestep dteta
integer :: barotropic_split =30 ! ratio of baroclinic timestep dtuv to barotropic timestep dtbt
! for setting how terms in the equations are time stepped
! select time tendency ('threelevel' or 'twolevel")
! tendency is an integer corresponding to choice of time tendency
character(len=32) :: time_tendency='twolevel'
integer :: tendency=0
! valid vertical coordinate options are the following:
! geopotential, zstar, zsigma, pressure, pstar, psigma
character(len=32) :: vertical_coordinate='geopotential'
! integers corresponding to choice of vertical coordinate
integer :: vert_coordinate
integer :: vert_coordinate_class
integer :: vert_coordinate_type
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: ocean_model.F90,v 2009/12/10 22:20:47 smg Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
type(ocean_external_mode_type), save :: Ext_mode
type(ocean_adv_vel_type), save :: Adv_vel
type(ocean_density_type), target, save :: Dens
type(ocean_domain_type), target, save :: Domain
type(ocean_grid_type), target, save :: Grid
type(ocean_thickness_type), target, save :: Thickness
type(ocean_time_type), target, save :: Time
type(ocean_time_steps_type), target, save :: Time_steps
type(ocean_options_type), target, save :: Ocean_options
type(ocean_velocity_type), target, save :: Velocity
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), dimension(:), pointer, save :: T_prog =>NULL()
type(ocean_diag_tracer_type), dimension(:), pointer, save :: T_diag =>NULL()
! identification numbers for mpp clocks
integer :: id_init
integer :: id_advect
integer :: id_vmix
integer :: id_neutral
integer :: id_compute_visc_form_drag
integer :: id_submesoscale
integer :: id_sw
integer :: id_sponges_tracer
integer :: id_sponges_eta
integer :: id_sponges_velocity
integer :: id_sigma
integer :: id_tracer
integer :: id_bbc
integer :: id_sbc
integer :: id_flux_adjust
integer :: id_explicit_accel_a
integer :: id_explicit_accel_b
integer :: id_implicit_accel
integer :: id_bottom_smooth
integer :: id_surface_smooth
integer :: id_eta_and_pbot_tendency
integer :: id_eta_and_pbot_update
integer :: id_eta_and_pbot_diagnose
integer :: id_rho_dzt_tendency
integer :: id_mass_forcing
integer :: id_barotropic_forcing
integer :: id_barotropic_update
integer :: id_velocity
integer :: id_xlandinsert
integer :: id_xlandmix
integer :: id_overflow
integer :: id_overexchange
integer :: id_mixdownslope
integer :: id_rivermix
integer :: id_density
integer :: id_density_diag
integer :: id_otpm_source
integer :: id_otpm_bbc
integer :: id_otpm_tracer
integer :: id_diagnostics
integer :: id_time_filter
integer :: id_tcell_thickness
integer :: id_ucell_thickness
integer :: id_update_halo_tracer
integer :: id_update_halo_velocity
integer :: id_oda
integer :: id_ocean_sfc
integer :: id_ocean_seg_end
integer :: id_tmask_limit
integer :: id_ocean
integer :: id_advect_gotm
integer :: id_increment_tracer
integer :: id_increment_eta
integer :: id_increment_velocity
public ocean_model_init
public ocean_model_end
public update_ocean_model
public get_ocean_domain
public get_ocean_grid_size
public ocean_public_type
public ice_ocean_boundary_type
public ocean_model_init_sfc
public ocean_model_flux_init
public ocean_stock_pe
public ocean_model_restart
! routines for interfacing to other models
public mom4_get_Tsurf
public mom4_get_Ssurf
public mom4_get_UVsurf
public mom4_get_thickness
public mom4_get_density
public mom4_get_prog_tracer
public mom4_get_temperature_index
public mom4_get_salinity_index
public mom4_get_UV
public mom4_get_dimensions
public mom4_get_diag_axes
public mom4_get_num_diag_tracers
public mom4_get_num_prog_tracers
public mom4_get_ocean_data
public mom4_get_surface_tmask
public mom4_get_latlon_UV
public mom4_set_swheat
public ocean_model_data_get
interface ocean_model_data_get
module procedure ocean_model_data1D_get
module procedure ocean_model_data2D_get
end interface
! for the temperature variable
integer :: temp_variable=0
! index for temperature (degC) and salinity (psu)
integer :: index_temp=-1
integer :: index_salt=-1
! domain layout for parallel processors. for npe=1, layout(2)=(/1,1/)
integer :: layout(2)=(/1,1/)
! IO domain layout for parallel processors.
integer :: io_layout(2)=(/0,0/)
! to print various cksums for debugging purposes
logical :: debug = .false.
logical :: module_is_initialized =.false.
logical :: have_obc =.false.
logical :: cmip_units =.false.
type, public :: ocean_state_type; private
! This type is private, and can therefore vary between different ocean models.
! All information entire ocean state may be contained here, although it is not
! necessary that this is implemented with all models.
logical :: is_ocean_pe = .false. ! .true. on processors that run the ocean model.
end type ocean_state_type
integer :: dt_ocean = -1 ! ocean tracer timestep
namelist /ocean_model_nml/ time_tendency, impose_init_from_restart, reinitialize_thickness, &
baroclinic_split, barotropic_split, surface_height_split, &
layout, io_layout, debug, vertical_coordinate, dt_ocean, cmip_units
! Initialize the ocean model.
! Arguments:
! Ocean (inout) - A structure containing various publicly visible ocean
! surface properties after initialization.
! OS (pointer)- A structure whose internal contents are private
! to ocean_model_mod that may be used to contain all
! information about the ocean's interior state.
! Time_init (in) - The start time for the coupled model's calendar.
! Time_in (in) - The time at which to initialize the ocean model.
subroutine ocean_model_init(Ocean, Ocean_state, Time_init, Time_in)
type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_init
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_in
type(time_type) :: Time_step_ocean
integer :: secs, days, secs0, days0
integer :: n, lay_out(2)
integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
if (module_is_initialized) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error in ocean_model_mod (ocean_model_init): module already initialized')
module_is_initialized = .true.
if (associated(Ocean_state)) then
call mpp_error(WARNING, "ocean_model_init called with an associated "// &
"ocean_state_type structure. Model is already initialized.")
Ocean_state%is_ocean_pe = Ocean%is_ocean_pe !This is Not utilized in MOM currently
! set clock ids
id_ocean = mpp_clock_id( 'Ocean', flags=clock_flag_default, grain=CLOCK_COMPONENT )
id_init = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean initialization) ' ,grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_oda = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean ODA)' ,grain=CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT)
id_advect = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean advection velocity) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_density_diag = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean density diag) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_density = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean update density) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_vmix = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean vertical mixing coeff) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_neutral = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean neutral physics) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_submesoscale = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean submesoscale restrat)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sw = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean shortwave) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sponges_eta = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean sponges_eta) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sponges_tracer = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean sponges_tracer) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sponges_velocity = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean sponges_velocity) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_xlandinsert = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean xlandinsert) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_xlandmix = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean xlandmix) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_rivermix = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean rivermix) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_overexchange = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean overexchange) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_mixdownslope = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean mixdownslope) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_overflow = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean overflow) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sigma = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean sigma transport) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_tracer = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean tracer update) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_sbc = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean surface flux) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_bbc = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean bottom flux) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_flux_adjust = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean restoring flux) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_otpm_source = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean TPM source) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_otpm_bbc = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean TPM bbc) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_otpm_tracer = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean TPM tracer) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_explicit_accel_a = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean explicit accel_a) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_explicit_accel_b = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean explicit accel_b) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_implicit_accel = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean implicit accel) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_eta_and_pbot_tendency= mpp_clock_id('(Ocean eta and pbot tendency)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_eta_and_pbot_update = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean eta and pbot update)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_eta_and_pbot_diagnose= mpp_clock_id('(Ocean eta and pbot diagnose)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_rho_dzt_tendency = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean rho_dzt tendency)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_surface_smooth = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean surface height smooth)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_bottom_smooth = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean bottom pressure smooth)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_mass_forcing = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean mass forcing) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_barotropic_forcing = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean barotropic forcing) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_barotropic_update = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean barotropic dynamics)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_velocity = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean velocity update) ' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_diagnostics = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean diagnostics)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_time_filter = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean time filter for 3-level)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_tcell_thickness = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean update T-cell thickness)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_ucell_thickness = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean update U-cell thickness)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_update_halo_tracer = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean tracer halo updates)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_update_halo_velocity= mpp_clock_id('(Ocean velocity halo update)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_ocean_sfc = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean sum ocean surface)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_ocean_seg_end = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean average state)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_tmask_limit = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean tracer tmask limit)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_advect_gotm = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean gotm: advection)' ,grain=CLOCK_ROUTINE)
id_increment_eta = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean increment eta)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_increment_tracer = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean increment tracer)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
id_increment_velocity = mpp_clock_id('(Ocean increment velocity)' ,grain=CLOCK_MODULE)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_init)
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
write(stdoutunit,'(/54x,a/)') '======== STARTING MOM4 INITIALIZATION ========'
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*)'==>Error: mom4p0 compiler option "STATIC_MEMORY" is called "MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS" in mom4p1.'
write(stdoutunit,*)' Recompile code with this new name. Apologies for the inconvenience.'
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error: Change compiler option "STATIC_MEMORY" to "MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS" and then recompile.')
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*)'==>NOTE: Using MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS cpp option in mom4.'
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*)'==>NOTE: Using dynamically allocated array option in mom4'
call time_interp_external_init()
! provide for namelist over-ride of defaults
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun, ocean_model_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit, ocean_model_nml)
write (stdlogunit, ocean_model_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'ocean_model_nml')
call close_file (ioun)
write (stdoutunit,'(/a,i6,a/)') ' ==>Note: Running mom4 using',mpp_npes(),' computer processors.'
! initialize ocean time type information
Time%calendar = JULIAN
if(time_tendency=='threelevel') then
tendency = THREE_LEVEL
Time%taum1 = 1
Time%tau = 2
Time%taup1 = 3
Time%tau_m2 = 1
Time%tau_m1 = 2
Time%tau_m0 = 3
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
write (stdoutunit,*) '==>Note: Running mom4 with a leap frog to discretize the time tendency.'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' Unfortunately, this method does not conserve volume and tracer because'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' it is necessary to use time filtering. Use the "twolevel" scheme to conserve.'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
elseif(time_tendency=='twolevel') then
tendency = TWO_LEVEL
Time%taum1 = 2
Time%tau = 2
Time%taup1 = 3
Time%tau_m2 = 1
Time%tau_m1 = 2
Time%tau_m0 = 3
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
write (stdoutunit,*) &
'==>Note: Running mom4 with staggered twotime level scheme to compute time tendencies.'
write (stdoutunit,*) &
' This is the default. Mass/volume and tracer are conserved with this scheme.'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod: time_tendency must be "twolevel" or "threelevel".')
if(dt_ocean .lt. 0.0) call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod: dt_ocean must be set to a positive integer in ocean_model_nml.')
Time_step_ocean = set_time (dt_ocean,0)
Time%init = (Time_in == Time_init)
Time%Time_init = Time_init
Time%Time_step = Time_step_ocean
Time%model_time = Time_in
Time%itt = 0
call get_time(Time_step_ocean, secs, days)
call get_time(Time_in-Time_init, secs0, days0)
Time%itt0 = nint((days0+secs0/86400.0)/(days+secs/86400.0))
' ==>Note: Time%Time_init = time stamp at very start of the mom4 experiment is given by'
call write_timestamp(Time%Time_init)
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') &
' ==>Note: Time%model_time = time stamp at start of this leg of the mom4 experiment is'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
if(impose_init_from_restart) then
' ==>Note: impose_init_from_restart=.true., so will initialize model from a restart file.'
if(Time%init) then
' ==>Note: Time%init=.true. =>mom4 will start from user specified initial conditions.'
if(.not. Time%init) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') &
' ==>Note: Time%init=.false. =>mom4 will start from restart conditions from previous leg of experiment.'
dtts = secs + days*86400
dtuv = dtts/baroclinic_split
dteta = dtts/surface_height_split
dtbt = dtuv/barotropic_split
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
dtime_t = 2.0*dtts
dtime_u = 2.0*dtuv
dtime_e = 2.0*dteta
elseif(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
dtime_t = dtts
dtime_u = dtuv
dtime_e = dteta
Time_steps%time_tendency = time_tendency
Time_steps%tendency = tendency
Time_steps%dtts = dtts
Time_steps%dtuv = dtuv
Time_steps%dtbt = dtbt
Time_steps%dteta = dteta
Time_steps%dtime_t = dtime_t
Time_steps%dtime_u = dtime_u
Time_steps%dtime_e = dtime_e
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)')' ==> Note: time steps (seconds) used for mom4'
write(stdoutunit,'(a,f10.2)')' dtts (tracer) = ',dtts
write(stdoutunit,'(a,f10.2)')' dtuv (baroclinic) = ',dtuv
write(stdoutunit,'(a,f10.2)')' dteta (surface height or bottom pressure) = ',dteta
write(stdoutunit,'(a,f10.2)')' dtbt (barotropic) = ',dtbt
if(baroclinic_split < 1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod(ocean_model_init): baroclinic_split must be an integer >= 1')
if(baroclinic_split > 1) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,&
'==>ocean_model_mod: baroclinic_split > 1 corrupts transients & can be unstable. Use with caution.')
write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)') &
'==>ocean_model_mod: baroclinic_split > 1 corrupts transients & can be unstable. Use with caution.'
if(surface_height_split < 1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod(ocean_model_init): surface_height_split must be an integer >= 1')
if(surface_height_split > 1) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>ocean_model_mod: surface_height_split > 1 corrupts transients. Use with caution.')
write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)') &
'==>ocean_model_mod: surface_height_split > 1 corrupts transients. Use with caution.'
if(barotropic_split < 1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod: barotropic_split must be an integer >= 1')
if(barotropic_split == 1) then
call mpp_error(WARNING, &
'==>Warning from ocean_model_mod: barotropic_split=1 is NOT well tested in mom4p1.')
if (nint(dtuv) /= nint(dtbt)) then
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a/)') &
'==> Note: The velocity equations will be split into baroclinic and barotropic pieces.'
! vertical coordinate choice:
! if-tests on character strings are slower than
! if-tests on integers. hence it is useful to
! introduce the following integers
if(vertical_coordinate=='geopotential') then
vert_coordinate = GEOPOTENTIAL
vert_coordinate_class = DEPTH_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = QUASI_HORIZONTAL
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with geopotential vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a/)') &
' Beware of vanishing top model grid cells. '
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are Boussinesq, and so conserve volume rather than mass.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a/)' ) &
' Use one of the pressure-like coordinates to get non-Boussinesq effects.'
elseif(vertical_coordinate=='zstar') then
vert_coordinate = ZSTAR
vert_coordinate_class = DEPTH_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = QUASI_HORIZONTAL
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a/)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with zstar vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are Boussinesq, and so conserve volume rather than mass.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a/)' ) &
' Use one of the pressure-like coordinates to get non-Boussinesq effects.'
elseif(vertical_coordinate=='zsigma') then
vert_coordinate = ZSIGMA
vert_coordinate_class = DEPTH_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = TERRAIN_FOLLOWING
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a/)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with zsigma terrain following vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are Boussinesq, and so conserve volume rather than mass.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' Use one of the pressure-like coordinates to get non-Boussinesq effects.'
elseif(vertical_coordinate=='pressure') then
vert_coordinate = PRESSURE
vert_coordinate_class = PRESSURE_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = QUASI_HORIZONTAL
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with pressure vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a/)') &
' Beware of vanishing bottom and top grid cells.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are non-Boussinesq.'
elseif(vertical_coordinate=='pstar') then
vert_coordinate = PSTAR
vert_coordinate_class = PRESSURE_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = QUASI_HORIZONTAL
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with pstar vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are non-Boussinesq.'
elseif(vertical_coordinate=='psigma') then
vert_coordinate = PSIGMA
vert_coordinate_class = PRESSURE_BASED
vert_coordinate_type = TERRAIN_FOLLOWING
write (stdoutunit,'(/1x,a)') &
' ==> Note: Using mom4 with psigma terrain following vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The equations are non-Boussinesq.'
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod: no valid vertical coordinate chosen.')
if(vert_coordinate_type==TERRAIN_FOLLOWING) then
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) ' '
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' WARNING: TERRAIN_FOLLOWING vertical coordinates are implemented in mom4p1'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' for process studies and/or regional models. They HAVE NOT been tested for'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' global climate simulations. The following issues have not been addressed'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' in the mom4p1 implementation:'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' (1) Grd%tripolar=.true. has large (wrong) wrho_bt on bottom of T-cell column.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' (2) neutral physics is not generalized to terrain following coordinates.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' (3) The pressure gradient computation is not sophisticated, and '
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' thus the model likely will suffer from large pressure gradient errors when '
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' using realistic topography and coarse resolutions.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' (4) The KPP scheme is unstable with non_local_kpp=.true. and it exhibits a'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' spurious tracer balance.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' The user should thus beware that terrain following coordinates '
write (stdoutunit,'(a)' ) &
' are still largely in the development stages with mom4p1.'
if(vert_coordinate /= GEOPOTENTIAL .and. tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Error:threelevel tendency only implemented for geopotential vert_coordinate.'
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'ocean_model_init: threelevel tendency only implemented for geopotential')
! initialize grid and domain information
call ocean_grids_init(debug, vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_class)
call set_ocean_grid_size(Grid, 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc')
if(ASSOCIATED(Ocean%maskmap)) then
lay_out(1) = size(Ocean%maskmap,1)
lay_out(2) = size(Ocean%maskmap,2)
call set_ocean_domain(Domain, Grid, layout=lay_out, maskmap=Ocean%maskmap)
call set_ocean_domain(Domain, Grid, layout=layout, io_layout=io_layout)
end if
call set_domain(Domain%domain2d)
call ocean_workspace_init(Domain, Grid)
call set_ocean_hgrid_arrays(Domain, Grid)
call ocean_topog_init(Domain, Grid, 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc', vert_coordinate_type)
call ocean_obc_init(have_obc, Time, Time_steps, Domain, Grid, Ocean_options, &
vert_coordinate, debug)
call set_ocean_vgrid_arrays(Time, Domain, Grid, have_obc)
call ocean_util_init(Domain)
! saved for use in the FMS coupler
Ocean%axes(:) = Grid%tracer_axes(:)
call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
nk = Grid%nk
visc_cbu_form_drag = 0.0
gm_diffusivity = 0.0
visc_cbu = 0.0
diff_cbt = 0.0
pme = 0.0
melt = 0.0
upme = 0.0
river = 0.0
runoff = 0.0
calving = 0.0
uriver = 0.0
patm = 0.0
swflx = 0.0
swflx_vis = 0.0
sw_frac_zt = 0.0
opacity = 0.0
surf_blthick = 0.0
bott_blthick = 0.0
rossby_radius = 0.0
swheat = 0.0
call ocean_types_init()
call ocean_tracer_util_init(Grid, Domain)
call ocean_coriolis_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps)
call ocean_velocity_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, Velocity, &
have_obc, debug )
call ocean_barotropic_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, Ext_mode, have_obc, &
vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_class, cmip_units, debug)
call ocean_thickness_init(Time, Time_steps, Domain, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness, &
vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_class, vert_coordinate_type, &
debug )
call ocean_operators_init(Grid, Domain, Thickness)
! initialize prognostic tracers
T_prog => ocean_prog_tracer_init(Grid, Thickness, Ocean, Ocean_options, Domain, Time, Time_steps, &
num_prog_tracers, vert_coordinate_type, have_obc, cmip_units, debug)
! initialize diagnostic tracers
T_diag => ocean_diag_tracer_init(Time, Thickness, vert_coordinate_type, num_diag_tracers, cmip_units, debug)
call ocean_advection_velocity_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Thickness, Adv_vel, &
vert_coordinate_class, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_density_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Thickness, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Ocean_options, &
Dens, vert_coordinate, debug)
call ocean_thickness_init_adjust(Grid, Time, Dens, Ext_mode, Thickness)
! For some experiments, we may wish to initialize eta or pbot
! with nontrivial values. In this case we need to reinitialize the
! thickness arrays, since the original initialization assumed eta=0
! and pbot=pbot0.
if(have_obc .or. reinitialize_thickness) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: Reinitializing thickness to allow for nontrivial initial eta or pbot.'
call update_tcell_thickness(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Dens, Thickness)
call update_ucell_thickness(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness)
call ocean_pressure_init(Grid, Domain, Time, vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_class,&
have_obc, debug)
call ocean_vert_mix_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), &
vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_class, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_bih_tracer_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtime_t, have_obc)
call ocean_lap_tracer_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtime_t, have_obc)
call ocean_sigma_transport_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, &
dtime_t, vert_coordinate, vert_coordinate_type, debug)
call ocean_nphysics_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Thickness, Dens, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, &
vert_coordinate_type, vert_coordinate_class, debug)
call ocean_submesoscale_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtime_t, &
vert_coordinate_class, debug)
call ocean_lap_friction_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Ocean_options, dtime_u, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_bih_friction_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Ocean_options, dtime_u, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_momentum_source_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Ocean_options, debug)
call ocean_form_drag_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, debug)
call ocean_tracer_advect_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), dtime_t, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_velocity_advect_init(Grid, Domain, Time, have_obc, debug)
call ocean_convect_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtime_t)
call ocean_sbc_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Velocity, Ocean, &
time_tendency, dtime_t)
call ocean_bbc_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Velocity, Ocean_options, vert_coordinate_type)
call ocean_shortwave_init(Grid, Domain, Time, vert_coordinate, Ocean_options)
call ocean_sponges_tracer_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), dtime_t, Ocean_options)
call ocean_sponges_velocity_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Velocity, dtime_u, Ocean_options)
call ocean_sponges_eta_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Ext_mode, dtime_t, Ocean_options)
call ocean_xlandmix_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtime_t)
call ocean_xlandinsert_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, dtts)
call ocean_riverspread_init(Grid, Domain, Ocean_options)
call ocean_rivermix_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, debug)
call ocean_overexchange_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, &
vert_coordinate_type, dtime_t, debug)
call ocean_mixdownslope_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, &
vert_coordinate_type, dtime_t, debug)
call ocean_overflow_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), Ocean_options, &
vert_coordinate_type, dtime_t, debug)
call ocean_time_filter_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, T_prog(:), &
vert_coordinate, time_tendency)
call ocean_polar_filter_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:), dtime_t)
call initialize_ocean_sfc(Time, Thickness, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Velocity, Ocean)
call ocean_tpm_start(Domain, Grid, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Time, Thickness)
call ocean_diag_init(Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Dens, &
vert_coordinate_class, have_obc, cmip_units)
call ocean_increment_eta_init(Grid, Domain, Time)
call ocean_increment_tracer_init(Grid, Domain, Time, T_prog(:))
call ocean_increment_velocity_init(Grid, Domain, Time)
call init_oda(Domain, Grid, Time, T_prog(:), Velocity, Ext_mode)
call ocean_drifters_init(Domain, Grid, Time, T_prog(:), Velocity, Adv_vel)
! set index_temp and index_salt for this module
do n= 1, num_prog_tracers
if (T_prog(n)%name == 'temp') index_temp = n
if (T_prog(n)%name == 'salt') index_salt = n
! re-initialize tempsalt according to idealized profile
call ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit(Thickness, index_temp, index_salt, T_prog(:))
! initialize passive tracers set according to neutral density or temperature.
! also initialize passive tracers to be restored to their initial values.
! these tracers must be initialized after temperature and density are
! initialized.
call ocean_passive_tracer_init(T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Dens%neutralrho(:,:,:), &
Time%init, Time%tau, num_prog_tracers, index_temp, index_salt)
call nullify_domain()
call mpp_clock_end(id_init)
write(stdoutunit,'(/52x,a/)') '======== COMPLETED MOM4 INITIALIZATION ========'
end subroutine ocean_model_init
! NAME="ocean_model_init"
! Update in time the ocean model fields.
! This subroutine uses the forcing in Ice_ocean_boundary to advance the
! ocean model's state from the input value of Ocean_state (which must be for
! time time_start_update) for a time interval of Ocean_coupling_time_step,
! returning the publicly visible ocean surface properties in Ocean_sfc and
! storing the new ocean properties in Ocean_state.
! Arguments:
! Ice_ocean_boundary - A structure containing the various forcing
! fields coming from the ice. It is intent in.
! Ocean_state - A structure containing the internal ocean state.
! Ocean_sfc - A structure containing all the publicly visible ocean
! surface fields after a coupling time step.
! time_start_update - The time at the beginning of the update step.
! Ocean_coupling_time_step - The amount of time over which to advance
! the ocean.
! Note: although several types are declared intent(inout), this is to allow for
! the possibility of halo updates and to keep previously allocated memory.
! In practice, Ice_ocean_boundary is intent in, Ocean_state is private to
! this module and intent inout, and Ocean_sfc is intent out.
subroutine update_ocean_model(Ice_ocean_boundary, Ocean_state, Ocean_sfc, &
time_start_update, Ocean_coupling_time_step)
type(ice_ocean_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: Ice_ocean_boundary
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_sfc
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time_start_update
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Ocean_coupling_time_step
integer :: num_ocn
integer :: taum1, tau, taup1
integer :: i, j, k, n
call mpp_clock_begin(id_ocean)
if(first_ocn_call) then
num_ocean_calls = Ocean_coupling_time_step / Time%Time_step
if ( num_ocean_calls * Time%Time_step /= Ocean_coupling_time_step ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error from ocean_model_mod(update_ocean_model): cpld time step is not a multiple of the ocean time step', FATAL)
! Loop over num_ocean_calls, moved here from the coupler due to interface changes
do num_ocn = 1,num_ocean_calls
! increment ocean time and time labels
Time%model_time = Time%model_time + Time%Time_step
Time%itt = Time%itt+1
Time%itt0 = Time%itt0+1
Time%taum1 = mod(Time%itt+0,3)+1
Time%tau = mod(Time%itt+1,3)+1
Time%taup1 = mod(Time%itt+2,3)+1
Time%tau_m2 = mod(Time%itt+0,3)+1
Time%tau_m1 = mod(Time%itt+1,3)+1
Time%tau_m0 = mod(Time%itt+2,3)+1
if(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
Time%taum1 = Time%tau
taum1 = Time%taum1
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
! initialize some fields to zero at start of the time step
! tracer tendency th_tendency [units rho_dzt*tracer concentration per time]
! tracer source has no weighting [units tracer concentration per time]
do n=1,num_prog_tracers
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
T_prog(n)%th_tendency(i,j,k) = 0.0
T_prog(n)%source(i,j,k) = 0.0
! sources of mass and form drag vertical viscosity and gm_diffusivity
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
Thickness%mass_source(i,j,k) = 0.0
visc_cbu_form_drag(i,j,k,1) = 0.0
visc_cbu_form_drag(i,j,k,2) = 0.0
gm_diffusivity(i,j,k) = 0.0
! boundary layer thicknesses
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
surf_blthick(i,j) = 0.0
bott_blthick(i,j) = 0.0
! calculate tracer tmask_limit based on tracer values at time tau
call mpp_clock_begin(id_tmask_limit)
call compute_tmask_limit(Time, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_tmask_limit)
! obtain surface boundary fluxes using boundary field from coupler
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sbc)
call get_ocean_sbc(Time, Ice_ocean_boundary, Thickness, Ext_mode, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), &
Velocity, pme, melt, river, runoff, calving, upme, uriver, swflx, swflx_vis, patm)
call mpp_clock_end(id_sbc)
! compute "flux adjustments" (e.g., surface tracer restoring, flux correction)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_flux_adjust)
call flux_adjust(Time, T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Velocity, river, melt, pme)
call mpp_clock_end(id_flux_adjust)
! calculate bottom momentum fluxes and bottom tracer fluxes
call mpp_clock_begin(id_bbc)
call get_ocean_bbc(Time, Thickness, Velocity, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_bbc)
! add shortwave heating to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sw)
if(ext_swheat_is_set) then
! apply external sw heating source if it is set
do k=1,nk-1
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
T_prog(index_temp)%th_tendency(i,j,k) = &
T_prog(index_temp)%th_tendency(i,j,k) + swheat(i,j,k) / cp_ocean
! compute the sw penetration
call sw_source(Time, Thickness, Dens, T_diag(:), swflx, swflx_vis, T_prog(index_temp), sw_frac_zt, opacity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_sw)
! compute vertical mixing coefficients.
! if use kpp, also add nonlocal tendency to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_vmix)
call vert_mix_coeff(Time, Thickness, Velocity, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), &
T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), Dens, swflx, sw_frac_zt, pme, &
river, visc_cbu, diff_cbt, surf_blthick)
call mpp_clock_end(id_vmix)
! calculate some diagnostic arrays for ocean density
call mpp_clock_begin(id_density_diag)
call ocean_density_diag(Time, T_prog(index_temp), &
T_prog(index_salt), Dens, T_diag(:))
call mpp_clock_end(id_density_diag)
! set the ocean source terms for the tracer packages
call mpp_clock_begin(id_otpm_source)
call ocean_tpm_source(isd, ied, jsd, jed, Domain, Grid, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), &
Time, Thickness, Dens, opacity, surf_blthick, dtts)
call mpp_clock_end(id_otpm_source)
! set ocean surface boundary conditions for the tracer packages
call mpp_clock_begin(id_otpm_bbc)
call ocean_tpm_bbc(Domain, Grid, T_prog(:))
call mpp_clock_end(id_otpm_bbc)
! add sponges to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sponges_tracer)
call sponge_tracer_source(Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_sponges_tracer)
! add increments to T_prog%th_tendency as used in Australian OFAM/Bluelink
call mpp_clock_begin(id_increment_tracer)
call ocean_increment_tracer_source(Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_increment_tracer)
! add cross land mixing to T_prog%th_tendency and Thickness%mass_source
call mpp_clock_begin(id_xlandmix)
call xlandmix (Time, Ext_mode, Dens, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_xlandmix)
! add cross land insertion to T_prog%th_tendency and Thickness%mass_source
call mpp_clock_begin(id_xlandinsert)
call xlandinsert (Time, Ext_mode, Dens, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_xlandinsert)
! add river discharge to T_prog%th_tendency and/or enhance diff_cbt next to river mouths
call mpp_clock_begin(id_rivermix)
call rivermix (Time, Thickness, Dens, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), river, runoff, calving, &
diff_cbt, index_temp, index_salt)
call mpp_clock_end(id_rivermix)
! add discharge of dense shelf water into abyss to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_overflow)
call overflow (Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Dens, index_temp, index_salt)
call mpp_clock_end(id_overflow)
! add exchange of dense shelf water properties into abyss to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_overexchange)
call overexchange (Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Dens, index_temp, index_salt)
call mpp_clock_end(id_overexchange)
! add mixing of dense shelf water properties into abyss to T_prog%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_mixdownslope)
call mixdownslope (Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Dens, index_temp, index_salt)
call mpp_clock_end(id_mixdownslope)
! add surface height smoother to T_prog%surface_smooth and Thickness%mass_source
if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then
call mpp_clock_begin(id_surface_smooth)
call ocean_eta_smooth(Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_surface_smooth)
! add bottom pressure smoother to T_prog%bottom_smooth and Thickness%mass_source
if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then
call mpp_clock_begin(id_bottom_smooth)
call ocean_pbot_smooth(Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_bottom_smooth)
! get prescribed OBC data from files
if (have_obc) call ocean_obc_prepare(Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers))
! vertical integral of mass forcing used for eta and pbot update
call mpp_clock_begin(id_mass_forcing)
call ocean_mass_forcing(Time, Thickness, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_mass_forcing)
! As used for the Australian OFAM/Bluelink eta forcing
call mpp_clock_begin(id_increment_eta)
call ocean_increment_eta_source(Time, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_increment_eta)
! add eta sponges
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sponges_eta)
call sponge_eta_source(Time, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_sponges_eta)
! accumulate terms for surface height tendency or bottom pressure tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_eta_and_pbot_tendency)
call eta_and_pbot_tendency(Time, pme, river, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_eta_and_pbot_tendency)
! compute rho_dzt tendency (a function of eta_and_pbot_tendency)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_rho_dzt_tendency)
call rho_dzt_tendency(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness)
call mpp_clock_end(id_rho_dzt_tendency)
! compute advective velocity components on faces of T-cells and U-cells.
! included are Thickness%mass_source and Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_advect)
call ocean_advection_velocity(Velocity, Time, Thickness, Dens, pme, river, Adv_vel)
call mpp_clock_end(id_advect)
! update ocean free surface height or bottom pressure using "big time step"
call mpp_clock_begin(id_eta_and_pbot_update)
call eta_and_pbot_update(Time, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_eta_and_pbot_update)
! update taup1 value of the tracer grid cell thickness. note that after
! this update, dzt and dzwt (and other Thickness%T-arrays with no
! time indices) are now at time taup1.
call mpp_clock_begin(id_tcell_thickness)
call update_tcell_thickness(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Dens, Thickness)
call mpp_clock_end(id_tcell_thickness)
! advect tke and diss for GOTM scheme in preparation for the next time step
if(Ocean_options%vertmix==VERTMIX_GOTM) then
call mpp_clock_begin(id_advect_gotm)
call advect_gotm_compute(Time, Adv_vel, Thickness, pme, river)
call mpp_clock_end(id_advect_gotm)
! add tendency from sigma transport to Tracer%th_tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sigma)
call sigma_transport(Time, Thickness, Dens, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Adv_vel, bott_blthick)
call mpp_clock_end(id_sigma)
! add tendency from neutral physics to T_prog%th_tendency.
! also compute T_prog%K33_implicit for use in time-implicit update.
! note that surf_blthick is needed from vert_mix_coeff (kpp) to
! define "neutral physics surface boundary layer".
! also, bott_blthick is needed from sigma_transport to
! define "neutral physics bottom boundary layer".
call mpp_clock_begin(id_neutral)
call neutral_physics(Time, Thickness, Dens, Dens%rho(:,:,:,taum1), &
T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), gm_diffusivity, surf_blthick, bott_blthick, rossby_radius)
call mpp_clock_end(id_neutral)
! compute form drag vertical viscosity for vertical momentum transport
call mpp_clock_begin(id_compute_visc_form_drag)
call compute_visc_form_drag(Time, Thickness, Velocity, Dens, &
gm_diffusivity, surf_blthick, visc_cbu_form_drag)
call mpp_clock_end(id_compute_visc_form_drag)
! add tendency from submesoscale param to T_prog%th_tendency.
call mpp_clock_begin(id_submesoscale)
call submeso_restrat(Time, Thickness, Dens, T_prog, surf_blthick)
call mpp_clock_end(id_submesoscale)
! update to time=taup1 the value of tracer concentrations
call mpp_clock_begin(id_tracer)
call update_ocean_tracer(Time, Dens, Adv_vel, Thickness, pme, diff_cbt, Dens%pressure_at_depth, &
T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers))
call mpp_clock_end(id_tracer)
! diagnose time=taup1 ocean free surface height or bottom pressure.
! also diagnose geodepth_zt.
call mpp_clock_begin(id_eta_and_pbot_diagnose)
call eta_and_pbot_diagnose(Time, Dens, Thickness, patm, pme, river, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_eta_and_pbot_diagnose)
! perform extra calculations for the ocean tracer packages
call mpp_clock_begin(id_otpm_tracer)
call ocean_tpm_tracer(Domain, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Grid, Time, Thickness, Dens, dtts, &
surf_blthick, swflx_vis, opacity, diff_cbt, river)
call mpp_clock_end(id_otpm_tracer)
! fill processor halos for tracers(taup1)
! halo values are needed prior to rho(taup1) computation
call mpp_clock_begin(id_update_halo_tracer)
do n=1,num_prog_tracers
call mpp_update_domains(T_prog(n)%field(:,:,:,taup1), &
Domain%domain2d, complete=T_prog(n)%complete)
do n=1,num_prog_tracers
if(have_obc)call ocean_obc_update_boundary(T_prog(n)%field(:,:,:,taup1), 'T')
call mpp_clock_end(id_update_halo_tracer)
! update to time=taup1 Dens%pressure_at_depth and Dens%rho
call mpp_clock_begin(id_density)
call update_ocean_density(Time, Thickness, T_prog(index_temp), &
T_prog(index_salt), Ext_mode, Dens)
call mpp_clock_end(id_density)
! add time explicit contributions to Velocity%accel.
! compute just those pieces needed to force barotropic dynamics
Velocity%rossby_radius(:,:) = Grid%umask(:,:,1)*rossby_radius(:,:)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_explicit_accel_a)
if(tendency == TWO_LEVEL) then
call ocean_explicit_accel_a(Velocity, Time, Adv_vel, Thickness, Dens, &
Dens%rho(:,:,:,taup1), pme, river, upme, uriver)
elseif(tendency == THREE_LEVEL) then
call ocean_explicit_accel_a(Velocity, Time, Adv_vel, Thickness, Dens, &
Dens%rho(:,:,:,tau), pme, river, upme, uriver)
call mpp_clock_end(id_explicit_accel_a)
! vertical integral of forcing used for barotropic dynamics
call mpp_clock_begin(id_barotropic_forcing)
call ocean_barotropic_forcing(Time, Thickness, Velocity, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_barotropic_forcing)
! update (udrho,vdrho) and eta_t_bar or pbot_t_bar using barotropic timesteps
call mpp_clock_begin(id_barotropic_update)
call update_ocean_barotropic (Time, Dens, Thickness, Velocity, Adv_vel, &
T_prog(index_temp), T_prog(index_salt), &
Ext_mode, patm, pme, river)
call mpp_clock_end(id_barotropic_update)
! remaining time explicit contributions to rho*dz*acceleration
call mpp_clock_begin(id_explicit_accel_b)
call ocean_explicit_accel_b(visc_cbu, Time, Thickness, Velocity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_explicit_accel_b)
! compute pressure conversion diagnostic prior to updating ucell thickness
if(tendency == TWO_LEVEL) then
call pressure_conversion (Time, Thickness, Dens%rho(:,:,:,taup1), &
Dens, Ext_mode, Adv_vel, Velocity, vert_coordinate_class)
elseif(tendency == THREE_LEVEL) then
call pressure_conversion (Time, Thickness, Dens%rho(:,:,:,tau), &
Dens, Ext_mode, Adv_vel, Velocity, vert_coordinate_class)
! update time=taup1 value of the velocity grid cell thickness
! Thickness%U-arrays with no time index are now at taup1
call mpp_clock_begin(id_ucell_thickness)
call update_ucell_thickness(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness)
call mpp_clock_end(id_ucell_thickness)
! As used for the Australian OFAM/Bluelink increment to velocity
call mpp_clock_begin(id_increment_velocity)
call ocean_increment_velocity_source(Time, Thickness, Velocity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_increment_velocity)
! add velocity sponges
call mpp_clock_begin(id_sponges_velocity)
call sponge_velocity_source(Time, Thickness, Velocity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_sponges_velocity)
! density and thickness weighted acceleration from
! implicit vertical friction and implicit coriolis
call mpp_clock_begin(id_implicit_accel)
call ocean_implicit_accel(visc_cbu, visc_cbu_form_drag, Time, Thickness, Velocity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_implicit_accel)
! update to time=taup1 the ocean velocity
call mpp_clock_begin(id_velocity)
call update_ocean_velocity(Time, Thickness, barotropic_split, vert_coordinate_class, &
Ext_mode, Velocity)
call mpp_clock_end(id_velocity)
! compute energy analysis diagnostic
call energy_analysis (Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Adv_vel, Dens, &
pme, river, upme, uriver, visc_cbu, visc_cbu_form_drag, &
! perform some numerical diagnostics (e.g., tracer and mass conservation, CFL checks, etc.)
call mpp_clock_begin(id_diagnostics)
call ocean_diagnostics(Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), &
Adv_vel, Ext_mode, Dens, Velocity, pme, melt, runoff, calving, visc_cbu)
call mpp_clock_end(id_diagnostics)
! fill halo values for the velocity field
call mpp_clock_begin(id_update_halo_velocity)
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), &
if(have_obc) then
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'M','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'M','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'Z','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'Z','n')
call mpp_clock_end(id_update_halo_velocity)
! apply time filter when using leap-frog time tendency
call mpp_clock_begin(id_time_filter)
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL .and. vert_coordinate == GEOPOTENTIAL) then
call time_filter(Time, Grid, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Velocity, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_time_filter)
! modifications to prognostic variables using ocean data assimilation
call mpp_clock_begin(id_oda)
call oda(Time, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), Velocity, Ext_mode)
call mpp_clock_end(id_oda)
call update_ocean_drifters(Velocity, Adv_vel, T_prog(:), Grid, Time)
! sum ocean sfc state over coupling interval
call mpp_clock_begin(id_ocean_sfc)
call sum_ocean_sfc(Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), &
T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), Dens, Velocity, Ocean_sfc)
call mpp_clock_end(id_ocean_sfc)
enddo ! {end of do no=1,num_ocean_calls}
! at end of coupling interval, pass averaged ocean state to other component models
call mpp_clock_begin(id_ocean_seg_end)
call avg_ocean_sfc(Time, Thickness, T_prog(1:num_prog_tracers), &
T_diag(1:num_diag_tracers), Velocity, Ocean_sfc)
call mpp_clock_end(id_ocean_seg_end)
call mpp_clock_end(id_ocean)
end subroutine update_ocean_model
! NAME="update_ocean_model"
! Obtain the ocean grid size.
subroutine get_ocean_grid_size(num_lon, num_lat, num_z)
integer, intent(out) :: num_lon, num_lat
integer, optional, intent(out) :: num_z
num_lon = Grid%ni
num_lat = Grid%nj
if (PRESENT(num_z)) num_z = Grid%nk
end subroutine get_ocean_grid_size
! NAME="get_ocean_grid_size"
subroutine ocean_model_data2D_get(OS,Ocean, name, array2D,isc,jsc)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: OS
type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out):: array2D
integer , intent(in) :: isc,jsc
!Output array2D is allocated on the coupled model compute domain
!Grid% and T_prog% arrays below are allocated on
!data domain for dynamic case
!global domain for static case
!Hence we need to start copying them from Domain%isc and Domain%jsc
select case(name)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = Ocean%area(isc:,jsc:)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = Ocean%t_surf(isc:,jsc:)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = Grid%tmask(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:,1)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = T_prog(index_temp)%tpme(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = T_prog(index_temp)%trunoff(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = T_prog(index_temp)%tcalving(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:)
array2D(isc:,jsc:) = T_prog(index_temp)%conversion * T_prog(index_temp)%btf(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:)
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'get_ocean_grid_data2D: unknown argument name='//name)
end select
end subroutine ocean_model_data2D_get
subroutine ocean_model_data1D_get(OS,Ocean, name, value)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: OS
type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean
character(len=*) , intent(in) :: name
real , intent(out):: value
select case(name)
value = cp_ocean
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'get_ocean_grid_data1D: unknown argument name='//name)
end select
end subroutine ocean_model_data1D_get
! Obtain the ocean domain size.
subroutine get_ocean_domain(Ocean_domain)
type(domain2d), intent(out) :: Ocean_domain
if (.NOT. module_is_initialized) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error in ocean_model_mod (get_ocean_domain): module is not initialized')
Ocean_domain = Domain%domain2d
end subroutine get_ocean_domain
! NAME="get_ocean_domain"
! Call ocean_tpm_init_sfc and pass it the needed arguments, most of which
! are local to the ocean model.
subroutine ocean_model_init_sfc(Ocean_state, Ocean)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
type(ocean_public_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean
call ocean_tpm_init_sfc(Domain, T_prog(:), Dens, Ocean, Time, Grid)
end subroutine ocean_model_init_sfc
! NAME="ocean_model_init_sfc"
! Call ocean_tpm_flux_init and pass it the needed arguments, most of which
! are local to the ocean model.
! Currently, no arguments are passed.
subroutine ocean_model_flux_init(Ocean_state)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
call ocean_tpm_flux_init
end subroutine ocean_model_flux_init
! NAME="ocean_model_flux_init"
! Close down the ocean model
! This subroutine terminates the model run, saving the ocean state in a
! restart file and deallocating any data associated with the ocean.
! NOTE from nnz: This module keeps its own Time and does not need the Time_in argument.
! Arguments:
! Ocean_state (type(ocean_state_type), pointer) - A structure containing the internal ocean state.
! Time_in (type(time_type), intent(in)) - The model time, used for writing restarts.
! Ocean_sfc (type(ocean_public_type), optional, intent(inout))- An ocean_public_type structure that is to be
! deallocated upon termination.
subroutine ocean_model_end(Ocean_sfc, Ocean_state, Time_in)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_in
type(ocean_public_type), optional, intent(inout) :: Ocean_sfc
integer :: stdoutunit
call ocean_tracer_end(Time, T_prog(:), T_diag(:))
call ocean_tracer_advect_end(Time, T_prog(:))
call ocean_nphysics_end(Time)
call ocean_bih_friction_end(Time)
call ocean_lap_friction_end(Time)
call ocean_sigma_transport_end(Time)
call ocean_tpm_end(Domain, Grid, T_prog(:), T_diag(:), Time, Thickness)
call ocean_velocity_end(Time, Velocity)
call ocean_barotropic_end(Time, Ext_mode)
call ocean_thickness_end(Time, Grid, Thickness)
call ocean_density_end(Time, Dens)
if(have_obc) call ocean_obc_end(Time, have_obc)
call ocean_sfc_end(Ocean_sfc)
call ocean_vert_mix_end(Time)
call ocean_drifters_end(Grid)
write (stdoutunit,'(//,1x,a)') &
'==================Summary of completed MOM4 integration======================='
if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using GEOPOTENTIAL as the vertical coordinate.'
elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSTAR) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using ZSTAR as the vertical coordinate.'
elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using ZSIGMA as the vertical coordinate.'
elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using PRESSURE as the vertical coordinate.'
elseif(vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using PSTAR as the vertical coordinate.'
elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then
write(stdoutunit,'(1x,a)') &
' Finished MOM4 integration using PSIGMA as the vertical coordinate.'
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of time steps = ',Time%itt
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of prog-tracers = ',num_prog_tracers
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of diag-tracers = ',num_diag_tracers
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of i-points(ni) = ',Grid%ni
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of j-points(nj) = ',Grid%nj
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of k-points(nk) = ',Grid%nk
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of computed ocean tracer points(ni*nj*nk) = ',Grid%total_t_points
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of wet ocean tracer points = ',Grid%wet_t_points
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,i12)') &
' number of wet ocean velocity points = ',Grid%wet_u_points
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,a)') &
' slow motion time tendency computed using = ',time_tendency
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,a)') &
' barotropic motion computed using = ',Time_steps%barotropic_scheme
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,f16.6)') &
' tracer time step dtts (secs) = ',Time_steps%dtts
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,f16.6)') &
' baroclinic velocity time step dtuv (secs) = ',Time_steps%dtuv
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,f16.6)') &
' barotropic time step dtbt (secs) = ',Time_steps%dtbt
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,f16.6)') &
' implicit Coriolis parameter acor = ',Time_steps%acor
write (stdoutunit,'(1x,a,1x,f16.6)') &
' implicit vertical mixing parameter aidif = ',Time_steps%aidif
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' '
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%OBC
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%baroclinic_tendency
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%barotropic_tendency
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%tracer_tendency
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%equation_of_state
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%temperature_variable
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%frazil_ice
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%vert_mix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%tidal_wave_mix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%tidal_drag_mix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%bryan_lewis_mix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%hwf_mix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%tanh_diff_cbt
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%horz_bih_tracer
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%horz_lap_tracer
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%horz_lap_friction
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%horz_bih_friction
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%momentum_source
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%form_drag
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%bottom_roughness
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%geothermal_heating
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%neutral_physics
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%submesoscale
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%sigma_transport
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%overflow
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%overexchange
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%mixdownslope
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%shortwave
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%xlandmix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%xlandinsert
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%rivermix
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%riverspread
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%passive_tracers
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%ocean_sponges_eta
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%ocean_sponges_tracer
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a)') Ocean_options%ocean_sponges_velocity
write (stdoutunit,'(2x,a/)') '===================================================='
end subroutine ocean_model_end
! NAME="ocean_model_end"
! write out restart file.
! Arguments:
! timestamp (optional, intent(in)) : A character string that represents the model time,
! used for writing restart. timestamp will append to
! the any restart file name as a prefix.
subroutine ocean_model_restart(Ocean_state, timestamp)
type(ocean_state_type), pointer :: Ocean_state
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: timestamp
call ocean_tracer_restart(Time, T_prog, timestamp)
call ocean_tracer_advect_restart(T_prog, timestamp)
call ocean_nphysics_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_bih_friction_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_lap_friction_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_sigma_transport_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_velocity_restart(Time, Velocity, timestamp)
call ocean_barotropic_restart(Time, Ext_mode, timestamp)
call ocean_thickness_restart(Time, Thickness, timestamp)
call ocean_density_restart(Time, Dens, timestamp)
if(have_obc) call ocean_obc_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_sfc_restart(timestamp)
call ocean_vert_mix_restart(timestamp)
end subroutine ocean_model_restart
! NAME="ocean_model_restart"
! Returns stocks of total ocean heat and water water for conservation
! checks. Report here values just on a single PE. Global sums
! are done in the coupler.
! This routine is part of a group of similar routines in other
! FMS component models that aims to quantify the conservation of
! scalar properties between the component models when running
! coupled models.
subroutine ocean_stock_pe(Ocean_state, index, value, time_index)
type(ocean_state_type),pointer :: Ocean_state
integer, intent(in) :: index
real, intent(out) :: value
integer, optional, intent(in) :: time_index ! -1=previous, 0=now, or +1=next
integer :: i,j,k
integer :: itime, t_index
integer, parameter :: INDEX_PREV=-1, INDEX_NOW=0, INDEX_NEXT=+1
value = 0.0
if (.not.associated(Ocean_state)) return
if(.not. Ocean_state%is_ocean_pe) return
!The default t_index has to be INDEX_NEXT because stocks are evaluated after
!ocean update (values at taup1 are set) but before we are in the next time step.
t_index = INDEX_NEXT
if(present(time_index)) t_index = time_index
select case(t_index)
! note that for time_tendency=='twolevel', taum1=tau
itime = Time % taum1
case (INDEX_NOW)
itime = Time % tau
case default
itime = Time % taup1
end select
select case (index)
! units of kg
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
value = value + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Grid%dat(i,j)*Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,itime)
! units of Joule
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
value = value + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Grid%dat(i,j)*Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,itime) &
value = value*T_prog(index_temp)%conversion
! Return the mass of the salt in the ocean on this PE in kg.
! The T_prog(index_salt)%conversion = 1000 converts salinity in PSU to saltinity in kg kg-1.
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
value = value + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Grid%dat(i,j)*Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,itime) &
value = value*T_prog(index_salt)%conversion
case default
value = 0.0
end select
end subroutine ocean_stock_pe
! NAME="ocean_stock_pe"
! Return the surface temperature in degrees K
subroutine mom4_get_Tsurf(Ocean, res)
type(Ocean_public_type) :: Ocean
real, intent(out) :: res(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:)
integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, i, j
isc = Domain%isc ; iec = Domain%iec
jsc = Domain%jsc ; jec = Domain%jec
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
res(i,j) = Ocean%t_surf(i,j)
end subroutine mom4_get_Tsurf
! NAME="mom4_get_Tsurf"
! Return the surface salinity in psu
subroutine mom4_get_Ssurf(Ocean, res)
type(Ocean_public_type) :: Ocean
real, intent(out) :: res(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:)
integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, i, j
isc = Domain%isc ; iec = Domain%iec
jsc = Domain%jsc ; jec = Domain%jec
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
res(i,j) = Ocean%s_surf(i,j)
end subroutine mom4_get_Ssurf
! NAME="mom4_get_Ssurf"
! Return thickness (in meters) of each layer.
subroutine mom4_get_thickness(fld)
real, intent(out) :: fld(isc:,jsc:,:)
integer :: i, j, k
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
fld(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k)
end subroutine mom4_get_thickness
! NAME="mom4_get_thickness"
! Return density (in kg/m^3).
subroutine mom4_get_density(fld)
real, intent(out) :: fld(isc:,jsc:,:)
integer :: i, j, k, tau
tau = Time%tau
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
fld(i,j,k) = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)
end subroutine mom4_get_density
! NAME="mom4_get_density"
! Return prognostic tracer data.
subroutine mom4_get_prog_tracer(index, fld, units, longname)
integer, intent(in) :: index
real, intent(out) :: fld(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:,:)
character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: units
character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: longname
integer :: i, j, k, tau
tau = Time%tau
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
fld(i,j,k) = T_prog(index)%field(i,j,k,tau)
if(present(units )) units = T_prog(index)%units
if(present(longname)) longname = T_prog(index)%longname
end subroutine mom4_get_prog_tracer
! NAME="mom4_get_prog_tracer"
! Return temperature index from prognostic tracer table, which can
! then be used to extract data.
subroutine mom4_get_temperature_index(index)
integer, intent(out) :: index
index = INDEX_TEMP
end subroutine mom4_get_temperature_index
! NAME="mom4_get_temperature_index"
! Return salt index from prognostic tracer table, which can
! then be used to extract data.
subroutine mom4_get_salinity_index(index)
integer, intent(out) :: index
index = INDEX_SALT
end subroutine mom4_get_salinity_index
! NAME="mom4_get_salinity_index"
! Return dimensions of data in compute domain
subroutine mom4_get_dimensions(isc, iec, jsc, jec, isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk_out)
integer, optional, intent(out) :: isc ! starting x-index of compute domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: iec ! ending x-index of compute domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: jsc ! starting y-index of compute domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: jec ! ending y-index of compute domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: isd ! starting x-index of data domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: ied ! ending x-index of data domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: jsd ! starting y-index of data domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: jed ! ending y-index of data domain
integer, optional, intent(out) :: nk_out ! number of vertical levels
if(present(isc)) isc = Domain%isc
if(present(iec)) iec = Domain%iec
if(present(jsc)) jsc = Domain%jsc
if(present(jec)) jec = Domain%jec
if(present(isd)) isd = Domain%isd
if(present(ied)) ied = Domain%ied
if(present(jsd)) jsd = Domain%jsd
if(present(jed)) jed = Domain%jed
if(present(nk_out)) nk_out = NK
end subroutine mom4_get_dimensions
! NAME="mom4_get_dimensions"
! Return horizontal velocity vector components (u,v) on the
! A grid (tracer-points).
! Note that these velocity components are oriented according to the
! grid lines (i-lines and j-lines). They are generally NOT mapped
! to latitude-longitude lines, unless using a spherical coordinate
! grid specification.
subroutine mom4_get_UVsurf(Ocean, ua, va, ier)
type(ocean_public_type) :: Ocean
real, dimension(Domain%isc:,Domain%jsc:), intent(out) :: ua, va
integer, intent(out) :: ier ! error code (0=ok)
call mom4_U_to_T_2d(ub=Ocean%u_surf, &
& vb=Ocean%v_surf, &
& ua=ua, va=va, ier=ier)
end subroutine mom4_get_UVsurf
! NAME="mom4_get_UVsurf"
! Return horizontal velocity vector (u,v) (in m/s) on T points (A mesh).
! Note that these velocity components are oriented according to the
! grid lines (i-lines and j-lines). They are generally NOT mapped
! to latitude-longitude lines, unless using a spherical coordinate
! grid specification.
subroutine mom4_get_UV(ua, va, ier)
real, dimension(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:, :), intent(out) :: ua, va
integer, intent(out) :: ier ! error code (0=ok)
real, dimension(Domain%isc:Domain%iec, Domain%jsc:Domain%jec, nk) :: ub_tmp, vb_tmp
integer :: i, j, k, tau
tau = Time%tau
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
ub_tmp(i,j,k) = Velocity%u(i,j,k,1,tau)
vb_tmp(i,j,k) = Velocity%u(i,j,k,2,tau)
call mom4_U_to_T_2d(ub=ub_tmp(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:, k), &
& vb=vb_tmp(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:, k), &
& ua=ua(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:, k), &
& va=va(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:, k), ier=ier)
end subroutine mom4_get_UV
! NAME="mom4_get_UV"
! Interpolate (u,v) velocity components from U (B-grid) to
! T points (A-grid).
subroutine mom4_U_to_T_2d(ub, vb, ua, va, ier)
real, dimension(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:), intent(in) :: ub, vb
real, dimension(Domain%isc:, Domain%jsc:), intent(out) :: ua, va
integer, intent(out) :: ier
integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, i1, j1, i, j
real, dimension(Domain%isd:Domain%ied, Domain%jsd:Domain%jed) :: ub_tmp, vb_tmp
ier = 0
if( Domain%yhalo < 1 .or. Domain%xhalo < 1 ) then
! error; need at least one halo point
ier = 1
isc = Domain%isc ; iec = Domain%iec
jsc = Domain%jsc ; jec = Domain%jec
! For the time being we assume the input arrays to be on the compute
! domain. Ideally would want to handle input arrays both on the compute
! and data domain. In the latter case, a copy + mpp_update can be avoided.
if(size(ub, dim=1) /= iec-isc+1 .or. size(vb, dim=2) /= jec-jsc+1) then
! input arrays must be on the compute domain
ier = 2
ub_tmp(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = ub(isc:iec, jsc:jec)
vb_tmp(isc:iec, jsc:jec) = vb(isc:iec, jsc:jec)
call mpp_update_domains(ub_tmp, vb_tmp, Domain%domain2d)
do j = jsc-1, jec-1
j1 = j + 1
do i = isc-1, iec-1
i1 = i + 1
ua(i1,j1) = ( &
& ub_tmp(i ,j ) * Grid%dtn(i1,j1) * Grid%dte(i1,j1) + &
& ub_tmp(i1,j ) * Grid%dtn(i1,j1) * Grid%dtw(i1,j1) + &
& ub_tmp(i1,j1) * Grid%dts(i1,j1) * Grid%dtw(i1,j1) + &
& ub_tmp(i ,j1) * Grid%dts(i1,j1) * Grid%dte(i1,j1) &
& ) / Grid%dat(i1,j1)
va(i1,j1) = ( &
& vb_tmp(i ,j ) * Grid%dtn(i1,j1) * Grid%dte(i1,j1) + &
& vb_tmp(i1,j ) * Grid%dtn(i1,j1) * Grid%dtw(i1,j1) + &
& vb_tmp(i1,j1) * Grid%dts(i1,j1) * Grid%dtw(i1,j1) + &
& vb_tmp(i ,j1) * Grid%dts(i1,j1) * Grid%dte(i1,j1) &
& ) / Grid%dat(i1,j1)
end subroutine mom4_U_to_T_2d
! NAME="mom4_U_to_T_2d"
! Gets horizontal velocity components (u,v) (in m/s) on T points (A mesh)
! along geographical (latlon) directions in compute domain.
! Note that these velocity components are oriented along the
! geographical latitude-longitude lines.
! im,j i,j
! B-------B-------B-------B y
! | | | | ^
! | | i,j| | | /lon
! |---A---|---A---|---A---| | /
! | | | | \ | /
! | |im,jm |i,jm | \|/ rot angle
! B-------B-------B-------B ---X-------------> x
! | | | | /|\
! | | | | / | \
! |---A---|---A---|---A---| | \lat
! | | | | | \
! | | | |
! B-------B-------B-------B
! use ocean_model_mod
! real, dimension(isc:, jsc:, :) :: u,v
! integer :: ierr
! call mom4_get_latlon_UV(ua, va, ierr)
! array will contain velocity component along x direction upon return
! array will contain velocity component along y direction upon return
! error status will be zero for success and nonzero for failure
subroutine mom4_get_latlon_UV(ua, va, ier)
real, dimension(isc:, jsc:, :), intent(out) :: ua, va
integer, intent(out) :: ier ! error code (0=ok)
real, dimension(isd:ied, jsd:jed) :: ub_tmp, vb_tmp
integer :: i, j, k, im, jm, tau
ier = 0
tau = Time%tau
do k=1,nk
! Rotate the coordinates system to be along geographical (lat-lon) coordinates.
! (Passive transformation with rotation matrix).
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
ub_tmp(i,j) = Grid%cos_rot(i,j)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,1,tau) &
& - Grid%sin_rot(i,j)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,2,tau)
vb_tmp(i,j) = Grid%sin_rot(i,j)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,1,tau) &
& + Grid%cos_rot(i,j)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,2,tau)
! Fill in the halos
call mpp_update_domains(ub_tmp, vb_tmp, Domain%domain2d)
! Take the average of fields at corners (B Grid) to estimate the field at center (A Grid).
! Try an area weighted average.
do j = jsc, jec
jm = j - 1
do i = isc, iec
im = i - 1
ua(i,j,k) = ( &
& ub_tmp(i ,j) * Grid%dtn(i,j) * Grid%dte(i,j) + &
& ub_tmp(im,j) * Grid%dtn(i,j) * Grid%dtw(i,j) + &
& ub_tmp(im,jm) * Grid%dts(i,j) * Grid%dtw(i,j) + &
& ub_tmp(i ,jm) * Grid%dts(i,j) * Grid%dte(i,j) ) / Grid%dat(i,j)
va(i,j,k) = ( &
& vb_tmp(i ,j) * Grid%dtn(i,j) * Grid%dte(i,j) + &
& vb_tmp(im,j) * Grid%dtn(i,j) * Grid%dtw(i,j) + &
& vb_tmp(im,jm) * Grid%dts(i,j) * Grid%dtw(i,j) + &
& vb_tmp(i ,jm) * Grid%dts(i,j) * Grid%dte(i,j) ) / Grid%dat(i,j)
enddo !end k loop
end subroutine mom4_get_latlon_UV
! NAME="mom4_get_latlon_UV"
! Return axes indices for diag manager.
subroutine mom4_get_diag_axes(axes)
integer, intent(out) :: axes(:)
axes(:) = Grid%tracer_axes(:)
end subroutine mom4_get_diag_axes
! NAME="mom4_get_diag_axes"
! Returns the module variable num_diag_tracers
! This function returns the number of ocean diagnostic tracers if not -1.
! It send a FATAL message if num_diag_tracers is not set (i.e. is -1)
! before this function call.
! use ocean_model_mod
! mom4_get_num_diag_tracers()
! No inputs needed.
! This function returns an integer.
function mom4_get_num_diag_tracers()
integer :: mom4_get_num_diag_tracers
if(num_diag_tracers == -1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'mom4_get_num_diag_tracers: num_diag_tracers is -1, should call ocean_diag_tracer_init before this function! ')
mom4_get_num_diag_tracers = num_diag_tracers
end function mom4_get_num_diag_tracers
! NAME="mom4_get_num_diag_tracers"
! Returns the module variable num_prog_tracers
! This function returns the number of ocean prognostic tracers if not -1.
! It send a FATAL message if num_prog_tracers is not set (i.e. is -1)
! before this function call.
! use ocean_model_mod
! mom4_get_num_prog_tracers()
! No inputs needed.
! This function returns an integer.
function mom4_get_num_prog_tracers()
integer :: mom4_get_num_prog_tracers
if(num_prog_tracers == -1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'mom4_get_num_prog_tracers: num_prog_tracers is -1, should call ocean_prog_tracer_init before this function! ')
mom4_get_num_prog_tracers = num_prog_tracers
end function mom4_get_num_prog_tracers
! NAME="mom4_get_num_prog_tracers"
! Gets the pointer to 2D array Grid%tmask(:,:,1)
! This subroutine gets the pointer to a 2D array with values of the tmask
! (land/sea mask for T cells based on s-coordinate) at the ocean surface .
! use ocean_model_mod
! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: temp
! call mom4_get_surface_tmask(temp)
! pointer to 2 dimensional array of tmask at the ocean surface.
subroutine mom4_get_surface_tmask(surfaceTmask)
real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: surfaceTmask
surfaceTmask => Grid%tmask(isc:,jsc:,1)
end subroutine mom4_get_surface_tmask
! NAME="mom4_get_surface_tmask"
! Gets one of the 2D array data of ocean type
! This subroutine gets one of the following data arrays of ocean_public_type
! depending on the passed "name" argument, it sends a FATAL signal otherwise
! Ocean%t_surf when name='t_surf'
! Ocean%s_surf when name='s_surf'
! Ocean%u_surf when name='u_surf'
! Ocean%v_surf when name='v_surf'
! Ocean%sea_lev when name='sea_lev'
! Ocean%frazil when name='frazil'
! use ocean_model_mod
! real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: temp
! call mom4_get_ocean_data(Ocean,'s_surf',temp)
! ocean type
! one of 't_surf','s_surf','u_surf','v_surf','sea_lev','frazil'
! pointer to 2 dimensional array corresponding to "name" argument, at the ocean surface.
subroutine mom4_get_ocean_data(Ocean,name,dataArrayPointer)
type(ocean_public_type), intent(in) :: Ocean
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real, dimension(:,:),pointer :: dataArrayPointer
select case(name)
if(.not.associated(Ocean%t_surf)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%t_surf is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%t_surf
if(.not.associated(Ocean%s_surf)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%s_surf is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%s_surf
if(.not.associated(Ocean%u_surf)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%u_surf is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%u_surf
if(.not.associated(Ocean%v_surf)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%v_surf is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%v_surf
if(.not.associated(Ocean%sea_lev)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%sea_lev is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%sea_lev
if(.not.associated(Ocean%frazil)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: Ocean%frazil is not associated!')
dataArrayPointer => Ocean%frazil
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'mom4_get_ocean_data: unknown argument name='//name)
end select
end subroutine mom4_get_ocean_data
! NAME="mom4_get_ocean_data"
subroutine mom4_set_swheat(swheat_input)
real, dimension(isc:, jsc:,:), intent(in) :: swheat_input
swheat = swheat_input
end subroutine mom4_set_swheat
end module ocean_model_mod