Module ocean_sbc_mod
Set up the surface boundary conditions for mom4.
This module sets up the surface boundary conditions for the model.
Also fill Ocean_sfc derived-type used to pass information to other
component models.
The surface temperature should be the surface insitu temperature,
which is the same as the surface potential temperature. When the
model prognostic temperature variable is conservative temperature,
then the surface potential temperature is carried in T_diag(index_diag_temp).
The resulting heat flux is potential enthalpy, which is the correct
field to be forcing the T_prog(index_temp) field when the prognostic
temperature field is the conservative temperature.
- Initialize the ocean sbc module
- Initialize the ocean surface type, which passes information between ocean
and other component models.
Note that ocean model sst passed to the atmosphere must be the surface
potential temperature (which is equated to surface in situ temperature).
If the ocean prognostic temperature variable is conservative temperature,
then the sst is carried in T_diag(index_diag_temp). If the prognostic
temperature is potential temperature, then the sst is carried in
Ocean_sfc%t_surf = time averaged sst (Kelvin) passed to atmosphere/ice model
Ocean_sfc%s_surf = time averaged sss (psu) passed to atmosphere/ice models
Ocean_sfc%u_surf = time averaged u-current (m/sec) passed to atmosphere/ice models
Ocean_sfc%v_surf = time averaged v-current (m/sec) passed to atmosphere/ice models
Ocean_sfc%sea_lev = time averaged ocean free surface height (m) plus patm/(grav*rho0)
Ocean_sfc%frazil = time accumulated frazil (J/m^2) passed to ice model. time averaging
not performed, since ice model needs the frazil accumulated over the
ocean time steps. Note that Ocean_sfc%frazil is accumulated, whereas
T_diag%frazil (saved in diagnostic tracer restart file) is instantaneous.
- Accumulate the ocean_sfc derived type over the course of the
ocean component sub-cycling used when coupling to other models.
Note that ocean model sst passed to the atmosphere must be the surface
potential temperature (which is equated to surface in situ temperature).
If the ocean prognostic temperature variable is conservative temperature,
then the sst is carried in T_diag(index_diag_temp). If the prognostic
temperature is potential temperature, then the sst is carried in
Note that this routine is called after eta_and_pbot_diagnose,
so Thickness%eta is eta_t(taup1).
- Zero the elements of the Ocean_sfc derived type.
- Compute average of ocean surface quantities. This is for coupling,
where pass time averaged information from ocean to other component
models. Note that Ocean_sfc%frazil is NOT time averaged. Rather, it
is accumulated from T_diag(index_frazil)%field in subroutine sum_ocean_sfc.
Doing so is necessary for heat conservation between ocean and sea
ice systems. Since it is not time averaged, frazil is not part of
this averaging subroutine.
Note that ocean model SST passed to the atmosphere is the surface
potential temperature (which is equal to surface in situ temperature).
If the ocean prognostic temperature variable is conservative temperature,
then the sst is carried in T_diag(index_diag_temp). If the prognostic
temperature is potential temperature, then the sst is carried in
Note that if one removes the averaging, then we take only the
latest values of the surface fields. This approach has been
found useful to stabilize the "concurrent" coupling approach.
Note that this routine is called after eta_and_pbot_diagnose,
so Thickness%eta is eta_t(taup1).
- Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file
- Save information from Ocean_sfc to restarts. Note that it is
important in general to distinguish the time accumulated quantity
Ocean_sfc%frazil, saved here, from the instantaneous quantity
T_diag%frazil, which is saved in the diagnostic tracer restart file.
- Subroutine to get the surface fluxes passed into the ocean from
other component models.
- Subroutine to compute the surface fluxes derived from a
restoring condition and/or correction from an input file.
We use a convention whereby a positive
flux enters the ocean: (+) down convention.
When restoring salinity, one may choose to convert this
flux to an implied water flux, or keep it a salt flux.
The default is to keep it as a salt flux. Converting to
a water flux will alter the sea level, and so alter the
concentration of other tracers.
Set to true when wish to use real fresh water flux as opposed to virtual
salt fluxes.
Set to true when aiming to suppress the leap-frog computational mode
by setting pme and river equal to a time averaged value over the
present and previous time step. This method requires an extra
field in the restart file. This method is not needed when using
the TWO_LEVEL time tendency. It remains for those who wish to
use the leap-frog THREE_LEVEL time stepping scheme.
Note that it does not lead to simple checks of conservation across
model components, since there is a time averaging performed for
the water flux added to the ocean model. It is generally NOT
recommended. Default waterflux_tavg=.false.
Time scale in days for restoring temperature within the top model
grid cell.
[real, units: day]
Time scale in days for restoring salinity within the top model
grid cell.
[real, units: day]
When running a use_waterflux=.true. model, we may choose to add the
salinity from a restoring condition as a salt flux or convert to
a fresh water flux. The addition of salt does not alter the sea
level nor does it alter the concentration of other tracers, whereas
converting to an implied water flux will alter sea level and other
concentrations. So we generally recommend the default
When computing the restoring flux for salinity, we can define
a maximum absolute value for the difference between salinity(k=1)
and the restoring salinity from a dataset. This approach is useful
especially in NAtl western boundary, where poor Gulf Stream separation
can lead to large salinity biases. If restore too much the salinity
field, we can spuriously transport large amounts of fresh water to the
subpoloar gyre, thus impacting the overturning circulation too much.
If max_delta_salinity_restore < 0.0, then will NOT provide a max to the
delta salinity; will instead compute an unbounded restoring flux.
Default max_delta_salinity_restore=-0.50.
[real, units: ppt]
For reading in a mask that selects regions of the domain
that are restored (mask=1) or not restored (mask=0).
Default read_restore_mask=.false., whereby restore_mask
is set to tmask(k=1).
For modifying the restore mask based on reading in
the GFDL regional mask. Default restore_mask_gfdl=.false.
Reference salinity used for converting fresh water flux
to salt flux.
[real, units: psu]
Logical indicating whether to restore salinity under sea ice or not.
When .false. then will not restore salinity in regions where we
use a "frazil" condition as a proxy for where sea-ice is present.
Do not use sea ice extent from a sea ice model since we generally do
not pass information regarding ice extent between the sea ice model
and the ocean model.
Logical indicating whether to remove the area mean of the salinity
restore flux so there is a net zero input of salt to the ocean
associated with restoring.
Logical indicating whether to remove the area mean of the salinity
correction flux so there is a net zero input of salt to the ocean
associated with salt correction.
Logical indicating whether to remove the area mean of the water
restore flux so there is a net zero input of water to the ocean
associated with restoring.
Logical indicating whether to remove the area mean of the water
correction flux so there is a net zero input of water to the ocean
associated with water correction.
Logical indicating whether to remove the area mean of the water
passed through the coupler so there is a net zero input of
fresh water to the ocean associated with p-e+r. Do so by removing
area mean from pme--keep river values unchanged. Note that a choice
must be made whether to remove the area mean from rivers or pme.
We choose pme since it is more evenly distributed than rivers.
Also note that we DO NOT include the ice melt in this normalization.
This logical keeps the total water forcing on the ocean+ice system
to a global mean of zero at each time step. We DO NOT include
the ice melt in this normalization.
Setting zero_net_water_couple_restore to true may be appropriate when
running an ice-ocean model using a bulk formulae to compute
evaporation (e.g., CORE) and when only providing a weak (or zero)
salinity restoring. It is not appropriate when running a coupled
ocean-atmosphere model, where the moisture budget should be
conserved without an artificial removal of the global mean.
For the case where land model passes through the coupler the heat flux
associated with the liquid runoff and calving land ice fields.
This heat flux is computed relative to 0C, and takes the form
heat flux = mass flux of water * temp of water * heat capacity,
where the water can be either liquid or solid. For many coupled models,
the water temperature is assumed to be that of the SST. But
more complete land models now carry the heat of its water relative to 0C,
in which case the ocean model does not need to assume anything about the
heat content of the land water.
Default land_model_heat_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging water fluxes. Must be true for any of the
options zero_water_fluxes, zero_calving_fluxes, zero_pme_fluxes
or zero_runoff_fluxes to be enabled.
Default debug_water_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging to zero the pme, river, and pme_taum1 into
ocean, over-riding any input from Ice_ocean_boundary.
Default zero_water_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging to zero the calving flux passed into the ocean.
Default zero_calving_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging to zero the pme flux passed into the ocean.
Default zero_pme_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging to zero the runoff flux passed into the ocean.
Default zero_runoff_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging to zero the river (calving+runoff) flux passed into the ocean.
Default zero_river_fluxes=.false.
Logical for debugging. Here we add the river water input (calving+runoff)
to pme, then set river=calving=runoff=0.0.
Default convert_river_to_pme=.false.
Logical for debugging to set all heat fluxes into the ocean to zero,
over-riding any input from Ice_ocean_boundary. Default is .false.
Logical for debugging to zero all surface stress applied to the ocean,
over-riding any input from Ice_ocean_boundary. Default is .false.
Set to true when need to rotate the winds onto the ocean model grid.
This is needed for cases where the winds are on a spherical grid and
the ocean model uses tripolar=.true. If generate the wind data on
the ocean model grid, then do not need to rotate, since the rotation
has already been done.
When coupling mom4 to an ice model, the sea ice thickness may need
to be restricted to prevent vanishing top-level in mom4. Set
max_ice_thickness (meters) < dzt(k=1) to restrict. This truncation
avoids the numerical problem but we loose mass conservation in the coupled
sea ice and ocean system. We also alter the pressure felt on the ocean
as applied by the sea ice. Different vertical coordinates are needed
to do the problem more realistically.
Note that the problem of vanishing top layer is removed when use
either ZSTAR or PSTAR as vertical coordinate.
[real, units: m]
The salt concentration of sea ice. This is taken as a bulk value, and should
be the same as that used by the ice model. Default is ice_salt_concentration=0.005,
as that is the value used in the GFDL coupled climate model.
[real, units: kg salt / kg ice]
The salinity of river runoff water. Default is runoff_salinity=0.0.
[real, units: g salt / kg runoff water (ppt)]
The minimum temperature that river runoff into the ocean is assigned.
Default runoff_temp_min=0.0.
[real, units: DegC]
Set to true if wish to use the spread_river_horz algorithm to spread
the river runoff flux horizontally over an area into the ocean wider than
set by the coupler. This option requires the setup of a table for
determining the points over which we spread.
Default runoffspread=.false.
Set to true if wish to use the spread_river_horz algorithm to spread
the calving flux horizontally over an area into the ocean wider than
set by the coupler. This option requires the setup of a table for
determining the points over which we spread.
Default calvingspread=.false.
If set to true, the u and v fields passed up to the sea ice
are averaged over a coupling interval. TRUE by default.
If set to true, the t, s and sea_level fields passed up to the sea ice
are averaged over a coupling interval. TRUE by default.
The option use_full_patm_for_sea_level allows for the passing
of the sea level including the full weight of sea ice back to
the ice model. This approach maintains the max weight on the liquid
ocean according to the nml variable max_ice_thickness. But it does
allow the sea ice to know when there is actually more sea ice than that
set by max_ice_thickness. This option then provides for a negative
feedback on the runaway growth of sea ice, since the full pressure acting to
make the ice flow will be correctly felt. This is a new option, and is not
fully tested, So the default is use_full_patm_for_sea_level=.false
For applying surface flux correction to to a tracer or wind stress field.
This code is used at GFDL for idealized perturbation experiments, such
as when one wishes to artificially enhance the wind stress to test
model sensitivity. It is also appropriate for coupled models that
may require a modification to the fluxes arrising from a coupled model,
via reading in information from a pre-defined
data file,
Default do_flux_correction=.false.
A scale multiplying the flux correction for temperature.
Default temp_correction_scale=0.0.
[real, units: dimensionless]
A scale multiplying the flux correction for salinity.
Default salt_correction_scale=0.0.
[real, units: dimensionless]
A scale multiplying the flux correction for tau_x.
Default tau_x_correction_scale=0.0.
[real, units: dimensionless]
A scale multiplying the flux correction for tau_y.
Default tau_y_correction_scale=0.0.
[real, units: dimensionless]
Set true to do bitwise exact global sum. When it is false, the global
sum will be non-bitwise_exact, but will significantly increase efficiency.
The default value is do_bitwise_exact_sum=.true. in order to ensure answers
do not change when alter processors. But if wish to enhance the efficiency
of coupled ocean-ice models that use one of the global normalization options
zero_net_salt_restore =.true.
zero_net_salt_correction =.true.
zero_net_water_restore =.true.
zero_net_water_correction =.true.
zero_net_water_coupler =.true.
then one may wish to consider setting do_bitwise_exact_sum=.false.
- "Potential enthalpy: A conservative oceanic variable for evaluating
heat content and heat fluxes"
Trevor J McDougall, Journal of Physical Oceanography,
vol 33, pages 945--963.