!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module ocean_thickness_mod ! ! S.M. Griffies ! ! ! ! Determine thickness of grid cells. ! ! ! ! This module determines the thickness of grid cells. ! Thicknesses are generally time dependent and functions ! of the vertical coordinate. ! ! ! ! ! ! S.M. Griffies, Elements of mom4p1 (2006) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! For debugging. ! ! ! For debugging pressure coordinate models. Lots of grid information ! printed. ! ! ! Set true to write a restart. False setting only for rare ! cases where wish to benchmark model without measuring the cost ! of writing restarts and associated chksums. ! Default is write_a_restart=.true. ! ! ! ! For debugging, set the thickness of top cell in ! geopotential model to time independent values. ! This option is needed if use the kappa_sort diagnostic. ! Default linear_free_surface=.false. ! ! ! ! To determine whether use energetic method or finite volume method ! to compute the thickness of a grid cell. Options are ! thickness_method=energetic or thickness_method=finitevolume. ! There is little overall difference in results for pbot and eta. ! However, it has been found that for realistic bottom topography ! simulations, the vertical velocity component is very noisy with ! the finitevolume approach. So this approach is considered ! experimental. The default is thickness_method='energetic'. ! ! ! For case where with to only have the dzt be determined by the full step ! bottom topography. This nml option is provided only for backwards ! compatibility with older mom experiments using the full step topog. ! ! ! For cases where wish to run model even with negative thickness. ! Default enforce_positive_dzt=.false. ! ! ! For determining how strict we are to check for the thickness of ! a column when initializing pressure based vertical coordinate models. ! ! ! ! Minimum dzt set when enforce_positive_dzt set true. ! Default thickness_dzt_min=1.0. ! ! ! ! For pressure-based models, we can (with some work) initialize the ! model to have a zero surface height. The recomended approach is to ! allow the surface height to be whatever it wants to be, and let adjustments ! smooth it over time. Default initialize_zero_eta=.false. ! ! ! For determining a modified bottom depth array ! that is required to ensure pressure model, based on initial ! in-situ density, retains a nontrivial bottom cell thickness ! in the case when initialize_zero_eta=0.0 ! Default thickness_dzt_min_init=5.0. ! ! ! Expedient to allow for the computation of ht_mod. ! in the case when initialize_zero_eta=.true. Here, ! we run the pressure based model with a rescaled mass that ! is sufficient to maintain non-negative dzt, at least for ! a short period. This allows for one to run a day integration ! to produce ht_mod. rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod=.true. will ! produce spurious results in general due to problems with the ! pressure gradient computation. So it is not recommended for ! more than initial day or so. Default rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod=.false. ! ! ! ! For reading in a basin mask of use to re-define rho0 in ! isolated regions such as the Black Sea. This is used for ! modifying the definition of the pressure or pstar levels ! during the initialization of the thicknesses dst. This ! approach is appropriate in general, but has only been tested ! when modify the pressure levels within a fully enclosed basin. ! Default read_rescale_rho0_mask=.false. ! ! ! For specifying the rescale_rho0_mask based on reading in ! the GFDL regional mask. Default rescale_rho0_mask_gfdl=.false. ! ! ! For rescaling rho0 in a basin with a number rescale_rho0_basin_label. ! For the Black Sea using GFDL basin masks in OM3, ! rescale_rho0_basin_label=7.0. Default rescale_rho0_basin_label=-1.0 ! ! ! Fractional value for rescaling rho0 in the a region. ! Default rescale_rho0_value=1.0. ! ! ! ! For sigma coordinates, have minimum depth so that have layers defined ! globally. Masks will zero out results over land, but for numerics ! it is useful to compute everywhere. Default depth_min_for_sigma=0.01. ! ! ! ! To read in an initial rho0(z) profile to assist in defining the ! initial settings for the pressure increments dst, for use in ! setting the pressure-based vertical coordinate grids. Ideally, ! this profile is determined by the level averaged density in ! the initial conditions. Note that it is essential to have ! rho0_profile have a sensible value at all depths even if there ! is no water there, since there are places where we divide by ! rho0_profile in rock. Also, be mindful that with denser water ! at depth, the pressure levels will be coarser at depth than if ! using the trivial density profile rho0(k)=rho0. ! This option is experimental, so it is recommended that user ! maintain the default read_rho0_profile=.false. ! ! ! ! For testing purposes, have this option compute pbot0=g*rho0*ht ! with rho0= constant. Default pbot0_simple=.false. ! ! ! ! A bug in certain versions of MOM4p1 was present, whereby ! Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k=0) was never updated, except for GEOPOTENTIAL ! vertical coordinates. This logical, whose default is ! update_dzwu_k0=.true., is provided for legacy purposes. ! To test the older results, have update_dzwu_k0=.false. ! ! ! ! Maximum bad grid cells printout for identifying problematic simulations. ! Default max_num_bad_print=25. ! ! ! use constants_mod, only: epsln, grav, c2dbars use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, register_static_field, send_data use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING use fms_mod, only: read_data use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error, file_exist use fms_io_mod, only: register_restart_field, save_restart, restore_state use fms_io_mod, only: restart_file_type, reset_field_pointer use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains, mpp_global_field, mpp_global_min, mpp_global_max, domain2d use mpp_mod, only: stdout, stdlog, mpp_error, mpp_chksum, mpp_max, mpp_min, mpp_pe use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices use ocean_grids_mod, only: update_boundaries use ocean_parameters_mod, only: GEOPOTENTIAL, ZSTAR, ZSIGMA, PRESSURE, PSTAR, PSIGMA use ocean_parameters_mod, only: PRESSURE_BASED, DEPTH_BASED, TERRAIN_FOLLOWING use ocean_parameters_mod, only: TWO_LEVEL, THREE_LEVEL use ocean_parameters_mod, only: ENERGETIC, FINITEVOLUME use ocean_parameters_mod, only: missing_value, rho0, rho0r use ocean_tracer_util_mod,only: dzt_min_max use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_domain_type, ocean_external_mode_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_thickness_type, ocean_density_type use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_steps_type use ocean_util_mod, only: write_timestamp use ocean_workspace_mod, only: wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk4, wrk1_2d implicit none private #include ! for vertical coordinate choice integer :: vert_coordinate integer :: vert_coordinate_class integer :: vert_coordinate_type ! useful constant real :: grav_r real :: grav_rho0 ! for remap operator integer :: halo ! to write some output to all processors integer :: unit=6 ! for diagnostics integer :: id_dst = -1 integer :: id_dzt = -1 integer :: id_dzt_pbc = -1 integer :: id_dztlo = -1 integer :: id_dztup = -1 integer :: id_dstlo = -1 integer :: id_dstup = -1 integer :: id_dzwt = -1 integer :: id_dzt_dst = -1 integer :: id_dzu = -1 integer :: id_dzwu = -1 integer :: id_rho_dzt = -1 integer :: id_rho_dzu = -1 integer :: id_rho_dzt_tendency = -1 integer :: id_pbot0 = -1 integer :: id_depth_st = -1 integer :: id_depth_swt = -1 integer :: id_depth_zt = -1 integer :: id_geodepth_zt = -1 integer :: id_depth_zwt = -1 integer :: id_depth_zu = -1 integer :: id_depth_zwu = -1 integer :: id_mass_u = -1 integer :: id_thicku = -1 integer :: id_rescale_mass = -1 integer :: id_rescale_rho0_mask= -1 integer :: id_ht_mod = -1 logical :: used !for restart file integer :: id_restart_rho_dzt = 0 type(restart_file_type), save :: Thk_restart ! for discretization of time tendency ("threelevel" or "twolevel") integer :: tendency ! conversion for prinout real :: convert_factor=1.0 ! for setting dst with pressure-based vertical coordinate models real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: rho0_profile ! for the basin mask used to rescale rho0 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rescale_rho0_mask real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: data character(len=128) :: version=& '$Id: ocean_thickness.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:42:01 nnz Exp $' character (len=128) :: tagname = & '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom =>NULL() public ocean_thickness_init public ocean_thickness_init_adjust public ocean_thickness_end public update_tcell_thickness public update_ucell_thickness public rho_dzt_tendency public ocean_thickness_restart private thickness_restart private thickness_initialize private dst_land_adjust private thickness_chksum private thickness_details private REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. logical :: rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod = .false. character(len=32) :: thickness_method='energetic' logical :: linear_free_surface = .false. logical :: full_step_topography = .false. logical :: enforce_positive_dzt = .false. logical :: debug_this_module = .false. logical :: debug_this_module_detail = .false. logical :: write_a_restart = .true. logical :: read_rho0_profile = .false. logical :: pbot0_simple = .false. logical :: initialize_zero_eta = .false. logical :: read_rescale_rho0_mask = .false. logical :: rescale_rho0_mask_gfdl = .false. logical :: update_dzwu_k0 = .true. integer :: max_num_bad_print = 25 real :: rescale_rho0_value = 1.0 real :: rescale_rho0_basin_label = -1.0 real :: thickness_dzt_min_init = 5.0 ! metre real :: thickness_dzt_min = 1.0 ! metre real :: depth_min_for_sigma = 0.01 ! metre real :: epsilon_init_thickness = 1.e-5 namelist /ocean_thickness_nml/ debug_this_module, debug_this_module_detail, write_a_restart, & full_step_topography, initialize_zero_eta, enforce_positive_dzt, & depth_min_for_sigma, thickness_method, read_rho0_profile, & thickness_dzt_min, thickness_dzt_min_init, & rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod, pbot0_simple, epsilon_init_thickness, & read_rescale_rho0_mask, rescale_rho0_mask_gfdl, & rescale_rho0_basin_label, rescale_rho0_value, linear_free_surface,& max_num_bad_print, update_dzwu_k0 contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Initialize the thickness type. ! ! For pressure-based vertical coordinates, this initialization here ! is preliminary. ! ! subroutine ocean_thickness_init (Time, Time_steps, Domain, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness, & ver_coordinate, ver_coordinate_class, ver_coordinate_type, & debug) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_time_steps_type), intent(in) :: Time_steps type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Domain type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate_class integer, intent(in) :: ver_coordinate_type logical, intent(in), optional :: debug integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr integer :: i,j,k logical :: error_flag=.false. integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit stdoutunit=stdout();stdlogunit=stdlog() if ( module_is_initialized ) then call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error ocean_thickness_init: module has been initialized') endif module_is_initialized = .TRUE. call write_version_number(version, tagname) ! provide for namelist over-ride of defaults ioun = open_namelist_file() read (ioun,ocean_thickness_nml,IOSTAT=io_status) write (stdoutunit,'(/)') write (stdoutunit,ocean_thickness_nml) write (stdlogunit,ocean_thickness_nml) ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'ocean_thickness_nml') call close_file(ioun) if (PRESENT(debug) .and. .not. debug_this_module) then debug_this_module = debug endif if(debug_this_module) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Note: running ocean_thickness_mod with debug_this_module=.true.' endif if(debug_this_module_detail) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Note: running ocean_thickness_mod with debug_this_module_detail=.true.' endif if(.not. write_a_restart) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note: running ocean_thickness with write_a_restart=.false.' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Will NOT write restart file, and so cannot restart the run.' endif grav_r = 1.0/grav grav_rho0 = grav*rho0 tendency = Time_steps%tendency vert_coordinate = ver_coordinate vert_coordinate_class = ver_coordinate_class vert_coordinate_type = ver_coordinate_type if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then convert_factor=1.0 elseif(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then convert_factor=c2dbars endif Dom => Domain halo = Dom%xhalo ! (xhalo=yhalo assumed in mom4) if(enforce_positive_dzt) then write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') '==>Warning: running with enforce_positive_dzt=.true. ' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' This option artifically truncates cell size to enforce dzt > 0.' write(stdoutunit,'(a,f10.4/)') ' Minimum dzt is set to ', thickness_dzt_min endif if(vert_coordinate == ZSIGMA .or. vert_coordinate == PSIGMA) then write(stdoutunit,'(a,f12.4,a)') & '==>To remove division by zero with sigma-coord, add fictitious water of depth(m) ' & ,depth_min_for_sigma, ' over land. This water does not contribute to budgets.' if(Grid%tripolar) then call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>Warning ocean_thickness_mod: zsigma and psigma may have problems with tripolar. Testing incomplete.') endif endif if(vert_coordinate == GEOPOTENTIAL .and. linear_free_surface) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Running GEOPOTENTIAL model with linear_free_surface, so cell thicknesses are constant in time.' call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>Running GEOPOTENTIAL model with linear_free_surface, so cell thicknesses are constant in time.') endif if(thickness_method=='energetic') then Thickness%method = ENERGETIC write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Note: running ocean_thickness with thickness_method=energetic.' elseif(thickness_method=='finitevolume') then Thickness%method = FINITEVOLUME write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Warning: ocean_thickness w/ thickness_method=finitevolume is experimental. Testing incomplete.' call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>Warning ocean_thickness w/ thickness_method=finitevolume is experimental. Testing incomplete.') endif #ifndef MOM4_STATIC_ARRAYS call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec) nk = Grid%nk allocate (Thickness%rho_dzt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,3) ) allocate (Thickness%rho_dztr(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%rho_dzu(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,3) ) allocate (Thickness%rho_dzur(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%sea_lev(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) allocate (Thickness%dzt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dzu(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dzwt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,0:nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dzwu(isd:ied,jsd:jed,0:nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dztlo(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dztup(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%geodepth_zt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_zt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_zwt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_zu(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_zwu(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_st(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%depth_swt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dst(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dswt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,0:nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dzt_dst(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dstlo(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%dstup(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%pbot0(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Thickness%pbot0r(isd:ied,jsd:jed)) allocate (Thickness%mass_source(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) ) allocate (Thickness%mass_u(isd:ied,jsd:jed,3) ) allocate (Thickness%thicku(isd:ied,jsd:jed,3) ) #endif ! set rescale_rho0_mask=rescale_rho0_value in those regions where we modify ! the rho0 value by a fraction. Otherwise rho0 is unscaled. allocate (rescale_rho0_mask(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) rescale_rho0_mask(:,:) = 1.0 if(read_rescale_rho0_mask .and. vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then allocate (data(isd:ied,jsd:jed) ) data(:,:) = 0.0 call read_data('INPUT/basin_mask','basin_mask',data,Domain%domain2d) ! the following is specific to the mask used at GFDL if(rescale_rho0_mask_gfdl) then write(stdoutunit,'(a,f12.6)') & '==>Note: running ocean_thickness with rho0 in selected basin modified to rho0(kg/m3) = ',& rho0*rescale_rho0_value do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec if(data(i,j)==rescale_rho0_basin_label) then rescale_rho0_mask(i,j)=rescale_rho0_value else rescale_rho0_mask(i,j)=1.0 endif enddo enddo endif call mpp_update_domains(rescale_rho0_mask(:,:), Dom%domain2d) endif id_rescale_rho0_mask= register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'rescale_rho0_mask', & Grid%tracer_axes(1:2),'fraction of rho0 used for specifying pressure and pstar levels',& 'dimensionles',missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e1,1.e8/)) if (id_rescale_rho0_mask > 0) then used = send_data (id_rescale_rho0_mask, rescale_rho0_mask(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif ! rho0_profile for setting dst with pressure based vertical coordinate models allocate(rho0_profile(nk)) rho0_profile(:) = rho0 if(read_rho0_profile) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Warning: ocean_thickness_mod: read rho0 profile to set dst w/ pressure models.' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & ' This option is experimental, and NOT generally supported.' if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & ' Since using DEPTH_BASED vertical coordinates, rho0_profile = rho0.' endif if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then call read_data('INPUT/rho0_profile.nc','rho0_profile', rho0_profile) write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)') 'rho0_profile is used to define pressure grid and pressure gradients.' do k=1,nk write(stdoutunit,'(a,i4,a,e22.12)') 'rho0_profile(',k,') = ',rho0_profile(k) if(rho0_profile(k) <= 0.0) then call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>ocean_thickness_mod: rho0_profile must be > 0.0, even in rock, since we divide by rho0_profile.') endif enddo endif endif if(pbot0_simple) then write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') '==>Warning from ocean_thickness_mod: pbot0_simple=.true.' endif ! initialize vertical grid arrays call thickness_initialize(Grid, Thickness) ! modify time dependent vertical grid arrays based on restart values call thickness_restart(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness) if(debug_this_module) then write(stdoutunit,*) ' ' write(stdoutunit,*) ' From ocean_thickness_mod: initial thickness checksum' call write_timestamp(Time%model_time) call thickness_chksum(Time, Grid, Thickness) endif ! check that ht is deep enough to maintain chosen minimum size cell. error_flag=.false. do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec if(Grid%ht(i,j) > 0.0 .and. Grid%ht(i,j) < thickness_dzt_min) then write(unit,'(/a,i4,a,i4,e22.12,a,e22.12)') & '==>Error: ocean_thickness_init: ht(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,') = ',Grid%ht(i,j), & 'is less than the chosen setting for thickness_dzt_min = ',thickness_dzt_min error_flag=.true. endif enddo enddo if(error_flag) then call mpp_error(FATAL,& '==>ocean_thickness_init: ocean is not deep enough to support setting for thickness_dzt_min') endif ! check that ht is deep enough to maintain chosen minimum size initial bottom cell. if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then error_flag=.false. do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec if(Grid%ht(i,j) > 0.0 .and. Grid%ht(i,j) < thickness_dzt_min_init) then write(unit,'(/a,i4,a,i4,e22.12,a,e22.12)') & '==>Error: ocean_thickness_init: ht(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,') = ',Grid%ht(i,j), & 'is less than the chosen setting for thickness_dzt_min_init = ',thickness_dzt_min_init error_flag=.true. endif enddo enddo if(error_flag) then call mpp_error(FATAL,& '==>ocean_thickness_init: ocean is not deep enough to support setting for thickness_dzt_min_init') endif endif ! ids for diagnostic manager id_dzu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean u-cell thickness', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dzwu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzwu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'thickness between velocity points', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dzt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell thickness', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/), & standard_name='cell_thickness') id_dzt_pbc = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzt_pbc', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), Time%model_time, & 'ocean bottom t-cell thickness', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dztlo = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dztlo', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean distance from t-cell center to t-cell bottom', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dztup = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dztup', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean distance from t-cell center to t-cell top', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dstlo = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dstlo', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 's-distance from t-cell center to t-cell bottom', 's-units', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e5,1e5/)) id_dstup = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dstup', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 's-distance from t-cell center to t-cell top', 's-units', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e5,1e5/)) id_dzwt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzwt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'thickness between tracer points', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e5/)) id_dst = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dst', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean s-cell thickness', 's-units', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e5,1e5/)) id_geodepth_zt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'geodepth_zt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell depth relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e8/)) if(vert_coordinate == GEOPOTENTIAL) then id_depth_zt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell depth relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e8/)) id_depth_st = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_st', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell depth relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_swt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_swt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell bottom relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_zwt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zwt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'depth to t-cell bottom relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_zu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean u-cell depth relative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_zwu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zwu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'depth to ocean u-cell bottom reative to z=0', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) else id_depth_zt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell depth relative to column top', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_st = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_st', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell s-depth', 's-units', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e8,1.e8/)) id_depth_swt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_swt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell bottom s-depth', 's-units', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e8,1.e8/)) id_depth_zwt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zwt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'depth to t-cell bottom relative to column top', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_zu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean u-cell depth relative to column top', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) id_depth_zwu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'depth_zwu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'depth to ocean u-cell bottom reative to column top', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1.e10/)) endif id_dzt_dst = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'dzt_dst', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell specific thickness', 'm/s-coordinate', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e8,1.e8/)) id_rho_dzu = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'rho_dzu', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean u-cell rho*thickness', '(kg/m^3)*m', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e8,1.e8/)) id_rho_dzt = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'rho_dzt', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, & 'ocean t-cell rho*thickness', '(kg/m^3)*m', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e8,1.e8/), & standard_name='sea_water_mass_per_unit_area') id_mass_u = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'mass_u', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, & 'mass per area on C-cell column', 'kg/m^2', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e8/)) id_thicku = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'thicku', Grid%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, & 'thickness from z=eta_u to z=-H of U-cell column', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e1,1e8/)) id_rho_dzt_tendency = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'rho_dzt_tendency', Grid%tracer_axes(1:3), & Time%model_time, 'rho_dzt_tendency', '(kg/m^3)*(m/s)', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e8,1e8/)) id_pbot0 = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'pbot0', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'reference bottom pressure t-cells', 'dbar', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e8,1.e8/)) end subroutine ocean_thickness_init ! NAME="ocean_thickness_init" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Initialize vertical thicknesses of grid cells. ! For Boussinesq models, this code assumes the ! surface heights eta_t and eta_u are zero. ! ! The values here are relevant for the time=0 initialization ! of the model. Some time independent arrays are also set here, ! but they are over-written if there is a restart file. ! ! For pressure based vertical coordinates, the results here ! assume density = rho0_profile(k). The values are readjusted in ! ocean_thickness_init_adjust after we have determined the initial ! in situ density. This readjustment may involve enforcing an ! initial eta field of zero value, or the default which allows ! for eta to initially be nonzero. ! ! ! subroutine thickness_initialize(Grid, Thickness) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness real :: sigma_sign, density_tmp integer :: i,j,k,n,kb,kmin ! initialization to zero Thickness%sea_lev(:,:) = 0.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = 0.0 Thickness%mass_source(i,j,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo enddo ! vertical increments for non-terrain following coordinates if(vert_coordinate_type /= TERRAIN_FOLLOWING) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Grid%dzw(0) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Grid%dzw(0) enddo enddo do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Grid%dzt(k) Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Grid%zt(k) Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = Grid%dzw(k) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Grid%zw(k) enddo enddo enddo ! modifications for partial step representation of bottom topography if(full_step_topography) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb = Grid%kmt(i,j) if (kb > 1) then Grid%ht(i,j) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo else do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb = Grid%kmt(i,j) if (kb > 1) then Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb)= Grid%ht(i,j) Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) = & Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb) - Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb-1) Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,kb) = & Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb-1) + Grid%fracdz(kb,0)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb-1) = & Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,kb) - Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,kb-1) Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = & Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,kb) - Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo endif ! vertical increments for terrain following coordinates else ! -1 <= ZSIGMA <= 0, so dst and dsw are positive ! 0 <= PSIGMA <= 1, so dst and dsw are negative ! Recall s-coordinate is dimensionless when use ZSIGMA or PSIGMA. if(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then sigma_sign =-1.0 elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then sigma_sign = 1.0 endif ! set depth_st and depth_swt according to Grid arrays k=0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,k) = Grid%dsw(k) enddo enddo do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = Grid%st(k) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = Grid%sw(k) Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = Grid%dst(k) Thickness%dswt(i,j,k) = Grid%dsw(k) enddo enddo enddo ! now get the z-increments do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -sigma_sign*max(Grid%ht(i,j),depth_min_for_sigma) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k)*Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo wrk1(:,:,:) = epsln do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) endif enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = 2.0*Thickness%dswt(i,j,k)/(wrk1(i,j,k)+wrk1(i,j,k+1)) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) *Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,1) Thickness%dzwt(i,j,nk) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,nk)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,nk) enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) enddo enddo ! vertically sum the z-increments to get z-depths k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! endif for ZSIGMA and PSIGMA ! half-thicknesses of T-cells k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k)-Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k)-Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) -Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k-1) enddo enddo enddo ! U-cell thicknesses as minimum of surrounding T-cell thicknesses. ! This approach follows that used in all versions of MOM using ! thicknesses that are functions of (i,j,k). Thickness%dzu = Thickness%dzt Thickness%dzwu = Thickness%dzwt do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo enddo if(update_dzwu_k0) then k=0 do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo endif ! update across domain boundaries do k=1,nk call update_boundaries (Dom, Grid, Thickness%dzu(:,:,k), -1, -1,0,0) enddo do k=0,nk call update_boundaries (Dom, Grid, Thickness%dzwu(:,:,k), -1, -1,0,0) enddo ! U-cell depths based on U-cell thicknesses Thickness%depth_zu = 0.0 Thickness%depth_zwu = 0.0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! thickness of U-cell column do n=1,3 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied k=Grid%kmu(i,j) if(k > 1) then Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) else Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo enddo ! compute rho*dz values with rho0_profile*rescale_rho0_mask for initialization Thickness%mass_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 do n=1,3 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,n) = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,n) = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j)*Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) Thickness%mass_u(i,j,n) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,n) & + Grid%umask(i,j,k)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,n) enddo enddo enddo enddo do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,1)+epsln) Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,1)+epsln) enddo enddo enddo ! arrays for vertical s-coordinates; ! ZSIGMA and PSIGMA already computed these arrays if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL .or. vert_coordinate==ZSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = 1.0 Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo do k=0,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE .or. vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied density_tmp = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j) Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(density_tmp+epsln) Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = -grav*density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo do k=0,nk kmin = max(1,k) do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,k) = -grav*rho0_profile(kmin)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j)*Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! vertically sum the s-increments to get s-depths k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = -Thickness%dswt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = -Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k-1) - Thickness%dswt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k-1) - Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! half-thicknesses of T-cells in s-space do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k)/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dstup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztup(i,j,k)/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! initialize depth from z=0 to t-point. ! this depth is used for computing the geopotential do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%geodepth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! tentative setting for reference bottom pressure (Pa) ! on T-cells, as well as its inverse. Will recompute ! this field in ocean_thickness_init_adjust Thickness%pbot0(:,:) = 0.0 Thickness%pbot0r(:,:) = 0.0 if(pbot0_simple) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%pbot0(i,j) = Grid%tmask(i,j,1)*grav*rho0*Grid%ht(i,j) enddo enddo else do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%pbot0(i,j) = Thickness%pbot0(i,j) + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*grav*Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo endif do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 1) then Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) = 1.0/Thickness%pbot0(i,j) endif enddo enddo end subroutine thickness_initialize ! NAME="thickness_initialize" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! When initializing the pressure model, we can choose to initialize ! with a zero surface height, which requires some adjustment of ! bottom depths, or allow the surface height to be nonzero. ! ! The default is a nonzero surface height via ! initialize_zero_eta=.false. ! !=============================================================== ! The following comments refer to the possible issues arising ! from enforcing eta=0 on initialiation via ! initialize_zero_eta=.true. ! ! If we wish to enforce eta=0 on initialization, then we determine ! the depth of ocean needed to ensure a minimum bottom cell ! thickness as set by nml paramter thickness_dzt_min_init. ! This bottom depth is a function of the initial in-situ density ! as well as the nml thickness_dzt_min_init. ! ! If Grid%ht is sufficient according to the specifications of ! thickness_dzt_min_init and the initial in-situ density, then ! model is likely to remain stable, in that there is very small ! chance of losing bottom cell. ! (assuming thickness_dzt_min_init is > 5.0 or so). ! ! If Grid%ht is too shallow, again given the initial rho and ! pressure increments dst, then it is recommended that the user ! modify either the initial density (not easy) or the bottom ! topography (easy). The modifications are often quite trivial, ! depending on thickness_dzt_min_init and how light certain regions ! of the model are. The array "ht_mod" can be saved in the ! diag_table and compared to Grid%ht to see what modifications ! are required. If modificatations are to be made to the original ! grid_spec.nc file, simply use the NCO commands as follows: ! ! 1/ remove the original depth_t array from the original grid spec ! file, and write out a new grid spec file absent the depth_t array. ! ncea -x -v depth_t grid_spec_old.nc grid_spec_new.nc ! ! 2/ append to the new grid spec file the modified bottom topography ! array ht_mod, which was generated in an earlier run of the model. ! ncea -A -v ht_mod history_file_with_ht_mod.nc grid_spec_new.nc ! ! 3/ rename ht_mod to depth_t to conform to standard mom4p1 grid_spec ! name convention. ! ncvarrename new_grid.nc ht_mod depth_t ! ! If there are no modifications required to the depth_t array, ! then it is unlikely that the pressure model will evolve to the ! point of loosing the bottom cell and thus the model will remain ! stable. This conclusion is certainly based on the degree to which ! the model is run with changes in water masses. ! !=============================================================== ! ! NOTE: We generally compute values for the grid increments over ! land. The land values that are in the global halos are not ! going to be available from the restart files. Hence, they ! will need to be recomputed when restarting the model. This ! recalculation is done in dst_land_adjust. ! ! The land values are needed for use in computing U-cell grid ! factors using remapping operators. If we naively place zeros ! in the land, then, for example, rho_dzu next to land will be ! wrong, as it will be based on averaging a non-zero interior ! rho_dzt value with a rho_dzt incorretly set to zero, and so ! lead to spuriously small rho_dzu values next to land. Note that ! the placement of nonzero values of the grid values over land ! is something that is trivially done for the z-models. More care ! is needed with pressure models. ! ! ! subroutine ocean_thickness_init_adjust(Grid, Time, Dens, Ext_mode, Thickness) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_density_type), intent(in) :: Dens type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(inout) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness logical :: warning_flag=.false. integer :: i, j, k, kb, m, n integer :: tau, taup1 real :: thick_tmp, density_tmp, delta_tmp real :: max_fraction_differ, rescale_mass_min real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: fraction_differ real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: rescale_mass real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: ht_mod integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() if (file_exist('INPUT/ocean_thickness.res.nc')) then if (id_pbot0 > 0) then used = send_data (id_pbot0, c2dbars*Thickness%pbot0(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif return endif tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 ! for diagnostic purposes, compute initial bottom pressure if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED .or. vert_coordinate_type==TERRAIN_FOLLOWING) then if(.not. pbot0_simple) then Thickness%pbot0(:,:) = 0.0 Thickness%pbot0r(:,:) = 0.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%pbot0(i,j) = Thickness%pbot0(i,j) & + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*grav*Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 1) then Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) = 1.0/Thickness%pbot0(i,j) endif enddo enddo endif if (id_pbot0 > 0) then used = send_data (id_pbot0, c2dbars*Thickness%pbot0(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif return endif write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)') & '==>Note: ocean_thickness_init_adjust adjusting time=0 vgrid using in situ density.' wrk1(:,:,:) = 0.0 wrk2(:,:,:) = 0.0 wrk3(:,:,:) = 0.0 wrk4(:,:,:) = 0.0 ! save original dzt computed from thickness_initialize do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied wrk2(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) wrk3(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) wrk4(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! fill arrays everywhere do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then density_tmp = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau) else density_tmp = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j) endif Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(density_tmp+epsln) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dst(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,:) = density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo rescale_mass(:,:) = 1.0 fraction_differ(:,:) = 0.0 ht_mod(:,:) = Grid%ht(:,:) ! code for enforcing eta=0 at initialization if(initialize_zero_eta) then ! check to see if column is too thick to add ! a bottom cell of thickness thickness_dzt_min_init, ! assuming the surface height is initially eta_t=0. do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb>1 .and. Grid%ht(i,j) > thickness_dzt_min_init) then thick_tmp = thickness_dzt_min_init do k=1,kb-1 thick_tmp = thick_tmp + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo if(thick_tmp >= (1.0+epsilon_init_thickness)*Grid%ht(i,j)) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f16.8,a,f16.8)') & '==>ocean_thickness_init_adjust: thick_tmp(' & ,i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,') = ',thick_tmp, ' is >= Grid%ht = ',Grid%ht(i,j) ht_mod(i,j) = thick_tmp rescale_mass(i,j) = Grid%ht(i,j)/thick_tmp fraction_differ(i,j) = (thick_tmp-Grid%ht(i,j))/Grid%ht(i,j) endif endif enddo enddo max_fraction_differ = mpp_global_max(Dom%domain2d,fraction_differ) write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') & '==>ocean_thickness_init_adjust: WARNING ABOUT INITIAL TOPOGRAPHY AND DENSITY AND VERTICAL LEVELS' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'During initialization, sum(dzt[k=1,kmt-1]) resulted in columns that are too thick to fit a bottom cell with' write(stdoutunit,'(a,e24.12)') & 'thickness equal to or greater than the namelist thickness_dzt_min_init = ',thickness_dzt_min_init write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'This situation may be of no consequence to the stability of the pressure-based model simulation, if ' write(stdoutunit,'(a,e24.12,a)') & 'the maximum fractional difference ',max_fraction_differ,' is small, and thickness_dzt_min_init is greater than roughly 5m.' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'If these conditions are NOT met, there is the distinct possibility of losing bottom cells should density' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'evolve away from the initial conditions. A means for ensuring added model stability is to use the modified ' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'bottom depths found by adding "ht_mod" to diag_table. These depths should replace "depth_t" in the original' write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & 'grid specification file. Use the NCO command "ncea" to extract the original depth_t and replace with ht_mod.' if(Time%init .and. rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod) then rescale_mass_min = mpp_global_min(Dom%domain2d,rescale_mass) if(rescale_mass_min < 1.0) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') & '==>Warning: rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod=.true. Pressure gradients are wrong. Set false to run long.' write(stdoutunit,'(a,e22.12)') & '==>Warning: rescale_mass_min = ',rescale_mass_min call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>ocean_thickness_init_adjust: rescale_mass_to_get_ht_mod=.true. Pressure gradients are wrong.') endif else rescale_mass_min = 1.0 endif do k=1,nk rho0_profile(k) = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_mass_min enddo ! endif for initialize_zero_eta endif ! refill grid arrays over full column. reconsider bottom cell k=kmt later. ! NOTE: this step just reproduces what was done above the initialize_zero_eta ! if-block, in the case when rescale_mass_min=1.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied density_tmp = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j) Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = -grav*density_tmp*wrk2(i,j,k) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k) = -grav*density_tmp*wrk3(i,j,k) Thickness%dstup(i,j,k) = -grav*density_tmp*wrk4(i,j,k) if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then density_tmp = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau) endif Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(density_tmp+epsln) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dst(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,:) = density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! Recompute depth_st and depth_swt by vertically summing s-increments. ! Note that this readjustment still maintains constant depth_st and constant ! depth_swt when k=constant, except at the bottom cell, since wrk2, wrk3, and ! wrk4 are only functions of k-level except at the bottom. We revisit the ! bottom cell issue below. k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = -Thickness%dstup(i,j,k) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = -Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k-1) - Thickness%dstup(i,j,k) Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k) - Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! modifications for partial step representation of bottom topography do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb>1) then thick_tmp = 0.0 do k=1,kb-1 thick_tmp = thick_tmp + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo if(thick_tmp > Grid%ht(i,j) .and. initialize_zero_eta) then warning_flag=.true. write(unit,'(/a,i4,a,i4,a,i4, a, e22.12,a,i4,a,i4,a,e22.12)') & '==>Warning: ocean_thickness_init_adjust. with kb = ', kb, ' thick_tmp(',i+Dom%ioff,',',& j+Dom%joff,')= ',thick_tmp, ' is greater than ht(' ,i+Dom%ioff,',', & j+Dom%joff,')= ',Grid%ht(i,j) if(debug_this_module_detail) then call thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, i, j, kb, & 'From ocean_thickness_init_adjust', unit) endif endif k=kb delta_tmp = Grid%ht(i,j) - thick_tmp if(delta_tmp >= thickness_dzt_min_init) then Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = delta_tmp else Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = thickness_dzt_min_init endif Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = -grav*Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,:) = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) endif enddo enddo if(debug_this_module_detail) then call dzt_min_max(Time, Thickness, & 'From ocean_thickness_init_adjust, dzt_min_max information') endif if(warning_flag) then call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>ocean_thickness_init_adjust: there potentially remains a problem with dzt.') endif ! compute new reference bottom pressure if(.not. pbot0_simple) then Thickness%pbot0(:,:) = 0.0 Thickness%pbot0r(:,:) = 0.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%pbot0(i,j) = Thickness%pbot0(i,j) + Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*grav*Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,1) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 1) then Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) = 1.0/Thickness%pbot0(i,j) endif enddo enddo endif ! adjust bottom cell s-dimensions (recall dst<0 and dswt<0 for pressure coordinates). ! do not alter the intermediate cell s-thicknesses, as these remain independent of i,j. do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb>1) then Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%pbot0(i,j) Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb) = Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb-1) - Grid%fracdz(kb,0)*Thickness%dst(i,j,kb) Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb-1) = -(Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb) - Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb-1)) Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb) = -(Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb) - Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb)) Thickness%dstup(i,j,kb) = -(Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb) -Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb-1)) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb) = -(Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb)-Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb)) Thickness%dztup(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,kb)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,kb) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo ! distances between tracer points if(Thickness%method==ENERGETIC) then do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = 2.0*Thickness%dswt(i,j,k)/(wrk1(i,j,k)+wrk1(i,j,k+1)) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,1) kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo elseif(Thickness%method==FINITEVOLUME) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k+1) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo endif ! adjust remaining z-dimensions throughout ! column through vertical sum of z-increments. do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! U-cell thicknesses computed as in update_ucell_thickness do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo enddo if(update_dzwu_k0) then k=0 do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo endif do m=1,3 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,m) = min(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,m), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j,k,m), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j+1,k,m), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j+1,k,m)) enddo enddo enddo enddo call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzwu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzu(:,:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,k) = Grid%umask(i,j,k)/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! thickness of U-cell column do n=1,3 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied k=Grid%kmu(i,j) if(k > 1) then Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) else Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo enddo ! mass per area of U-cell column Thickness%mass_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%mass_u(i,j,1) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,1) + Grid%umask(i,j,k)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,tau) Thickness%mass_u(i,j,2) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,1) Thickness%mass_u(i,j,3) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,1) enddo enddo enddo ! reinitialize the bottom pressure used for external mode calculation do m=1,3 Ext_mode%pbot_t(:,:,m) = Thickness%pbot0(:,:) Ext_mode%anompb(:,:,m) = Thickness%pbot0(:,:) - rho0*grav*Grid%ht(:,:) Ext_mode%anompb_bar(:,:,m) = Thickness%pbot0(:,:) - rho0*grav*Grid%ht(:,:) Ext_mode%pbot_u(:,:,m) = REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU(Thickness%pbot0(:,:),Grid) enddo id_rescale_mass= register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'rescale_mass', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'rescale_mass factor as function of Grid%ht and initial rho',& 'dimensionless', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e8,1.e8/)) if (id_rescale_mass > 0) used = send_data (id_rescale_mass, rescale_mass(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) id_ht_mod = register_static_field ('ocean_model', 'ht_mod', Grid%tracer_axes(1:2), & 'modified bottom depth for pressure model', 'm', & missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e1,1.e8/)) if (id_ht_mod > 0) used = send_data (id_ht_mod, ht_mod(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) if (id_pbot0 > 0) then used = send_data (id_pbot0, c2dbars*Thickness%pbot0(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif if(debug_this_module) then write(stdoutunit,*) ' ' write(stdoutunit,*) ' From ocean_thickness_init_adjust: readjusted initial thickness checksum' call write_timestamp(Time%model_time) call thickness_chksum(Time, Grid, Thickness) endif if(debug_this_module_detail) then call thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, isc, jsc, nk, & 'From ocean_thickness_init_adjust', stdoutunit) call dzt_min_max(Time, Thickness,'From ocean_thickness_init_adjust, dzt_min_max information') endif if(debug_this_module_detail) then write(unit,'(a)')'' write(unit,'(a)')'---------Bottom values for grid thicknesses---------' do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb>1) then if(Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb) > 0.0) then write(unit,'(a)')'' write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_swt(kb-1)(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb-1,') = ',Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb-1) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_swt(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_st(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dswt(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dst(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dst(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstup(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dstup(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstlo(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstlo+dstup(kb)(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',& Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb)+Thickness%dstup(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dzt(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztup(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dztup(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztlo(kb) (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb) write(unit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztlo+dztup(kb)(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') = ',& Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb)+Thickness%dztup(i,j,kb) endif endif enddo enddo endif end subroutine ocean_thickness_init_adjust ! NAME="ocean_thickness_init_adjust" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Read basic elements of thickness derived type from restart, ! then set remaining elements of the type. ! ! Note that some array elements may be time independent. ! Their values have already been set in thickness_initialize ! or ocean_thickness_init_adjust, and they should not be ! over-written here (in particular, they should not be ! reset here to zero). ! ! To ensure reproducibility across restarts, this routine ! uses the same logic as update_tcell_thickness and ! update_ucell_thickness. This is particularly important ! for the terrain following calculations. ! ! Note that ocean_thickness_init is called prior to ! ocean_operators_init. Hence, we cannot use any ! operators in this subroutine. ! ! ! subroutine thickness_restart (Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness character*128 file_name integer :: tau, taum1, taup1, id_restart integer :: i,j,k,n,kb real :: density_tmp integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() tau = Time%tau taum1 = Time%taum1 taup1 = Time%taup1 file_name = 'ocean_thickness.res.nc' if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then id_restart_rho_dzt = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'rho_dzt', Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,tau), & Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) elseif(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then id_restart_rho_dzt = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'rho_dzt', & Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) end if id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'dzt_dst', & Thickness%dzt_dst(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'dstlo', & Thickness%dstlo(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'dstup', & Thickness%dstup(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'dswt', & Thickness%dswt(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'dst', & Thickness%dst(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'pbot0', & Thickness%pbot0(:,:), Dom%domain2d) if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'depth_st', & Thickness%depth_st(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) id_restart = register_restart_field(Thk_restart, file_name, 'depth_swt', & Thickness%depth_swt(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) end if if (.NOT. file_exist('INPUT/ocean_thickness.res.nc')) then if (.NOT.Time%init) then call mpp_error(FATAL,& 'Expecting file INPUT/ocean_thickness.res.nc to exist.& &This file was not found and Time%init=.false.') endif return endif call restore_state(Thk_restart) if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Reading THREE_LEVEL restart for rho_dzt from INPUT/ocean_thickness.res.nc' write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' If not an initial condition, then expect two time records for rho_dzt.' call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,tau), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) elseif(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Reading TWO_LEVEL restart for rho_dzt from INPUT/ocean_thickness.res.nc' write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Expect only one time record for rho_dzt.' ! initialize to nonzero to eliminate NaNs when mask ! out processors and then change layout upon a restart where (Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1)==0.) Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1) = rho0*thickness_dzt_min_init call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,tau) = Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1) endif ! initialize to nonzero to eliminate NaNs when mask ! out processors and then change layout upon a restart where (Thickness%dzt_dst(:,:,:) ==0.) Thickness%dzt_dst(:,:,:) = thickness_dzt_min_init where (Thickness%dstlo(:,:,:) ==0.) Thickness%dstlo(:,:,:) = thickness_dzt_min_init where (Thickness%dstup(:,:,:) ==0.) Thickness%dstup(:,:,:) = thickness_dzt_min_init where (Thickness%dst(:,:,:) ==0.) Thickness%dst(:,:,:) = thickness_dzt_min_init where (Thickness%dswt(:,:,:) ==0.) Thickness%dswt(:,:,:) = thickness_dzt_min_init call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzt_dst(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dstlo(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dstup(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dst(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dswt(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%pbot0(:,:), Dom%domain2d) if(vert_coordinate_class==PRESSURE_BASED) then call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%depth_st(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%depth_swt(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) endif ! for adjusting values of pressure-coordinate intervals over land call dst_land_adjust(Grid, Thickness) ! inverse pbot0 values Thickness%pbot0r = 0.0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 1) then Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) = 1.0/Thickness%pbot0(i,j) endif enddo enddo ! T-cell dz values if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dztlo(i,j,1) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,1) Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,1) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,:) = 1.0 enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then ! note that it is important to do the "max" step here, ! as the restart will not get the halos correct, so we must do ! this calculation here to get dzt_dst in the halos. do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = max(depth_min_for_sigma,Grid%ht(i,j)+Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1)) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE .or. vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k)==0.0) then density_tmp = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j) Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(density_tmp+epsln) endif Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then ! note that it is important to do the Grid%tmask(i,j,k)==0.0 steps, ! as the restart will not get the halos correct, so we must do ! this calculation here to get dzt_dst in the halos. do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) == 0.0) then Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -depth_min_for_sigma endif Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) == 0.0) then Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = rho0_profile(k)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) endif Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo else do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! vertical distance (m) between t-cell points if(Thickness%method==ENERGETIC) then do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = 2.0*Thickness%dswt(i,j,k)/(wrk1(i,j,k)+wrk1(i,j,k+1)) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,1) kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo elseif(Thickness%method==FINITEVOLUME) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k+1) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo endif ! vertical depth (m) of t and w points if(vert_coordinate /= GEOPOTENTIAL) then ! depth from z=eta to t-point and t-cell bottom do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo ! depth from z=0 to t point do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%geodepth_zt(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) - Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%geodepth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%geodepth_zt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) enddo enddo enddo endif ! U-cell thicknesses computed as in update_ucell_thickness if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_u(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_u(i,j,taup1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,tau) = rho0*(Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_u(i,j,tau)) Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo if(linear_free_surface) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,tau) = rho0*Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo endif else if(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA .or. vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1) = Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) enddo enddo enddo k=0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) enddo enddo else do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1) = min(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j+1,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j+1,k,taup1)) enddo enddo enddo if(update_dzwu_k0) then k=0 do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo endif call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzwu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzu(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) endif do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! endif for choice of vertical coordinate ! thickness of U-cell column do n=1,3 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied k=Grid%kmu(i,j) if(k > 1) then Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) else Thickness%thicku(i,j,n) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo enddo ! mass per area of U-cell column Thickness%mass_u(:,:,:) = 0.0 do n=1,3 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%mass_u(i,j,n) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,n) + Grid%umask(i,j,k)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,n) enddo enddo enddo enddo end subroutine thickness_restart ! NAME="thickness_restart" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! For computing the grid values inside land in global halos. ! These values are not zero, and so they are not available from ! restart file. They are needed for pressure-based vertical ! coordinate models in order to get the U-cell values at ! global land boundaries via the remap operator. ! ! This step is necessitated by the modifications to dst ! and other arrays made in ocean_thickness_init_adjust. ! ! subroutine dst_land_adjust(Grid, Thickness) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer :: i, j, k real :: density_tmp if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) return if(vert_coordinate_type==TERRAIN_FOLLOWING) return do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied density_tmp = rho0_profile(k)*rescale_rho0_mask(i,j) if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) == 0.0) then Thickness%dst(i,j,k) = -grav*density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(density_tmp+epsln) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dst(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,:) = density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,1)+epsln) endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine dst_land_adjust ! NAME="dst_land_adjust" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Update time dependent thickness of T cells. ! ! Notes ! ! 1. For pressure-based coordinates, must use rho(tau) since ! rho(taup1) has not yet been computed. This is a limitation of ! the "z-like" algorithm approach used in mom4p1. It is minor, ! however, since rho(tau) is very close to rho(taup1). Also, this ! approach comes with the advantage of rendering vertical ! physical processes (e.g., diffusion) linear for the general ! coordinates in mom4p1, just as with geopotential models. ! ! 2. For all coordinates, need to place something reasonable over ! land for dz increments to preclude division by zero. ! For GEOPOTENTIAL and ZSTAR, we just use the time=zero value for dzt. ! For ZSIGMA we set a minimum depth for a fictitious layer over land. ! For PRESSURE and PSTAR, we set rho=rho0_profile and use the time=0 dzt values. ! For PSIGMA, we rho=rho0_profile and use the fictitious layer over land. ! The treatment of these land-points only contributes to the treatment ! of the U-cell grid quantities in the halos and on land, as they are ! computed via the REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU operator. ! ! 3. We need to update s-coordinate increments for GEOPOTENTIAL and ! PRESSURE. It is only for these two coordinates that we modify the ! endpoint values for the s-grid increments. ! ! ! subroutine update_tcell_thickness (Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Dens, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_density_type), intent(in) :: Dens type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer :: i, j, k, kb integer :: tau, taup1 integer :: num_bad=0 logical :: huge_undulations logical :: error_flag=.false. real :: density_tmp character(len=128) :: errorstring integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 huge_undulations=.false. ! write tau values of the vertical grid increments before update to taup1 if (id_dst > 0) used = send_data (id_dst, Thickness%dst(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dzt > 0) used = send_data (id_dzt, Thickness%dzt(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dzt_pbc > 0) then wrk1_2d(:,:) = 0.0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb = Grid%kmt(i,j) if (kb > 1) then wrk1_2d(i,j) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo used = send_data (id_dzt_pbc, wrk1_2d(:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,1), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec) endif if (id_dztlo > 0) used = send_data (id_dztlo, Thickness%dztlo(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dztup > 0) used = send_data (id_dztup, Thickness%dztup(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dzwt > 0) used = send_data (id_dzwt, Thickness%dzwt(:,:,1:nk), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_rho_dzt > 0) used = send_data (id_rho_dzt, Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,tau), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dzt_dst > 0) used = send_data (id_dzt_dst, Thickness%dzt_dst(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_zt > 0) used = send_data (id_depth_zt, Thickness%depth_zt(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_geodepth_zt > 0) used = send_data (id_geodepth_zt, Thickness%geodepth_zt(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_st > 0) used = send_data (id_depth_st, Thickness%depth_st(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_swt > 0) used = send_data (id_depth_swt, Thickness%depth_swt(:,:,:),& Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_zwt > 0) used= send_data (id_depth_zwt, Thickness%depth_zwt(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) ! update coordinate increments for GEOPOTENTIAL and PRESSURE. ! only for these two coordinates do we need to modify the ! endpoint values for the s-grid increments. Other mom4p1 ! coordinates have dst and dswt constant in time. if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dst(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,1) = Thickness%dst(i,j,1) - Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) enddo enddo if(linear_free_surface) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) Thickness%dst(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,1) = Thickness%dst(i,j,1) - Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) enddo enddo endif elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) = -Thickness%depth_st(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%patm_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dst(i,j,1) = -Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%patm_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,1) = Thickness%dst(i,j,1) - Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) kb = Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 1) then Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%depth_st(i,j,kb) - Ext_mode%pbot_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dst(i,j,kb) = Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,kb-1) - Ext_mode%pbot_t(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb) Thickness%dstup(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dst(i,j,kb) - Thickness%dstlo(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo endif ! update specific thicknesses and vertical increments if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dztlo(i,j,1) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,1) Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,1) Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,1) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,1,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,:) = 1.0 enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = 1.0 + Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1)*Grid%htr(i,j) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = max(depth_min_for_sigma,Grid%ht(i,j)+Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1)) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied ! leave values over land untouched if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) endif wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied ! leave values over land untouched if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) & *(Ext_mode%pbot_t(i,j,taup1)-Ext_mode%patm_t(i,j,taup1)) & *Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) endif wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied if(Grid%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -grav_r/(Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau)+epsln) & *(Ext_mode%pbot_t(i,j,taup1)-Ext_mode%patm_t(i,j,taup1)) density_tmp = Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau) else Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) = -depth_min_for_sigma density_tmp = rho0_profile(k) endif Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) = Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) = density_tmp*Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dztr(i,j,k) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) wrk1(i,j,k) = 1.0/Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! vertical distance (m) between t-cell points if(Thickness%method==ENERGETIC) then do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = 2.0*Thickness%dswt(i,j,k)/(wrk1(i,j,k)+wrk1(i,j,k+1)) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,0)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,1) kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dswt(i,j,kb)*Thickness%dzt_dst(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo elseif(Thickness%method==FINITEVOLUME) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) = Thickness%dztup(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=1,nk-1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) + Thickness%dztup(i,j,k+1) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied kb=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb > 0) then Thickness%dzwt(i,j,kb) = Thickness%dztlo(i,j,kb) endif enddo enddo endif ! vertical depth (m) of t and w points as ! computed via vertical sum of z-increments if(vert_coordinate /= GEOPOTENTIAL) then ! compute depth from z=eta to t-point and to bottom of t-cell do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! check for negative specific thickness, which occurs when eta_t is too negative, ! in which case the free surface is deeper than the ocean bottom topography. do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec if(Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) < -Grid%ht(i,j)) then write(stdoutunit,*) & '==>Error from ocean_thickness: Surface undulations too negative; model unstable' write(stdoutunit,*) & 'eta_t(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,') = ',Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) write(stdoutunit,*) & 'depth(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,') = ',Grid%ht(i,j) huge_undulations=.true. endif enddo enddo if(huge_undulations) then call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from ocean_thickness_mod: Free surface penetrating rock! Model unstable.') endif ! check for negative thickness at top and bottom error_flag=.false. num_bad=0 do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec kb = Grid%kmt(i,j) if(kb>0 .and. num_bad > max_num_bad_print) then if(Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) < 0.0) then num_bad = num_bad+1 write(stdoutunit,'(/a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)') & '==>Error: negative thickness at top: dzt(',& i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,') =', Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) if(enforce_positive_dzt) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') 'Resetting Thickness%dzt to ', thickness_dzt_min Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) = thickness_dzt_min else write(errorstring,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)') & '(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',1) =', Thickness%dzt(i,j,1) call thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, i, j, kb, & 'From update_tcell_thickness with dzt<0', unit) error_flag=.true. endif elseif(Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) < 0.0) then num_bad = num_bad+1 write(stdoutunit,'(/a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)') & '==>Error: negative thickness at bottom: dzt(',& i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') =', Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) if(enforce_positive_dzt) then write(stdoutunit,'(a)') 'Resetting Thickness%dzt to ', thickness_dzt_min Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) = thickness_dzt_min else write(errorstring,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e10.4)') & '(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',kb,') =', Thickness%dzt(i,j,kb) call thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, i, j, kb, & 'From update_tcell_thickness with dzt<0', unit) error_flag=.true. endif endif endif enddo enddo if(error_flag) then call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from ocean_thickness_mod: dzt'//trim(errorstring)//'<0. grep for "dzt" to find location') endif if(debug_this_module_detail) then call thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, isc, jsc, nk, & 'From update_tcell_thickness', stdoutunit) call dzt_min_max(Time, Thickness, & 'From update_tcell_thickness with dzt<0, dzt_min_max information') endif end subroutine update_tcell_thickness ! NAME="update_tcell_thickness" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Update time dependent thickness of U cells. ! ! Notes ! ! The computation of the depth arrays is a bit ad hoc. Here are ! the methods and their rationale. ! ! 1. For terrain following coordinates, the remap operator will entrain ! the very shallow layer T-points over land into the four-point averaging. ! This will cause the resulting U-cell depths next to land to be far shallower ! than what they should be. To avoid this problem, we set the U-cell depths the ! same as the T-cell depths. This specification causes no problems for budgets ! or energetic balance since Grid%umask array is already defined according to ! the usual B-grid specification. ! ! 2. For non-terrain and non-geopotential coordinates, compute U-cell thicknesses ! as min of surrounding T-cell thicknesses. This method follows that ! used with earlier MOM versions for the bottom partial step topography. ! Experiments with ZSTAR reveal that we must use the min function for dzu ! computation, rather than the alternative of a remap operator. If using ! the remap operator and nontrivial topography, then the velocity field can ! develop nontrivial noise. We have found that can compute dzwu using the ! remap operator without introducing noise. But we choose to use the ! min function to maintain compatibility with traditional approach in ! geopotential vertical coordinate versions of MOM. ! ! subroutine update_ucell_thickness (Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer :: i, j, k integer :: tau, taup1 integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 ! write tau values of grid increments before update to taup1 if (id_dzu > 0) used = send_data (id_dzu, Thickness%dzu(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_dzwu > 0) used = send_data (id_dzwu, Thickness%dzwu(:,:,1:nk), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_rho_dzu > 0) used = send_data (id_rho_dzu, Thickness%rho_dzu(:,:,:,tau), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_zu > 0) used = send_data (id_depth_zu, Thickness%depth_zu(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_depth_zwu > 0) used = send_data (id_depth_zwu, Thickness%depth_zwu(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) if (id_mass_u > 0) used = send_data (id_mass_u, Thickness%mass_u(:,:,tau), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,1), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec) if (id_thicku > 0) used = send_data (id_thicku, Thickness%thicku(:,:,tau), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%umask(:,:,1), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec) if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_u(i,j,taup1) Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) + Ext_mode%eta_u(i,j,taup1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo if(linear_free_surface) then do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) = Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,1) Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) = Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1) = rho0*Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,1) = 1.0/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,1,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo endif else if(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA .or. vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1) = Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1) enddo enddo enddo k=0 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) enddo enddo else ! U-cell thicknesses as minimum of surrounding T-cell thicknesses do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1) = min(Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i,j+1,k,taup1), & Thickness%rho_dzt(i+1,j+1,k,taup1)) enddo enddo enddo if(update_dzwu_k0) then k=0 do j=jsd,jec do i=isd,iec Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) = min(Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i,j+1,k), & Thickness%dzwt(i+1,j+1,k)) enddo enddo endif call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%dzwu(:,:,:), Dom%domain2d) call mpp_update_domains(Thickness%rho_dzu(:,:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d) endif do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,k) = Grid%umask(i,j,k)/(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1)+epsln) enddo enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzwu(i,j,0) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,1) = Thickness%dzu(i,j,1) enddo enddo do k=2,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k-1) Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k-1) + Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo endif ! thickness of U-cell column do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied k=Grid%kmu(i,j) if(k > 1) then Thickness%thicku(i,j,taup1) = Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) else Thickness%thicku(i,j,taup1) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo ! mass per area of U-cell column Thickness%mass_u(:,:,taup1) = 0.0 do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%mass_u(i,j,taup1) = Thickness%mass_u(i,j,taup1) & +Grid%umask(i,j,k)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taup1) enddo enddo enddo if(debug_this_module) then write(stdoutunit,*) ' ' write(stdoutunit,*) ' From ocean_thickness_mod: thickness checksum' call write_timestamp(Time%model_time) call thickness_chksum(Time, Grid, Thickness) endif end subroutine update_ucell_thickness ! NAME="update_ucell_thickness" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Compute tendency for rho_dzt. This tendency is a function of the ! vertical coordinate. ! ! subroutine rho_dzt_tendency(Time, Grid, Ext_mode, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer :: i, j, k integer :: tau, taup1 tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 if(vert_coordinate==GEOPOTENTIAL) then k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*rho0*Ext_mode%deta_dt(i,j) enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*rho0*Ext_mode%deta_dt(i,j) & *Grid%htr(i,j)*Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==ZSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*rho0*Ext_mode%deta_dt(i,j) & *Thickness%dst(i,j,k) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PRESSURE) then k=1 do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = -grav_r*Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Ext_mode%dpatm_dt(i,j) enddo enddo do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied k=Grid%kmt(i,j) if(k>0) then Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = grav_r*Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Ext_mode%dpbot_dt(i,j) endif enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PSTAR) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = -grav_r*Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Thickness%dst(i,j,k) & *(Ext_mode%dpbot_dt(i,j)-Ext_mode%dpatm_dt(i,j))*Thickness%pbot0r(i,j) enddo enddo enddo elseif(vert_coordinate==PSIGMA) then do k=1,nk do j=jsd,jed do i=isd,ied Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(i,j,k) = -grav_r*Grid%tmask(i,j,k)*Thickness%dst(i,j,k) & *(Ext_mode%dpbot_dt(i,j)-Ext_mode%dpatm_dt(i,j)) enddo enddo enddo endif if (id_rho_dzt_tendency > 0) used = send_data (id_rho_dzt_tendency, Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(:,:,:), & Time%model_time, rmask=Grid%tmask(:,:,:), & is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk) end subroutine rho_dzt_tendency ! NAME="rho_dzt_tendency" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! Compute checksum for thickness components . ! Only print checksums for fields that should agree across restarts. ! ! subroutine thickness_chksum(Time, Grid, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness integer :: taum1, tau, taup1 integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() taum1 = Time%taum1 tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 wrk1 = 0.0 if(tendency == THREE_LEVEL) then wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,tau)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzt(tau) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taup1)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzt(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,tau)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzu(tau) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taup1)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzu(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%mass_u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,tau)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%mass_u(tau) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%mass_u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,taup1)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%mass_u(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) else wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taup1)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzt(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taup1)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzu(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%mass_u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,taup1)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%mass_u(taup1) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) endif wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dztr(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dztr = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzur(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzur = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%rho_dzt_tendency = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dzt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzt = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dztlo(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dztlo = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dztup(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dztup = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dzt_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzt_dst = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%dzwt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,0)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzwt(k=0) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dzwt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzwt(k=1:nk) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzu = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%dzwu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,0)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzwu(k=0) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dzwu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dzwu(k=1:nk) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_zt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_zt = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%geodepth_zt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%geodepth_zt = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_zu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_zu = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_zwt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_zwt = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_zwu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_zwu = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_st(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_st = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%depth_swt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%depth_swt = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dst = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dstlo(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dstlo = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dstup(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dstup = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%dswt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,0)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dswt(k=0) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:) = Thickness%dswt(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1:nk) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%dswt(k=1:nk) = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)) wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = Thickness%pbot0(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*Grid%tmask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) write(stdoutunit,*) 'chksum for Thickness%pbot0 = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1)) write(stdoutunit,*) ' ' return end subroutine thickness_chksum ! NAME="thickness_chksum" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! For debugging, we print here some details of the grid at a particular ! (i,j) point. ! ! subroutine thickness_details(Grid, Time, Thickness, Ext_mode, Dens, & ipoint, jpoint, kb, filecaller, outunit) type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(in) :: Ext_mode type(ocean_density_type), intent(in) :: Dens integer, intent(in) :: ipoint integer, intent(in) :: jpoint integer, intent(in) :: kb character(len=*), intent(in) :: filecaller integer, intent(in) :: outunit integer :: i,j,k integer :: taup1, tau taup1 = Time%taup1 tau = Time%tau write(outunit,*) ' ' write(outunit,'(a)') trim(filecaller) call write_timestamp(Time%model_time) i=ipoint j=jpoint write(outunit,*) ' ' write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'ht(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(metres) = ',& Grid%ht(i,j) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'eta_t(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(metres) = ',& Ext_mode%eta_t(i,j,taup1) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'pbot_t(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(dbars) = ',& Ext_mode%pbot_t(i,j,taup1) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'patm_t(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(dbars) = ',& Ext_mode%patm_t(i,j,taup1) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'pbot0(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(dbars) = ',& Thickness%pbot0(i,j)*c2dbars write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'pbot0r(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(1/dbar)= ',& Thickness%pbot0r(i,j)/c2dbars write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'xt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(longitude) = ',& Grid%xt(i,j) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'yt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,')(latitude) = ', & Grid%yt(i,j) write(outunit,*) ' ' do k=1,kb write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_st(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units) = ',& Thickness%depth_st(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_swt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units) = ',& Thickness%depth_swt(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'rho_t(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(kg/m^3) = ',& Dens%rho(i,j,k,tau) enddo write(outunit,*) ' ' do k=1,kb write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dst (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units)= ',& Thickness%dst(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dswt (',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units)= ',& Thickness%dswt(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstlo(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units)= ',& Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstup(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(s-units)= ',& Thickness%dstup(i,j,k)*convert_factor write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dstlo + dstup(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,') = ',& (Thickness%dstlo(i,j,k)+Thickness%dstup(i,j,k))*convert_factor enddo write(outunit,*) ' ' do k=1,kb write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_zt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',& Thickness%depth_zt(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_zu(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',& Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_zwt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres)= ',& Thickness%depth_zwt(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'depth_zwu(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres)= ',& Thickness%depth_zwu(i,j,k) enddo write(outunit,*) ' ' do k=1,kb write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dzt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',Thickness%dzt(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dzu(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',Thickness%dzu(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dzwt(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',Thickness%dzwt(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dzwu(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres) = ',Thickness%dzwu(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztlo(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres)= ',Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztup(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,')(metres)= ',Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) write(outunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,f24.8)') & 'dztlo+dztup(',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,') = ',& Thickness%dztlo(i,j,k)+Thickness%dztup(i,j,k) enddo end subroutine thickness_details ! NAME="thickness_details" !####################################################################### ! ! ! Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file ! subroutine ocean_thickness_restart(Time, Thickness, time_stamp) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_stamp integer :: tau, taup1 tau = Time%tau taup1 = Time%taup1 if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then call reset_field_pointer(Thk_restart, id_restart_rho_dzt, Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,tau), & Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1) ) elseif(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then call reset_field_pointer(Thk_restart, id_restart_rho_dzt, Thickness%rho_dzt(:,:,:,taup1) ) end if call save_restart(Thk_restart, time_stamp) end subroutine ocean_thickness_restart ! NAME="ocean_thickness_restart" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! Write basic elements of thickness derived type to restart ! ! subroutine ocean_thickness_end (Time, Grid, Thickness) type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(inout) :: Thickness integer :: stdoutunit stdoutunit=stdout() if (.not.module_is_initialized) then call mpp_error(FATAL, & '==>Error from ocean_thickness_mod (ocean_thickness_end): module must be initialized') endif if(.not. write_a_restart) then write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') & '==>Warning from ocean_thickness_mod (ocean_thickness_end): NO restart written.' call mpp_error(WARNING, & '==>Warning from ocean_thickness_mod (ocean_thickness_end): NO restart written.') return endif call ocean_thickness_restart(Time, Thickness) write(stdoutunit,*) ' ' write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_thickness_mod: ending thickness checksums' call write_timestamp(Time%model_time) call thickness_chksum(Time, Grid, Thickness) nullify(Dom) end subroutine ocean_thickness_end ! NAME="ocean_thickness_end" !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU remaps a T-cell thickness or vertical depth on a ! T-cell to the corresponding place on U-cell. ! ! This is the same operator as REMAP_BT_TO_BU. ! It is needed for ocean_thickness_init since this routine is called ! prior to ocean_operators_init. This is a bit awkward, but ! ocean_operators needs thickness values, so it must be called ! after thickness is initialized. ! ! function REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU(a,Grid) real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: a type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU integer :: i, j do j=jsc-halo,jec+halo-1 do i=isc-halo,iec+halo-1 REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU(i,j) = (a(i,j) *Grid%dte(i,j) *Grid%dus(i,j) & + a(i+1,j) *Grid%dtw(i+1,j) *Grid%dus(i,j) & + a(i,j+1) *Grid%dte(i,j+1) *Grid%dun(i,j) & + a(i+1,j+1)*Grid%dtw(i+1,j+1)*Grid%dun(i,j) & )*Grid%daur(i,j) enddo enddo REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU(iec+halo,:) = 0.0 REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU(:,jec+halo) = 0.0 end function REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU ! NAME="REMAP_ZT_TO_ZU" end module ocean_thickness_mod