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module ocean_topog_mod
! Matt Harrison
! S. M. Griffies
! Set up ocean bottom topography.
! Set up ocean bottom topography. Reads information from grid specification file.
! For debugging.
! For debugging, it is often useful to over-ride the grid spec file
! and simply make the domain flat bottom.
! Number of depth levels to use for the flat_bottom option.
! Depth to make the flat_bottom.
! min_thickness is only used for Mosaic grid. Since there is no kmt available
! in mosaic grid, need to set min_thickness to configure kmt based on ht and zw.
! Default min_thickness=1.0 metre.
! To recompute the kmt array based on min_thickness. This step is not recommended
! in general, since it can modify the kmt array which may be in the grid spec file.
! But it may be of use for specialized situations, such as when you wish to use
! the same topography file with a refined vertical resolution.
! To recompute the kmt array based on min_thickness, with an offset
! determined by kmt_recompute_offset. Default kmt_recompute_offset=0.
use constants_mod, only: grav
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error
use fms_mod, only: field_exist, read_data, file_exist, write_data
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, mpp_min, mpp_pe, mpp_chksum
use mpp_mod, only: FATAL, WARNING, NOTE, stdout, stdlog
use axis_utils_mod, only: nearest_index
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices, get_domain_offsets
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: TERRAIN_FOLLOWING
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_domain_type
implicit none
character(len=256) :: version='CVS $Id: ocean_topog.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:42:02 nnz Exp $'
character(len=256) :: tagname='Tag $Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! for output
integer :: writeunit=6
logical :: flat_bottom = .false.
integer :: flat_bottom_kmt = 50
real :: flat_bottom_ht = 5500.0
real :: min_thickness = 1.0
integer :: kmt_recompute_offset = 0
logical :: kmt_recompute = .false.
logical :: write_topog = .false.
logical :: debug_this_module = .true.
namelist /ocean_topog_nml/ flat_bottom, flat_bottom_kmt, flat_bottom_ht, write_topog, &
min_thickness, kmt_recompute, kmt_recompute_offset, &
public ocean_topog_init
! Initialize the ocean bottom topography.
! There are two reasons to prefer land be at j=1.
! A/ mom4 employs a northest B-grid. To construct
! horizontal remapping operators, we need information
! about grid factors one row outside of the global
! domain boundaries. In particular, we need j=0
! grid information. However, when constructing the grid spec
! file, we assume nothing about the region outside
! the global domain. So mom4's requirement of j=0
! grid information necessitates extrapolation.
! This extrapolation is done inside ocean_grids.F90, and
! it can lead to non-symmetric values of grid spacing
! for the region j=0 and j=nj, even if the domain global
! limits are symmetric across the equator.
! B/ The FMS Sea Ice Simulator (SIS) requires land to be present
! for all points at jsc+joff=1. If this is not the case, then
! the ocean model cannot be coupled to SIS. The SIS requirement
! of all land at jsc+joff=1 is related to the use of a northeast
! B-grid convention. To couple the models, the ocean grid
! must be generated with fill_first_row=.true.
subroutine ocean_topog_init (Domain, Grid, grid_file, vert_coordinate_type)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(inout) :: Domain
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: grid_file
integer, intent(in) :: vert_coordinate_type
character(len=128) :: ocean_topog = "INPUT/topog.nc"
character(len=128) :: grd_file
logical :: land_jeq1
logical :: error_flag=.false.
real :: min_depth, min_depth0, fudge
integer :: imin, jmin, kmin
integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr
integer :: i, j, ioff, joff
integer :: k, kb
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
grd_file = "INPUT/grid_spec.nc"
if(present(grid_file)) grd_file = grid_file
write( stdlogunit,'(/a/)') trim(version)
call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
nk = Grid%nk
allocate (Grid%kmt(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Grid%ht(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Grid%htr(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Grid%kmu(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Grid%hu(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
call get_domain_offsets(Domain,ioff,joff)
! provide for namelist over-ride of defaults
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun,ocean_topog_nml,IOSTAT=io_status)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit,ocean_topog_nml)
write (stdlogunit,ocean_topog_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'ocean_topog_nml')
call close_file(ioun)
if(field_exist(grd_file, 'depth_t') ) then ! new grid file
call read_data(grd_file, "depth_t", Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
call read_data(grd_file, "num_levels", Grid%kmt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
if(field_exist(grd_file, 'depth_c')) then
if(.not. field_exist(grd_file, 'num_levels_c')) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'ocean_topog_mod: depth_c exist but num_levels_c does not exist in file '//trim(grd_file) )
call read_data(grd_file, "depth_c", Grid%hu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
call read_data(grd_file, "num_levels_c", Grid%kmu(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
elseif(field_exist(grd_file, 'num_levels_c')) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'ocean_topog_mod: num_levels_c exist but depth_c does not exist in file '//trim(grd_file) )
elseif(field_exist(grd_file, 'ht') ) then ! old grid file
call read_data(grd_file, "ht", Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
call read_data(grd_file, "kmt", Grid%kmt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
elseif(file_exist(ocean_topog)) then
call read_data(ocean_topog, 'depth', Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
!--- calculate kmt based on ht and zw.
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%ht(i,j) <= 0.0) then
Grid%kmt(i,j) = 0
Grid%kmt(i,j) = nearest_index(Grid%ht(i,j), Grid%zw)
if( Grid%ht(i,j) >= Grid%zw(Grid%kmt(i,j)) + min_thickness) then
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) < nk) then
Grid%kmt(i,j) = Grid%kmt(i,j) + 1
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'ocean_topog_mod: depth_t and ht do not exist in file '//trim(grd_file)// &
', also file '//trim(ocean_topog)//' does not exist')
if(kmt_recompute) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, 'ocean_topog_mod: recomputing kmt array given ht, zw, and min_thickness.')
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 1) then
kb = Grid%kmt(i,j)
kbloop: do k=2,kb
if( Grid%zw(k) + min_thickness > Grid%ht(i,j) ) then
Grid%kmt(i,j) = k-kmt_recompute_offset
if(debug_this_module) then
write(*,'(a,3i6,f12.3,a,3i6,f12.3)') 'kmt_recompute: resetting i,j,kmt_orig,ht= ',&
i,j,kb,Grid%ht(i,j),' to ', i,j,Grid%kmt(i,j),Grid%ht(i,j)
exit kbloop
enddo kbloop
call mpp_update_domains(Grid%ht, Domain%domain2d)
call mpp_update_domains(Grid%kmt,Domain%domain2d)
if(write_topog) then
call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "ht", Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
call write_data("ocean_grid_check.nc", "kmt", Grid%kmt(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Domain%domain2d)
end if
! ensure there are enough kmt levels for nontrivial vertical processes to be computed
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%kmt(i,j)==1) then
write(writeunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a)') &
'==>ocean_topog_init: WARNING: kmt(',i+Domain%ioff,',',j+Domain%joff, &
') = 1 is not permitted. kmt>2 recommended for wet ocean domain.'
if(Grid%kmt(i,j)==2) then
write(writeunit,'(a,i4,a,i4,a)') &
'==>ocean_topog_init: WARNING: kmt(',i+Domain%ioff,',',j+Domain%joff, &
') = 2 is generally not permitted. kmt>2 recommended for wet ocean domain.'
if(error_flag) then
call mpp_error(WARNING,&
'==>ocean_topog_init: Regions with 0 < kmt < 2 have been found. Recommend kmt > 2 for wet ocean regions.')
! for terrain following vertical coordinates, all levels are squeazed into wet regions
if(vert_coordinate_type == TERRAIN_FOLLOWING) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,&
'==>ocean_topog_init: terrain following coordinate places all nk levels into wet regions.')
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 0) then
Grid%kmt(i,j) = nk
! ensure that land points have ht = 0.0.
! this step may be needed if read ht from land/sea dataset,
! or if ht contains "missing values" from a visualization package.
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Grid%ht(i,j) <= 0.0) Grid%ht(i,j) = 0.0
if(flat_bottom) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,&
'==>ocean_topog_init: flat_bottom=.true. so will set all cells that are not land equal to their max depth.')
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 0) then
Grid%kmt(i,j) = flat_bottom_kmt
Grid%ht(i,j) = flat_bottom_ht
! if num_levels_c exist in the grid file, depths at u-cell points will be get from grid file,
! otherwise construct depths at u-cell points as minimum of surrounding t cells
if(.NOT. field_exist(grd_file, 'num_levels_c')) then
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Grid%kmu(i,j) = min(Grid%kmt(i,j), Grid%kmt(i+1,j), Grid%kmt(i,j+1), Grid%kmt(i+1,j+1))
Grid%hu(i,j) = min(Grid%ht(i,j), Grid%ht(i+1,j), Grid%ht(i,j+1), Grid%ht(i+1,j+1))
end if
call mpp_update_domains(Grid%kmu,Domain%domain2d)
call mpp_update_domains(Grid%hu,Domain%domain2d)
! check whether any ocean occupies j=1.
if (jsc+joff==1) then
land_jeq1 = .false.
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%kmt(i,1) > 0) land_jeq1 = .true.
if(land_jeq1) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,&
'==>ocean_topog_init: Ocean grid has water at j=1. Recommend placing land at this latitude row.')
! set inverse depth on t-cells
Grid%htr = 0.0
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 0) then
Grid%htr(i,j) = 1.0/Grid%ht(i,j)
! find shallowest water and provide caveat for overly shallow regions
imin= 0 ; jmin=0 ; kmin=0 ; min_depth = 1.e10
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if(Grid%kmt(i,j) > 0 .and. Grid%ht(i,j) < min_depth) then
imin = i
jmin = j
kmin = Grid%kmt(i,j)
min_depth = Grid%ht(i,j)
fudge = 1 + 1.e-12*mpp_pe() ! to distinguish processors when min_depth is independent of processor
min_depth = min_depth*fudge
min_depth0 = min_depth
call mpp_min(min_depth)
if(min_depth0 == min_depth) then
write(writeunit,'(/a,f12.5)')' The shallowest wet ocean model grid cell has depth (meters) ', min_depth
write(writeunit,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a)')' and this occurs at (i,j,k) = (',&
imin+Domain%ioff,',',jmin+Domain%joff ,',',kmin,')'
write(writeunit,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f12.5,a/)')' which has (long,lat,depth) = (' &
,Grid%xt(imin,jmin),',',Grid%yt(imin,jmin), ',', Grid%ht(imin,jmin),')'
if(min_depth < 50.0) then
write(writeunit,'(a)')' Beware that shallow regions (e.g., those shallower than 50m) may be subject'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' to numerical problems if strong surface forcing is not mixed vertically.'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' Such problems may occur especially in shallow regions with kmt==2.'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' Current speeds and/or tracer deviations may become large due to the deposition'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' of wind and/or buoyancy over just a small upper ocean region. Such problems'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' can be resolved by adding sufficient vertical mixing in these regions.'
write(writeunit,'(a)')' Such happens in Nature due to tides and breaking surface waves.'
write(stdoutunit,*) 'Topography checksums'
write(stdoutunit,*) 'from ocean_topop_init: ht chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%ht(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'from ocean_topop_init: hu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%hu(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'from ocean_topop_init: htr chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%htr(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'from ocean_topop_init: kmu chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%kmu(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'from ocean_topop_init: kmt chksum = ',mpp_chksum(Grid%kmt(isc:iec,jsc:jec))
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
end subroutine ocean_topog_init
! NAME="ocean_topog_init"
end module ocean_topog_mod