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module ocean_util_mod
! Ron Pacanowski
! Matt Harrison
! S. M. Griffies
! This module contains many routines of use for mom4.
! A utility module for mom4.
use constants_mod, only: epsln
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains, mpp_global_field
use mpp_mod, only: stdout, stdlog, FATAL
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_min, mpp_max
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, get_date
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ocean_grid_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_thickness_type, ocean_time_type
implicit none
character(len=256) :: version='CVS $Id'
character(len=256) :: tagname='Tag $Name'
! for output
integer :: unit=6
type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom =>NULL()
public iplot
public matrix
public ocean_util_init
public invtri
public invtri_bmf
public write_timestamp
private invtri_bmf_v1
! Initialize mom4 utilities.
subroutine ocean_util_init (Domain)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Domain
integer :: stdlogunit
write( stdlogunit,'(/a/)') trim(version)
call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
Dom => Domain
end subroutine ocean_util_init
! NAME="ocean_util_init">
! Solve the vertical diffusion equation implicitly using the
! method of inverting a tridiagonal matrix as described in
! Numerical Recipes in Fortran, The art of Scientific Computing,
! Second Edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, 1992
! pages 42,43.
! This routine assumes that the variables are defined at grid points,
! and the top and bottom b.c. are flux conditions.
! inputs:
! z = right hand side terms
! nk = number of vertical levels
! topbc = top boundary condition
! botbc = bottom boundary condition
! dcb = vertical mixing coeff at base of cell
! tdt = timestep over which do implicit update
! kmz = level indicator
! mask = land/sea mask
! outputs:
! z = returned solution
subroutine invtri (z, topbc, botbc, dcb, tdt, kmz, mask, dh, dhw, aidif, nk)
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, intent(inout), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: z
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dcb
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dh
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: mask
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,0:) :: dhw
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: topbc
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: botbc
real, intent(in) :: tdt
integer, intent(in), dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: kmz
real, intent(in) :: aidif
real, dimension(isd:ied,0:nk) :: a, b, c, e, f
real, dimension(isd:ied) :: bet
integer :: i, j, k, km1, kp1
real :: eps, factu, factl, tdt_aidif
eps = 1.e-30
tdt_aidif = tdt*aidif
do j=jsc,jec
do k=1,nk
km1 = max(1,k-1)
kp1 = min(k+1,nk)
do i=isc,iec
factu = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k-1)*dh(i,j,k))
factl = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k)*dh(i,j,k))
a(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,km1)*factu*mask(i,j,k)
c(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,k)*factl*mask(i,j,kp1)
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k)*mask(i,j,k)
b(i,k) = 1.0 - a(i,k) - c(i,k)
do i=isc,iec
a(i,1) = 0.0
c(i,nk) = 0.0
b(i,1) = 1.0 - a(i,1) - c(i,1)
b(i,nk) = 1.0 - a(i,nk) - c(i,nk)
! top and bottom b.c.
f(i,1) = z(i,j,1) + topbc(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,1)/dh(i,j,1)
k = max(2,kmz(i,j))
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k) - botbc(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,k)/dh(i,j,k)
! decomposition and forward substitution
do i=isc,iec
bet(i) = mask(i,j,1)/(b(i,1) + eps)
z(i,j,1) = f(i,1)*bet(i)
do k=2,nk
do i=isc,iec
e(i,k) = c(i,k-1)*bet(i)
bet(i) = mask(i,j,k)/(b(i,k) - a(i,k)*e(i,k) + eps)
z(i,j,k) = (f(i,k) - a(i,k)*z(i,j,k-1))*bet(i)
! back substitution
do k=nk-1,1,-1
do i=isc,iec
z(i,j,k) = z(i,j,k) - e(i,k+1)*z(i,j,k+1)
end subroutine invtri
! NAME="invtri">
! Solve the vertical diffusion equation implicitly using the
! method of inverting a tridiagonal matrix as described in
! Numerical Recipes in Fortran, The art of Scientific Computing,
! Second Edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, 1992
! pages 42,43.
! This routine assumes that the variables are defined at grid points,
! and the top b.c. is a flux condition. The bottom b.c. is assumed
! to be a bottom drag which is implemented implicitly, thus allowing
! for large values of the bottom drag coefficient.
! NOTE: This routine is generally only called when doing the bmf
! implicitly in time. The original invtri is used for explicit
! bmf. It differs from invtri only in the presence of a mask(i,j,kp1)
! multiplying unity in the definition of the coefficient b(i,k).
! NOTE: This routine is under development (SMG. Nov 2008)
! inputs:
! z = right hand side terms
! nk = number of vertical levels
! topbc = top boundary condition
! botbc = bottom boundary condition
! dcb = vertical mixing coeff at base of cell
! tdt = timestep over which do implicit update
! kmz = level indicator
! mask = land/sea mask
! outputs:
! z = returned solution
subroutine invtri_bmf (z, topbc, botbc, dcb, tdt, kmz, mask, dh, dhw, aidif, nk)
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, intent(inout), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: z
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dcb
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dh
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: mask
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,0:) :: dhw
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: topbc
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: botbc
real, intent(in) :: tdt
integer, intent(in), dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: kmz
real, intent(in) :: aidif
real, dimension(isd:ied,0:nk) :: a, b, c, e, f
real, dimension(isd:ied) :: bet
integer :: i, j, k, km1, kp1
real :: eps, factu, factl, tdt_aidif
eps = 1.e-30
tdt_aidif = tdt*aidif
do j=jsc,jec
do k=1,nk
km1 = max(1,k-1)
kp1 = min(k+1,nk)
do i=isc,iec
factu = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k-1)*dh(i,j,k))
factl = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k)*dh(i,j,k))
a(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,km1)*factu*mask(i,j,k)
c(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,k)*factl*mask(i,j,kp1)
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k)*mask(i,j,k)
b(i,k) = 1.0*mask(i,j,kp1) - a(i,k) - c(i,k)
do i=isc,iec
a(i,1) = 0.0
c(i,nk) = 0.0
b(i,1) = 1.0 - a(i,1) - c(i,1)
b(i,nk) = - a(i,nk) - c(i,nk)
! top and bottom b.c.
f(i,1) = z(i,j,1) + topbc(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,1)/dh(i,j,1)
k = max(2,kmz(i,j))
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k) - botbc(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,k)/dh(i,j,k)
! decomposition and forward substitution
do i=isc,iec
bet(i) = mask(i,j,1)/(b(i,1) + eps)
z(i,j,1) = f(i,1)*bet(i)
do k=2,nk
do i=isc,iec
e(i,k) = c(i,k-1)*bet(i)
bet(i) = mask(i,j,k)/(b(i,k) - a(i,k)*e(i,k) + eps)
z(i,j,k) = (f(i,k) - a(i,k)*z(i,j,k-1))*bet(i)
! back substitution
do k=nk-1,1,-1
do i=isc,iec
z(i,j,k) = z(i,j,k) - e(i,k+1)*z(i,j,k+1)
end subroutine invtri_bmf
! NAME="invtri_bmf">
! Solve the vertical friction equation implicitly using the
! method of inverting a tridiagonal matrix as described in
! Numerical Recipes in Fortran, The art of Scientific Computing,
! Second Edition, Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery, 1992
! pages 42,43.
! This routine assumes that the variables are defined at grid points,
! and the top b.c. is a flux condition. The bottom b.c. is assumed
! to be a bottom drag which is implemented implicitly, thus allowing
! for large values of the bottom drag coefficient.
! NOTE: This routine is generally only called when doing the bmf
! implicitly in time. The original invtri is used for explicit
! bmf.
! NOTE: This routine is under development, and is presently not
! used. (SMG. Nov 2008)
! inputs:
! z = right hand side terms
! nk = number of vertical levels
! topbc = top boundary condition
! botbc = time explicit bottom boundary condition (zero in this routine, since bmf is implicit)
! gamma = botttom drag factor scaling the u(taup1) contribution to bottom drag
! dcb = vertical mixing coeff at base of cell
! tdt = timestep over which do implicit update
! kmz = level indicator
! mask = land/sea mask
! outputs:
! z = returned solution
subroutine invtri_bmf_v1 (z, topbc, gamma, dcb, tdt, kmz, mask, dh, dhw, aidif, nk)
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, intent(inout), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: z
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: gamma
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dcb
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: dh
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: mask
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,0:) :: dhw
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: topbc
real, intent(in) :: tdt
integer, intent(in), dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: kmz
real, intent(in) :: aidif
real, dimension(isd:ied,0:nk) :: a, b, c, e, f
real, dimension(isd:ied) :: bet
integer :: i, j, k, km1, kp1
real :: eps, factu, factl, tdt_aidif
eps = 1.e-30
tdt_aidif = tdt*aidif
do j=jsc,jec
do k=1,nk
km1 = max(1,k-1)
kp1 = min(k+1,nk)
do i=isc,iec
factu = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k-1)*dh(i,j,k))
factl = tdt_aidif/(dhw(i,j,k)*dh(i,j,k))
a(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,km1)*factu*mask(i,j,k)
c(i,k) = -dcb(i,j,k)*factl*mask(i,j,kp1)
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k)*mask(i,j,k)
b(i,k) = 1.0 - a(i,k) - c(i,k)
do i=isc,iec
a(i,1) = 0.0
c(i,nk) = 0.0
b(i,1) = 1.0 - a(i,1) - c(i,1)
b(i,nk) = 1.0 - a(i,nk) - c(i,nk)
! top and bottom b.c.
f(i,1) = z(i,j,1) + topbc(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,1)/dh(i,j,1)
k = max(2,kmz(i,j))
f(i,k) = z(i,j,k)
b(i,k) = 1.0 - a(i,k) + gamma(i,j)*tdt_aidif*mask(i,j,k)/dh(i,j,k)
! decomposition and forward substitution
do i=isc,iec
bet(i) = mask(i,j,1)/(b(i,1) + eps)
z(i,j,1) = f(i,1)*bet(i)
do k=2,nk
do i=isc,iec
e(i,k) = c(i,k-1)*bet(i)
bet(i) = mask(i,j,k)/(b(i,k) - a(i,k)*e(i,k) + eps)
z(i,j,k) = (f(i,k) - a(i,k)*z(i,j,k-1))*bet(i)
! back substitution
do k=nk-1,1,-1
do i=isc,iec
z(i,j,k) = z(i,j,k) - e(i,k+1)*z(i,j,k+1)
end subroutine invtri_bmf_v1
! NAME="invtri_bmf_v1">
! map integer array "iarray" into characters for printing with
! format (a1) to provide a contour map of the integer field.
! note: max number of unique characters = 80
! inputs:
! iarray = integer array to be plotted
! is = starting index along inner dimension of "iarray"
! ie = ending index along inner dimension of "iarray"
! js = starting index along outer dimension of "iarray"
! je = ending index along outer dimension of "iarray"
! output: prints contour map of "iarray"
subroutine iplot (iarray, is, ie, js, je, ni, nj)
integer, intent(in) :: is, ie, js, je, ni, nj
integer, intent(in), dimension(ni,nj) :: iarray
character*80 levels
character*80 lev1
integer :: i, j, il, jl, l, incr, ii, jj, inc, last, jinc, maxint, minint
save levels
integer :: stdoutunit
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
! set character markers
lev1(1:51) = '.+*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuv'
levels = lev1(1:51)//'wxyz0123456789-=!@#$%<>[]{}()'
! find range of integers
maxint = iarray(is,js)
minint = iarray(is,js)
do j=js,je
do i=is,ie
maxint = max(maxint,iarray(i,j))
minint = min(minint,iarray(i,j))
! show mapping of integers into characters
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
write (stdoutunit,*) ' "iplot" mapping of integers to characters is as follows:'
inc = 3
last = min(minint+80-1,maxint)
do i=minint,last,inc
ii = i-minint+1
if (i+inc <= last) then
jinc = inc
jinc = last-i+1
write (stdoutunit,'(6(1x,i6,a,a,3x))') (j+minint-1,' is printed as ',levels(j:j),j=ii,ii+jinc-1)
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
if (maxint - minint + 1 > 80) then
write (stdoutunit,*) ' Note: there are ',maxint-minint+1,' integers in the field'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' "iplot" cannot uniquely assign more than 80 characters for plotting symbols.'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' therefore integers are represented by cyclicly reusing the list of plotting symbols'
write (stdoutunit,*) ' '
! print character representation of integers
il = ie-is+1
jl = je-js+1
do l=0,il,inc
incr = min(inc,il-l)
write (stdoutunit,8800) (l+i,i=1,incr,4)
do jj=1,jl
j = jl+1-jj
write (stdoutunit,8900) j, (levels(mod(iarray(l+i+is-1,j+js-1)-minint+1-1,80)+1:&
8800 format (/, 2x, 31i4)
8900 format (1x,i3,1x, 124a1)
end subroutine iplot
! NAME="iplot">
! matrix is a general two-dimensional array printing routine,
! input:
! array = the array to be printed
! istrt = the 1st element of the 1st dimension to be printed
! im = the last element of the 1st dimension to be printed
! jstrt = the 1st element of the 2nd dimension to be printed
! jm = the last element of the 2nd dimension to be printed
! the 2nd dimension is printed in reverse order if both
! jstrt and jm are negative
! scale = a scaling factor by which array is divided before
! printing. (if this is zero, no scaling is done.)
! if scale=0, 10 columns are printed across in e format
! if scale>0, 20 columns are printed across in f format
! output: print "array" as a matrix
subroutine matrix (array, istrt, im, jstrt, jm, scale)
integer :: i, l, istrt, im, jstrt, jm, is, ie, js, je, jinc, unit
real, dimension(istrt:im,abs(jstrt):abs(jm)) :: array
real :: scale, scaler
unit = 6
if (jstrt*jm < 0) then
write (unit,999) jstrt, jm
call mpp_error(FATAL,'==>Error in ocean_util_mod (matrix): jstrt*jm < 0 found in matrix')
! allow for inversion of 2nd dimension
if (jm < 0) then
js = -jm
je = -jstrt
jinc = -1
js = jstrt
je = jm
jinc = 1
if (scale == 0.0) then
do is=istrt,im,10
ie = min(is + 9,im)
write (unit,9001) (i, i=is,ie)
do l=js,je,jinc
write (unit,9002) l, (array(i,l),i=is,ie)
write (unit,'(/)')
scaler = 1.0/scale
do is=istrt,im,20
ie = min(is + 19,im)
write (unit,9003) (i, i=is,ie)
do l=js,je,jinc
write (unit,9004) l, (array(i,l)*scaler,i=is,ie)
write (unit,'(/)')
999 format (1x,'jstrt=',i5,' jm=',i5,' in matrix')
9001 format(10i13)
9002 format(i3,10(1pe13.5))
9003 format(3x,20i6)
9004 format(1x,i3,1x,20f6.2)
end subroutine matrix
! NAME="matrix">
! Write the time stamp.
subroutine write_timestamp(Time)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time
integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec
integer :: stdoutunit
call get_date(Time, yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec)
write(stdoutunit,'(a,i4,a,i2,a,i2,1x,i2,a,i2,a,i2)' ) &
'yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss = ', yr, '/',mon,'/',day, hr, ':',min,':', sec
end subroutine write_timestamp
! NAME="min_max">
end module ocean_util_mod