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module ocean_velocity_mod
! R.C. Pacanowski
! A. Rosati
! S.M. Griffies
! M.J. Harrison
! Time step velocity field.
! This module steps the velocity field forward in time.
! Durran, Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical
! Fluid Dynamics (1999).
! R.C. Pacanowski and S.M. Griffies, The MOM3 Manual (1999).
! NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
! S.M. Griffies, R.C. Pacanowski, R.M. Schmidt, and V. Balaji
! Tracer Conservation with an Explicit Free Surface Method for
! Z-coordinate Ocean Models
! Monthly Weather Review (2001) vol 129 pages 1081--1098
! S.M. Griffies, M.J. Harrison, R.C. Pacanowski, and
! A. Rosati, A Technical Guide to MOM4 (2004).
! NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
! S.M. Griffies, Fundamentals of Ocean Climate Models (2004).
! Princeton University Press.
! S.M. Griffies (2005)
! Elements of mom4p1
! For debugging.
! Set true to write a restart. False setting only for rare
! cases where wish to benchmark model without measuring the cost
! of writing restarts and associated chksums.
! Default is write_a_restart=.true.
! When updating the velocity, this method first computes uprime
! as the updated velocity minus the barotropic pressure gradient.
! This approach is motivated from the rigid lid approach, in which
! the surface pressure was never used to update the barotropic
! fields.
! With the explicit free surface, we have the choice to
! update the full velocity field, with the barotropic contributions
! to the pressure field resulting from a time average in the
! external mode algorithm. This approach is for testing only,
! and it has been found to be unstable for many cases.
! update_velocity_via_uprime=.true. uses the older aproach,
! in which the udrho,vdrho fields are taken from the external
! mode module.
! update_velocity_via_uprime=.false. only takes the time averaged
! pressure from the external mode, and thus updates the full
! velocity and so recomputes the udrho,vdrho fields.
! Default update_velocity_via_uprime=.true.
! The case of update_velocity_via_uprime=.false. is for testing only!
! For running with time independent constant velocity.
! For use with idealized cases. Default=.false.
! For running with use_constant_velocity.
! Set the i-velocity component to this value.
! Default constant_u=0.0
! For running with use_constant_velocity.
! Set the j-velocity component to this value.
! Default constant_v=0.0
! For debugging. Will freeze the baroclinic velocity fields.
! For debugging. Will not use explicit-a part of the tendency.
! For debugging. Will not use explicit-b part of the tendency.
! For debugging. Will not use implicit part of the tendency.
! Truncate the baroclinic velocity to a maximum value. Useful for cases where
! the initial spin-up initiates spuriously large model velocities that would
! otherwise cause the model to blow-up. Also can be used as a very simple
! "polar filter" in cases where have spherical coordinates and wish to avoid
! using the traditional polar filters.
! Speed above which will truncate the baroclinic velocity
! Latitude poleward of which we truncate the velocity. Useful in cases
! when wish to truncate the velocity only in polar regions. Default is 0.0
! For verbose printout
! Maximum internal gravity wave speed--used for diagnosing conservative
! estimate of stable time steps.
! Dimensionless parameter for 2nd order Adams-Bashforth implementation of
! velocity advection. Values between 0.5 and 1.0 are recommended.
! Value of 0.5 leads to second order accurate, but it is formally
! weakly unstable (Durran, Section 2.3.4).
! For a third order treatment of the velocity advection.
! This is stable and so needs no temporal dissipation
! (Section 2.3.6 of Durran). This is the model default.
use constants_mod, only: epsln, grav
use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, send_data
use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, check_nml_error, close_file, open_namelist_file
use fms_mod, only: file_exist, FATAL, WARNING, NOTE
use fms_io_mod, only: field_size, restart_file_type, register_restart_field
use fms_io_mod, only: save_restart, restore_state, reset_field_pointer
use mpp_domains_mod, only: mpp_update_domains, mpp_global_sum, BGRID_NE, BITWISE_EXACT_SUM
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_chksum, mpp_error, mpp_pe, mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_sum
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_broadcast, stdout, stdlog
use ocean_bih_friction_mod, only: bih_friction
use ocean_coriolis_mod, only: coriolis_force, coriolis_force_implicit
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices
use ocean_form_drag_mod, only: form_drag_accel
use ocean_lap_friction_mod, only: lap_friction
use ocean_momentum_source_mod, only: momentum_source
use ocean_obc_mod, only: ocean_obc_update_boundary
use ocean_operators_mod, only: DIV_UD
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: TWO_LEVEL, THREE_LEVEL
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: missing_value, rho0r
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: DEPTH_BASED
use ocean_pressure_mod, only: pressure_force
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ocean_grid_type, ocean_thickness_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_time_steps_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_density_type, ocean_thickness_type, ocean_velocity_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_adv_vel_type, ocean_external_mode_type, ocean_options_type
use ocean_util_mod, only: write_timestamp
use ocean_velocity_advect_mod, only: horz_advection_of_velocity, vert_advection_of_velocity
use ocean_velocity_diag_mod, only: compute_vorticity, kinetic_energy, potential_energy
use ocean_vert_mix_mod, only: vert_friction, vert_friction_implicit
use ocean_workspace_mod, only: wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk1_v
implicit none
! for diagnostics
integer :: id_u(2) =-1
integer :: id_u_on_depth(2) =-1
integer :: id_usurf(2) =-1
integer :: id_ubott(2) =-1
integer :: id_vorticity_z =-1
integer :: id_speed =-1
integer :: id_accel(2) =-1
integer :: id_converge_rho_ud_t =-1
logical :: used
!for restart file
integer :: id_restart_u = 0
integer :: id_restart_v = 0
integer :: id_restart_advu = 0
integer :: id_restart_advv = 0
type(restart_file_type), save :: Vel_restart
type(restart_file_type), save :: Adv_restart
integer :: unit=6
character(len=128) :: &
version='$Id: ocean_velocity.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:42:04 nnz Exp $'
character (len=128) :: tagname = &
'$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
logical :: have_obc = .false.
real :: dtime
integer :: time_index
integer :: tendency
type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom =>NULL()
type(ocean_grid_type), pointer :: Grd =>NULL()
public ocean_velocity_init
public ocean_velocity_end
public ocean_explicit_accel_a
public ocean_explicit_accel_b
public ocean_implicit_accel
public update_ocean_velocity
public ocean_velocity_restart
private ocean_velocity_chksum
private check_gravity_wave_cfl
private velocity_truncate
private remap_s_to_depth
! Adams-Bashforth treatment of velocity advection
logical :: adams_bashforth_third = .true.
real :: adams_bashforth_epsilon = 0.6
real :: abtau_m0 = 23.0/12.0
real :: abtau_m1 = -16.0/12.0
real :: abtau_m2 = 5.0/12.0
logical :: update_velocity_via_uprime = .true.
logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
logical :: zero_tendency = .false.
logical :: zero_tendency_explicit_a = .false.
logical :: zero_tendency_explicit_b = .false.
logical :: zero_tendency_implicit = .false.
logical :: truncate_velocity = .false.
logical :: truncate_verbose = .false.
real :: truncate_velocity_lat = 0.0
real :: truncate_velocity_value = 1.0
! for idealized constant velocity situations
logical :: use_constant_velocity = .false.
real :: constant_u = 0.0
real :: constant_v = 0.0
! for CFL check on gravity waves
real :: max_cgint = 2.0 ! speed (m/s) used to compute CFL check for internal gravity waves
real :: max_dt_for_cgint ! maximum time step (s) allowed by CFL to resolve internal gravity waves
! for debugging
logical :: debug_this_module = .false.
! for writing restarts
logical :: write_a_restart = .true.
namelist /ocean_velocity_nml/ debug_this_module, write_a_restart, max_cgint, &
zero_tendency, zero_tendency_explicit_a, zero_tendency_explicit_b, zero_tendency_implicit, &
truncate_velocity, truncate_verbose, truncate_velocity_lat, truncate_velocity_value, &
adams_bashforth_third, adams_bashforth_epsilon, &
use_constant_velocity, constant_u, constant_v, &
! Initialize terms for the velocity equation.
subroutine ocean_velocity_init (Grid, Domain, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, &
Velocity, obc, debug)
type(ocean_grid_type), target, intent(in) :: Grid
type(ocean_domain_type), target, intent(in) :: Domain
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_time_steps_type), intent(in) :: Time_steps
type(ocean_options_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_options
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
logical, intent(in) :: obc
logical, optional, intent(in) :: debug
integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr
integer :: m, n
integer :: taum1, tau, taup1
integer :: tau_m0, tau_m1
integer, dimension(4) :: siz
character(len=128) :: filename
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
if ( module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error from ocean_velocity_mod (ocean_velocity_init): module already initialized')
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
have_obc = obc
tendency = Time_steps%tendency
dtime = Time_steps%dtime_u
! provide for namelist over-ride of defaults
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun, ocean_velocity_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit, ocean_velocity_nml)
write (stdlogunit, ocean_velocity_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'ocean_velocity_nml')
call close_file(ioun)
if (PRESENT(debug) .and. .not. debug_this_module) then
debug_this_module = debug
if(debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: running with debug_this_module=.true. so will print lots of checksums.'
if(.not. write_a_restart) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note: running ocean_velocity with write_a_restart=.false.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Will NOT write restart file, and so cannot restart the run.'
Dom => Domain
Grd => Grid
call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
allocate (Velocity%u(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2,3))
allocate (Velocity%smf(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2))
allocate (Velocity%bmf(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2))
allocate (Velocity%gamma(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Velocity%rossby_radius(isd:ied,jsd:jed))
allocate (Velocity%press_force(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2))
allocate (Velocity%accel(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2))
allocate (Velocity%source(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2))
allocate (Velocity%wrkv(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2))
allocate (Velocity%advection(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2,3))
allocate (Velocity%vfrict_impl(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk,2))
allocate (Velocity%lap_friction_bt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2))
allocate (Velocity%bih_friction_bt(isd:ied,jsd:jed,2))
Velocity%smf = 0.0
Velocity%bmf = 0.0
Velocity%gamma = 0.0
Velocity%rossby_radius = 1.e5
Velocity%accel = 0.0
Velocity%source = 0.0
Velocity%wrkv = 0.0
Velocity%press_force = 0.0
Velocity%advection = 0.0
Velocity%vfrict_impl = 0.0
Velocity%lap_friction_bt = 0.0
Velocity%bih_friction_bt = 0.0
! register fields for diagnostic output
id_u(1) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'u', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'i-current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/), &
id_u(2) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'v', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'j-current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/), &
id_u_on_depth(1) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'u_on_depth', Grd%vel_axes_uv_depth(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'i-current mapped to depth surface', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_u_on_depth(2) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'v_on_depth', Grd%vel_axes_uv_depth(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'j-current mapped to depth surface', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_usurf(1) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'usurf', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, &
'i-surface current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_usurf(2) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'vsurf', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, &
'j-surface current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_ubott(1) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'ubott', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, &
'i-bottom current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_ubott(2) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'vbott', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:2), Time%model_time, &
'j-bottom current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_vorticity_z = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'vorticity_z', Grd%tracer_axes(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'vertical vorticity component: v_x-u_y', '1/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e6,1e6/))
id_speed = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'speed', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'speed of horizontal current', 'm/sec', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
id_accel(1) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'accel_u', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'baroclinic forcing of rho*u', '(kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2)', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/))
id_accel(2) = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'accel_v', Grd%vel_axes_uv(1:3), Time%model_time, &
'baroclinic forcing of rho*v', '(kg/m^3)*(m^2/s^2)', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1e9,1e9/))
id_converge_rho_ud_t = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'converge_rho_ud_t', Grd%tracer_axes(1:2), &
Time%model_time,'convergence rho*ud on T cells computed in velocity_mod', &
'(kg/m^3)*(m/s)', missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-10.0,10.0/))
if (truncate_velocity) then
write (stdoutunit,'(/a)')&
'==>Warning: truncate_velocity=.true. Model will truncate baroclinc velocity'
write (stdoutunit,'(a,f5.3)')&
' so that max horz velocity magnitude is (m/s) ',truncate_velocity_value
write (stdoutunit,'(a,f8.3)') &
' Truncation occurs for regions poleward of the latitude',truncate_velocity_lat
write (stdoutunit,'(a)')&
' This option may be useful during the spin-up phase of an experiment.'
write (stdoutunit,'(a/)')&
' It is also of use for polar filtering. '
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
abtau_m0= 1.0
abtau_m1= 0.0
abtau_m2= 0.0
if(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)')'==>Note from ocean_velocity_mod: use of twolevel time_tendency'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' necessitates an Adams-Bashforth treatment of velocity advection.'
if(adams_bashforth_third) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)')' Using 3rd order Adams-Bashforth for velocity advection.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a/)')' This is the mom4 default. '
abtau_m0= 23.0/12.0
abtau_m2= 5.0/12.0
write(stdoutunit,'(/a,f8.3/)')' Using 2nd order Adams-Bashforth with dimensionless AB parameter = ', &
abtau_m0= 1.0 + adams_bashforth_epsilon
abtau_m1= 0.0 - adams_bashforth_epsilon
abtau_m2= 0.0
if(adams_bashforth_epsilon < 0.5 .or. adams_bashforth_epsilon > 1.0) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>Error from ocean_velocity_mod: adams_bashforth parameter must be between 0.5 & 1.0')
if(zero_tendency) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>zero_tendency=.true. so will not time step the baroclinic velocity field ')
Ocean_options%baroclinic_tendency = 'Did NOT time step the baroclinic velocity.'
Ocean_options%baroclinic_tendency = 'Time stepped the baroclinic velocity.'
if(zero_tendency_explicit_a) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>zero_tendency_explicit_a=.true. so will not include explicit_a velocity tendency ')
if(zero_tendency_explicit_b) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>zero_tendency_explicit_b=.true. so will not include explicit_b velocity tendency ')
if(zero_tendency_implicit) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>zero_tendency_implicit=.true. so will not include implicit part of the velocity tendency ')
if(update_velocity_via_uprime) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>update_velocity_via_uprime=.true., so keep udrho from external mode solver.')
call mpp_error(WARNING, &
'==>update_velocity_via_uprime=.false., so recompute udrho after updating full velocity. For testing only!')
if(use_constant_velocity) then
call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'==>use_constant_velocity=.true. so will hold the velocity to a constant.')
Ocean_options%baroclinic_tendency = 'Did NOT time step velocity; kept it = constant.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a)') &
'==>Note from ocean_velocity_init: velocity fixed at (u,v)(m/s) = (',constant_u,',',constant_v,')'
call check_gravity_wave_cfl()
taum1 = Time%taum1
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
tau_m1 = Time%tau_m1
tau_m0 = Time%tau_m0
! initialize to small but nonzero velocity
do m=1,3
do n=1,2
Velocity%u(:,:,:,n,m) = epsln*Grd%umask(:,:,:)
if(use_constant_velocity) then
do m=1,3
Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,m) = constant_u*Grd%umask(:,:,:)
Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,m) = constant_v*Grd%umask(:,:,:)
filename = 'ocean_velocity.res.nc'
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
id_restart_u = register_restart_field(Vel_restart, filename,'u',Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), &
Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), Dom%domain2d)
id_restart_v = register_restart_field(Vel_restart, filename,'v',Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), &
Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), Dom%domain2d )
elseif (tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
id_restart_u = register_restart_field(Vel_restart, filename,'u',Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), &
Dom%domain2d )
id_restart_v = register_restart_field(Vel_restart, filename,'v',Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), &
Dom%domain2d )
filename = 'ocean_velocity_advection.res.nc'
id_restart_advu = register_restart_field(Adv_restart, filename,'advectionu',Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m1),&
Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m0), Dom%domain2d )
id_restart_advv = register_restart_field(Adv_restart, filename,'advectionv',Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m1),&
Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m0), Dom%domain2d )
end if
filename = 'INPUT/ocean_velocity.res.nc'
if (file_exist(trim(filename))) then
!--- read restart file data by calling restore_state
call restore_state(Vel_restart)
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Reading THREE_LEVEL restart for velocity from INPUT/ocean_velocity.res.nc'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Expecting two time records for each restart field.'
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau),&
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1),&
if(have_obc) then
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'M','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'M','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'Z','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'Z','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), 'M','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), 'M','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), 'Z','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), 'Z','n')
elseif (tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
write (stdoutunit,'(/a)') ' Reading TWO_LEVEL restart for velocity from INPUT/ocean_velocity.res.nc'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Expecting only one time record for each restart field.'
call field_size(filename,'u', siz)
if (siz(4) > 1) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') &
'==>ERROR: Attempt to read ocean_velocity.res.nc from a 3-level time scheme (2 time records)'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
' when running mom4 with 2-level timestepping (only need 1 time record in restart).'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
' Reduce restart file to a single time record in order to avoid confusion.'
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'Reading 3-time lev ocean_velocity.res.nc (w/ 2 time records) while using 2-lev (needs only 1 record)')
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1),&
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Finished reading restart for velocity field'
if(.not. Time%init) then
write (stdoutunit,'(/a)') ' Reading TWO_LEVEL restart from INPUT/ocean_velocity_advection.res.nc'
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Expecting two time records for the advection velocity fields.'
call restore_state(Adv_restart)
write (stdoutunit,'(a)') ' Finished reading restart for velocity advection operator'
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m1),Dom%domain2d)
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m0),Dom%domain2d)
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m1),Dom%domain2d)
call mpp_update_domains(Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m0),Dom%domain2d)
if(have_obc) then
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'M','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'M','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'Z','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'Z','n')
if (Time%init) then
call mpp_error(NOTE,&
'==> From ocean_velocity_mod: Initializing velocity to zero since Time%init=.true. &
&and did not find INPUT/ocean_velocity.res.nc.')
if (.NOT. Time%init) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==> Error from ocean_velocity_mod: Expecting INPUT/ocean_velocity.res.nc to exist.&
&This file was not found and Time%init=.false.')
write(stdoutunit,*)' '
write(stdoutunit,*) '===Initial velocity checksums ==>'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: initial velocity chksum (tau)'
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, tau, write_advection=.false.)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: initial velocity chksum (taup1)'
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.false.)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: initial velocity chksum (taup1)'
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.true.)
end subroutine ocean_velocity_init
! NAME="ocean_velocity_init"
! Check CFL for internal gravity waves.
subroutine check_gravity_wave_cfl()
logical :: cfl_error=.false.
real :: gridsp, dtcg, max_dt_for_cgint0
real :: cfl_grid_factor, dtuv
integer :: i, j, icg, jcg
integer :: stdlogunit
! estimate the maximum timestep allowable for resolving internal gravity waves
if(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
dtuv = dtime
elseif(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
dtuv = 0.5*dtime
icg = isc; jcg = jsc; gridsp = 1.0e20; max_dt_for_cgint = 1.0e6
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if (Grd%kmu(i,j) > 0) then
gridsp = 1.0/(Grd%dxu(i,j)*Grd%dxu(i,j)) + 1.0/(Grd%dyu(i,j)*Grd%dyu(i,j))
gridsp = sqrt(1.0/gridsp)
dtcg = cfl_grid_factor*gridsp/(epsln+max_cgint)
if (dtcg < max_dt_for_cgint) then
max_dt_for_cgint = dtcg; icg = i; jcg = j
max_dt_for_cgint = nint(max_dt_for_cgint)
max_dt_for_cgint = max_dt_for_cgint + 0.001*mpp_pe() ! to separate redundancies
max_dt_for_cgint0 = max_dt_for_cgint
call mpp_min (max_dt_for_cgint)
! show the most unstable location for baroclinic gravity waves
if (max_dt_for_cgint == max_dt_for_cgint0 .and. nint(dtuv) > 0) then
if (dtuv <= max_dt_for_cgint) then
write (unit,'(/a,i4,a,i4,a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a)') &
' Baroclinic time step stability most nearly violated at U-cell (i,j) = (',&
icg+Dom%ioff,',',jcg+Dom%joff,'), (lon,lat) = (',Grd%xu(icg,jcg),',',Grd%yu(icg,jcg),').'
write(unit,'(a,i6)') ' The number of kmu-levels at this point is ',Grd%kmu(icg,jcg)
write(unit,'(a,e12.6)') ' The dxu grid distance (m) at this point is ',Grd%dxu(icg,jcg)
write(unit,'(a,e12.6)') ' The dyu grid distance (m) at this point is ',Grd%dyu(icg,jcg)
write (unit,'(/a,i4,a,i4,a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a)') &
'==>Error: Baroclinic time step stability violated at U-cell (i,j) = (',&
icg+Dom%ioff,',',jcg+Dom%joff,'), (lon,lat) = (',Grd%xu(icg,jcg),',',Grd%yu(icg,jcg),').'
write(unit,'(a,i6)') ' The number of kmu-levels at this point is ',Grd%kmu(icg,jcg)
write(unit,'(a,e12.6)') ' The dxu grid distance (m) at this point is ',Grd%dxu(icg,jcg)
write(unit,'(a,e12.6)') ' The dyu grid distance (m) at this point is ',Grd%dyu(icg,jcg)
write (unit,'(a,f5.2,a/a,f6.0,a,f6.0,a)')&
' Due to a specified maximum baroclinic gravity wave speed of ',max_cgint,' m/s.',&
' "dtuv" must be less than ',max_dt_for_cgint,' sec. "dtuv" = ', dtuv,' sec.'
if(cfl_error) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error: time step instability detected for baroclinic gravity waves in ocean_model_mod')
write (stdlogunit,'(/a/)') &
' Note: A more appropriate maximum baroclinic gravity wave speed can be specified via namelist.'
max_dt_for_cgint = nint(max_dt_for_cgint)
end subroutine check_gravity_wave_cfl
! NAME="check_gravity_wave_cfl"
! Time explicit contributions to thickness weighted and density
! weighted acceleration.
! Omit here the Coriolis force and vertical friction.
! They are omitted in order to facilitate the construction of the
! vertically integrated forcing of the barotropic dynamics.
! They will be added later in ocean_explicit_accel_b.
subroutine ocean_explicit_accel_a(Velocity, Time, Adv_vel, Thickness, Dens, &
rho, pme, river, upme, uriver)
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_adv_vel_type), intent(in) :: Adv_vel
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
type(ocean_density_type), intent(in) :: Dens
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: rho
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: pme
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: river
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: upme
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: uriver
integer :: i, j, k, n
integer :: taum1, tau, taup1
integer :: tau_m0, tau_m1, tau_m2
integer :: stdoutunit
taum1 = Time%taum1
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
tau_m2 = Time%tau_m2
tau_m1 = Time%tau_m1
tau_m0 = Time%tau_m0
! initialize to zero
do n=1,2
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) = 0.0
Velocity%source(i,j,k,n) = 0.0
Velocity%press_force(i,j,k,n) = 0.0
Velocity%advection(i,j,k,n,tau_m0) = 0.0
if (.not. zero_tendency .and. .not. zero_tendency_explicit_a) then
! fill Velocity%advection(tau_m0)
call horz_advection_of_velocity(Time, Thickness, Adv_vel, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
call vert_advection_of_velocity(Time, Adv_vel, Velocity, &
pme, river, upme, uriver, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
do n=1,2
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) = -abtau_m0*Velocity%advection(i,j,k,n,tau_m0) &
-abtau_m1*Velocity%advection(i,j,k,n,tau_m1) &
! include contribution from horizontal pressure gradient
call pressure_force(Time, Thickness, Dens, Velocity, rho(:,:,:))
do n=1,2
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) = Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) + Velocity%press_force(i,j,k,n)
! compute horizontal friction and add to Velocity%accel
call lap_friction(Time, Thickness, Adv_vel, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
call bih_friction(Time, Thickness, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
! compute momentum source/sinks and add to Velocity%accel
call momentum_source(Time, Thickness, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
! compute parameterized form drag and add to Velocity%accel
call form_drag_accel(Time, Thickness, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
if (debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: acceleration chksums'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'explicit accel_a(1) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'explicit accel_a(2) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
end subroutine ocean_explicit_accel_a
! NAME="ocean_explicit_accel_a"
! Add the contributions from the Coriolis force, computed explicitly
! in time, and those from explicit vertical friction. Add these to
! the thickness weighted and density weighted acceleration.
! Note: no visc_cbu_form_drag is included here, since it must
! be handled via implicit vertical friction to maintain stability
! for general cases.
subroutine ocean_explicit_accel_b(visc_cbu, Time, Thickness, Velocity)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: visc_cbu
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
integer :: stdoutunit
if (.not. zero_tendency .and. .not. zero_tendency_explicit_b) then
call vert_friction(Time, Thickness, Velocity, visc_cbu, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
call coriolis_force(Time, Thickness, Velocity, energy_analysis_step=.false.)
if (debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: explicit acceleration chksums'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel_b(1) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel_b(2) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
end subroutine ocean_explicit_accel_b
! NAME="ocean_explicit_accel_b"
! Add the time implicit contributions from the Coriolis force
! and vertical friction. Add these to the thickness weighted
! and density weighted acceleration.
! Note the contribution from visc_cbu_form_drag is used for
! implicit vertical friction.
subroutine ocean_implicit_accel(visc_cbu, visc_cbu_form_drag, Time, Thickness, Velocity)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: visc_cbu
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:,:), intent(in) :: visc_cbu_form_drag
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
integer :: stdoutunit
if (.not. zero_tendency .and. .not. zero_tendency_implicit) then
call vert_friction_implicit(visc_cbu, visc_cbu_form_drag, Time, Thickness, Velocity)
call coriolis_force_implicit(Time, Velocity)
if (debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: acceleration chksums after implicit update'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel(1) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel(2) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
! since implicit_accel is the last piece of accel computed, it is
! time to now output the full acceleration to diagnostics manager.
if (id_accel(1) > 0) used = send_data(id_accel(1), Velocity%accel(:,:,:,1), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
if (id_accel(2) > 0) used = send_data(id_accel(2), Velocity%accel(:,:,:,2), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
end subroutine ocean_implicit_accel
! NAME="ocean_implicit_accel"
! Update velocity components.
! There are two general methods available.
! 1/ update baroclinic velocity; then add (udrho,vdrho) from external
! mode algorithm to get the full velocity field. This method is
! analogous to the older approach with the rigid lid.
! 2/ update the full velocity, so there is no need to introduce the
! intermediate step with the baroclinic velocity. To remain stable,
! we must use the time filtered barotropic pressure gradient.
! We then diagnose the vertically integrated horizontal momentum
! (udrho,vdrho) and its convergence, since these fields are needed
! elsewhere.
subroutine update_ocean_velocity(Time, Thickness, barotropic_split, &
vert_coordinate_class, Ext_mode, Velocity)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
integer, intent(in) :: barotropic_split
integer, intent(in) :: vert_coordinate_class
type(ocean_external_mode_type), intent(inout) :: Ext_mode
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: tmp
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: tmpu
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: tmpv
integer :: i, j, k, kbot, n
integer :: taum1, tau, taup1
integer :: stdoutunit
taum1 = Time%taum1
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
tmp = 0.0
if (barotropic_split > 1 .and. update_velocity_via_uprime) then
do n=1,2
! compute uprime
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1) = Thickness%rho_dzur(i,j,k) &
*(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taum1)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taum1) &
+dtime*Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n)*Grd%umask(i,j,k) )
! sum uprime*rho_dzu
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
tmp(i,j) = tmp(i,j) &
! (vertical mean) - (value from barotropic integration)
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
tmp(i,j) = Grd%umask(i,j,1)*(tmp(i,j)-Ext_mode%udrho(i,j,n,taup1)) &
! replace vertical mean with value from barotropic integration to update velocity
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1) = (Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1)-tmp(i,j))*Grd%umask(i,j,k)
enddo ! finish the n=1,2 do-loop
! update full velocity directly with the full pressure gradient.
! barotropic contribution to pressure gradient is time averaged
! if barotropic_split>1. Unless dtuv is very small, this approach
! can be rather unstable. User beware!
do n=1,2
if(vert_coordinate_class==DEPTH_BASED) then
! include gradient of surface pressure
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1) = &
(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taum1)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taum1) &
+dtime*(Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) &
-rho0r*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,tau)*Ext_mode%grad_ps(i,j,n)*Grd%umask(i,j,k))) &
! include gradient of bottom pressure
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1) = &
(Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,taum1)*Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taum1) &
+dtime*(Velocity%accel(i,j,k,n) &
-rho0r*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,k,tau)*Ext_mode%grad_anompb(i,j,n)*Grd%umask(i,j,k))) &
! diagnose vertically integrated horizontal momentum
Ext_mode%udrho(:,:,n,taup1) = 0.0
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
Ext_mode%udrho(i,j,n,taup1) = Ext_mode%udrho(i,j,n,taup1) &
enddo ! end for n=1,2
! fill halos for vertically integrated horizontal momentum
call mpp_update_domains (Ext_mode%udrho(:,:,1,taup1),Ext_mode%udrho(:,:,2,taup1), &
Dom%domain2d, gridtype=BGRID_NE)
! construct convergence of udrho at (tau+1)
Ext_mode%conv_rho_ud_t(:,:,taup1) = -DIV_UD(Ext_mode%udrho(:,:,:,taup1))
call mpp_update_domains (Ext_mode%conv_rho_ud_t(:,:,taup1), Dom%domain2d)
endif ! endif for splitting or uprime method
! override above update of velocity in the case of zero tendency
if(zero_tendency) then
Velocity%u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,:,taup1) = Velocity%u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,:,tau)
! for debugging
do n=1,2
if(truncate_velocity) then
call velocity_truncate(n, taup1, Velocity)
if (debug_this_module .and. n==2) then
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From update_ocean_velocity at the u-prime step'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel(1) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'accel(2) = ',mpp_chksum(Velocity%accel(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'rho_dzu(taup1) = ',mpp_chksum(Thickness%rho_dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taup1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'rho_dzu(taum1) = ',mpp_chksum(Thickness%rho_dzu(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,taum1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'rho_dzur = ',mpp_chksum(Thickness%rho_dzur(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'udrho(1) = ',mpp_chksum(Ext_mode%udrho(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1,taup1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'udrho(2) = ',mpp_chksum(Ext_mode%udrho(isc:iec,jsc:jec,2,taup1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'mass_u = ',mpp_chksum(Thickness%mass_u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,taup1))
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taum1, write_advection=.false.)
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.false.)
!--- update velocity at the global halo points to make the gradient 0 across boundary
if(have_obc) then
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'M','n')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'M','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1), 'Z','t')
call ocean_obc_update_boundary(Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1), 'Z','n')
if (debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,*) ' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From update_ocean_velocity: velocity(taup1) chksum'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.false.)
! send diagnostics to diagnostics manager
if (id_u(1) > 0) used = send_data (id_u(1), Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
if (id_u(2) > 0) used = send_data (id_u(2), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
if (id_usurf(1) > 0) used = send_data (id_usurf(1), Velocity%u(:,:,1,1,tau), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if (id_usurf(2) > 0) used = send_data (id_usurf(2), Velocity%u(:,:,1,2,tau), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if (id_converge_rho_ud_t > 0) used = send_data (id_converge_rho_ud_t, Ext_mode%conv_rho_ud_t(:,:,tau), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%tmask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if(id_speed > 0) then
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
wrk1(i,j,k) = sqrt(Velocity%u(i,j,k,1,tau)**2 + Velocity%u(i,j,k,2,tau)**2)
used = send_data (id_speed, wrk1(:,:,:), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
if(id_ubott(1) > 0 .or. id_ubott(2) > 0) then
tmpu = 0.0 ; tmpv = 0.0
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
kbot = Grd%kmu(i,j)
if(kbot > 1) then
tmpu(i,j) = Velocity%u(i,j,kbot,1,tau)
tmpv(i,j) = Velocity%u(i,j,kbot,2,tau)
if (id_ubott(1) > 0) used = send_data (id_ubott(1), tmpu(:,:), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if (id_ubott(2) > 0) used = send_data (id_ubott(2), tmpv(:,:), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%umask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if(id_vorticity_z > 0) then
call compute_vorticity(Time, Velocity, wrk1)
used = send_data (id_vorticity_z, wrk1(:,:,:), &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%tmask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
if(id_u_on_depth(1) > 0) then
call remap_s_to_depth(Thickness, Time, Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), 1)
if(id_u_on_depth(2) > 0) then
call remap_s_to_depth(Thickness, Time, Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), 2)
end subroutine update_ocean_velocity
! NAME="update_ocean_velocity"
! Write out restart files registered through register_restart_file
subroutine ocean_velocity_restart(Time, Velocity, time_stamp)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(in) :: Velocity
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: time_stamp
integer :: tau, taup1, tau_m1, tau_m0
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
tau_m1 = Time%tau_m1
tau_m0 = Time%tau_m0
! resetting the pointer to data
if(tendency == THREE_LEVEL) then
call reset_field_pointer(Vel_restart, id_restart_u, Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,tau), Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1) )
call reset_field_pointer(Vel_restart, id_restart_v, Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,tau), Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1) )
elseif (tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
call reset_field_pointer(Vel_restart, id_restart_u, Velocity%u(:,:,:,1,taup1) )
call reset_field_pointer(Vel_restart, id_restart_v, Velocity%u(:,:,:,2,taup1) )
end if
call save_restart(Vel_restart, time_stamp)
if(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
call reset_field_pointer(Adv_restart, id_restart_advu, Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m1), &
Velocity%advection(:,:,:,1,tau_m0) )
call reset_field_pointer(Adv_restart, id_restart_advv, Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m1), &
Velocity%advection(:,:,:,2,tau_m0) )
call save_restart(Adv_restart, time_stamp)
end if
end subroutine ocean_velocity_restart
! NAME="ocean_velocity_restart"
! Write the velocity field to a restart
subroutine ocean_velocity_end(Time, Velocity)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(in) :: Velocity
integer :: tau, taup1
integer :: tau_m0, tau_m1
integer :: stdoutunit
tau = Time%tau
taup1 = Time%taup1
tau_m1 = Time%tau_m1
tau_m0 = Time%tau_m0
call ocean_velocity_restart(Time, Velocity)
if(tendency==THREE_LEVEL) then
write(stdoutunit,*)' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: ending velocity chksum (tau)'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, tau, write_advection=.false.)
write(stdoutunit,*)' '
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: ending velocity chksum (taup1)'
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.false.)
elseif(tendency==TWO_LEVEL) then
write(stdoutunit,*)' '
write(stdoutunit,*) 'From ocean_velocity_mod: ending velocity chksum (taup1)'
call write_timestamp(Time%model_time)
call ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, taup1, write_advection=.true.)
end subroutine ocean_velocity_end
! NAME="ocean_velocity_end"
! Truncate velocity so that either component
! has magnitude no larger than nml specified value.
subroutine velocity_truncate(n, taup1, Velocity)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(in) :: taup1
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(inout) :: Velocity
logical :: velocity_truncated
integer :: i,j,k
integer :: stdoutunit
velocity_truncated = .false.
wrk1 = 0.0
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if ( abs(Grd%yu(i,j)) >= truncate_velocity_lat &
.and. abs(Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1)) > truncate_velocity_value) then
wrk1(i,j,k) = Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1)
Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1) = sign(truncate_velocity_value,Velocity%u(i,j,k,n,taup1))
velocity_truncated = .true.
if(truncate_verbose .and. velocity_truncated) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') ' Summary of baroclinic velocity truncation points'
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
if (abs(wrk1(i,j,k)) > 0.0) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a,i1,a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,e12.3,a,f12.3,a,f12.3,a,i4)') &
'Truncated b/c velocity(' &
,n,': ',i+Dom%ioff,',',j+Dom%joff,',',k,') = ',wrk1(i,j,k) &
,' (m/s) at (lon,lat,klev) = ',Grd%xu(i,j), ',', Grd%yu(i,j), ',', Grd%kmu(i,j)
end subroutine velocity_truncate
! NAME="velocity_truncate"
! Compute checksum for velocity components
subroutine ocean_velocity_chksum(Velocity, index, write_advection)
type(ocean_velocity_type), intent(in) :: Velocity
integer, intent(in) :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: write_advection
logical :: writeadvection
integer :: stdoutunit
if(.not. write_a_restart) then
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') '==>Warning from ocean_velocity_mod (ocean_velocity_end): NO restart written.'
call mpp_error(WARNING,'==>Warning from ocean_velocity_mod (ocean_velocity_end): NO restart written.')
if (PRESENT(write_advection)) then
writeadvection = write_advection
writeadvection = .true.
wrk1_v = 0.0
wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1) = Velocity%u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1,index)*Grd%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)
wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2) = Velocity%u(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2,index)*Grd%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'Zonal velocity chksum = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'Meridional velocity chksum = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
if(tendency==TWO_LEVEL .and. writeadvection) then
wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1) = Velocity%advection(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1,index)*Grd%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)
wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2) = Velocity%advection(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2,index)*Grd%umask(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:)
write(stdoutunit,*) 'Advection of u chksum = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,1))
write(stdoutunit,*) 'Advection of v chksum = ', mpp_chksum(wrk1_v(isc:iec,jsc:jec,:,2))
end subroutine ocean_velocity_chksum
! NAME="ocean_velocity_chksum"
! Remap in the vertical from s-coordinate to depth and then send to
! diagnostic manager.
! This routine is mostly of use for terrain following vertical
! coordinates, which generally deviate a lot from depth or pressure
! coordinates. The zstar and pstar coordinates are very similar
! to z or pressure, so there is no need to do the remapping for
! purposes of visualization.
! The routine needs to be made more general and faster.
! It also has been found to be problematic, so it is NOT
! recommended. It remains here as a template for a better algorithm.
! Remapping methods in Ferret are much better.
! Use rho_dzu weighting to account for nonBoussinesq.
! Author: Stephen.Griffies@noaa.gov
subroutine remap_s_to_depth(Thickness, Time, array_in, nvelocity)
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:,:) :: array_in
integer, intent(in) :: nvelocity
integer :: i, j, k, kk, tau
tau = Time%tau
wrk1 = 0.0
wrk2 = 0.0
wrk3 = 0.0
do kk=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,kk) < Grd%zw(k)) then
wrk1(i,j,k) = wrk1(i,j,k) + array_in(i,j,kk)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
wrk2(i,j,k) = wrk2(i,j,k) + Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
do k=1,nk-1
do kk=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Grd%zw(k) <= Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,kk) .and. Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,kk) < Grd%zw(k+1)) then
wrk1(i,j,k+1) = wrk1(i,j,k+1) + array_in(i,j,kk)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
wrk2(i,j,k+1) = wrk2(i,j,k+1) + Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
do kk=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
if(Thickness%depth_zu(i,j,kk) > Grd%zw(k) ) then
wrk1(i,j,k) = wrk1(i,j,k) + array_in(i,j,kk)*Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
wrk2(i,j,k) = wrk2(i,j,k) + Thickness%rho_dzu(i,j,kk,tau)
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
wrk3(i,j,k) = Grd%umask_depth(i,j,k)*wrk1(i,j,k)/(wrk2(i,j,k)+epsln)
used = send_data (id_u_on_depth(nvelocity), wrk3(:,:,:), &
Time%model_time,rmask=Grd%umask_depth(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
end subroutine remap_s_to_depth
! NAME="remap_s_to_depth"
end module ocean_velocity_mod