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module ocean_frazil_mod
! Stephen Griffies
! David Jackett
! This module computes the heating of seawater due to
! frazil ice formation.
! Frazil can generally form at any vertical level, although
! it is common for climate models to assume it is formed
! only at k=1. In this case, pressure is assumed to be
! atmospheric for purposes of computing the freezing
! temperature of seawater.
! The freezing temperature of seawater is computed one of two
! possible ways:
! (1) simple way uses a linear function of salinity
! and assumes zero (i.e. atmospheric) pressure,
! tfreeze(deg C) = a1*salinity(psu)
! with a1 = -0.054
! (2) accurate way uses a nonlinear function of
! salinity(psu) and gauge pressure(dbar), where
! gauge pressure=absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar.
! tfreeze (deg C) = tf_num/tf_den
! tf_num = a0 + s*(a1 + sqrt(s)*(a2 + sqrt(s)*a3)) + p*(a4 + p*(a5 + s*a6))
! tf_dem = b0 + p*(b1 + p*b2) + s*s*sqrt(s)*b3
! check value : fp_theta(35,200,'air-sat') = -2.076426227617581 deg C
! fp_theta(35,200,'air-free') = -2.074408175943127 deg C
! This method results in a more accurate freezing
! temperature than the simpler approach. It is also
! important for ice-shelf modelling to include a
! pressure dependence when the shelf penetrates
! into the water column.
! "Updated algorithms for density, potential temperature,
! conservative temperature and freezing temperature of
! seawater", Jackett, McDougall, Feistel, Wright, and Griffies
! Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, in press 2005.
! If true, then compute frazil heating.
! For debugging this module
! This factor accounts for possibly different time stepping used
! in the sea ice model relative to the ocean model. If sea-ice
! and ocean use same time stepping schemes, then frazil_factor=1.0.
! If sea-ice uses a twolevel scheme and ocean a threelevel leap-frog,
! then frazil_factor=0.5. Default is 1.0 since the GFDL sea ice model
! SIS uses a two-level time stepping scheme and mom4 defaults to
! a staggered two-level scheme.
! To use the simplefied freezing point temperature of seawater,
! as used in mom4p0. This is the default, since it is
! the equation used in the GFDL ice model.
! To use the accurate freezing point temperature of seawater,
! which is a nonlinear function of salinity and pressure.
! This equation is recommended for use with ice-shelf modelling.
! For typical case where compute frazil heating only in
! the surface grid cell. Will assume the gauge
! pressure is zero in this case when computing freezing
! temperature.
use constants_mod, only: epsln
use diag_manager_mod, only: register_diag_field, send_data
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file
use fms_mod, only: FATAL, NOTE, stdout, stdlog
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: missing_value, cp_ocean
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: TWO_LEVEL, THREE_LEVEL
use ocean_tpm_util_mod, only: otpm_set_diag_tracer
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_grid_type, ocean_domain_type, ocean_thickness_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_time_steps_type, ocean_options_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_type, ocean_diag_tracer_type
implicit none
logical :: module_initialized = .false.
character(len=256) :: version='CVS $$'
character(len=256) :: tagname='Tag $Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
type(ocean_grid_type), pointer :: Grd =>NULL()
type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom =>NULL()
integer :: index_frazil=-1
integer :: index_temp=-1
integer :: index_salt=-1
integer :: tendency
real :: dtimer
! for diagnostics
logical :: used
integer :: id_frazil_2d=-1
integer :: id_frazil_3d=-1
! for ascii output
integer :: unit=6
! coefficients in freezing temperature
real :: a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6
real :: b0, b1, b2, b3
real :: c1, c2
public compute_frazil_heating
public ocean_frazil_init
! nml defaults
logical :: use_this_module = .false.
logical :: debug_this_module = .false.
logical :: freezing_temp_simple = .false.
logical :: freezing_temp_accurate = .false.
logical :: air_saturated_water = .true.
logical :: frazil_only_in_surface = .true.
real :: frazil_factor = 1.0
namelist /ocean_frazil_nml/ use_this_module, debug_this_module, &
freezing_temp_simple, freezing_temp_accurate, &
frazil_factor, air_saturated_water, frazil_only_in_surface
! Initialization code for the frazil diagnostic tracer.
subroutine ocean_frazil_init (Domain, Grid, Time, Time_steps, Ocean_options, &
itemp, isalt, debug)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Domain
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in), target :: Grid
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_time_steps_type), intent(in) :: Time_steps
type(ocean_options_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_options
integer, intent(in) :: itemp
integer, intent(in) :: isalt
logical, intent(in), optional :: debug
integer :: ierr, ioun, io_status
real :: s, sqrts, press
real :: tf_num, tf_den
real :: tfreeze, tfreeze_check
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
if (module_initialized) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error: ocean_frazil_mod: module already initialized')
write( stdlogunit,'(/a/)') trim(version)
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun, ocean_frazil_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit, ocean_frazil_nml)
write (stdlogunit, ocean_frazil_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'ocean_frazil_nml')
call close_file (ioun)
if(.not. use_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: NOT running with frazil. Be sure there is no frazil entry in field_table.'
call mpp_error(NOTE, '==>Note: ocean_frazil_mod: NOT using frazil heating.')
Ocean_options%frazil_ice = 'Did NOT use frazil ice formation.'
Ocean_options%frazil_ice = 'Allowed for the formation of frazil ice.'
if (PRESENT(debug) .and. .not. debug_this_module) then
debug_this_module = debug
call mpp_error(NOTE, '==>Note from ocean_frazil_mod: USING frazil heating.')
if(debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note: running with debug_this_module=.true.'
if(freezing_temp_simple) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: Using simple equation for seawater freezing temperature.'
if(freezing_temp_accurate) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: Using accurate equation for seawater freezing temperature.'
if(air_saturated_water) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'==>Note: Assuming seawater is saturated w/ air for freezing temperature calculation.'
if(.not. freezing_temp_simple .and. .not. freezing_temp_accurate) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'==>Error from ocean_frazil_mod: Choose a freezing equation for frazil heating.')
if(frazil_only_in_surface) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'Assuming that frazil forms only in the surface(k=1) ocean grid cell.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') &
'Setting gauge pressure to zero when computing seawater freezing temperature.'
index_frazil = otpm_set_diag_tracer('frazil', &
caller='ocean_frazil_mod/ocean_frazil_init', &
longname='frazil heating', units='J/m^2', &
conversion=1.0, offset=0.0, min_tracer=0.0, max_tracer=1.e20, &
min_range=-10.0, max_range=100.0, const_init_tracer=.true.,const_init_value=0.0, &
restart_file='ocean_frazil.res.nc' )
tendency = Time_steps%tendency
dtimer = 1.0/(Time_steps%dtime_t + epsln)
index_salt = isalt
index_temp = itemp
Grd => Grid
Dom => Domain
call get_local_indices(Dom, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
write(stdoutunit,'(/a,f5.2)') '==>Note from ocean_frazil_mod: using frazil_factor= ',frazil_factor
if(tendency ==TWO_LEVEL .and. frazil_factor==0.5) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>ocean_sbc_mod: with 2-level tendencies for mom4 and SIS, set frazil_factor==1.0 ')
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') &
'==>Error in ocean_sbc_mod: SIS is two-time ice level model. You are also running'
write(stdoutunit,'(a) ') &
' mom4 with two-time level scheme. In this case, frazil_factor==1.0 must be set.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a/) ')&
' With another ice model w/ different time stepping, set frazil_factor accordingly.'
if(tendency ==THREE_LEVEL .and. frazil_factor==1.0) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,&
'==>ocean_frazil_mod: with 3-level tendency for mom4 and 2-level for SIS, set frazil_factor==.50 ')
write(stdoutunit,'(/a)') &
'==>Error in ocean_sbc_mod: SIS is two-time level ice model. You are running mom4'
write(stdoutunit,'(a) ') &
' with three-time level leap-frog. In this case, frazil_factor==.50 should be set.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a/) ') &
' With another ice model w/ different time stepping, set frazil_factor accordingly.'
! coefficients in the freezing point of seawater
! assume prognostic temperature variable is potential temp
a0 = 2.5180516744541290e-03
a1 = -5.8545863698926184e-02
a2 = 2.2979985780124325e-03
a3 = -3.0086338218235500e-04
a4 = -7.0023530029351803e-04
a5 = 8.4149607219833806e-09
a6 = 1.1845857563107403e-11
b0 = 1.0000000000000000e+00
b1 = -3.8493266309172074e-05
b2 = 9.1686537446749641e-10
b3 = 1.3632481944285909e-06
if(air_saturated_water) then
c1 = -2.5180516744541290e-03
c2 = 1.428571428571429e-05
tfreeze_check = -2.076426227617581
c1 = 0.0
c2 = 0.0
tfreeze_check = -2.074408175943127
if( freezing_temp_simple) then
a1 = -0.054
s = 35.0
press = 200.0
sqrts = sqrt(s)
tf_num = a0 + s*(a1 + sqrts*(a2 + sqrts*a3)) + press*(a4 + press*(a5 + s*a6))
tf_den = b0 + press*(b1 + press*b2) + s*s*sqrts*b3
tfreeze = tf_num/tf_den + (c1 + s*c2)
write(stdoutunit,'(a,e24.16)')'Check value for freezing temperature(C) at (35psu,200dbar) = ',tfreeze
write(stdoutunit,'(a,e24.16)')'This value differs from published check value by ', tfreeze-tfreeze_check
! when ice forms only in k=1 cell, only require frazil saved as 2d field
id_frazil_2d = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'frazil_2d', Grd%tracer_axes(1:2), &
Time%model_time, 'ocn frazil heat flux over time step', 'W/m^2',&
missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e10,1.e10/))
! when ice forms at any depth, require frazil to be saved as 3d field
id_frazil_3d = register_diag_field ('ocean_model', 'frazil_3d', Grd%tracer_axes(1:3), &
Time%model_time, 'ocn frazil heat flux over time step', 'W/m^2',&
missing_value=missing_value, range=(/-1.e10,1.e10/))
end subroutine ocean_frazil_init
! NAME="ocean_frazil_init">
! Compute ocean heating due to formation of frazil-ice (Joules/m^2)
! Note that "frazil_factor" accounts for possibly different time
! stepping used in ocean model and the sea ice model. With mom4
! using a leap-frog, and the GFDL ocean model SIS using forward,
! then frazil_factor=0.5. If use recommended tendency=twolevel
! in mom4, then frazil_factor=1.0
subroutine compute_frazil_heating (Time, Thickness, pressure_at_depth, T_prog, T_diag)
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: pressure_at_depth
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: T_prog(:)
type(ocean_diag_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: T_diag(:)
integer :: i,j,k
integer :: taup1
real :: tf_num, tf_den, tfreeze
real :: s, sqrts
real :: press
if(.not. use_this_module) return
taup1 = Time%taup1
if(freezing_temp_simple) then
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = 0.0
if(Grd%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then
tfreeze = a1*T_prog(index_salt)%field(i,j,k,taup1)
if(T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) < tfreeze) then
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = &
(tfreeze-T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1)) &
T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) = tfreeze
if(frazil_only_in_surface) then
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = 0.0
if(Grd%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then
s = T_prog(index_salt)%field(i,j,k,taup1)
sqrts = sqrt(s)
tf_num = a0 + s*(a1 + sqrts*(a2 + sqrts*a3))
tf_den = b0 + s*s*sqrts*b3
tfreeze = tf_num/tf_den + (c1 + s*c2)
if(T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) < tfreeze) then
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = &
(tfreeze-T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1)) &
T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) = tfreeze
do k=1,nk
do j=jsc,jec
do i=isc,iec
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = 0.0
if(Grd%tmask(i,j,k) > 0.0) then
s = T_prog(index_salt)%field(i,j,k,taup1)
press = pressure_at_depth(i,j,k)
sqrts = sqrt(s)
tf_num = a0 + s*(a1 + sqrts*(a2 + sqrts*a3)) + press*(a4 + press*(a5 + s*a6))
tf_den = b0 + press*(b1 + press*b2) + s*s*sqrts*b3
tfreeze = tf_num/tf_den + (c1 + s*c2)
if(T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) < tfreeze) then
T_diag(index_frazil)%field(i,j,k) = &
(tfreeze-T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1)) &
T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,taup1) = tfreeze
if (id_frazil_2d > 0) then
used = send_data(id_frazil_2d, T_diag(index_frazil)%field(:,:,1)*dtimer, &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%tmask(:,:,1), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec)
if (id_frazil_3d > 0) then
used = send_data(id_frazil_3d, T_diag(index_frazil)%field(:,:,:)*dtimer, &
Time%model_time, rmask=Grd%tmask(:,:,:), &
is_in=isc, js_in=jsc, ks_in=1, ie_in=iec, je_in=jec, ke_in=nk)
end subroutine compute_frazil_heating
! NAME="compute_frazil_heating">
end module ocean_frazil_mod