Module ocean_residency_mod
Ocean residency module
This module is a superset of the ocean age tracer module. It may
be used to reproduce the age tracer, but it can also do much
more. Unlike the ocean age tracer module, here you may specify
a 3-d field by specifying a series of "rectangular prisms".
The grid cells which occupy this field may vary with time due
to the variations in the thickness of the surface layer.
You may also specify a 3-d field by choosing one of three mixed-layers
(KPP, density-derived or buoyancy-derived). You may also specify a
region based on a a range of a prognostic or diagnostic ocean
tracer (such as all points with a temperature of 10-20 degrees).
You may specify either the mixed-layer method or the tracer range along
with the geographic specification. If multiple methods are used, then
the resultant field is the intersection of the two methods. In fact, the
geographic method is always in use, and defaults to the whole ocean.
There is an option of using the inverse of any method. This is sometimes
easier to use than explicitly specifying the inverse. For instance,
to get the temperatures outside of the range 10-20 degrees, one could
specify the 10-20 degree range and set <swap> to true, or, specify two
different regions, one less than 10 degrees and one greater than 20 degrees.
By default, the values inside the specified region are set to a
specified value each time-step (default is 0), and outside of this region
the field is integrated over time in units of years (integrand is
1/(365.25*86400) by default, but this value can be changed. The inner region
can be forced to be 0 (or the user-specified inner value) at each time-step
(the default), or it can be restored to this value at a user-specified
rate (given in days), or, it can be left alone (not integrated or set to
any value).
Finally, since we are just integrating a specified field by a constant value
(by default), it is simple to make that field a simple function of another
tracer. This is the final option. You may specify a prognostic or diagnostic
variable to be the integrand, and have it scaled by a constant. One case
which has been done is to integrate irradiance in the mixed-layer.
This module is split into several different modules. This particular module
is the only one called from outside, and it makes appropriate calls to
the other modules to implement its features. This was done so that it would
be easier to expand the features of the ocean residency, without cluttering
the code too much. Ideally, this could all be done with classes, but there
is currently no support for classes in Fortran (pre-F2003). The current
modules are:
ocean_residency.F90 This module, the control center, and also does the
integrations and resetting in the inner regions.
ocean_residency_meta.F90 Has specifications of the ocean_residency type
and other utility routines. This is separate
to stop circular references
ocean_residency_ml.F90 Handles setting mixed-layer masks
ocean_residency_range.F90 Handles setting the masks for the tracer ranges
ocean_residency_integrand.F90 Handles setting the integrand to a non-constant
field_table namelist inputs:
The following 6 arrays specify the bounds of boxes, the intersection of which
will define the region where the integrand is set to restore_region_value. ALl arrays
must have the same number of elements. If none are specified, then no region will
be used, unless swap is true, which is a quick way of selecting the entire ocean.
This may be useful when one really wants to use one of the other methods of selecting,
such as mixed layer depth, or tracer range.
Longitudes will be shifted to lie in the range 0-360 degrees. If the eastern side is
greater than the western, then the selected region will consist of those grid cells from
the eastern value to 360, and 0 to the western value. If the northern value is less than
the southern value, or if the top depth is greater than the bottom depth, then
an error occurs, and the model stops.
Three special cases exist for the depth (which currently must be in meters).
If the bottom value is less than or equal to zero, then the top box is selected.
If the top value is greater than the maximum depth, then the bottom box is selected.
If the top value is negative, then grid cells within "the absolute value of the top value"
from the bottom are selected.
Note that the geographic specification is used for all residency tracers, so either
values for these 6 arrays must be given so as to select a region, or else swap must
be set to true and no arrays given.
east_bnd: array of boundary points of the eastern side of the box,
in degrees longitude (default: NULL)
north_bnd: array of boundary points of the northern side of the box,
in degrees latitude (default: NULL)
south_bnd: array of boundary points of the southern side of the box,
in degrees latitude (default: NULL)
west_bnd: array of boundary points of the western side of the box,
in degrees longitude (default: NULL)
top_bnd: array of boundary points of the top side of the box,
in meters (default: NULL)
bottom_bnd: array of boundary points of the bottom side of the box,
in meters (default: NULL)
swap: if true, then select the inverse of the specified geographic region,
otherwise, just use the specified region (default: false)
restore: restoring value for values in the defined regions
negative => do nothing, 0 => force to integrate_region_value,
positive => time scale in days to force to integrate_region_value
(default: 0.0)
restore_region_value: value to set the mask to for grid cells within
the specified region (default: 0.0)
integrate_region_value: value to set the mask to for grid cells outside
the specified region (default: secs_in_year_r)
swap_module: if true, then select the inverse of the region from the specified module,
otherwise, just use the specified region (default: false)
module_name: if set, then it will be used to select the alternate
method of selecting the region (default: ' ' -- only geographic
selection is used)
For the following arrays, see the different extra modules for required and
possible values for the module selected.
params: an array of real parameters which may be used for the method
being used for selection (default: NULL)
flags: an array of real parameters which may be used for the method
being used for selection (default: NULL)
strings: an array of real parameters which may be used for the method
being used for selection (default: NULL)
For the following arrays, see the different extra modules for required and
possible values for the module selected to specify the integrand.
int_module_name: if set, then the name of the module used to set
the integrand (default: ' ' -- integrate time, in years)
int_params: an array of real parameters which may be used for the integrand
(default: NULL)
int_flags: an array of real parameters which may be used for the integrand
(default: NULL)
int_strings: an array of real parameters which may be used for the integrand
(default: NULL)
Sample field table entries:
names = age_surface, age_bottom_inv, kppbl_nil, kppbl_14d, kppbl_frc, kppbl_irr_14d, temp_15_20
horizontal-advection-scheme = mdppm
vertical-advection-scheme = mdppm
units = yr
This is the same as the old age tracer with all surface
values forced to zero
south_bnd = -90.0
north_bnd = 90.0
west_bnd = 0.0
east_bnd = 360.0
top_bnd = 0.0
bottom_bnd = 0.0
This integrates the age in the bottom box and forces to
zero everywhere else (note that swap is true)
south_bnd = -90.0
north_bnd = 90.0
west_bnd = 0.0
east_bnd = 360.0
top_bnd = 10000.0
bottom_bnd = 10000.0
swap = t
This integrates the age of the water in the KPP
boundary layer, but lets the age outside of this region
keep its value until it again mixes with the boundary layer.
The module_name is set, and strings is set to pick the
type of mixed layer desired
(note that the global geographic area is explicitly specified,
and that the restoring time scale is negative)
south_bnd = -90.0
north_bnd = 90.0
west_bnd = 0.0
east_bnd = 360.0
top_bnd = 0.0
bottom_bnd = 10000.0
restore = -1.0
module_name = ocean_residency_ml
strings = kpp_bl
swap_module = t
This is the same as above, but forces the age outside
the boundary layer to 0 with a 14 day time scale
(note that the global geographic region is specified by
setting swap to true, also note the value of restore)
swap = t
restore = 14.0
module_name = ocean_residency_ml
strings = kpp_bl
swap_module = t
This is the same as above, but forces age to zero outside
the boundary layer (note that restore did not need to
be explicitly specified, as the default is zero)
swap = t
restore = 0.0
module_name = ocean_residency_ml
strings = kpp_bl
swap_module = t
The following integrates irradiance in the boundary
layer (note that the units needed to be changed for
netCDF output purposes)
units = W-yr/m^2
swap = t
restore = 14.0
module_name = ocean_residency_ml
strings = kpp_bl
swap_module = t
int_module_name = ocean_residency_integrand
int_strings = irr
This specifies the region as the area with
a temperature range of between 15 and 20 degrees
(note that the params holds the variable
swap = t
module_name = ocean_residency_range
strings = tracer_range, temp
params = 15.0, 20.0
- Set up any extra fields needed by the tracer packages
- Calculate the source arrays for the tracer packages
- Start the ocean residency package
Residency surface area specification
west_bnd : western longitude of residency region
east_bnd : eastern longitude of residency region
south_bnd : southern latitude of residency region
north_bnd : northern latitude of residency region
top_bnd : top depth of residency region
bottom_bnd : bottom depth of residency region
To set the volumes, a number of namelists are read,
each containing the above values. You may specify up to
num_geog_region rectangular cubes bounded by
(west_bnd, east_bnd, north_bnd, south_bnd, top_bnd, bottom_bnd).
Any grid box whose center is in one of these volumes will
be considered to be part of the volume where the
residency is reset to zero every time-step.
north_bnd may not equal south_bnd, and west_bnd may not equal east_bnd
top_depth may equal bottom_depth. In that case, then whatever vertical
box contains that depth will define the vertical range for the box
If south_bnd > north_bnd, then nothing will be done for that rectangle
The initial surface area is empty, with the default rectangle
setting the surface area to be empty
More than num_geog_regions rectanglar volumes may be used to specify
the volume by using more than one namelist
- Subroutine to do calculations needed every time-step after
the continuity equation has been integrated