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module ocean_residency_integrand_mod !{
! Richard D. Slater
! Stephen M. Griffies
! Ocean age tracer module
! This module contains the subroutines to set up fields other
! than reciprocal time over which to integrate.
! To use this module, in the field table namelist, you must do the following:
! 1) set "module_name_int" to "ocean_residency_integrand"
! 2) "int_strings" should have one or two values, the first is
! the name of a prognostic or diagnostic variable to use as the integrand,
! and if the second value is given and is "average", then the array is assumed
! to be defined at the top of the grid cells, and the average of the top
! and bottom will be used for each grid cell (top of bottommost grid cell),
! otherwise the value at each level will be used
! 3) "int_params" may be set to a single value to scale the integrand,
! at most one value may be set
! 4) no "int_flags" should be set
! For an overview of the ocean residency modules, see ocean_residency.F90.
! $Id: ocean_residency_integrand.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:43:02 nnz Exp $
! modules
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_field_name_len
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_get_index
use mpp_mod, only: stdout, mpp_error, FATAL
use fms_mod, only: lowercase
use ocean_residency_meta_mod, only: ocean_residency_get_instances
use ocean_residency_meta_mod, only: ocean_residency_instance_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_prog_tracer_type, ocean_diag_tracer_type
! force all variables to be "typed"
implicit none
! Set all variables to be private by default
! Public routines
public :: ocean_residency_integrand_source
public :: ocean_residency_integrand_start
! Private routines
! Public parameters
! Private parameters
character(len=fm_field_name_len), parameter :: package_name = 'ocean_residency_integrand'
character(len=48), parameter :: mod_name = 'ocean_residency_integrand_mod'
! Public variables
logical, public :: do_ocean_residency_integrand
! Private types
type, private :: instance_extra_type
integer :: tracer_index = 0
logical :: is_prog_tracer = .true.
logical :: average = .true.
real :: scale = 1.0
end type instance_extra_type
! Private variables
type(instance_extra_type), dimension(:), allocatable :: instance_extra
type(ocean_residency_instance_type), dimension(:), pointer :: instance
integer :: num_instances = 0
! Set the selected integrand field to be used in the "integrate_region"
! as defined in ocean_residency.F90. The selected prognostic
! or diagnostic variable will be multiplied by the residency mask
! (which is usually either 1 or 0, but is not so required) and a
! user-selected scale factor (default of 1). The variable may be either
! the average of the surrounding points ( C(k) = (C(k) + C(k+1))/2 )
! or just the same indexical value.
subroutine ocean_residency_integrand_source(isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, taum1, T_prog, T_diag, grid_tmask) !{
! modules
implicit none
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: nk
integer, intent(in) :: taum1
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: T_prog
type(ocean_diag_tracer_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: T_diag
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: grid_tmask
! local parameters
character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_integrand_source'
character(len=256), parameter :: error_header = &
'==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: warn_header = &
'==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: note_header = &
'==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
! local variables
integer :: tracer_index
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: k
integer :: n
! set the source values for the residency tracers
do n = 1, num_instances !{
if (instance(n)%integrate_region_value .ne. 0.0) then !{
tracer_index = instance_extra(n)%tracer_index
if (instance_extra(n)%is_prog_tracer) then !{
! The variable is a prognostic variable
if (instance_extra(n)%average) then !{
do k = 1, nk - 1 !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
(T_prog(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k,taum1) * grid_tmask(i,j,k) + &
T_prog(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k+1,taum1) * grid_tmask(i,j,k+1)) * 0.5
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,nk) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,nk) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
T_prog(tracer_index)%field(i,j,nk,taum1) * grid_tmask(i,j,nk) * 0.5
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
else !}{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
T_prog(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k,taum1) * grid_tmask(i,j,k)
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
else !}{
! The variable is a diagnostic variable
if (instance_extra(n)%average) then !{
do k = 1, nk - 1 !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
(T_diag(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k) * grid_tmask(i,j,k) + &
T_diag(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k+1) * grid_tmask(i,j,k+1)) * 0.5
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,nk) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,nk) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
T_diag(tracer_index)%field(i,j,nk) * grid_tmask(i,j,nk) * 0.5
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
else !}{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (instance(n)%index(i,j,k) .eq. 0) then !{
instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) = instance(n)%mask(i,j,k) * instance_extra(n)%scale * &
T_diag(tracer_index)%field(i,j,k) * grid_tmask(i,j,k)
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
enddo !} n
end subroutine ocean_residency_integrand_source !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_integrand_source"
! Start the ocean residency integrand package
subroutine ocean_residency_integrand_start !{
! modules
implicit none
! Arguments
! local parameters
character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_integrand_start'
character(len=256), parameter :: error_header = &
'==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: warn_header = &
'==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: note_header = &
'==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
! local variables
integer :: n
integer :: stdoutunit
instance => ocean_residency_get_instances(package_name, integrand = .true.)
write (stdoutunit,*)
if (.not. associated(instance)) then !{
write (stdoutunit,*) trim(note_header), ' No instances'
num_instances = 0
do_ocean_residency_integrand = .false.
else !}{
num_instances = size(instance)
if (num_instances .eq. 1) then !{
write (stdoutunit,*) trim(note_header), ' ', num_instances, ' instance'
else !}{
write (stdoutunit,*) trim(note_header), ' ', num_instances, ' instances'
endif !}
do_ocean_residency_integrand = .true.
endif !}
! return if no tracers
if (.not. do_ocean_residency_integrand) then
! Allocate array for extra instance information
allocate( instance_extra(num_instances) )
do n = 1, num_instances !{
! Check that a type was given
if (.not. associated(instance(n)%int_strings)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' No int_strings set for ' // trim(instance(n)%name))
endif !}
! Check the types
if (associated(instance(n)%int_strings)) then !{
! Define the tracer field to use as the integrand.
! The first int_strings has the name of the field to use, and the
! second int_strings, if given, sets whether to do a vertical average of
! the field or just use the field. By default, averaging is not done.
! An optional int_param may be given to scale to field. If not given,
! then a value of one is used.
if (size(instance(n)%int_strings) .gt. 2) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong number of int_strings set for ' // &
elseif (size(instance(n)%int_strings) .eq. 1) then !}{
instance_extra(n)%average = .false.
else !}{
instance_extra(n)%average = lowercase(instance(n)%int_strings(2)) .eq. 'average'
endif !}
if (associated(instance(n)%int_params)) then !{
if (size(instance(n)%int_params) .ne. 1) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Too many int_params set for ' // &
trim(instance(n)%name) // ' (' // trim(instance(n)%int_strings(1)) // ')')
else !}{
instance_extra(n)%scale = instance(n)%int_params(1)
endif !}
else !}{
instance_extra(n)%scale = 1.0
endif !}
if (associated(instance(n)%int_flags)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Flags set for ' // &
trim(instance(n)%name) // ' (' // trim(instance(n)%int_strings(1)) // ')')
endif !}
instance_extra(n)%tracer_index = fm_get_index('/ocean_mod/prog_tracers/' // &
if (instance_extra(n)%tracer_index .gt. 0) then !{
instance_extra(n)%is_prog_tracer = .true.
else !}{
instance_extra(n)%tracer_index = fm_get_index('/ocean_mod/diag_tracers/' // &
if (instance_extra(n)%tracer_index .gt. 0) then !{
instance_extra(n)%is_prog_tracer = .false.
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Could not get the index for tracer "' // &
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
enddo !} n
end subroutine ocean_residency_integrand_start !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_integrand_start"
end module ocean_residency_integrand_mod !}