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!! GNU General Public License !!
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module ocean_residency_meta_mod !{
! Richard D. Slater
! Stephen M. Griffies
! Ocean residency module
! This module contains the meta definitions, subroutines and functions
! to use in the ocean residency package. These routines are used by all
! of the ocean residency modules and need to be defined in a separate
! module so that there are no circular references between the modules.
! For an overview of the ocean residency modules, see ocean_residency.F90.
! $Id: ocean_residency_meta.F90,v 2009/01/21 22:48:04 smg Exp $
! modules
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_string_len, fm_field_name_len
use fm_util_mod, only: fm_util_default_caller
use mpp_mod, only: stdout, mpp_error, FATAL
! force all variables to be "typed"
implicit none
! Set all variables to be private by default
! Public routines
public :: ocean_residency_get_instances
public :: ocean_residency_set_region_geog
public :: ocean_residency_set_region_2d
public :: ocean_residency_set_region_3d
! Private routines
! Public parameters
real, public, parameter :: secs_in_year_r = 1.0 / (86400.0 * 365.25)
real, public, parameter :: sec_per_day = 86400.0
! Private parameters
character(len=fm_field_name_len), parameter :: package_name = 'ocean_residency_meta'
character(len=48), parameter :: mod_name = 'ocean_residency_meta_mod'
character(len=48), parameter :: diag_name = 'ocean_residency_meta'
! Public types
type, public :: ocean_residency_instance_type
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: name = ' '
integer :: tracer_index = 0
logical :: some_restore = .false.
logical :: some_fix = .false.
integer :: num_regions = 1
type(ocean_residency_region_type), dimension(:), pointer :: region => NULL()
real :: integrate_region_value = secs_in_year_r
integer, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: index => NULL()
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: mask => NULL()
logical :: union = .true.
integer :: id_restore_region = -1
integer :: id_change = -1
logical :: int_found = .false.
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: int_module_name = ' '
real, dimension(:), pointer :: int_params => NULL()
logical, dimension(:), pointer :: int_flags => NULL()
character(len=fm_string_len), dimension(:), pointer :: int_strings => NULL()
end type ocean_residency_instance_type
type, public :: ocean_residency_region_type
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: name = ' '
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: mask => NULL()
real :: restore = 0.0
real :: restore_region_value = 0.0
logical :: swap = .false.
logical :: swap_module = .false.
logical :: found = .false.
real, dimension(:), pointer :: east_bnd => NULL()
real, dimension(:), pointer :: north_bnd => NULL()
real, dimension(:), pointer :: south_bnd => NULL()
real, dimension(:), pointer :: west_bnd => NULL()
real, dimension(:), pointer :: top_bnd => NULL()
real, dimension(:), pointer :: bottom_bnd => NULL()
integer :: num_geog_regions = 0
integer :: id_restore_region = -1
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: module_name = ' '
real, dimension(:), pointer :: params => NULL()
logical, dimension(:), pointer :: flags => NULL()
character(len=fm_string_len), dimension(:), pointer :: strings => NULL()
end type ocean_residency_region_type
! Public variables
type(ocean_residency_instance_type), dimension(:), allocatable, save, public :: instance
integer, save, public :: num_instances = 0
! Private variables
! Interface definitions for overloaded routines
! Return an array of instances which have the given module_name
! This is used by modules, such as the mixed layer module, to obtain
! a list of instances which use that module. Then, the module
! needs only to loop over those instance to perform its required tasks.
function ocean_residency_get_instances(module_name, integrand) &
result(array) !{
implicit none
! Arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name
logical, intent(in), optional :: integrand
! Result
type(ocean_residency_instance_type), dimension(:), pointer :: array
! local parameters
character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_get_instances'
character(len=256), parameter :: error_header = &
'==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: warn_header = &
'==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
character(len=256), parameter :: note_header = &
'==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // '):'
! local variables
logical :: found
integer :: n
integer :: ind
integer :: nn
integer :: num_elements
logical :: do_integrand
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: module_name_check
if (module_name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' No module name given')
endif !}
! check whether we want to look at modules for defining the region
! (integrand = f or not given) or whether we are looking to set
! the field we're integrating over to something other than time
! (integrand = t)
if (present(integrand)) then !{
do_integrand = integrand
else !}{
do_integrand = .false.
endif !}
! return the mask array pointer for tracer "tracer_index"
num_elements = 0
do n = 1, num_instances !{
if (do_integrand) then !{
if (module_name .eq. instance(n)%int_module_name) then
num_elements = num_elements + 1
else !}{
do nn = 1, instance(n)%num_regions !{
if (module_name .eq. instance(n)%region(nn)%module_name) then
num_elements = num_elements + 1
enddo !} nn
endif !}
enddo !} n
if (num_elements .eq. 0) then !{
elseif (num_elements .lt. 0) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Should never get here for ' // trim(module_name))
else !}{
allocate( array(num_elements) )
ind = 0
do n = 1, num_instances !{
found = .false.
if (do_integrand) then !{
if (module_name .eq. instance(n)%int_module_name) then
found = .true.
instance(n)%int_found = .true.
else !}{
do nn = 1, instance(n)%num_regions !{
if (module_name .eq. instance(n)%region(nn)%module_name) then
found = .true.
instance(n)%region(nn)%found = .true.
enddo !} nn
endif !}
if (found) then !{
ind = ind + 1
allocate ( array(ind)%region(instance(n)%num_regions) )
array(ind)%num_regions = instance(n)%num_regions
array(ind)%region => instance(n)%region
array(ind)%name = instance(n)%name
array(ind)%tracer_index = instance(n)%tracer_index
array(ind)%integrate_region_value = instance(n)%integrate_region_value
array(ind)%index => instance(n)%index
array(ind)%mask => instance(n)%mask
array(ind)%union = instance(n)%union
array(ind)%id_change = instance(n)%id_change
array(ind)%int_module_name = instance(n)%int_module_name
array(ind)%int_params => instance(n)%int_params
array(ind)%int_flags => instance(n)%int_flags
array(ind)%int_strings => instance(n)%int_strings
endif !}
enddo !} n
if (num_elements .ne. ind) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Number of elements do not match for ' // trim(module_name))
endif !}
endif !}
end function ocean_residency_get_instances !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_get_instances"
! Given a 2-d field of depths, determine the grid cells which fall inside (above) and
! outside of that range, then set the mask appropriately, as to whether
! we are interested in those points inside (swap=false) or outside (swap=true) of the region.
! Note: if the output array is not initialized, then it is assumed that it is already
! filled with a region, and the resulting region will be the intersection of the
! existing region and the newly specified region.
! Arguments:
! Input:
! isd: low dimension of first index
! ied: high dimension of first index
! jsd: low dimension of second index
! jed: high dimension of second index
! nk: dimension of third index
! control: array of depths that specifies the region
! depth_zwt: depth of bottom of grid cell
! restore_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array in the user-specified
! regions (default: 0.0)
! integrate_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array outside of the
! user-specified regions (default: secs_in_year_r)
! swap: if supplied and true then change the invert the defined region (default: true)
! initialize: if supplied and true, then initialize the region to the integrate_region_value (default: false)
! caller: if supplied, use for traceback of error messages (default: fm_default_caller)
! Input/Output:
! array: 3-d array which will contain the restore_region- and integrate_region-
! values.
subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_2d(isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, control, array, depth_zwt, &
restore_region_value, integrate_region_value, swap, initialize, caller) !{
implicit none
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_set_region_2d'
! arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, intent(in), dimension(isd:,jsd:) :: control
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: array
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: depth_zwt
real, intent(in), optional :: restore_region_value
real, intent(in), optional :: integrate_region_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: swap
logical, intent(in), optional :: initialize
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: k
real :: restore_region_value_use
real :: integrate_region_value_use
logical :: swap_use
logical :: assume_restore_region
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that the array is as long as depth dimension
if (size(array,3) .lt. nk) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Dimension 3 of output array too small')
! set some default values in case they have not been set in the argument list
if (present(restore_region_value)) then !{
restore_region_value_use = restore_region_value
else !}{
restore_region_value_use = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(integrate_region_value)) then !{
integrate_region_value_use = integrate_region_value
else !}{
integrate_region_value_use = secs_in_year_r
endif !}
if (present(swap)) then !{
swap_use = swap
else !}{
swap_use = .false.
endif !}
! If initialize is true, then set all values to integrate_region_value,
! otherwise, array values are assumed to be initialized with the appropriate
! distribution of in- and out-region-values and the final value will be
! the intersection between this value and that determined below (i.e., both values
! must be "restore_region_value" to stay "restore_region_value", otherwise it becomes "integrate_region_value")
! If we initialize, we need to set assume_restore_region to true so that when
! calculating the region below, the intersection will have values in it.
! However, we don't want to initialize to restore_region_value, or else the behavior
! when no regions are found will be to have all locations restore_region.
if (present(initialize)) then !{
assume_restore_region = initialize
if (initialize) then !{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
else !}{
assume_restore_region = .false.
endif !}
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (((control(i,j) .gt. 0.0) .eqv. (.not. swap_use)) .and. &
(assume_restore_region .or. array(i,j,1) .eq. restore_region_value_use)) then !{
array(i,j,1) = restore_region_value_use
else !}{
array(i,j,1) = integrate_region_value_use
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
do k = 2, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (((control(i,j) .gt. depth_zwt(i,j,k-1)) .eqv. (.not. swap_use)) .and. &
(assume_restore_region .or. array(i,j,k) .eq. restore_region_value_use)) then !{
array(i,j,k) = restore_region_value_use
else !}{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
end subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_2d !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_set_region_2d"
! Set up an array covering the model domain with a user-specified
! value, in user-specified regions. There are a given number of
! 3-d regions specified by the values south_bnd, north_bnd, west_bnd,
! east_bnd, top_bnd and bottom_bnd.
! The longitudes are for a cyclic domain, and if west_bnd and east_bnd
! are on opposite sides of the cut, the correct thing will
! be done. east_bnd is considered to be east of west_bnd, so if east_bnd is
! less than west_bnd, then the region east of east_bnd to the cut will be
! filled, and the region from the cut to west_bnd will be filled.
! If the bottom bound is less than or equal to zero, then the top model box
! will be chosen. If the top bound is greater than or equal to the maximum
! model depth, then the bottom box will be chosed. Otherwise, if the grid
! cell center depth falls between top bound and bottom bound, then those cells
! shall be chosen.
! For longitude and latitude, if the grid cell center lies within the
! rectabgle defined by (west_bnd,south_bnd) and (east_bnd,north_bnd), then
! the whole grid cell is inside the region.
! Arrays of coordinates may be specified for irregular regions.
! The final region is the union of the multiple sets
! of coordinates. If swap is true, then the inverse of the defined
! region will be set.
! Note: if the output array is not initialized, then it is assumed that it is already
! filled with a region, and the resulting region will be the intersection of the
! existing region and the newly specified region.
! Arguments:
! Input:
! isd: low dimension of first index
! ied: high dimension of first index
! jsd: low dimension of second index
! jed: high dimension of second index
! nk: dimension of third index
! grid_xt: array of coordinates in the x-direction (typically longitude)
! grid_yt: array of coordinates in the y-direction (typically latitude)
! max_depth: maximum depth of the model
! depth_zt: depth of center of grid cell
! depth_zwt: depth of bottom of grid cell
! num_geog_regions: number of user-specified regions which will be filled
! west_bnd_in: 1-d array of western (starting) longitudes for the regions
! east_bnd_in: 1-d array of eastern (ending) longitudes for the regions
! south_bnd: 1-d array of southern (starting) latitudes for the regions
! north_bnd: 1-d array of northern (ending) latitudes for the regions
! top_bnd: 1-d array of southern (starting) depths for the regions
! bottom_bnd: 1-d array of northern (ending) depths for the regions
! Note: if south_bnd >= north_bnd, then nothing is done
! for that region
! kmt: array of indices for bottom grid cells
! name: character variable used in informative messages
! restore_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array in the user-specified
! regions (default: 0.0)
! integrate_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array outside of the
! user-specified regions (default: secs_in_year_r)
! swap: if supplied and true then change the invert the defined region (default: true)
! Input/Output:
! array: 3-d array which will contain the restore_region- and integrate_region-
! values.
subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_geog(isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, array, &
grid_xt, grid_yt, max_depth, depth_zt, depth_zwt, &
num_geog_regions, &
west_bnd_in, east_bnd_in, south_bnd, north_bnd, &
top_bnd, bottom_bnd, kmt, name, &
restore_region_value, integrate_region_value, swap, &
initialize, caller) !{
implicit none
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: array
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: grid_xt
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: grid_yt
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: depth_zt
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: depth_zwt
real, intent(in) :: max_depth
integer, intent(in) :: num_geog_regions
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: west_bnd_in
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: east_bnd_in
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: south_bnd
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: north_bnd
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: top_bnd
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: bottom_bnd
integer, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: kmt
real, intent(in), optional :: restore_region_value
real, intent(in), optional :: integrate_region_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: swap
character*(*), intent(in) :: name
logical, intent(in), optional :: initialize
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! local parameters
character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_set_region_geog'
! local variables
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: k
integer :: n
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: west_bnd
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: east_bnd
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
real :: restore_region_value_use
real :: integrate_region_value_use
logical :: swap_use
logical :: restore_region
logical :: assume_restore_region
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! set some default values in case they have not been set in the argument list
if (present(restore_region_value)) then !{
restore_region_value_use = restore_region_value
else !}{
restore_region_value_use = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(integrate_region_value)) then !{
integrate_region_value_use = integrate_region_value
else !}{
integrate_region_value_use = secs_in_year_r
endif !}
if (present(swap)) then !{
swap_use = swap
else !}{
swap_use = .false.
endif !}
! check whether any regions have been specified
if (num_geog_regions .le. 0) then !{
! no regions specified, return all points out of region
! unless swap is true
if (swap_use) then !{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
array(i,j,k) = restore_region_value_use
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
else !}{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
else !}{
! regions are specified, check that all array large enough
if (size(west_bnd_in) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' west_bnd_in array too small for ' // trim(name))
elseif (size(east_bnd_in) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' east_bnd_in array too small for ' // trim(name))
elseif (size(north_bnd) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' north_bnd array too small for ' // trim(name))
elseif (size(south_bnd) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' south_bnd array too small for ' // trim(name))
elseif (size(top_bnd) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' top_bnd array too small for ' // trim(name))
elseif (size(bottom_bnd) .lt. num_geog_regions) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' bottom_bnd array too small for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
! loop over the regions, checking for errors
do n = 1, num_geog_regions !{
if (north_bnd(n) .lt. south_bnd(n)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' North bound less than south bound for ' // trim(name))
elseif (top_bnd(n) .gt. bottom_bnd(n)) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Top depth deeper than bottom depth for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
enddo !} n
! Find all boxes where the center lies in the
! 3-d rectangular region
! If initialize is true, then set all values to integrate_region_value,
! otherwise, array values are assumed to be initialized with the appropriate
! distribution of in- and out-region-values and the final value will be
! the intersection between this value and that determined below (i.e., both values
! must be "restore_region_value" to stay "restore_region_value", otherwise it becomes "integrate_region_value")
! If we initialize, we need to set assume_restore_region to true so that when
! calculating the region below, the intersection will have values in it.
! However, we don't want to initialize to restore_region_value, or else the behavior
! when no regions are found will be to have all locations restore_region.
if (present(initialize)) then !{
assume_restore_region = initialize
if (initialize) then !{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
else !}{
assume_restore_region = .false.
endif !}
! save the longitudes in case they need to be modified
allocate( west_bnd(num_geog_regions) )
allocate( east_bnd(num_geog_regions) )
do n = 1, num_geog_regions !{
west_bnd(n) = west_bnd_in(n)
east_bnd(n) = east_bnd_in(n)
! make sure that the longitudes are in the range [0,360]
do while (west_bnd(n) .gt. 360.0) !{
west_bnd(n) = west_bnd(n) - 360.0
enddo !}
do while (west_bnd(n) .lt. 0.0) !{
west_bnd(n) = west_bnd(n) + 360.0
enddo !}
do while (east_bnd(n) .gt. 360.0) !{
east_bnd(n) = east_bnd(n) - 360.0
enddo !}
do while (east_bnd(n) .lt. 0.0) !{
east_bnd(n) = east_bnd(n) + 360.0
enddo !}
enddo !} n
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (k .le. kmt(i,j)) then !{
restore_region = .false.
do n = 1, num_geog_regions !{
if ((((top_bnd(n) .lt. depth_zt(i,j,k) .and. &
depth_zt(i,j,k) .le. bottom_bnd(n)) .or. &
(bottom_bnd(n) .le. 0.0 .and. k .eq. 1) .or. &
(top_bnd(n) .ge. max_depth .and. k .eq. kmt(i,j)) .or. &
(top_bnd(n) .lt. 0.0 .and. &
depth_zt(i,j,k) .ge. &
depth_zwt(i,j,kmt(i,j)) + top_bnd(n))) .and. &
north_bnd(n) .gt. grid_yt(i,j) .and. &
grid_yt(i,j) .ge. south_bnd(n) .and. &
lon_between(grid_xt(i,j), west_bnd(n), east_bnd(n)))) then !{
restore_region = .true.
endif !}
enddo !} n
restore_region = restore_region .eqv. (.not. swap_use)
if ((assume_restore_region .or. array(i,j,k) .eq. restore_region_value_use) .and. restore_region) then !{
array(i,j,k) = restore_region_value_use
else !}{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
endif !}
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
! Clean up
deallocate( west_bnd )
deallocate( east_bnd )
endif !}
! Return true if w <= x_in < e, taking into account the
! periodicity of longitude.
! x_in value to test
! w west longitude of boundary
! e east longitude of boundary
function lon_between(x_in, w, e) !{
implicit none
! function definition
logical :: lon_between
! arguments
real, intent(in) :: x_in
real, intent(in) :: w
real, intent(in) :: e
! local variables
real :: x
! Save input values so we may modify them safely
x = x_in
! make sure that all longitudes are in the range [0,360]
do while (x .gt. 360.0) !{
x = x - 360.0
enddo !}
do while (x .lt. 0.0) !{
x = x + 360.0
enddo !}
if (w .gt. e) then !{
lon_between = w .le. x .or. x .lt. e
else !}{
lon_between = w .le. x .and. x .lt. e
endif !}
end function lon_between !}
end subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_geog !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_set_region_geog"
! Set up an array where the a grid box is in the region if the value
! of the specified property (temperature, say) is within the given bounds.
! Multiple values for the range may be given, and the resulting mask
! will be the union of the multiple regions. If swap is true, then the
! inverse of the selected region will be set.
! Note: if the output array is not initialized, then it is assumed that it is already
! filled with a region, and the resulting region will be the intersection of the
! existing region and the newly specified region.
! Arguments:
! Input:
! isd: low dimension of first index
! ied: high dimension of first index
! jsd: low dimension of second index
! jed: high dimension of second index
! nk: dimension of third index
! num_geog_regions: number of user-specified regions which will be filled
! bounds: 1-d array of pairs of bounding values. The first value in
! the pair must be less than the second value
! kmt: array of indices for bottom grid cells
! name: character variable used in informative messages
! restore_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array in the user-specified
! regions (default: 0.0)
! integrate_region_value: if supplied, the value to assign to array outside of the
! user-specified regions (default: secs_in_year_r)
! swap: if supplied and true then change the invert the defined region (default: true)
! initialize: if supplied and true, then initialize the region to the integrate_region_value (default: false)
! caller: if supplied, use for traceback of error messages (default: fm_default_caller)
! Input/Output:
! array: 3-d array which will contain the restore_region- and integrate_region-
! values.
subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_3d(isd, ied, jsd, jed, nk, array, &
variable, bounds, kmt, name, &
restore_region_value, integrate_region_value, swap, &
initialize, caller) !{
implicit none
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: isd
integer, intent(in) :: ied
integer, intent(in) :: jsd
integer, intent(in) :: jed
integer, intent(in) :: nk
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(inout) :: array
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: variable
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: bounds
integer, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: kmt
character*(*), intent(in) :: name
real, intent(in), optional :: restore_region_value
real, intent(in), optional :: integrate_region_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: swap
logical, intent(in), optional :: initialize
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! local parameters
character(len=64), parameter :: sub_name = 'ocean_residency_set_region_3d'
! local variables
character(len=132) :: error_string
integer :: i
integer :: j
integer :: k
integer :: n
logical :: restore_region
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
real :: restore_region_value_use
real :: integrate_region_value_use
logical :: swap_use
logical :: assume_restore_region
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that an even number of bounds have been given
if (mod(size(bounds),2) .ne. 0) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Odd number of bounds given')
! check that the bounds are correctly set (i.e., lesser value first)
do n = 1, size(bounds), 2 !{
if (bounds(n+1) .le. bounds(n)) then !{
write (error_string,*) ' Bounds out of order: ', bounds(n+1), ' <= ', bounds(n)
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // trim(error_string))
endif !}
enddo !} n
! set some default values in case they have not been set in the argument list
if (present(restore_region_value)) then !{
restore_region_value_use = restore_region_value
else !}{
restore_region_value_use = 0.0
endif !}
if (present(integrate_region_value)) then !{
integrate_region_value_use = integrate_region_value
else !}{
integrate_region_value_use = secs_in_year_r
endif !}
if (present(swap)) then !{
swap_use = swap
else !}{
swap_use = .false.
endif !}
! If initialize is true, then set all values to integrate_region_value,
! otherwise, array values are assumed to be initialized with the appropriate
! distribution of in- and out-region-values and the final value will be
! the intersection between this value and that determined below (i.e., both values
! must be "restore_region_value" to stay "restore_region_value", otherwise it becomes "integrate_region_value")
! If we initialize, we need to set assume_restore_region to true so that when
! calculating the region below, the intersection will have values in it.
! However, we don't want to initialize to restore_region_value, or else the behavior
! when no regions are found will be to have all locations restore_region.
if (present(initialize)) then !{
assume_restore_region = initialize
if (initialize) then !{
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
endif !}
else !}{
assume_restore_region = .false.
endif !}
! find all boxes where the center lies in the region
do k = 1, nk !{
do j = jsd, jed !{
do i = isd, ied !{
if (k .le. kmt(i,j)) then !{
restore_region = .false.
do n = 1, size(bounds), 2 !{
if ((bounds(n+1) .ge. variable(i,j,k) .and. variable(i,j,k) .gt. bounds(n))) then !{
restore_region = .true.
endif !}
enddo !} n
restore_region = restore_region .eqv. (.not. swap_use)
if ((assume_restore_region .or. array(i,j,k) .eq. restore_region_value_use) .and. restore_region) then !{
array(i,j,k) = restore_region_value_use
else !}{
array(i,j,k) = integrate_region_value_use
endif !}
endif !}
enddo !} i
enddo !} j
enddo !} k
end subroutine ocean_residency_set_region_3d !}
! NAME="ocean_residency_set_region_3d"
end module ocean_residency_meta_mod !}